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20 starvror® coxsraocnos (Once the intent or meaning of the law ie ascertained by the of he rules ofsattary contruction, the In mt be ‘freed and obeyed, Ihas been bol hat there any be dacretin ‘4 to what a purtiilar provson require; tere can be none ‘hatsover ab f the enfreemeat anapplication tort ence is ‘meaning has been ascertained. Whet i derees mathe followed, ‘what commands mar be aye ‘Whore the lw ie lar, appeal justice and equity as Juteaton to contre diel tre ussvaling Por ay {valle ony ch abn law eh nos repnemene Bgl 1s decried sui entsde lap, hich spl ncn Ct ‘Sut eppint alta may upset te er All sires ‘ments bed om out oa eld potiv rae. Appeals {or jain aod eguiy camo fast) daregurd ofthe meade of ‘he ls nga ea ree apt ain lcd frerbck oth ant ayo th mena and wk ll {= “ooqulos manga tonasen arc By vet ‘sin ontravention fh aw nee Bae B. DEPARTURE FROM LITERAL INTERPRETATION 403, Statute must be capable of interpretation, otherwise inoperative. A sainte mut be capable of constriction or interpretation. ‘a curt mt he vr ord en arin nee atte and give ita itil esting. The cout ‘van depart from the Inguage othe statute oda no wil uate ‘to eetoateTeplative intent and purpare However afer such ‘for i fund impose to save the doused pel the obec of statute fe od certainty canbe ad an tenes, the curt not bry to suply nor to mae ote lg {ntent sno expresed in tome 9ppropeate manner the cour many ‘sot nterpretin gpcalnte ants nent a ep ema sot fund io the praecogy af the law. The coo may ot sass TTS en Sr, 8.208 1h 177 86. ‘han: rs terug eb BEAA Ba AINENCETOORDREARTURE RC LANGUAGE ‘Dept Lit trp accomplish.» Where statute aly falls to express a meaning, Tecing sense fod modesty forbs the cours rom asuming and, coment, rom supplying meaning thereto The sate, [sich eit, i nasser inoperative Anintrontingcaelnvaiing ths foegsngprizcpela Santiago ». COMBLEC» Ti sue rsd is whether Rep Act No.6736 is an adequate state 2a implement Sect 2, Ariel XVI of the 1987 (Constution, which read “See. 2. Amendments to this Castitatin may ikewise ‘be ares oopacd hy the peple through initiative upon @ prion of atleast twelve pr centum of te ttl umber of Frsitered wtar, of which every legislative district must be ‘opesented bya leas tre por contr ofthe rgitred voters {horsin Natmendinent under this econ hal be authorized ‘hin five yea following the ratfention of thie Constation ‘oraftener than ones every ive years here, ‘Tae Congren hal provide rth implementation a the rerio thi right” ‘The majority ofthe Coart held that Rep. Act No. 6725 “te Incomplt,nadequate, or wasting in essential orms aydcondiont ‘Solar atlatveonemandmentst he Constitution nconstned” ule tat Rep. Act Ne 6785 cana be weeds asi implement the right ofthe peopl o propos amendzent othe Conatituton. ‘enumerated es reason forts conan the Ealing. 1. _Gintrary tothe seertion ofthe propanent, See, of ‘he aw, which provides thatthe "power of the people under & ‘yam of iniative and referendum to diet propose, enact Spprove or rjc, ipwhole o in part, the Contig, lw, ‘rdinances,o recolitions passed hy an legate badly pon, ‘amplianoe with he requirement this et rhereby afte, reongazed and usranted” doesnot suggest am initative a amendments to Une Conatitation becuse i eee as to Sarr mt ae, Dewan Comin Hy CN. B06, Deeb 29,19, Joy Cth eG nd Ana Br. 10 PL 2 “starvToRY oossrmcrion smendiments on the Constistion and the word “Conatitaton” isnithorgormane nor relevant to aid tection, 2. While Sc. 9 ineadas in the tree sytem of iii {See “amendments othe Cantttion” the Im, une othe Initiatives on statues and lea leiaton, did provie or ‘the contents of petition fo tative en te Conattaton, 3, While the Act provides sobs far national laws and local legion, it id wat provide subtle for initiate nthe Caaatitaton 44 While the Act emponered the Commission on rections to arwe rues and voulation, which iid to Implement the iniatives onthe Canittion, the dlegtion of thority is nal because th Ati inonplete aed d hot ea sueent wandard ‘The other members of the Court dinsented, The ditenting inion of Justice Reynato 8. Puno make he folowing arguments to suntan that Rep. Act No. 6735 suleenlyizplemesia che ight of the people to initia amendment to the Conottion Tt ports . _Themsjorityopnion concedes that Rep, At No. 6785 ras inianded to ever nt enlyiitityes to enaet sats and {scl fpelation but la nities to tmend Une Contato. ‘uch lgiltive fate i shows ot oly hy the provisions of the At af but also bythe deliberations on he bl hat bream Rep. Act No, 6735: The intent ofthe law being clear sd comcede by all, “it mat be efernt even i nay bot be ‘rmsstnt with theatre Jeter ofthe ln ad this alga ‘ld athe npantain” Moreover where» iis suscepeble of ‘Bore than ono interpretation, that itarpreaton which ill ‘ost tend to ellactante the mane latent ofthe ngattare tl be adopted, 1, Republic Act No, 672 deines“iniatve asthe per ofthe prope fo prapuse amendments othe Constitution otto rope and enact legiaatons through an section called for ‘he parpue”and“plebiecto ws Ue electra proces ty whe ‘0 initia he Cnsttatin i approved er acted bythe ihe law in Section 5) stator what te petition for ‘nile onthe Constitution shoal ental ADMIRENCEO,ORDEARURE FNL aNOUAOE 38 Depart tert 4 Section 8) ofthe Act fxs the activity date of the smeniiment tothe Copetation, which stan tht the ‘roptin inthe inte on the Constitution approved by a ‘sory tthe ytoreat inthe pbc shall some ecto {tothe dy ofthe pled, Republi Act No. 6735 provides mffient standards, ‘pon which the Commirson on Hletions ean validly ease ‘ules and regulation at dc nplement the law, found in ho aw taf and inte Conaticaon Avparenly, the of the Court adoplad a stict and “trl utr thin erent afte nw che not eeping with he maxi, iui fend et ures mags leat ‘otto hanper the exes by voles of the rights granted thereby.” In the subuaquent ease of Lambino v, Come, (.R, No. 174188, Ober 28, 2006 the Coat aimed the deca in Son ‘ago ©: COMBLEC,supr, an rejected patisoners' pleat revs the Santiago raling. ‘404, What is within she spirit is within the law. Language is rarely otro fom ambiguity as tobe incapable of beng ed inmore than ong sense What thelepslature hed actly ‘nmin is ot wometinarscouratly reflected inthe langue of & salute, and es eral intrpretation may render It monninglees, nad abeardity, injustice or contradiction = When this happens tnd flowing ths rle thst the intent or spit of the lnm fe the Taw elt msrt li had tothe prin that Ue epi f th Ly control its eta. Tho prideple tates that hing which i within ‘he intention ofthe cata je moch within the atte as ‘wee within the letter and thing which within the eter ofthe ‘ate le mot within tho staat lee it be within tho Intention tof the lawmaker, and the statute shold beso const ae to ‘Mfecuate ite nvnt or purpose, advance the remedy, end suppress TSE tng pnt etn Praca and Pg i a ce. ‘Sia este pr SSRs Ca ‘cued Api GB Nobo, Doce eo SORA on saroroRr coNSTCTON ‘the mish contemplated hy the famers® The maxim expressive tbe pein ratio eso Inarprettion according ithe Spi brreason a a © ‘Tho principle har hewn variously forqlatd: "Asa general rule of statuary enatracion, te ape of intention af atta preva tre the llter thereat a within the ep of meal a ‘thin the statue altuugh i ot within the lear tere, wile ‘hat which within the tert ht within the gst Ube statute {tno within the statue:™ The epi, rather tlh the lta, a @ Stetute detarmine the construction there, and the court ok ss to ie words and more to its contest, subject mater, consequence lind fes™ A-statute aust rad according oes spirit nde Sad where leiintive intent apparently confi wth te lett of the aw, the frter prevails over the tar Ti has bon hold that “ifs ast await eto ave tet sserding to the rpoen and intent of tho lawinakers, Te stent {i the vital part, the ease of the la, nd the petary Tle of futtraction is ty stcerain and give fect to that inst. The {tention of Ue lglaare in onacting sla eto nw sel hd ‘must be enforced when ascercine,lchoughitisay not be consistent withthe ait Inter ofa staaute when i lends ara fa fhe tae Intent and purpose ofthe logiistare and to conorin incansisteat wrth the general purpos ofthe act Intent is sep ich ie Tio tos logilative soactrent Tn contring sates, the proper course Ist sare nd fellow he Gra Intent of th legate and {6 adopt that sens which harmonies best withthe eontex and rome inthe fll manner tho apparent ple and objet ofthe Tegiatare™| law should accordingly beso construed as ee in aeardance ‘wth, and not repugnant to, the ep of he l= [SRE rete orem carina nasraeeee "ett. Conn, 103 Pil 151, 108 67, cing #2 C'S. 8, Se ee es eae Shane ORE mr maeie ay 29, 109039 SORA 165; To. Clr of Cana, 23 FL 8 renting i Tato CREE ous etn oom TA ‘orstarvae Depa L gat, ‘Tha court ny onder the spl and reason of satu where literal meaning wuld lend to absurdity, contrition, janie op ‘ould defeat the lear purpose of the avenakes. There i Ylid resumption that undesirable consequenone were ner intended by legislative measure, snd a consructon of which a sate fark aseoptile is favored, whch wll wold al ebjectionabl,aecle™ ‘our, indefensible, wrong, el snd nara coneequences™ 4405. Liteea} Import must yleld to Intent. ‘The Iterl import or meaning of x statute must yield to its spparent intent, parpoe or spit. The intention ofthe legiatare fds purpose or objet, being the fundamental ingsiry fn jada fonstrocton. ctrl thera interpretation of parila language of statute, and a lnguage cpable of more than one meaning i to bo taken in such anasto harmonize wih the fnnton snd lect and eflectaate the purpose of Une enactnen Verba into, nom ‘contra, daben insert, or words ought to be more subuevint to ‘he intent and not the intent te words. Accordingly, whee is ‘ie to hargansesatstactrly the completed and vemetimes perrenngprovaons of a tate, duty ef the court wees fetoen suiting thers that which best score with the apt rintent of the a= “Cantcience and equity should always be considered in the construction oft state. The sours are not to be hedged in ty the teal meanlog ofthe language of the nate; the ope and inenent thereof most preva oor is letter. This rae af ‘onstruction especialy apleable wher adberwne tothe eter ef the statute would real in bsurity and injustion™ Thon, where the Interpretation of «statute according tie enact and Hera ‘port woul ea to mihiovous ruts or contravene the cost purpose ofthe legislature, i would be costseed serrding tie Seeman Aa 20 Sona 7420, SUS Ci Pal as iby Gara a «a 1.90, owen ca oh es Reo ay 2 8 Ady rena We Cr we et: Gt pal 0.8 a aT ‘SS ter sunnah Se ate mer ioiem saenaae ne smareront conerRUcTiON cir and roan, dsrogarding a far a8 necessary the ter of the I fSintae may therefore be extnded to canes not witha the Tal ecting fe terme, no log as they cme within spit or 4.06, Intent of stetute Is the lw “rhe Cour in PNB v, Office ofthe President, GR: No 104828 sanuary 18 1396), ting an ol ese aes th intent of a atte ithe law 1» statute wld suis to have elect secording tothe parpoee nnd intent ofthe anor Tent etal prt, th eee ofthe a, Jyh pimery ule of contruction ist scart and give and Be intent Tho intention of the logis n enacting CASS he law el and mt be enforced when acetainod gh it tny not be consent ws Ub sit eta ofthe seats Courts wll not fallow the lator of @ state when it Sh eway fem the tre intent and purgow ofthe eile ten conclusion inonaatnt ih te general purpose of [ie ee Tntem se the apt which gives ilo t a eile tthe legate” Im Solid Homes v. Tan, 485 SCRA 187 (208) te feu ie whather of nol