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Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam

(BIDV)’s internal training

Pham Tung Chi

Student ID: 2111110039

School of Economics and International Business

Module 101: Introduction to Psychology

Dr. Vu Thu Trang

May 09, 2022


1. Abstract

The motives behind any firm's prosperity are all based on several factors such as clear

objectives, quick updates, and adaptations to continuously changing world trends or

abundant overseas capital. In particular, human resources have been the decisive

factor in the development of and the face of a business through which people can

evaluate the professionalism, operation, and management of owners. Joint Stock

Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, also known as BIDV,

is the most illustrative. With a mission to bring the best benefits and utilities to

customers, shareholders, laborers, and the social community, BIDV stands out from

all other banks with efficient internal training for recruits.

2. Introduction

There are many explanations for a company’s success. If the Haidilao Company has

earned huge revenues thanks to its customer-centric principle and insights into the

psychology of customers, Vingroup Company has experienced a miraculous

development because of the outstanding leadership of billionaire Pham Nhat Vuong.

Generally speaking, whether a firm is a success story or not depends on many factors.

However, human resources are the most decisive one determining the development

and professionalism of that firm. BIDV is a typical example of the statement: A

company is thriving only if human resources are focused, trained, and developed


3. Overview of BIDV

3.1. Company overview

Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam, also

known as BIDV, was established on April 26, 1957, with its head office located in

Hanoi. It is the largest commercial bank in Vietnam by asset size in 2019. At the end

of 2020, BIDV was honored as "Vietnam’s Best Transaction Bank" and "Vietnam’s

Best Money Management Bank". One year later, BIDV continued its impressive series

of achievements when awarded “Vietnam’s Best Retail Bank in Vietnam” and

“Vietnam’s Best Consumer Loan Product” by The Asian Banker magazine. By the

beginning of 2022, BIDV broke into the top 10 largest enterprises in Vietnam

announced by Vietnam Report. BIDV’s seamless omnichannel efforts across social

media, their mobile app, and within the bank agencies themselves can contribute much

to their outstanding achievements, but the real heroes will always be the company’s

frontline employees and efficient internal training. Hence, at the beginning of April

2021, BIDV was honored as "Enterprise for Employees”, demonstrating an effective

and influential internal training program.

Therefore, to clarify this case, this report below sheds light on internal training in

BIDV and assesses its effectiveness in training recruits. In other words, this report

illustrates the types of learning taking place in the workplace and how they are


3.2. Perspective on employee training


BIDV holds a progressive perspective on training employees, especially recruits. They

think that investment in human resources should be prioritized. Only those capable of

all three aspects: mind, mentality, and physicality can steer the boat through the storm

and achieve such outstanding achievements. It is also why BIDV puts much time and

effort into building internal training for staff, especially for new employees.

Especially, BIDV considers training employees as a long-term instead of short – term

process often seen in its other counterparts. The training course is not only for recruits

to familiarize themselves with the job position but also for leaders at BIDV’s head

offices across the country. They have to participate in those training programs every

two years to update and catch up with changes in financial and economic world

trends, then make appropriate policies and adjustments. In other words, the training

process in BIDV will take place continuously during each staff’s employment history.

It is also a difference that creates outstanding employees in BIDV with impressive


4. Training process

4.1. Orientation

BIDV’s human resources development orientation is to build a competitive training,

remuneration mechanism, and candidate evaluation associated with the salary and

bonus policy. Specifically, this internal training utilizes the 70/20/10 method, in which

training via on-the-job experience takes up 70%, training by learning from coaches’

feedback and mentorship, while the remaining 10% is acquired by participating in

training modules.

4.2. Methodology

After signing the probationary labor contract (at BIDV, the probationary period is also

the training one), recruits work in the department according to their assigned tasks for

two months. Whether they get the job depends on their final assessment score by

colleagues, seniors, and the board of directors. During training, new employees will

receive bonus points if they have excellent performance and high productivity.

On the first day of work, recruits have to adapt to the working environment and

culture and get acquainted with other colleagues in the company. They are also

required to read the codes of conduct and professional ethics to know how to behave

toward other colleagues and customers. Simultaneously, they are equipped with a

foundation of knowledge about the work they will undertake and run errands for other

seniors, such as printing documents, photocopying materials, and transferring the


After one week of familiarization with the corporate culture and basic knowledge, the

department leader will assign several tasks to the probation officer, such as reading

documents and researching business processes for around one to two weeks under the

guidance of experienced staff. After completing the tasks, recruits must submit a

report on those tasks.

