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Title of project
An investigation to determine if the net weight sated on (Lightly salted soldanza plantain
chips) is really 45g.

Quality control is a series of checks carried out on the product to ensure it complies with the
original specification and also the rules of the regulatory bodies governing the product. The
purpose of this research was to determine if the net weight stated on lightly salted soldanza
plantain chips is really 45g our researcher observed weather or not the soldanza plantain
chips is actually 45g.
i. Is the net weight stated on lightly salted soldanza plantain chips accurate?
ii. Are consumers getting value for there money when they purchased lightly salted
soldanza plantain chips?

Method of Data Collection

To carry out this investigation the researcher will ask us to bring two bags of lightly salted
soldanza plantain chips to put on a scale while this is being done, we are to take the results
from the weight of the bag of chips to calculate it and try to find out whether or not the net
weight of lightly salted soldanza plantain chips is really 45g.
The Researcher will find the gross weight and net weight of each bag of lightly salted
soldanza plantain chips as well as charts and tables to show findings of data collection.

Presentation of data
Table 1
Gross weight of twenty-eight lightly salted soldanza plantain chips in grams.

Item Gross Item Gross Item Gross

Number Weight(g) Number weight(g) Number Weight(g)
1 47.98 13 49.21 25 50.09
2 48.51 14 49.24 26 50.86
3 48.65 15 49.25 27 53.09
4 48.70 16 49.39 28 53.95
5 48.77 17 49.42
6 48.83 18 49.61
7 48.83 19 49.62
8 48.85 20 49.69
9 48.90 21 49.82
10 49.18 22 49.83
11 49.21 23 49.92
12 49.21 24 50.01

Table 2
Mass of empty bags in grams

Empty Bags Weight(g)

1 3.00
2 3.03
3 3.02

Using the data collected from table 3, the mean mass of empty bags is calculated as follows
3.00+3.03+3.02+2.94+2.72 14.7
Mean mass of empty bags= = = 2.94𝑔
5 5

Table 3
Net weight of each lightly salted soldanza plantain chips in grams.

Item Net Item Net Item Net

Number Weight(g) Number Weight(g) Number Weight(g)
1 45.04 13 46.27 25 47.15
2 45.57 14 46.30 26 47.92
3 45.71 15 46.31 27 50.15
4 45.76 16 46.45 28 51.01
5 45.83 17 46.48
6 45.89 18 46.67
7 45.89 19 46.68
8 45.91 20 46.75
9 45.96 21 46.88
10 46.24 22 46.89
11 46.27 23 46.98
12 46.27 24 47.07

Table 4
Frequency Distribution table showing grouped data
Net weight(g) Tally Frequency
45≤×<46 |||| |||| 9
46≤×<47 |||| |||| |||| 14
47≤×<48 ||| 3
48≤×<49 0
49≤×<50 0
50≤×<51 | 1
51≤×<52 | 1

Table 5
Cumulative Frequency Distribution Table showing grouped data

Net Weight(g) Frequency Upper boundary Cumulative

45≤×<46 9 Less than 46 9
46≤×<47 14 Less than 47 23
47≤×<48 3 Less than 48 26
48≤×<49 0 Less than 49 26
49≤×<50 0 Less than 50 26
50≤×<51 1 Less than 51 27
51≤×<52 1 Less than 52 28

9 810 14 3
(1) 𝑥360° = = 115.7° (2) 28 𝑥360° = 180° (3) 28 𝑥360° = 38.6°
28 7
(4) 0 (5) 0 (6) 𝑥360° = 12.9° 115.6+180+12.9+12.9+38.6=360°

The Pie chart below shows the Net Weight of twenty-eight lightly salted soldanza plantain

Column1 Column2
45≤x<=46 115.7
46≤x<=47 180
47≤x<=48 38.6
48≤x<=49 0
49≤x<=50 0
50≤x<=51 12.9
51≤x<=52 12.9
Pie Chart Showing the net weight of
28 lightly salted soldanza plantain
45<=x<=46 46<=x<=47 47<=x<=48 48<=x<=49
49<=x<=50 50<=x<=51 51<=x<=52

0% 3% 4%

The graph below showing the Net weight of twenty-eight of lightly salted soldanza plantain

Net weight Frequency

44.5 0
45.5 9
46.5 14
47.5 3
48.5 0
49.5 0
50.5 1
51.5 1
52.5 0

Frequency Polygon showing the net

weight of 28 Lightly Salted Soldanza
Plantain Chips

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
The cumulative Frequency curve table showing the data of twenty-eight lightly salted
soldanza plantain chips.

Net Weight Cumulative Frequency

45 0
45 9
47 23
48 26
49 26
50 26
51 27
52 28

Cumulative Frequency curve showing the net

weight of 28 Lightly Salted Soldanza Platain Chips





44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Net Weight (g)

Calculations for the Mean and standard Deviation.

Net weight (g) Frequency (f) Mid-point (x) F*X F*X^2

45≤x<46 9 45.5 409.5 18,632.25
46≤x<47 14 46.5 651 30,271.5
47≤x<48 3 47.5 142.5 6,768.75
48≤x<49 0 48.5 0 0
49≤x<50 0 49.5 0 0
50≤x<51 1 50.5 50.5 2,550.25
51≤x<52 1 51.5 51.5 2,652.25
∑ 𝑓 = 28 ∑ 𝑓𝑥 = 1,305 ∑ 𝑓 × 𝑥2
= 60,875

∑ 𝑓𝑥 1,305
Mean𝑥̅ = ∑𝑓
= = 46.6𝑔

∑ 𝑓𝑥 2 ∑ 𝑓𝑥 2
Standard Deviation= √ ∑𝑓
− ( ∑𝑓 )

60,875 1,305 2
= √ − ( )
28 28

= √2174.1 − (46.6)2

= √2174.1 − 2171.6

= √2.5 = 1.6𝑔

Analysis of Data
i. The Mean
A quantity that has a value intermediate between those of the extreme members of
some set.

ii. Mode
The most frequently occurring value on list.

iii. Median
The middle value in a list ordered from smallest to largest.

iv. Standard Deviation

A measure of the amount of variation of dispersion of a set of values.
Standard Deviation=1.6g

v. Upper Quartile
The number dividing the third and fourth quartile.
Upper Quartile=46.88g

vi. Lower Quartile

The value under which 25% of data points are found when they are arranged in
increasing order.
Lower Quartile=45.89g

vii. Interquartile Range

The difference between smallest value and the largest value of the middle 50% of a
set of data.
Interquartile Range=0.99g

viii. Range
The difference between the highest and the lowest values in a set of numbers.

Discussion of Findings
From my analysis the mean was said to be 46.6g, followed by that the mode was 46.27g,
then the median was 46.30g, the standard deviation at 1.6g, the upper quartile at 46.88g,
lower quartile at 45,89g, the interquartile range at 0.99g and the range at 5.97g.

Limitations and Delimitations of Project

Limitations of Project
1. The table is not level.
2. Bag have a hole.
3. Chips were eaten.
Delimitation of Project
1. Using a larger sample.
2. Make sure windows are closed.
3. Make sure fans are turned off.

The SBA started with the assumption that the net weight of a bag of lightly salted soldanza
plantain chips is 45g. The data and calculations we have collected shows beyond doubt that
lightly salted soldanza plantain chips do indeed have a net weight of 45g.

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