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The carefree smile

(Read naturally like telling a story)

Nathalie is a young, sweet girl who loves doing things that make her happy. She is now in the
middle of adulting, and she has gotten a lot of realizations about life. For her, being 16 years old is a time
when pressure is coming. She needs to think first before she takes any action in every decision she will
make in life because she is not a young child anymore; she is adulting, turning into an adulting lady. She
has a responsibility that she needs to fulfill.

But even though that pressure to be an adult is attacking her, she always makes sure that she is still
doing her hobby and things that make her happy.

(Short Pause)

“I think I shouldn’t let my hobby take away from me and also the things that keeping me happy.”
Nathalie told herself

(Read naturally)

She knows that being at her age is a time when she’s starting to realize what she needs to realize, but
she doesn’t want to forget the things that make her smile and make her eyes bright every time she’s
doing the things that she loves.

(Short Pause)

“I can feel the pressure, it is stressing.” Nathalie said with a low energy, she’s pressured by the
responsibility of the adolescence.

(Read naturally)

Even though at her age, pressure is just starting to come. And that pressure will undoubtedly test her
not only physically but also mentally, so Nathalie believes she is already feeling the pressure and might
as well smile and enjoy the pressure as she nears adulthood. 

(Short Pause)

“A lot of things are making me pressured, and I think it is normal” Nathalie said to herself as comforting
from the pressure she’s experiencing.

“I should make a way to keep my self-distracted from the pressure.” Nathalie told herself as a
motivation from her problem.
(Read naturally)

She starts to think a step on how to keep her self-distracted by the pressure. And also, to divert her
attention from overthinking about it.


“I will be productive. I need to be productive.” Nathalie cheer herself up to make herself energetic and
start doing her hobby.

(Read naturally)

Little by little, she practices handling the pressure and make her self-used to the things that she is afraid

For Nathalie, in order to live your best life, you need to do the things that keep you happy, making your
heart flatter and your eyes brighter. Because we’re adulting, pressure is coming, but we shouldn’t let
pressure take our genuine smile.


“Smile free Nathalie, don’t let pressure and other people take away your genuine smile.” Nathalie said
to herself in front of a mirror while smiling beautifully.

(Read naturally)

As it affects our mental health, we should still make a time when we allow ourselves to be free from all
the stress and pressure we’re experiencing, because with every problem, pressure, and stress, we need
to take a break and rest so that after we take our break we can continue tomorrow and continue the
challenges of adolescence.


“I can take my rest; I should take a break.” Nathalie taps her shoulder as a comfort and reminder to
herself that she can always take a break for every challenge and pressure she’s experiencing.

(Read naturally)

Smile free. Allow yourself to be happy so that you can live your best life.

(Pause for ending)

Love Nathalie.

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Script for Actresses


“I can feel the pressure, it is stressing.” Nathalie said with a low energy, she’s pressured by the
responsibility of the adolescence.

“A lot of things are making me pressured, and I think it is normal” Nathalie said to herself as comforting
from the pressure she’s experiencing.

“I should make a way to keep my self-distracted from the pressure.” Nathalie told herself as a
motivation from her problem.

(You don’t need to say these lines it’s just to clarify your part and your role as a part of ‘Nathalie’)

Record yourself showing this scenario: *Nathalie seems anxious, but she has things that make her

 Film yourself:

— Look at a busy schedule you may use our brightspace platform or any
calendar that shows a “busy schedule” act disappointed and burnt-out –

— Go to a table or a bed then act sad and tired then cry (you can cover your
face with a pillow or a book to present that you are crying.)—scene2

— Get to a messy table (preferably the one’s we use for school works)

Then proceed by cleaning the mess. ---scene3

Meaning to say, you must pass 3 videos. Each video should be at least 5
seconds and should not exceed 25 seconds. try to film it at its best and
highest resolution possible, and then, Submit it on the google drive sent by
the leader.

Be creative on how you film it! What was mentioned was just an example, you
may do whatever and however you want to do it, as long as the scenes are
being portrayed.

“I will be productive. I need to be productive.” Nathalie cheer herself up to make herself energetic and
start doing her hobby.

“Smile free Nathalie, don’t let pressure and other people take away your genuine smile.” Nathalie said
to herself in front of a mirror while smiling beautifully.

“I can take my rest; I should take a break.” Nathalie taps her shoulder as a comfort and reminder to
herself that she can always take a break for every challenge and pressure she’s experiencing.

(You don’t need to say these lines it’s just to clarify your part and your role as a part of ‘Nathalie’)

Record yourself showing this scenario: *Nathalie seems anxious, but she has things that make her

 Film yourself:

— Face a table that is organized and clean then act like you are doing
schoolwork or something that requires attention. Do this with a happy and
determined face. –scene 1
— Look at a clean schedule (ideally a calendar that has little to none events
or deadlines) Then go to a mirror and finally Smile with utmost joy and a
new found determination. – scene 2
— Cross out a last activity on a calendar then relax on a bed and finally rest.
–scene 3

Meaning to say, you must pass 3 videos. Each video should be at least 5
seconds and should not exceed 25 seconds. try to film it at its best and
highest resolution possible, and then, Submit it on the google drive sent by
the leader.

Be creative on how you film it! What was mentioned was just an example, you
may do whatever and however you want to do it, as long as the scenes are
being portrayed.

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