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6, NOVEMBER 2013 851

Metamaterial-Inspired Bandpass Filters for Terahertz

Surface Waves on Goubau Lines
Ali K. Horestani, Member, IEEE, Withawat Withayachumnankul, Abdallah Chahadih, Abbas Ghaddar,
Mokhtar Zehar, Derek Abbott, Fellow, IEEE, Christophe Fumeaux, Senior Member, IEEE, and
Tahsin Akalin, Member, IEEE

(Invited Paper)

Abstract—This paper is focused on the application of split ring Among many passive structures, low-loss and low-disper-
resonators (SRRs) to the design of compact bandpass filters for sion waveguides are crucial in the terahertz regime to enhance
terahertz surface waves on single-wire waveguides, the so-called
planar Goubau lines (PGLs). Through equivalent circuit models, the efficiency of systems. Even though hollow waveguides and
electromagnetic simulations, and experiments, it is shown that, two-conductor transmission lines such as coaxial cables and mi-
while a pair of SRRs coupled to a PGL inhibits the propagation crostrip lines are efficient for low to moderate radio-frequency
of surface waves along the line, introducing a capacitive gap to
the PGL switches the bandstop behavior to a bandpass behavior. operation, scaling these waveguides for terahertz applications
In order to highlight the potential application of the proposed is not an efficient solution because of the finite conductivity of
structure to the design of practical higher order terahertz band- metals at this higher frequency range [9]. On the other hand,
pass filters, two types of compact bandpass filters are designed
and fabricated: 1) third-order periodic bandpass filters based on in spite of their high efficiency, conventional optical intercon-
SRR/gap-loaded PGL and 2) coupled-resonator bandpass filters. nects such as optical fibers are bulky and cannot be readily inte-
It is shown that, while the frequency response of the both filter grated into planar technologies [10], [11]. Surface electromag-
types can be controlled by altering the physical dimensions of netic waves that propagate along the interface of a dielectric and
the structure, a wider bandwidth can be achieved from the cou-
pled-resonator filters. The design concept and simulation results a conductor are one possible solution that has been proposed
are validated through experiments. for realization of high-speed on-chip interconnects, where thin
Index Terms—Bandpass filter, metamaterials, surface wave, ter- metal circuitry can be used for carrying both the optical signals
ahertz Goubau line. and electrical currents [10]. In particular, it was demonstrated by
Wang and Mittleman [12] that a bare Goubau-like single metal
wire carrying surface waves [13]–[16] can be used as an efficient
I. INTRODUCTION channel for terahertz waves with low attenuation and low dis-

T HE terahertz band, loosely defined as the frequency range persion. The planar version of such a waveguide, the so-called
between 0.1 and 10 THz, has been extensively investi- planar Goubau line (PGL), has attracted increasing interest be-
gated for numerous potential applications in imaging, medical cause of its compatibility with integrated circuit fabrication pro-
diagnosis, security screening, chemical and biological sensing, cesses [17]–[22].
and communications [1]–[8]. Despite a wide range of potential In order to exploit the propagation of surface waves on a
applications, numerous challenges have yet to be addressed for single wire in real applications, particularly for future broad-
further development of passive and active devices operating in band terahertz communications, functional components such as
this spectral range. various types of filters are required. Different types of terahertz
filters based on frequency-selective surfaces, photonic crystals
[23]–[25], liquid crystals [26], or metamaterials [20], [27]–[30]
Manuscript received July 25, 2013; revised October 01, 2013; accepted
October 01, 2013. Date of publication October 30, 2013; date of current have been proposed. However, these filters are exclusively for
version November 22, 2013. This work was supported in part by the ANR free-space terahertz waves. A bandstop filter based on a corru-
through Project TERADOT under Grant ANR-11-JS04-002-01. The work of gated PGL has been studied [31]. It was shown that the struc-
C. Fumeaux was supported by the ARC Future Fellowship funding scheme
under Grant FT100100585. The work of W. Withayachumnankul was sup-
ture provides a stopband for surface wave propagation. More
ported by the ARC Postdoctoral Fellowship funding scheme under Grant recently, an application of metamaterial resonators, more specif-
DP1095151. ically electrical LC (ELC) resonators, for filtering has been in-
A. K. Horestani is with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, vestigated [11]. A stopband in the transmission of guided sur-
The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia, and also with
the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: face waves on a PGL was demonstrated numerically and exper- imentally. In our recent investigation [32], it was demonstrated
W. Withayachumnankul, D. Abbott, and C. Fumeaux are with the School of through simulation that split-ring resonators (SRRs) can be used
Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Adelaide, Adelaide,
SA 5005, Australia. for realization of bandpass filters for terahertz PGLs. It is worth
A. Chahadih, A. Ghaddar, M. Zehar, and T. Akalin are with the Institut mentioning that SRRs and complementary SRRs have been ex-
d’Electronique de Microelectronique et de Nanotechnologie IEMN, Villeneuve tensively used in the microwave regime for designing bandpass
d’Ascq 59652, France (e-mail:
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
or bandstop filters in microstrip lines and coplanar waveguides
at (CPWs) [33]–[36]. However, to the best of our knowledge, no
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TTHZ.2013.2285556 study prior to [32] has been conducted on bandpass structures

