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What are the experiences in conducting online classes of the Teachers in College

of Arts and Education.


-The new normal # Doing job as a Teachers job
education online teacher Theme 1.
class, you get to
meet your students Passion
in person, you don’t
have any idea what
they are doing but
how ever I enjoyed
it  and I’m good at
it, I also want to
made them feel
they made a good
choice that they
here at perpetual, so
I still do my job as
a teacher imagine
I’m doing and
teaching the same
subject in a day but
I always give the
same effect kung
paano ko ituro ang
isang lesson sa
isang section. 
Imagine is the
semester end or
prelim/midterm end
, you will receive a
message from your
students, they
would thank you,
and they will
appreciate yung
effort mo, yan yun 
aming experience,
thank you is just a
# inspiring Passionate teachers
bonus para narin
akong tumanggap
ng bonus ko

-The role of a
teacher is to inspire,
motivate, encourage
and educate
learners. When you
get passionate
teachers, they can
hugely inspire
young people no
matter what their
background. Great
teachers support aspect of teaching
# dedication to
young people not
their job
just in education,
but in life and
vocation choices

Dedication is the
teaching aspect I
like the most. I love
interacting with my best experience
students – the # motivating
connection between students
what they are
learning and their

Inspiring my
students to give
their best and
motivate them to doing best to teach
study hard in my # encouraging them
class or in any students
subject is priceless,
overwhelming, and
the best experience
for me

My amazing
experience in
teaching is when I
see the
development and
progress of my
students. It is
because I know that
I am doing my best
to teach them, and I
always encourage
them to continue
their study despite
the online class
modality. We know
that we are all
suffering on this
new normal
Ful filling, # being open of Interaction with
inspiring, kokonti your students students Theme 2.
yung estudyante so
ako ay nasa collage,
since kokonti yung Relationship
nakatutok ka sa Building
kanila , you will get
to know your
students to the point
na they will open
through their
personal life’s,
problems so yung
most full filling
experience hindi
lamang sa loob ng
school it is outside
the way that the
students put trust on
you, and you must
be open up
problems ibang
level up you the # Students freely Teachers and
impact sa kanilang express students
buhay themselves relationship

The aspect of
teaching I like the
most is the
surroundings or the
classroom, because
when I make the
conducive for
learning, my
students will freely
express their selves
and their opinion, # listening to Building trust with
and from that I can students students
also learn
something from

I think the good

thing I have done is
not just about
teaching rather how # ideas and building
I listen to my perspective of the connection with
students’ rants and students students
how they trust me
as their teacher. The
trust always the

Kids have amazing

ideas and
perspectives. It is
fascinating to hear
how they approach
problems and
explain concepts in # teachers Teachers and
their own words. I bonding with Student interaction
love the creative students
ideas they come up
with for art and
writing and
building and the

My amazing
experience is when
I feel that my
students really like
me as their teacher,
especially the
bonding we have
that is like a family
I always give my # giving students Helping students 3. Fulfilled Duty
students a second second chance
chance. Giving
them a second
chance is also
giving them a
second chance to
achieve their
dreams even if they
are almost failed
already. I helped
them to do better
and be better rather
than giving them a
failing grade
# patience students interest
.In teaching, you
will encounter
different types of
students, so you
need to have
patience in handling
them. There are
students who gave
you much
information about
the topic, there are
also students who
will not listen to
you, so as a teacher,
you need to think
different strategies
and methods to appreciating
capture their # effort

My favorite
experience is when
my students learn
something from me
and they say thank
you every time we
finished our Feeling of
discussion, and that # student duty happiness
is priceless for me

My favorite
experience is when
I see all my
students giving
their best in my
subject even my
subject with them is
not a major, I really
appreciate their

What are the challenges of the teachers in conducting online classes

Although, before # beginning of hardship in using
this pandemic we online class LMS Theme 1.
all know that
Perpetual have an
LMS before but we Utilizing
are not using it for
daily teaching Technology(Online
during face to face
class. There is a Platforms)
time in this
especially in the
beginning of the
online class, it was
really hard for us to
have a class in LMS
and in google meet
but we learn it day
by day until we # old teachers Familiarizing lms
master it and grade book