Article 1885 of the Chil Code shouldbe htrally pple. Sad rile reads in part “Artie 1885. Reaieion create the obligation to return ‘tuo things which were the objet ef te contact, together with ‘het, and Uo price wih ts introns consequent it an be cari ot only whan he who demands recaion can fotuen watever be maybe obliged to restore, ‘en the engtract ie rercindt wl the lot buyer be enti to the etur af bat he had pi wil e ete to reeive ‘fom tne aller the prevailing market value of he yperty? The ‘aary roots athe wl be ended only tothe return a wat he SR Tai ne Ct Are, 00 ET, {AONERENCETO,ORDEPARIURD PHOM.LANGUAGE 1? ou min pepe ep i ei a es iota “negatas petitioner's thesis. rieprodeace, 1 etre tha this Cert ha, inthe pas, applid the i i thie Court has refused to apply the ‘Auer applenion ofan part ofa saute eee sts il oper en o anand rea o cnet ne srxqurortcoxsT@BeTION Wer we flow th tro rte 1988, we wl a sf he pang the tot sd sitaeton err ‘She rere vermdn a mieh ‘age blaine provide ly tame and nan {ele mbit oynrs may theses pret een ‘Seirrry om orgs and sherman nthe cr angtags Ofte court Apes which we ein al sr Indeed, there moa be unjust carichmentSrsspundents ‘Selig Homes, Ie Porta Suen te made to pay only The ‘urchan price po inert. Iie deft hat the val the fact property alrvady ecalated ster alot two decades fiom th time the petitioner pid fri. Rquity and jtce Aitags dt the injred party shoul he pid the maarkt value ofthe Lt, otherwise, eapondents Solid Homes. ned Puta Solin would enrich ihemsolves atthe expense of brea ot ‘mer wen they sll th same lot a the preset markt vale Surely, mach a tation auld not be soantenanced fart do 0 woud be snatrary fo esnon and Srefoe, uneoneioable. ‘Over tn, courts have recognized with almost. pedantic fadhoranee that wht i inconvenient antrary1oFasoa ot allowed inl ‘The foreging scnaro becomes even mare intolerable when itis considered that PD. 969 au land preity as {Prmausureagninstsubiision owner, developers, operons “ndr sles who rntged on thelr elation to provide the eaded tity wprtms and flee im thelr sbi. As [Sxpraie in one oe dure’ whores canes WHEREAS, numerous reports revel thet many rel state mbaivision owners, developer, operators andor eles Ihave repoged on thee representations and obligations to ‘provide and maintain propery eubdiision roads, drainage, sewerage, water etme lighting tet, and ther similar ba rniezsens, dus endangering he oath and safety of ome and et bers. 4.07. Limitation of rule. ‘The prinsipe thet what is within the spine of « sate ia within the tate io cltboug i at within fe leter spies ‘nly when cers is ambit nthe language xployed in the lw sotNCE OR REARTURE OM LANGE ag 3 Dg tl inereatin [Where the licen and reef ambiguity, he lata ofthe la ‘nat tobe dargarded onthe pete of prating esi 408, Constraction to accomplish purpose, ‘The ky to pen the dhorto wat the leat intended which ‘Se ragoetyexprean in tho language ofa stale i te purpore or ‘herenson which induced it tena te state, f he iatute needy ‘onstruction, the mast dina! i that prcte ete purpose ot the at Statutes shouldbe uted in the ight tho dere lobe achieved ai the ello mice be epost nn ehey seal bs given such omatrocio as Wl advance the sine suppress he ‘loci, ad secre the banfts intended.» Where provision o section of statate aims of moe thn one construction, that onstruction which gives efecto the erdent purpose sought to be attained hy the enactment ofthe state mut be flowed = ‘onstrtion shoul be ejected that gives fo te fngage el int Statute a meaning that doesnot seoesplich the purpae for whic the atte was enced, and that tends fo defeat the en which ae ought a be attained bythe enactment [Courts should not fallow the leer of «statute when to do ‘= would depart tom the true intent ofthe legislate or mould there yield conlsionsinctasstent wth the purpose of the ack. Legation is un nce instrument of goverment whic, for ‘Purpose of inerprettin, means that laws hve ends to nctuore, ‘and they shoal be ao construed ab to eft but tarry out See Sa comme seman Srna eee er tomer a SEN. om nn ‘aegis cera. say connie o> ‘Bern Campball 84a aston ERO. ‘Gti oie Gut Pal Rare wo ea ‘Pusat Pp’ Tu, 6) SCRA! Gs Bai ea See 30 SEE et = such ends and porpoes Aa between totaly interpretations, ‘hat which better serves the parpow ofthe law should preva” The reaton why legislative purpose tooms igh in the etnrmination of lgalative intent snd im the eonatraction of & tate in explained a cae All statutes must bo costroed in tho tight of thelr ‘Again it was Holmes, the last judge to give po quate o lene {inking o ee gearing, who sald that the general purpare {n'a more important ald t the meaning then aay rae which (rammar of lornal logic may lay down’ And it was Holmes ‘tho chided cours for being ‘atte y sticking to lonely to the words of law where those mon import poly thet got ‘beyond ther ‘Tn another cave, ho Court ued that “Tn exomate that awe gee gen ial ntrettion so ae nh eae ‘he very purpose for which they were paused. Th Court has in ‘any cate invaving he enatraction of tataten away cxutioned ‘gsinatnaowly interpreting a matte abo defeat the purpoe of ‘he loslator and sree tha ie ofthe eases oul dy Wo ‘onrrue satis 0c oer cha dplreie esl njticn Siar contac co scan oe 2c sema 180808, ‘SShcetChes Gi Se a7 oa. oa 9K AORERENCE TO, ORDREARTUNE ROM LANGUAGE at 1 Depart el pati or abvardity) and that therefore ‘a Ural interpretation is to be ‘ject ft would be unto lead to abou reaios=™ Tis an acnpted tenet in satay construction the “tates fr tobe conatratd inthe ight ef Un pepo tobe achioed ed {he evils sought to bo radio. Hane, in construing & sate, reason ftv {a enscment should hap im mind end lhe natate sole instrued withreference tthe intended spe ad purpose Heeger apn anemia tral meaning woul lead to absurdity, contradiction, injtc, ot ould defeat the cea purpose ofthe lawaaer” [fn Rest of “astoe Pardo fr duno his Longebiy Pay, AM. No 02 23. ‘50, Mare 18 2007) Interpretation to subeerve and ot fet purpooe of amy In People , Laeson, (6.8. No. 149859, October 7, 2008, the fase is whether Se, 8 Ral 117 of the now Rae of Cott Revie Criminal Procite) should. be construed. retroncively, Said ‘rovnon rene S86, 8 Prova amin, — cn shll ot be rorisonally dismiseed exept withthe express consent ofthe [Sceusod and with notice tothe fended ary ‘The provisional dismisee! of offenses punishable by ‘onprisnment nt exceeding sx (6) years or Sef any amount, oth, shal become permanent one) yea after inusnce of ie oder without the cage having been revved With oapect to offenses isha by imprisonment of more than aix (6) year, Welt rvisonal demise shall become permanent to (2) years afar ance af the order without th case having baen revive (a) eee a ‘Tae Courts notmaniateto apply Section 8 retroactively ‘cpl beoas i is favorale wo Use aces. I oe be need ‘Gatthenew ule was approved the Cour notonlytorelafrce {he constttional right ofthe ecused toa speedy dapeition of theca, The time-ar under the new ale was Sted by the ‘out to excise the malaise that pagoed the edminietratin of the criminal justice epstem forthe benefit tte State andthe scouted ot fr the aceued only. Gee AT Othe Sine a Maing Coy, 17 SRA 88 819 5 sr4s TORY OONSTRUTION ‘The Cont approve Section # prsuant tt power under Atle WIT, Seep 5, paragraph 8 ofthe Cnasution, Tie ‘Auge gent eo promi rles caries with i ie Som itr el, to determine wheter fo vee sad ues Pome or revoactve eee. Marever, under Rae 14 of Boo aout the our ay ap alan acon ‘ining tre iin es opi thet applstion weal not Fereinbisr rold work ius in which event tbe former at all eply. The seece of a pron Scion Bipeine ke prenpetiv appeton ony doce not rosie te reaps appeaton thereof or dos itiBy that he Goark Bizz te new rule to be ven rereactve tod prospective ‘es Uae atattery porpowe ls Gen, the proviso of he ee Siostd be onstrac sbondaive io faiene wd jute, ‘aaron with the general pit nd ply of he ral. SAGA be construc uo to defeat bo cary ost ue aoa A val derive nial rm he parp®® isi inappoved Toonara tio manner hat Ge or defeat ouch porpae iso muff im SEs nben the Coe approved Secon 8 tended {he new suet be applied proopecely ond not retroactively, PeiPielntentin of the Court ere there, woul ent Gy purpose for wich wan intended, manly to Be the Suen pero of go gear from noe ofthe proven ‘DesSal riinlcser wih the expres consent ofthe ae ‘fd Te would be adel ofthe State htt de prove SaTt rovaty ofute teCourtto app the new ral ‘ete inthe pect cre a the rede iis, Ting Ut the emi! cae were provsionall amie by Se Renin Se on arch 2, 1099 etre the new rue ‘Retin Doors 2000 A retrace splietion ofthe tine [Srl rutin sburd,unust and oppressive conseuebe- Se de Sate and to the ets of eee ad their bel Eeaples Harb, OR No 14545, Ocober 7, 2009) In Norhis Fre and Independent Workers Unione, Noris ‘Trading On, {GR No, 157086, June 90,2001 the ese is wheter reel nt vlad the CBA nts rfael to gran is employes an Tezithe bord incrnst Ara real te pasonge of Wage Order No ROVIEOS. ‘ettioner insist that respondent shou eve eantel to the cmployecs tne increase stated in, Wage Order No. ROVI®. RORPNREURE Yon ANOUOE 8 ‘Dep oe tg, segnacgeneen pry pees ‘be cA suprosedly imposed apn repeat the sbliation © Some omnis ee eae Sonim “SECTION 2, Minimum Wage Lav Amendment. isthe vont that law is eonced ineresing minimum tage, 3 ‘scnecthetoardinereaseaball be grated by the Company ‘ezrin ste provalons of to lew" ‘ives the ontie sentence, itis clear that the sbove- quoted CBA provision doe nk eupprt the wnielding view sf pttone tht the Issuance of Wage Order No. BOILOS nies a members oan scant bardinerease,sboltaly hd without any eonion, ‘The CA corey bev that import of Wage Onder “No HOWILOS coud be comidared inthe pletion of {De govermmesdcedSnaeTe presen econ ake eden! oration ofthis ng, bot mary serene Of the alone ofthe CBA onthe aby of tne: eved ander the Aeresment agate thw nthe minima age enr argu ocr Tein ht te parte tended ‘e'mah cen ethers, ty woud have expresly aed ents te CH eh that the ns ri at abou etait, at ‘he applicbityof Wage Order No, ROVIL-OS to respondent tlayec The Wass Orterwasintcndd ts new minim, ‘wags oly ooo pant arose he foard wage increase oll {lnployer in Ragin Vi Te int ofthe Order nestod {neti Estsbihing New Minimum Wage Rates” a0 well sin rw sperms ras retin acme was “o adjust the tina wage of workers ta ‘Stolen the impact brought abot y the tet ons rise ‘ot onlin the Phlppines ual nthe Aas region” Paronthetilly, there are te method of ajusting the ‘minima vgs In Rrplinere Confederation of the Phe. National Wage and Protutvig, Commission, these were ‘dent asthe “oor wage” ad the “saan celine? etd ‘The “or wage’ method involves the fixing ofa determinate mount tobe added tothe prevailing statutory minim wage fates. On the ther hand, inthe “aley-ealing" method, Use warcront conravcri0n swage adjustment wast ve apie in employees rcesag WeSiedenominerd salary seing In other ward, ers Say beng peld more tha the existing minimum ae (P se tant aed i Ue Wage Orde) are nis 2 Be (Gren aa neese “Acornocy reading of he mbjct Wage Order cnet us that th intention of ho Regional Board of Reon Vil wat to Petstbes laine or oor wage; noo deterune a alary Peng iad he nor Bon neato, the Board would eeEpmualy rotted arordingy Mo text of Seesons Zand Bufthe Onder sates ‘section 2 AMOUNT AND MANNE OF TN- (CREASE. Upon the effcivity of his Order, the daly ‘Sunimum we ton for al Ue workers and employes ‘Ro pate eco hall beineresnedy Ten Pesos (P1000) ord tae given nthe following ane: i, Five Petoe(P5.00) per day fective April 1, 2908, wa iL Adtonal Five Beno (P5.00) per day efeive tater 1, 1888. “Section 8, UNIFORM WAGE. RATE PER AREA CLASSIFICATION, ~ Toffee unifrm wage ato per ‘Sint Secon 1 hoe, he prescribed minimum wage ‘rn implementation af tle Orde foreach area ‘Sbetion sel ea lowes: ‘area Clasecation —Non-Agriettuse Secor ‘Agrealare Sector ciate reso0 10.00 Clase 15500 140.00 Class 145.00 190.00 ‘ass D 1ss00 | 12n00" ‘Thm provnn show that the presbel_ minima sagen ff inpepentto of the PIO ineae in be Wate Galera Plos fr Claas A pate nonagricre score ‘ald be renevnable and lien, therefore, 0 infer at those ADraRINCE O,ORDEPAGTURE MOM, LASOUAGE ate onsuaure 1 Dept pe ‘eapleyers sea paying their emploeds more than P65 at ‘Hatine af henson of the Order ae sueienty complying ‘withthe Ord. 400, Mluetration of ale. ‘To lutte the rule, afew cases may bo ctod In King 2, Hornondes the ise raised in whether a Chinese may De ‘nploed in noncontol poston nara etablishrent, a wholly ‘atomized basnees under Repuie Act No. 1180, ctherise {town ar the Retail Trade Law. The aaswer tothe issue hinges ‘the itertetatian of Suction 2.4 of Commontealth Act No 108 (AateDumay Law) prohibiting an alien fom intervening "a he ‘management operation, administration o contra therea(usiness ‘wholly or purely metinaid) whether at an ofer, employee ct Taborer deren xx" Ie ls cntended that this provision does nat ‘prohibit emplaysea ofaliensinnonontol aston cass they do ‘ots eh intervene inthemapagemest operation administration conc of the rtaletaahment. In rejecting thi argument, the eur ruled that “when the Taw says that you cat emplos fn lin is any potion pereining to the management, operstin, ‘Sdminstaton end unl wbathar an an occ employe, of Inborer therein, nly means ane tag: The employment of etson who trata iin eltisen oven in miner eel or ‘Bmeonto posto le prohibited, The reason sobs To plug any Toophol roe any ence that an unserupslos een may resort ‘oot ths law or defeat ts purpose, far ao one ea deny tt while fone may be employed i nonconral potion who parently is Taras he may le rm out to be are to! farther heel ‘esis of the eaplayer- ei imperstive that tho Ine be interpret ‘na manner that would stave of ony atempt at creumventon of ‘the legislative purpare™ SSnount of backwagoe isthe earings elswhere during the period ‘of llegal diemisal (2) Use amount of backwage i od witha 2 anil nti scl oan ese tat Cnt en el Ar 279 of ich rade ast 279, Secu of tansr. ~ In cates of regular em. playmate enpayer shall not irminat the service of Pployer exept fora justexate cr when authorized ty this T- SePAZSuaploge who ie ununtyeomined from work shall be cece eaetatement witout nsf seniority rights and to {is becleager computed fom th time his compensation was ‘ithe fro hm op tote tne of his renstatament ence fhe reinttment Then cane Repub Act No Breese ok eet Mar 21,1989 and wash mended At athe aber Code fallow The lee of sesorey rights and other pees and S'AGT bockwages lacus of allowance, and to his other ‘tits or thes monary eaulvalet compte fom the te Seemann eld rem him up t the ine of Bis ‘oul relartatement™ ‘The aboveamendmet prompled the Court reorder earlier lig on the computation of bckwage, I hed: “Th or deme rere, bret es such earlier ruling 08 tion c ‘Scinadin sid Pine City Beucsional Cntr cae 20¥ ‘Bidiog that conformely wih the evi ellie iat (rpreeipd ia ep, Act No 715, aboe-qoted,backwages tobe ‘ “dsuiend employee, soald ot = 8 ‘Toate be dmiiched or reducd by the earings rived [him caenbre daring te pero of hs Maga dinista The ‘nderisng resco fr tering that the employe, while Hugating he legality illogeltyorhisdhmiasal muster sovomiceT0,oR DEPARTURE mou, taNauACE mar ‘orstarvTe 2. Deter ae gin ving to rapport im na Sui, whe all Nawengen Ihave ta be pl bythe emplayer as pa ofthe price w penalty ‘he hao pay for egal’ lamang his employes The clear legnstve intent a the szoendment in Rp. Act No. 6715 to fe more benef to wort than was previously given them Uer the Mereury Drag le or the deduction of earnings ‘erheré ral. Tas a coor edherenceta the logiltivopley ‘Shue. Ac oT pat foal boclowage' at mesg ‘sry that, Le, witout deducting from Backwages tbe ‘sarnnge derived slorwhere by the coeerned employes during {he pride is gel amis, In other words, the proviion ‘alin fo fall bacewago to Megally dianised employes s Sear, plain and fv fom ambiguity and, therefre, most be ‘pplied without astempiad or strained interpretation. Index 1a U5, Trin the urton fre 6 wher the sad di a i gn ata ae ee ie ees erate ee eet Eidims cla cache ne tae er ogee Sai neuer hielo te nia cage pe preecreciltate gratin oan fava (Sorc nore Sle cacy pe pon sce emt See eee eres Secreted ts genpel fhe ek OSL Ny avast teu ce pines etl nga a Sry rae eat ae entered ee ee enemas wot sey es he pal See ‘Ste may tenon od ete ey be re el her aero trae sree Ch ea of peta ihe eed pe Ss i pre eon det orb Se ecco cg Sense opens anteater reverie ts ature ten tees renee a ine encase ease sone hese mT ne cen he ora oe SRE cert tene cmt a se sae nan RE, BC a waa a eco of rant ad ma of esti of age TSESETLARE Sher in pons f uch cae ld evade the ce ost law by aghering then eta the ial ‘Coste of ela. Tranter cnn h nu io eater he Cot Tt a np sar cpl of 2 pore ave dee tan nee oe vl 0 of ‘SUE Couenstorsurititin pon Gage! ane aoa ib wen fi abled where te Cree essen en rh rine of il he aon enka ean even hares theses aoe ea npuns thecal god saan sara Ee er hand toe Jury at en see ee Ba of vee ant ain aan seni io methane ‘the Patent Law grants the patentee the exclusive right 12 sake be pe al i ene cin aie pe, BaRates the mang, Weng oF salle By any person without ‘ralsazation frm ee patentee a8 cating him to Sues taint: To achieve tis Purpoe, the cout have Spproriaen «pri nverson by inesrating ‘snarnivecontepe an, leit with rine modifieation and change, ‘etppenambeatiy ee ame neon a substantial he eae soUERENCET,ORDRPAETURE ROM LASUACR a pd 2 Dept a ar ite vray to achieve subetantilly the same result. The reson for the ‘ovine that sperm ee inltation of patented invention which ‘owe ne copy any itera dtl woul bo convert he prtesion of the petent grant to Hallow ead usles thing. Soeh tition ‘wou ine fa frthe iacrpulous copy o make unimportant ‘in inmubetantl changer an satatons i the patent which, though adang nothing would Ue noagh to make ne epi matter ste he ch, wi wold herby be reno te ‘Te purpate of Rep. Act No. 8720 i to give the Onbudaman sich pwery abe may need perform lent the aa ange {o im bythe Constion Such being theca, snd state sold te given much interpretation thet wil elessin th parpocs ond gece ofthe Conesttion. Any interpretation tha wal amex the work of he Ombudsman shouldbe avoided" Laws are not jst mere compositions, tut have ends ta be achived ad that th geneal purpose i pore important aid to ‘he mesning os lw then aay alo which grammar may lay dea. It a the dty of the courte to Tost et a he aceomptiched, ‘thers ob remedied, othe parpae tobe subeervd, aa sald {ge the In reasonable oF Hera cnuraction which wl best ‘Scrat ts purpose” ‘Two armarently coflting provision sould be so construad oraz thepurptc ef the law. Thus, S12 0° RA No. 082 proves “Section 12, Bent under Repl Act No. 809 xe PD. 1No.621 ss amended. — Allens nd other forme of reduction huring in favor ofthe workers inthe sugar indutery under Repaie Aes No. £00 and Presidential Drees No 621, st fi At hal ou be afd thereby wh See S4Nhnet "Seton 14, Now Diminution of Benefit. — The provisions of Section 12 hereafnatwithotanding tolng inthe he sallbe Raya caren soa, som 28 108 ‘Buena Pre 103049 Sees 8 eo starvronY const=tCTON construed to reduce sy benefit inter, right o participation ‘hyed bythe workers a the Une of dhe enaconent ofthis ‘he and 0 amapun recovered by ay beaeiary under this ‘etal bo wabjt to any fr cf tation” Contrang the shove povsians together, the Court ruled tht the word tube in Ge, 12 cannot be nerpreted literally, Wall ede areal of increasing the worker beat, conan to ‘the purges ofthe fay ruled that al benefit under RA. No 6882 ‘hal In oditon tothe benefits under LA. Na 809 and PD. No. 6321 because the la intended to benefit the tager workers and as ‘etoen io statutory interpretations, that which better serves the Duspose a he law shuld prowl” 4.10, When reason of law ceases, law itself ceases. ‘The reason whieh indced the legilature to aac a aw ie the Ines tela Porta reason, dhereabonof hele playa dois Tole in x consiton, Consoquenty ts estaton or mulation ‘Pandora hela inoperiive. ina endessental rnp stttory Wnetricton that when the reason of the lw ceases, tho lw self nse Ts principle i exressod the asim, ousarteFotione Ieee conte ipa Tex Anothor matin expres of tho principle ‘Sree lege et nim o Ue oason ofthe la i eso. Te @ ‘Sotecratd loge! azo thatthe reason af the I she if ofthe Taw. Ailes aw ia doa law Amuboequent statute may rendre pio lav devo of reason. Inch aa, theater la wil operate repeal Ue por even though the to laws contain no coating provisions, Taos, where ‘later law has a porpwe in confit with that fa prior tabte on {he same mabe, the ltr as lot all meaning and function and Ihe eased to est" or insane, the quention rau in 2 case It ‘whether atanant who preeaped cr prethrehed play without the este enna ee Pty 1S Rope it GR Ne tray 3 276 80RA anc specunin Sie ti Sree Sn Sena er Be ‘ie Sorsenaoaian eeemere a ‘2h at ih sng Olan Ti Br prada ‘Lege cout Arh Me. 28, fan 10,187, 2 9RA vememice0.onnuranmunE ro ASOUAGE st Dear Ita ‘coment ofthe landlord in ioton ofthe Agculturl Taney Act ‘nay beheld crinally late thereon The Agrealturl Tenancy ‘Ac punishes the prereapng or prthreshing of play ona date other ‘han that previously st witht the mutual onset of the lndlord fd Ue tenant, which proitnn is predated o a sbare-enancy Felaticahip between tho onant and the landlord. Subeequen, the Agricultural Land Reform Cade was enacted, sbliahing share {cnaney and replacing it wits Hagel tenancy. The coe raled that since under the leshold ayrtem the prehbition against rereding or prethreshing has no more raison dere becuse the Tease Ison to pay ted rena) ar prescribed in th Code, the tenant who prereaped or pretreated pofay eo no Inger be rosculd frsch offense afer the nactnen of aid Code = ‘in Gomendador. De Villa one ofthe fara alae is whether PD. No, 99, which withirew the right to peremptory challenge ‘embers ef lary tribunal, had ben rendered Snopestive by ‘reclamation No, 2045 prolaling the termination of sate of ‘martial law. Is enewering tho iss in che allemative, the Court ‘id, applying he pringple of cane rsione lps, cele ex hat With the termiatin of martial Iam and the aaslution of military trbunale created theeende, Ue reason forthe existence SEPD. No.2 nme atomaicaly ad the decree ef cased "The reason of statute may ceage i a given situation. Tie ‘may happen when the purpoes of the nate cought tbe achieved bys arcomplishe, or the michel sought tobe rerened is pe- ‘vested, by an actor ovat independent ofthe tatate Hall The tat ‘te, inch 4 ease, though remaining in force and eft, finds mo ‘pplcationin the given stuaton. Ths, the lw bane liens ‘glring and owing lands the purpose bing to preerve the nation's Tid for ftare generates of Pps. sal flan ia favor of alien, violation of id lam, may no lager be questioned after te ais ueomes «Pilipino eitzen by naturalization, fr the prose ot the law woul not be uhvarted but acevo by making lawl Use sequsition af Ue land, the vendse ving beciane « Pp; sd ‘sceordingly, the law banning the sovlson a and by aliens 0 longer appli Ad where thetic sought fo be remedied by & Seeing on ase rare enscraen age 9 78 oot ie 158084 = snarvrorrconeraunos