After that, new employees have practical experience by participating in training

activities under the guidance of a group of experienced colleagues in the department.

Specifically, they are involved in practical work as assistants to observe the way

others solve problems, undertake operations, and acquire their working styles. For

example, if recruits work in a customer transaction office, they can observe

experienced staff advising and assisting customers on banking products or services or

performing accounting and reporting tasks.

To attract more and more new employees, BIDV put efforts into building an award

system that emphasizes the benefits employees can gain by successfully performing

their tasks. Recruits’ performance is evaluated by their instructors weekly. New

officers who do their work well are given bonus points at the end of the probationary

period. By contrast, if they do not do well, they will receive minus points and may not

continue the work if those mistakes are repeated.

After two months, candidates have to sit for an assessment test that includes writing

an evaluation report on their work performance and presenting it to a leadership

committee. The score from the board of directors and instructions will determine

whether the candidate is accepted or not. If qualified, candidates are accepted to sign

an official contract and are assigned specific tasks.

At the end of the probationary period, recruits who get the job can join the new staff

class to be disseminated about BIDV's corporate culture and train more new

knowledge to meet the job demand. After the training process, the new staff must pass

an exam to check the acquisition and perception of skills and knowledge that have

been trained.

5. Analysis

The internal training program for new employees at BIDV has demonstrated three

types of learning, including operant conditioning, observational learning, and

classroom learning.

Operant conditioning is a form of learning in which voluntary responses come to be

controlled by their consequences. While rewards are introduced to increase behavior,

punishment decreases one. Regarding operant conditioning, this process takes place

when new employees. Obviously, in this case of BIDV, a minus point acts as a

punishment that motivates them to avoid mistakes and laziness, while plus point is the

reinforcement that ensures the productivity and performance of the new employee.

Observational learning occurs when the response is derived by observing others called

models. Through observation, they pay attention to another person's behavior, store a

mental presentation of what they have witnessed, reproduce the response by

converting stored mental images into overt behavior and have enough motivation to

reproduce that observed response. At BIDV, recruits observe other senior colleagues

finish practical work, for example, advising and supporting customers on banking

products or services or performing financial accounting. During this process, they pay

attention to grasp and memorize every step. Then, they have opportunities to repeat

the behavior (retention) at least a week from Mondays to Fridays. Gradually, they are

capable to reproduce the process without the guidance of instructors (reproduction)

and are motivated to produce the desired behavior. To sum up, new employees learn

by observing the behavior of their colleagues, memorizing, and repeating the

behaviors. The targeted behavior, which in this case is work practices, is watched,

memorized, and then mimicked.


Regarding classroom learning, all new employees of BIDV have to complete a short-

time training program about ethical risks and corporate culture. In addition, this

training course also covers an overview of the company's history and culture and

social responsibility programs. Then recruits are introduced to the leading body and

the development process of BIDV for nearly seven decades. This training also

includes self-guided booklets, but the learning coach checks in with recruits at the end

of each module.

6. Assessment

From my perspective, BIDV's internal training for new employees is efficient from

new employees' and the enterprise's perspectives.

From an enterprise perspective, the training process is strict and closely aligned with

the orientation to create competitiveness associated with the salary and bonus policy.

The company will choose the best person with excellent professional skills and broad

professional knowledge. Besides, this internal training program also contributes to

strengthening BIDV's reputation as a typical enterprise for employees and enjoys

much satisfaction from customers and receives a lot of good feedback in the future.

During nearly 70 years of construction and development.

From the personal level, BIDV's internal training facilitates recruits to adapt to the

office working environment and culture and integrate with colleagues at BIDV. In

addition, this program also helps new employees improve communication skills and

other soft skills when working, for example, time management, teamwork, working

under pressure, listening, and learning from reviews. At the same time, they can

understand the work process and professional skills necessary for working at BIDV in

the future. For many new employees, being trained to become a BIDV employee is

also a memorable experience when they receive direct training in professional skills, a

combination of theory and practice, and guidance from other experienced colleagues.

