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Vocabulary Meaning

(especially in Hinduism and Buddhism) a
mantra (n) word or sound that is believed to have
a special spiritual power, câu thần chú

an order that must be obeyed, or the act of

diktat (n)
giving such an order

flout (v) to intentionally not obey a rule, law,

or custom

to control something, especially by making
regulate (v)
it work in a particular way

belonging to or used by
communal (adj) a group of people rather than
one single person
a violent situation or argument that a lot
free-for-all (n) of people join in

mounting (adj) gradually increasing

thoái vị
abdicate (v)
revert (v) reply
to something to go back to a previous condition

of or shared by every member of
collective (adj) a group of people

endorsement (n) consensus

ventilation (n) hệ thống thông gió,

similar in size, amount, or quality to something
comparable (adj) else

resounding (adj) loud

Nowadays, there are still some of the ethnic minorities
believing in mantras as a way to cure their health

Though Asean parents like using tiger parenting method

to teach their children;unlike American parents; they
rarely impose diktats on them for the sake of their life
especially their liberty
Racing boys flout the law by driving with an extremely
fast speed on the street in the heart of the city

Supervisors regulate the exam rigorously in order not to

let any cheating happen during this important contest

We each have a separate bedroom but share a

communal kitchen

When I was a young girl, I loved observing free-for-all

situation lol
Mounting death toll happing everyday in Sai Gon makes
me worry a lot
The Prince Henry braves to abdicate himself to follow
his heart
Please revert by mail for formality

I couldnt believe that my father reverted to smoking

When you play any roles in your team, you shouldn't
take collective resposibility for granted. Bear this in
your mind
Today I have just read the news that a couple tried to
plead the police's endorsement for them to take their
cat to the vet doctor, which made me depressed a lot
When it came to deal with Sar viruses in the past,
doctors in Viet Nam came up with an idea that was
putting patients' beds with the ventilation
Sciencetists have a tendency of leveraging groups of
comparable people or things to make their researchs
more easy to compare
I have passionate for listening to music with a
resounding sound


feckless (adj)

longevity (n)

root (n)

harrowing (Adj)

screed (n)

heartbreaking (adj)
age (v)

the tip of the iceberg

blackout (n)
frame (v)
be framed
tolerate (v)

harebrained (adj)
innermost (adj)

unshackle (v)

flirtatious (adj)
patriarchal (adj) /ˌpeɪ.tri
weak in character and lacking determination (bất tài, vô
trách nhiệm)
living for a long time, remaining popular or useful for a long
the cause or origin of something bad

extremely upsetting because connected with suffering

bài diễn văn

sth is sad
make sb old
a small, noticeable part of a problem, the total size of
which is really much greater
mất liên lạc, cúp điện
trình bày,
đưa chúng cứ ngụy tạo để ghép tội
chịu đựng, tha thứ

(of plans or people) not practical or silly
tận cùng

tháo xiềng xích

behaving as if you are sexually attracted to
someone, especially not in a serious way

gia trưởng
Living with her feckless husbank ages her a lot

It is necessary that you take good care of yourself by eating

organic foods for the sake of your longevity
The root of this long pandemic is human's ignorance

For many women, the harrowing prospect of

giving evidence in a rape case can be too much to bear

This screed is so emotional that I couldn't keep my eyes off

I actually don't prefer watching heartbreaking film because

I'm very sentimental and easily burst into tears
That she hankers for the custody ages her a lot
What you know about this problem is just the tip of the
iceberg. There are plethora of things hidden
The local authority informed about temporary blackout
Can you frame your plan in an intimate way?
the accused man said he had been framed
I couldn't tolerate him and his violence any more
Stop framing your harebrained plan! You should come back
and come up with others idea for it
She has never experienced any innermost pains like this
Unshaking her own marriage, she finally can feel relieved
and placid
They are in a flirtatious relationship and there is nothing
serious between them

Living in a patriarchal family makes me extremely tired

spring from sth
existential (adj)

flatten (v)

flatlining (n)

flatter (v)

be/feel flattered

logjam (n)

internalize (v)

abbreviate (v)

flaw (n)

elusive (adj)

intimate (adj)

 full-blown  (adj)

utterance (n)
bounce sth off sb

foil (n,v)

deceased (adj)

get a grip on ( my
interlocutor (n)
to come from or be a result of something

relating to existence or being alive

to stop rising, falling, or changing so quickly, or to make

the rate of change slower
the condition of being at a very low level and not increasing, the
fact of stop being popular or successfull
to praise someone in order to make
them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a way that is
not sincere, make sb look more attractive than usual
to feel very pleased and proud because someone has said
good things about you or has made you feel important
a situation in which neither group involved in
an argument can win or gain an advantage and no action can
be taken (dilema)
. to accept or absorb an idea, opinion, belief, etc. so that
it becomes part of your character  (tiếp thu)
. If you internalize your emotions or feelings, you do not allow them
to show although you think about them:
to make a word or phrase shorter by using only the
first letters of each word:
a fault, mistake, or weakness, especially one
that happens while something is being planned or made, or
that causes something not to be perfect
difficult to describe, find, achieve, or remember
. close relationship
. (of knowledge or understanding) detailed, and obtained from a
lot of studying or experience

completely developed

something that someone says

If you bounce something off someone, you tell someone about
an idea or plan in order to find out what they think of it

tấm gương phản chiếu xấu hoặc tốt, thwart


to make
an effort to control your emotions and behave more calmly

someone who is involved in a conversation

Example Synonym
Your success springs from hard study (endeavour)
The biggest existential threat to humans is probably st
ill nuclear war
SaiGon tries to flatten the curve for covid pandemic
because the complete elimination is hard to implement
Apple products never seem to have any prospect of ending
in flatlining
Teachers shouldn't flatter students for their normal
pay tribute to
success ccoz I think they will take it serious and think they
are good enough to do big things sb, commend

I felt flattered when I passed the exam with the flying color

I have experieced a lot of logjams, which drives me crazy

and I easily burst into tears and think in a negative way

We should internalize our races' cultures even though

there are some of ones which are strange and elusive

WHO is abbreviated for the long pronoun World Health


There is a little flaw on your last report. It is better than

others, though

Success, however, remained elusive for her

It is elusive to acquire the intimate knowledge about
science because of its abstract

Aspirin reduces your chances of having a full-

blown stroke
We haven't made any utterance when having to discuss
any oncoming representations
In the past, there was no website like google survey and
the multitude wanting to do the survey had to bounce
questions off many people directly
On the grounds that there was little foil about vaccinating,
the multitude were petrified when the government
informed about it
In India, people don't have tendency of burrying the the
deceased, but they choose to burn them near the famous
river for religious reasons
Everytime I have to sit for a speaking exam, I get a grip on
myself so as not to let the worry invade
Abraham was able to act as interpreter and
interlocutor for our group
 /ˈɪn.t̬ ə.mət/

meringue (n)

peppercorn (n)

ballerina (n)

pavlova (n)

gorge (v)
forensically (adv)

yolk (n)

scrupulously (adj)
tameable (adj)

demur (v)

wrath (n)

deviate (v)
norm (n)
scoff (v)

jazzy (adj)
purist (n)

custard (n)
rhubarb (n)
compote (n)

Christmassy (adj)

desperate (adj)

scour (v)

fanatic (n)

crème fraîche (n)

honeycomb (n)

roulade (n)
squabble (n,v)
variant (n)
be a faff
fanciful (adj)
a very light, sweet food made
by mixing sugar with egg white (=
the clear part) and baking it
a small, dried fruit that looks like a seed and
is crushed to produce pepper

a female ballet dancer
a sweet cold dish consisting of a meringue (=
the transparent part of
an egg cooked slowly with sugar) with
a layer of fruit and cream on top

to eat until you are unable to eat any more

in great detail

lòng vàng
in a very careful way that makes sure everything is
done exactly as it should be
able to be controlled

to express disagreement or refuse to do something:

to do something that is different from
the usual or common way of behaving
trech, lech
chuẩn mực
to laugh and talk about a person or idea in a way
that shows that you think they are stupid or silly

very bright and colourful:
someone who believes in
and follows very traditional rules or ideas in
a subject
kem sữa
cây đại hoàng
mứt quả

typical of Christmas, or happy because it
is Christmas
really need, Extremely bad or serious
(illness/situation/poverty), liều lĩnh tuyệt vọng

to search a place or thing
very carefully in order to try to find something , chùi

a person who is extremely interested in something,

to a degree that some people find unreasonable

a type of thick cream with a slightly sour taste

tầng ong

a dish made from food rolled into the shape of

a tube
an argument over something that is not important
biến thể
to need a lot of effort or cause slight problems
not likely to succeed or happen in the real world
Meringue is such a strange dish that I've just known its name
when I read it on BBC

I dont know what to do with peppercorn. Should I use it for

decorating or use it as an adding or both?

An holds ballerinas in high esteem for their talent and devotion

It's essential for you to prevent your brother from eating

pavlova because he is obese

If you gorge yourself on snacks like that, you

won't eat your dinner.
Outline doesn't need presenting forensically
When I was young, I took yolk for granted. However, the more I
grow up, the more I realize its importance

She is always scrupulously honest/fair

Some dogs are not tameable. Be careful with strange dogs
The accused gave evidence for not killing patient. All viewers
Don't show your wrath! You are also a mistaker in this status

They make pizza with a bubble tea flavour, which deviates

from the norm

If aliens were existential, they would adapt human's norms

I'm petrified when speaking in front of the public because I'm
afraid that people scoff at what I am doing
Let's try on some jazzy dresses for prom day
I suppose the noel tree should be considered to be added
some jazzy things
Purists eat smoked salmon with nothing more
than lemon and black pepper
Custard is very fatty
Rhubarb can be eatten and decorated on sweet cakes
I don't like eating compote on Tet holiday because it is very

I'd feel more Christmassy if it snowed

she's desperate for money
I'm sorry that I desperately needed love hurted you a lot

When I yearn to make any cakes, I have to scour the recipes on

the internet

a fitness/film fanatic

Add more creme fraiche to make your dish more

I love observing the honeycombs everytime I pay visit to place
where my father raises bees

She showed me how to make a chocolate roulade

You should break up with your boyfriend squabbling with you
Farmers want to create many variants of plants with a view to
gaining more profit
I suppose beatting the egg by hand is a big fafff
That he craves to change his home into a castle is a fanciful



overindulge, binge




krem ˈfreʃ/


far-fetched, implausible,

lingering (adj)

avalanche (n)

vigorous (adj)

debilitate (v)
debilitating (adj)

confine (v)

equilibrium (n)

tide sb over

rancid (adj)

feel poorly
on the mend
to be bunged up
sprain (v)

jab (v)

afoot (adj)

stave off

locum (n)
acute condition (n)
go private
nauseous (v)
be back on one's feet
impede (v)

lasting a long time:
An avalanche is also the sudden arrival of too
many things

very forceful or energetic:

to make someone or something physically weak:

a debilitating condition/disease
to keep someone closed in a place, often
by force:
to limit an activity, person, or problem in some

a state of balance:

 calm mental state:

to help someone
to work or operate normally through
a difficult period

to (cause something to) turn around in circles:

(of food containing a fat such
as butter or oil) tasting or smelling unpleasant be
cause it is not fresh

ill, unwell
on the road to recovery, over the worst (of it)
have blocked noise
She sprained her ankle playing squash.
He stumbled and sprained a knee.
to push or hit something forcefully and quickly,
often with a thin or sharp object:

happening or being planned or prepared:

to stop something bad from happening, or
to keep an unwanted situation or person away,
usually temporarily:

a doctor who does the job of another doctor who

is ill or on holiday
one that can be cured through treatment
choose privare healthcare
want to vomit
fully healthy again
slow down or make it difficult
She says she stopped seeing him, but I still have
lingering doubts.

We received an avalanche of complaints.

an avalanche of Covid-19 cases
a vigorous debate

There has been vigorous opposition to the proposals for a

new road.
He takes plenty of vigorous exercise.

Chemotherapy exhausted and debilitated him.

The hostages had been confined for so long that they

couldn't cope with the outside world.

Let's confine our discussion to the matter in question, please!
Please confine your use of the phone to business calls.
By closing the infected farms we're hoping to confine
the disease to the north of the region (= stop it from spreading to
other areas).
The disease destroys much of the inner ear, disturbing the
animal's equilibrium.
the country's economic equilibrium
Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium.
If you go to your doctor you can get medication for anxiety to tide
you over while you do the work you need to get more control over
your tension and it will be easier to do this if you work with a
To stop anxiety whirling around in your head, get your fears
down on paper in a numbered list.
The doctor jabbed the needle into the dog's leg.

Watch out! You nearly jabbed me in the eye with your umbrella!

He was jabbing a finger at (= towards) them
and shouting angrily.
There are plans afoot to launch a new radio station.
Big changes are afoot at Lake Utah.

We were hoping to stave off
these difficult decisions until September.
 how preventing such disruption might stave off the condition.

Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way.

Shortages of medicine were impeding the effort to control diseases.


under weather, at
death's door, off
color, out of sort

any way.
duvet (n)

Wane (v)

lusty (adj)
fractious (adj)

shine (v)

harden (v)

rancour (n)

contentious (adj)

hybrid (n)

lurking (adj)

eavesdrop (v)

presumption (n)

staggering (adj)

gatecrash (v)
infraction (n)

flawed (adj)
fragile (adj)
partisanship (n)

respite (n)

torpor (n)
barista (n)

wry (adj)

entangle (v)
in/with sth/sb

antiquity (n)
sacred (adj)
onward (adj)
divine (adj)

enviably (adj)
outgoing (adj)

vicarage (n)
preachy (adj)

petition (n)
quiver (n,v)

ambivalence (n)

paralyse (v)
solicitude (n)
indebtedness (n)
congeal (v)

squatter (n)
Wariness (n)

befall (v)
antithetical (adj)

embedded (adj)

bedrock (n)
a large, soft, flat bag filled with feathers or artificial 
material used as a covering on a bed

to become weaker in strength or influence
healthy, energetic, and full of strength and power
easily upset or annoyed, and often complaining
to be extremely good at an activity or skill, in
an obvious way
làm cứng, cứng cỏi lên

a feeling of hate and continuing anger about
something in the past:

causing , involving,
or likely to cause disagreement and argument:

something that is a mixture of two very different things

bị che dấu

to listen to someone's private conversation without
them knowin

the act of believing that something is true without

having any proof

very shocking and surprising
to go to a party or other event when you have not
been invited
an occasion when someone breaks a rule or law

not perfect, or containing mistakes
A fragile object is easily damaged or broken
cùng phe, phe phái
a useful delay before
something unpleasant happens
the state of not being active and having
no energy or enthusiasm
a person who serves customers in a coffee shop
showing that
you find a bad or difficult situation slightly funny
to cause something to become caught in something
such as a net or ropes
involved with something or someone in a way that
makes it difficult to escape
an object that was created a very long time ago | a
long ago
thiêng liêng
về phía trước
thần thánh, tuyệt trần, siêu phàm
a way of behaving that hides the truth or a person’s
true feelings
một cách ghen tỵ

nhà cha xứ
thích đạo lí

kiến nghị, thỉnh cầu

to shake slightly; tremble
the state of having two opposing feelings at the
same time, or being uncertain about how you feel

làm tê liệt
sự quan tâm lo lắng
the condition of owing money, or
the amount of money owed
làm đông lại
a person who lives in
an empty building without permission
cẩn thận, sự thận trọng, sự cảnh giác
If something bad or dangerous befalls you,
it happens to you
đối lập
If an emotion, opinion, etc. is embedded in
someone or something, it is a
very strong or important part of him, her, or it

(nghĩa bóng) nền tảng, cơ sở

I love sleeping with a duvet

Your health has been waning recently. You should eat and sleep
sensibly to boost your energy
He sings with a lusty voice
Stop showing me your fractious face. That makes me feel irritiated

he's terrible at languages, but she shines at/in science

Living in the serious environment hardens her attitude
He told us his full feeling of rancour consolidated his strength and
determination so as to take revenge for his daughter who was a
victim of sexual harrassment

She has some very contentious views on education |The

director had a contentious relationship with the eccentric actor
His work is
an interesting hybrid of popular and classical music.
Her privacy could be invaded at any time by a
lurking photographer

My mom eavesdroped the conversation between me and my crush

There are lots of presumptions about that I have a new boyfriend

and break up with my present one

An came round after listening to a staggering story.

My integrity doesnt allow me to gatecrash to haters' parties
though I'm into these a lot
An is forced to quit the school because of her infraction
I know that my report is flawed. Therefore, I take it back to fix it
again before submitting
Please be careful when using my fragile glass bottle
He promised he was going to end partisanship.
Our boss doesnt permit us to have any respite after hard working
He stayed up late last night so this morning he is in a status of
torpor | Summer heat induces torpor
I love to give it a try to work as a barista

a wry smile/comment

The dolphin had become entangled in/with the fishing nets
He went to the shop to buy bread, and got
entangled in/with a carnival parade.

Since antiquity, I have had a deep affection for mini house crafts
This temple is very scared for you to pray
onward movement
Divine beauty/ Divine worship
He was tired of the masquerade and wanted the truth to come
John looks at Tim's girlfriend enviably
My friends at university are very outgoing and I love them
People go to vicarage to confess their faults and hope gods
redeems them
I dont have more time to befriend with guys who are preachy
He gives a petition to the court so as to divorce offically with his
The dog quivered with fear
Real social relationships are marked by ambiguity and
the object of hospitality is to paralyse all hostile feeling in a
My boyfriend's solicitude touches my heart sincerely
After gambling away all his money, he is in miserable indebtedness
Congealing this mixture is a final step of making jelly

Squatters live around my place

His warinesss makes me less comfortable
Should any harm befall me on my journey, you
may open this letter.
Materialism and idealism are antithetical forms

Her characteristic has an embedded influence on my behaviour

Some people believe that the family is the bedrock of society





assumption, conjecture,

astonishing, astounding

infringement, violation
brittle, delicate,

 /ænˈtɪk.wə.t̬ i/
ˌæn.t̬ əˈθet̬ .ɪ.kəl/
wreak (v)

havoc (n)

cynical (adj)
whopping (adj)
pillar of sth
amid (adv)
attentiveness (n)

reprieve (n)

better off  (adj)

elaborate (adj, v)

squarely (adv)
to cause something to happen in a violent and
often uncontrolled way
confusion and lack of order, especially causin
g damage or trouble ( sự tàn phá)
hoài nghi

extremely large
a very important member or part of
a group, organization, system, etc.
in the middle of or surrounded by
the fact of paying attention and listening caref

an escape from a bad situation or experience,
hoãn án tử hình


containing a lot of careful detail or

many detailed parts | add more information to
explain what you have said
directly, firmly
The recent storms have wreaked havoc on crops
This accident of losing money plays havoc with my
future plan
My husband is always cynical about my relatonship
with my best friend
She has a whoping bruise on her arm
Today a group of students have a chance to meet a
pillar of crews travelling in the space
I am stuck amid plethora of chaos in my life
Dont forget to pay attentiveness when you study

social distancing provided a reprieve from the

hectic pace of ordinary life

Dont teach the better off how to take advantage of

their money

How elaborate these pictures are. I cant take my eyes

off them

She squarely expresses her love with him


plea (n)

idiosyncratic (adj)

gnome (n)
gleeful (adj)

xenophobic (adj)

discombobulate (v)

resonance (n)

obnoxious (adj)

blinkered (Adj)
innocuous (adj)
fetish (n)

madcap (adj)

subversion (n)

humdrum (adj)
agile (adj)

bombastic (adj)

gargantuan (adj)
unhinged (adj)

critique (n)

brash (adj)

dimentional (adj)
ludicrous (adj)
homage (n)
cầu xin

having strange or unusual habits, ways of behavin
g, or features
thần lùn

happy, excited, or pleased
showing an extreme dislike or fear of people from f
oreign countries

to confuse someone or make
someone feel uncomfortable

sự vang âm, cộng hưởng

very unpleasant or rude

thiển cận
completely harmless (= causing no harm)
tôn sùng

used to describe silly and funny behaviour or
a plan that is
very silly and funny and unlikely to succeed (liều
lĩnh khinh suất)

sự lật đổ ( system or gorvenment)

buồn chán, tẻ nhạt

able to move your body quickly and easily

using long and difficult words, usually to
make people think you know more than you do

very large
mentally ill
a report of something such as
a political situation or system, or a
person's work or ideas, that examines it
and provides a judgment, especially a negative on

(of people) showing too much confidence and too

little respect. (of clothes) too bright and colourful
nực cười, lố lắng
deep respect and often praise shown for
a person or god:
Example Synonym
She makes a plea and wants me to forgive all
her faults
I like people haivng their own idiosyncratic
American people like using gnomes to
decorate their garden
The play is very gleeful
The attacks have
been described by police as racist and
The smell of the meal discombotulates me bemuse

Though you dont speak loudly in your new

house, you can hear the clear resonance
When she's in a bad mood she's
obnoxious to everyone
closed-minded, sort-
Why is your thinking so blinkered?
People used to think covid 19 is innocuous
He has a fetish for high heel shoes. I has fetish
for clothes

The public's reader of cartoon movies like to

have a madcap character in their flims

He was found guilty of subversion
and imprisoned.
Not only is it considered as the most humdrum
movie, but also Lolita is very cliche
I wish I could be agile like athletes and boys
Sometimes, I try to be bombastic when writing
essay cause I want my teacher assess my word
skill exactly
The village is extremely gargantuan
You seems unhinged bae. Stop everything plz

This movie recieves lots of critique from


Though these guys are so hot, they are brash

I prefer watching 4-dimentional movies

He looked ludicrous in that suit! ridiculous
I pay the contributors my homage
topless (adj)
shrug sth off

gag (v)

be gagging for/to
do sth
sort oneself out

statutory (adj)

pseudonym (n)

gaslighting (n)

mainstream (adj)

transgressive (adj)
inadvertently (adj)
emeritus (adj)

out of your depth

foster (v)

gratuitous (adj)
hở ngực
to treat something as if it is not important or not a problem
to experience the sudden uncomfortable feeling of tightness i
n the throat and stomach that makes you feel like you are
going to vomit
to be very eager to do something

To organize or solve one's personal problems

decided or controlled by law

a name someone
uses instead of their real name, especially on a written work

thao túng tâm lý

considered normal, and having or using ideas, beliefs, etc.

that are accepted by most people, prevailing
nhiều sai sót, xu hướng vi phạm
in a way that is not intentional
no longer having a position, especially in
a college or university, but keeping the title of the position
not having the knowledge, experience, or skills to deal with
a particular subject or situation
 encourage or promote the development of (something, typically
something regarded as good) | bring up a child
vô cớ
Wanna see some hot topless man? Go to the gym
You are sick! Stop shrug it off

I feel like Im likely to gag.