statute has already bean removed in given sicntion the statute ‘ay no longer aply i sch stanton. © 411, Supplying loislative omission. Where eral import ofthe langosgn of statute shows that wor have been amittd iat should have een inthe sate fa fonder to cary otis Intent and ope, clei scetaiable fom the ontet, he court may supply the cmisian to make the rate ‘confirm tothe obvious intent ofthe logiletare orto prevent the ‘fom being abpard This ue cooley of he acne tht hat within he spt of thea ie mc par wats ten pursannt to which an apparent omission neh nterpeeation ‘rely itera ofthe language wed may be remedied by aching to Its vowedabjective and intent = The nur estnt, however, Sal) ‘what thinks the leplature would have spied had it aenton ‘eon called tothe omiaion, a het would be Jil lealation™ 412. Correcting clerical errors ‘The court i erder to carry out the obvious intent of the lgisttare, emsy correct serie errors, mistakes or misprints ‘whic, f oorected, would render the statute meaningless, empty ‘or nonsunstl or woud Jlet or impair ts intened operation, So lng a8 the meaning intended i apparent on Ue faethe hele ccatkment” and no speteprovision is abrogated = To correc the ‘ror or mistake le to prevent the nalgeaton ofthe mato and se ita mesning and purpae Fo ithe Gayo te court to give ‘8 slatute a seal contruction, one that will estas legiltive ‘neat nd avo iets or aberaity tite yo arava legislative intent and “in doing shoud ot adopt a arbre ‘ile under which it must be held wioat varias or thadow of ‘tarning tha the legate tended to make a Sprgrephicl er, para ia re 00h cb AL 90 Ry Pde usa Si Ota enc rho Se toads 8 SS Ne Sing gp Pn angen Cat ‘spa naernY he ei Oita. Ore, 7 Pak 818 ALR TB, "Lime Pape ‘AovMRENCET,ORDEPAKTURE MROM.LAKOUAGE a ‘onsen 1 Dept Lr rr ‘he result of wich would be make nonenae af the at, 204 otto cary ot the lgiatvesdhme, htt date) IL™ hy coreting & ceil erator abvoas mits, the cour e ‘ot indulging in Jol lgiltian. tis merely endeavoring fo rectly end orec early clei error ia he warding of the lew, In order t give de ons and earry eu tho evident intent ofthe legate. "Th core sould and ean veld do that, for Whot i within the intent or slr of he law na ch par ofthe lw a ‘triton therein 409, iusteation of rae ‘The Supreme Court ha corrected obvious eer of mistaken spparen cn thoace feats La Raine Lopes & Sons, Ine. Court 0/Tax Appeals care hanged thn phrase “collet a osama” to tomminsoner of customs” to correct an bvious mistake in tbe Tay Th In ivolved le Repub Act No, 1396, resting the Court oes Appeal whieh provides a Seton 7 thereat thatthe Cour nf ‘Tox Appeals shall eerie extoiveeppellee junedictionto review byappen“daciins ofthe commissioner ofcastms xxx" However, ‘Section 11 aaa nw stator that pers “aversly afte by dsclon or ring ofthe xx collector of etm x2 may fle an ‘appeal in the Court of Tax Appeals within they days afar rect sf mach deseo raling "I rte provides Gat “o appeal taken tothe Court tx Apposl rom the decom ofthe x2 coletr ef ‘customs shall suspend te payment xxx" The court noted that “ere {realy a doepancybeomeenSetins 7 and 1 for while Seria 7 grants the Cour of Tax Appeal jurisdiction to review dein of ‘he Commissioner of Customs, Secon 1 frat the deen of ‘he cllctor of artoma that maybe appealed othe tax our. Teen Iieraly, Section 7 woul be empty, meaningless und unenforceable ‘cams, whle i grants the Cour of TS Appeal radeon to review deine ofthe commisaner of eustme, andar Seton 1, ‘boporson affect by the commlsioner of customs may appeal othe tx court The court this cncid that there i adel errr in ‘mentioning “calor” of entoma in Section 1}. Te shoud, a wat ‘meant tobe ‘tommiasona of castoms hecaes under the Custom Cae, the ommissinnge of cute hss supervnion and conta ret callectors of eosoms and the desions af Ue latter are reviewable ty the commissioner of astoms al of which would be deateoyed I the literal meaning and wering in Section II ao gin effect The legiaaturecouldnothave Intended herent“ more retonable sand Inia to hold that in Beton 11 ofthe Ac, the lgiaatire ‘meant and intended t sy, ommstner of cunts, insta of Collector of eustms in the frst paragraph of ald Seton, lo holding the courts are not exact indulging in dic! iegiaaton ‘Thay are merely endeavoring to rctty and correct a eal error inthe wording ofa statute, is rder give dw cour and oy ot ‘he eden intention ofthe lgslatur This, the cars ghoul wd ‘an validly do, Under te rlan of statstoryeenetevtion oot Teter bt rather ho spirit ofthe aw and intention ofthe legal re hate important end which matter. When the ntrprelaton fe statute according tothe exact and itera jet of a words would lead to aboard or minchiowor el or would contravene the eat Purpose of the legislature it shuld be contre ccrding to ts ‘piri and reson disregarding ws far ab necessary, he ler ofthe law Statutes may be extended to cover cases not ithin the tral meaning ofthe terms, for Cat whichis clanrly within the intention ‘ofthe Igslatur n enacting tho aw ese meh with the ate ‘sift wor within tho letter. Hare the era (lerzl ah misprint) ‘spain and obvious, Iie not to cores the ac of the lagltar, bat rae fry oan ie dae orn othe trated Ina statute which provides that the remedy of mandamus may ‘be vaio of "thre i mo the las, speedy or adequate ready 4 the ordinary courte of law,” the word “curt” is ebvoualy a ‘ror o stake, fr what the law intended, which the oot sshd ffectute ita It should read tours” 6 that the pase sould ‘ead “renarycourso ony. Where a reference in oe ston of ‘stata to another by mamber ie menifety& typographical er, ‘he eourts in cansiraing the state shuld corredt the err, £9 rovent is nuliestion and give te meaning” A word ina eae Inadvertent chaseed by compilers toa meeninglom wor, which Ear ADEEREYCET ORDEPAITUAR ROM. LANGLAGE 1. gar ren ‘hang is inndvertenty repeated in ats undertaken to make hanges, sould be restored hy courts mau to make the sates ‘orrespnd with the ebvion logiltiveintant= In Feria, Barb the quton rind in whoa Ue ppolt- ‘ng power ofl a vacancy created by a eonggunian ieraber who di ‘ot tlong to any patcal party, under the povstn of the Local ‘Geverament Cede which reds “In eno the permanent vacancy Is ‘ned bys eongeunign member who dos 5 belong to any pol ‘Sl party, the lel shit executive shal, upon recommendation of ‘he sangeunian concerned, appoint a quali pean to ho te ‘ancy. Te Court rled that considering Sec. 0 ofthe Code which ‘eatin the President, the governor ab the mayor in descending ‘Grier Ch earl of a exestve ower appt inorder to ll {canis in lost coco to suspend Incl fal, the phrase “Ipsl ei exeetive” which doce no include the President, n she provision jeu misnomer andthe sonrate gnsre raw should be “thortoscooarne,” as this phrase canter othe Prien, he goers othe map, a the eae maybe 414, Qualification of rule ‘Wa the courts may eoret to rete the ral nd apparent Jatention nthe legislature are only those which ae lay eerical {enor oF obvious mistakes, onions, aad lapeats™ They may ‘ot inthe fae of onstruction, correct wht they think fo due to ‘reraight as showa by an oxaminetion of extraneous creutances, ‘where the states i len and to eerect Ie Would bo to chan the ‘moaning ofthe la, or spa provision wl be abrogated. 0d so [to rewste the lay and invade the domein ofthe logue x indi legsation in the guise of interpretation ‘418, Construction te avoid abrandity, tls wellsetied that gute ar aot to gives tate a meaning ‘hat would oad to abwurite Is heir duty toconstrue the start See Seeaetes SEES REE eens oem fn sucha way ao avoid such consequences” For Cungres could ‘ot have intended absurd interpretation of the law.” Ifthe words of ‘statite are sucepite of nore han one eating, the abeardity the reat of ene cnsracion ls «stung argument aging te ‘options and infor of rch snebe interpretation a wil eval och reule= Hence, general terns of state shoal be Kimi ‘a thir epplieation an not to lead to abourditis Tt wil always be Dressed thatthe logiltarecnendod exception its language Ihc would sed emaegusaces of this character" Similarly, ates may be extended 0 cover can not widin the er reening ofthe terme if eit exact and itera import would lead to abrord or mischievous real Inerprelatio ‘ais ir ambigus semper fend et ut entetur inconvenience abourdu. Where there i ambiguity, such interpretation as will avoid inconebenee and ound isto be adopted ‘Wher a iaral adherence tothe language of a atte would ‘prafuce absurd rovult unless the appropiate ward or words are ‘tenor omied there, thecourt ha the pomert upp ot Ot {he words fom m statu th order wo prevent an abeurd rent" 1g prumed thatthe lgilate intended enceptias to te language which woud avoid aba eneequenees= Courts test the law by its resulta. Where a Jaw appears sritrary whon aplied in particular ease heene of is pclar lrmstances, the courte re Dot baund’ to apply it in slavish ‘Sedienee ais langunge Shapes Pate & apn vn, No, te, Ot 2 sg, 0 SCR 2 ev Aon fa i Loma PL (GSe carRope S ut iy Gta bn pc ‘so Dm tata 6 De at “Sure epi, 18 Pa 755 Seite eth eal Pa 0.0905 nm Al pre Tihs Lam + Mp up Ba oe "US Page, a, 00, CEST nS ca eso, AoHNANCE TO, OR DEPAETURE MO, LANCUAGE AT Dep ar Inept ‘Coats are not to give a statate x meaning sat would lend to tbsurdits If he words of atule are susepible of more chan he meaning, the shear of the rosut of one conan is ‘rong snrumentsgainat adoption, and in favor of uch sone {Bterprotation, Tho oars tert tao by tru Ala sboul nt {ninterpretd go as nt to cao injustice. Uhre area which ae ‘evtrlly val at ay ace srbirary when applied ina particle ‘he becuse of te pring eumetases. Courts arene bound to ‘Spply hem in slavith obedience to Ue laaage™ ‘Coors should construe a statute to effectuate, nd not to ea, ts provisions: Tha, where aterm i defined in sate, the enrt may no construe tt exclude what is nladed therein as toretrict te copes Nether should they ive a word ina wate @ ‘meaning which would lead io aboard or wnreasnaaiie camsequences ria mcining which would reader compliance with ts provisions ‘apse to perform "The wellknown principles of statutory interpretation are that aaten must be cord in rach a ways to give effc the Intention tie fepsatre, and no a8 give eneble meaning ‘he lnnguage of ee statute and hus avoid nonaenacal or beta esults, depeing to the extegt snavoidele trom the lier Tengunge ofthe statute” For instance, Sesion 2 of Act No. 826,98 ‘unde, provies in par Prescription hal begin to ru om he {aya the somminnion of Ue lation of the law and ithe sme be ‘ot know a the tne, the dsrvery thereof and sition of Jada eosoding fr nvetgnton and punishment.” A Tal ‘ain of hs roison shows thet bro 2 elmente aust vince {rte beginning ofthe runing ofthe prescriptive perio: st, the Ajcovery of the commision of Use cre, and send, inttion ‘tjadial pocedings, and anc tho lfter, under prevalig rule, ISterupte preserve pero, such itera reading would ive rise to the abourd rut thet would begin nd be interrupt by the Sime onarrenc and no prescriptive period woud not have begun. ‘The Court hal hata “tatute proving for prescription of defined rina offenses is more than wate Pepe apd conetiuts an ‘tot grace by which the State aftr th apbe of certain perio of ‘Firmen: Repu 68 Pa 12 050. “rot Dagee sa ‘time, arveders its sovereign power to protecate the criminal et ‘Actatato on precrpton of rea san at of iberalty onthe pare of he Stat in favor ofthe offender’ To estat th eilative lotant advo avld the abourd raul, dhe Court ruled that the ‘hrase “institution outa proceedings fr investigation and ‘unihment” maybe either daropanled we surplumage