2156-342X © 2013 IEEE


for terahertz surface waves. This work focuses on the design

of higher order bandpass filters with a controllable bandwidth
and improved frequency response for terahertz surface waves
on PGLs.
Throughout the paper, the operation principle for these tera-
hertz PGL bandpass filters is developed, and the effect of geo-
metric parameters on the frequency response of the proposed
filters is studied. Two different types of bandpass filters are real-
ized through parametric studies. The first type is based on a com-
bination between SRRs and a gap-loaded PGL, and the second
type involves coupled SRRs excited by open-ended PGLs. In
both cases, it is shown through simulations and experiments that
the filter response, in particular the bandwidth, can be conve-
niently controlled by altering the geometrical dimensions of the
This paper is organized as follows. The principle of first-order
Fig. 1. Layout of the proposed metamaterial-inspired bandpass structure for
bandstop and bandpass filters based on SRR-loaded PGL is dis- terahertz surface wave on the PGL. Note that the PGL is a single-wire structure
cussed in Section II, accompanied by circuit models developed with no ground plane or return current path.
for both bandpass and bandstop filters. Based on the operation
concept and circuit models, third-order periodic bandpass filters
based on SRR/gap-loaded PGLs are presented in Section III.
Bandpass filters based on coupled SRRs are then discussed in
Section IV. As a validation, prototypes for both types of the fil-
ters with geometrical variations have been fabricated and their
performance have been evaluated. Satisfactory agreement be-
tween simulation and measurement results has been achieved.
Finally, the main findings and principles of the study are sum-
marized in Section V.



In earlier work, Akalin et al. [17] have presented a high-effi-

ciency planar launching structure for surface waves on a PGL.
The structure in a form of a CPW with a tapered section effi-
ciently converts the CPW mode to the Goubau mode. In order
to demonstrate that the transmission is indeed through the ex-
cited PGL, and not due to the direct coupling between the two Fig. 2. Snapshots of the (a) electric field and (b) magnetic field of the propaga-
launching sections, a gap was introduced on the PGL [17]. The tion mode in the transverse cross section. (c) Side-view snapshot of the electric
very low transmission level in the gap-loaded structure verified field in a section of the structure. The figures show a TM mode, where the longi-
tudinal E-field component is relatively small. Thus, the mode can be considered
that the transmission in the continuous PGL was not due to the to be quasi-TEM [11]. Therefore, the pair of single-ring SRRs can be placed in
direct coupling between the launching sections. It was further close proximity to the PGL in order to maximize the magnetic coupling with
shown that a pair of ELC resonators that are electrically coupled the PGL.
to a PGL prohibits surface wave propagation along the PGL at
resonance [11].
Here, we first demonstrate that a pair of SRRs that are mag- a TM mode, where the longitudinal E-field component is rela-
netically coupled to a continuous PGL also creates a notch in tively small. Thus, the mode can be considered as quasi-TEM
the transmission spectrum of the PGL. This transmission notch [11]. The fields are confined around the line and exponentially
can be interpreted as the spectrum where the SRR-loaded PGL decay in the transverse plane. Therefore, the pair of single-ring
behaves as a one-dimensional (1-D) media with negative effec- SRRs can be placed in close proximity to the PGL in order to
tive permeability. As will be shortly explained by an equivalent maximize the magnetic coupling with the PGL.
circuit model, this bandstop behavior can be switched to a In order to give the reader improved understanding of the
bandpass behavior by introducing a series capacitive gap to the behavior of the structures, equivalent circuit models for the
SRR-loaded PGL [37]–[39]. SRR-loaded PGL with and without the series capacitive gap
The proposed bandpass structure, illustrated in Fig. 1, is are depicted in Fig. 3(a) and (b), respectively. As a first-order
composed of a PGL loaded with a pair of SRRs and a series approximation, all losses are neglected in these models. In
capacitive gap. The PGL is excited through the CPW launching these equivalent circuits, represents the SRR’s equivalent
sections. Snapshots of the propagation mode in the transverse capacitance. The SRR’s equivalent inductance is described
and longitudinal planes are depicted in Fig. 2. The figures show with , which is magnetically coupled to the PGL’s equivalent

