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Member: DC – St. Louise de Marillac Educational System
Sorsogon City
2nd Semester, S.Y. 2021-2022


Course & Year:BPED; 3ND YEAR
Program: BPED
Instructor: MA’AM JOY GUARIN

Chapter VII: the role of the guidance program, parents and surrogate parents.

I. Answer the following question briefly.

1. Discuss the different guidance services.

 The information services. This is one of the guidance services that highlights one
of the roles of the counselor for information dissemination tackling matters that are
needed to be known by the learners. In this guidance service, it gives importance to
the adjustment of the learners personally, socially and on their educational
endeavors through giving of information and also information on cooperation and
opportunities for education. it is basically focusing on the idea that learners have the
right to information about everything that can and will take place inside the
school, to give specific examples, we can include information about the school and
its services and information on educational, social, and occupational. particular
examples of this service can be observed on events like orientation among
freshmen, workshops, seminars and community extension services with the aim to
disseminate information on the relevance of the Guidance Services to students’
adjustment and academic life as well as to provide information to ensure maximum
welfare of students. In my experience, I’ve witnessed counselors giving out
information most particularly on events like orientation among freshman. I saw how
the information was disseminated and impacted the person who is in need of the
announcement. you see, they will be staying 4 or more years inside a university, and
so it wise as learners to be informed and make oneself available for the
announcements that are oftentimes given to them by those who are working in the
guidance field/services. truly, this service cares for the overall welfare of the
students especially on the status of their academic life.

 Counseling services This is one of the guidance services that is considered as the
heart of any guidance program. it is because in this service, students get to ask
for counselling especially if they are struggling with something that has become
part of their life as problems that needs to be resolved. In this service, students
are able to express fully how they are doing and feeling, how are they coping,
what help they are needing and the likes. the counselor gets to understand the
plight of the students and is able to provide necessary advices in order for them
to consider following in order for them to get better and for their own sake as
well. truly, it is obvious why this service out of all the services there is, is the one
to be considered as the heart which makes sense because this service
normalizes students’ showing off their vulnerabilities without judgement
towards them who are only wanting to feel okay due to many reasons that
makes them feel bad and down or simply putting them with so much difficulties
that can be a hindrance as they perform in class. This service can be done one
on one with a student or in a group.  it depends on who will come in to check
out the service with pure intention to ask help and guidance. I think having this
service in a school is a beautiful Implementation because we all know that
schooling is very hard. the motivation to study can be high and low and
sometimes beyond but also oftentimes below. students these days are having
hard time focusing and I believe through counselling, such issues could be of
help. In short, this service encourages them to have an understanding of
himself/themselves and his/their environment which would be very good
 Placement services. It refers to all the services pertaining to all services
rendered and activities performed to assist the students to make adjustments in
school activities. It was said to include placement in the appropriate class or
section where the learners are appropriate. In my understanding, this service is
very important simply because it provides organization within the learners and
their overall place inside the campus as a learner. also, I think it has to do with
requests coming from those who are parents of their: son/s & daughter/s when
it comes to knowing how they are expecting their child to execute. also, I think
the sectioning as an example for this service is really thoughtful especially the
fact that the sectioning says a lot of what kind of people are, they. In short, I do
believe that this service focuses more on creating and developing a
harmonious relationship with one another.
 Follow-up services. This is the service based on my readings that ensures that
the student has learned appropriate behaviors and decisions regarding his/her
problem or need. In this service, it is an opportunity for the counselor to see or
look at the changes after the counselling to prove that the learners were able to
enjoy one’s company and potentially be freely communicate with them at each
other. furthermore, this service allows the students to 
 Inventory services. This service basically talks about gathering the information
of the learners for functional needs afterwards such as keeping up with their
records in their school. I think this is important for the learners can be guided in
every action they are taking since their information every once in a while, is
being monitored and soon be addressed if there will be issues to be found
2. Give the basic principle of the guidance. Explain each.
 Guidance services must bring desirable adjustment in any particular area to
develop the child.

-It simply means that the guidance service should always consider making
adjustments with their services in order to cater the overall development of the
child as they are continuing their academic life for several years . 

 Individual differences must have to help individual learner.

-It only means that individual differences should be highly respected in order to
have an environment that is inclusive enough to maintain the respectable
atmosphere that every single individual can enjoy. in line with giving guidance
services, all students should be treated equal regardless of the status or case.

 Help a person to formulate and accept worthwhile and attain goals.

-It simply means that the guidance program is taking care of the overall welfare
of the students not only academically but also it goes beyond and transcend to
the actual life journey of the learners. the program will guide them all through
 Cooperated with the guidance counselor pertaining to other aspect such as
-It simply means that all the process that will be undertaken is rooted in
fairness, objectivity and facts only. everything should be formal and no sign of
 It should be a nonstop process of helping and guiding the students.
-It only means that the program should not end when they have achieved a
particular goal in guiding students, it should able for a lifetime as long as the
system is still up and in need of their services
 Should be unlimited help to all. No choices.
 Need to have materials and techniques in teaching to apply for the learners
 All record must accessible by the counselor.
3. What is the characteristic of a good guidance program?
 A good guidance program must provide and function according to the needs of
the learners.

1. It must be an integral part of the total educational program of the school with the
definite goals based
on the guidance principles.
2. It should accommodate all school children with or without problems.
3. It should include substantial information and activities applicable to all
learners, male or female,
educational or vocational and social satisfactions.
4. It should provide coordinated activities on, Responsibilities of Parents and
Surrogate Parents
a) different fields of services
b) all school levels from elementary, secondary
and the college levels 
c) the school and place of work 
d) the school and the community.
5. It should provide thorough interpretation and proper dissemination of
information to learn
teachers and other school personnel.
6. It should recognize the homeroom teachers and adviser in all school levels.

4. What are the specific roles of a teacher in extending guidance service?

 Teacher can extend the guidance service by monitoring the performance of the
learner inside the classroom during the lectures, assessment and activities.
Based on my understanding, one of the main roles of teachers in extending
guidance service is that they can employ more discipline to the learners. as the
second parents of the children, it is very important that teachers observe proper
discipline in line with guiding the children to betterment. what is the use of the
guidance service if the children will not be backed-up by someone like a teacher
in order to monitor if the children are really taking directions well in line with
fixing their problems and issues within oneself? truly, teachers can be of an
embodiment of extended discipline in guiding the children after the initiation of
the guidance service in the school

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