chou be Aeemed preceded by the wardunt™ ° ‘The principle maybe beter appreciated by way of lustration. In Olzerar v, Villa the ince raised is whether oF not the suspension oder agalnt an lees ofc lowing an information for violation of the Anti-Grat Law fled against him, appli not nly tothe curent term of oe but als to another term if the ‘ecu run for relecton and on, Seton 12 ofthe) Ant- Graf {Uns under which the oficial wes suspended, provides that “any Public offer sgainet wham any erminal prosecution under valid Information under this Actor under tho provisions ofthe Revised Penal Code on bribery is pending in court shall be mrpended fom office, Should he be eonvieed by final judgment, be call os ll Fetirement or gratuity benefits under any In, but ithe is equ, be shall be entitled to eastatement and oth saree ad benefit ‘hich eile to recive during suspension unl inthe meantime ‘Mmnibtrative proceedings have been led egnst hi,” The ort Said thatthe ‘states argument That the suspnsion order was fot perfire ited to pettone term of ofce (1908.97) ad Should be doomed to attach automaticaly to his now term (1972 1875 although at orginally covered nor cotamplated thers i ‘achored on the provision of Section 13 of Repu Act No. 2019, that the suspended oficer shall be eatiled to einsatenent tnd to the alae and benef which he filed to teeive Caring aspen’ inthe oent of sequal the charge. Tis poison ‘eines petitioners postion, that it afr othe caren arm of the suspended afer (and not to fature unknown end teria new term unlets supplemented by 2 new suspension order inthe Fea rslaton) fri his erm sll have expired ate time of ‘equal he would viol be no longer ented wo rinttement ‘thers, it would oad tothe absurd recut hata stoped afer, ‘ofwithstanding the fact Ut hi term fof a on apd ne he has been saeco in ofce by other, would alsa Lavoe the CR SE ayo, 7 Soma, 1 Det om ar Itt provi erally nd claim te right to reinstatement and slarios nd enets upon his auttal"™= People. Yu Hoi invelve the interpretation of Aric 90 of the Revised Penal Cae in rlation o Arties 9 and 26 of tho samo (Cod, Article 9 provides that crimes “punishable by a corretnaal ena shall presrbe inten ears; withthe excoptin of hr pun- [Ehsbl by rrsto mayor, which shall resrbe in ve Yara bel Drestribes in one year and light fences prescribe in fre month” [tele @ deine ght lenses as those or the commission of which {he penalty fare manor o «fine not excelling 200 poco or ‘othe provided” Fine, the oer hand sclareiSod under Article 28 nto alive, eorecional, and Ng and ine not exooding {00 psue bt not les than 200 pene correctional ight Hi be less than 200 pos. The question i: When does acrine Lyarresto menor ine nor exon 200 pens presrbe Ie sa {sed that th erie peseribes i tan years becas tho erm may {Se punished bya mann fine of 200 pean, whieh orectinal ‘nder Aree 25, anda erime punishable by correctional penalty prescribes in ten years under Arti DD Ia eecting this argument, ‘he our ani "Arile OD euld not hve intended that ight offenses ‘dened by Article 9 would have two prescriplive periods — to ‘onthe i they ae penalized by arrero menor andor a fie of lee ‘han P20, snd un year penalized by «maximum fine of P2002” "The difeence of nly one pew ne impoable ine would mean all the difeence of sine years and tan months in the prescriptive pe: Fed ofthe offense. And what is worse, the proper peseriptve period ‘ould not be acereained ntl and wales the ur decded wid of {he elleratve penalties ehod be nprond, whith the nur cot ‘at properly do If the affense had prescribed, for then it euld no Tonge be prostate. Toy abardrerll the ewmakers ould ot Inve witingly intended, expecially sine mare serious offenses as toe punishable by arto mayor a errctional penal) proserbe, ‘lo under Artie 2 in ve years wale other Tas grave offense, [ike il and orl defiration ond slander, revere even shorter erode fine, one year and ix manta, recpetvly.™ In Pople», Rayon the Court noted that “the panalty of recusion perpetua wa posed by A. No, 7059 as the masini Penal when the quanlty af shabu involved in tho offen io {han 200 prams and st the rame tne ay the mam ‘when he quantity of sata involved ir 200 gram more. Ty ald ncongrsity inthe application ofthe lw a8 waiton, Seton 17 of ‘heaning ofthe sate Lampe. Phipps, 2 Pl. 456 (1912). “in oder tu datermine the penalty tobe imposed on appelan, ve vido tho amount of 199 grea into hres correspondent to the Iuprison mayor and ith wet the chau tvol! i balow 66 ‘grams, the penaly tab none ie prision oreanal 1m Malonso e. Zamora one ‘of the cottons raed was ‘hat the City Gouna f Cale eannet validly pass an ordinance sporwpiating a supplessntal budget othe purpose ofexpoprating ‘erin pare land, without ft adopting or updating Ke howe ‘los af proodure within the fist 90 dap flowing the election of {ssumbers,aroquited by Sen 60and G2 ofthe Local Government (Coe. etting uth omtention the Supreme Court Pula: “Moreover, adoption or updating of ou roles would secesaelly call werk bayoad the Gayo the fe ruler sion. In fact, tock the members of the Sangguniang Pantungadel Caloocan iy unt Sly 29,1008 complete the ‘SSCAD ee ScRA S ADORE TO.ORDEDARTURE HOM, LANGUAGE 31 Data Lar ttt tak of adopting ther house rales: Does thie man thet prior ‘hereto, the loa! sus hands were ted and sold not eto ‘ny other mattar? That woul certainly be abeurd fort weal ‘sul in ahiabs and paralysis in the local elatve work ‘which could ot hve been intanded by the law. Inerpretato {ale in embiqts semper finda et, ul etatur incomteient ‘tabwardum. Where teres ambiguty such interpretation a ‘rill avid convenience and baud eo be adapted ™= Interpretation that would lad to absadity or mlifcation of awe should be avoided ora. Comelee (GR. No. 125169, November 4196) invlves the interpretation af he phrabe regular lets." e Court ruled ‘ha the orm “regular elcion® refer fo the elton i we the iil nughto be realod was lected, nd oto any oer regular ‘Shection, Held the Cour Petone’ engumeat is simple and ta the pot. Citing ‘Section 14°) of Republic Act No. 7160, otherwise known ‘as the Local Government Coda, which etter that *o real ‘hall take place within ono () year fom Ue date of the ‘tials semompton to ofce or one (1) year immediately ‘precoding a regular loa election” petitioner naa thatthe ‘Seduled January 1, 1998 reel Hetion le now bared ae the Sangguniang Kabataan (0 sletion was art by Republic ‘AGUNG, TAOS onthe frst Monday of May 1906, and every three 2p tater Inspr hr pete cn cet Tabor Unio v Ltrondo-Montg, 237 SCRA 21, where the Court consider the SK election a a regular las election Petter maining Ut atthe SK wlectin is a roel eal sleetion, hence no geal election can be ad for bly Soar ‘months seperate the SK eloton fom the eel lan. We oot agree, ‘The sbjot provision ofthe Local Goveraanent Cae provides: SEC. 74, Limitations on Recall — (a) Any elective oa ial may be che sabjoct ofa recall lection oly ance during bis toro oon for oe of onBiencs. RF Ti tig Ap Sant Cri 108.90, ‘Wise ruloin statuary construction that evry par fthe statute mat be Interpreted wth reference to hefner, {hat every part ofthe stata mu be cneered taper with ‘hoother parts, and kept ouborrviea! we tho general tent ofthe ‘whol enactment The evden Intent of econ 7 isto suet {Eh eletve locale to cll lection one during ba ema ‘ofc, Paragraph (construed tgether with paragraph () ‘orely designates th period when such elective local eal ‘ay be subject fa recall eon, tet I, during the second {ear of hs term of ees. Thun, subcrbng to pelianers Interpretation of tho phrase roglarlcal lection’ to inde the SIC elacton wl unduly crcumserbe the novel provision ‘ofthe Local Goverment Code on real» mode of removal ‘public ocers by intation of the people before the endo is {erm And ithe SK election which i act by BA. No. 7008 fa ‘be ald every three years from May 1966 wore to be deemed ‘within the purviow of tho Phrase “regular local leon,” a8 ‘rroncoualy tnsoed by ptidoner, chen no real ection can ‘conducted rendering int the recall provision oth Leal ‘Government Code, {Inthe interpretation of tats, the Cort shold start ‘with the steumpion thatthe lglatre Intended to enae a ‘Sov a, andthe logllatre nat premimed to have done ‘vain thing in th enaesoent ofa statute, An ntrprtatin Should feeble beavlded under which aatateleorproviaen ‘being coastraedis defeated, ora otherwin expres, male, Aesroyod, emasculated, repeald, explained sway, o enred insigaicant, meaning, operative ce mvgator. 1 iy likewino basic precept in statutory construction that @ statute should be interpreted fn harmony with the {Contin Tha the interpretation of Section 74d Loca \Goverament Cole aragraph (there sboald ‘ot bo in cfs withthe Caused mandate of Section Bar Arige Xd he Consttion "enact wel eovernment ‘ode which shall provide fra mre responsive sadacounae icc government structure insted through a nyatem of Arcentralization with fictive mechanisms of tall itive, soinirendon ADIUNENCETO,ORDEPAKTURE FROM LAKOKACH 8 2 DeprieLrl Tprettin Moreover, petitioner too itera interpretation fhe law leads to absurdity wich we cannot countenance, Thus, in a case, the (Court made he flowing edition: “We admonish agnnst totter reading ofthe aw thine ape to constr rather than lt prpioe and defeat {heintention efits author. That intention usually found not {nthe eter hat illeth but inte spirit that vie “The ops; ratherdhan the eter fa lw determina te ‘mateution;henen «statuo, agin tis eas, must be read ‘teording st prt and intent Finally, recall election te panty dleaptive of the ‘pormal ooking of the Ine government unit necositting ‘bona expenses, hence Uh proibison gaint Uh comic! ral lotion ane year immediatly preceding the regular Toa elton, The prosription i de te proximity 9 the ‘ext regular slacton fr theif of the lel eletive all ‘ncered,Theelecarate ould hone the ofa replacement In tho suid lection who certainly has a longer tenure in office ‘than a socesnr elected through a recll eleton, It would threfre, be more in keeping With the intent of th real provision ofthe Code to construe regular lea) election as ‘ne refering to an election where Une fce hed by the acl ‘Gece oficial sought tobe recalled will be entested and be ‘led by the clcorate. 