Fig. 3. Equivalent circuit models for the SRR-loaded and SRR/gap-loaded Fig. 4. Simulated normalized transmission coefficients of the PGL in
PGL. (a) The model for the SRR-loaded PGL. (b) The model for the three configurations: PGL loaded only with the series capacitive gap (black
SRR/gap-loaded PGL. (c), (d) Simplified versions of (a) and (b), respectively. dash–dotted line), PGL loaded only with the pair of SRRs (blue dotted line),
and PGL loaded with both series capacitive gap and the pair of SRRs (red solid
line). The transmission coefficients are normalized to that of a bare through
inductance through the mutual inductance . The series PGL. The linear scale adopted in the manuscript follows the convention of the
capacitive gap on the PGL is modeled with . The equivalent terahertz community.
circuit models in Fig. 3(a) and (b) can be simplified to the
circuit models shown in Fig. 3(c) and (d), respectively [37].
From the simplified circuit model in Fig. 3(c), a notch in the
transmission response of the SRR-loaded PGL at the frequency
that nullifies the series admittance, or , is
expected. In contrast, the equivalent circuit model for the SRR/
gap-loaded PGL in Fig. 3(d) behaves as a bandpass circuit with a
transmission band, right below the SRRs’ resonance frequency,
where the total series impedance nulls.
The discussed design concept and circuit models are vali-
dated through full-wave 3-D electromagnetic simulations and
experimental investigations. The design process begins with
selecting a substrate with an appropriate thickness and rela-
tive permittivity to control the field confinement and prevent
substrate modes. The field confinement plays an important
role since surface wave characteristics are determined by the
extension of the electromagnetic field around the PGL. Exci-
tation of substrate modes can be avoided by increasing their Fig. 5. Image of the fabricated prototype of the SRR/gap-loaded PGL.
cutoff frequency through decreasing the substrate thickness and
relative permittivity [19]. Thus, in this study, a 250- m-thick
quartz crystal with a relative permittivity is chosen as loaded with both series capacitive gap and the pair of SRRs.
a substrate. The next step involves determining an appropriate Note that, since the insertion loss at each port involves both in-
width for the PGL. An increase in the width of this metallic sertion loss from the launching sections and the insertion loss
strip leads to a decrease in the modal confinement, which from the filter, in order to fairly validate the performance of the
in turn results in a decrease in the conductor loss. In our present filter, the impact of the launching sections must be excluded.
designs, however, a decrease in the confinement also weakens To this end, the transmission coefficients presented in Fig. 4
magnetic coupling between the PGL and the SRRs, owing are normalized to that of the bare PGL. It is clear that, while
to the lowered magnetic flux density around the PGL. Thus, the propagation of terahertz waves along the SRR-loaded line
as a tradeoff between reducing the PGL conductive loss and is inhibited at resonance around 180 GHz, the SRR/gap-loaded
achieving a strong coupling between the PGL and the SRRs, a PGL exhibits a bandpass behavior at around 170 GHz, below the
width of 5 m is used for the PGL in this study. The SRRs’ resonance frequency. Once again, the low normalized
Goubau line has a total length 2100 m, including the transmission of the broken PGL emphasizes that transmission
50 m gap in its middle for the bandpass filter. These with the bare PGL is not caused by direct coupling between the
given dimensions and substrate specifications are common to CPW launchers. All of the simulated results are plotted for the
all subsequent designs. frequency band of 140–220 GHz to match the frequency limits
For the first-order filters presented in this section, the PGL is of the utilized measurement system. However, it can be shown
loaded with a pair of SRRs with 160 m, 130 m, through simulation that, apart from harmonics, the structures do
10 m, 10 m, and 10 m. Fig. 4 depicts the not have any features at lower frequencies or higher frequencies
simulated transmission coefficients of the structure in three dif- at least up to 300 GHz.
ferent configurations: a PGL loaded only with the series capac- In order to validate the simulation results, a prototype of the
itive gap, a PGL loaded only with the pair of SRRs, and a PGL structure is fabricated and measured. Fig. 5 shows a microscope