It was hard

for the old teachers

to teach using the

technologies. At

some point,


ourselves with # LMS, google

Hardship in
classroom and utilizing online
LMS and grade google meet
book is also



utilizing technology

like LMS, google

classroom, and

google meet,
# technology that Challenges to
need in online utilize
especially in the class

beginning of online

class, is challenging

for us as online


One of the

challenges in this

online class is

utilizing technology

that is needed # Learning hardship

especially in the system

beginning in online

class. I still

remember the day

when a lot of my

students are

messaging me.

They are asking

how to log in, how

to create school

account, and the

likes. The

beginning is very

One of the
challenges that I
experienced in
online class is when
I utilize the learning
system, especially
that we have a lot
of students. And
there was a time
that some of my
students attempt to
take the quizzes or
activities but they
didn't click the
submit button. They
will ask to re-open
it and situations
such as this is very
challenging for me

It was hard for the

old teachers to
teach using the
technologies, at
some point
familiarizing our
self with LMS and
grade book is also

Sometimes #Suffering from a Internet connection Theme 2.

low internet
in the office we are connectivity Poor internet

encountering a poor connection


connectivity. And

honestly, internet

connection is not

also good when we

work from home,

but I try to reach

my students to

deliver the lesson

# hardship in Unstable internet
online…” accommodating

It was also

hard for us

especially if the

students did not

pass on time their

activities due to

having unstable

internet, we also

# can’t teach Losing of internet
students who only online access

had internet during



access. That’s the

number one # not having a Struggling in

strong internet internet
challenge for us as connectivity connectivity

a teacher, if you

don’t have internet,

you can’t teach…”

“…In online
Internet connection
class, of course we # students can’t is very slow
hear and
need internet understand you
during class
connection. We all

know that here in

the Philippines, we

don’t have a strong

access of internet.

As a teacher,

internet connection

is the struggle for

me in everyday of

my teaching…”

For me as a

teacher, internet

connection is the

number 1

challenge. It’s hard

to teach when the

internet connection

is weak, since

students can’t hear

and understand you

and eventually you

need to end your

class and continue

it tomorrow…”

# challenges Doing
LMS is not modules/workbooks Theme 3.

that easy to learn Work load

especially when if it

is your first time.

Encoding exams in

LMS is consuming

a lot of time,

especially if there is

a correction you

need to change it

and correct it one

by one and if your

students are asking

to adjust the due

date or the time that

you set in their

activity. As a

private teacher,


modules/workbook Submitting of task

#feeling of
s is very

challenging for me

Work load

is one of the

challenging parts

for me and I know

that this is a part of

our job but

sometimes I feel so

tired to submit
# lot of works Passing/submitting
every task that they paper works

give to us. Teacher

is a tiring job but

this is my duty, I

need to accept it…”

There’s a
# increasing of Doing and creating
ton of works, you work load during modules
online class
are not just teaching

but also, you’re

doing the

paperworks that

you need to pass…”

Doing and

creating exams,

powerpoint is very

challenging for me

in this online class.

Our workload

increased in this

online class.

Checking and

creating exams in

LMS is really hard,

you can consume a

lot of on # creating and Lot of works to

encoding different submit
checking and activities for
creating it unlike in

face to face, when

you are done in

encoding, you can

print it and the

students will take

their exams…”

Doing and

creating modules

and workbook is

one of the
challenges for me

as an online

teacher. We have a

lot of works to

submit and we need

to create and

encode activities in

LMS. I have a lot

of students with

different sections,

courses and year

level, and I need to

make or create and

encode different

activities and

quizzes in LMS…”