418, Construction to avoid injustice, Tt i presumed that uncnale consequences wore never Intended bya logiative measure, and that a constrcton of whi the statute is finly sasceptble Is favored, which wil avid ll ttjectonable, miachievous, indefensible, mre nangerioot Consequences The presumption that the lgitury, in enacting ‘la did ot intend to work a hardship or an oppressive raul = ule abuse of authority oF act of oppression, arming one persan ‘ith weapon to nou harp om another a et anipenda Intergrtatio quae vito cae. That Interpretation lo be adoped ‘hich fee fom el or insti TSR Renan G Na 8, Neer 2,174, 8 SORA uw snaxvronycoxsrmuction A clas rample of the application ofthe principles Amaton Auer. In this can, poron was charged with homici Upen ‘rrelgnmont, he and Ho eounod he allended party sad te pubic ‘rosecutor entered nt apea bargaining whereby, withthe approval ‘tthe the information was amended to steriptedbotsede ed the accused plaeded pully ther, The plea bargaining agreement ‘was entered nto nnd approved bythe udgo pursuant to See 2, Rule 116 ofthe 1985 Revied Rae of Crstinal Procedure, a ane, ‘which allows en accused, with the const of the afodd par, 1 ‘led guy toa leoer offense, gure of whether obo sh ‘lee i necessarily inided inthe rae charged, or cgniable Dy cour of lester urodiction. Charged administratively for goer ‘goranee ofthe law for approving tho pea barganing agreement fd sontening the socused for Ue crn of tempted home, ‘he judge explained that what he did was a acerdanee with Se. 2, ‘Rule 16 ofthe Revised ales of Criminal Procedure, naling the ndgeedainistratvely able for grat ignorance of aw, the Court “Section 2, ule 116 ofthe 1985 Revised Res of Criminal Procedure, as amended allows tho eeciod in zal ease to plod gully "to a leserefenae rogardons of wheter OF ‘otitis Seceery included in tho ere charge The ft ‘death ofthe vcti for whith th sooned Radrgo Uropad ‘ras riminally abl, cannot by simple loge and plan common ‘eros be recoiled with Ue plea of gut) tthe laser oenae ‘fattampted homicde, The cme of homicide ar defined in ‘Arie 249 of the Revised Penal Code neceararlly profes ‘eat; atiemptod home dove not Concdedly, ats in ‘the law exists Inthe eazebefre us, which could iter load {oa mloapprehension of Section 2 of Re 16 ot outset ‘nafsion Such a eeu: was tel ecgaied by the Deputy {Court Administrator when he recammended sn amendment #0 ‘the provision a is Memorandsm rover, tho law i ot entirely bere of atone in sch ‘cases. Tn instances wher a tral aplication of «provision law wound oiajustie orto erecult so diet in opposition swith tho ctl of loge and ererydey common teas a8 ‘be uncandlnable, the Civil Code admins jes to take ‘rips of right and jutce at ar, La cao of doubt the Intent is to promate right and justice. Plat justia, raat eel: (Let right be done, Gough the heavens fl. Stated ‘Gierendy, when a provision of law is silent or ambiguous, Judges ought to invoke soltin rrponate fo the Seem ‘urge ofconelence ‘The prncpo alan utrated in People o.Purisimay which ‘avolves the interpretation of Sotion 5 of Presidential Decree No. 8 Seton $ provide that “it ball be unlawfl to cary outside of resideno any bladed, pointed or Bunt expan suchas fan kif ‘Spenbolobliong baron, rior by except where such artes ‘re being used as ncossry tala imploments tear a ivelibod ‘snd wile boing uredn connection thoewith and any person fad (rly thereof wall suffer the penalty of imprisonment ranging {Bom fv tote yeas asa military courtebualeommission may ‘Urect™ The ine read i whethor the act of carping the mesa {furtherance of rt abc, or in connection with subreson, ‘ebelion insurrection, leylesvolenc, emily, chaos o public ‘lsordr isa necomary element of the oenus. Its and thatthe ‘ear, Mera import othe law shows that the probed ect neod ‘be related to rabresive activities recited in te prenbl and {tthe las enentlly malum probbitur plied for reson of pei policy. In rejecting such argument berate t woud ead to {njuste,hardhip and unreasonable ensequences and In eldng thatthe carving of the prohibited weapon outside of residence ‘ust be slated to wubveraive or eiminal atlas mentioned the preamble ofthe deere, the or ani: “In the construction oF interpretation of a epsative reagure a presidental dre in those cases ~ the primary Fleet sect fr gn determine the intent and spit of te Iw Legatie int isthe contrling facta" for "whatever ‘Stn hn opt oats i within the stat, and hie ‘a to be yi at adherence to the letter would rel in ‘seufiy, injutice and contrdicdon” Tn the construction ‘PPD. No, 03), becomes relevant to inguire nto the ‘Sineequances ofthe mearore fm strict adherens tthe lear ofthe paragraph is illoed Tisserant nd SOR We tt NermberS oo SO, “ita tabe presumed hat when PD. No, was promulgated ‘bythe President ofthe Republic there wasn intention to work ‘hardehipor an appresivereul «posible abuse ofauhorty fr an act of oppression, sraing ene person with 8 weapon { Smpoe hardship on other" To aate such rerall or fonenguence, the fur led the tral cones eboervation that ‘tina difcal ttle the mrmaring of detained persons Trout court upon a charge pomseatn ofbladed weapans Snder PD. No 9 that more than ever before, olcernen — of fsurae ao allcan beatles ~ pw havea thelr bande PD. [No a8 moet convenient toa Gr extortion, what with the terriping nko eng sentenced to imprisonment of ve to ten ‘sears fora rusted teen knife or pl feo whch only God knows where iene from.” Moreover thecourtcuntinued, theres avald presumption ‘hat undeirabie consequences were never intended by «legilative ‘measare, and that a construction of which a staute i fily ‘Suacptelataore, which wilaweidallobjectonshe mischievous, indefensibe, wrong, ev, and injurious consequences” Thus, “i {he entation f the proection net then fa pers happens tobe caught wile om hi way home bythe law enforcement ofcre arin a Kitchen kaif that aid person hed just bought rom a ‘toc tht the tame tay be wand bi one's cok fr preparing the ‘Beals in onshore, ach preson mil beable frpasishnent with Such severe pnd a iprsonsen rm ve toto Yous under the decre” Tete i also" sation where a law-abiding czas, ‘lawyer by profession, aftr gaan in is hows remembers to return the bolo teed hy him ta hi elder who vee sbout 80 ‘Relea ot away and while erogsng the strct meets a plceman. ‘Th ater upon scsng the bao being cared by that cae paces ‘him snder arrest and bok hin fr Walon oD. No 9). Could the presidental decree have been conceived to produce mie abd, ‘sorenonable and isentbe rus?" In Ursua w. Court of Appeals tho jasoe was wheter the luolatad ues, tobe intance,of mame othr Gan a person's trae ‘sume to soee copy ofa document fom a goverament agency ‘rors lation of Com. Act No. 142, as amended, the Ani ‘oERENCE 0, oRDRPARTINE FROM LaNGCAOE 37 2 Dept Lr tion Aa Ua Thi law proven that “Breopt aa poudonys solely for ierer, ina, teleisn, radio or other enersinment parpoes fd in alae vest where the ne of pando isa bormally ‘cepted practice, no person shall woe ny same diffrent fom the one with whic he was teitered t thin the ofc of the oo il rglty oe with whi he was bape for the fie ne ‘ori cae an alien, with which he wns nepotered the biuret ‘timmigrtion upon entry; or such eubelta mame as may have ‘cn authorised by a cnspetent court" The Court found thet the ‘rote of the Ant-Alae Law into prove confusion and rad in ‘usinos transactions, which shent in the we of diferent name belonging to another persn n'a single instance, and sesordingly held that auch inated ue of ffent name lsat protbited by the lew; otherwise, there would ke the underable consequence {hat an etn intended to b penalined would be made punishable Wadded thatthe law ould ot be given 4 eral meaning 9 ‘wold Teed wo absurdity, contradiction and injustice and deat the ‘Sen parpowe ofthe In, and st atts has tobe ermeraed ‘vad ebjecionble, mischievous, indtesile, wrong, ell end [njurlous onsequence ‘417, Construction to avoid dangett public interest. 1 is « wolleatalohed rule of statutory cistron that where greet inconveniene wil ret, o great pub interest wil endangered oraueifced, or gest isch dove, fom a parealar anstructin of ¢statte, rich eomrcton is to be aided. Courts ‘Shoala premome tht sich sonetruction wae nat intended by the ‘akore ofthe law." The deafar ofhe nw eld uct have needed fo create such deplorable or impossibe situation Thus, the ‘word “process” in the pracamation that "ll Ins regulations Und procaes” of the sgallod Republic of the Phiippisee during {he Japeneee orupaton of the county “are ull and wid and without legal eee” may’ not be construed t embrace Jadieal ‘oceeses becuse to adopt mach construction great inconvenience Sod pullcardahip would real sad greet pubic nteret would be (tndangoed apd arid, for depute or sult aleady adjudicated ‘would have abe agin ste, accrued or vested rights nalied, ‘Sentences paced on rinse ade, and eviminals mht eaally Pca Rep 6 Pi 4 0040. a6 STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION scape punishment for eidence aginst then might have already ‘appeared 4:18, Construction in favor of right and justice. “In case of doubt inthe interpretation or application of ay, itis presumed thatthe lnwunaking body intended right and justice to prevall"™ The Cede’ Caamienen ‘which resmmendad te {nchion ofthe provkon in the Col Coe spy that wl hi ule {2 unquestionable, ils hessary tha tbe eebotg in the Code “that ean ip Ue ale in for of ight ad ustie when the Ia is doubl o bseoe. wil sreagdin the dterlnation of ‘St mayo inertng te law =" Acorngy, sy doe in ‘Docent fe ata reste nvr oS jnion “The ict tht tae i len, cbc one wih reepost o gusion bore to ont il tury the let {Ea dining to render fgpnnt theres Tis sncent main the Roman aw sented nature angst nin ae ‘teres deriment ct nora fr leprae etd ‘pte Partian in thew terme: Nexo mom deuemvigsere {Searaante on date aro Coes roe hoe fame incisor st reine tov st {ston that weld respond tothe vehement ure afcomene= “ie talnseng confine tht one peeled fo pte ‘aes wish te crt bine wet promt te pc were {n't probble operation aoa gneral ic psp good ilastration ofthe aboro principles aloacion v Cetrol Band: The isae raised in this case is whether the dear bank ‘epost in Pilpgine bank of a ferign tourist can be attached to ‘tity the moral damages avarded in fevor of the later 1-year ld ape itn The Plippne bel and Uh Central Bank refed Segre ena mon Soe partie man SSE oS on arson Sb caD Ta a7 SORA a7 9m AORRECEO,ORDRPARTUME AE LANA 1 Depart Li ntereation tohnnor the writ ofatachmen, invoking See 8 of Rep. Act No. 628, sb tnended, which provides In part that foreign arrncy depts ‘hall be exempt from attachment, pasisient ot any cher order proces of ay court, bed, government sency oF an ‘dmiistrtive fy whataoever" In rejecting the contention of the {ani nd boing Vat the pela cametance sbttning make the law not applicable tothe aa f the Id-yeurl rape vite thatthe banks should comply with the wr of esetion vod releese ‘the dll dept in favor of the vicin,the Court plied the Brincples af right and justice prevail over te wit nnd eral ‘words ofthe sate. The Court eplained ‘scape fm jail and aid punihinont. On the otber hand, he aia ving received a fyrorble judgment inthe Chal Cae for damage im the amount of snore tha F4,000600.00, ‘hich amount could alleviate the fusion, ansiey, and Deamiched eptaton she hed gafeed and may coniae to sierra len, long tine nd owing that tis person nh ‘trong her has th money, could nat, however ge the aad of datnagen because ofthis wareasonable nm The questioned la therfore, makes ftle the fvrabl judgment end omar ‘of damages that she and her parent ally deere. 