Are you really gagging for the job you want to apply for?

John took a week off work to sort himself out

In fact, psychotherapist, psychoanalyst, therapist,
hypnotherapist and counsellor are all unprotected terms in
the UK, where there is no statutory regulation of therapists.
Poeties have a tendency of creating for themselves a pseudonym
so that they can use it as their brand or make a deep impression on
Advertisements are made to gaslight people and force them to by
their products

Young people like mainstream music like kpop

I can feel clearly that there is too much trangressive details on his
testimony and evidence
I inadvertently trampled all my mom's flowers
Please give a big applause for all the emeritus professors!

I was out of my depth in the advanced class, so I moved to

the intermediate class
When I become a mom, I want to foster my child's dream together
with my husband
Why are you always making gratuitous reasons to advocate for
your own flaw?

 /ˌɪn.ədˈvɝː.t̬ ənt.li/
up to the minute (adj)

fortification (n)

senior (adj)
roam over sth
get up to sth

bruiser (n)
snuggle (v)

curfew (n)

flounce (v)
weary of(v)
swagger (v)

out and about (adj)

montage (n)
pur (v)

bossy (adj)

flabbergast (v)

allotment (n)
enamoured (adj)
vocal (adj)

chagrin (n)

menace (n)

rambunctious (adj)

harass (v)

mitigate (v)
prowl (v)

mooch (v)

mainstay (n)

rifle (v)
newfound (adj)
whereabouts (n,adv)

wayward (adj)

seduction (n)

consult (v)

commonplace (adj)
complacent (adj)
dawn of civilisation
rodent (n)
autonomous (adj)

intrigue (v)

miniature (n)

delve (v)
perambulate (v)

dowager (n)

relegate (v)
new, lastest infornation or development

sự củng cố

lớn tuổi hơn, cấp bậc cao hơn, thâm niên

đi rong chơi, lang thang
nói dong dài nói nhiều về việc gì
to do something(, often something that
other people would disapprove of)
a big, strong, rough man
nằm rúc vào
a rule that everyone
must stay at home between particular times, usually
at night, especially during a war or a period of political trouble

đi 1 cách hầm hầm

chán nguấy
đi vênh váo

active; doing the things you usually do:

a piece of work produced by combining smaller parts, or
the process of making such a work
gừ gừ
A bossy person is always telling people what to do, cow,
has a raised patterns
thường dùng ở bị động, làm sửng sốt

phần, đất trồng hoa

obvious, without any attempt to be hidden

liking something a lot
thẳng thắng

disappointment or anger, especially when caused by
a failure or mistake
mối đe doạ

full of energy and difficult to control

to continue to annoy or upset someone over
a period of time

to make something less harmful, unpleasant, or bad

rình mò, đi quanh quanh

xin (tiền), (about) đi lang thang

the most important part of something, providing support for
everything else:
lục lọi,

a newfound quality or ability has started recently
ở chỗ nào

bướng bỉnh

sự quyến rũ

trao đổi, hỏi ý kiến, look up the dictionary

tầm thường

tự mãn
buổi đầu của nền văn minh

loài gặm nhấm

tự trị

to interest someone a lot, especially by
being strange, unusual, or mysterious
mô hình thu nhỏ

bới móc, nghiên cứu, đào sâu

đi dạo, đi quanh

quả phụ giàu

đẩy xuống, xếp xuống (một địa vị, một cấp bậc…thấp hơn)
Have you heard about the up to the minute type of phone recently?

I need a fortification in Maths knowledge from my teacher before

sitting for the exam
Your senior colleage seems quite mean to you
I think your cat just roam somewhere. He cant be lost
He keeps roaming over about his promotion
The children are always GETTING UP TO some trouble or others

My child is scared of the bruiser neighbor having a intimidating big

the child snuggled up to her mother

If I become a mom, I will impose a curfew on my child as my mom

used to do to create for her/him a good characteristic of discipline

After being reprimanded for playing truant by his teacher, John

flounced out the room
I weary of studying online because of covid pandemic
I dislike the way he swaggered onto the stage to recieve his award
She completely recovers from her operation and become out and
We strive to complete all the montages of the picture so as to
submit it to my teacher
Actually, I'm not into cats' purs
I have to admit that I'm too bossy and always want to do things on
my own ways
I was flabbergasted when he told me he wanted to break up with
The allotment of the company's shares to its employees is still
to be decided
he told me a brazen lie
I'm enamoured with your body
I need your vocal comments because only ones can make me better
in the job I do
My children have never shown an interest in music,
much to my chagrin
Mom didn't allow me to follow the girls I loved. She always said that
they were sth which were menace for me
I percieve that children are extremely rambunctious somtimes so
no need to be so angry with their flaw

He expresses his love with me by harassing me everyday

3 days ago, there was a free-for-all and the local authority had to
mitigate it

The cat has been prowling around our house for finding some food

I was so restless that I kept mooching about the room

My mom is the mainstay of my family

I guess mommy let the child get into my room because there is a
signal of my table rifled and muddled up
A newfound evidence is present at the court today
whereabouts did you find it
I cant understant why my boyfriend can tolerate my wayward
The cat has had immerse seduction to human from the dawn of
The gorvernments should consult with the residents about whether
we had better to continue lockdown or delay lockdown and
maintain economy
It is said that Tiktok is such a toxic app with plethora of
commonplace clips
Being complacent after achieving your goal is quite dangerous
The cat is human's friends at the dawn of civilisation
Thanks to bringing up cat in the house, human can somehow
prevent the rodent from destroying their food
The head teacher gives our class the autonomous right to self-
Your staggering story intrigues me a lot.

My family decided to buy a miniature house DIY and assembled it

together to fortificate family's love
Scientists make attempts to delve into the acceleration speed of
covid viruses
I saw her perambulating with her cat last night
Plethora of young boys who are lazy to work in their own right tend
to cheat dowager for their money

relegate old files to the storeroom















teething problems

fabricate (v)

side effect

decency (n)

sheepish (adj)

defiant (adj)

brew (v)

paediatrician (n)

mingle (v)

cohort (n)

steeply (adv)

shifting sands

silver lining

camaraderie (n)
horrendous (adj)

surpass (v)

exponentially (adv)

articulated lorry


pernicious (adj)

contagious (adj)

unpalatable (adj)

craven (adj)

 the brunt of sth


early/initial teething troubles

to invent or produce something false in order to deceive someone

an unpleasant effect of a drug that happens in addition to
the main effect

behaviour that is good, moral, and acceptable in society

embarrassed because you know that you have done

something wrong or silly

proudly refusing to obey authority

If an unpleasant situation or a storm is brewing, you feel that it is about

to happen

a doctor who has special training in medical care for children

to move around and talk to other people at a social event

a group of people who share a characteristic, usually age

suddenly or by a large amount

If you refer to the shifting sands of a situation, you mean that it changes so

often that it is difficult to deal with

an advantage that comes from a difficult or unpleasant situation

a feeling of friendliness towards people that
you work or share an experience with
extremely unpleasant or bad

exceed; be greater than

theo số mũ

xe tải móc nối

sau đó

having a very harmful effect or influence

lây nhiễm

unpalatable fact or idea is unpleasant or shocking and therefore difficult to a
taste horrendous


main force of sth unpleasant, gánh nặng

You have to internalize that once you set your foot in the economy world as a
beginner, you are likely to face with teething problems

The burglars fabricate this mistake to mislead us

Medicines girls take to mitigate their pain when they are in their period have side

She didn't even have the decency to apologize

I was so sheepish when caught red handed by my customers

Her defiant attitude infuriates the police

A storm was brewing in the distance

Thanks for the paediatrician, our children can recover from the contagious disease

Children have been mingling much less recently 

 Two cohorts were hard enough – Covid and non-Covid – but now that we have
different Covid variants 

A steeply horrible amount of patients

Planning childcare is a nightmare on the shifting sands of unexpected isolations in ch

There is still silver lining when we have to confront with the serious pandemic

I crave for camaraderie when Im in the university

I percieve that coming down with covid 19 is a horrendous scenario

after craming for exam in a long time, she surpassed all the rest of her class

Cases of covid 19 patients is increasing exponentially

We have to learn to live with the risk of getting run over; that doesn’t mean that
we cross the road in front of an articulated lorry.

thereafter, they live happily together

covid pandemic has a pernicious impact on human's life

RVS and Covid19 are contagious terribly

When I knew my aunt's situation becoming worse, I couldnt accept this

unpalatable one

You made all the mistake but didnt have courage to redeem. So craven!

we will be bearing the brunt of our leaders’ mistakes







 /ʌnˈpæl.ə.t̬ ə.bəl/

plague (n,V)

bribery (N)

rife (adj)
rife with sth
unbridled (adj)
contempt (n)

buoyant (adj)

watchdog (n)

trample (v)
conspiracy (n)
atrocious (adj)

hubris (n)

jamboree (n)

irreversible (adj)

despoil (v)

lambaste (v)
writhe (v)

contorted (adj)

dial down (v)

marooned (Adj)

 in thrall

salvageable (adj)

lurid (adj)
to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something
over a period of time, annoy by asking repeated question |
(n) serious diseases kill people

an attempt to make someone do something for you by

giving the person money, presents, or something else that
they want
If something unpleasant is rife, it is
very common or happens a lot
full of something unpleasant
not controlled or limited
successful or making profit (object) | able to float

successful or making profit (object) | able to float

a person or organization responsible for
making certain that companies obey particular standards a
nd do not act illegally
to act without any respect for someone or something | step
on sth/sb
đồng mưu
of very bad quality

a way of talking or behaving that is too proud|

a large organized event that many people go to, or

a busy, noisy occasion or period:
not possible to change; impossible to return to
a previous condition
to make a place less attractive especially by taking things
away from it by force (tước đoạt)

to criticize someone or something severely:
to experience a
very difficult or unpleasant situation or emotion, such
as extreme embarrassment | make atwist
twisted or bent into an unnatural shape or form

to reduce or become reduced

left in a place from which you cannot escape

If you are in thrall to someone or something, or in
the thrall of someone or something, he, she, or it
has a lot of power to control you

có thể cứu vãn

giật gân, đầy màu sắc


That I gets bad results after trying to do the Ielts tests

plagues me a lot

Your bribery makes me feel disgusted

Why is your room always rife with terrible ordor?

unbridled ambition/enthusiasm/lust
I have trapboy in contempt

Our program organized this year for ED remains buoyant

In university, there is no student playing a role as

watchdog to check your behaviours or manners

He tramples on all the plan I formulated! What a jerk

weather/ film or conditions. The conditions in wards is

quite atrocious in fact
Sometimes thinking about my hubris in the past, I feel so
Do you intend to go the the jamboree organized this
month ?
It's irreversible for the broken vase to revert to a original

The place where I live was despoiled its nature

Will you carry on lambasting me in front of the

multitudes like that mom?
Wuyifan is writhing in the glare of publicity for what he
have done

Can you fix my contorted bag? It's very expensive

Mommy, should dial down the amount of food you cook

everyday because it's too much and extravagent if we
can finish it in a day
I used to be marooned in my ant's room and too scared
to ask for help

You are in thrall in his love because you love him


The love between me and my boyfriend is salvageable. I

should forget him soon
John was impressed with the lurid pictures painted by



unchecked  /ʌnˈbraɪ.dəld/






berate, disparage

brooch (n)
peony (n)

curator (n)

rewild (v)

showstopper (n)

blitz (n)

intent (adj)

penultimate (adj)

slump (v)
wide awake

snooze (v)
drowsy (adj)

riveting (adj)

debauchery (n)
drift off (v)
tuck sb in (v)

Have a trick up your

pin cài áo
hoa mẫu đơn

a person in charge of a museum, library, etc

to protect an environment and return it to its natural state,
for example by bringing back wild animals that used to live there
sth is very impressive

cuộc không kích

có chủ định

áp chót

giảm đột ngột, ngồi xuống, thời kì ế ẩm

fully awake

to sleep lightly for a short time, especially somewhere other than in your bed

buồn ngủ


sự trác táng
to gradually start to sleep
to make someone comfortable in bed, especially a child,
by arranging the covers around them:

có kế hoạch, ý tưởng hoặc lợi thế bí mật có thể tận dụng khi cần
The brooch is so splendid that I cant keep my
eyes off
I would love to have a bunch of peony from you
It's hard for the thief to trespass on museum
because the curator will keep an eye on it all
night and day
It's time you rewilded the park to so that it can
revert to its previous nature
The performance was showstopper! I love to
enjoy it again
VietNam used to go through many blitzs wreaking
havoc on our miserable land
I was intent paying you visit but I heard that you
was not at home
Congratulates! You are the penultimate
contestant. I mean to be sarcastic
In covid pandemic, the cost of chick slumps. Poor
The phone's ring wides me away every morning.
This has helped me immensely, as I have a
more gentle wake-up that means I am not
tempted to hit snooze
I was so drowsy after listening to his screed
The icecream looks so riverting that I cant help
observing melting process
After leaving home for a long times, my son
officially falls in debauchery
My son starts drifting off after counting sheeps
Go to bed now pls. I come along with you to tuck
you in, child
before carrying out any important things, I always
have a trick up my sleeves so that I can leverage it
if necessary


/kjʊˈreɪ.t̬ ɚ/


 /pɪˈnʌl.t̬ ə.mət/


 /ˈrɪv.ɪ.t̬ ɪŋ/

procreation (n)
assert (v)

forsake (v)

despise (v)

peculiar (adj)

affection (n)
perplex (v)

deprivation (n)

signify (v)
acclaim (v)
proclaim (v)
producing of animals or babies
khang dinh

to leave someone for ever, especially when they need you

to feel a strong dislike for someone or something because

you think that that person or thing is bad or has no value

unusual and strange, sometimes in an unpleasant way

a feeling of liking for a person or place
to confuse and worry someone slightly by
being difficult to understand or solve
a situation in which you do not have things or conditions that are
usually considered necessary for a pleasant life
chi ra rang
publicly praise
to announce something publicly or officially, especially something
Due to serious deforestation, animal procreation slumps badly
I firmly assert that this year will be a failure for all kinds of

I never forgive a friend forsaking me when I was in a depression

I despise the people flouting the law by not wearing mask when
they go out
The video on road accidents made
me feel rather peculiar (= ill)
What a perculiar smell. Can you feel that?
I have a big affection for my own country
Living in covid pandemic situation perplexes me everyday

Sleep deprivation is likely to prolong your stressful time

This chart signifies there is an immense decrease in purchasing

for chocolate in valentine day nowadays

acclaim (hoan hô, ca ngợi), Proclaim

(tuyên bố), claim, state




synthetic (adj)
facilitate (v)
cumulatively (adv)
downright (adj) (adv)
come off (v)
egocentric (adj)
oaf (N)

interject (v)

cognitive (adj)

to make something possible or easier
tich luy
extreme or greatly (bad meaning)
to happen as planned, or to succeed
thinking only about yourself and what is good for you
a stupid, rude, or awkward person, especially a
to say something while another person is speaking

nhan thuc
Off the peg cloths tend to be made by synthetic fabrics. Hence, it's no doubt
that they are easy for everyone to possess
We need an electric egg beater to facilitate our cook
I attempted to save money cumulatively everyday. However, I aint keep that
habit carrying no more
It's downright unhealthy for you to go on staying up late
I planed to tell a joke at the party but it didn't come off. No one laughed
You are always egocentric, why don’t you care for other people?
Ann said he was an oaf and boyscotted by all of his classmates

Interjecting someone's conversation is disgraceful and rude

After an unfortunate accident, her cognitive functions have been impaired and
swath (n)

tempest (n)

susceptible (adj)

precipitation (n)

swiftly (adv)

noteworthy (adj)

abate (v)
long area

violent storm

easily influenced or harmed by something

luong mua, su ket tua

quickly or immediately

deserving attention because of
being important or interesting

to become less strong
Example Synonym
Can you believe that a small hurricane can
wreak havoc on the whole swath?
The government decided to invest
plethora of refuges for the residents to be
safe during this terrible tempest
Environment is susceptible and vulnerable
to contamitation brought about by
We can signify from the chart that the
recent precipitation betwe Nov and Dec
plunges considerably
"move swiftly please" - the girl urged me
when we were in a long queue for ice- on the spot, immediately
This annoucement is very noteworthy, so
pay attention to what I'm talking now
the tempest alongside the precipitation
has no sign of abating
python (n)
vista (n)
Orient (n)
breathtaking (adj)
vicinity (n)

designate (v)

pest (n)

prototype (n)
Consultation (n)
looting (n)

dispute (n)

in dispute
beyond (all) dispute
open to dispute
down the road/line
dean (n)

myriad (n,adj)

prime (adj,n)

show/teach sb the ropes
bring to the issue
cling to sth
rest assured (v)
impart (v)
asset (n)
germ (n)

deduce (v)

refute (v)
dire (adj)
heresy (n)
congenial (adj)
preface (n)

stale (adj)

comet (n)
irate (adj)
dismiss (v)
Discourse (v) +on
sobering (adj)
gist (n)

undertake (v)
mercantile (adj)
forlorn (adj)

exodus (n)
vigour (n)
husbandry (n)

pussyfoot (v)

avenue (n)
revenue (n)
stink up th
blockage (n)
blockade (n)
ascertain (v)

inspection (n)

grunt (v)
airway (n)
tenant (n)
premise (v,n)
predominant (adj)
put forward/forth

roll up our sleeves and get

down to work
off the bat
hammer sth out
attire (n)
wimp (n)
get a jump on sth/sb

fall off a cliff

rundown (n)
defective (adj)

warranty (n)
warp (v,n)
speciman (n)
discard (v)

dispose to/towards sb/sth

testify (v)
arcane (adj)
inverse (adj)
threshold (n)
preferable adj)
nominate (v)
make a decent living
dabble in
hold raffle
hang around
dig deep in your pocket
shrill (adj)
rear (v)
plight (n)
all out
under your nose
urban sprawl
shiver (V)
a pile of papers
get back on my feet
foreman (n)
gig (n)
a bundle of sth
bundle (v)
commotion (n)

come round to
maisonette (n)
be put out
con trăn
a view from a high position | a possible future action or
event that you can imagine
phương Đông
extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising
he area around a place or where the speaker is
to choose someone officially to do a particular job | to say
officially that a place or thing has a particular character or

an insect or small animal that is harmful or damages crops:
nguyên mẫu
cuộc họp, cuộc thảo luận
the activity of stealing from shops during a violent event
an argument or disagreement, especially an official one
between, for example, workers and employers or
two countries with a common border
be doubted
not certain
in the future
người kì cựu nhất
a very large number of something | very large in number, or
having great variety
most important or main | the period in your life when you
are most active or successful
to show someone how to do a job or activity
talk or discuss about that
bám lấy, giữ mãi
to be certain that something will happen
to communicate information to someone | to give something
a particular feeling, quality, or taste
vốn quý, tài sản
a very small organism that causes disease
to reach an answer or a decision by thinking carefully about
the known facts
to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc.
is wrong or false
very serious or extreme
dị giáo
friendly and pleasure
lời mở đầu, bài tựa

go stale,not fresh and new; boring because too familiar

sao chổi
very angry
bất kì cái gì
gạt bỏ
thuyết trình, nghị luận
serious and thoughtful
the most important pieces of information about something,
or general information without details
to do or begin to do something, especially something that
will take a long time or be difficult
related to trade or business
alone and unhappy; left alone and not cared for | unlikely to
be successful ( attempt)
the movement of a lot of people or things away from a place
strength, energy, or enthusiasm
farming | the save of money or sth
to avoid making
a decision or expressing an opinion because you
are uncertain or frightened about doing so:
đại lộ, con đường ( bóng và đen) | a method or way of doing
something; a possibility (nghĩa bóng)
thu nhập
mùi lan toả ( mùi khó chịu)
sự tắc nghẽn, nghẹt cái gì đó
sự phong toả
discover sth or make certain of sth
the act of looking at something carefully, or
an official visit to a building or organization to check that
everything is correct and legal
lẩm bẩm, cằn nhằn
đường thông khí, đường bay
a person who pays rent for the use of land or a building
giả thuyết
more noticeable or important, or larger in number,
than others
to suggest an idea for consideration
ndustries and methods that are labour-intensive need a lot
of workers
start working
on the spot
to reach an agreement or solution after a lot
of argument or discussion
clothes, especially of a particular or formal type:
and other similar things
a person who is not strong, brave, or confident:
to get an advantage over other people by doing something
before they do:

to suddenly and quickly reduce or become less successful:
a detailed report:
Something that is defective has a fault in it and does
not work correctly:
a written promise from
a company to repair or replace a product that develops a fa
ult within a particular period of time, or to do
a piece of work again if it is not satisfactory
[làm cho] lệch lạc, [làm cho] thiên lệch, [làm cho] sai lạc
something shown or examined as an example;
a typical example:
bon rua tay trong nha tam
to throw something away or get rid of it because you
no longer want or need it:
to make someone feel a particular way towards someone or
to speak seriously about something, especially in
a law court, or to give or provide proof
mysterious and known only by a few people:
qua lại
nguong cua
quang pho
ion hoa

to care for young animals or children until they are able to care 

run vi lanh

get over from illness, healthy again

a skilled person waching people working
a number of things
tóm, tóm cổ hoặc mang đi
sự chấn động a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or
excited movement
to change your opinion of something, often influenced by anoth
a small apartment that is usually part of a larger building with tw

after climbing up to the mountain, we were rewarded a vista

of the marvellous mountain
The morning after the party, their apartment smelled of
stale cigarette smoke
his judgement was warped by self-interest

at the threshold of a new era in medicine

hey are able to care for themselves

bundled Josh into the car and whisked him round to the children's clinic on Preston R

 influenced by another person's opinion

rger building with two levels and that has its own entrance
get rid of, dispose
e children's clinic on Preston Road

wn entrance
rampant (adj)
be to blame for

a steep rise/increase

be mired in
overflow with
a once-in-a-lifetime
above all
 it may come as no surprise to
potential deficiency in sth
immediate family
deprive sb of the oppoturnity
to do sth
accredited qualification
tertiary education
progeny (n)
be authorized to do th
issue (v)

certify (v)
build a career
be centered around sth
forge (v)
engage in
inherent disavantage
devise a learning plan (v)
contend (v)
a prerequisite for sth
a case for educational reform
tràn lan
chịu trách nhiệm cái gì/ nguyên nhân của cái gì
A steep rise or fall is one that goes
very quickly from low to high or from high
to low
sa vào vấn đề, tình huống gì đó for a long time
tràn ngập điều gì

trên hết là

ho hang gan, gia dinh

don’t allow sb to do sth, tuoc doat ai do cai gi

GD Dai hoc
con cai
allow sb to do sth

to produce or provide something official

chung nhan
have a career, pursue a career
focus on sth, revolve around
lam gia cai gi, or produce sth which is diffcult
participate in
existential disavantage
len ke hoach hoc tap
claim, state as truth
dieu kien tien quyet cho viec gi

