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Name: Xavier Basil C.

Cometa Date: 11/19/2021

Title of Activity: (08) Global Compact on Education Course: TED01A

I would like to begin my stand quoting in the welcoming address of H.E Cardinal Giuseppe
Versaldi, the Prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education saying that “Educating is much
more than teaching”, and continuing the prince of the Church said that ” focus on the centrality of the
person and creating the necessary conditions for an integral development. Giving children and young
people a proper autonomy and the necessary leadership will make it possible for each one to grow
inwardly, as part of a living, interdependent, and fraternal community. In sharing a common destiny,
the complexity of reality will be interpreted through a new pact on education, leading us to
rediscover the beauty of humanism inspired by the Gospel.” Thus, this Vademecum challenges the
people either believers or non-believers especially students studying to become a teacher and as well
as professionals teachers to called to venture into deep waters and make the cast and bring in the
catch for the Lord. Indeed, educating is much more than teaching if we dare to put our trust in God
and according to Rev.Fr. Mgr. Vincenzo Zani that “education must help us to build a future that is
no longer marked by division, by the impoverishment of thinking and imagination, but one based on
listening, dialogue, and mutual understanding.” Beautifully expressed by Bishop Zani that education
must engaged in listening, dialogue and mutual understanding but the question is how? As a teacher
how can we integrate the Gospel values through the language of the signs of times in the context of
Education? It is necessary to encounter first the risen Jesus Christ in the pedagogy of education to
learn from Him how to become a Great Rabbi,” the model of all teachers.” As I have observed
Vademecum focuses more on “human person” and it seems that the letter is directly opening our eyes
on the reality of the modern context of education which implies to focus more on the person itself not
by work or money but the practical and values intelligent which will help the student to grow more
and understand his or her self. Teaching requires greater focus and venture into deeper personal
encounter of every student the letter values education for an integral formation that values all human
dimensions, respect and rights to every person who wanted to learn. Pope Francis says that every
change needs an educational journey, to rebuild the fabric relationships, bring to maturity a new
universal solidarity, and give life to a more welcoming society. A teacher who gives life to every
student’s dream must build a foundation of values, accompaniment and fruit of knowledge. Teachers
transform the society by giving life to their dreams and teacher encouraged to foster the life of
openness, acceptance, understanding political growth and integral ecology, cultivating and protecting
our common home and uniqueness of each student in the spread of the throwaway culture. One of the
challenges of being teacher is being an arrogant and proud, as if we all know everything about the
world but we are wrong as a teacher we need to learn how to listen on the drama, happiness and
wisdom of our young people for today. Listen even in the stupidest word that you ever heard always
remember that there is something to ponder upon that word maybe not now but in future. As teacher
we bring out the light of knowledge through listening and through that I invite you to discern. In
listening and discernment we come to know how far we are now and much more effort that needs to
exert for improvement and once more to appreciate the uniqueness and talents of every human
Furthermore, my fellow Educators I would like to invite everyone into a deeper
contemplation about the meaning of education and purpose of life given by the Magisterium. So, the
letter beautifully starts from making human persons as center. In the book of Genesis chapter II “God
formed man, put him into the Garden of Eden to work and keep it.” And as the stories goes man fall
to sin and God because of His love ended up clothed them which symbolize dignity of the person. If
you are a keen observer you can notice that God even at the point that his creation disobeyed Him
still He manifest his love to man by giving him cloths and even put man under control of all of his
creation which reecho the psalm 8. If God consider man as His stewards and peek of all creations,
“How about us?, Educators are we going to spread of a throwaway culture, disrespect and
discriminate our fellow men – our student. ” My fellow educator I am inviting and challenging all of
you to give a necessary action on building-up anthropological foundation and appreciating person’s
identity. Hence, listening is the beginning of understanding. One of the models of listening is the
young Samuel when he acclaimed “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” My dear Educators have
an attitude of attentive and respectful listening and dialogue with the young- the students, because if
we know how to listen we can able to understand and help more our students through dialogue. As a
teacher we encourage more on gender equality on learning-based in class and recognizing the same
rights, dignity, and equality between man and woman. Thus, in the classroom as a teacher I must
encourage each one of you to embrace family spirit. Family plays an important role in educating the
child; the primary task of parents is to become a principal educator of values and faith. Thus, as
people know family prepares the child into a deeper meaning and purpose of life not only to meet the
society needs but a citizens of the kingdom of God. The person nurture by the love of family enables