In particular, they also receive professional training directly from qualified staff and

learn how to solve work in different ways, helping themselves be more flexible, not

only in work situations but also in other daily life situations.

However, there still exist some limitations in the internal training program for new

employees at BIDV.

First, the orientation to create a competitive environment and evaluate individuals

associated with the bonus and salary policy can put new employees under pressure

and cause internal division in the enterprise. Because performance is evaluated

individually, everyone only focuses on completing their work instead of cooperating

or helping other colleagues.

Besides, training theoretical knowledge before learning about actual operations will

make it difficult for new employees to apply. Specialist knowledge is disseminated

and studied continuously for two weeks but not immediately put into practice, making

memorization difficult. It is not until the end of the second month that recruits have

the opportunity to approach the actual task after observing how the seniors handled

the work. That invisibly creates a big gap between absorbing theoretical knowledge

and practical application, which, in turn, reduces the core value and effectiveness of

the internal training program at BIDV.


7. Suggested solutions

A business is evaluated as a group instead of as an individual. An outstanding

employee cannot prove that the company is successful or not, but a thriving company

can be a testament to high-quality staff. Therefore, instead of orienting to create a

competitive environment associated with a salary and bonus system for individuals,

BIDV can promote the association and mutual development among recruits by

switching to the team-based award system. This process not only promotes

professional knowledge and skills among new staff but also creates cohesion within

the enterprise. In addition, BIDV should develop training courses for new employees

to have an overview of the operations before going into detailed instructions and

conduct practical training earlier with a higher amount of time.

8. Reflection

During nearly 70 years of construction and development, BIDV has achieved

outstanding achievements, a clear demonstration of its high-quality staff, and

properly-oriented internal training. Through the case of BIDV, I, a first-year student at

Foreign Trade University, can draw many valuable lessons, especially about the

necessity of making a training plan for myself.

BIDV's success is partly due to a rigorous and proper training program for recruits,

with clear and reasonable goal orientation. Therefore, if I want to develop myself and

complete my goals, I need to have a specific and deterministic personal training plan

and follow that plan closely simultaneously. Besides, based on existing limitations in

BIDV's internal training program, I think learning how to apply and associate book-

learning knowledge with real-life situations is vital to perfect and develop myself

regarding thought and behavior.

9. Appendix

My mom has worked as Vice Director of BIDV in Thai Nguyen for around seven

years, and my older sister was admitted to BIDV in Thai Nguyen last year. Therefore,

I interviewed them, and here are attached their answers to my questions related to

BIDV's internal training for new employees.

My sister’s answer sheet:

1. Khi mới bắt đầu công việc, chị đã được training trong bao lâu ạ?

Sau khi ký kết hợp đồng lao động thử việc, cán bộ mới được làm việc tại bộ phận
phòng/ban theo nhiệm vụ được phân công trong thời gian 02 tháng tại chi nhánh
làm việc. Thời gian đào tạo là thời gian thử việc. Sau khi kết thúc thời gian thử việc,
trở thành nhân viên chính thức, cán bộ mới được tham gia lớp học đào tạo cán bộ
mới tại hội sở.

2. Trong thời gian đó chị đã được đào tạo bằng cách nào ạ?

Trong thời gian thử việc, cán bộ mới được trực tiếp đào tạo về mặt nghiệp vụ,
chuyên môn từ các cán bộ chủ chốt, nghiệp vụ tốt tại phòng. Việc đảm nhận công
việc/ nhiệm vụ chủ yếu do sự phân công của lãnh đạo phòng. Với cán bộ thử việc
tại phòng GDKH, cán bộ thử việc hoàn thành các nhiệm vụ được phân công như tìm
hiểu tài liệu, đọc văn bản, quy trình tác nghiệp, … trong thời hạn từ 1-2 tuần, sau
khi hoàn thành nhiệm vụ, cán bộ thử việc cần phải có một bản thu hoạch đánh giá
về các nhiệm vụ đã làm được.

3. Chị nhận được sự hướng dẫn từ ai?


Chị nhận được sự hướng dẫn từ các anh chị trong phòng.

4. Chị cảm thấy như nào về quá trình đào tạo đó? Chị thích những điểm nào và
thấy không thích những điểm nào của quá trình đào tạo đó?

