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Hope is the meaning of the Filipino name Pag-asa Island.

It serves as the administrative

hub for the Philippine province of Palawan's Kalayaan municipality, which oversees adjacent
cays and reefs in the Spratly Islands. In 2016, the Permanent Court of Arbitration rejected
China's claims in the South China Sea and decided to favor the Philippines, now the Island's
operational controller.

It was not easy to get to Pag-asa Island in the documentary. According to the locals, when
it rained, planes could not land. The documentary makes it very evident that the nearby reef
prevented even the ship from docking. When transporting people and goods to the shore, a ship
would drop its anchors half a kilometer from the Island. This is the cause of the community's
sluggish development. According to the documentary, a pier was built on the Island by the
government and its contractor over the course of 2.5 years.

My reflection of this Island in the Rappler documentary movie is that the Chinese are still
interested in gaining control of it. Chinese ships can be observed sailing about the Island strongly
indicates this. Additionally, Chinese militia boats are seen occupying Philippine-owned waters.
This is due to the Chinese occupation of Zamora Reef, only 14 nautical miles from the Island.
From an observation deck on Pag-asa Island, it is possible to see Chinese structures that have
been built on this reef, as well as newer additions.

At Zamora Reef, the Chinese have a military outpost. As seen in the satellite image in the
documentary, their militia vessels always keep an eye on Pag-asa Island. This has made it
impossible for the people of Pag-asa Island to go fishing, which is what they need to survive.
Residents claim that the Chinese chase them away when they go fishing in the documentary;
therefore, they are unhappy about this. This suggests that China still desires to be in charge of the
Island. Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana reportedly visited the region and informed the locals
that there was a plan to expand government facilities on Pag-asa Island so that more Filipinos
might travel or settle there. However, the issue was the presence of Chinese ships in the area.
The locals are upset because Chinese militia members are acting like fishermen while they are
the militia. If the militia does not harass their fishermen, the villagers claim they have no issue
with them. However, there is evidence that the militia does harass the fisherman.
A new, protected harbor has been prepared for Filipino military and civilian ships to keep
them safe from severe winds and waves. However, the Filipinos want to know if they will be
allowed to access it without Chinese interference. This shows that the Philippines Island is not
accessible. We can see China's continued interest in the Island from the fact that even the
President of the Philippines is rumored to be reluctant to visit due to his concern for upsetting the
Chinese. The Philippine President takes great care to avoid upsetting the Chinese people. He has
even declined to visit the Island, claiming that since China and the Philippines are allies, there is
no need to irritate them. This is a sign that they are still interested in governing the Island.

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