As parents are not authorized to issue diplomas like educational

institutions such as those in Vietnam only accept diplomas that have
been certified by the ministry of education

 curriculum his parents had devised was centered around developing his

math skills.
parents can forge a stronger bond with their children while teaching

I contend that the advantages of a personalized curriculum a


le teaching

formulate a plan
feign (v)
adorn (v)
debris (n)
amply (adv)
amplify (v)
save one's own skin

watch out

polygraph (n)
conductivity (n)
perspise (v)
economical with the truth
inadmissible (adj)
cluster (n) of
musculature (n)
countenance (n,v)
deliberately (adv)
spontaneous (adj)
hypothesize (v)
hemisphere (n)
ultrasound (n)
dexterity (n)
asymmetric (adj)
seafaring (adj)
equidistant (adj)
be laden with
dog-eared (adj)
pittance (n)

subsistence (n)

yield (v)

exhaustive (adj)
game (n)
dwindle (v)
short-sighted (adj)

myopia (n)

squander (v)

sabotage (v,n)

crude (adj)

discharge (v)
hang over (v)
particulate (n)
extract (v)
effluent (n)
crockery (n)
cutlery (n)
grudgery (n)
mucker (n)
envision (v)

exploitable (adj)

infiltrate (v)
incessant (adj)
tumultuous (adj)
pool (v)
renounce (v)
solace (n)
morbird (adj)
erroneously (adv)

irreversibly (adv)

exhilaration (n)

hilarious (adj)
herald (v)
cheif executive (n)

cannibalise (v)

imcumbent (adj,n)

repeal (v)
esclipe (v)
body (n)
luminary (n)
discrepancy (n)
prowess (n)
by default
even-handed (adj)
undue (adj)
sublime (adj)
by virtue of
calling (n)
livelihood (n)
a hundredfold

overrun (v)

pastoral (adj)
prodigious (adj)
bear out (v)

sort out (v)

doorstep n,v
fuel (v)
to pretend to have a particular feeling, problem, etc
o add something decorative to a person or thing ( adorn sth with sth)
broken or torn pieces of something larger
in a way that is more than enough ( ample reward)
to increase the size or effect of something | to make something louder
to protect yourself from danger or difficulty,
without trying to help other people

used to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen

a piece of electronic equipment used to try to discover if someone
is telling lies
dẫn suất
unable to be accepted in a law court
a group of similar things that are close together,
sometimes surrounding something:
system of muscles
the appearance or expression of someone's face ( face expression) |
Approve, approval
intentionally | slowly and carefully
happening or done in a natural, often sudden way, without any planning or
without being forced
to give a possible but not yet proved explanation for something
bán cầu ( não, địa lí)
siêu âm
the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skilfully with the hands
không đối xứng
connected with travelling by sea

equally far or close

A book or paper that is dog-eared has the pages turned down at

the corners as a result of a lot of use
very small amount of money, especially money received as payment, incom
e, or a present:
the state of having what you need in order to stay alive, but no more:
to supply or produce something positive such as a profit,
an amount of food or information | give up cause u have been forced
complete and including everything:
bird for hunting for eating
to become smaller in size or amount, or fewer in number
not thinking enough about how an action will affect the future

the fact of not thinking enough about how an action will affect the future

to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them

to your advantage

to damage or destroy equipment, weapons,
or buildings in order to prevent the success of an enemy or competitor
simple and not skilfully done or made (tho^so)
Rude, offensive
permission to leave the hospital or court
liquid spill out
If a threat or doubt hangs over a place or a situation, it exists
an extremely small piece of dirt, especially one produced by road vehicles,
that causes pollution
remove or take out sth (oil, teeth…)
liquid waste that is sent out from factories or other places, often into
the sea or rivers
bat dia
dao nia
tiem can
hard boring work:
to imagine or expect that something is a likely or desirable possibility in
the future
co the khai thac, tan dung
boc lot
to secretly become part of a group in order to get information or
to influence the way that group thinks or behaves
never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way:
xon xao, on ao, nao dong
gop chung
give up (violence, right)
help and comfort when you are feeling sad or worried
bệnh hoạn, ko lành mạnh
1 cách sai lầm


excitement and happiness

extremely funny and causing a lot of laughter:

báo hiệu
giám đốc điều hành
to take parts from a machine or vehicle in order to make
or repair another machine or vehicle
to cause a reduction in the sales of an existing product or service by starting
to sell a new product or service
on : phận sự
ngừoi giữ chức vụ
If a government repeals a law, it causes that law no longer to have
any legal force.
che khuất, che mờ
a group of people who have joined together for a particular reason
a person who is famous and important in a particular area of activity
great ability or skill
theo mặc định
treating everyone fairly and equally
quá mức
extremely good, beautiful, or enjoyable
because of
a strong wish to do a job, usually one that is socially valuable
kế sinh nhai
gấp 4 lần
If unwanted people or things overrun, they fill a place quickly and
in large numbers
vượt quá ( money, time)
đồng cỏ

extremely great in ability, amount, or strength

to support the truth of something:

to deal successfully with a problem or a situation:

a step in front of an outside door:
Something that fuels a feeling or a type of behaviour increases i

Australia is roughly equidistant from Africa and South A
an attempt to yield increased profits

an exhaustive study/report

Ireland squandered
several chances, including a penalty that cost them
the game

quasi-intelligent device
pool money/idea

They hope to sell 5 million
of their new game machines, but those sales will
cannibalize the sales of their last product.

it's incumbent on you to warn them

he is eclipsed by his wife, who is cleverer than him
Our kitchen is overrun with cockroaches

pastoral picture/land/scene

He had a prodigious appetite for both women and drink

His version of events just isn't borne out by the facts.

If you tell them what happened I will bear you out (on it
Her financial records are a mess, but we’ll sort them out.
He left the package on the doorstep.
The rapid promotion of the director's son has itself fuelled resentment wit
The president's speech fuelled speculation that she is about to resign.

thorough /ɪɡ

closed-minded, parochial,
short-sightedness, self- /maɪ
interest ˈoʊ.pi.ə/





artistry, skill

job, career

he facts.
out (on it
rt them out.

itself fuelled resentment within the company.

hat she is about to resign.
errand (n)

errand of mercy

vexed (adj)
vex (v)

startle (v)
fib (v,n)
woe (n)

omission (n)

harness (v)
divine (v)

homely (adj)

clumsy (adj)

decree (v)

butcher (n)

wicked (adj)
safari (n)
fierce (adj)

ablare (adj)
ablare with
deprive (of)
solitary (adj)
scorn (for) (n)

scorn (v)

have/get best of it


stationary (adj)

hassle (n)

hassle (v)

succumb(v) to




stumble (v)
quandary (n)

fraternal (Adj)
covet (v)

apron (n)

scope (n)

weigh on

grift (n)

chivalrous (adj)
inaugural (adj)

cultivate (v)

anonymity (n)

imbible (v)

ponder (v)
nimble (adj)
amorous (adj)

ostracize (v)


callous (adj)
proclamation (n)

exquisite (adj)
succulent (adj)


cordial (adj)

overexert (v)


per se (adv)

menstruate (v)

forage (v)
merciful (adj)
sentimental (adj)

sentiment (n)


feel/ be disinclined
morsel (N)

mournfully (adv)

baptism (n)


fend for

pesky (adj)
hearten (v)
aspiration (n)
preoccupied (adj)

conundrum (n)

proponent (n)

prattle (v)
parlor (n)
weep (v)
surly (adj)
fare (v)
fraternize (v)

transpire (v)

relent (v)

pathos (n)
evermore (adv)
bestow (v)

condone (v)
bloodshed (n)
henceforth (adv)


remorse (n)
premier (adj)

recount (v)


not go amiss
take sth amiss
endeavour (n,v)

simmer (v)
scrap (v,n)

sniff (v)

angle (n)

pipsqueak (n)

go haywire

clutch (v)
sissy (n)
flourish (v)
delectable (adj)

crevice (n)

pervade (v)
stir (v)

brook (v)

sinister (adj)

rapturous (adj)


showstopper (n)

avarice (n)
enrapture (v)
tardiness (n)

hangman's noose

disparage (v)
uplift (v,n)
scholastic (adj)
bookish (adj)

pragmatic (adj)

altar (n)

actualize (v)
affianced (adj)

dither (v)

hatch (v)

pressing (adj)


tinker (v)

casket (n)


attest (v)

tenet (n)


caper (n,v)

torment (n)

unfulfilled (adj)

virtuous (adj)

extol (v)

stomp (v)

adversity (n)

squander (v)
pinky swear/promise
shattered (adj)
homewrecker (n)
precipitate (v)
trollop (n)

impropriety (n)

forfeit (v)

gallivant (v)
hearsay (n)
be tucked away
drastic (adj)
oatmeal (n)

culinary (adj)
edict (n)
nappy (n)

robust (adj)

subterfuge (n)

bedridden (adj)

pinprick (n)
ride sth out (v)

fathom (v)

dispassionate (adj)

tender (adj)

cling to

hysteria (n)

hysterical (adj)

County fair (n)

resurrect (v)

Ambience (n)

feast (n)

aplenty (adv)

hypocrisy (n)

sheer (adj)

belligerent (adj)
wordsmith (n)

ill-concieved (adj)
combust (v)
devise (v)
lovelorn (adj)

lunatic (adj,n)

lunacy (n)

dignity (n)

degrade (v)

preordained (adj)

nullify (v)

have the stomach for doing

versatile (adj)

recollect (v)

urchin (n)
dowry (n)

pivotal (adj)

magnanimous (adj)
daft (adj)
astronomical (adj)


kudos (n)
sappy (adj)
Defy (v)
a short journey either to take a message or to take or collect something

an act of providing or bringing help

troubling and difficult
to cause difficulty to someone, or to cause someone to feel angry, annoyed,
or upset (gay kho de)
to do something unexpected that surprises and
sometimes worries a person or animal
to tell a small lie that does not cause any harm
extremely sadness
big problems or troubles

the act of not including something or someone that should have been included

or something or someone that has not been included that should have been

khai thac
guess sth

ugly; plain and simple but pleasant like home

A clumsy person often has accidents because they do not behave in

a careful, controlled way

to officially decide or order that something must happen

a person who sells meat in a shop

morally wrong and bad
a trip to watch, photograph, or hunt wild animals in their natural environment
strong, powerful, difficult

to go to another place to get something or someone and bring it, him, or her

burning very strongly | brightly colored
full of energy, interest, or emotion
is sufficent of sth
A solitary person or thing is the only person or thing in a place
a very strong feeling of no respect for someone or something that
you think is stupid or has no value
to treat with a great lack of respect, or to refuse something because you think
is wrong or not acceptable| refuse help cause too proud
gain an advantage in a fight, argument, game etc

to get back money that you have spent or lost:

not moving, or not changing


to annoy someone, especially by repeatedly asking them something

to lose the determination to oppose something; to accept defeat | die or suffer

badly from a disease
behaving in a silly way and not taking anything seriously, nong noi, hoang phi
ngo nghuech

a state of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder (trong s hon loan)

attractive in a confident, exciting, and stylish way:

a state of not being able to decide what to do about a situation in which you
are involved
friendly, like brothers:
to want to have something very much, especially something that belongs to
someone else:
to talk for a long time:
finding it difficult to choose between two possibilities:

tap de

pham vi

If a problem or responsibility weighs on you, it makes you worried or unhappy

ways of getting money dishonestly that involve tricking someone

A chivalrous man is polite, honest, fair, and kind towards women

fighting in which people hit each other with their fists
thuoc khai mac

to try to develop and improve something (vun dap)

the situation in which someone's name is not given or known:

to drink, especially alcohol:

to consider something carefully for a long time
a very small amount, slightly
quick and exact either in movement or thoughts
da tinh


unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than other people

unkind, cruel, and without sympathy or feeling for other people:

showing that you are sorry for something you have done because you feel it
was wrong
used to thank someone and say that you are grateful
an official announcement

very beautiful and delicate
Succulent food is pleasantly juicy:

tasting extremely good

friendly, but formal and polite
attempt too much

unable to be explained or understood

thuc chat

When a woman menstruates, blood flows from her uterus for a

few days every month, in period

to go from place to place searching for things that you can eat or use:

kind and forgiving:
sentimental person is strongly influenced by emotional feelings, especially ab
ut happy memories of past events or relationships with
other people, rather than by careful thought and judgment based on facts

a general feeling, attitude, or opinion about something

too sweet and therefore unpleasant:

extremely painful:
not want to do sth

a very small piece or amount

in a very sad way

le rua toi

worrying, without hope, ugly

to take care of and provide for yourself without depending on anyone else:

annoying or causing trouble:
to encourage and make confident and happy:
sth u hope to achieve (ambition

thinking or worrying about something too much

a problem/question that is difficult to deal with

a person who speaks publicly in support of a particular idea or plan of action:
to talk in a silly way or like a child for a long time about things that are
not important or without saying anything important:
hieu vien
to cry tears
making you feel healthier, less tired, and more energetic
often in a bad mood, unfriendly, and not polite:
to succeed or be treated in the stated way:
to meet someone socially, especially someone who belongs to
an opposing army or team, or has a different social position:

, this previously secret or unknown fact becomes known, happen, thoat nuoc

nuoc o thuc vat

to act in a less severe way towards someone and allow something that you

had refused to allow before:
a quality in life or art that causes feelings of sadness or sympathy(thuong tam
thong thiet)
always in the future

to give something as an honor or present:

to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong:
killing and violence:
tu nay tro di

active, forceful, and full of determination
a feeling of sadness and being sorry for something you have done:
best or most important:

to describe how something happened, or to tell a story:

wrong, not suitable, or not as expected:

If something might/would not go amiss, it would be useful and
might help to improve a situation:
be offended by sth so talks to u

soi sung sung (den va bong)

to not continue with a system or plan:, phe lieu

to smell something by taking air in through your nose:

a way of considering, judging, or dealing with something:

someone who is not important and does not deserve respect:

to stop working correctly:

to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually in fear, worry, or pain:

thang eo la
to grow or develop successfully:
looking or tasting extremely good, and giving great pleasure:

vet nut

lan toa

If something stirs you, it makes you feel a strong emotion:

to allow or accept something, esp. a difference of opinion or intention:

making you feel that something bad or evil might happen:

showing extreme pleasure and happiness or excitement:

excellent, or beautiful and impressive:

sth is very impressive

(in the past) to officially agree that someone, often a young person, will work f
someone else, especially in order to learn a job, ki giao keo hoc nghe
wwant to keep possesion, long tham
vo cung thich thu
the quality of being late or slow

treo co

to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do

not respect or value him, her, or it
to improve a person's moral or spiritual condition
relating to school and education:
A bookish person enjoys reading books, especially serious books.

solving problems in a sensible way that suits the conditions that

really exist now, rather than obeying fixed theories, ideas, or rule (practical)

ban tho

to make something that could possibly happen or be achieved really happen o

be achieved:
engage to marry
uy vien

to be unable to make a decision about doing something

to make a plan, especially a secret plan:

urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately:

great danger, or something that is very dangerous:

to move or develop faster than someone or something else:

may mo sua chua

a small, decorative box, especially one used to keep jewellery in

rude and not showing respect, especially towards someone older or in

a higher position than you

to show something or to say or prove that something is true:

giao ly

illegally made, copied, or sold:

an illegal, unusual, or entertaining activity:
Jump happily

great mental suffering and unhappiness, or great physical pain

If a wish, hope, promise, etc. is unfulfilled, it has not happened or

been achieved

having good moral qualities and behaviour

praise sth or so too much

to walk with intentionally heavy steps, especially as a way of showing that you

are annoyed:

a difficult or unlucky situation or event:

to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by not using them

to your advantage:
moc ngheos

su linh thieng
upset, tired
someone who is responsible for breaking up a marriage or relationship:
to make something happen suddenly or sooner than expected:
a woman who has had a lot of sexual relationships without
any emotional involvement
behaviour that is dishonest, socially unacceptable, or unsuitable for
a particular situation

to lose the right to do or have something because you have broken a rule (de


to visit or go to a lot of different places, enjoying yourself and

not worrying about other things you should be doing
information that you have heard but do not know to be true
hidden or difficult to find:
(especially of actions) severe and sudden or having very noticeable effects
bot yen mach

connected with cooking or kitchens
an official order, especially one that is given in a forceful and unfair way:
ta lot

(of a person or animal) strong and healthy, or (of

an object or system) strong and unlikely to break or fail:

a trick or a dishonest way of achieving something

having to stay in bed because of illness or injury

something that is slightly annoying for a short time (plural)

to continue to exist during a difficult situation and until it ends,
without serious harm
Ride out storm/crisis
to understand someone or why someone acts as they do
Discover the meaning of sth
able to think clearly or make good decisions because of not
being influenced by emotions
(of meat or vegetables) easy to cut or chew (= crush with the teeth)
gentle, loving, kind
bam lay

extreme fear, excitement, anger, etc. that cannot be controlled:

unable to control your feelings or behaviour because you
are extremely frightened, angry, excited, etc
hoi cho

to bring someone back to life, or bring something back into use

or existence after it disappeared

the character of a place or the quality it seems to have

a special meal with very good food or a large meal for many people

available in large amounts:

dao duc gia

used to emphasize how very great, important, or powerful a quality or feeling 

nothing except
hung hawng, tham chien
a person who has skill with using words, especially in writing

badly planned and unwise
start to burn

to invent something, esp. with intelligence or imagination:
that tinh
coi thuong nguy hiem
silly in a dangerous way
metally ill
crazy guy

stupid behaviour that will have bad results

The importance and value that a person has, that makes

other people respect them or makes them respect themselves

Calm, serious and controlled behaviour make people respect u

to cause people to feel that they or other people have no value and do not ha
the respect or good opinion of others:
dc dinh trc

vo hieu hoa

have courage or determination

linh hoat, thao vat, da nang


a small child, especially one who behaves badly and is dirty or untidily dresse

in some societies, an amount of money or property that a woman's parents gi
to the man she marries
important and central

very kind and generous towards an enemy or someone you have defeated

(hao hiep)
stupid or silly

An astronomical amount is extremely large:

A spineless person does not have much determination and is not willing to

take risks (hen nhat, nhu nhuoc)

praise, admiration, and fame received for an achievement:

very bad and shocking
used to describe something that is extremely emotional in
an embarrassing way:
to refuse to obey a person, decision, law, situation, etc
I'll meet you at six, I've got some errands
to do/run first ( do/run an errand)
American government proclaim that they are going to
give Pakistan residents errand of mercy during their
suffering from war
Vexed Maths exercises drive me crazy
I didn't mean to vex you because of my own problem

The sound of gun startles all the birds nearby

I know my jokes are innocuous so I dear fibbing about
Her face was lined and full of woe
Covid brings out plethora of woes
Measures to control child employment are
a glaring (=
very obvious) omission from new legislation to prote
ct children
harness energy/ideas/skills
I can divine from his expresion that he is deeply
I despise when any girls in the world say that they are
homely and don’t deserve man's love

What a clumsy girl! She pills a cup of tea over

After the earthquake,
the government decreed that all new buildings must
be built according to the new standards.

Butchers have their own problem. They feel guilty

sometimes for killing many animals for their sake
School is a place where wicked girls are able to cause
troubles for other ordinary girl
go on safari
There is a fierce controversy between people who
advocate for vaccin and people who hold vaccin for
That looks uncomfortable. I'll go and fetch
a cushion for you
The field was ablaze with wild flowers
Her eyes were ablaze with excitement
As we can see, children deprive of sleeping nowadays
I feel she is so solitary in this town
She has scorn for government's policy

She scorned all my offers of help

The contest ended with no clear winner but, of the
two, I think George had the best 
I know it's hard for a younger to start up and it takes time
to recoup the costs you paid for for bussinesses
My father is quite stationary and stick to the old
I got into a hassle with my dad when we discuss about
sex topic
At the early age, there was no punishment for man who
kept hassling woman

You are brave enough not to succumb to hardship

I hate working with frivolous people cause they don’t

seem serious in work
One of monitor's duties is controlling the classroom
when it's in turmoil
I know I look dashing in my dress. I miss my wardrobe
I have a fetish for high heel shoe but I tend to stumble
when using it
I've had two job offers, and
I'm in a real quandary about/over which one
to accept
their intimate fraternal relationship make me so jealous
I covet Ielts 8.0 but it seems elusive
Don’t jaw in my class plss. - me a teacher in the future -
I always bear in my mind the day I was torn when it came
to choose my own field
I love to have an apron to protect myself from the food
I'm afraid that problem is beyond/
outside the scope of my lecture.
he's under huge pressure at work and it's really
weighing on him.
The plot of the movie includes grift, betrayal,
and daredevil escapes.
My boyfriend has to be chivalrous not only just with me
but also with other people
Come on and watch the fisticuffs with me
I'm enamoured with inaugural events because they tends
to be decorated with full of flower
If you cultivate a relationship/friendship, you make
a special effort to establish and develop it, because
you think it might be useful to you
For witnesses who may be afraid to speak out,
the police have guaranteed anonymity
You shouldn't go on imbibling like that unless you want
to come up with cancer
I ponder whether I should express my feeling towards
He seemed a mite embarrassed.
I really admire this athletic for his nimble movement
when he is running
My boyfriend is so amorous that he cant stop loving
though I have too much drawback
The mother who take products used for their babies
serious ostracize Hugla brand

He is notorious with his personality supposed to be

You seem callous with people being on the same boat
She expresses her penitent smile and implies that she
wants to appologize sincerefully
much obliged
Have you heard about the up to the minute proclamation
made this morning by the authority ?
The birthday cake you gifted me was exquiste and
luscious, juicy

Pho is a traditional food of VN because it's scrumptious

I can percieve a cordial contempt between john and ann

I admire what you did because I know that you

overexerted to achieve your goal
That there are numerous evidence demonstating UFO is
real is inexplicable
Per se accomplishing a successful essay is not as elusive
as you think

I am always obnoxious when menstruating

Our acesstors spent their most of their time foraging for

God is merciful so you can come to him to redem
I find it arduous forme to scour for my own suitable
I assert that I'm a sentimental girl. That the reason why
I'm so emotional and weak that I easily burst into tears

Can you share with me your current sentiment? I'd love

to hear that
Sometimes, birthday cakes are too cloying for me to
gorge on
My back becomes more excruciating when I sit in a
straight way
I felt disinclined to study english when I was young
Just give me a morsel of cake. I get bored with that cake
coz it's cloying

He pretended to smile mournfully in his mother's funeral

In some religions, there are days for people to take part

in baptism

Supposed that your future was grim, what would you do?