Fig. 8. Simulated transmission coefficients of the third-order periodic filter for

Fig. 6. Comparison between the simulated and measured transmission coeffi- four different values of SRR’s inter-ring space from 15 to 30 m in steps of
cients for the bare PGL as well as those for the SRR/gap-loaded PGL. 5 m.

shown analytically in the Appendix, the bandwidth of the filter

can be increased either by increasing the series gap capacitance
, or by decreasing the SRR’s equivalent capacitance
and/or inductance . Note that decreasing the SRR’s equiva-
lent inductance is not a viable option, as this can adversely af-
fect the coupling between the SRRs and the PGL, which in turn
significantly degrades the in-band transmission. On the other
hand, controlling the bandwidth via the series capacitance
becomes complicated from the fabrication point of view, owing
to required extremely small gap sizes . Thus, in the present
design, a series gap size is fixed at 10 m, and the filter
Fig. 7. Layout of the third-order periodic bandpass filter based on the SRR/ bandwidth is controlled through variation of the SRRs’ equiv-
gap-loaded PGL. alent capacitance, which can be achieved by tuning the SRR’s
inter-ring space . The other dimensions of the SRRs are as fol-
lows: 130 m, 120 m, 10 m, 20 m,
image of the fabricated prototype, realized with the same mate- and the space between SRRs is 70 m.
rials, geometry, and dimensions as those used in the simulated Fig. 8 depicts the simulated transmission coefficients of the
structures. For the details on measurement setup employed in filter for four different values of SRR’s inter-ring space from
this work, the reader is referred to the earlier article on PGLs, 15 to 30 m in steps of 5 m. The simulation results clearly
by Akalin et al. [18]. Fig. 6 shows a direct comparison be- show that the designed third-order filter has a good level of
tween the measured and simulated transmission coefficients for in-band transmission as well as substantial out-of-band rejec-
the bare PGL as well as the SRR/gap-loaded PGL. The gen- tion. The figure also shows that, as predicted, the filter’s band-
eral concept and corresponding simulation results are validated width can be controlled by tuning the SRR’s equivalent capac-
through the satisfactory agreement between the simulation and itance through tuning the SRR’s inter-ring space . The filter’s
measurement. Small discrepancies can be ascribed to fabrica- 3-dB bandwidth is increased from 18.5 GHz for 15 m
tion tolerances. to 26.4 GHz for 30 m, which corresponds to a 42%
wider bandwidth. These third-order bandpass filters are then
III. BANDPASS FILTERS BASED ON SRR/GAP-LOADED PGL fabricated and measured. Fig. 9 shows a good agreement be-
The main aim of this section is to highlight the potential of tween the simulated and measured transmission coefficients of
the proposed SRR/gap-loaded PGL in the design of practical the filter for different values of the SRR’s inter-ring space . The
terahertz bandpass filters with good in-band transmission and images of the filter prototypes are depicted in the insets. The fil-
out-of-band rejection, as well as a controllable center frequency ters are as compact as , where is the guided
and bandwidth. To this end, a third-order periodic filter is de- wavelength at the filters’ center frequency.
signed, and the concept is validated through electromagnetic
simulations and experiments. IV. BANDPASS FILTERS BASED ON COUPLED SRRS
Since controlling the center frequency of the filter can be Here, the concept of coupled resonators [40]–[43] is demon-
simply achieved by scaling the SRRs, the study is focused on strated for the design of bandpass filters for terahertz surface
the impact of geometric parameters on the filter bandwidth. The waves on PGL. Different third-order coupled-resonator filters
layout of the proposed periodic bandpass filter, excluding the are designed and experimentally validated. Importantly, it
launching sections is illustrated in Fig. 7. The dimensions of the will be shown that compared with the filters based on the
launching sections as well as the width of the PGL are the same SRR/gap-loaded PGLs presented in the previous section, a
as those of the structures of the previous section. Based on the much wider bandwidth can be achieved with the proposed
equivalent circuit model for the first-order filter in Fig. 3(d), as coupled resonators bandpass filters.

