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Compiled To Complete Course Tasks


Arranged by : Christine Tumilaar

NIM :1541000685


Praise the presence of God Almighty for all His grace so that this paper can be arranged to

    And hope we hope this paper can increase knowledge and experience for the readers,
For the future can improve the form and add the contents of the paper for the better.

    Due to our limited knowledge and experience, We believe there are still many
shortcomings in this paper, therefore we are looking forward to constructive suggestions
and criticism from readers for the perfection of this paper.

Manado, April 2018

Table Of Contents

CHAPTER I…………………………………………………………………………………....1
a. Background…………………………………………………………………………....1
b. Problem Formulation…………………………………………………........................1

CHAPTER II…………………………………………………………………………………...2

a. Causes of Smoking Behavior………………………………………………………....2

1. Definition of Smoking Behavior……………………………………………..…….2
2. Factors Causing Smoking Behavior…………………………………………….....2
3. Teenagers Vulnerable To Smoking Behavior..........................................................2
4. Impact of Smoking Behavior……………………………………………………....2

b. Smoking Behavior Among Today's Youth…………………………………………..3

c. Prevention of Smoking Behavior among Adolescents……………………………...3

CHAPTER III………………………………………………………………………………….4
a. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………..4
b. References……………………………………………………………………………..5


A. Background
The phenomenon of smoking among school age ramaja is not a foreign sight anymore. Based on
data from the Directorate General of Non-Communicable Diseases Ministry of Health, before
1995 the prevalence of adolescents to cigarettes was only seven percent. In 2010 it rose to 19
percent. 54.1 percent of people over the age of 15 smoked and 43.3 percent of the total number
of smokers started smoking in the age range 14-19 years. The number of teenage smokers in
Indonesia continues to increase. Overall, Indonesia ranks 5th in the world as the largest number
of smokers under China, US, Japan, and Russia.
Smoking is one of the most difficult problems to solve. Moreover, it has become a national
problem, and even international. This becomes difficult, because it is related to many factors that
trigger each other, so it seems as if it has become a vicious circle. In terms of health, smoking
should be stopped because it causes cancer and blockage of blood vessels resulting in death,
therefore smoking should be stopped as a preventive effort as early as possible. It is well known
that most smokers are teenagers so there is need for early prevention starting from the school
The smokers feel the pleasure of smoking so real, until it feels so nice and refreshing that every
day should set aside money to smoke. Another group, especially young men, thinks that smoking
is a proud feature of virility, so those who do not smoke are even ridiculed. Though they realize
that smoking can harm health and even cause many serious diseases.
Related to the above phenomenon, it is necessary to research about smoking behavior in
adolescents in order to add insight about smoking behavior and how to handle it so as to prevent
the onset of smoking behavior in adolescents.
This research is a qualitative field research with developmental psychology approach. This
research was conducted at SMK InsanCendekia, Turi, Sleman. The study subjects were chosen
with consideration that some of the school students were smoking around the school
environment. Another reason is because the school is a new school standing 4 years (2007) then
how efforts can be done by schools to make students free from smoking.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the above problems can be formulated problems as follows:
1. What are the factors that cause smoking behavior?
2. Why are teenagers susceptible to smoking behavior?
3. How is smoking behavior among teenagers today?
4. How to prevent smoking behavior in school-age youth?

A. Causes of Smoking Behavior

1. Definition of Smoking Behavior

Cigarettes are made from tobacco. Tobacco leaves (nicotianatabacum) contain nicotine and
various other chemical compounds that have toxic effects. Nicotine contained in tobacco leaves
is a toxic substance that in a dose of only 60 mg can be fatal.
According to the Indonesian dictionary (2008), smoking is defined as smoking a cigarette, while
the cigarette itself is defined as a tobacco roll (about the size of a pinkie) wrapped (nipah leaves,
paper, etc.). Armstrong argues that smoking is sucking tobacco smoke that burns into the body
and blows it back out. Another opinion of Levy states that smoking is something that someone
does in the form of burning and sucking it and can cause smoke that can be inhaled by the people
around him.

Based on the description above it can be concluded that smoking behavior is an activity or
activity to burn cigarettes and then suck it and blow it out and can cause smoke that can be
inhaled by the people around him.

