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What's an essay?

w r i tt e n t o c o n v in ce
does it c e o f w r i ti n g t h a t i s
A n es sa y is a p i e in f o r m t h e r e a d e r
work e t h in g o r t o si m p ly
so m e o n e o f so m r th e r ea d er t o b e
for? a r to p ic . I n o r d er f o
abo u t a p a r ti c u l h e e s s a y m u s t
q u at e ly i n f o r m e d , t
conv in ce d o r a d e t s t o m ak e it f lo w in
p o rt a n t co m p o n e n
includ e s e v e r a l i m i o n s) to a n e ss a y a re
m a i n p a r t s (o r se c t ,
a logic a l w a y . T h e ta n d a r d sh o r t e s sa y
d c o n c lu si o n . I n a s
the intr o , b o d y , a n w it h e n o u g h
p r o v id e t h e r e a d e r
five paragrap h s c a n .
o r t a m o u n t o f sp a c e
info r m a t io n in a sh
An expository essay explores all angles of a particular topic
in an effort to teach the audience something that they might
not know. It sticks to the facts and maintains a neutral tone.
This is not the place to share your opinion or give that
heart-wrenching anecdote..

An expository essay should take an objective

approach: It isn’t about your personal
opinions or experiences. Instead, your goal is
to provide an informative and balanced
explanation of your topic.

The Hook The Context The Thesis Statement

Start your introduction with a hook that Give your readers an idea of what you’re going The main element of the introduction is the
grabs your readers’ attention. A startling fact to analyze in your paper. Be reader-friendly, thesis statement. All previous sentences
is often what you need. and either give brief background information should lead up to it. It should be a kind of
The first sentence of the introduction should on your topic, or outline the context that will summary expressed in one sentence, and
be engaging and involve the reader in the facilitate the comprehension of the following should state clearly what you’re going to
reading. paragraphs.. explain or show to your readers. Remember
Make sure you don’t assume your reader that the opening paragraph is the door to the
knows the topic inside out already, especially essay. Remember, your statement needs to be
if you’re discussing something niche or unbiased and neutral for the expository essay;
obscure. it should not take sides in any debate.

Thesis Statement Examples

Thesis: Climate change is a complicated question but there’s one part of it that’s very simple: action needs to be taken.
Thesis: If you want to mine crypto-currency, the process is easier than you might think.
Thesis: ‘90s Australian pop duo Savage Garden broke up for several reasons: different ambitions, a personality clash, and last of all, a tragic misunderstanding.definition

The body of your essay is where you cover your topic in depth. It often
consists of three paragraphs, but may be more for a longer essay. This is
where you present the details of the process, idea or topic you’re explaining.
It’s important to make sure each paragraph covers its own clearly defined
topic, introduced with a topic sentence. Different topics (all related to the
overall subject matter of the essay) should be presented in a logical order,
with clear transitions between paragraphs.

Each paragraph should contain:

A topic sentence that presents the key idea.
Supporting evidence that support your thesis.
Your analysis, in which you explain the significance of the evidence.
A transition sentence that connects one paragraph with the next and
ties your ideas together.
Restate your thesis in the first sentence, but not in exactly the same way as in the
Review the main ideas you discussed in the concluding paragraph by
demonstrating how the presented information and facts influenced the thesis.
Make sure you don’t repeat, but rather reexamine your arguments.
Don’t introduce any new information. Instead, show how your thoughts progressed
and how they prove the thesis, and reflect on the significance of the topic.
You can give your final conclusion by offering solutions, next steps, presenting a
new question that emerged, or asking the reader to take a closer look at a problem.
Also, you can ponder why the topic is relevant or important personally for you or
your audience; think about how it correlates with the broader context.

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essay#definition expository-essay-professional-

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