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It was February 25 when Mauricio was found dead with his mother inside his luxurious

apartment on the outskirts of Bogotá. Mauricio was a great stylist, well known both in
Colombia and abroad. He was his mother’s pride.

Initially, Mauricio lived with his mother and brothers in a humble house in Bucaramanga.
He was always very attentive and loving to his mother, something his brothers never did.
They had always been from a poor family that lacked many things. Mauricio, wanting to
help his family, sought his first job as a kitchen assistant in a renowned restaurant in
Bucaramanga, a job that he had always dreamed of being a professional stylist.

With his first job, he managed to keep his family well and save for 3 years in order to enter
a prestigious place and fulfill his dream. He was always a hard worker and a fighter for his
dreams, something his mother loved. However, this made his brothers jealous and they
were always against him. When he started his first business, a hairdresser, everything was
going well until his older brother was put in jail for raping a girl so Mauricio was in the task
of helping him; that led to a decline in his business, As people began to talk about him and
his family and stopped attending his hairdresser for long months.

However, Maurice persisted, it was not easy for him, for in the months following his
brother’s drama everything went to ruin, yet he never gave up. With the help of his
mother, he returned and rose thanks to the wonderful work he did with his hands. After
two years, Mauricio consolidated as one of the best stylists in Bucaramanga, little by little
he was reaching his dream as he was already being known by some celebrities of the top
of the show. Thanks to this, he managed to lift his family out of poverty and decided to
expand towards the city of Bogotá and set up his second hairdresser.

So much was the fame that Maurice was gaining that his brother Peter was beginning to
feel increasingly jealous of Mauritius. The attitudes he had and how he treated him made
him see the hatred he felt to him, despite this Mauricio never left him alone, he was
always for him and helped him in what he could because the only thing he wanted was to
see his family well.

While in Bogotá, Mauricio gained much more fame than he already had because his work
was excellent and his employees were the best. It was so successful that it began to
expand to the other cities of Colombia thus achieving a great fortune with which it bought
several properties and luxurious cars. Mauricio had several safes, which only his mother
knew where they were. He had a pair at the hairdresser’s and another pair inside his
house. His brother Pedro realizing the great fortune his brother had began to investigate
and follow him everywhere to know where he kept his money and so steal it because he
was tired of every business he set up failed, He just wanted easy money something he
could get through his dear brother.

Peter was so filled with jealousy and envy that he orchestrated the perfect murder for his
brother and mother. On February 24 Pedro arrived at his brother’s luxurious mansion at
about 2 in the morning, his mother and brother sleeping in their rooms quietly. Without
compassion and with pure evil and brutality he decided to take both their lives. He first
approached his mother’s room and painlessly suffocated her to death, after which he fled
to his brother’s room with a knife and stabbed him 60 times until he died. Pedro hid the
bodies where no one could find them and cleaned up the crime scene. After this he left
traces and made it look like it was all an organized kidnapping. On February 25, the police
received a call from Mauritius' best friend because they had an appointment planned, an
appointment that Mauritius did not attend, which was made very rare because Mauritius
usually always warned early if it could not attend. The police answered this call and
decided to search the house of Mauritius. When they arrived at the place they noticed
that Mauricio had cameras almost all over the place and that these were off, something
that became too much. Something wasn’t right and they knew it.

After hours of investigating the house they found his mother’s body, as Pedro had been so
careless in hiding it that the police could easily find it. Minutes later they found Mauricio’s
body almost unrecognizable because his brother had been so macabre that he left him in
a very bad state. The police immediately began the investigation. As the cameras of the
residence were off, they went to the cameras of the complex where Mauricio lived. They
found that the only person who entered and left there was his brother. The police sent the
evidence to the court accusing Pedro of murder. The judge, upon seeing the evidence,
immediately proceeded to give the arrest warrant for alleged murder.

Peter always pleaded not guilty, saying that he loved his brother and mother more than
anyone else and that what had happened had been a tragedy. Months later, the court
found him guilty by giving him a life sentence, he accepted the charges seeking to reduce
his sentence, but later he returned and pleaded not guilty so the court did not believe him
and decided to continue the respective trial.

"The scissors wizard" as his clients affectionately called him, a woman beautifier with her
makeup tricks and hairstyles and a successful businessman so knew him. In life he fulfilled
his dreams and will always be remembered for the wonderful person he was.
Mauricio was a great inspirer, a man of faith and a motivator. One of his most famous
phrases with which his admirers always reminded him is: "Success is the sum of small
efforts you make every day to be better than yesterday".

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