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(going against conventional wisdom I know).

When I woke up, surprisingly, my world hadnt come crashing down. Surprisingly, my friends and family still loved me. Surprisingly, those critical day-to-day tasks that I just had to do, somehow got done without me. Surprisingly, when I awoke, life looked brighter, my step was lighter, and I was giddy with the dawn of a new day. The chirping birds cheered me on and one special bird whispered in my ear, It doesnt have to be this hard. You can take care of yourself in an instanteat a gummy worm, take a bird bath, and shake a tail feather-thats what I do.

Before I could reply, he vanished . . . off to fluff his feather bed and dream of giant earth worms!

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

If you feel like you could sleep for a month (but dont have the time), this Self-Care Insta-Kit is for you. Its simplebecause youre really busy, and sometimes you dont have time to take care of yourself properly.
Actually, self-care doesnt have to take a lot of time. Even when youre in a hurry, stressed about work, or feeling low on energy, taking a minute to think about your own self-care will boost your energy and your mood.

Your Insta-Kit contains the following worksheets and mini posters:

10 Self-Care Decisions that Will Change Your Life Mini Poster 50 Instant Self-Care Actions - Mini Poster My Top 10 Daily Self-Care Habits Example Worksheet My Top 10 Daily Self-Care Habits Blank Worksheet Track Your Top 10 Daily Self-Care Habits - Tracking Sheet

Use the mini posters as reminders of your desire to get serious about self-care. Post them on the refrigerator, put them in your planner, or pin them up on your office wall.

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

These simple mini posters and tracking sheets will help you
1. Choose a self-care action from an appealing menu of options when youre feeling stuck and need a boost of energy. 2. Overcome inertia and help you get started reaching your self-care goals. 3. Remember your goals because they will be visual (and posted). 4. Build your self-care muscles by taking small daily actions. 5. Stick with it because youll have an attractive, handy place to record your progress. The tracking sheets will call out to you to make check marks. Who doesnt like to check something off the list!

Good luck and have fun!


2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

10 Self-Care Decisions
that Will Change Your Life
1. Decide to shift your prioritiesreorient your thinking. Is your health and well-being at the top of the list . . . or the bottom? 2. Decide to take 100 percent responsibility for your health, your life, and all of your choices. Responsibility = power. 3. Decide to slow down and live the moments. Life is the moments. 4. Decide to practice 10 Self-Care habits dailydont leave this to chance or wait until symptoms develop. 5. Decide to seek real pleasure (e.g., whole foods) rather than false pleasure (highly processed foods). 6. Decide to design your life around your own personal self-care environments rather than let the culture that surrounds you design your life for you (e.g., endless TV, shopping, consumption). 7. Decide to achieve results. If you arent achieving healthy lifestyle results, change what youre doing. If youre doing nothing, do something. 8. Decide to trust your inner wisdom rather than external experts. Listen to your body and your bodys signals. It is wise beyond belief. 9. Decide to put together a health care teamyou dont need to do this alone. Include energy healers, body workers, holistic health care practitioners. 10.Decide to stick with this for the long haul. Self-care is not a quick fix.

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

50 Instant Self-Care Actions

When youre feeling a little blue, low in energy, or just wanting to enjoy a few private minutes, scan this menu and take an instant self-care action. Taking even small actions can shift your energy and make you feel better. Often its the little things that make a big difference.
Know that things will work outthey always do Replace your office chair with a fitness ball Floss your teeth Take your vitamins, buy good ones Repeat something nice you learned about someonepositive gossip Schedule a massage Put something in the recycling bin Clean out the composting fruits and veggies from the fridge (even one shelf) Notice the weather and enjoy itno matter what. Enjoy the rain, the heat, the wind, the perfection Look out the windowenjoy what you see Call a friend and share something interesting Laugh as often as you canlook for reasons Write these affirmations on your bathroom mirror with a Sharpie: I feel terrific! I like myself! Pause for a moment of prayer Listen to your bodyis it happy? Take a lunch walk and smell the air Eat a piece of fruit savoring the flavor Eat some raw veggies appreciating the crunch Buy something free range or organic Pay a billon time Forgive someoneagain Remind yourself of one of your strengths Bless a butterfly Listen to your inner voice and follow it If you smoke, skip having one on break Close your eyes--take a mini vacation Say 5 things youre grateful for Stop and pay attention to what youre doing Really notice someone Go to bed early (or on time) Say something nice to yourself about yourself Sit on a bench. Just sit. Do 5 crunches or 5 squats Make a list of healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, or snacks you would enjoy eating Activate your 5 senses by smelling something, hearing something, tasting something, or seeing something Draw a spa bath at the end of a long day Sit in your favorite chair and put your feet up Eat Slowly savoring the flavors and textures Do something fun! Get up and moveeven for a few minutes Goof around with a kidget silly Take a nap Clean off your deskagain Drink some water--a lot! Speak up for yourselftell the truth Schedule a counseling or coaching session Say no Say yes Write an entry in your journal Put some 5 pound dumbbells on your desk Do 10 quick bicep curlsit just takes a sec

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

My Top 10
Daily Self-Care Habits
Make a list of your Top 10 Daily Self-Care Habits. Be sure that at least half of the items are things that youre already doing so you wont feel overwhelmed. Heres an example of a self-care routine: 1. Floss my teeth once a day. 2. Eat at least 3 servings of fruits and vegetables a day (work up to 9 or more). 3. Spend at least 30 minutes outdoors enjoying nature. 4. Take a 15 minute walk at break time in the morning and another in the afternoon. 5. Pause throughout the day to acknowledge how grateful I am for my life. 6. Meditate for 15 minutes every day in the van pool on the way to work. 7. Read 15 minutes of inspirational literature before bed time at 10:30 p.m. 8. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. 9. Tune in to my body throughout the day to listen for any guidance. 10. Be nice and kind no matter what. Notice that several of the items listed take little or no time to do. Self-care doesnt have to be time consuming. Now its your turn to create your own daily self-care routine that will be enjoyable, do-able, and capitalize on the actions youre already taking to live a wellness lifestyle. Decide what youre willing to do every day that will help you live a healthier, happier life. Keep it simple. Use the mini poster on the following page to record your choices. You may need to revise your plan occasionally until you get it right. Until your self-care routine becomes routine, post it on your refrigerator or in your bathroom so youll remember to do it every day. Its easy to forget to practice a new habit or routine. Or if you prefer, you can post the Track Your Self-Care Habits sheet so you can check off the item every day that you do it.

