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Daily routine

Watch the video. Number the pictures in order you hear the activities. Then write the
correct activity under the pictures.

wake up – do yoga – have a shower – have breakfast – take a bus – work – have lunch
take a bike – work out – meet friends read a book – go to bed

Listen again and answer the questions

1. What time does the girl wake up up?

2. What does she do after yoga?
3. What does she have for breakfast?
4. What time does she leave home?
5. How does she go to work?

6. How long does she stay at work?

7. Where does she have lunch?
8. What does she like to eat?
9. Where does she go by bike?
10. What does she study?
11. When she doesn’t go to the gym, what does she do after classes?
12. Does she go to bed immediately after coming home?
13. Why does she read “The little Prince”?
14. Why does she have to go to bed?
15. What time does her day end?

Now describe you daily routine.

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