Geting an entrance to the university means I have to fend

for myself by many ways
The children around our neighborhood are very pesky
That he always consoles me and says it's not my fault
heartens me a lot
Fostering my own aspiration motivates me to strive
I'm extremely preoccupied about not graduating at the
right time
Arranging childcare over the school holidays can be
a real conundrum for working parents
On behalf of my team's proponent, I would love to
represent my viewpoints
Please focus on the main points and stop beating around
the bush or prattling
icecream parlor, beauty parlor
weep buckets, weep with N, weep tears of joy/rage
uinvigorating sport/ run/exercise
After she had known that she lose the game, she became
surly with everyone
How did you fare in your exams?
fraternize with enemy

[ + that ] It
may yet transpire that ministers knew more than they
are admitting at the moment.
Her parents eventually relented and let her go to
the party.
Can you see through the pathos in this picture?
I love you today and evermore
The country’s highest medal was bestowed upon
him for heroism.
If the government is seen to condone violence,
the bloodshed will never stop.
Humans used to not percieve the danger of bloodshed
Henceforth, I make a promise that I will study hard and
I want to change myself into a feisty girl being able to
deal with all the problems without any helps
The killer doesn't have any remorse after all his gult
Which is the premier content among these?
[ + question word ] He was fond of
recounting how he
had played professional football when he was 19.
I could see by the look on their faces that something
was amiss.
a word of appologize might not go amiss again

would she take it amiss if I offered to help?
In spite of our best endeavours, it
has proven impossible to contact her.
she has simmered with resentment towards our family
over weeks
We decided to scrap our plans for a trip to France
Don’t judge the book by its cover! Give it a try to sniff this
cake, you can feel that it's scrumptious and deserves to
be relished
Try looking at the problem from another
angle/from my angle.
If she hadn't revealed our secrets, we would never
considered her as a pipsqueak!
They told us later in the hospital that his heart had
gone haywire.
While we were perambulating on the street, a theif
suddenly appeared and asked us to give him money. I
clutched my boyfriend's hand
I came out that I'm gay but it doesn't mean I'm sissy
I was jubilant that our products had flourished recently
You made that cake rite? I was so proud of you that the
cake was riveting and delectable
The ants and termites are likely to crawl and live around
the crevice
The film movie is a reflection of the violence that
pervades our culture.
I was deeply stirred by her performance.

I will not brook anyone interfering with my affairs

The ruined house had a sinister appearance.

The video my teacher made to help students absorb new

breadth of knowledge about IT makes me rapturous

Your beauty is one-of-kind and splendid, which I'm envy

Your jazzy dress you wore that day was such a
his son was indentured to the local blacksmith

Avarice is one of the wicked human's personalities

be enraptured with sth
Tardiness can't be accepted in the next meeting
The ancient multitudes used to take avantage of the old
punishment like hangman's noose to threaten people
away the wickedness
Disparaging others harshly neither makes yourself better
nor mitigates the bad situation
sense of uplift
scholastic achievements
were I a bookish person, I would absorb more knowledge
than I've possess

His hard-nosed business approach is combined with
a very real concern for the less fortunate in society.

Vietnamese people are very careful and consciencious

when it comes to decorate ancestor' altars
the techniques that athletes use to
actualize their potential
affianced couple
The conference is held to elect the new trustees
I wish I had dithered about whether I should stay or not
because I used to be impulsive, which brings about my
prompt decision there are many things I have to suffer

Have you hatched a plan for a surprise in Lan's birthday?

you have a pressing notify that the boss wants you to fix
the plan again
Teenagers must
be warned about the perils of unsafe sex.
The company has completely outpaced its rivals in
the market.
I understand profoundly that my father loves to tinker
the broken machines
Casket is the thing that I've crave for for a long time
owing to the number of accessories I possess
acording to asian culture, debating with adults is
Edison used to practice and carry out many experiments
to attest the existence of electric currents
Comprehending all the tenets changes her into a pious
Purchasing for bootleg shoes is not illegal in vietnam but
it makes country economy sluggish
My daughter capered and threw her hat up on her
graduation day
Attacked by the neighbour children evokes plethora of
miserable torments when she was in the orphanage
I wished I could become a wife being able to run the
house and business simultaneously. However, my dream
is unfulfilled because I'm not well qualified enough to
deal with numerous problems
A good student requires both virtuous behaviours and
Sometimes I feel like people extol me for what I
achieved, which makes me uncomfortable and
She wept and stomped upstair because mom didn't
internalize their true love
Living in adversity shapes my tough and keen
Ireland squandered
several chances, including a penalty that cost them
the game
At a young age, we take pinky swear as a serious format
in keeping promise
the sanctity of a cemetery/tomb
Much as I was very shattered when it came to register
subjects, I made an attempt and never gave up

In the past, expressing perspectives which are different

from the teacher was considered as an impropriety
He forfeited his right of being a vietnamese civilian owing
to his infraction
forfeit happiness/esteem

go gallivanting
Hearsay is the mainstream stuffs in the stardom
Keys are the prevailing thing always tucked away
Deforestation has a drastic effect on the environment
Oatmeal is very good for our health and included in
My culinary skills are limited to boiling water (= I am
not very good at cooking)

My future husband will be in charge of changing our

baby's nappy

robust economy

As a teacher, when I detect that my pupils use subterfuge

in my exam, I will go bananas
My mom has been bedridden for a while because of
Only by ignoring all the pinprick can you become better
and tough
Many companies did not manage to ride out
the recession.

Learning to fathom people's agonies is a crucial skill

Working in a harsh condition like competitive business

requires dispassionate workers
My bofriend is very tender and indulge me
She never gives up on clinging to hope that her husband
will come back home some day
I was hysteria when gifted a fabulous bracelet by my
I'm trying not be hysterical about anything because I'm
afraid of the anticlimax
Would you like to join me in scrolling out at the county
fair this weekend?
Traditional ceramics is resurrected by the young after
being forgotten for severals years
She quitted her job but now she wants to resurrect her
own career
Despite being a busy city, Dublin has the
ambience of a country town
Tet holiday is a chance for my family to reunion and has a
delectable feast
We now seem to have ships aplenty to enforce the
It’s hypocritical for him to criticize her for doing the
same things that he does
What he did exposes his sheer hipocrisy

Ann used to be belligerent when people spread rumours

about her childhood
The paramount cause for creating this Excel page is that I
want to be a wordsmith and expand my number of words
by leverating this page
The whole project was ill-conceived
The whole ship might spontaneously combust (= star
t burning without being set on fire).
He devised a new way to treat mental depression.
The reason why I don't want to be in a relationship with
anyone is that I'm scared to be lovelorn someday
heedless of risk/danger

as a girl, sometimes I feel that girls are truly lunatic in

many ways

Updating a new version for mac is such a lunacy that I

have to be responsible for my raw stupidity

He longs for a society in which the

dignity of all people is recognized

That the woman degraded our trustee in front of the

multitudes makes him feel ashamed
His life seems to have followed a
preordained path/direction.
Your passport will be nullified if you don't create a new
I love her but I don't have the stomach for expressing my
A leather jacket is a timeless and
versatile garment that can be worn in all seasons.
I couldn't recollect the name of the bakery near my
Friends are friends. Anybody can be your friends and vice
versa regardless of their background as an urchin or
orphanage. Humans need friendship
I wept a bunch when mom clutched my hands and gave
me dowry
Revitalizing the Japan economy is our pivotal mission
(duty, task, resposibility)
From the bottom of my heart, I hold your team in high
esteem because of your magnanimous fair play
Don't be daft - let me pay - you paid last time
an astronomical rent/bill/price/fee

I have to come to a conclusion that I'm quite spineless

sometimes and not brave enough to step out of my
comfort zone
Women’s organizations have been getting kudos
for their service activities.
I didn't want my main character to be sappy and
sickeningly sweet


/ˈstɑːr.t̬ əl/
white lie

delectable, palatable,


incomprehensible  /ˌɪn.ɪk

 /ˌpɝː ˈseɪ/
ˈskruː.ʃi.eɪ.t̬ ɪŋ/



scrumptious, delicious,


belittle /dɪˈsper.ɪdʒ/


hard-nosed /præɡˈmæt̬ .ɪk/


surpasss /ˌaʊtˈpeɪs/

 /ɪmˈpɝː.t̬ ən.ənt/



pain  /ˈtɔːr.ment/



ˈpraɪ.ə.t̬ i/


gossip, rumour





neutral, impartial, cold-




/əˈplen.t̬ i/








/ˈvɝː.sə.t̬ əl/

/ˈpɪv.ə.t̬ əl/


praise ˈku·dɑs, -doʊs/

Gig (n)
Resounding (adj)

Time - capsule (n)

Posterity (n)

to… extent

to… extent

Ceremony (n)

Ornament (n)
Newsreel (n)

Board (n)
Board (v)
Dyslexia (n)

On one's hands
Behave oneself
Franchise (n)
Forthcoming (adj)
Forthcoming (adj)

Climate (n)
Fall out (v)
Influx (n)

Pruning (n)

Legislate (v)
subsidiary (n)
subsidiary (adj)
Uptight (adj)
from ear to ear

Interrogation (n)
Bubbly (adj)
fit the bill
map out
Umet (adj)

Take second place

Hasten (v)
Slump (v)
not have the heart
to do sth
Unoriginal (adj)
take sth out
Dictator (n)
Patch (n)
Outrageous (adj)

Ethos (n)

Impersonation (n)
Detractor (n)

Take out of sb

Baulk (v)
Herediary (adj)

Pose a risk (to)

intake (n)

project (v)

project your voice

fun-loving (adj)
handset (n)

speak volumes
stir up
fetch upward of

gadgetry (n)
a dim memory,
recollection, etc.

degenerative (adj)
keep sb on

mushroom (v)

nuisance (n)
shrink (v)
no/not enough room
to swing a cat
give in​/​hand in your

missionary (n)

temperance (n)
get across (v)
shilling (n)
blow a fuse/gasket

get worked up
be cut up
get caught up in
irate (adj)
erratic (adj)
composure (n)
uplifting (adj)
inescapable (adj)
cohesive (adj)
plaster (n)
make a name for

get wary of

tantrum (n)
shape up
branch out
stifle (v)
be up to your eyes
in sth
have time of one's

face the music

overcast (adj)
downpour (n)
be in a rut
posting n)
defrost (v)
racket (n)

leap (v)
din (n)
Wail (v)
cockerel (n)

reason with sb

do one's back in
get off to sleep
laid-back (adj)

resent (v)
blare (v)
seething (adj) only
before noun
(as) deaf as a post
pigeon (n)
conformist (n)
pore over sth

emulate (v)

venture (n)

venture (v)


spur someone on

outlet (n)
pig out
bland (adj)

cardboard (adj)
fizzy (adj)
confiscate (v)
get down to

strike a balance

at the expense of
grounding (n)
blush (v)
run sb off their feet
like mad

move up the ladder


white with rage (adj)

factory floor

trading post

navy (adj)
trail (n)
dusk (n)
hollow (adj)

blow your chance

desolation (n)
commotion (n)
patronizing (adj)

façade (n)

chauffeur (n)

ferry (v)
over the top

slip sb's memory/
draw up
further (v)

make sb's hair
stand on end
page-turner (n)
dialect (n)

cavernous (adj)

an informal setting

commission (v)

boast (v)

refit (v)
lope (v)
improvise (v)

tea break

it strikes me that
embassy (n)
put sth by (v)
bungalow (n)
weaving (n)
enamel (n)
campaign (v)
stain (v)
perish (v)
unearth (v)
perch (v)
storey (n)
cumbersome (adj)
brass (v)

the brass

have sth on your plate
deluge (v)
bee in one's bonnet
a performance by musicians playing popular music or jazz in front of an
audience; a similar performance by a comedian / job
Great / loud
a container that is filled with objects considered to be typical of
the present period in history and then buried, so that it can
be dug up and studied much later
all the people who will live in the future
used to show how far something is true or how great an effect it

so much
 a public or religious occasion that includes a series of formal or
traditional actions (le, nghi thuc)
an object that is used as decoration in a room, garden, etc. rather
than for a particular purpose
a short film of news that was shown in the past in cinemas

a group of people who have power to make decisions and control a

company or other organization
to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft:
a slight disorder of the brain that causes difficulty in reading and spelling,
for example, but does not affect intelligence
Imposed upon one, especially as one's responsibility to confront or 
a business or service run under franchise
going to happen, be published, etc. very soon
willing to give information about something
 a general attitude or feeling; an atmosphere or a situation that
exists in a particular place
the fact of a lot of people, money or things arriving somewhere
the activity of cutting off some of the branches from a tree, bush,
etc. so that it will grow better and stronger

make law
​(of a business company) owned or controlled by another company
anxious and/or angry about something

to be smiling, etc. a lot because you are very pleased about something
the act of asking somebody a lot of questions over a long period of
time, especially in an aggressive way = interview
always cheerful, friendly and enthusiastic
to be what is needed in a particular situation or for a particular purpose
to plan or arrange something in a careful or detailed way
not satisfied
If one thing takes second place to another, it is considered to be
less important and is given less attention than the other thing.
hasten to do something to say or do something without delay
decrease / to sit or fall down heavily

to feel unable to do something because you feel it would be unkind

to obtain an official document or service
a person who behaves as if they have complete power over other peo
 small area of something, especially one which is different from the area aroun
offensive and unacceptable
the moral ideas and attitudes that belong to a particular group,
society or person
an act of pretending to be somebody in order to trick people or to
entertain them
Nguoi giem pha

to make someone very tired:

to be unwilling to do something or become involved in something
because it is difficult, dangerous, etc.
given to a child by its parents before it is born

 to be potentially dangerous, to represent danger

the number of people who are allowed to enter a school, college,
profession, etc. during a particular period/ the amount of food,
drink, etc. that you take into your body
to cause a film, image, or light to appear on a screen or
other surface

to sing or speak loudly and clearly
liking to enjoy yourself and
have fun rather than liking serious things
mobile phone
If something speaks volumes, it makes an opinion, characteristic,
or situation very clear without the use of words:
to cause an unpleasant emotion or problem to begin or grow
len den con so

a collection of small devices or machines with a particular purpose

something that you remember slightly, but not very well:

A degenerative illness is one in which the body or a part of
the body gradually stops working
to continue to employ someone:

to increase very quickly:

something or someone that annoys you or causes trouble for you:

to become smaller, or to make something smaller
said about a place or space that is very small
to tell your employer that you are leaving your job, especially in
a letter

a person who has been sent to

a foreign country to teach their religion to the people who live there:

control of your own behaviour, such as not drinking or eating too

to manage to make someone understand or believe something:
the standard unit of money 
become angry

upset or very excited about something:

to be upset:
to become unexpectedly involved in
an unpleasant or annoying situation
very angry:
moving or behaving in a way that is not regular, certain,
or expected:
the feeling of being calm, confident, and in control:
making someone feel better:
If a fact or a situation is inescapable, it cannot
be ignored or avoided.
united and working together effectively:
thach cao

not completely trusting or certain about something or someone:

a sudden period of uncontrolled anger like a young child's:
to start to do something different from what you usually
do, especially in your job:
to (cause to) be unable to breathe because you have no air:
be busy doing sth

: to enjoy oneself very much : to have a lot of fun

to accept criticism or punishment , responsibility for something you
have done
with clouds in the sky and therefore not bright and sunny:
a lot of rain in a short time
 cụm từ này nghĩa là mắc kẹt (cuộc sống, công việc…)
a job, often within the same organization that you are working for,
that involves going to a different country or town:
 become no longer frozen:
an unpleasant loud continuous noise:
to make a large jump or sudden movement, usually from
one place to another:
a loud, unpleasant confused noise that lasts for a long time:
to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:
male chicken
to try to persuade someone to act in a wise way or
to change their behaviour or a decision, by explaining why it is a
good idea:
physically injured and consequently painful.
begin to sleep
relaxed in manner and character; not usually worried about other
people's behaviour or things that need to be done:
to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or
something that you do not like:
to make an unpleasantly loud noise:
extremely angry but unable or unwilling to express it clearly:
completely deaf
grey bird
someone who lives and thinks in a way that is different from
other people
producing a great number or amount of something:
to look at and study something, usually
a book or document, carefully:
to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as
well as they have:
a new activity, usually in business, that involves risk or uncertainty:
to risk going somewhere or doing something that might
be dangerous or unpleasant:
an idea, thought, or plan that was not originally intended but
is thought of at a later time:
encourage sb
to eat a lot or too much:
not having a strong taste or character or
not showing any interest or energy:
relating to something, usually a character in a film or play, that
does not seem to be real or interesting:
having a lot of bubbles:
tich thu

to start to direct your efforts and attention to something, esp. work:

If you strike a balance between two things, you accept parts of both

things in order to satisfy some of the demands of both sides in
an argument, rather than all the demands of just one side:

cụm từ này nghĩa là gây bất lợi/gây hại cho ai/cái gì; trả giá (to the
detriment of someone or something;
a knowledge of the basic facts about a particular subject:
to become pink in the face, usually from embarrassment
to cause someone to be very busy:
If you do something like mad, you do it
very enthusiastically, quickly, or a lot:
Getting a promotion, becoming successful. 

describes artworks—particularly paintings and sculptures–that are

clearly derived from real object sources, and therefore are by
definition representing something with strong visual references to
the real world.

the area where the ordinary workers in a factory work

a small place, especially in the past, far from other places in

which people live, where goods can
be bought and sold or exchanged:
the part of a country's armed forces that
is trained to operate at sea:
dau vet
the time before night when it is not yet dark:
(of situations, feelings, or words) without value, or
not true or sincere:
To ruin, mishandle, or fail to capitalize on an opportunity.
the state of a place that is empty or where everything has
been destroyed:
a sudden, short period of noise, confusion, or excited movement:
speaking or behaving towards someone as if they are stupid or
not important:
a way of behaving or appearing that gives other people a false idea
of your true feelings or situation (ma ben ngoai)
someone whose job is to drive a car for a rich or important person:
to transport people or goods in a vehicle, especially regularly and
too extreme and not suitable, or demanding too
much attention or effort, especially in an uncontrolled way:

to prepare something, usually something official, in writing:

to develop or make progress in something:

to make someone very frightened:

a book that is so exciting that you want to read it quickly:

a form of a language that people speak in a particular part of
a country, containing some different words and grammar, etc.:
If something is cavernous, there is a very large open space inside

a relaxed environment, an unofficial situation or context

to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or
to formally ask for a special piece of work from someone:
to have or own something to be proud of:

to make repairs or changes to a building, factory,
or store in order to improve it or change its purpose:
(of a person or animal) to run taking long, relaxed steps:
to invent or provide something at the time when it is needed without
having already planned it:
a short rest from working, usually spent drinking tea or
something similar:
used to say that one understands or is aware of something
the group of people who represent their country in a foreign cou
to save an amount of money to use later:
a house that usually has only one storey (= level), sometimes wi
the act of making cloth by repeatedly crossing a single thread th
to organize a series of activities to try to achieve something:
to leave a mark on something that is difficult to remove:
to die, especially in an accident or by being killed, or to be destr
to discover proof or some other information, especially after car
to sit on or near the edge of something:
a level of a building:
awkward because of being large, heavy, or not effective:

a bright yellow metal made from copper and zinc
complete confidence and lack of fear
the group of brass instruments or players in a band or orchestra

to have something, usually a large amount of important work, to

We've been deluged with (= have received a lot of) replies.
to keep talking about something again and again because you th

a resounding victory/win/defeat

Their music has been preserved for posterity.

To a certain extent, we are all responsible for this tragic situation./

He had changed to such an extent (= so much) that I no longer recognized

Next year, I and my bf will conduct our marriage ceremony

The clock is simply for ornament; it doesn't work any more.

The decision was approved by the museum's board of trustees./She has a

seat on the board of directors/The board is/are unhappy about falling sales

I'd come and pick you up, but I've got Jane's kids on my hands this 
She was under strict orders from her parents to behave herself.
They operate franchises in London and Paris.
the forthcoming elections
She's never very forthcoming about her plans.

a climate of fear/suspicion/uncertainty/opinion/culture/secrecy
The weather overheated and we fell out
influx (of somebody/something) into… the influx of wealth into the

All roses require annual pruning.

 legislate against something The government will legislate against
discrimination in the

subsidiary information/subject
Relax! You're getting too uptight about it.

He was beaming from ear to ear.

under interrogation He confessed after four days under
He’s a really bubbly and outgoing boy who loves acting.
On paper, several of the applicants fit the bill.
He has his career path clearly mapped out.
Unmet expectation/needs. a report on the unmet needs of elderly people

My personal life has had to take second place to my career.

She saw his frown and hastened to explain.
The old man slumped down in his chair.

She asked me to go with her and I didn't have the heart to refuse.

to take out an insurance policy/a mortgage/a loan

Her father was a dictator and the whole family was afraid of him.
patches of dense fog
She says the most outrageous things sometimes.

Teaching was central to his ethos.

He did an extremely convincing impersonation of the singer.