23 Te ‘orth mentioning that RAC No 28 wat enced 108) or Ata te when the countrys economy was in wshambl han ‘he foreign investmots wore mina and pres, Us ‘aa te reason why sid statute was enacted Bat tho relies a the pensent times show that the country has reser ‘szonomicly; and even if ot, the questioned lw stil denies {hose entitled to due prose of lw fr elng Uarensonable snd oppressive. The intention af the queried law may be ied when enacted. The lw fled te antcpate the iiguoos ffi rodacng outight injustice aa inequality sacha the ‘200 before wax xx fine, the aplistion ft law depends ‘on the extent af its juste, Eventually, wr ru tht the ‘Geetioned Section 118 ofthe Central Bank Cinelae Ne. 960 ‘which exempts ftom atachmen, garuishment, or any eer = sxarurony oosermucTiON oder or proces of any cout, egsative Indy, government ‘lgncy or any administrative hoy whatneer i appeal to ‘forelgn transient, injustice would reul coped to ativan ‘ages by a fregn pores ee accused Grey Baral. Tia ‘role negate Arie 10 ofthe Civ Code which provides that neateofdoabtin theimerpetation or applention fave ia preeued thatthe lawmaking body intended rig and Justi {5 preva” Miaguno non ta enriguacre fortran ‘in dad to Spy atta, when the tat alent of ‘Shiguows ths ie one ofthe Fundamental soltiane thet ‘ould respon othe veer ange ofeonacienon™ 410, Surplusnge and mupectulty disregarded. ‘Where a word, phrase or dawson atattele devedofmeening \nelaton athe cote or intent ofthe atte or wher it ageste 1 myeaning thet lifes the state or readers i witht ena, te ‘word, phrase o clause maybe rejected as surplage and entirely [gcred="The sete ahold be construed in sosreance with Use vient intent of the leistetare without regard to the meted word, ‘have or cause» The rule la setied the surplaage does ot ‘iste statute, expressed inthe sexi, urpaagiom non nocet [Noris the unflviatd by the on-Sohiexpresoed nthe maxi, tle por nae nom lat Demafes v. Conumieion on Election iustratas the rl (ne ofthe sues ralsd inthis cao is Whether a preprodamation lection cae ha become moot becouse th proclaimed inne hed Immediately taken his oath purtuent to Seton 2 of Repo Act ‘oO wih provides that he “fret mayor, vee mayor and coun lors ofthe municipality f Sabste sal be east inthe net gen ral elction frelon and shall ha quale” ein argued That the phrase “sal have quae” makes the term oe of he ‘rat munipaloftals begin immediatly tert pramaton. ‘The courts reecing the agurent, ued "our vew, Seat portion of he provision — ‘and sal Ihave qualiad’~ ie devoid of any renning, a wamitlgated anc Se tO N i Der “Recess. scm AUIRENCETOLOREPARTURE IO LANCE Depart Lr rain angninorout often, an doea not warrant the respondents ‘adleg thatthe term of afin ofthe frst mune ofeals of Sehaste begin immedistely fer thar proiamation. Iie ‘ue probable thet i whet the leislature meant: But her ie ‘clea cae of failure to express a mening, anda becoming fens of judicial modesty forbids the cores fess eanuing ‘sad, cauequenly, trom suplying. TF thors i no meaning in isu the Kings Allein Wonderland that wares a work of ‘eouble you know, as we needa’ ty to id any. Frankfurter, ‘sho himeel? waa fond quoting this passage, ndmonishee that's jdge mast not rewrite a statute, neither to enlarge ‘ort contract it. Whatever temptation i satesmaaship af prlimaking might wisely sugges, constriction must eechow Interpolation and eviseration” Accordingly, we have to go bythe general ale tht the torm of municipal fale shall Sgn on the fst day af Jemunry flowing tec lection, and ‘the assumption af fo bythe respondent Calan no way ‘ected the bate ams in thin nse.” 1420, Redundant words may be rejected. Redundant words and phrase are not ifrequntly fond in legiatve enactments nd only thease silly day eats are entirely fe frm euch defers So, whl he generel ra nth every effort shouldbe mado to gve sme meaning every port ofa statate™ thls rule dogs nt impos npn the courts Sa Uxperive shligation to give every redundant word or phrase pea ial cane, contrary tthe manifest intention of the lgilatre, sad ‘ose interpretation of wor or phraee which abd to defeat the whol purpot ofthe law sto be reecta, when the a of uch word ‘or phrase may fil an properly be treated ta & mere relertion or rpstition af otberledguage inthe statute, Intel suient fo ‘ary out he intention athe legiltare, 421, Obscure or missing word or fale description may not Drociude construction, a Coors shoald not and cannot slwaye be bound by the ‘phraseology or iteral moaning of Matte. They mey at tones ‘hea ri aca, Bs rarvrorr conermucrios iaogarIooe or obscure, words in erdr to arrive at the real faewning and spin of the satu Lingual imperfection In the tofing of statute sold never be permed a hamstring judicial fcarch for lelaive intent, which can otherwise be loved Moreover, the fac that sonable reading of the ext of he law my ‘how tha some words are ising therein doe to ceria eror or ‘remit dos not precude giving the statute a construction that ‘Vatearey out the intent ofthe law Nether dos false desertion [relade construction nn wnt the meaning ofthe tafute whieh Wothorsice lear. elas demonstatio non nett um de orpore conta. ‘422, omption from rigid application of la. trey ree ihe etn fh geld eater cen to ag coe oe Sr eS ce ing tt et ml a Te ie lei inary oe eh Sn Sauk og ate nee may rene ‘et th bined "Cpl nem stan Cn arc raw tae ck Peat han ages estonia weenie preach und pr! sy ath sal ae crater ue emanate peel a shod Sy nena ron neers ry mae SUES ri er ols eae eign ‘Seis mam comme era Wor ten appa eine rx work inti, an een tec rn hal Hamar SLIT SACS etd ren enh nel per acti rate caper sees pected SORES Eitan eines bapa Mace Git Nob. Fray 6 106.27 Soman ier pn Or MT CRA Rit tees sosceh sc SESS cen hg, ay 29,0 1s Sona om npn yen Re ay ht BCA ,ORERENCETO,ORDEPARTURE FROM LANGKAGE 39 1 Dep Lt Ietti, vcd injustice or oppetson. Andi isthe duty ofthe court to #2 true atte aso eflctuste wich premamed intent = 425, Law doos not require the impossible. in wolleted that the law does not neque that the Impossile be done" The law obliges no-one perfor an ‘toss, expesed inthe maxim, nemo tenet ad impel In other words, there is no bligation to do an iposssle ting Impoesilia nulla obligato et Hlenee, rata may et so ‘gnetruedastorequreeomplianc with what tpesribr cat at the tne zal accomplished Te sould instoad be entrada och away tht substantial eomplance with what the la FOSS ‘s suicint. Thus, where the lew requires that, im ode ah ‘rart may acquire jriadiction over peo for nataralctin, the petition be published inthe Oficial Gaara week. for threc ‘unos and conseutely, the Sot requirement of which cant be legally accomplished becaon the Oficial Gavette was tt the tne, published weekly, emptance withthe two ctr requirements ‘would be deemed sulicon tn enable he court fo equa oredction ‘ver he naturliantion ese ‘Te statutory grant of tandby power to the Commision on ‘lectins on the registration of voter au provided fr in Soe 28 of Republi Act No. 8435, which reads: “ati shall no longer be rnspnaby posible to chserve the ‘eviods and dates preserved bylaw for certain pre-election {tes the Commision sal fx ater periods ad dates in order to enure aceomplishment of tho seis wo voters shall not ‘be daprived oftheir suage” presuppose the posto ts ‘being eerised or Sled of, and not otherwise, The provision ‘ust be given such interpretation tht is i acordance with ‘ige, commn sono, reasmableneas and practicality. Where tine constraint nod th surrounding ireumstances make ft ‘posable for the Camminson on Bletons to omluct speak regiotrtin of voters, the Commision cannot be fulted for Sea ane ens, ‘See Bap ra 8 ‘SUG Aaude ean asm TON on swarurony consraueTION ‘fixing to do fr dhe law dos not require the imponse to ‘oddone there i'n obligation to do Use imps thing 424, Nambor and gender of words, ‘eis a maxim of statutory intron that when the context statins iene, worden ple the single end ‘fem Aral ror ins py otal eon or thing, Ju ae engular word may embrace {9 0 me perms of kings, Ale D6 of the Gi Cae which rvs thet fo widow or idower and legit crn and ‘EScendats are ft the rv spose havin he een the Siw sare aot of ano the Caen aplcn a» ston ‘Ghee ther is oul oe child renner” inca eld ST em any Sepa” ued inthe Eaton Cade sorbed “Moe cede” sul cote "ay person” ot ited tony pron the singer, Dut pple a wel obo ‘mor prem, A word ub Situ ten, and indeed has ‘ten quent ood in enlarged aed paral raga see a2 ‘niang "allo vey’ "ead eat rally over. wt itt, nde user quantity, a nde io Imbel nts ut oftacy or ono ore the eae may De, Several some Ibis alo a rl of statutory construction that in construing & tate, the maseline, bat not the fering ncades all genders, ‘leas the content n which the words used inthe ttt indents ‘herve (C.IMPLICATIONS 425, Doctrine ofneceseary implication. ‘No statute can be enacind hat can provide all the details Anvleed ins aplcation There a avaye an omion that may ‘bot meet a perarlar situation. What is though, atthe time of ‘hacanents fo be an albembrecngliltion may be inadequate eat nd GN tne SCRA. Are te Dn AnH, B86, ADININCETO.ORDEPARTURE MON. LANCLACE 28 ‘oestrone Cen to provide forthe unfolding tents ofthe future, Sold ges i {he uw develop atthe la is eforeed. One of Us alr of tattory mosruction sod to fil in the ap isthe doctrine of woceeary mpliestion, The dectrine sates at what ie mpi ine sttate ‘much part thereof an tet which ivarpressed™ Bvery statu is ‘Snderstood, by implietion, contain ll ach provisions as may be ‘ocean to eflecante it object and parpooe orto mabe elfcive ght, powers, privlges ot Jursiton which grants ineloding fl sich olateral and beldary consequences st aie be Zaly Sd lg nero ro tx trmn= The principle expressed In the mani, fc aorta eis o ro Unenecar ofthe la [And every tattory past of power, right or prilge i deemed Inde inidental power, ito grivilege. This wo besa the ‘reste inl the leer, expressed in the mas in quod plus [i oper net min ‘Tae tam “asees2y impiaton” ion tha 50 strong in ite probebility thatthe contrary thera? cannot Teatonahly be uppoted" I sone which, under the dreumatances, i compelled tyra reasonable view of the tacts, and the copery of which ‘woud be inprobale pd sheurd." Neen, the "rest master of {2 things defines What may properly and lgilly be Inferred from and vend into doe statute, I incinder nich inferences a ay Togally be drawn tom the purpose or object of the sata, fom what che loiinare must be presmed to have intended, and om the nessa of msking the eats eM and operative excludes what is merely plausible, benbal r desiree. Tho Actrne cf mocensry implication may at therfore be used to jusy the inlasomin a statatef what othe court appears tobe we and Jahon eat the eae time necenarily god legally within ts ferme: Nor may the dosti, the papa af which ke ther ‘les af onstruction, is fo ascertain lelative intent, be employed Sarena eonmom tans oar gx rte Fem ean soma Ta tt al Ge spe a aac LS Sa Rn te in Seer Casto ‘ei iso dh as Pee PO oe SORT AN Chong tsa ise to rapport an interpretation destructive ofthe bj or prpote of ‘the law. Whnt may be necseriy implied fo state hou, ‘ny event be maastnt with, and not contrary to, the Constitation ‘orto exiting ins An impleation whi a Welativ of the la Ie Unjaetied o unwarrentad = Taetrative ofthe dotrine of neceneary impliation je Chuo (ial Seroee Comet The inne raised in hi capes wheter ‘coterminous employee, or one whee appintent fs co-exist ‘ih the duration af goverment projec, who hasbeen eplyed ‘su fr move than two yrs seated to early rerement Tenis under Seton 2 of Republi Act No. 6585, Which provides {part thatthe “benefits suthersod under hin Ac el poly t allregulartemporery, carl and emergency employees, rgardose ‘fags, who have rendored at last a total of two ) songecative (One ofthe luo a Common on Audit v,Provins of Ceba, GR, No. 141886, November 29,2001, in whetbor the lay which ‘tuthortes the opening of extension cases Includes payment af Salaries end eer benoit of extension bathers, The Court rled: [von under the dctrine of neceaary implication, the ilocation of Ue SEP forthe extblshmer end maintenance ‘ef entension cae pial imple the hiring ef teachers wh ‘hou asa mater fours be compensated for Tet serves [ery statute in undertod, by bupiation,t0 aman all tach provision aa may be necseny to effects ie bject ‘and parse, oto make eciv rights, powers, elgee or Jselction pc i grant, ncuding il each collateral nd ‘subsidiary coneequencos os nay be fit and acl nero ssn nt OO i ts ea Sty Carin. 