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Five (5) Step Guide in Solving Identity Crises as a Freelance Writer

According to a recent research study, Web Content Management: Global Markets, there is an
increasing demand for both marketing strategists and writers in general.

And while delving into the writing community may be a good choice for freelancers, it is even
better if one is clear about the sector or industries they would want to pitch for in the future,
whether it is entertainment, business and finance, travel and leisure, health and awareness, etc.

In essence, one should be able to carve out a specific niche as this is even a great step away from
creating that unique bio that stands out in a resume. Again, this would evidently boost
confidence in client-base when referral or recommendations are forwarded to others. After all, in
the online space of freelancing, an impressive portfolio in line with a niche tends to increase
chances of possible hiring.

Lara Vandenburg, Founder of “Companies are looking for hyper specialized
skills rather than generalists, and freelance talent is better equipped to meet these needs,
especially for one-off projects. As a freelancer, while there is greater opportunity, the challenge
is differentiating yourself among a growing pool of talent.”

So, maybe you do have bright ideas you like to put on paper or document but seem to be stuck in
this phase of experimenting with different writing styles or topics. If this is you, here are five
simple hacks that will actually help solve identity crises as a freelance writer:

1. Identify your interest

Do you have a knack for critiquing films or TV Shows? Are you a financial expert who is
able to break down all the technical and fundamental analysis on the stock exchange
market? Either way it is important to have some sort of in-depth knowledge about the
topics you write about. A simple way to achieve this is by paying attention to areas that
arouse your interest.

2. Journaling
Now that you have identified what you are passionate about. The next step is begin your
journey. Word press is a site that allows users to create a customized blog and is highly
suggested for newbie freelancers interested in gaining exposure.

3. Share your work to friends and family in order to gain feedback. This would serve as
basis for constructive criticism and appraisal. The goal is to boost your confidence and
polish your skills.
4. Consistency. Writing is like building a muscle , the more you do it the better you get
good at it. Have a set schedule and consistently stick to it. And remember, don't count the
words, make the words count.

5. Build a portfolio. The essence of building a portfolio is to have clients to rate your
language proficiency or fluency and competency with subject matter. In the pursuit of
building that perfect portfolio make sure to prepare three to five of your best writing
samples as this is a form of advertisement.


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