Running around after 25 preschoolers takes it out of me by the end
of the week.
Many parents may baulk at the idea of paying $100 for a pair of
a hereditary disease/disorder/ physical traits
Drinking too much Koda Kola poses a health risk. It could
potentially damage your health.

to reduce your daily intake of salt/ the annual student intake

Laser images were projected onto a screen
It's a big theatre so you really have to project your voice if you're
going to be heard at the back.

Her friends describe her as fun-loving and energetic.

She said very little but her face spoke volumes.

The photographs stirred up some painful memories.
a consecutive phone number like 123456 can fetch upward of 20USD
We've got a juicer, a blender, a coffee grinder -
all kinds of kitchen gadgetry.

I had a dim recollection of having met her before.

a degenerative disease/condition
We're sorry, but we can only keep you on for another month.
The number of computers in schools has mushroomed
in recent years.

It's such a nuisance having to rewrite those letters.

these place are shrinking in size
He did missionary work for the Presbyterian Church in Alaska.
Their only pleasures are drink and tobacco, the former being
subjected to temperance campaigns to remove even this form of
recreation from the workers' lives.
This is the message that we want to get across to the public.

When he told her how much it cost, she blew a gasket.

It's easy to get worked up when you're tired and
everything seems to be against you.
Philip was very cut up about his grandmother's death.
Sorry I’m late – I got caught in traffic.

She can be very erratic; one day she is friendly and the next

she'll hardly speak to you.
I didn't want to lose my composure in front of her.
For me it was a marvellously uplifting performance.
The evidence points to the inescapable conclusion that he
is guilty of the crime.
cohesive forces

It took a long time and a bunch of supporting roles, but I've finally m
ade a name for myself as an actor.
I'm a little wary of/about giving people my address when I
don't know them very well.
Charlie had/threw a tantrum in the shop because I wouldn't buy him
any sweets.
How are your plans shaping up?
this designer has recently branched out into children's wear.
We almost stifled in the heat of the city.
I'm up to my eyes in homework this week.

He looked like he was having the time of his life.

If she lied to me, then she'll just have to face the music.

a depressing, overcast winter morning
Normally, we get excited if an inch of rain is recorded at any one
time, which shows what a phenomenal downpour it was.
I was in a rut and couldn’t get out of it.
If you were offered an overseas posting, would you take it?
Defrost the chicken thoroughly before cooking.
They were making such a racket outside that I couldn't get to sleep.

He leaped out of his car and ran towards the house.

the din of the traffic
 "My finger hurts," wailed the child.

 The police reasoned with the hijackers to at

least let the children go free.

I've done my back/elbow/shoulder/hip/knee/finger in

I've never seen her worried or anxious in any way - she's so laid-

She bitterly resented her father's new wife.
The radio was blaring (out) martial music.
A feeling of seething resentment led to angry exchanges between
the teams.
Grandad's as deaf as a post.

He was probably the most prolific songwriter of his generation.

She spends her evenings poring over textbooks.

Officials are looking to emulate successful ideas from other cities.

She advised us to look abroad for
more lucrative business ventures.
an idea or plan that was not originally intended:

Ambition spurred him on.

retail/fast-food outlet
We pigged out on all the delicious cakes and pastries.
I find chicken a little blan/ pop music is bland now
I've never enjoyed his plays - somehow all his characters are
fizzy orange/mineral water

We’ve got to get down to business, folks, or we’ll never get

the newsletter out on time.

It's a question of striking the right balance between quality and


The pursuit of profit at the expense of the environment.

I blush to think of what a fool I made of myself.

I've been rushed off my feet all morning.

She's been saving like mad because she wants to buy a car.

moving up the ladder at school/university would be to become a
high achiever

The company has been criticized for the lack of safety on

the factory floor.

a navy ship/vessel/pilot

As dusk fell, bats began to fly between the trees.
It was something of a hollow victory - she won the case but lost all
her savings in legal fees.
I'm sorry, Bob, you blew your chance at a promotion when you deci
ded to come in late to work each day this week.
a sense of desolation

His arrival caused quite a commotion.
It's that patronizing tone of hers that I can't bear.

They were trying to preserve the facade of a happy marriage.

a chauffeur-driven limousine

I spend most of my time ferrying the children around.

I forgot I'd arranged to meet Richard last night -
it completely slipped my mind.
I've drawn up a list of candidates that I'd like to interview.
He has probably done more to
further the cause of interracial harmony than any other person.

Her latest novel is a real page-turner.
a regional dialect

a cavernous 4,000-seat theatre

I would prefer to meet you in a more informal setting. Instead

of meeting at the office, shall we meet at the cafe?
The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on
the worst excesses of the fashion industry.
Ireland boasts beautiful beaches, great restaurants,
and friendly locals.
The company plans to refit the plant so it
can process crude oil from Canada, creating 80 new jobs
The lion loped across the grass.
Hughes encourages young actors to improvise during rehearsals.

We had a chat in our tea break.

It strikes me that there is a larger issue at stake.

We used to be friendly with some people who worked at the Swedish Em
I try to put by a few pounds every week.
There were small, white bungalows dotted over the hillside.
ingle thread through two sets of long threads on a loom (= special fram

they've been campaigning for years to get him out of prison.

Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to get it out of clothes.
Three hundred people perished in the earthquake.
 private detective has unearthed some fresh evidence.
We perched on bar stools and had a beer.
a three-storey house
cumbersome equipment /bucreacracy

The door handles were made of brass.

I don't know how she has the brass to do it.

ortant work, to deal with:

because you think it is very important:







on one's best behave


be on edge /ˌʌpˈtaɪt/



















the Swedish Embassy. /ˈem.bə.si/

 (= special frame):

ut of clothes.

Irrepressible (adj)

impulse (n)

genetic (adj)

oscillate (v)

pretext (n) lay co

take sth to heart

confine (v)

stricken (adj)

debilitating (adj)

jolt sb into/out of sth
jolt (v)

introspection (n)

resolve (v)
reportage (n)
anthropologist (n)

mislay (v)

bricklayer (n)

drum sth into sb

recess (n)
surreptitiously (adv)
scan (v)

coast (v)

clutch (v)

wield (v)

march to a different tune

choir (n)
swing (v)

repertoir (n)
elongate (v)
be attuned to sth
forebear (n)

nuance (n)

attic (n)

mien (n)

authoritative (adj)

cloak (n)

model yourself on sb

unravel (v)

concur (v)

enviable (adj)

forensic (adj)
corpse (n)
sanctity (n)
toil (n)
avert (v)
fraught (adj)
go off the rails

bog down someone/something
delegate (v)

bewildering (adj)
beligerent (adj)
fable (n)
dire (adj)
subdue (v)

zany (adj)

insidious (adj)

lest (conjunction)

hope springs eternal

salvation (n)
laden (adj)

verve (n)

weedy (adj)
motley (adj)

prose (n)
high-flying (adj)
rotten (adj)

dissect (v)

be engrossed in sth

tycoon (n)

atonement (n)

plague (v)

detritus (n)
eccentric (adj)
domesticity (n)
pathos (n)
pertinent (adj)
rectify (v)

warehouse (N)

emporium (n)

disgruntled (adj)
stray (v)

augment (v)

insulate (v)

adept (adj)

embryonic (adj)

emanate (v)

furl (v)

insoluble (adj)

recoil (v)

aversion (n)

fraudulence (n)

hum (adj)

exert oneself to do sth

displace (v)

feverish (adj)

equestrian (adj)
rumination (n)

expound (v)

blithely (adv)

stakes (n)

undulation (n)

tactile (adj)

pebble (n)

undo (v)

unceremoniously (adv)

tacky (adj)

tickle (v)

hurl (v)

reminiscent (adj)

fiddle (adj)
impassioned (adj)

synthesise (v)

eloquent (adj)

appeasement (n)

hullabaloo (n)

setback (n)

inextricably (adv)

intertwine (v)

penetrate (v)

ephemeral (adj)

volume (n)
come my way

loom (v)

take sth off (v)

churn out (v)

free rein (n)

at the crack of dawn

grip (v)

weighty (adj)

fluctuation (n)

unfit (adj)

stamina (n)

ditch (v)
cutlery (n)
crunchy (adj)
prodigious (adj)

haggle (v)

off the leash

madhouse (n)

shuttle (v)

forgo (v)

forgone conclusion (n)

still (n)

hitch (n)

be pared to the bone.

stay off

ease up on
adrenaline (n)

fluid (n)
terminology (n)
shade (n)

analytically (adv)

get sb in

fall short
round (v)
put (one's) hand on (one's)
spade (n)
retrieve (v)

arena (n)

turnout (n)
handler (n)

grey (adj)

scribble (v)
shy away from

counteract (v)
loft (n)
grapple with sth
spark off
echo (v)

copious (adj)

rainbow (n)

dabble (v)

jobbing (adj)

bar (v)

prejudice (n)

ally yourself to/with sb
unearned (adj)
purport (v)

rerun (n)
jet (v)
blow (n)

overland (adj,adv)

on the spur
go off

de-stress (v)

saturation (n)

not be aversed to sth

pastime (n)

runaway success
begrunde (v)

while away sth

run-down (adj)
ocean of sth
dip into (v)
scathing (adj)

grumpy (adj)

instrumental (adj)

managerial (adj)
turnover (n)

expenditure (n)

through thick and thin

unassuming (adj)
flash (n)
against all the odds
reception (n)
off the beaten track

dimension (n)

run up against sth

articulate (v)

sanitize (v)

mislead (v)

cut out to be
wide of the mark
cumulative (adj)
 a fund of sth

full of energy and enthusiasm; impossible to stop

a sudden strong wish to do something:

belonging or relating to genes (= parts of
the DNA in cells) received by
each animal or plant from its parents:

to move repeatedly from one position to another:

If you oscillate between feelings or opinions,

you change repeatedly from one to the other:
a pretended reason for doing something that is used
to hide the real reason
If you take criticism or advice to heart, you think about
it seriously, often because it upsets you:
to limit an activity, person, or problem in some way:

suffering severely from the effects of something unpleasant:

making someone or something physically weak:

to give someone a sudden shock that forces them to act:

to (cause something or someone
to) move suddenly and violently:
examination of and attention to your own ideas, thoughts,
and feelings:
bai phong su
who scientifically studies humans and their customs, beliefs
, and relationships
to lose something temporarily by forgetting where you have
put it:
a person who builds walls or buildings using bricks, especia
lly as a job
to teach something to someone by repeating it many times:

a secret or hidden place, ngoc, ngach

secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing:
to look at something carefully, with the eyes or with
a machine, in order to get information:
to move forward in a vehicle without using the engine,
usually down a hill:
to progress or succeed without any effort or difficulty:
to take or try to take hold of something tightly, usually
in fear, worry, or pain:

to hold a weapon or tool and look as if you are going to use

to have a lot of influence or power over other people:
To do something or behave in a manner that does not conform to
 the standard, prevalent, or popular societal norm.
a group of people who sing together:
to be exciting and enjoyable:
to arrange for something to happen,
by persuading people and often
by acting slightly dishonestly:
all the music or plays, etc. that you can do or perform or that
you know:
having a shape that is much longer than it is wide:
especially able to understand or deal with
an ancestor

a very slight difference in appearance, meaning, sound, etc
the space or room at the top of a building, under the roof,
often used for storing things:
person's appearance, especially the typical expression on th
eir face:
showing that you are confident, in control, and expect to
be respected and obeyed:
containing complete and accurate information,
and therefore respected:
something that hides, covers,
or keeps something else secret:
to try to make yourself very similar to someone else:

If you unravel a mysterious, unknown,

or complicated subject, you make
it known or understood, and if it unravels,
it becomes known or understood:
to agree or have the same opinion:
(esp. of a quality or advantage) causing you
to wish that you also possessed it; desirable:
phap ly
a dead body, usually of a person:
su thieng lieng
hard work, especially work that makes you feel physically tired:
to prevent something bad from happening:
causing or having extreme worry or anxiety
to start behaving in a way that is not generally acceptable, espec
the basic facts of a situation:
to prevent someone or something from moving on
or progressing:
to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to
someone else so that they do it for you:
confusing and difficult to understand:
wishing to fight or argue:
truyện ngụ ngôn
very serious or extreme:
to reduce the force of (someone or something):

strange, surprising, or uncontrolled in a humorous way:
something unpleasant or dangerous) gradually and secretly 
causing harm:
In order not to that / For fear that

said when you continue to hope that something

will happen, although it seems unlikely

being saved from danger, loss, or harm:
carrying or holding a lot of something:
drama-laden, -laden

great energy and enthusiasm:
used to describe a person who is thin and physically weak/
not interesting
consisting of many different types that do not appear to go
van xuoi
extremely successful:
very bad
to cut open something, especially a dead body or a plant,
and study its structure:
To dissect is also to examine something in detail:

be attracted to sth

a person who has succeeded in business or industry and
has become very rich and powerful:
something that you do to show that you are sorry for
something bad that you did:
to cause worry, pain, or difficulty to someone or something
over a period of time:
waste material or rubbish, especially left after
a particular event:
strange or unusual, sometimes in a humorous way:
life at home taking care of your house and family:
tính thương tâm
relating directly to the subject being considered:
to correct something or make something right:
a large building for storing things before they are sold, used,
or sent out to shops, or :

a large shop that sells many different types of goods, or
a shop that sells a particular type of goods:

unhappy, annoyed, and disappointed about something:

to start thinking or talking about a different subject from the
one you should be giving attention to:
to increase the size or value of something
by adding something to it:
to protect someone or something
from harmful experiences or influences:
having a natural ability to do something that needs skill,
thien phu
starting to develop:
to express a quality or feeling through the way that
you look and behave:
to fold and roll something such as a flag, sail,
or umbrella into a tight tube shape
(of a problem) so difficult that it
is impossible to solve:
to move back because
of fear or disgust (= dislike or disapproval):

(a person or thing that causes)

a feeling of strong dislike or of not wishing to do
the fact of intending to deceive by doing
something dishonest and illegal:
to be busy and full of activity, excitement, sounds,
or voices:
to make a mental or physical effort:
lan chiem

suffering from fever (= high body temperature):
unnaturally excited or active:
connected with the riding of horses:
relating directly to the subject being considered:

to give a detailed explanation of something:

happily and
without feeling or showing any worry, especially whe
n there is a reason to be worried:

In an activity or competition, the stakes are

the reward for the person who wins or succeeds in it:

a continuous up and down shape or movement,

like waves on the sea:
If something is tactile, it has a surface that
is pleasant or attractive to touch:
a small smooth round stone, especially one found on
a beach or in a river:
to remove the good or bad effects of an action or
several actions:
a way that is unceremonious (= rude, sudden,
or informal):
of cheap quality or in bad style:
to touch someone lightly with your fingers, making
them slightly uncomfortable and often making
them laugh:
If something tickles you, you find it funny or it makes
you happy:
to throw something forcefully:
making you remember a particular person, event, or
difficult to do because the parts involved are small:
Impassioned speech or writing
is full of strongly felt and strongly expressed emotion
to put separate facts, etc. together
to form a single piece of work:
to produce a substance by combining other substanc
es chemically:
giving a clear, strong message:
su giai khuay, nhan nhuong

a loud noise made by people who
are angry or annoyed; a lot of angry comments made
in public about someone or something:

that happens that delays or prevents a process from 
in a way that is unable to be separated, released,
or escaped from:

đan vào nhau

to reach or affect something:

lasting for only a short time:

the number or amount of something in general:

To be encountered or obtained by one.
to appear as a large,
often frightening or unclear shape or object:
If an unwanted or unpleasant event looms,
it seems likely to happen soon and causes worry:
to remove something, especially clothes:
to spend time away from your work:
to produce large amounts of something quickly, usually
something of low quality:

very early in the morning, especially at the time when

the sun first appears:
to keep someone's attention completely:

important and serious

a situation in which prices, levels or interest rates go up and


not suitable or good enough for

a particular purpose or activity:
not healthy because you do too little exercise:
the physical and/or mental strength to do something that
might be difficult and will take a long time: suc chiu dung
to get rid of something or someone that is no longer wanted:
knives, forks, and spoons used for eating food
 firm and making a loud noise when it is eaten:
extremely great in ability, amount, or strength:

mac ca

 If someone is off the leash, they are no longer restricted or

a place where there is no order and control or mental
to travel or take people regularly between the same
two places:

give up or don’t receive things

a result that is obvious before it happens:

a photograph of a piece of action in a film
a time when it is quiet and calm:
a temporary difficulty that causes a short delay:

 to reduce as much as possible


: to treat (someone) in a less harsh or demanding way

a hormone (= chemical substance) produced by the body when
a person is frightened, angry, or excited, which makes
the heart beat faster and prepares the body to react to danger
a substance that flows and is not solid:
thuat ngu hoc

something that is slightly different from other, similar things:

in a way that involves studying or examining things in detail,

in order to discover more about them:
to ask a trained person to come to your home to do
some paid work:
to fail to reach an amount or standard that
was expected or hoped for, causing disappointment:
go around swhere
To swear that something is completely truthful, genuine, or
cai xeng
to find and bring back something:

a large, flat area surrounded by seats used
for sports or entertainment:

an activity that involves argument and discussion:

the number of people who are present for an event:

a person who trains and is
in charge of animals, especially dogs:
having hair that has become grey or white, usually because
of age:
used to describe the weather when there are a lot
of clouds and little light:
boring and sad
to write or draw something quickly or carelessly:
to move away from or try to avoid something:
to reduce or remove the effect of
something unwanted by producing an opposite effect:
gac xep
to try to deal with
or understand a difficult problem or subject:
(tr, adverb) to bring into being or action; activate or initiate
to repeat details that are similar to, and make you think of,
something else:

in large amounts, or more than enough:

a combination of different colours:
to take a slight and not very serious interest in a subject,
or try a particular activity for a short period:

someone who does not work regularly for

one person or organization but
does small pieces of work for different people
to prevent something or someone from doing something or
going somewhere, or to not allow something:

an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially wh
en formed without enough thought or knowledge:

to start to support someone:
to follow someone closely in a way that annoys them
earned or obtained without having been worked for:
to pretend to be or to do something, especially in a way that
is not easy to believe:

a programme or film that has already been shown before

on television:
to travel somewhere by plane:
an unexpected event that has a damaging effect on someone
or something:

(of travel) across the land in a vehicle, on foot, or on

a horse; not by sea or air:
used to say that a decision, action, etc. is sudden and done
without any planning:
to leave a place and go somewhere else:
get rid of feelings of stress (= worry caused by difficult situat
ions in your life or job):

the act or result of filling a thing or place completely so that

no more can be added:, su bao hao

to quite enjoy something, especially something that is

slightly wrong or bad for you
an activity that is done for enjoyment:

Runaway success is surprisingly sudden or great:
to feel unhappy because someone has something that
you think they do not deserve:
to feel unhappy about spending money on something
or spending time doing something:

to spend time in a relaxed way, sometimes when waiting for

something else to happen:
tired and not healthy, especially because of working too
a lot of something:
to read small parts of a book or magazine:
criticizing someone or something in
a severe and unkind way:

easily annoyed and complaining:

If someone or something is instrumental in a process, plan,

or system, that person or thing is one of the
most important influences in causing it to happen:
relating to a manager or management:
the amount of business that a company does in
a period of time:

the act of using or spending energy, time, or money:

To stay with someone or something “through thick and thin” is to
persevere through good times as well as bad: 
Someone who is unassuming
is quiet and shows no wish for attention or admiration:
a sudden, powerful emotional or mental experience:
despite success being very unlikely
song, tin heiu
in a place where few people go, far from
any main roads and towns:

khia canh, chieu

to experience an unexpected difficulty:

to express in words:, say

to make something completely clean and free from bacteria
to change something in order to make it less strongly expressed
to cause someone to believe something that is not true:

To be well-suited for a certain position or role

tichs luyx
a lot of
Even the rain failed to dampen his
irrepressible spirits/impulse.
I had this sudden impulse to shout out "Nonsense!" in
the middle of her speech.

a genetic defect/disease

oscillate between sth and sth The stock has spent most

of the past five years oscillating between $3 and $5.

My emotions oscillate between desperation and hope.
He called her on the pretext of needing help with
his homework.
Don't take it to heart - he was only joking about your hair.
I wish the speaker would confine himself to the subject
after her operation, she was confined to bed for a week
a poverty-stricken area/ a famine-stricken countries
My country has been stricken by war for the past
five years
a debilitating condition/disease
Diabetes can be severely debilitating or even life-
threatening if not treated regularly.
The news about Sam's illness jolted her into action.
The train stopped unexpectedly and we were
jolted forwards.
His defeat in the world championship led to
a long period of gloomy introspection.
I resolved to run a mile a day.
Could I borrow a pen? I seem to have mislaid mine.

The importance of good manners was drummed into us at
an early age.
Psychoanalysts aim to explore the deepest/
innermost recesses of the mind/ heart/ memory
Joe surreptitiously had a look in the answer book.
Doug scanned the horizon for any sign of the boat.
At the top of the hill I switched off the engine and we just
coasted down the other side.
While I struggled, my sister coasted
through school with top grades.
Clutching the money to his chest, he hurried to the bank.
He collapsed, clutching his stomach.
‘a masked raider wielding a handgun’
He still wields enormous influence in politics.

The choir will be performing the Hallelujah Chorus at

the concert.
His mood swings between elation and despair.
You need music to make a party swing.
If you want an interview with Pedro, I
could probably swing it (for you).

Americans don’t know the American repertoire, aside from

The cells elongate as they take in water.
People in New York seem attuned to fashion.
Future generations, moreover, could use the myth to
claim the moral and intellectual high ground over
presumably naive forebears.
The painter has managed to capture every nuance of the
woman's expression.
I've got boxes of old clothes in the attic.

His aristocratic mien and expensive clothes singled him

She has an authoritative manner that

at times is almost arrogant.
The book is an authoritative account of the
Second World War.
The restaurant he owned was just a cloak for (= hid) his
drug-dealing activities.
ots of young singers modelled themselves on Beyoncé.

We have a long way to go before we unravel the secrets of genetics.

The new report concurs with previous findings.

She has an enviable ability to work under pressure.

forensic medicion : phap y
he actor had to play a corpse lying in a morgue.
the sanctity of human life, marriage, etc.
Lindi has achieved her comfortable life only after years of hard toil.
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine/ collapse/ disaster
This is one of the most fraught weekends of the year for the security forc
He went off the rails in his first year at university.
Let's get down to the nitty-gritty - how much will it cost?