38 ADEERENCE TO, OR DEPARTURE PROM, LASOUACE att Chae from it terms. necessitates. Very, the serve nd the ‘responding compensation of thos teachers are nefesary tnd indispensatte tothe establshient nd maintenance of ‘rlenalon cases, Indod, the operation and malntenanee of public schools 4s lodge princply withthe DECS, Tin the reason why nly salaries of Public shoal teachers append a omaecion ‘withthe estailstment and msitensoce of extension canes, Inder ali, pertain to the supplementary budget of the local stool boards. Thus it should be made ear thet aot every ‘ind of personnel-aated beefs a plc ocelteachers ay ‘changed tthe SHE. "The SEF may by enpnded ely the ‘slares and porespel-rlatad benefit of tonchers epplated ‘bythe oa schol bards in connection nth te eotabishmnat sd mainlenane of extension cascos, rcenson lasee ‘fered to meen addons lasses need to ecommadate ‘il ldrn of choo! age dessing to eater n public sche Segure basi eucation 426, Remedy implied from a right. Tei ielseted principle tat whore there i ight here 44 remedy fr volition href The exprened in the man, ‘bi jus, tt roma. The eaatence ef & ight in favor ot Porton Implese orresponding eligation on the part of snither mo lates gah righ, and entities the former to remedy to aaure te wane ed vninion hero. The Unt ete a othe remedy des tot precude it from vineting hs right, fr ouch remedy Seip frm such night = Where & itn alter die hearing establahee a ght In cout aid ight is ‘paramount and must be ive free and effet. The way must be ‘eared fo its enfireement and technicalities in pred, iil ‘sell as administetive, 2st give way. Where the Constitution daclares that ight exist in certain ‘speciedieumstance, nati may be maintained to care uch ‘ight notwithstanding the absence of any leiltin on the subjects consequently ifther ona atte cpecally nec to eafce sah conetttioel right, such right enforce nlf hy ie wn lnerent TET 1a: ‘eal Nata Dept, 997. 219485) potency and puineeee, ah from which sl leptin tte [itr arage Fornre theres aright there ere ‘Tua principe eat where thers wrong, tere ea remedy whi colts omer juraieson ea grant. The word “wrong” TRonna deprivaan or vidaton of «right and i Bt equivalent to annoThe principe anne te exstance oa ih. Hence, where ‘hore inno nghton the par fone who prays fx a remody oF relief fr loge stolen theres, eh peaciplo does act pp and mo ‘lof amy De granted." ‘Botungbaka v Notional Development Co™ a case in pint 14 appears that" cil service employee was eospened and Inter ‘iste without cause ex thownty the fct that er iestigation {ereacnoeraed anid ule te charge rst online {ind agalnet him and was even rooommended for rebrtatement ‘eforeramentcommiice that westanted him, In ther words, ‘is suspen end removal were egal nd in violation. not oly of the Administrative Gada but of te Conaitatan Itself” Tae court ‘ed that to emedy the eran wrong eam, che leat hat ul dove iat etae bm tthe ofc ao post of which he had fan Mlgely opened and to oeude fn that remedy or rede ‘ean fhe flr ch moult ae ried daring ie ‘eviod ef gsl agpension and dlemistal” However, there was Tora problem in Ue way fh renstlement, for when he WH tespendt and rental lan emesis Tie inctnbentwhout sae nvination of law. In resalving the ‘rable, the court reused alga tion oa not to make the {legal demisoed employee without remedy. The oar ruled tt ‘mesma ete employ was legal damised gall peaking, ‘in punition never beetue rant lnc, there a0 ECAR ike te present incumbent cin be permanently appointed end Trove the pot to ve way to the employee's superior right may be tonsidered a removal fr ease. secret om nto marereronn zee AmeNce 70,0 DEPAITURE MoM, LANGUAGE att ‘osan 427, Grant of jurisdiction. Sette ie the rule that juraition ta hear and decide eases fs omfrred only ty the Cooreton or by sista canaot be ‘anerredty the Rar of Coar Nor may radeon empleo the nnguage a eats the lence of s lor logit intent tw that ect” Tha, the power conferred upon the Commision ‘on Elections hy Seton 108 of Use 1078 Election Cod to exrcae ‘ppelatejustston ove lacton ease fled with an eed by ‘eon ral nur leg mune elective ofetls docs not {ply the grant of suthorty upon ald Commision ise wis ‘Seeriorar, proba or mandamus eracering Fld ection asea fad where satu grant a seca court fraction over ‘Sina conn ining lenders ander 16 years old atthe tne tf the fling of the action, n stswquent statute defining a youthfal ‘fender an ons Whol over nie but below i ur of eg0 ay not ogo cantewe at to confer by implication upon sald pil court Shea yc ving tener ba bol 2 us 428, What may be implied from grant of jurisdiction. Toe ert of rt to ty ete cet with all neces inert powes ena ll wy cme ‘her means caval to mae ft eeicion sec Bvery Teele court has pow Go ll things which ae ‘ecules fr tbe eatin of ute tin the Dice tojrsitn and ort efroment oft dent aad ‘estes huh cu cn dc ary = Tote tin gaps toon ane ‘ion ees, whee nr jinn per te maine Stet cen rant ee niet thereon ty wel ‘Sherine bout of arti. Th eins or fle ‘ry ad deter, wll wine rds of manip ‘oan lores, he tran rr pt els ‘ren hugh the amount re! exends he asda oan Ray. Cmmtnn o Fin, G3Ne Deer 3888, 101s fein ry Fa Ste So ‘Shana Seize Baron ore ‘sri Face Si Re ane err soma a, "Eira ha iat Suen at tS salma ca ‘Phin ple nn PL Arn, 8900. a snarvrortcoxersoonon conpizabe by tes, for sie evel neideta athe pinta SESS Anda tate which povdee hat "any police aginst Reo arnel prveetton deca valid inrmaton undes tis ReCtRatGret Law) or under the provisos of the Revised Penal Cote on bribery i pending in ear shal be suspended from af” sete implies hat ti the cout and no the executive ofa oneened tht can nspend she fil pending deterinatoa of te imina ns, he rea beng thatthe determination ato wheter ‘SReUEE atm i aldo fic fanctln and suspension beg ‘Sequel o tht dings i an nedent to he erinnalprowection Before tie nut ‘Stahtes conferring jurisicton to an administrative agency mast be iberellycoustrd fo enable the agency to aicharg le otis aeordance wth the lgiatve prose Tha the wer erated ty PD, No, 1944 to the National Housing Authority Diheot and decide “dain involving refund and any ofr claims ‘ed by subdivision lot or condomnlom unit buyers agai! he jee owner, developer, deal, broker o slestan” elude dhe ie oer and detée "any and al dams which ae ineiental fo Tra ocean conaeguence sfc cimelenes special included the grant ofjunditon tothe Netonal Housing AutDOH” uh to aiomey's foes and other damages In OSIS u, Civil Serise Commision, the Supreme Court ate thatthe Civil Seren Comission, in the exerci of quan- Jel fanction hos che power to order execution oft deiion ‘hha ne foal od hat he rt a ‘Jeno a adjudeatory ower or the autboy to heer and adage ‘ioe should normally snd loa be deemed to ined the grant ‘authority wo enor om erate the odgments i us renders {nese the law otherwise provides, for he authority to dee caves ‘inutile unless exompanio by te author to oe that what has then decided in caread sug ey Fea 7 SAT RORDARTORE ROM LASGLNG at Chetan 430, Grant of power includes incidental power. ‘Aassrle where a gnerl power ia cofered or duty enjoined, very parevlar power Beceanty forthe exec ote Os ertrtane of On aber issn conferred Th ole in woes Erornrl versed ey tan are sh eta owes ar perm euch sta a ee oecesary fo make te power ‘Souered edu. The Incest yowers ae those Which are ‘ens incude end ae terre of ese degree han the Bower grated It camootextood to oer meters hot embreced [ren or ee no neal thereto lustration my be ite to expla the rule. Ths th to eatalch anos Incas he tether to cals (less {here are costtutonl provisions expres impliedly providing fd then deprive hm of the power o rend his dein after be has {ken cognizane ofl, the legate purse nt being to mele ist ‘mere referer ancther judge" Th poe peor ened yen, ne ot RB ptr nn Powered te natant rate oe | which it is derived me A statate whlch provides thatthe President “may not goes foreigners escept upon investigation” implie the authority to Fis em pmnrn ti es er eee aan ner ea suiee neem bara ener reser aaa oe SEER Se emer ‘Steg Free Ee a B® Aeport Th power to depart incindes the power to order the arent tthe undostrable an after iavestigntion in onder to cary Oat the deportation And pending arrangements or his deportation, ‘an undesirable alien suy aloo be detained for resooable pri ff me, euch being ¢macenary sep in the procae of expulsion of “undesirable aliens Where a sate cofers upon the President the Suto t roglat, ural contol end prot the exportation” tf era material, deemed fctaed in ald nathority ithe power {o exact rays fbr the peralsiveexprtatig feo materials ts the consideration forthe exercise ofthe pepe Generally, ‘he power 0 appont vested inthe President inches the power ‘make temporary appolsteat, tales he otherwise speielly Prohibited by law, or the temporery or acting sppditnent Fepugnan! to Use natre ofthe ofc ed, Tai ia bad apn the {heary that the whole neladen andi retort the pat." Where the Minster of Justice appunted lawye “assist 1 fsal or prosecuting atiorey in the dachage of is duties” a8 ‘tuthorsed by law, tho atzamey co appointed has the power to ‘en criminal infemations, make iestlgntiony and” conduct Drecoitions, such power being necearly nid fem the Sutherey onfrred. For the den af 8 pai pfie ncade all {ince which truly le within its sop, thos which are ese! to the accomplishment ofthe main purfoes for which the ofce was crated, and thowe which, although incidental and collateral, are {frmano to tho ascomplishiment ofthe pineal parpora = ‘The exproce statutory grant of power to local gourmets 10 appropriate money for the general wellre of at inte Inclades the implied authority t witha unexpended money already appropratod. Tel satstory power to repute lephone ‘sevice include the power etablah aed operate by tetas telephone service = Where statute athorines ity torial pat ‘ofthe sass an extension ofits park, the reamed area segues OEE TO Oe NAGE Cnn ‘the sme character 2 the pak, for the power to extend cant ‘suthorae a franaction Sha etal dintins from dt whieh is tran And where acity carter empowers the cy tcalleet one find one-hal pert of Ue seed alae au aasual realty tax, © fleequent tate which imposes “an annual aditonal ak of oe Der oontim on the assessed valve af eal property In aio a the ‘eal property tax rogularly levied thereon under exiting Taw” but ‘th ttl real tax sell ot xtoed a manu of tree percent,” Inpliee that aid ity enn, by ordianee ley an additonal one-balf| ‘pete real an flowing the ectrine fncnesryfmplcation Tt has slip been eld that the power confored by law upon ‘an adnitrasve office ofr len and fo carey oat ‘the porpore of statute he I alld upon execute Includes the utlorly to delogete fo sbordinteofeer the perfrmance of Dial fonction, absent any expres or implied jes tthe ‘oatray, The nate ofthe power and autho entrusted tas. ithe statute may imply the gen! of administrative Aexbisy evetary for the prompt and expeditions dacarge of he dues in {ho adulation ofthe tautn Ths Includes sob élogation of Dower, which hs Be atid by sound principles of eganiaton lah demand that howe at the tp beable to concentrate theit tention upon the larger and tore inpartant question’ af polcy ‘ind praciee and tht ther time bo feed a ar as poste rm ‘the consideration of the smaller ad far less important mies af ‘tall And the power conferred upon th oad of © grverameat {nsttation to iret and. roperie les operation ‘and Interval ‘ministration glealyenals the por to prefer charges aginst ‘ring fil fs iaituton and to ea otha the charges are properly invested, beng en intrinsic element of the Interna ‘minnration of sid nation 430, Grant of power excludes greater power. ‘The principle that Ub grant of power inher al ncidentsl powers noconary to make the exercee threat efetive impios {he exclusion of those which ae greater han that eofered. Thus, a a eM ct a GH 1 Syn Ballade Gn GRR Str uss Cot Dero Pit G0, Seber ss, e390ta pen Car 23 PL 10.1,

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