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NAMRIA-HNC-Form33 Rev01

Station BRN22 Province EASTERN SAMAR Date 20-May-22

Latitude 11 36 03.82 Municipality BORONGAN FPI No. SSD-01M-2022

Longitude 125 26 19.79 Barangay ALANG-ALANG Epoch Reference EPOCH 2025

Datum WGS84 Height (mtrs.) 7.6 Instrument T2-239006

Prominent Objects Approximate Distance True

Visible around the station Bearing (mtrs.) Azimuth
1 RM-BRN N 44 40.1 E 82.3 044 40 04.3
2 Right-most Corner of SHS New Building 2 S 64 17.5 E 43.9 115 42 30.7
3 Right-most Pillar of SHS Building 1 S 14 30.1 W 70.4 194 30 07.2
4 Right-most Pillar of SHS TVL Cookery N 86 20.7 W 64.8 273 39 18.7
5 Left-most Pillar of North Comfort Room N 15 41.0 E 112.1 015 40 57.4
Short Narrative Description
MRS-BRN, 2022, NAMRIA is located inside the Athletic Oval of Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School
(ESNCHS). The maker is re-establsihed and is aproximately 50 meters from the southeastern gate of the school. The
previous marker is no where to find and is consired lost.
MRS marker is a 4 inch copper nail set at the center of a 30 cm x 30 cm concrete monument flushed to the ground with
inscription as stated above.
The Reference Mark (RM) is nail at the center of 20 cm x 20 cm, situated on the northeast of MRS with markings
RM-LPA. It is approximately 30 meters from the north SHS New Building 2
Diagram Of MRS and Prominent Objects
Field Survey Photo
(Eastern Samar National Comprehensive High School Oval)

Ens Lee Robert F Legaspi Asst OIC, Field Survey Team 20-May-22
Prepared by:
Name Signature Designation Date

Ltjg Marck Daniel R Santos OIC, Field Survey Team 20-May-22

Checked by:
Name Signature Designation Date

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