Eduardoarambula Act4

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Hello Henry!
How are you? Have you finished classes yet? Well, I haven’t. Classes will
be over in a month so I’ve been working on my final projects for the last
few days! I’m exhausted! I wanted to use the weekend to watch that show
you told me about but I’ve been so busy that I haven’t watched anything
on TV since the last time we met, and that was like three weeks ago! L I
can’t blame my teachers, though. They told me about two projects for the
beginning of the month, but well, you know me. I’ve been leaving things for
the last minute since we were in high school. I hope I learn to organize
myself better next term.
Well, I guess I’ll go and continue working. I’ve been procrastinating for the
last 2 hours, and if I continue like this, I won’t finish.
Hope to see you soon!


Present perfect Present perfect continuous

 Have you finished   I’ve been working 

 I haven’t watched  I’ve been procrastinating 

 I’ve been   I’ve been leaving 

o I haven’t been (be) on vacations since Monday.

o I’ve been playing (play) soccer and watching (watch) movies all day.
o I’ve been working (work) at the cinema for 10 days, and I love it!
o I have already seen (see) the new superheroes movie three times
since I started working here.
o Have you seen Mark? I haven´t talked (not/talk) to him in a while.

4. Hello Sebastian!
How are you? Have you been on vacations? Well, I haven’t. Vacations are
in a few periods of time of the year, so my family has been planning
vacations to different destinations from California to Florida, each summer
vacation. And for the winter vacation they have been planned go to ski in a
snowy place in Arizona. I´ve been playing soccer with my classmates at the
end of the work before we go, and watching movies that are recognizable
for everybody. So, I’ve been working on the cinema for 10 days a period, but
I love it, because I love to promote the marketing and merchandise for the
movie that tries to become the success that we waited for. I have already
seen the newest superhero movies from Disney’s Marvel Studios and
Warner Bros.’ DC Comics brands three times and I love them since I was
working at the movie theatre at promoting the movies performance
marketing. But guess who is coming to see the movies with us while working
at the cinema. His name is Mark. Have you seen him? He’s a fan of the
most awaited movies including those superhero ones. Well, no, I haven´t
talked to him for a time. Cause he’s on vacation! but he´s coming to visit us
at the cinema to see the most awaited movies coming for the next months.
I’ve been known about those things for the last minute to organize them by
myself. Well, I guess I’ll go and continue working. I’ve been
procrastinating for the last 2 hours, and if I continue like this, I won’t finish.
Hope to see you soon!
Love, Eduardo

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