Fig. 11. Comparison between simulated transmission coefficients of two cou-

pled-resonator bandpass filters with different geometric dimensions. The dimen-
sions of the first filter (red dashed line) are 180 m, 100 m,
20 m, 5 m, 20 m, and 15 m. A much wider
bandwidth and higher in-band transmission level is achieved in the second filter
(blue solid line) by changing the dimensions to 190 m, 5 m, and
10 m.

resonance. In this configuration, the filter’s in-band transmis-

sion level and bandwidth can be increased either by increasing
the PGL-to-SRR and SRR-to-SRR couplings or by increasing
the bandwidth of each resonator [40]–[42]. In order to achieve
widest bandwidth, in this work we exploit both methods.
For comparison, two coupled-SRR filters with different di-
mensions are designed on the same quartz substrate as in pre-
vious sections, with the identical CPW launching sections and
PGL width. The dimensions of the first filter are as follows:
180 m, 100 m, m, 5 m, 20 m,
and the space between SRRs is 15 m. In order to in-
crease the in-band transmission and bandwidth, in the second
filter the PGL-to-SRR coupling is increased by increasing the
longitudinal dimension of the SRRs to 190 m, while the
SRR-to-SRR coupling is increased by decreasing the space be-
tween the SRRs to 5 m. Furthermore, based on the re-
sults from the previous section, the bandwidth of the resonators
Fig. 9. Comparison between the simulated and measured transmission coeffi- is increased by increasing the SRRs’ inter-ring space to 10 m.
cients of the third-order periodic filter for different values of SRR’s inter-ring
space. (a) 15 m. (b) 20 m. (c) 30 m. Photographs of the Fig. 11 compares the simulated transmission coefficients of
fabricated prototypes are depicted in the insets. the two filters. The simulation results show that the maximum
in-band transmission coefficient of the second filter is increased
to 0.92, compared with 0.82 for the first filter. More impor-
tantly, the filter bandwidth is increased from 25.3 to 37.8 GHz.
In order to validate the simulation results, prototypes of both fil-
ters have been fabricated and measured. Fig. 12 shows the mea-
sured transmission coefficients of the filters, which are in good
agreement with the simulated ones. The images of the filters
prototypes are depicted in the insets. The filters have the same
compact dimensions as the SRR/gap-loaded filters presented in
Section III . It is worth mentioning that the se-
lectivity of the filters can be improved by using substrates with
lower loss.
Fig. 10. Layout of the third-order bandpass filter based on the coupled SRRs.
Note that SRRs are coupled to open-ended PGLs.
In summary, it has been demonstrated that the bandstop be-
Fig. 10 illustrates the layout of the proposed filter, excluding havior of an SRR-loaded PGL can be switched to a bandpass
the CPW launching sections. The filter is composed of three behavior by introducing a capacitive gap in the PGL. The con-
pairs of coupled double-ring SRRs that are excited by open cept has been interpreted through equivalent circuit models, and
ends of the PGL. Thus, the terahertz surface waves on the PGL the simulation results have been validated through experiments.
are transmitted across the gap through these coupled SRRs at Furthermore, the effect of different geometrical dimensions of

frequency . This value can be obtained from the reactance

of the resonator as


For the analysis of the effect of the SRR’s equivalent capac-

itance and inductance on the FBW of the SRR/gap-loaded
PGL, the above equation can be applied to the circuit model
of Fig. 3(d). Since the inductance of a unit cell is small, it
can be ignored in a good approximation and for the sake of
simplicity. Thus, the total series reactance of the unit cell is
given by


