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Department: Basic Education Unit: 4 Date: Day: 1

Subject/Level: Mathematics 10 Quarter: 4th Topic: Probability

Transfer Goal: The students in the long run and on their own will be competent in solving
probability and exhibit the proper way in finding probability in daily activities.

Essential Understanding: Probability quantifies the likelihood that something will happen and
enables us to make predictions and informed decisions. (v.g)

Essential Question: What influences the probability that a given event will occur? (v.g)

I. Preliminaries
1.1 Opening Prayer
The teacher asks a student to lead the opening prayer with reverence.
1.2 Class Greetings
The teacher greets the class with the signature Ignacian Marian greetings and the students will
respond accordingly.
1.3 Attendance Check (Roll Call)
The teacher checks the class attendance and signs the beadle book.
1.4 Checking of the Orderliness and Cleanliness of the Classroom and the Board
The teacher instructs the class to do the class routine (i.e. arranging the chairs, picking up
trashes, among others.)
1.5 Bringing out of Learning Materials
The teacher instructs the students to bring out learning materials needed for the discussion and
the class activities.
II. Lesson Development
2.1 Activating Prior Knowledge (APK)
1.1 The teacher will engage the students in the activity entitled
“ Snake and Ladder 2.0”
1.2 The teacher will discuss the mechanics of the game
1.3 The teacher will set the time frame of the game
1.4 the teacher will start the activity

May I suggest that your APK will be simple only, you don't have to employ strategies here
to activate the prior knowledge of the learners.
APK can be done by just asking one question about how the learners understand the word

1. The teacher will activate the prior knowledge of the learners about what probability is all
about by asking this simple question: “Class, have you heard about probability? What is
2. The teacher will write on the board the responses of the learners. (At least 5 responses)
3. The teacher will ask the students to read what was written on the board aloud.

2.2 Presentation of the Lesson Topic and Lesson Objectives

1. The teacher will proceed to the presentation of the Lesson topic for today in these words:
“Alright, the reason for asking your idea about what probability is about is because we
will be discussing ‘Probability’ as a theory in Mathematics particularly when applied
to statistics.
2. The teacher will proceed to the presentation of the Learning Objectives for the day in this
manner. “To guide us in our exposition of the lesson topic on probability, I have
prepared objectives to guide our class discussion. I would like you to be very
attentive because I will be asking you before the end of our class if these objectives were
accomplished or met.
At the end of the lesson students are expected to:
a. Delineate probability through interactive discussion

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b. Reckon problems involving probability through activities
c. Embody the essence of probability in decision making.

2.3 Learning Processes

A. Discussion of the Lesson Topic
1. The teacher will engage the learners to sing along with the Probability song: (play the link)
2. Afterwhich, the teacher will ask the process questions:
2.1 What is the song all about?
2.2 Based on what you know about probability, have the song captured the core concept of
the theory in the song? (The expected answer is YES)
2.3 The teacher will flash in a PowerPoint Slides the following lyrics to illustrate the concept
of the theory in simple terms in this manner: “Okay, let us walk through the lyrics of the
song on Probability and see whether or not the theory of Probability is captured. These
are the lyrics deduced from the song. Let us read them.
Lyrics 1 (L1) We gonna put what we want over what we have. To find the probability
of an event.
(L2) And if you gotta get the probability of two events both together in unity. Just add
probability of B and A.
(L3) Then subtract the number of common outcomes that A and B both share.
(L4) If you want to roll a dice or flip 50 cents to find the probability of independent
events, just multiply P(A) and P(B).
(L5) And the probability of complement is the likelihood of the opposite event. P(A) is
minus P(A).
2.4 The teacher will proceed to the interrelation of the lyrics to the theory of Probability, its
origin, its application in statistics, and in solving real problems in a rigorous
manner by expressing it through a set of axioms through a short lecture presentation.
2.5 The teacher will engage the students in a drill entitled “Rock Paper Scissor 2.0”. (The
activity should be accompanied by music as a background). The teacher will give clear
instruction to guide the learners' expected actions and performance in the activity.
Afterwhich, the teacher will process the students' experience by asking these questions:
3.1 What did you do in the activity?
3.2 How does the activity apply the theory of probability that we have just
3.3 What hypothesis will you construct from your experience?
2.6 The teacher will further give further examples for the learners to solve. (at least 5 items
2.7 The teacher will correct the answers to the given drills to check if the learners got
the theory discussed in class.

B. Broadening of the Lesson Topic

The teacher will broaden the lesson topic in this manner: “Alright, aside from mathematical
applications of the theory of probability, where can we apply the theory?” Yes, class, the theory of
probability can be applied in everyday life particularly in risk assessment. It can also be applied in
the insurance industry and markets to determine pricing and in making trading decisions.
Governments also apply probabilistic methods in environmental regulation, entitlement analysis,
and financial regulation.

C. Integration (Four-Pronged)
The teacher will integrate the lesson topic in this way:
c.1 Across Discipline
Our lesson on the theory of Probability is related to the Law of Motion in Science. As we solve
the law of motion in science, we also think for the probability of every object to move slower and
c.2 Ignacian Core Values
When applied to our Faith which is the core value of Notre Dame RVM College of
Cotabato, we can say that with all the problems that we encountered in our lives, we were
able to overcome them because of the probability of a strength in character given to us by
someone greater than us and that is God.

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c.2 Scriptural/Biblical (Note: if you will see the text in this Book of Psalm, it is not
aligned to the core concept of the theory on Probability) Therefore, you cannot use
this for this lesson.
Psalm 24:1 The earth is the Lords, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in
it, therefore, it holds then that everything that happens in heaven or on earth is subject
to God's command. He is in charge of all things.

D. Synthesis
Probability is related to every human endeavor, it is related to decision making, guessing, calculating
risk, and predicting. But this is the most important thing I want you to embody:
The most important thing in life is to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”, Consider nothing
impossible, then treat possibilities as probabilities. (Very Good)
III. Evaluation
DIRECTIONS: Kindly work on the given situations. Give what is asked. Solve and explain.

1. If you roll a die what is the probability you will get an even number?
2. How about an odd number?
3. A coin is tossed what is the probability for you to get head?
4. A deck of 52 cards is thrown what is the probability you can pick an ace?
5. A deck of 52 cards is thrown what is the probability you can pick a heart?
6-0. How many combinations there is if you are going to roll 2 dice at the same time?
Show your solution with justification.

IV. Purposive assignment

INSTRUCTIONS: The teacher will divide the class into 5 groups. Each group is assigned to a
Presidential Aspirants who are seeking for election in the Presidential race. They will survey
their barangay as to who among the candidates will probably win in their barangay. They have to
present a good and honest report backed up with evidence of a well-conducted survey and just
treatment of the data from the survey.
● Group 1- Leni Robredo
● Group 2- Bong Bong Marcos
● Group 3- Manny Pacquiao
● Group 4- Isko Moreno
● Group 5- Ping Lacson

V. Closing Prayer
The teacher will lead the closing prayer with reverence.

Designed by: James Art L. Penuela Checked by: Checked by:

October 15, 2021 change the date
Date: ______________________ Date: _____________________
Date: ______________________

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