2. Factors Causing Smoking Behavior

Smoking is a behavior that is harmful to health, but there are still many people who do it. Even
people start smoking when they are teenagers. Originally, people who smoke cigarettes feel
uncomfortable, such as headaches, dry mouth and odor. But over time if continued many times
and get used to the smoker will feel good and delicious. After that become addicted, addicted,
and dependent, both physically and psychologically.

There are various reasons put forward by experts to answer why someone smokes. According to
Levy every individual has a different smoking habit and is usually adjusted to their purpose of
smoking. The opinion is supported by Smet who stated that someone smokes because of socio
cultural factors such as cultural habits, social class, prestige, and education level.
In general, according to Kurt Lewin, that smoking behavior is a function of the environment and
the individual, meaning smoking behavior other than caused by factors within the self, also
caused by environmental factors.

The factors of the individual are:

1. Biological Factors
Many studies show that nicotine in cigarettes is one of the chemicals that plays an important role
in dependencesmoke.

2. Psychological Factors
Smoking can be meaningful to increase concentration, to drowsy, to familiarize the atmosphere
so that there is a sense of brotherhood,
can also give a modern and authoritative impression, so for individuals who often associate with
others, smoking behavior is difficult to avoid.
3. Demographic Factors
These factors include age and sex. People who smoke in adulthood are more likely, but the
influence of sex today is not very important because both men and women are now smoking.
Environmental factors are:

1. Social Environment Factor

The social environment affects the attitudes, beliefs and individual attention of smokers.

2. Social-Cultural Factors
Cultural habits, social class, educational level, income and job prestige will influence smoking
behavior in individuals.

3. Social Political Factors

Adding general awareness results in protective political measures for people who do not smoke
and efforts to launch health promotion campaigns to reduce smoking behavior. Smoking is
becoming an increasing problem in developing countries like Indonesia.

3. Teenagers Vulnerable To Smoking Behavior

In general, teenagers have a high curiosity. Because driven by a high curiosity teenagers tend to
want to explore all things and try everything that has never experienced. Also encouraged also by
the desire as adults, causing teens want to try to do what is often done by adults. As a result, it is
not uncommon for teenage boys to try smoking because they often see adults doing it. As if in
his little heart said that teenagers want to prove that actually he is capable of doing as adults do.
Often the teenagers do the deeds according to their own norms because they see too many
inconsistencies in the community by adults or parents between what is often said in
various forums with real reality in the field. Moral words are echoed everywhere but immorality
is also witnessed everywhere by teenagers.

4. Impact of Smoking Behavior

World Health Organization (WHO In 1998) conducted research on tobacco and cigarettes
catapulted 6 things:
1. Cigarette is the first door of death
2. Cigarette is the number 3 killer after heart and cancer
3. 1 cigarette causes the age of a person to shorten 12 minutes
4. World 10 people per day die of cigarettes
5. In Indonesia 57,000 people die from smoking
6. According to the experts of a smoker or who smokes cigarette smoke intentionally or
unintentionally will be susceptible to disease, especially breathing, heart, lung, cancer, blood
vessels, impotence, pregnancy disorders, and the fetus.

A person who is addicted to cigarettes if stopped will experience symptoms addicted to

cigarettes, among others:
1. Feelings not in the mouth (kecuten)
2. Emotional
3. Anxious and restless
4. Concentration is disturbed
5. Head pain
6. Drowsiness
7. Dizziness
8. Indigestion

B. Smoking Behavior Among Today's Youth

Based on research through observation, interview, documentation and data processing
questionnaires to 40 students of SMK InsanCendekia, which are 15 male students and 25 female
students of class X and XI on Thursday December 6, 2011, the following is the result:

1. Smoking Student
Based on direct interviews and data obtained from questionnaires with students of SMK
InsanCendekia it is known that there are 21 students or 52.5% who never smoked, while who
never smoked as many as 19 people or 47.5%. The results can be described in the diagram as

From the questionnaire it was found that not only male students had smoked but also female
students. A total of 21 students who smoke, consisting of 15 male students and 6 female

Researchers found two reasons they first smoked, which is mostly because they are curious or
just want to try and one person because of depression. As admitted by Fauzul, the students
interviewed, admitted smoking first because of trial and error. "I smoke because I want to try it,
anyway also said temengangrokokgagaul". She smokes for only a year because she has the
motivation to quit smoking. After the researcher asked what his motivation was, he replied with
a mild smile "yes, motivation because girl". Finally until now he does not smoke anymore.
Researchers categorize students into 3 namely: Passive smokers, active smokers, smokers
addicts. Passive smokers are people who do not smoke but are forced to participate in inhaling
cigarette smoke because they can not avoid it anymore. The indicator of passive smoking:
1. Never smoked.
2. Feeling disturbed by the environment of smokers.
3. Knowing the dangers of smoking.