and the fractional bandwidth can be computed to be


This last equation shows that the FBW can be increased by de-
creasing either the equivalent capacitance or the equivalent
inductance of the SRR or by increasing the gap capacitance
Fig. 12. Measured transmission coefficients of the fabricated coupled-res-
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[21] T. Akalin, E. Peytavit, and J.-F. Lampin, “THz long range plasmonic
waveguide in membrane topology,” in Proc. IEEE 33rd Int. Conf. In-
frared, Millimeter Terahertz Waves, Sep. 2008, pp. 106–107.
[22] Y. Xu, C. Nerguizian, and R. Bosisio, “Wideband planar Goubau line Ali K. Horestani (M’13) was born in Isfahan, Iran.
integrated circuit components at millimetre waves,” IET Microw., An- He received the B.Eng. degree from The University
tennas Propag., vol. 5, no. 8, p. 882, 2011. of Shiraz, Shiraz, Iran, in 2003, and the M.Eng. de-
[23] H. Němec, L. Duvillaret, F. Garet, P. Kužel, P. Xavier, J. Richard, and gree from The University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran,
D. Rauly, “Thermally tunable filter for terahertz range based on a one- Iran, in 2006, both in electrical and electronics en-
dimensional photonic crystal with a defect,” J. Appl. Phys., vol. 96, no. gineering. He is currently working toward the Ph.D.
8, pp. 4072–4075, 2004. degree in engineering at The University of Adelaide,
[24] W. Withayachumnankul, B. M. Fischer, and D. Abbott, “Quarter- Adelaide, Australia, in the area of microwave and
wavelength multilayer interference filter for terahertz waves,” Opt. millimeter-wave circuit design.
Commun., vol. 281, no. 9, pp. 2374–2379, May 2008. His research interests include MMIC design, mi-
[25] J. Li, “Terahertz wave narrow bandpass filter based on photonic crowave and millimeter devices and circuits, meta-
crystal,” Opt. Commun., vol. 283, no. 13, pp. 2647–2650, Jul. 2010. materials and their applications in planar circuits.
[26] C.-Y. Chen, C.-L. Pan, C.-F. Hsieh, Y.-F. Lin, and R.-P. Pan, “Liquid- Mr. Horestani was the recipient of the 2012 Simon Rockliff Award for out-
crystal-based terahertz tunable Lyot filter,” Appl. Phys. Lett., vol. 88, standing mentoring of fellow students.
no. 10, 2006, Art. ID 101107.
[27] W. Withayachumnankul and D. Abbott, “Metamaterials in the terahertz
regime,” IEEE Photon. J., vol. 1, no. 2, pp. 99–118, Aug. 2009.
[28] M. Lu, W. Li, and E. Brown, “Second-order bandpass terahertz filter
achieved by multilayer complementary metamaterial structures,” Opt. Withawat Withayachumnankul received the
Lett., vol. 36, no. 7, pp. 1071–1073, Apr. 2011. B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees in electronic engineering
[29] Y. Zhu, S. Vegesna, V. Kuryatkov, M. Holtz, M. Saed, and A. A. from King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Lad-
Bernussi, “Terahertz bandpass filters using double-stacked metamate- krabang (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand, in 2001 and
rial layers,” Opt. Lett., vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 296–298, Feb. 2012. 2003, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
[30] L. Liang, B. Jin, J. Wu, Y. Huang, Z. Ye, X. Huang, D. Zhou, G. Wang, engineering (with special commendation) from the
X. Jia, H. Lu, L. Kang, W. Xu, J. Chen, and P. Wu, “A flexible wide- University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia, in 2010.
band bandpass terahertz filter using multi-layer metamaterials,” Appl. From 2003 to 2012, he served as a Lecturer with
Phys. B, May 2013, DOI: 10.1007/s00340-013-547-x. King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang