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

My Top 10
Daily Self-Care Habits
fun * easy * enjoyable * do-able
1. ____________________________________________________________ 2. ____________________________________________________________ 3. ____________________________________________________________ 4. ____________________________________________________________ 5. ____________________________________________________________ 6. ____________________________________________________________ 7. ____________________________________________________________ 8. ____________________________________________________________ 9. ____________________________________________________________ 10. ____________________________________________________________

First, decide what self-care habits you want to trackbe specific. At least half of the items listed should be things that youre already doing so you wont feel overwhelmed. You want process to inspire you and pull you forward, not bring you down. Post this in a prominent place where youll see it and be reminded of your self-care goals.

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

Track Your Self-Care Habits

Days 1-15
Instructions: Research has shown that tracking goals dramatically increases your success. Transfer the self-care habits from the previous sheet to the left column below. Write the month in the space provided. Place a check mark for each day that you practice the self-care habit listed. Enjoy! Month
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Self-Care Habit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Notes:

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

Track Your Self-Care Habits

Days 16-31
Instructions: Research has shown that tracking goals dramatically increases your success. Transfer the self-care habits from the previous sheet to the left column below. Write the month in the space provided. Place a check mark for each day that you practice the self-care habit listed. Enjoy! Month
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Self-Care Habit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.


2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

About the Author

Cheryl Miller
I have learned that wellness goals are best achieved by choosing pleasure, integration, and steady progress. My views have been dramatically shaped by my personal journey to a healthy lifestyle. For that reason, I have a kinder, gentler approach to wellness leaving behind judgment about how to achieve good health. A Junky Life Many years ago I smoked, ate junk food, hated to exercise, felt sad, and crammed my closets and drawers full of too much stuff. Throughout this period I was also a self-help junkie looking for the key to happiness. I read hundreds of great books that offered brilliant solutions . . . some of which I implemented and some I filed away for future use. Some I never finished. Something within me was just not willing to be miserable. I watched happy people savor simple things, and it made an impression on me. I wanted to be able to do that too. The important discovery for me then was that happiness and good health were possible for me to achieve-even though I didnt have a clue where to start. I just kept trying things. I stuck with it--day after day. Many years later, Im here to show you how to do that too. Theres no reason to struggle unnecessarily in this life. The Good Health Cheat Sheet I am eager to show you many short cuts to good health and happiness. Rather than use judgment to nudge you toward these concepts, I look for ways to make the healthy choices compelling. A great place to start is by using this simple Self-Care Insta-Kit. By taking small steps every day and recording your progress, you begin to fill up your wellness bank. Taking the recommended steps will help you sustain your healthy choices with much less effort and a good deal of pleasure. Professional Training and Experience Im a trained life coach (Coach U, Coachville, Graduate School of Coaching). I received an M.S. in Exercise Science & Community Health at the University of Kansas and an M.A. & B.A. in English from Western Michigan University. As the director of an employee wellness program for 76,000 members, I see first-hand the challenges people face living a wellness lifestyle in the midst of a culture that supports a worseness lifestyle. As a self-proclaimed Ambassador of Wellness, Im on a mission to change that and help people live healthy, happy, productive lives . . . in this lifetime. I hope you will be one of them.

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance. ~Oscar Wilde

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

An Invitation
If you want to get help and support designing a self-care routine
Read about the Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge program.

Workbook includes:
86 pages of take-action tips and tools 21 Daily Challenges 21 Daily Lesson Checklist 21 Daily Goal Affirmations The 12 Dimensions of Wellness Action Steps to Reach Your Lifestyle Goal (Tracking Tool) Simplifying Life (Worksheet) Happy Things and Thoughts (Worksheet) Reframing Negative Thoughts Stop-Start Habit (Worksheet) My Top 10 Daily Self-Care Habits (Visual Reminder) Self-Care Habits (Tracking Tool) 23 Inspirational Quotes

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

This 21-Day challenge will help you do these 10 things:

1. Get clear on the lifestyle habit you want to put in place. 2. Overcome inertia and get started reaching your goal. 3. Guide you through small, consistent steps so you can build on your success and achieve your goal more easily. 4. Improve your confidence to take action and succeed. 5. Teach you new lifestyle behavior skills that you can use again and again. 6. Support you if you slip, slide, or fall. 7. Give you the tools to track your success and make it visual. 8. Show you how to set up a reward system for taking action. 9. Show you how to set up wellness environments to make your new lifestyle habit sustainableeven permanent. 10. Help you set up a daily healthy habit routine so you can continue to reach your future wellness lifestyle goals.

Special Offer for Insta-Kit subscribers

This program regularly sells for $27.00 on But as a special offer for Insta-Kit subscribers, you can get an instant download of the Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge for just $16.97. Nab it here:

2008 Cheryl Miller, Wellness Expert, Life Coach, and Mayor of All rights reserved. If you enjoyed this Self-Care Insta-Kit but would like help developing a sustainable wellness lifestyle, check out Healthy Habits: 21-Day Challenge:

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