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Subject English Elementary 4 skills

Topic Getting to know each other

Duration 3 hours

Lesson The learners will be able to recognize their friends’ name, place and hobby and to use verb to be
Objective(s) questions when they meet with other people to make sure their name, place and interesting things.

Stages Activities Procedure Material Time

1. Teacher will introduce himself or herself by guessing 10 min
Intro 2. Teacher writes down 3 numbers that relative to
his/her personal and professional.
3. The students will tell their answer.
Presentation Question: Verb to be Each student writes his full As many small slips of 35min
Answer: Yes, No name on a piece of paper. All paper as there are Break time 15
Game: Name, Place, hobby the papers are collected and students min
(getting to know each other) redistributed so that everyone
receives the name of a person
he does not know.
Everyone walks around the
room and tries to find the
person whose name he holds.
Simple questions can be
asked, e.g. 'Is your name . . .?'
'Are you . . .?' Are you from
…...? Is your village’s name
….? Are you interested in …..?
When everyone has found his
partner, he introduces him to
the group.
They need to go one round for
each (name, place, hobby).
Discussion: Classroom 1. Teacher divides groups 15 min
Rules 2. Each group discusses
School Value rules for their classroom.
School rules 3. Teacher chooses and
shares his/her opinion.
4. The rule that the students
Controlled didn’t add and if it really
needs, the teacher will add
5. After CRs, teacher will
remind the school rules
and value.
Drawing Poster for CRs, Teacher will explain what is the 10 Wall drawing papers 1 hrs
3 months calendar, school poster to them.
value Teacher asks who want to draw
Free-practiced different posters.
To raise their hands, teacher
divide group by their willing.
Homework: Make 5 things Teacher explains with example Marker, whiteboard or
questions that you want to sentence. blackboard
know from your friend by
Review using verb to be.
Each student writes his full name on a piece of paper. All the papers are collected and redistributed so that everyone
receives the name of a person he does not know.
Everyone walks around the room and tries to find the person whose name he holds. Simple questions can be asked, e.g.
'Is your name . . .?' 'Are you . . .?' Are you from …...? Is your village’s name ….? Are you interested in …..?
When everyone has found his partner, he introduces him to the group.

They need to go one round for each (name, place, hobby).

Teacher divides groups
Each group discusses rules for their classroom.
Teacher chooses and shares his/her opinion.
The rule that the students didn’t add and if it really needs, the teacher will add it.
After CRs, teacher will remind the school rules and value.

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