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Tabullo, Ángel Javier; Benegas, Juan Manuel; Vernucci, Santiago


Reading comprehension difficulties are one One hundred and twenty one high Session 1: classroom pencil and
the most serious problems among high school students (76.5% girls, mean paper tasks
school students (OECD, 2019). age: 13.9 ± 0.9 years old) participated
Reading comprehension: Expository
Theoretical models of reading (Buttefuss and in the study.
and narrative text comprehension
Kendeou, 2018) and empirical evidence
(Follmer, 2018) indicate the role of cognitive tests (TLC-II; Abusamra et al., 2010).
abilities, such as executive functions (EF) in Reading fluency: Reading efficacy
comprehension. However, few studies have test (TECLE; China et al., 2018)

compared EF contribution to expository Session 2: computerized tasks

and narratve text comprehension in high
Vocabulary: BAIRES test short form
school students. The present study
(Cortada de Kohan, 1998).
examined these associations in secondary
schools students from Mendoza, while
TAC battery (Richards et al., 2017):
controlling for their language skills Perceptual inhibition (visual search),
(vocabulary and reading fluency). Cognitive flexibility (fingers task),
Visuospatial working memory.
Verbal working memory: backward
digits span (computer version).
Span dígitos inverso

The specific contribution of EF to
A repeated measures ANOVA indicated
expository text comprehension in
that: 1) comprehension was better for
adolescents is compatible with previous
narrative texts (F (1.113) = 23.799, p <
evidence suggesting a higher cognitive
0.001, µ2p = 0.174), 2) girls
demand for this particular genre (Mar,
outperformed boys (F (1.113) = 4.991, p
= 0.027, µ2p = 0.042).
Associations with cognitive flexibility and
Reading comprehension sccores by working memory may be reflecting: 1) the
Multiple regression analyses of reading
text and grade. cost of alternating between sources of
comprehension scores
information, reading strategies or
After controlling for vocabulary, reading inference making and 2) integrating and
fluency and demographic variables, updating mental text models with
Expository text comprehension incoming words.
improved with cognitive flexibility (p = The lower performance observed in third
.034) and verbal working memory (p = Estimated marginal means of expository year students might be due to
.013) scores. In addition, comprehension text comprehension scores by: verbal detrimental effects of the pandemic (i.e.:
working memory, cognitive flexibility and
was significantly worse in 3rd year remote schooling, stress) on their
students (p = .022). reading comprehension development.
Narrative text comprehension
improved with reading fluency scores
(p =.034), and it was significantly lower in
boys (p = .015) and 3rd year students
(p = .021). Executive functions did not
contribute to explain additional variance. Estimated marginal means of narrative text
comprehension scores by: reading fluency,
grade and gender. Escribinos a:

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