[31] T. Akalin, E. Peytavit, and J. Lampin, “Bendings and filters with single (KMITL), Bangkok, Thailand, with the Faculty of
strip THz plasmonic waveguides,” in Proc. Joint 32nd Int. Conf. In- Engineering. Since 2010, he has held an ARC Aus-
frared and Millimeter Waves/15th Int. Conf. THz Electron., 2007, pp. tralian Postdoctoral Fellowship with the University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Aus-
tralia. He is also an Associate with RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
[32] A. K. Horestani, W. Withayachumnankul, C. Fumeaux, D. Abbott,
His research interests include terahertz technology, metamaterials, plasmonics,
and T. Akalin, “Metamaterial-inspired bandpass filter for the terahertz
Goubau line,” in Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Metamaterials, Photon. Crystals and optical antennas. He has authored and coauthored approximately 30 journal
Plasmonics, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates, Mar. 2013, pp. 117–118. publications. He has delivered invited talks at ETH Zürich, University of Mar-
[33] F. Martín, F. Falcone, J. Bonache, R. Marqués, M. Sorolla, F. Martin, burg, EPFL, IPHT (Germany), and Ibaraki University. He serves as a grant as-
and R. Marques, “Miniaturized coplanar waveguide stop band filters sessor for Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) and Australian Research
based on multiple tuned split ring resonators,” IEEE Microw. Wireless Council (ARC).
Compon. Lett., vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 511–513, Dec. 2003. Dr. Withayachumnankul was a recipient of the IEEE/LEOS Graduate Student
[34] M. Gil, J. Bonache, and F. Martín, “Metamaterial filters: A review,” Fellowship (2008), the SPIE Scholarship in Optical Science and Engineering
Metamaterials, vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 186–197, Dec. 2008. (2008), the Australian Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholar-
[35] A. K. Horestani, Z. Shaterian, W. Withayachumnankul, C. Fumeaux, ship (EIPRS; 2006–2008), and SPIE poster award (2007).
S. Al-Sarawi, and D. Abbott, “Compact wideband filter element based
on complementary split-ring resonators,” in Proc. SPIE Smart Nano-
Micro Materials and Devices, Melbourne, Australia, Dec. 2011, pp.
820 431–820 431-7 [Online]. Available: http://proceedings.spiedigital-
Abdallah Chahadih was born in Saida, Lebanon, in 5334
1984. He received the M.S. degree in physics from
[36] A. K. Horestani, Z. Shaterian, S. Al-Sarawi, D. Abbott, and C.
Fumeaux, “Miniaturized bandpass filter with wide stopband using the University of Haute Alsace-Mulhouse, Alsace,
complementary spiral resonator,” in Proc. Asia–Pacific Microw. Conf., France, in 2008, and the Ph.D. degree in physics
Dec. 2012, pp. 550–552. from the University of Lille 1, Lille, France, in 2012.
[37] F. Martín, J. Bonache, F. Falcone, M. Sorolla, and R. Marqués, “Split During his doctoral work, his research activities
ring resonator-based left-handed coplanar waveguide,” Appl. Phys. included fabrication of semiconducting and metal
Lett., vol. 83, no. 22, pp. 4652–4654, Dec. 2003. nano-objects, optical properties of semiconductor
[38] F. Falcone, F. Martín, J. Bonache, M. A. G. Laso, J. García-García, and metal nanoparticles, and light–matter interac-
J. D. Baena, R. Marqués, and M. Sorolla, “Stop-band and band-pass tion. His current research interests include micro
characteristics in coplanar waveguides coupled to spiral resonators,” and nano-fabrication of optoelectronic components,
Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 42, no. 5, pp. 386–388, Sep. 2004. metamaterials, transmission lines, filters, and antennas at THz frequencies.