He's a big-picture leader and doesn't get bogged down in the details.

Authority to make financial decisions has been delegated to a special co
He gave me directions to his house, but I found them utterly bewildering.
a belligerent person/gesture
Latisha loves the fable about the grasshopper and the ant.
He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.
The fire burned for eight hours before the fire crews could subdue it.

zany film/idea/clothes

High blood pressure is an insidious condition which has

few symptoms.
Gramps is too frightened to move, lest
he disturb the infant.

It is a faint hope, but hope springs eternal.

After the diagnosis, getting to know Mary was his
the table, as always, was laden with food.
They were accused of driving waste-laden trucks with
no cover over them.

She delivered her speech with tremendous wit and verve.
weedy child/plot
There's a motley assortment/collection of old furniture in
the house we're renting now.

a high-flying investment banker
The room smelled of rotten vegetables.
rotten weather/poetry

In biology classes we used to dissect rats.

He's the kind of person who watches a movie and then
dissects it for hours.
They were so engrossed in/with what they were doing that they didn't hear me com

a business/property/shipping tycoon
He said that young hooligans should
do community service as atonement for their crimes.
Financial problems have been
plaguing their new business partners.
The stadium was littered with the
detritus of yesterday's concert.
eccentric behaviour/clothes

She married young and settled happily into domesticity.

a pertinent question/remark
Every effort is made to rectify any errors/mistakes before
the book is printed.

Welcome to the Chocolate Emporium -

an online store selling every kind of chocolate imaginable.

The players were disgruntled with the umpire.
I think we've strayed too far from our original plan.

He would have to find work to augment his income.

Children should be insulated from the horrors of war.

She's very adept at dealing with the media.

The project is still at an embryonic stage.

Her face emanated sadness.

Traffic congestion in large cities seems to be an
insoluble problem.
He leaned forward to kiss her and she
recoiled in horror.
I recoiled from the smell and the filth.

I felt an instant aversion to his parents.

The bar was really humming last night.

I'm feeling a bit feverish - I hope it's not the start of flu.

Have you seen the feverish activity in the kitchen?
They plan to hold the Olympics' equestrian events in
another part of the city.
He's always expounding on what's wrong with
the world.
She blithely agreed to
the contract without realizing what its consequences w
ould be.

The team is playing for enormous stakes -
the chance to play in the final.

The fields rise and fall in gentle undulations.

Her paintings have a very tactile quality.

This part of the coast has pebble beaches.

It's very difficult to
undo the damage that's caused by inadequate parenti
ng in a child's early years.
He was unceremoniously removed from
the list of members, for gross misconduct.
The shop sold tacky souvenirs and ornaments.

He hurled (= shouted) insults at his boss.

That song is so reminiscent of my adolescence.

Repairing a watch is a very fiddly job.

Relatives of the dead made an impassioned plea for
the bodies to be flown back to this country.

The findings from the five separate studies have

been synthesized in the report.

synthesised drugs

The pictures were an eloquent reminder of
the power of the volcano.

The minister resigned after all the hullabaloo over

his affair with an actress.

Sally had been recovering well from her operation,

but yesterday she experienced/suffered a setback.

he history of children's literature is inextricably tied to

the marketplace.
town's prosperity is inextricably intertwined with the f
ortunes of the factory.
These changes had not yet penetrated as far west as
the mountains of Merioneth.
Fame in
the world of rock and pop is largely ephemeral.
It's the sheer volume of traffic in the city that
is causing the problems.

I really hope this promotion comes my way because it sou
nds like a fascinating position.
Dark storm clouds loomed on the horizon.
Here, too, the threat of unemployment has been looming on
the horizon.

He took two weeks off in September.

She churns out a new best-selling novel every year.
give sb/sth free rein (to do sth) 
She was given free rein to make all
the changes she wanted.

I can get up at the dawn to work on a story which grips me

This trial has gripped the whole nation.
They discussed weighty topics like arms control,
the Middle East, and the federal budget deficit.
price/market/currency fluctuations

fluctuations in sth Employers
can adjust their workforce in line with fluctuations
in demand for goods and services.
fluctuations of sth Long-
term investment trusts compensate investors for the day-
to-day fluctuation of the stock market.

The building was declared unfit for human habitation.

I used to take plenty of exercise, but now I'm terribly unfit.

The triathlon is a great test of stamina.

The getaway car had been ditched
a couple of miles away from the scene of the robbery.
Did you know that Sarah
ditched (= ended her relationship with) her boyfriend last 

He had a prodigious appetite for both women and drink.

She wrote a truly prodigious number of novels.
It's traditional that you haggle over/about the price of
things in the market.

With four small children running around, the place is a

To get across town, you can take the shuttle from Times
Square to Grand Central.
The American (space) shuttle was able to be used
many times to put payloads in space.
She decided to forgo flowers at
the funeral and asked people to send money to
a charity instead.
The result of the election seems to be
a foregone conclusion.
shoot stills
In the still of the night, nothing moved.
Due to a slight technical hitch the concert will
be starting half an hour late.
The ceremony went off without a hitch.
The budget has been pared to the bone.
Let's stay off the subject of politics. She's doing a good
job of staying off drugs. 2 : to not go on (something)
Please stay off the grass.
The students might respond better if the teacher eased
up on them a little.
If you have a fever you should drink plenty of fluids.

They are hoping to satisfy all shades of public opinion.

There are several shades of meaning in that sentence.
Some people are better than others at thinking analyticall
We'll have to get a plumber in to look at that water tank.

August car sales fell short of the industry's expectations.
Colin rounded the corner at high speed.
I can put my hand on my heart and say that we have only
ever acted in the best interests of our customers.

We taught our dog to retrieve a ball.

Computers are used to store and
retrieve information efficiently.
an Olympic/a sports arena

After 30 years in
the political arena, our local member of parliament is retir
ing next year.
Considering the rain, there was a good turnout.

police dog handlers

He started to go/turn grey in his mid-forties.

Night turned into morning, grey and cold.

He saw a grey future stretch ahead of him.
He never shied away from a fight,
no matter how powerful the foe.
Drinking a lot of water counteracts
the dehydrating effects of hot weather.

Today, many Americans are still grappling with

the issue of race.
 spark off an argument
The design of the church echoes that of St. Paul's
I've heard the prime minister's view echoed throughout th
e party.
They drank copious amounts of wine.
He took copious notes during the lecture.
Her dress was a rainbow
of shimmering gold and mauve and tan and cerise.
He first dabbled in politics when he was at law school.
She dabbled with drugs at university.

a jobbing actor, builder, gardener, etc.

The centre of the town was barred to football supporters.

The incident led to him being

barred from the country/barred from entering the country
I tried to push past her but she barred my way/path 
Laws against racial prejudice must be strictly enforced.

[ + that ] The campaign aims to dispel the
prejudice that AIDS is confined to
the homosexual community.
He allied himself with the left of the party.
Photographers dogged the princess all her adult life.
unearned income/reputation
They purport to represent the wishes of
the majority of parents at the school.
The study purports to show an increase in
the incidence of the disease.
This week's movies are all reruns.
I'm jetting off to New Zealand next week.

Losing his job was a severe blow to his confidence.

Her death came as a terrible blow to her parents.
an overland trip across Australia
We just jumped in a car on the spur of
the moment and drove to the seaside.
She's gone off on holiday with Tony.

I began doing yoga as a way to de-stress.

Create a relaxing bedroom environment to de-stress you

and help you fall asleep.
market saturation

The airport is approaching saturation with more than 20

million passengers per year.
The theme park industry has
already reached its saturation point.
I was not averse to fighting with any boy who challenged
Do-it-yourself is the nation's most popular pastime.
figurative Suing people, especially doctors,
is becoming a national pastime (= common activity) in Am
Her first novel's runaway success came as
a great surprise.
He is the runaway leader at the top of
the competition scoreboard.
 I don't begrudge him his freedom.

They begrudged every day they had

to stay with their father.
[ + -ing verb ] She begrudged paying so much for
an ice cream cone.
I used to knit a lot when I was pregnant just to while away
the time.
My doctor said I was looking run-down.
We have oceans of time.
It's the kind of book you can just dip into.
scathing criticism

He was very scathing about the report, saying it

was inaccurate.
I hadn't had enough sleep and was feeling kind of
a grumpy old man

She was instrumental in bringing about

the prison reform act.
managerial responsibilities/decisions/skills
Large supermarkets have high turnovers (= their goods s
ell very quickly).
The business has an annual turnover of £50,000.
The expenditure of effort on this project has
been enormous.
She stood beside her friend through thick and thin
He was shy and unassuming and not at all how
you expect an actor to be.
The idea came to her in a flash of inspiration/genius.
He was able to do it, against all odds.
The farmhouse we stayed in was completely off the
beaten track.
Tiny secluded beaches can be found off the beaten track. 
His personality has several dimensions.

These weapons add a new dimension to modern warfare.
There is a spiritual dimension to her poetry.
The plans for the new bridge ran up
against strong local opposition.

I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.
Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had no opportunity to
om bacteria
The military wants to allow only a sanitized report/version of the inciden
The government has repeatedly misled the public, and we're here to prot
mislead sb about sth The advertising campaign intentionally misled con
mislead sb into doing sth Millions of people were misled into buying the
With his skinny build, he is just not cut out to be a linebacker.
Yesterday's weather forecast was a little wide of the mark, then.
The cumulative effect of using so many chemicals on the land could be d
She has a fund of knowledge on the subject.
uncontrollabl /ˌɪr.ɪ
e ˈpres.ə.bəl/


















e secrets of genetics.

r years of hard toil.  /tɔɪl/
 year for the security forces.

l it cost?

own in the details.
delegated to a special committee.
them utterly bewildering. /bɪˈwɪl.dər.ɪŋ/
nd the ant. /ˈfeɪ·bəl/
s imminent.
ews could subdue it.







relevant /ˈpɜː.tɪ.nənt


disatisfied /dɪs






















ave had no opportunity to articulate their opposition.

ort/version of the incident to become public.
ic, and we're here to protest.
n intentionally misled consumers about whether the product was natural.
ere misled into buying these 'low-risk' investments.
the mark, then.
als on the land could be disastrous.
 was natural.

gravitate toward/to sth/sb

lean toward something
covert (adj)

dazed (adj)

groggy (adj)

sanity (n)

sway (v)

hedge (v)

have the stomach to do sth

well up (v)
jar (v)
utmost (adj)
rationale (n)

impoverished (adj)
insightful (adj)

visit sth on/
upon sb
inflict (v)

a driving force
behind/for/in sth 

crisp (adj)

bombardment (n) su tan

cong don dap
ineluctable (adj)
peril (n)

denude (v)

manifold (adj)

culinary (adj)

ecstasy (n)

seemingly (adv)
drizzle (n)

unceasing (adj)

blatant (adj)

hang over sth

disheartening (adj)

rejuvenate (v)

eatery (n)

be in the
land of nod
well-verse (adj)

combatant (n)
capitalize (v)

impediment (n)

cast a shadow on sth

get/start the ball rolling

faint (adj)

in lieu

narcissistic (adj)

play out
pressing (adj)

shield (v)

conspicuous (adj)

arguably (adv)

in check
salient (adj)

equilibrium (n)

encompass (v)
blinding (adj)
gawk (v)

mumble (v)
to be attracted by or to move in the direction of something or
to be interested in something and be likely to do
a particular activity
hidden or secret

very confused and unable to think clearly

weak and unable to think clearly or walk correctly, usually
because of tiredness or illness:
the state of having a healthy mind and not being mentally ill:

the fact of showing good judgment and understanding:

to move slowly from side to side:

to cause something to move or change (tac dong)

to try to avoid giving an answer or taking any action:
have courage to do thing
if a liquid wells or wells up, it comes to the surface and is about
to flow out
lam dau dieng
used to emphasize how important or serious something is:
the reasons or intentions that cause a particular set
of beliefs or actions:

very poor
showing a clear and usually original understanding of
a complicated problem or situation:

to cause damage to a place or to harm a person:

giang cho, bat cho phai chiuj dung

someone or something that has the power to make

things happen:

dry and cold

a situation in which so many questions or other things
are directed at someone, that
they find it difficult to deal with them:
impossible to avoid:
great danger, or something that is very dangerous:

to remove a valuable possession or quality:

many and of several different types:

connected with cooking or kitchens:

a state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling ple

appearing to be something, especially when this is

not true:
according to the facts that you know:
rain in very small, light drops:

continuing and unlikely to stop or become less:

very obvious and intentional, when this is a bad thing:

If a threat or doubt hangs over a place or a situation,

it exists:

causing you to lose confidence, hope, and energy:

to make
someone look or feel young and energetic again:



knowing a lot about something:

a person who fights in a war
to supply money to a business so that it
can operate or develop, or to get enough money to do
loi dung
something that makes progress, movement,
or achieving something difficult or impossible:

to spoil a good situation with something unpleasant:

to make something begin or happen:
not strong or clear; slight:


having too much interest in and admiration for yourself:

When a situation plays out, it happens and develops:

urgent or needing to be dealt with immediately:

to protect someone or something:

very noticeable or attracting attention, often in a way that is not w

used when stating an opinion or belief that you think can be show

being controlled within reasonable limits:
The salient facts about something or qualities of something are th

a state of balance:

a calm mental state:
to include different types of things:
extremely bright:
to look at something or someone in a stupid or rude way:

to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words ar

Susie always gravitates toward the older children in
her playgroup.
He said he was leaning
toward entering the race for governor.
covert actions
The government was accused of
covert military operations against the regime.
You're looking rather dazed - is something wrong?
a dazed expression
I felt a little bit groggy for a couple of days after
the operation.
He'd been behaving so strangely that
they began to doubt/question his sanity.
to keep/preserve/retain your sanity
The closer we got to the deadline for action, the more
I questioned the sanity of the decision we had taken.

Maybe Jenny
can bring some sanity into this crazy situation.
The trees were swaying in the wind.
The movement of the ship caused the mast to
sway from side to side/back and forth.
Recent developments have swayed
the balance of power in the region.
Stop hedging and tell me what you really think.
We've got permission, but it's hedged about/around
with strict conditions.

With tears welling in his eyes, Palmer walked away.

he jarred his back badly when he left
a matter of the utmost importance
The situation needs to be handled with
the utmost care.
I don't understand the rationale for these restrictions.
He tried to explain the scientific rationale behind his 

She has written an insightful account of

the modern art world.
He was, of course, very funny and insightful.

He left in 1983, horrified by
the devastation that warfare and famine had visite
d on his homeland.

these new bullets are capable of
inflicting massive injuries.
The suffering inflicted on these children was unim
The explosion in stock market wealth has been
an important driving force behind consumer spendi
Trade is
the driving force for sustained economic prosperity
Women are definitely a driving force in
the industry, she said.
on the crisp morning winter

A president is under constant bombardment from

every direction.
Because you face such a bombardment
of hostility, your initial response is
to defend yourself.
his ineluctable fate

I never felt that my life was in peril.
The journey through
the mountains was fraught with
peril (= full of dangers).
Teenagers must
be warned about the perils of unsafe sex.
Any further cuts in the
country's armed forces would leave its defences d
angerously denuded.
The countryside has been denuded by war.
and years of heavy grazing by sheep have comple
tely denuded the hills of grass.
Despite her manifold faults, she was
a strong leader.
the culinary delights (= good food) of Beijing
My culinary skills are limited to boiling water (= I
am not very good at cooking).

She threw her head back as if in ecstasy.
sexual ecstasy

He remains confident and seemingly untroubled by

his recent problems.
The factory closure is seemingly inevitable.
Seemingly, she's gone to live with another man.
Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and
The authors are grateful for the
unceasing support of the editors in London and
New York.
a blatant lie

The whole episode was a
blatant attempt to gain publicity.

Uncertainty again hangs over the project.

At that moment, hanging over the atmosphere was a

blatant sense of apprehension of not knowing what to do.
This was very disheartening news.

It was disheartening to see how

few people turned up.
She felt rejuvenated by her fortnight in the

We met in a little eatery just off the main road.

Jamie's in the land of nod at last.

He was well versed in modern history.
The fight generally comes to a quick conclusion when
one of the combatants adopts a submissive posture
and flees.
Having done nothing on the former day, we realized the
need to effectively capitalize on a few hours left to pay a
visit to some tourist attractions,

In a number of developing countries, war has been
an additional impediment to progress.
The lack of funds is a major impediment
to research.
Her father's illness had cast a shadow over
the birth of her baby.
We have to get the ball rolling on this project soon.
She gave me a faint smile of recognition.
There's not the faintest hope of ever finding him.
She bears a faint resemblance to my sister.

a narcissistic personality

Narcissistic people have a
hard time seeing another person's point of view.
The debate will play out in the media over the next week or two.
a pressing need for housing
a pressing issue
The most pressing question is what do we do next?
she held her hand above her eyes to shield them from the sun.
They are accused of trying to shield the General from US federal investiga
In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.
He tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the ro
He is arguably the world's best football player.
Arguably, the drug should not have been made available.
We’ve got to find ways of keeping our expenses in check.
She began to summarize the salient features/points of the proposal.
The article presented the salient facts of the dispute clearly and concisely.
The disease destroys much of the inner ear, disturbing the animal's equilibr
the country's economic equilibrium
Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium.
The festival is to encompass everything from music, theatre, and ballet to li
There was loud bang and a sudden blinding light.

Don't sit there gawking like that - give me a hand!

They just stood there gawking at me.
She mumbled something about being too busy.
[ + speech ] "I'm sorry," he mumbled.

e next week or two.

them from the sun.
eral from US federal investigators.

d slowly along the back of the room.

ade available.
ses in check.
s/points of the proposal.
 dispute clearly and concisely.
 disturbing the animal's equilibrium.

m music, theatre, and ballet to literature, cinema, and the visual arts.

one-size-fits-all (adj)
rinse (v)

grime (n)

booze (n)
defer (v)

stemware (n)
sterling (adj)

viscosity (n)

dilute (v)

residue (n)
cognoscenti (n)
bubbly (adj)
(intended to be) suitable for everyone or every purpose:
to use water to clean the soap or dirt from something

a layer of dirt on skin or on a building:

to delay something until a later time

ly ruou co chan
of a very high standard

the quality or state of being viscous (= thick and sticky and not flo

to make a liquid weaker by mixing in something else:

to reduce the strength of a feeling, action, etc.:
phan con lai
a group of people who have a great knowledge and understanding
(especially of a woman or girl) attractively full of energy and enthu
champagne (= expensive white or pink alcoholic drink with bubble
a one-size-fits-all approach to education
First apply shampoo to hair and then rinse thoroughly.
There was no soap, so I just rinsed my hands with water.
The walls were covered with grime.
Wash off all the accumulated grime and dirt using water and detergent.
The party's at Kate's on Friday night - bring some booze.
My bank has agreed to defer the repayments on my loan.
[ + -ing verb ] Can we defer making a decision until next week?

You've done a sterling job.

Everyone has made a sterling effort.
The viscosity of the fluid in the system can be modified.
Fish oils reduce inflammation in the arteries, and improve your blood viscos
Dilute the juice (with water) before you drink it.
These measures are designed to dilute public fears about the product's saf
Before you head for a nap, Iredale suggests diluting any wine residue in glas
Not being one of the cognoscenti, I failed to understand the ballet's subtler
She's a very bubbly character.
Let's crack open a bottle of bubbly to celebrate.

h water.

 water and detergent.
my loan.
til next week?

mprove your blood viscosity.

rs about the product's safety.

g any wine residue in glasses with water, which will make cleaning easier
rstand the ballet's subtler points. /ˌkɑː.njəˈʃen.tiː/
g easier
crumble (v)

glimpse (n)

crackpot (adj)

reconcile to sth

bottom out

visceral (adj)

drably (adv)
go about

psyche (n)

obstinate (adj)

the avant-garde

process (v)

unrelentingly (adv)

bleak (adj)

enigmatic (adj)
linchpin (n)

relapse (v)

abject (adj)

glitzy (adj)

rehab (n)
to break, or cause something to break,
into small pieces:

to become weaker in strength or influence:

an occasion when you see something or someone

for a very short time:

relating to a person or an idea that is silly or stupid:

to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that

are opposed to each other
can agree and exist together:
to have reached the lowest point in
a continuously changing situation and to be about
to improve:
based on deep feeling and emotional reactions rathe
r than on reason or thought:

in a way that is boring, especially in appearance, and

has little colour or excitement:
to begin to do something or deal with something:

the mind, or the deepest thoughts, feelings,
or beliefs of a person or group:

ngoan co

từ này dùng để chỉ những tác phẩm nghệ thuật phá vỡ

mọi ranh giới và thách thức khả năng chấp nhận của
con người
to deal with something according to a particular set
of actions:
in a way that never becomes less or better:

If a place is bleak, it is empty, and

not welcoming or attractive:

mysterious and impossible to understand completel
a person or thing that is the most important part of
a group or system’s operation:

to become ill or start behaving badly again, after
making an improvement:

the state of
being extremely unhappy, poor, unsuccessful, etc.:

a fashionable appearance intended to attract attentio
the process of helping someone
to stop taking drugs or alcohol:
She nervously crumbled
the bread between her fingers.
The cliffs on which
the houses are built are starting to
Support for the government is crumbling.

Undercover videos, widely shared online, for

example, have given people a glimpse of the
grim reality of what’s involved in producing
much of our meat.

crackpot ideas

This sounds like another
crackpot conspiracy theory to me.
And yet I have had to reconcile myself to the
fact that I’ve basically bottomed out as a meat
and two veg guy

The housing market has bottomed out in

this part of the country.

visceral hatred/excitement
His approach to acting is
visceral rather than intellectual.
They are drably dressed in grey.
There's something
drably predictable about the story.
What's the best way of going about this?
[ + -ing verb ] How can we go about
solving this problem?
the male psyche

Peru is a very traditional country,
and embedded in its psyche is
a love of ceremony.

As plant-based eating becomes increasingly

popular – and offers an ever-expanding array
of options – meat and two veg remains
obstinately rooted in the British psyche. 

Vaguely avant garde sausages from our local

sausage shop!

Visa applications take 28 days to
The film is utterly humourless and
unrelentingly grim.
Trading conditions have remained unrele
ntingly tough.
The house stands on a
bleak, windswept hilltop.