to share the values and skills that he or she acquired rooted in the family spirit. Nevertheless, in a
globalized world, where standards of living are imbalanced my dear Educator what is our response?
“Knowledge is power”, if that power can challenge and change the world into a better future kindly
use it for that purpose. According to Global Compact on Education that teachers must educate and
be educated on the need for acceptance and in particular, openness to the most vulnerable and
marginalized. Let us help one another and promote awareness programs in an intercultural and
interreligious perspective. As a human being we are challenge to broaden our knowledge in
answering the problem in regards to economy, politics, growth and progress. The main objective of
education is to form men and women, young and old “to capable of being protagonists of the
common good.” As an Educator what we must do to help our society stuck by an old system of
politics and economy. Ideally I would like to support the suggestion given by; Encouraged study and
research on economics, politics, growth and progress in family, community, society, nation and
world level. Through that we come to know what is really needs to improve and what is necessary for
our today’s need. As knowledgeable person in the society if there is necessary we trained people who
are willing to serve the community. Lastly, the care for our common home in every profession that
we take, man has the responsibility to take care for his home – Earth. We teachers as role model of
society; I encouraged all of you to become a catalyst of change to promote environmental friendly
activities, lead the people by educating them the importance of our environment, facilitate and make
a research on conservation of energy.
In conclusion, as Educators of values, knowledge and faith our vocation is to become a
catalyst of change for the betterment of the world. Teachers are born to unveil what is the truth and
help his or her student to achieve and relate their dreams. My dear Educators education requires
entering into sincere and genuine dialogue with young people – students. We are all encouraged by
the Supreme Pontiff to walk together as people of God and confront “idolatry of the self”. In our
modern times as globalization rapidly developing and so must technological advancement as well. As
Educators educate them in social media and online life that creates impact on educational field. What
must we do? Adapt? correlate and I do believe social media and platforms make our life easier but
there is also a danger with it, addiction and globalization of indifference yet the Holy Father reminds
us to Discern for the best and the common good. Educators I would love to encourage you more to
become the salt of the earth and light of the world through that processing and integrating the
necessary actions of the times. As I have mention earlier “Teachers are called to venture into deep
waters and make the cast and bring in the catch for the Lord.” Teachers accompany the students on
what to learn and what is necessary in life. Nevertheless, do not make savage maniac professionals
yet allow yourself to be a model of goodness of God through teaching. Thus, teachers impart your
knowledge to your students and allow them to discern what is good and bad yet educate their
conscience never ever allow them to discern alone but accompany them in their journey, let them
own what is right for them. So, my dear teachers what is your vision in the world and how do you
accompany your students in their life? These two questions allow us to reflect what the necessary for
the students to learn, learning and experiencing is the best knowledge that you can impart to them,
teachers what is your perspective about the world and the man - student. Jesus said to his disciples
“Go and preach to the world and baptized them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.” The
lord is sending you “Teachers” to renew our educational focus that can provide an important meeting
ground to rebuild a network of relationships to others. The Holy Father challenges us by saying,”
education can now be understood as a path of formation for younger generations, at the same time, as
an opportunity to review and renew our entire society which, in an effort to transmit the best of itself
to the youngest, discern its own behavior and possible improves it.” Teachers are now encouraged by
the heavy demands of our today’s education through educating our young people we can realistically
hope for a positive change though the process of planning. Pope Francis said” Whatever will be in
the future must rely on the best of what we have today. Whoever will be there in the future is entitled
to the best of who is here today.” See my dear Educators the great impact that you can make if you
do something for this generation. Let us help one another as brothers and sisters of Christ to educate,
love and accompany our young people – student. Lastly, educating to serve and Educating is to
serve. The goal of education is to serve our fellow men and for the betterment of our common home.
I would like to quote what the Holy Father said” Educators cannot succeed in their educational action
unless they commit to forming and shaping.” As Educators commitment and trusting our formatter
and formation emphasizes the greater possibility of preparing ourselves for the greater mission
entrusted to us “Forming our students” Those lessons and skills that the Educators acquire during the
process of formation can be a great tool to those people whom we are sent to. Indeed, Educators
acknowledge your fragility and weaknesses in life, yet never too anxious of life for God said, “My
grace is sufficient for you.” Education makes us see the better world and through Education and with
the help of educators let us make a world worth for living.

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