Abbas Ghaddar was born in BorjRahal, Lebanon, IEEE JOURNAL OF SOLID-STATE CIRCUITS and is currently on the editorial
in 1980. He received the M.S. degree from the Uni- boards of the PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE and the IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL.
versity of Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, France, in 2005, He has served on a number of IEEE technical program committees, including
and the Ph.D. degrees from the University of Western the IEEE APCCS and the IEEE GaAs IC Symposium.
Brittany, Brest, France, in 2010, both in physics.
His graduate work focused on the static and
dynamic magnetization reversal in ferromagnetic
nanowires. During his postdoctoral work at the Christophe Fumeaux (M’03–SM’09) received the
Institute of Electronics and Microelectronics and Diploma and Ph.D. degrees in physics from the
Nanotechnology (IEMN), University of Lille1, Lille, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, in 1992 and 1997,
France, he worked in the Terahertz manipulation of respectively.
electronic and spin states in InAs nanowire quantum dots coupling to a split From 1998 to 2000, he was a Postdoctoral Re-
ring resonator. searcher with the School of Optics, University of
Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA. In 2000, he
joined the Swiss Federal Office of Metrology, Bern,
Switzerland, as a Scientific Staff Member. From
Mokhtar Zehar is currently working toward the 2001 to 2008, he was a Research Associate and
Ph.D. degree at the Institute of Electronics and Group Leader with the Laboratory for Electromag-
Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, University of netic Fields and Microwave Electronics (IFH), ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.
Lille1, Lille, France. Since 2008, he has been with The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, Australia,
He is currently involved with the study of where he is currently a Professor with the School of Electrical and Electronic
bull’s-eye antennas and of different structures based Engineering. Since 2011, he has been a Future Fellow of the Australian
on planar Goubau lines at terahertz frequencies. Research Council. His current main research interest concerns computational
electromagnetics, antenna engineering, THz technology and the application of
RF design principles to optical micro/nano-structures.
Prof. Fumeaux has served as an associate editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES from 2010 to 2013. He is cur-
rently an associate editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ANTENNAS AND
PROPAGATION. He was the recipient of the ETH Silver Medal of Excellence for
his doctoral dissertation. He was the corecipient of the 2004 Outstanding Paper
Derek Abbott (M’85–SM’99–F’05) was born on Award of the Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society (ACES), and
May 3, 1960, in South Kensington, London, U.K. of the Best Symposium Paper Award at the 2012 Asia–Pacific International
He received the B.Sc. (Hons.) degree in physics Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
from Loughborough University of Technology,
Loughborough, U.K., in 1982, and the Ph.D. degree
(with commendation) in electrical and electronic
engineering from The University of Adelaide,
Adelaide, Australia, in 1995, under K. Eshraghian Tahsin Akalin (M’11) received the M.S. and Ph.D.
and B. R. Davis. degrees in electronics from the University of Sci-
He has led a number of research programs in the ences and Technologies, Lille, France, in 1999 and
imaging arena, ranging from the optical to infrared 2002, respectively.
to millimeter wave to T-ray (terahertz gap) regimes. From 1978 to 1986, he After two years as Assistant Professor, he is now an
was with the GEC Hirst Research Centre, London, U.K., working in the area Associate Professor with Institute of Electronics and
of visible and infrared image sensors. His expertise also spans VLSI design, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology, University of
optoelectronics, device physics, and noise, where he has worked with nMOS, Lille1, Lille, France, where he works on periodic and
CMOS, SOS, CCD, GaAs, and vacuum microelectronic technologies. On mi- random structures including metamaterials for prop-
gration to Australia, he was with Austek Microsystems, Technology Park, South agating, filtering, and radiating components. He is es-
Australia, in 1986. Since 1987, he has been with The University of Adelaide, pecially involved in the terahertz science (sources,
Adelaide, Australia, where he is presently a Full Professor with the School of waveguides, antennas, and detectors). He works on electronic and optoelec-
Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He has appeared on national and inter- tronic approaches for bridging the THz gap in passive and active devices. He
national television and radio and has also received scientific reportage in New works particularly on beam-shaping of THz Quantum Cascade Lasers (QCL)
Scientist, The Sciences, Scientific American, Nature, The New York Times, and and on THz photomixers. For this purpose, plasmonic structures are particularly
Sciences et Avenir. He holds over 800 publications/patents and has been an in- studied. He has invented original and efficient launchers at microwave and THz
vited speaker at over 120 institutions, including Princeton, NJ, MIT, MA, Santa frequencies of electromagnetic waves on a single strip, called Planar Goubau
Fe Institute, NM, Los Alamos National Laboratories, NM, Cambridge, U.K., Lines (PGL). One original application of this single metallic wire propagation
and EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland. He has served as an editor and/or guest ed- is the in THz near field microscopy and a second is for THz circuits (filters,
itor for a number of journals, including , Chaos, Smart Structures and Materials, modulators’). He is also involved with controllable metamaterials at GHz and
Journal of Optics B, Microelectronics Journal, Fluctuation Noise Letters, and THz frequencies. He works in a broad range of frequencies: microwave, THz,
is currently on the editorial board of PLOSONE. He coedited Quantum Aspects IR and Optics. He is also developing passive and active plasmonic devices such
of Life (Imperial College Press, 2008) and coauthored Stochastic Resonance as plasmonic switches at Infrared and visible frequencies with semiconductor
(Cambridge University Press, 2008) and Terahertz Imaging for Biomedical Ap- nanowire arrays. He is the coauthor of more than 150 international communi-
plications (Springer-Verlag, 2012). His research programs span a number of cations with more than 30 invited talks in major conferences. He serves as a
areas of stochastics, game theory, photonics, biomedical engineering, and com- reviewer for a number of journals.
putational neuroscience. His interests are in the area of multidisciplinary physics Dr. Akalin is a member of the Optical Society of America and the B, D,
and electronic engineering applied to complex systems. and J commissions of l’Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI). He
Prof. Abbott is a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (IOP). He won the GEC serves as a reviewer for many journals, including the IEEE TRANSACTIONS
Bursary (1977), the Stephen Cole the Elder Prize (1998), the E.R.H. Tiekink
Memorial Award (2002), SPIE Scholarship Award for Optical Engineering and
Science (2003), the South Australian Tall Poppy Award for Science (2004) PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, the IEEE JOURNAL OF QUANTUM ELECTRONICS,
and the Premier’s SA Great Award in Science and Technology for outstanding the IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, and
contributions to South Australia (2004). He was awarded the Australian IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS. He has served and
Research Council Future Fellowship (2012) and the University of Adelaide continues to serve as a TPC member for several international conferences.
Award for Excellence for Higher Degree by Research Supervision (2013). He He has organized and chaired several special sessions on THz and Infrared
has served as an editor and/or guest editor for a number of journals including Plasmonics and Metamaterials. He is also a coeditor of three special issues.

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