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Name : Riko Nofrando Simanjuntak
Place, Date of Birth : Bandar Lampung, 10 November 1996
Gender : Male
Martial Status : Single
Nationality : Indonesia
Linkedin :

Bachelor Degree of Geology Engineering (2016-2021)
Institute Of Technology Sumatera
GPA : 3.08 of 4.00
Final Project : “Geology of the Srengsem Region, Bandar Lampung City and Surrounding Areas”


Highly motivated in the Company, Service and Mineral mining industry as entry level Geological engineer
position or any job related to self-detail oriented, adaptable, hardworking and able to work well under pressure.

When I was in college, I had an internship experience at PT. BPTM LIPI Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung,
Lampung and studied how to analyze the data obtained and then processed it by determining the elemental
content of the gold ore contained by several petrological methods, X-Ray Difraction, and X-Ray Fluorescence
after that it was known the mineral element content contained in The sample is then obtained the percentage and
Ppm content after that it is known whether it is economical to carry out further studies for mining. I am also
experienced in several lecturer projects from starting to prepare some of the equipment needed, data collection
both sample preparation, data processing etc. As a student I am actively involved in organizational academic
and non-academic programs, such as Laboratory Assistant, Student Organization Staff, and Volunteer Programs
which can improve my personality in team work, management, development, etc. I am familiar with Arc GIS,
Q GIS, Global Mapper, and Surfer software and Microsoft Office which can be used to work on several projects.

 Excellent communication & presentation skills
 Good to work as a Teamwork, Leadership and working attitude
 Good at problem solving for continues improvement

 Practical Work at PT. BPTM LIPI Tanjung Bintang, South Lampung, Indonesia. (2020)
- Analyzing the characteristics of the Gold Ore content from the Tanggamus district, Kota Agung,
Lampung to determine the rock samples Petrology for their mineral content, then determining several
samples to be analyzed by X-Rayy Diffraction and X-Rayy Fluorescence to determine the
percentage, Ppm of the elemental content of gold ore then whether it is economical to conduct a study
advanced for mining

 Laboratory Assistant at Geology Laboratory, Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung,

Indonesia. (2020)
- Work under the guidance of a teacher to teach students about Mineral Deposits based on the
meaning of mineral deposits, their sediment forms, wall rock, and structural controls such as
Faults, Folds, and Contacts between rocks, Types of mineral deposits, then analyzed in the
laboratory in the form of creative field case studies, make sure all students carry out practicums in
accordance with the SOP that have been set, ensuring students carry out their duties and understand
them well.

 Laboratory Assistant at Geology Laboratory, Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung,

Indonesia. (2019)
- Work under the guidance of a teacher to teach students about Micro-Paleontology, describe
microfossils that are no larger than four millimeters in size, understand the Types of Microfossils
so that they are analyzed using a microscope and then Analyzed in the laboratory in the form of
creative field case studies, ensuring all students carry out practicums in accordance with the SOP
that have been set, ensuring students carry out their duties and understand them well.

 Laboratory Assistant at Geology Laboratory, Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung,

Indonesia. (2019)
- Work under the guidance of a teacher to teach students about Sedimentary Rock based on rock
types, rock formation to the mechanism of deposition of rocks and their constituent minerals then
analyzed in the laboratory in the form of creative field case studies, ensuring all students carry out
practicums in accordance with the SOP that are regulated, ensuring students carry out their duties
and understand them well.

 Laboratory Assistant at Geology Laboratory, Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung,

Indonesia. (2018)
- Work under the guidance of a teacher to teach students about Pertology based on rock types, their
constituent minerals and formations such as Igneous rock, Sedimentary rock, Metamorphic rock
then analyzed in the laboratory in the form of creative field case studies, ensuring all students carry
out practicums in accordance with the SOP that are regulated, ensuring students carry out their
duties and understand them well.

- Arc GIS
- Surfer 10
- Global Mapper
- Microsoft Office (Word, Excell, Power point)
- Coreldraw, Photoshop

Language Proficiency
- Bahasa Indonesia (Native Language)
- English (Medium Proficiency)


 Participant of National Webminar “Engineering Career Opportunities and Challenges In The
4.0 Revolution Era” Institute Of Technology Sumatera, Lampung, Indonesia. (2020)
- Following technological advances that are increasingly developing and providing motivation for
opportunities in the world of work, doing long-term thinking about an engineering career in the
4.0 revolution era

 Senator of Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi (HMGL) AVANINDRA Institute of

Technology Sumatera, Lampung, Indonesia. (2019)
- Helps Conduct follow-up to the issues addressed by the achievement of the issues, Identifying
and responsibility towards various issues of student that developed within the scope of the
faculty, work together and participate in all the activities of other ministries, conducting
advocacy in policy bureaucrats and student organizations, doing advocacy in service focus
especially related to scholarships and the UKT system, etc.

 A-Z Petroleum Geologist, Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geologist Research Forum

- Organize all events and provide a forum to prepare students for learning about oil and gas, give
calculation assignments for oil well data collection, and how to deal with problems that occur if
there is a leak. establish cooperation with the Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geology forum
 Departement Head Religious of Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi (HMGL)
AVANINDRA Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung, Indonesia. (2018)
- Manage all events and provide a forum to prepare for academic competitions for students,
conference delegates and internal selection, helping to facilitate students in preparing for exams,
selecting and assess students become delegates in the race on campus and off campus, and the
activity of council officers internal.

 Departement Head Interest and Talent of Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Geologi (HMGL)
AVANINDRA Institute of Technology Sumatera, Lampung, Indonesia. (2018)
- Collect all data on students who have interests and talents to be distributed when participating in
competitions held on campus and outside campus, make procurement of equipment to support the
continuity of interests and talents, hold competitions held on campus.

 Participant of National Event IAGI ( Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia) Geotourism Is One Way
For Sustainable Tourism, Indonesia. (2018)
- Building geotourism as a way to develop sustainable tourism in Lampung and to motivate
people to care about the enormous tourism potential in Lampung from the start of preserving
nature and caring for the environment.


 Seminar Nasional dan Fieldtrip Geowisata (2019)

- Held by Ikatan ahli Geologi Indonesia, Masyarakat Geowisata Indonesia (MAGI)
 Seminar Internasional Krakatau (2018)
- Held by Guberbernur Lampung Sertificate, Dinas Parawisata Provinsi Lampung
 A-Z Petroleum Geologist (2018)
- Held by Indonesian Society of Petroleum Geologist (ISPG) Reseach Forum
 International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology & Regional Development
- Workshop Gemstone ICOSITER


- Leadership
- Time Working
- Team Management
- Problem Solving


- Music & Sing

- Football

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