The Mona Lisa has

a famously enigmatic smile.
He left an enigmatic message on
my answering machine.
The city’s River Park is the linchpin
of its efforts to sell itself as
a vacation destination.
As Rue – Euphoria’s enigmatic lynchpin
played by Emmy-winner Zendaya – says
in the closing seconds: “Damn.”
She managed to stop using drugs for
a month, but then relapsed.
He looked happy for a brief while, before
relapsing into silent misery.
abject misery, poverty, failure, etc.
They live in abject poverty.
This policy has turned out to be an
abject failure.

She's just finished four months of rehab.

a rehab clinic
After his arrest in 2011,
he checked himself into rehab to get over
his heroin addiction.


abashed (adj)

demise (n)

flourish (v)

grueling (adj)

inspect (v)

plunge (v)

zenith (n)

sundial (n)
timekeeper (n)

descent (n)
archaeologist (n)

cathedral (n)

stalactite (n)
porous (adj)

lay out

doom (v)

doom (n)

regime (n)

lenient (adj)
the end of something that was previously considered to
be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system:

to grow or develop successfully:

extremely tiring and difficult,
and demanding great effort and determination:

to look at something or
someone carefully in order to discover information, especi
ally about their quality or condition:

to (cause someone or something
to) move or fall suddenly and often a long way forward,
down, or into something:

the point in the sky directly above you:

a device that uses the light of the sun to show

the time of day
an object or person that records (an amount of) time:
the state or fact of being related to
a particular person or group of people who lived in the
the origin of people in your family background:
an occasion when a group of people arrive somewhere,
usually suddenly or unexpectedly
a movement down:

someone who studies the buildings, graves, tools, and

other objects of people who lived in the past
a large and important church, esp. one that is the center of
a large area
a solid mass hanging from the top of
a cave (= large hole in the ground) that is thicker at
the top and thinner at the bottom and
is formed by drops of water
Something that is porous has many small holes, so liquid or air ca

 arrange something on a flat surface

to make someone or something certain to do or experience somet

death, destruction, or any very bad situation that cannot be avoide

a particular government or a system or method of government:

not as severe or strong in punishment or judgment as would be ex

He said nothing but looked abashed.

The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.
My tomatoes are flourishing this summer - it must be
the warm weather.
Watercolour painting began to flourish in Britain around 1750.
Runners are taking part in a grueling 100-mile race in
the mountains above Los Angeles.
He eventually won the match after five grueling sets.

After the crash both drivers got out and

inspected their cars for damage.
She held the bank note up to the light and inspected it carefully.

We ran down to the beach and plunged into the sea.

The car went out of control and plunged over the cliff.
Cook the peas by plunging them into boiling water.
The centre of the map is the zenith (straight overhead).
A pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith
to horizon.

She's a woman of mixed/French descent.
They trace their line of descent back to a French duke.
He claims direct descent from Mohammed.
We weren't prepared for the descent of thousands
of journalists on the town.
The plane began (to make) its final descent into the airport.
There is a steep descent (= way down, such as a path) to
the village below.

porous soil with good drainage
porous brick walls
a porous polymer membrane
Most of Manhattan is laid out in/on a grid pattern.
We laid the pieces of the dress pattern out on the floor
[ + to infinitive ] Are we doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past?
Mounting debts doomed the factory to closure.
A sense of doom hung over the entire country.
The newspapers are always full of doom and gloom (= bad news and unha
an investment/a pricing/a tax regime Many individual employees will ben
Trading would be under London's regulatory regime.
They believe that judges are too lenient with terrorist suspects.
In view of the quantity of drugs involved, 16 years was the most lenient sen

dealth /dɪˈmaɪz/




ews and unhappiness) these days.
yees will benefit from this favourable tax regime.

st lenient sentence (= punishment) the judge could impose.

emit (v)

suffice (v)

distort (v)

position (v)

blast off (v)

inconspicuous (adj)

refine (v)

tug (v)

abode (n)
_oriented (adj)

exert (v)

composition (n)

to date

to send out a beam, noise, smell, or gas:

to be enough:

to change the shape of something so that

it looks strange or unnatural:

to put something or someone in

a particular place:

If a rocket blasts off,
it leaves the ground to go into space.
not easily or quickly noticed or seen, or
not attracting attention:

to improve an idea, method, system, etc.
by making small changes:
to pull something quickly and usually with
a lot of force:

the place where someone lives:
showing the direction in which something
is aimed:
to use something such
as authority, power, influence, etc.
in order to make something happen:

the way that people or things

are arranged in a painting or photograph:
the process or skill of writing music:
a short piece of writing about
a particular subject, done by a student:
the parts, substances, etc. that something
is made of:
up to the present time:
Example Synonym
The alarm emits infrared rays which are used
to detect any intruder.
The machine emits a high-pitched sound when
you press the button.
I'm taking $400 - I think that should suffice.

The problems were of global importance, and only

an international effort would suffice to deal with
The map distorted Greenland
to appear four times its actual size.
a distorting mirror
The army had been positioned to
the north and east of the city.
When it came to seating people for dinner, I
positioned myself as far away from him
as possible.

Five seconds to blast-off!

This type of bird is very inconspicuous because

of its dull feathers.
At parties, he always stands in
a corner and tries to look inconspicuous.
Engineers spent many months refining
the software.

Tom tugged at his mother's arm.
The defendant is of no fixed abode (= has
no permanent home).
humorous Welcome to my humble abode!
She wants to turn the company into a profit-
oriented organization.

If you were to exert your influence they

might change their decision.

Some managers exert considerable pressure on t
heir staff to work extra hours without being paid.

At music school I studied piano and composition.

a 200-word composition

the composition of the atmosphere

This novel is his best work to date.

cardiovascular (adj)
coronary (n)
incidence (n)

epidemic (n)
decoy (n)

mutation (n)
weather (v)

cadavar (n)
offset (v)

susceptibility (n)

blockage (n)
rupture (v)

impede (v)
confer (v)

culprit (n)
legislation (n)
suppress (v)
federal (adj)

register (v)

manifestation (n)

run amok

asthma (n)

desensitize (v)
administer (v)
relating to the heart and blood vessels (= tubes that carry blood ar
an extremely dangerous medical condition in which the flow of blo
an event, or the rate at which something happens:

the appearance of a particular disease in a large number of people

something or someone used to trick or confuse people, especially

the way in which genes change and produce permanent difference

to deal successfully with a difficult situation or a problem:
to change in colour or form over a period of time because of the e

a dead human body
to balance one influence against an opposing influence so that no

the fact that someone or something can easily be influenced, harm

(of a plan or machine) so simple and easy to understand that it is 

something that stops something else passing through, or the act o

to (cause something to) explode, break, or tear:

to make it more difficult for something to happen or more difficult

to exchange ideas on a particular subject, often in order to reach a
to give an official title, honour, or advantage to someone:
someone who has done something wrong:
a law or set of laws suggested by a government and made official 
to end something by force:
to prevent something from being seen or expressed or from opera
relating to the central government, and not to the government of a

to put information, especially your name, into an official list or rec


to be out of control and act in a wild or dangerous manner:

a medical condition that makes breathing difficult by causing the a

to cause someone to experience something, usually an emotion o

to control the operation or arrangement of something:
to cause someone to receive something:

 administer an oath to sb formal

cardiovascular disease
He's in hospital after having a coronary last week.
There have been quite a few incidences of bullying in the school this year.
an increased incidence of cancer near nuclear power stations
a flu epidemic
Air Force One flew ahead as a decoy, with the President in another plane b
These attacks could be a decoy, a manoeuvre to throw everyone off guard
It is well known that radiation can cause mutation.
As a small new company they did well to weather the recession.
Rock is weathered by the action of ice and changes in temperature.
The paint on the outside walls has weathered badly (= has changed and b

The extra cost of travelling to work is offset by the lower price of houses he
UK He keeps his petrol receipts because petrol is one of the expenses that
I didn't mean to offend/upset/hurt your susceptibilities.
I don't believe there's any such thing as a foolproof system for making mon
This new recipe is supposed to be foolproof.
His death was caused by a blockage in one of his arteries.
His appendix ruptured and he had to be rushed to hospital.
figurative This news has ruptured (= violently ended) the delicate peace be
Although he's shy, it certainly hasn't impeded his career in any way.
I need some time to confer with my lawyer.
An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Columbia University.
Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits.
[ + to infinitive ] The government has promised to introduce legislation to limit fu
The Hungarian uprising in 1956 was suppressed by the Soviet Union.
She couldn't suppress her anger/annoyance/delight.
His feelings of resentment have been suppressed for years.
The British government tried to suppress the book because of the informati
the federal government
a federal agency/employee
I registered the car in my name.
Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local polic
Students have to register for the new course by the end of April.
She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just a further manifestation
Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestatio
The soldiers ran amok after one of their senior officers was killed.
The two dogs ran amok in a school playground.
an asthma sufferer
an asthma attack
Seeing too much violence on television can desensitize people to it.
The economy has been badly administered by the present government.
to administer medicine/punishment/relief
Tests will be administered to schoolchildren at seven and twelve years.
figurative The latest opinion polls have administered a severe blow to the p
to be present while someone says an oath (= a formal promise) off

ng in the school this year.
ower stations

resident in another plane behind.
o throw everyone off guard.

r the recession.
ges in temperature.
dly (= has changed and been damaged by the weather).
e lower price of houses here.
s one of the expenses that he can offset against tax (= can show to the governme

oof system for making money.

s arteries.
o hospital.
ded) the delicate peace between the rival groups.
 career in any way.

Columbia University.
oduce legislation to limit fuel emissions from cars.
by the Soviet Union.
d for years.
ok because of the information it contained about the security services.
egister with the local police.
the end of April.
ust a further manifestation of the government's incompetence.
 has no visible manifestation.
fficers was killed.

ensitize people to it. ˌdiːˈsen.sɪ.taɪz
he present government.

even and twelve years.

red a severe blow to the party.
(= a formal promise) officially
ow to the government as being a business cost, and so not pay tax).
ay tax).

inflict (v)

inadequate (adj)

maximize (v)

complement (V)

implement (v)
compliment (v)

mirage (n)

lagoon (n)

spillover (n)

board (v)

descend (v)
snap up
municipal (adj)

sentimental (adj)

blissfully (adv)

medieval (adj)

aboriginal (n)

inexorable (adj)
influx (n)
exodus (n)
envision (v)

dire (adj)

to force someone to experience something very unpleasant:

not good enough or too low in quality:

to make something as great in amount, size,

or importance as possible:
to make something else seem better or
more attractive when combining with it:

to start using a plan or system:
to praise or express admiration for someone:
an image, produced by very hot air, of something
that seems to be far away but does not really exist
a hope or wish that has no chance of being achieved:
an area of sea water separated from the sea by a reef (=
a line of rocks and sand):
an amount of liquid that has become too much for
the object that contains it and flows or spreads out:

to get onto or allow people to get onto a boat, train, or aircraft:

to go or come down:
to buy or obtain something quickly and enthusiastically:
of or belonging to a town or city:

sentimental person is strongly influenced by emotional feeling
s, especially about happy memories of
past events or relationships with other people, rather than
by careful thought and judgment based on facts:

in an extremely happy way:

related to the Middle Ages (= the period in European history from

a member of a race of people who were the first people to live in a

continuing without any possibility of being stopped:

the fact of a large number of people or things arriving at the same
the movement of a lot of people from a place:
to imagine or expect that something is a likely or desirable possib

very serious or extreme:

These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

The suffering inflicted on these children was unimaginable.
This work is woefully (= extremely) inadequate - you'll have
to do it again.
She rejected the $2 million offer as totally inadequate.
Some airlines have cancelled less popular routes in
an effort to maximize profits.

Strawberries and cream complement each other perfectly.

The music complements her voice perfectly.
The changes to the national health system will be
implemented next year.

Electoral victory is just a distant mirage.

The spillover from the adjacent river flooded the lower fields.

At London airport she boarded a plane to Australia.

Will passengers waiting to board please go to
the ticket counter?
The path descended steeply into the valley.
Jane descended the stairs.
Tickets for the concert were snapped up within
three hours of going on sale.
municipal authorities
municipal tennis courts
municipal elections

Why be sentimental about that old coat? There's

no point in keeping it just because you were wearing it when
you first met me.
It's a cheap ring but it has great sentimental value for me.
They seemed blissfully happy.
She sank blissfully into a hot, bubbly bath.
It is a place where he is blissfully at ease.
a medieval building/painting/town
a medieval manuscript
The river was once a trade route for aboriginals and fur traders who built co
What does it mean to be an Native American or indigenous aboriginal toda
the inexorable progress of science
Turkey is expecting an influx of several thousand refugees over the next fe
There has been a mass exodus of workers from the villages to the towns.
He envisioned a partnership between business and government.
The company envisions adding at least five stores next year.
These people are in dire need of help.
He gave a dire warning that an earthquake was imminent.
This decision will have dire consequences for local people.



ur traders who built communities along its bank.
nous aboriginal today?

gees over the next few days.

villages to the towns.

commonplace (adj)

suck up to sb

threshold (n)

audit (v)

seep (v)

infrared (adj)

compact (adj)
outlay (n)

circulate (v)

premium (n)

shield (n)

turbulence (n)
haul (v)

streamlined (adj)
cutting-edge (adj)

bleeding-edge (adj)

gear (n)

startling (adj)

rack (v)

spawn (n)
captive (n)

hold/take sb captive

imminent (adj)

oblivion (n)
refuge (n)

shrinking (adj)

supplement (n)

state-of-the-art (adj)
cop-out (v)

last-ditch effort/attempt
happening often or often seen or experienced and so
not considered to be special:

to try to make someone in authority approve of you by

doing and saying things that will please them:
the level or point at which
you start to experience something, or at which
something starts to happen:

to make an official examination of the accounts of

a business and produce a report
to go regularly to a class without
being formally involved in it:

an official examination of records:
to move or spread slowly out of a hole or through

Infrared light is a type of light that feels warm but cannot

be seen:

consisting of parts that are positioned together closely or

in a tidy way, using very little space:
an amount of money spent for
a particular purpose, especially as a first investment in

to spend an amount of money for
a particular purpose, especially as a first investment in

to go around or through something, or to make something

go around or through something:

an amount that is more than usual:

(adj) used to refer to something that is

of higher than usual quality:

something or someone used

as protection or providing protection:

a state of confusion without any order:
strong sudden movements within air or water:
to pull something heavy slowly and with difficulty:

to take something or
someone somewhere, especially by force:

improved or made simpler:
very modern and with all the newest features:
relating to or describing systems, devices, or ideas that
are so modern that they are still being developed:
the equipment, clothes, etc. that you use to do
a particular activity:

surprising and sometimes worrying:

to cause physical or mental pain, or trouble, to someone

or something:

a young animal or child:
(v) to cause something new, or many new things,
to grow or start suddenly:

to lay eggs:

a person or animal whose ability to move or act freely is li
mited by being kept in a space;
a prisoner, especially a person held by the enemy during
a war:
to keep someone as a prisoner or make someone
a prisoner:

coming or likely to happen very soon:

the state of being completely forgotten:

the state of being completely destroyed:
(a place that
gives) protection or shelter from danger, trouble, unhappi
ness, etc.:

becoming smaller or less:

something that is added to

something else in order to improve it or complete it;
something extra:

very modern and using the

most recent ideas and methods:
to avoid doing something that you should do or that you
have promised to do because you are frightened, shy, or
you think it is too difficult:
(n) a way or an excuse to avoid responsibility or
to avoid doing something:
an effort or attempt that is made at the end of
a series of failures to solve a problem, and is
not expected to succeed:
Example Synonym

Electric cars are increasingly commonplace.
"Why do you think he offered to take all
that work home?" "Oh, he's just sucking up to
the boss."

I have a low/high boredom threshold (= I
do/don't feel bored easily).
His secretary earns £268 a month, well below
the threshold for paying tax.

I audited some of her seminars.

The agency is subject to regular financial audits.
Pesticides are seeping out
of farmland and into the water supply.
figurative Given the intense secrecy of
the arms business, information only
seeps out in company literature.

compact soil/sand
a compact camera/bag
What a compact office! How did you fit so much
into so little space?
For an initial outlay of $2,000
to buy the equipment, you can earn up to $500
a month if the product sells well.
Few are able to afford the cash outlay.

In the first year we outlaid thousands

of dollars on computers.
Employees are not required to outlay any
of their own money.

Hot water circulates through the heating system.

I've circulated a good luck card for everyone
to sign.
We're willing to pay a premium for
the best location.
Because of their location, these offices attract a

premium ice cream
The building is on a premium site.
The anti-personnel mines were laid as
a protective shield around the town.

Anger can function as a shield against (= a way

of avoiding) even more painful emotions of loss 
and hurt.
The era was characterized by political and cultur
al turbulence.
There are signs of turbulence ahead for
the economy.

We might be experiencing some turbulence on

this flight due to an approaching electrical storm.
They hauled the boat out of the water.
She hauled herself up into the tree.

FBI agents hauled away boxes of records.
The police hauled him off to jail in front of
his whole family.
a streamlined system
cutting-edge design/technology

bleeding-edge technology

fishing/camping gear
Police in riot gear (= protective clothing) arrived 
to control the protesters.
startling results
He made some startling admissions about his past.

Even at the end, when cancer racked his body,

he was calm and cheerful.
The dog was already
racked by/with the pains of old age.
He was racked by/with doubts/guilt.
He looked at me as if I was a
spawn of Satan because I
was smoking a cigarette.
The new economic freedom has spawned
hundreds of new small businesses.
Her death spawned countless films and books.
Salmon swim up rivers and streams to spawn.
[ T ] fig. Generous loans have spawned
hundreds of small businesses (= caused them to
be started).

The terrorists were holding several diplomats ca

imminent disaster/danger immediate
A strike is imminent.

He was another minor poet who
was consigned to oblivion.
These toys will be around for a year or two,
then fade/slide/sink into oblivion.
The planes bombed the city into oblivion.
These people are seeking/
taking refuge from persecution.
The climbers slept in a mountain refuge.
She had fled from her violent husband to
a women's refuge.
The shrinking workforce would have
to support a growing number of retired people.
shrinking The rapidly shrinking middle class wor
ries that our children won't have the
same chances we had
a shrinking budget/economy/market

The doctor said she should be

taking vitamin supplements.
The money I get
from teaching eveningnight classes provides a
supplement to my main income.
We paid a supplement (=
an extra amount of money) so that we could
have a cabin on board the ship.

edge, up-
a state-of-the-art computer minute
The control panel uses all
the newest technology and is considered state-
She copped out of the parachute jump at the
last minute with some feeble excuse.
A plea of temporary insanity is a cop-out and
should not be allowed, he said.
He resigned in a last-
ditch attempt to save his party from electoral def


bamboozle (v)
dazzle (v)

the forefront (n)

scrutinize (v)
originate (v)

psychedelic (adj)
dwell (v)
awestruck (adj)

salvage (v)

mob (v)

crouch (v)
lifelike (adj)

valid (adj)

coherent (adj)

march (v)
inept (adj)
to trick or deceive someone, often by confusing them :
If light dazzles you, it makes you unable to see for a short time:
If you are dazzled by someone or something, you think they are ex
the most noticeable or important position:

to examine something very carefully in order to discover informat
to come from a particular place, time, situation, etc.:

) causing effects on the mind, such as feelings of deep understand

to live in a place or in a particular way:
filled with feelings of admiration or respect:

to try to make a bad situation better:

to come together around someone in a crowd to express admiratio

to bend your knees and lower yourself so that you are close to the

used to describe something that appears real or very similar to wh

based on truth or reason; able to be accepted:

If an argument, set of ideas, or a plan is coherent, it is clear and ca

If someone is coherent, you can understand what that person say
to walk somewhere quickly and in a determined way, often becaus
not skilled or effective:
She was bamboozled into telling them her credit card number.
I was dazzled by the sunlight.
I was dazzled by his charm and good looks.
She was one of the politicians at/in the forefront of the campaign to free th
His team is at the forefront of scientific research into vaccines.
He scrutinized the men's faces carefully/closely, trying to work out who was
Although the technology originated in the UK, it has been developed in the
The game is thought to have originated among the native peoples of Alask
ep understanding or unusually strong experiences of colour , sound, tas
She dwelt in remote parts of Asia for many years.
an awestruck admirer/fan/visitor/tourist
I could tell she was impressed from the awestruck expression on her face.
It was a desperate attempt to salvage the situation.
After the fraud scandal he had to make great efforts to salvage his reputati
They were mobbed by fans when they arrived at the theatre.
Let's not go to that bar tonight - it's always mobbed (= there are always a lo
She saw him coming and crouched (down) behind a bush.
A lifelike portrait of his two daughters hung on the wall.
The mask was so lifelike it was quite frightening.
a valid argument/criticism/reason
My way of thinking might be different from yours, but it's equally valid.
s clear and carefully considered, and each part of it connects or follows 
When she calmed down, she was more coherent (= able to speak clearly a
She marched into my office and demanded to know why I hadn't written my
an inept comment/remark
He was always rather inept at sport.
He was criticized for his inept handling of the situation.
Dick was socially inept and uncomfortable in the presence of women.
er credit card number.

refront of the campaign to free the prisoners.
search into vaccines.
losely, trying to work out who/ˈskruː.tɪ.naɪz/ 
was lying.
UK, it has been developed in/əˈrɪdʒ.
the USən.eɪt/
mong the native peoples of Alaska.
riences of colour , sound, taste, and touch
y years.
westruck expression on her face.
eat efforts to salvage his reputation.
ived at the theatre.
s mobbed (= there are always a lot of people there) on Fridays.
n) behind a bush. /kraʊtʃ/
g on the wall.

yours, but it's equally valid.

part of it connects or follows in a natural or reasonable way.
oherent (= able to speak clearly and be understood).
d to know why I hadn't written my report.

the situation.
e in the presence of women.
Example Synonym

mediocre (adj)

skint (adj)



wilt (v)

saunter (v)

spectacular (adJ)
labour-intensive (adj)

rat sb out

ritual (n)

mighty (adj)

imaginative (adj)

savoury (adj)(n)

ready-made (adj)

liven up something

batch (n)
blindingly (adv)

julienne (v)

fiddly (adj)

whip sth up


gourmet (adj)

gentrification (n)

shower (v)

agitated (adj)

not very good:

having no money:


certain to fail, die, or be destroyed:
slightly wet, especially in a way that is
not pleasant or comfortable:
(of a plant)
to become weak and begin to bend towards
the ground, or (of a person) to become weaker, tired,
or less confident:

to walk in a slow and relaxed way, often in

no particular direction:

very exciting to look at, great
ton cong suc

if someone rats you out, they are disloyal to you,

especially by telling someone in authority about
something wrong that you have done
a way of doing something in which the
same actions are done in the same way every time:

very large, powerful, or important:

new, original, and clever:

Savoury food is salty or spicy and not sweet in taste:

bought or found in a finished form and available to
use immediately:

to make something more interesting or attractive:

people or things dealt with as a group or at the
same time:

to cut food, especially vegetables,
into long thin pieces:

difficult to do because the parts involved are small:

to encourage or cause people to
have strong feelings about something:

to make food or a meal very quickly and easily:
tu san, belong to middle class

(of food) very high quality:

a person who knows a lot about food and cooking,
and who enjoys eating good food:

the process by which a place, especially part of

a city, changes from being a poor area to a richer one,
where people from a higher social class live:

to give a lot of something to someone:

worried or angry:
The film's plot is predictable and the acting is mediocre. The dish
is so mediocre that it disappointes me and ruins my day
Parents don't want their children going to mediocre schools.
I get paid each Friday, and by Tuesday I'm always skint. I have to
accept the fact that I'm skint every month
Meanwhile, back at the office, you basically have to skint yourself
every day on a mediocre shop-bought sandwich you’ve eaten a
million times before./ I skint myself on thrift shop
This is a doomed city. This such a doomed classroom cause nobody
raises hands to contribute to classes
you’re doomed to a life of damp sliced bread and wilted cheese.  /
my uniform get damp in this torrid weather

Cut flowers will soon wilt without water.
After only an hour's hiking they were beginning to wilt in the heat.
My uncle became to wilt after numerous chemotherapies

He sauntered by, looking very pleased with himself./ We love

sauntering with each other, just to talk shit and confide in
A little more time and preparation and you could be sauntering
into work with Rebecca Oliver’s smoked mackerel, fennel and
almond sandwich/
a spectacular view/ spectacular scenery
He scored a spectacular goal in the second half.
There was a spectacular sunset last night./ It was on a spetacular
occassion that I and him was having dinner at a high-profile
Perfectly Provence’s recipe is a little more labour-intensive than
most, asking you to make your own mayonnaise/ this math
exercise is vexed and labour-intensive as I ask my friends and
solve many different ways

 but I won’t rat you out if you’d prefer to spoon something out of
a jar instead/ If your mother is a criminal, will you rat her out?