Quá trình được đào tạo trở thành một nhân viên của BIDV là quá trình đáng nhớ và
có nhiều trải nghiệm nhất đối với chị.

Điều thích nhất:

 Được trực tiếp đào tạo về nghiệp vụ chuyên môn, kết hợp giữa lý thuyết và
thực hành, tự học và được hướng dẫn học.

 Học tập nghiệp vụ trực tiếp từ các cán bộ có chuyên môn nghiệp vụ tốt,
học được cách làm việc, xử lý và giải quyết công việc theo nhiều cách khác
nhau, giúp bản thân linh hoạt hơn trong các tình huống công việc.

Điều chưa hài lòng: Không có

5. Quá trình đào tạo có giúp chị cải thiện điều gì không ạ?

 Hiểu được văn hóa và môi trường của BIDV

 Hòa nhập với đồng nghiệp, đời sống ở nơi làm việc

 Cái thiện kỹ năng giao tiếp, các kỹ năng mềm khi làm việc

 Nắm được nghiệp vụ chuyên môn để xử lý công việc

6. Trong tương lai khi chị trở thành một trainer cho người mới, chị sẽ huấn
luyện người đó theo cách như nào? Cách đó có sự thay đổi gì so với quy trình
huấn luyện nhân viên mới ở BIDV hiện tại không và vì sao ạ?

Trong tương lai khi chị trở thành một trainer cho người mới, chị sẽ huấn luyện
người đó theo cách tương tự như quy trình huấn luyện nhân viên mới ở BIDV hiện


Tuy nhiên, có một số thay đổi như là:

+ Thời gian thực hành nghiệp vụ sẽ diễn ra sớm hơn và nhiều hơn.

+ Xây dựng, hướng dẫn hình thành cho cán bộ mới một cái nhìn tổng quát về các
nghiệp vụ công việc trước khi đi vào hướng dẫn chi tiết.

My mom’s answer sheet:

1. Khi người mới bắt đầu công việc thì họ được training trong bao lâu ạ?

Cán bộ mới có thời gian 02 tháng thử việc tại chi nhánh của BIDV. Đây cũng là
khoảng thời gian đào tạo người mới. Sau khi kết thúc thời gian thử việc, trở thành
nhân viên chính thức, cán bộ mới được tham gia lớp học đào tạo cán bộ mới tại hội

2. Trong thời gian đó, người mới đã được đào tạo bằng cách nào ạ?

Trong thời gian thử việc, cán bộ mới được trực tiếp đào tạo về mặt nghiệp vụ,
chuyên môn từ các cán bộ chủ chốt, nghiệp vụ tốt tại phòng. Nội dung hướng dẫn
cụ thể là các văn bản, quy trình nghiệp vụ, tác nghiệp, phong cách làm việc, cách
giải quyết các công việc, bộ quy tắc ứng xử và đạo đức nghề nghiệp.

3. Người mới nhận được sự hướng dẫn từ ai?

Họ được các đồng nghiệp có kinh nghiệm hơn, các anh chị tiền bối đi trước trong

cùng phòng ban hướng dẫn.

4. Quá trình đào tạo đó có những điểm mạnh và điểm yếu nào ạ?

Điểm mạnh:

 Được trực tiếp đào tạo về nghiệp vụ chuyên môn để hoàn thành tốt công

 Được học tập nghiệp vụ trực tiếp từ các cán bộ có chuyên môn nghiệp vụ
tốt, học được cách làm việc chỉnh chu

Điểm yếu:

 Quá trình đào tạo có nhiều áp lực

5. Quá trình đào tạo có giúp người mới cải thiện điều gì không ạ?

 Từng bước thích nghi với môi trường làm việc công sở

 Hiểu được văn hóa và môi trường của BIDV

 Hòa nhập với đồng nghiệp, thích ứng với văn hóa làm việc

 Nắm được quy trình làm việc, nghiệp vụ chuyên môn để xử lý công việc

6. Quy trình huấn luyện nhân viên mới ở BIDV có cần thay đổi gì trong tương
lai không ạ?

Cần giảm bớt áp lực lên người mới và thúc đẩy quá trình liên kết giữa các cá

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