Ghost students, # cheating How to encourage

students not to Theme 4.
those students who cheat
Handling Students
ghost teachers,

there are a students

who are incredible

already and parang

wala silang

pakealam, mahirap
maghanap ng mga

studyanteng mga

nagtatago lalo na

pag online class…

How will you keep

students from

cheating,Ayun nga

andali ng mag cheat


information is very

suitable, paano mo

an sila ma # learning uninterested

eencourage na wag

mag cheat…”


can be a demanding

profession. There

are times when

students seem

uninterested in

learning and

disruptive to the


environment. Like

for example, in
Physical Education,
#hardship to
we need to cater measure students assessment

their needs in terms

of performance task

and other physical

or motor skills…”

.It was

really hard for us to

assess the students’ # teaching

students Demanding and
progress. And, hard headed

difficult to

determine if they

are coping up the


.Students nowadays
# dealing with
are hard to teach students Hardship

especially in their

academics, you can

encounter students

who are very

# irresponsible
demanding and students Not doing their part

Dealing or

handling my

students is hard

especially during

this online class…”


my students in

online class is

really hard for me,

especially when

there are students

who are

irresponsible in

doing their part. For

instance, a student

received a failing

grade or INC mark,

then they will ask

me why. So I will

tell that I already

reminded you of

your unfinished

activities and

What are the ways of the Teachers used on how they handle the challenges in
conducting online class
I learned how to #Checking Using google lens
check their outputs, outputs and google chrome Theme 1.
I have a google lens
and google chrome, Being Strategic
of course to check
their answer to
avoid copying or
# limit sharing Setting rules and
I set rules and answers regulation
regulations when
taking a quizzes
and examination to
limit sharing of
answers from the
students. # giving activity Using group chat

Also when the

internet connection
is not stable I use
the group chat to
give them an
activity and
sometimes we just
restart our computer
to refresh the signal
or internet # giving activity Using group chat

When it comes to
my teaching, some
students will make
their evaluation and
I think I will use
that as my
motivation to be a
better not a perfect
teacher. Internet,
for example I can’t
meet them because
of the internet
connection, I will
meet them in other
days. For the grades # Integrate the use of
I am mentioning technology
them in group chats
to pass their
missing activities

Incorporate mystery
into your lessons,
don’t repeat
classroom material
rather create
classroom games. A
teacher can also
give students the
right of choice in
manipulating and
integrating the use
of technology.
Lastly, don’t take
teaching seriously,
just make it more

I learned to adjust #adjusting Adjusting time

my time. We have a Theme 2.
lot of training and
seminar so that we Time Management
know how to
produce modules
and workbook

In workloads, it is
just a managing of
my time for
example, I use my
vacant time or free
time in doing
workloads #using vacant Using free time

It is all

about managing of

my time. For

example, I use my

vacant time or free

time in doing # submitting on


workloads is

challenging but I

learned how to

adjust my time to

do all the works #manage own Managing time

and submit it on


It becomes

easy when I learned

#wrote all task in
how to budget or my notes

manage my own

time in doing

modules or


I wrote all

my tasks or work in

my notes including

the time. Managing

time is very helpful

for me because this

technique really

“...In terms # discussing all Set a meeting Theme 3.

of handling Effective

problems of communication

students, I set a

meeting in every

class to discuss all

the problems like if

they missed a quiz

or an activity. I also

set a due date for

the submission of

their activities to

avoid late
#problems and Set a consultation
submission…” concerns of the time
I always set

a consultation time

for them to talk

about the problems

and concern in their # students who Sending them a

did not pass their direct message
class…” quizzes and

example, if there

are students who

have a problem in

my class, like they

did not pass their

performance task or

they have missed

activities and

quizzes, I will send

them a direct

message or will

mention them in
#handling Set a time to talk
our group chat problems
informing that they problems

have missed

activities and


In terms of

handling problems

during online class,

I set time to talk

with my students

and to discuss my
Informing the
concern to them, #concern in
students about their
subject and their
also to let students

ask and raise

questions or

concern about their

subject and grade in

my class…”

“…I think

the effective


really works during

online class. Like

what I do, if my

students have

concern in my

subject I always tell

them that they are

free to message me.

And if I have a

problem with them

like if they missed a

quiz and activity, I

always inform them

before submitting

their final

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