Coffee and the newspaper are part of my morning ritual./

Skincare is my evening ritual.
The birds were performing a complex mating ritual.
In the next game they will face the mighty Patriots./ A mighty viral
is not as scary as a intellectual rival
 It takes seconds to make, and packs a mighty punch.
an imaginative new approach/policy

The architects have made imaginative use

of glass and transparent plastic./ 5 minutes is a channel showing
people some imaginative tips applied to better their lives

There was a selection of sandwiches and other small savouries.

I could do the dessert and you could do the savoury./ I'll make some
savoury for our camping
a ready-made frozen meal/ when I'm in SG city to pursue my
profession, I have to complete ready-made dish everyday before
I go to school
figurative When she married Giles, she acquired a ready-
made family - two teenage sons and a daughter.
New wallpaper would help to liven up the kitchen./ Asian people
will liven up their houses before Tet holiday
Mom just made a fresh batch of cookies.
I’ve got a whole batch of applications to read through./ I couldn't
complete a numerous batch of puzzles
It's blindingly obvious that she's not happy at school./ It's
blindingly disappointed that I fail the mid-term test
Julienne the leeks and wash them well./ Wash the carrot carefully
first, then leek them into pieces
And, if you’re new to it, the assembly can be a little fiddly./
Fiddly works with mommy to prepare for the meal can drive me
Repairing a watch is a very fiddly job.
She criticized the organization for trying to whip up anti-
immigrant prejudice./ Don't whip up any contriversal for that
He was trying to whip up some enthusiasm for the project.
I have just enough time to whip up an omelette.
It's a bit bourgeois, isn't it, joining a golf club? / It’s a bit bourgeois
to enjoy dinner at that lavish and dashing restaurant
She’s become very bourgeois since she left college.
a gourmet meal
She is a gourmet cook./ I'm not a gourmet but I know how to combine
the food when eating
Local, traditional chefs reacted to the “invasion” and
gentrification by reaffirming their approach, with a newfound
quality and creativity. / Gentrification has both pros and cons.
But for me, I think the merits can outweigh the downsides
His family showers him with love./My boyfriend showers me with
lots of encouragement and incentives
She became very agitated when her son failed to return home./ I
get agitated when I received the turn - down letter
There was a long delay,
and people became increasingly agitated as they waited for
the train.






punctuate (v)

shun (v)

denizent (n)

metropolis (n)

bittersweet (adj)

plunge (v)

throng (n)

wistful (adj)
subside (v)

convergence (n)

strata (n)plural

sleek (adj)

vicinity (n)

jaded (adj)

talk up a storm

adage (n)

banter (n)

endearment (n)

pandemonium (n)

bona fide (adj)

cruise down 
quotidian (adj)

frolick (v)

fragrant (adj)

huddle (v)
congregate (v)

slurp (v)

scout (v)
crusade (n)

callisthenics (n)

sway (v)

lifeblood (n)

granite (n)

façade (n)

confluence (n)
exterior (adj,n)
ambiance (n)

slither (v)


mogul (n)

tardy (adj)

slumber (n)

demur (adj)
inquisitive (adj)

ingrained (adj)

cranny (n)

rancous (adj)

meek (adj)

fast-paced (adj)

setting (n)

shutter (v)

aftertaste (n)
nestle (v)
punctuate something (with something) to interrupt something fairly often and

​shun somebody/something to avoid somebody/something

a person, an animal or a plant that lives, grows or is often found in a particular


​a large, important city (often the capital city of a country or region)

bringing pleasure mixed with the feeling of being sad

 to move or make somebody/something move suddenly forwards and/or

a crowd of people

thinking sadly about something that you would like to have, especially
something in the past that you can no longer have
o become calmer, quieter or less intense

the process of moving together from different directions to have a meet, hoi tu

a class in a society

smooth and shiny

the area around a particular place

tired and bored, usually because you have had too much of something

To talk vigorously, enthusiastically, and profusely.

​a well-known phrase expressing a general truth about people or the world

friendly remarks and jokes

a word or an expression that is used to show love

a situation in which there is a lot of noise and activity with a great lack of order,
especially because people are feeling angry or frightened

real, not fake

slow down


​to play and move around in a lively, happy way

having a pleasant smell

huddle (up/together) (+ adv./prep.) (of people or animals) to gather closely

together, usually because of cold or fear
to come together in a group

to make a loud noise while you are drinking something; to make a noise like this

to go to look in various places for something you want:

 a long and determined effort to achieve something that you believe to be right
or to stop something that you believe to be wrong

simple physical exercises that are done to make

the body firm, able to stretch easily, and more attractive
xoay, lac; persuade (passive)

the thing that keeps something strong and healthy and is necessary for
successful development

da hoa cuong

the front of a building

the fact of two or more things becoming one

ben ngoai, ngoai that

​the character and atmosphere of a place

 to move smoothly over a surface, like a snake

​peruse something to read something, especially in a careful way

a very rich, important and powerful person

t​ ardy (in doing something) slow to act, move or happen; late in happening or

sleep; a time when somebody is sleeping

behaving in a quiet, shy way that does not attract attention

asking too many questions and trying to find out about what other people are
doing, etc.
ingrained (in somebody/something) (of a habit, an attitude, etc.) that has
existed for a long time and is therefore difficult to change

every nook and cranny

​sounding loud and rough

​ uiet, gentle, and always ready to do what other people want without
expressing your own opinion

​moving, changing or happening very quickly

khung canh

to close down a business or activity:

du vi
 to be located in a position that is protected, sheltered or partly hidden
Yet bright white smiles still flash on their faces, and tender moments of joy
punctuate the days of hardships./ 15 minute breaks in high schools punctuate
the hazardous studying intervals
They were both shunned by their families when they remarried./ The high-profile
Tiktokers tend to be shunned by the limelight as it is assumed they are basic and
an actor who shuns publicity
The company has long been shunned by ethical investors.
polar bears, denizens of the frozen north/ Fish, the denizens of water territory,
gathers in swarms and performs a stupendous circle
the denizens of the local pub
Like any denizen of a multi-million-resident metropolis, I have a bittersweet
bond with where I live
bittersweet memories/ Anne with an E movie is such a bittersweet one that it
can tear me up inside and cheer me up later

She lost her balance and plunged 100 feet to her death.

The train left the track and plunged down the embankment./ I inadverntently
plunged into the debt
 plunge somebody/something + adv./prep. The earthquake plunged entire
towns over the edge of the cliffs./ The wicked darkness plunged the villages and
accentuates the sordid power.
 At times, the bitter part thrives a bit more, especially at 6pm every day when I
leave work to plunge into throngs of traffic on the street. 
We pushed our way through the throng.

He was met by a throng of journalists and photographers./ A throng of invitees

glide through me, which makes me ponder whether I am important or not

a wistful smile/ It is rather wistful when I think about the time I was in SAIGON
with my bf and we did have a blast
There was something rather wistful about the sad little tune.
As a wistful tribute to Saigon, here are some places and activities that I will
definitely put on the to-do list one day when the epidemic subsides.
She waited nervously for his anger to subside.
When the rain had subsided we continued our walk./ Only by waiting for my
tension to subside can I go to sleep

Not only is the lake the intersection of Vo Van Tan, Tran Cao Van and Pham
Ngoc Thach streets, it’s also the convergence of multiple generations and social
strata. / Tet holiday is the perfect time for the convergence of our classmates

people from all social strata./ LGBT denizens need all the supports from people of
all the social strata
I’m unsure if it’s because of the unique architecture of the structure or the
contrast between its jaded design and sleek contemporary shops in the vicinity/
The cafeterias in Dalat city is not as sleek or dashing as ones in Saigon but they
bring the sense of nostagia for any visitors
 in the vicinity (of something) Crowds gathered in the vicinity of Trafalgar
There is no hospital in the immediate vicinity./ This vicinity includes all the
amenties the residents need
I felt terribly jaded after working all weekend./ When I'm jaded, I just want to
pick up the phone and call my lover
It was a meal to tempt even the most jaded palate./ He is so jaded that he can
not get what his girlfriend wants although they are in love for many years
chatting up a storm while setting up our snack banquet./ We only talk up a
storm when we meet our camaraderie
Some say money can’t buy happiness, but at Turtle Lake, with just VND100,000,
one can come pretty close to the old adage with their snack purchases/ I vividly
remember the adage "Love is in the eyes of the beholder"
: a jumbo-sized glass of kumquat tea, a portion of bắp xào or a bag of bánh
tráng trộn with highly sought-after quail eggs./ The appearance of jumbo-sized
cupcakes blurres my ability of gorging food.
Hồ Con Rùa munchies are nothing fancy or particularly filling, but they are
perfectly adequate as fuel for our youthful banters under the shaded District 1
sky./ During break time at school, we love gathering and exchanging banters
i’s a term of endearment that many, myself included, give to the two streets
running parallel with the Nhieu Loc Canal, Hoang Sa and Truong Sa./ I know it's
hard for the adult to say express endearment to us.

Far from the usual pandemonium seen in long roads elsewhere, the
embankment is usually languid and calming. It almost seems like any
movement here takes place more gently, like the way the placid water flows
towards the major Saigon River./ Covid pandemic accentuates the utterly urgly
pandemonium when humans trample on each other to take the wind out of the
other' sails

Ever since the early days when I first learned how to ride a motorbike until my
maturity as a bona fide “Lead ninja” now/ The bona fide sought-after sneaker of
Jordan is hard to find to buy

Secure the helmet on, put the kickstand up, cruise down the road at 25 km/h,
and one can observe the quotidian activities of the neighborhood on the drive/
Cruising down your speed when turning your scooter at the first intersection

Television has become part of our quotidian existence./ the quotidian

appearance of mobilephones drifts apart family member's relationships
children frolicking on the beach/ I just sitted in my place and through the
windown, I could see my peers frolicking outside
lovebirds fighting and flirting on the back of their bike, puppies breaking free
from the leash to frolic on the grass, and school children walking home hand-in-
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils/ The dish mom cooked have fragrant smell/ I can
feel the fragrant smell from her cloths
On the crowded pavements, carts serving fragrant dishes congregate;
groups of young Saigoneers huddle on red, blue plastic stools to slurp bowls of
hot noodles while anxiously scout the distance for the sidewalk crusade
We huddled together for warmth.
They all huddled around the fire./ We huddle together at the shade of the tree
to protect ourselves from being relfected by the sun
Young people often congregate in the main square in the evenings./ in the past,
when there was a small number of TV, neighbers congregated at one house
having the TV to enjoy the movies

slurp something He was slurping his tea.

 slurp (from something) She slurped noisily from her cup./ Don't make any noise
when slurping the soup
 while anxiously scout the distance for the sidewalk crusade
to lead a crusade against crime
Her moral crusade began in 1963.
 In tenement courtyards, middle-aged residents go through their morning
calisthenic routine, play badminton or sway back and forth on public exercise
He's easily swayed./ Im not easily swayed by my bf when he tried to make peace
with me
She wasn't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk.
Tourism is the lifeblood of the city./ High-profile cafeterias are the lifeblood of
Dalatt city
Of course, it’s still okay to take my bike out these days, but during social
distancing, the canal has lost part of its lifeblood.
We have a set of chairs and tables made from granites
 In the 1970s when the last few granite tiles were put in place, the library took
on a modernist façade/ Embellishing a few granite pattern for our shop's façade
will attracts more customers
in the 1970s when the last few granite tiles were put in place, the library took
on a modernist facade, representing the confluence of global modernism and
traditional resourcefulness.
After half a century in the extreme elements of Saigon, its exterior has shown
the marks of time/ We should remake our house's exterior appearance as the
painted color has been stained and goned with the rain
the relaxed ambience of the city
low lighting for added ambience
The gentle colour scheme creates a relaxing ambience./ somber ambiance of my
uncle's funeral nearly asphyxiates me
The snake slithered away as we approached.

 Soft sunlight slithers in the room through the patterns of the windows, casting
a golden hue on sets of mid-century desks and chairs./ The grains of sunlight
congregate a dotted line slithering through my curtain and waking me up

A copy of the report is available for you to peruse at your leisure.

Any activity I undertake, be it perusing dry academic texts or rushing to
complete a project, seems less trying and more poetic when done in this room./
My major subjects in pedagogy not only require me to peruse the materials
scrupturously but also apply them in the assignments

 There are model students with their drive for academic excellence and self-
help guides penned by successful moguls/ Marrying moguls with stupendous
property doesn't make you happy

he law is often tardy in reacting to changing attitudes.

people who are tardy in paying their bills
 And then there are tardy ones like me, often spotted with worksheets and
assignments that are hours from reaching the deadline./ Tardiness is the way to
 There are dreamy minds floating in and out of slumber. That my heart beats
fast every night deprives me of my slumber
 and demure couples on study dates but don’t quite dare to hold hands./ I
pretend to be a meek and demur girl when confronting with the strangers
 it will once again become a holy ground for Saigoneers to let their inquisitive
minds wander./ Since I was a young girl, I have been always inquisitive about
anythings. Now, to unleash my own inquisitive mind, I beg my bf to explain
things for me

ingrained prejudices
The belief that we should do our duty is deeply ingrained in most of us.
. Going to cafes has become so ingrained in the routine of Saigoneers that a
coffee shop invitation can serve as both a conversation starter and ender/
Keeping pace with the deadline in the right time is ingrained in my blood

 as cafes mushroom in every nook and cranny of Saigon./ I try to find this dress
every nook and cranny but it is a disappointment that the dress is sold out

My coffee rendezvouses are different from one another — raucous and fast-
paced among friends, cozy and meek with a special someone/ your voice seems
rancous after long music practice sessions
They called her Miss Mouse because she was so meek and mild./ I used to be a
meek girl. But the more I grow up, the more I realize that being meek is useless
and strangles my confidence
She enjoys working in a fast-paced environment./ I'm sick of the fast-paced
rhythm of this city.
I am not too keen on social activities requiring one to sit opposite others in a
confined setting for an extended period of time./ contemplating this
pictureques setting betters my mood
Only after the epidemic swept through the city, shuttering my favorite quáns/ I
was flabbergated when the coffeeshop I love was shuttered forever
 I am absolutely sure that the aftertaste of the drink on the day we meet again
will be as sweet as ever./ I love eating sprinkled garlic food but I hate its
aftertaste/ The trip gave me the bittersweet aftertaste when it ended
 It could be a distinctive cafe in an old apartment, a tiny hole-in-the-wall in
Japan Town, or a quiet space nestled in between vacant corridors / my burning
ambition is that I will scour every nook and cranny all the chilling bars nestling
in Saigon city

























imbue (v)

archive (v)

retrieve (v)

issue (v)

ornate (adj)

echelon (n)

marvel (v)
inlaid (adj)

regal (adj)

sterling (adj)

signify (V)

aspiration (n)

showcase (v)

lacquer (v)

embellish (v)

receptacle (n)
cylindrical (adj)

flaunt (v)

opulent (adj)

prominent (adj)

amenity (n)

adornment (n)

gauache (n)
teem with sth
ricksaw (n)
hammock (n)
to fill something or someone with a quality or feeling:

to store historical records or documents in an archive

to find and bring back something:

to produce or provide something official:

having a lot of complicated decoration:

a particular level or group of people within
an organization such as an army or company:

to show or experience great surprise or admiration:
a thing or person that is very surprising or causes a lot
of admiration:

having a decorative pattern put into a surface,

or forming a pattern like this:

very special and suitable for a king or queen:

of a very high standard:

bieeur thi

burning desire

to show the best qualities or parts of something:

to paint wood or metal with lacquer (son mai)

to make something more beautiful by adding something to

it:(to diem)

a container used for storing or putting objects in:

hinh tru

to show or make obvious something you are proud of

in order to get admiration:

expensive and luxurious:
rich in appearance; showing great wealth:


something intended to
make life more pleasant or comfortable for people:

something decorative, or
the act of decorating something or someone
a method of painting that uses colours mixed with water and a sub
to contain large numbers of animals or people:
xich lo
cai vong
imbue something/someone with something/ The orphanage house is
imbued with love and benevolent
Her poetry was imbued with a love of the outdoors.
one can feel the pulse of life imbued in every household object and scene
The scans were archived by the French National Museum of Education./ All my
documents are archive in Disk C
This software helps firms archive and retrieve emails.
We taught our dog to retrieve a ball./ Help me to retrieve his keys
Computers are used to store and retrieve information efficiently.
The office will be issuing permits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.
The school issued
a statement about its plans to the press./The school issued
the press with a statement about its plans/ The gorvernment issues a
statement about Tet holidays, please listen carefully.

In this artwork collection from 1930, students commonly opted for household
items in their still life sketches, like areca nut trays, vases, and even one ghe
hầu — an ornate pleasure barge used by members of the upper echelons on
vacations. / When I grow up, I prefer minimalist patterns to ornate ones

These salary increases will affect only the highest echelons
of local government.
the upper echelons of society/ If the amount of students don’t meet the
standard, teachers will be scolded by the upper echelon of school.
We paused to marvel at the view./ I marvel at the profession of museum
[ + that ] I often marvel that humans can treat each other so badly.
[ + speech ] "Just look at that waterfall! Isn't it amazing?" she marvelled.

It does come as a surprise when we marvel at these sketches because the level of
attention to detail was remarkable.
This miniature phone is the latest technological marvel from Japan.My
english word document that I integrate is such a wonderful marvel

It's a marvel (to me) how they've managed to build the tunnel so quickly.

 From the vases’ elegant inlaid mother of pearl to regal dragon patterns on trays

The top of the wooden chest was inlaid with ivory.

locally crafted furniture of inlaid wood. My wooden chairs were inlaid with
flowery patterns
a regal manner/ some regal pattern inlaid chair
He made a regal entrance.
You've done a sterling job./ I havent got a sterling scholarship but I'm excellent
enough to get the medium scholarship
Everyone has made a sterling effort.
the students did a sterling job at capturing the artisanship of past craftsmen in
their work.

he character for áp (鴨), meaning “duck,” has an element of giáp (甲), meaning

“first.” This signifies an aspiration to attain high achievement in academic
pursuits. This diagram signify the popularity of sports in America

We come up with an stupendous aspiration to trave. We suddenly had

aspiration towards pursuing education.
we can identify some of these instruments in three different styles, all
beautifully crafted to showcase their owners’ financial station./ Our group try to
showcase our abilities during the presentation
the exterior of the box is lacquered and embellished with a “lotus and duck”
scene. / Can this type of wood be lacquerred?
The ceiling was embellished with flowers and leaves./ Our school was
embellished by all the shadows from the green trees
Residents are given four separate receptacles for their rubbish./ I need
to buy some receptacles for my underwears
a trash receptacle

Ô trầu, on the other hand, is simply a hollow cylindrical container where

everything is kept. Will it happen that cylindrical phones are produced?

He's got a lot of money but he doesn't flaunt it./ I don’t flaunt my essay by
making use of a number of advanced vocabularies.
Flavio was flaunting his tan in a pair of white trunks.
hese setups were usually displayed by wealthy households back then in their
living room to flaunt their social status.
an opulent lifestyle
an opulent hotel/ I wish I could relish the meal in the opulent hotel in the

Commenting on this set of artworks, Tính also noted that the opulent boat drawn
by Trần Tấn Tước isn’t just any mode of transportation commonly seen now.

There is a wide of prominent reason why Art has been favoured.

Straus established employee amenities such
as restrooms, medical care, and a lunchroom./ International schools try
to provide students with great amenity

It’s a ghe hầu, a leisure vehicle reserved for river cruise and is decorated with
festive flags, a prominent rudder, and other amenities.

Christmas is coming and we should purchase for some chrismassy adornment

Illustrator Lynne Avril Cravath used gouache and coloured pencils to create

There are acres of rolling grassland, teeming with elk and antelope.
The shopping centre was teeming with shoppers that Saturday.
He can remember the days when his neighbourhood was teeming with life
Britain and Ireland's waters are teeming with life, from little sea anemones 
While the author is unknown, his or her observant eyes have
ˌwