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Poetry vs poem

Nama kelompok:
1. Neza Yuliawati
2. Sari faturohmah
3. Dimas bagus maulana
4. Damar purnama
Meaning of poem

Poem is a rhyme in English words that are intertwined every word. Poem is one
of the works in literature that is composed in English.

The hallmark of poetry is a literary work that is influenced by elements of

song, rhythm and sound harmony. Poem is also formed without a certain line
pattern, unlike poetry. Poem uses concise but meaningful language and the
words used contain many meanings
example poem
Meaning of poetry
• Poetry is written work in English that has aesthetics and deep meaning. According to the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary, poetry is poems in general as a form of literature. Poetry is a more general work of poetry. Poetry has an
aesthetic or beautiful grammar so that the meaning of the work does not show clearly.
• Characteristics of Poetry.
• Characteristics of old poetry.
• ~ Anonymous (author unknown).
• ~ Bound number of lines, rhymes, and rhythms.
• ~ Is an oral literature.
• ~ The language style is static (fixed) and cliché.
• ~ The content is fantastic and ppalacecentric
The things that need to be considered in
reading poetry are as follows:
Expression/mimic accuracy
• The things that need to be considered in reading poetry are as follows:
• Expression/mimic accuracy
• Expression is a statement of feeling inspired by poetry. Mimics are facial movements.
• Kinesics is the movement of body parts.
• Clarity of articulation, articulation is the accuracy in pronouncing words.
• Timbre is the color of the sound (innate) it has.
• Dynamic means loud and soft, high and low sound.
• Intonation or song voice
poetry example

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