Active smokers are people who smoke but do not feel the need of cigarettes. The indicators of
active smokers:
1. Smoking is not a requirement.
2. Hold if not smoking in a day.
3. Can refrain if not have a cigarette

Smoking addicts are people who smoke because of addiction and have become a necessity. As
for the indicator of the addict smoker:
1. Smoking is a necessity.
2. Every day must be smoking.
3. If you run out of cigarettes, then do not hold up to get it.

Based on the above indicator, the students are categorized in the following diagram.
Can be seen in the diagram that 47.5% passive smokers, 35% active smokers and smokers
addicts as much as 17.5%.
One of the passive smokers is Dian. He claimed to never smoke because smoking can damage
health. He said "Smoking is damaging to health, such as damaging the lungs, and a lot, harming
others too". He was disturbed when there are some who smoke around. Similar to Dian, Ilya.Ilya
also does not smoke because of the cause and effect of smoking. Although he often teased his
friend for not smoking, he can still control himself not to smoke.
While the students categorized in active smokers are Juhari and Fauzul. Juhari first smokes for
trial and error. He only smokes if offered his friend as a sense of appreciation. His statement
"Initially it did not start ngrokok, but see my friends on ngrokokya so follow-up how it feels
ngrokok". Fauzul is the same as Juhari, who smokes for trying. He had said "not ngkok not
gaul", although now he has stopped smoking.
One of the addicts smokers is Anto. She smokes every day. Even in a day at least spend 6
cigarettes. He felt limp and difficult to concentrate if he refrained from smoking. "If you do not
feel like lemes, do not do anything" he said. He added "If in lessons ya become less
concentrated". Smoking has become a routine habit. "If ngrook is already normal," said Anto.

2. Enjoying Smoking
There are some students who enjoy smoking, but there are some who do not enjoy cigarettes. Of
the 52.5% of students who smoke, only a few who claim smoking are pleasant and refreshing,
that is only about 24%, the rest do not feel smoking is fun and refreshing.
If illustrated in the diagram then illustrated as follows:

Based on interviews with students in depth, found one student who feels smoking is fun and
refreshing, namely Anto. He said that by smoking he could be more fresh and able to

3. Smoking When Angry

In the questionnaire question "Do you smoke when you feel angry?" Get 29% of the result of
smoking when feeling angry and the rest when not feeling angry.
In the diagram can be described:

Some teens smoke when they feel angry. This suggests smoking is a way or a sedative for some
smokers who experience anger. In other words, smoking can reduce their anger.
4. Smoking Adds Confidence and Easy to Mix
Smoking can add confidence and easy to get along, like the words of students who smoke that is
Fauzul, "not ngrokok not gaul". Ilya also often ridiculed his friend if it does not ngrokok not
slang. But even so Ilya still not smoking. "Not hanging out if not ngrokok it's just a matter of
prestige, if I still do not papa not gaul" said Ilya. The sentence is not true for one-third of

students who smoke. From the questionnaire results, there are 33% who agree that smoking can
add confidence and easy to get along. In the diagram is described as follows:

Indeed only a third of smokers who agree with smoking can add confidence and get along easily.
With this reality shows the relationship between smoking with confidence and association even
though the percentage is not too big.
5. Knowing the Dangers of Cigarettes
From the questionnaire it was found that all students who had smoked wanted to quit smoking
behavior. This is because cigarettes are harmful to health. Of the 40 students, all claim to know
the dangers of cigarettes. Ironically they know that smoking not only endanger themselves only
smokers, but also harm others.Individually, they know smoking is dangerous. However, because
adolescents are a period of unstable, easily affected, and the search period of identity then
smoking behavior is still done. The amount of curiosity and want to experiment often encourages
teenagers to do new things, including those who have never smoked want to feel how smoking
is. The environment of friends who smoke sometimes also provoke themselves to smoke as well.
In addition, nicotine in cigarettes also causes addiction making it difficult to quit smoking
despite the desire to stop. Knowing the dangers of smoking alone is not enough to avoid

C. Prevention of Smoking Behavior among Adolescents

It takes action and direction to overcome smoking behavior in adolescents in particular This is
where the role of teachers is needed, especially for teachers BK and religious teachers for
prevention of smoking behavior so as to minimize the number of smokers.
Smoking ban has become a school rule but still there are smoking because in adolescence the
curiosity and friends of the group greatly affect. He said "It has become the nature of teens who
tend to trend or other friends".

students who smoke can be known through its characteristics. If you meet face to face smelled of
the aroma, his lips look black, and from his teeth there are substances that stick to his teeth.
Smoking behavior needs special handling. From the school side, each year must emphasize the
school rules, especially the ban on smoking. The school also invites resource persons from the
health department to provide counseling or socialization about health, especially the dangers of
smoking. In addition, schools work with local health centers to conduct a thorough physical
examination to find out which students smoke. However, he added that this method has not been
effective because students are only aware some time after counseling. Moreover, schools can
only control during school hours only, after that school can not control.

The actions of religious teachers overcome the behavior of adolescent smoking, carried out by
giving warnings to students really know the dangers of smoking so that it can leave a cigarette.
Warnings are given one to five times. If not deterrent then given the punishment such as cleaning
wc and school environment. For students who live in the boarding school found smoking, it will
not be fed until it is really a deterrent to smoking.

According to researchers, the actions taken by schools are quite effective. Researchers add action
that needs to be done to prevent smoking behavior among adolescents is the need for cooperation
between the school and parents to supervise and direct the behavior of teenagers. One of the
typical needs of adolescents is the need for love. Parental concern for children is one of the forms
of affection for children. Parents should know the emotional state of children, especially when
the child is depressed so as not to vent on smoking behavior.

Supervision of adolescent association by parents and school will give maximum result in
overcoming smoking behavior in adolescent. Parents should oversee the child's playing
environment and how their peers are. Because, as teenagers rely on peer groups, adolescents
need to be accepted and recognized by their group. When making friends with a group of people
who smoke, the child will easily smoke as well.
Plus the need for exemplary, especially from parents and teachers. Because adolescents have the
characteristics to want to try what adults do, as if to prove what adults do can also be done by

In addition, counseling about the dangers of smoking should not only focus on the long term just
as it can cause serious illness, but also should focus on the short term like smoking the same as
burning money, the prospective boyfriend does not like the smell and why fooled ad. Plus,
students should always remember the slogan "turn off your cigarette before you turn off the

Smoking behavior is an activity or activity to burn cigarettes and then suck it and exhale it out
and can cause smoke that can be inhaled by the people around him. Smoking behavior of many
teenagers because teens have a sense of curiosity or a sense of trying to experiment that tends to
be high, including wanting to try to feel the cigarette.
Factors causing smoking are individual factors and environmental factors. Individual factors
include: biological factors, psychological factors and demographic factor factors. While
environmental factors include: social environmental factors, socio-cultural factors and socio-
political factors.

To cope with smoking behavior requires action and direction conducted by the school, especially
BK teachers and religious teachers. The school counseling about the dangers of smoking done by
the school with the health service is an early attempt to cope with smoking behavior. Extension
actions should cover both long-term impact and short-term impact. For students who smoke
should be given a warning. If not deterrent, should be given punishment measures such as
cleaning the wc or school environment. In addition, schools should also work with parents in
supervising students so that supervision becomes more effective and students are not wrong to
take action in the association. It is also important that parents and teachers should set an example
for students to abandon smoking because smoking can harm themselves and others.

Dharmayati. 2011. Number of Adult Smokers Increases. Online: www.yudiblablabla-

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Bandung: Nuance.
Mahanani, Fauzan A. 2011. Relationship Between Attitudes To Smoking With Smoking Habits
In Teens. Online: www.fauzan.smkdarunnajah.sch.id. (accessed on 8 December 2011 at 08.58
Nasution, Indri Kemala. 2007. Smoking Behavior in Youth, Medan: USU Repository.
Wicaksono, Adi. 2011. Number of Smokers in Indonesia Most Fifth in the World. Online:
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Jakarta: Earth Literacy.
Posted by Dedy_eNHa at 19:33

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