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Steps of the Disciplining Procedure

There are 4 basic stages to the Marriott disciplining procedure, which may be entered into
at any stage, depending on the seriousness of the matter:
Stage 1-Verbal warning
Stage 2 First written warning
Stage 3-Final written warning
Stage 4-Dismissal

Verbal warning
Formal recorded verbal warnings are given for minor conduct or job performance issues.
The emphasis should be on coaching to improve performance/conduct at this stage.
A verbal warming will remain effective for 6 months from the date of the disciplinary
decision and the associate should be made aware that the warning constitutes the first
formal stage of the disciplinary procedure.

First Written Warning

This applies when it appears that an associate has committed a more serious breach of
general discipline, or not met performance standards or conduct expectations following a
verbal warning.
A first written warning will be effective for 12 months from the date of the disciplinary
decision and will be recorded on the associate's personal file for this length of time after
which it will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes.

Second and/or Final Written Warning

This will be issued when an associate has failed to improve following the issue of a
previous first written warning or when a disciplinary offence has occurred of such a
serious nature that is the only alternative to dismissal.
A final written warning will be effective for 12 months from the date of the disciplinary
decision and will be recorded on the associate's personal file for this length of time, after
which it will be disregarded for disciplinary purposes.
NB: A verbal or written warning may be retained on an associate's file beyond its stated
validity period where it remains relevant to other non-disciplinary matters e.g. any future
sale of the business or part of the business, and/or pay or bonus reviews.

A failure to improve performance, or further repetition of misconduct following a final
written warning will usually result in dismissal.

As part of the disciplinary policy, the Company may decide that it is necessary to demote
or transfer an associate from their current position. This will generally occur for serious
misconduct-for example, alongside a final written warning or as an alternative to
dismissal-or where performance has not improved since earlier stages of the Disciplinary
This demotion or transfer may either be temporary or permanent. The Company reserves
the right to alter an associate's terms and conditions of employment, including salary, to
reflect a new role after demotion or transfer.
Where demotion or transfer is exercised, the associate should receive written
confirmation of the new role and its terms and conditions alongside the disciplinary
outcome confirmation letter, within 3 days of the verbal decision.

Summary Dismissal
Summary dismissal occurs when an associate's conduct or behaviour constitutes gross
misconduct and/or gross negligence, or when their conduct/behaviour makes it
unacceptable for them to remain in the workplace/continue in employment. The associate
is consequently dismissed without notice and without pay in lieu of notice. Such action
will only be taken after full and careful consideration of the facts and following full
Investigation of all facts and the Company's disciplinary procedure.
The Company reserves the right to take additional action e.g. involving the police, where
NB: No dismissal decision should be taken until after the GM or his/her designated
deputy has been informed that the disciplining Manager is contemplating dismissal
However, the GM/ designated deputy should take no part in the decision making process
at this stage. In the event that the GM is the immediate supervisor of the associate being
disciplined and potentially dismissed, the Area Vice President and/or Regional Vice
President, Human Resources or his designate, will be directly involved in the disciplinary

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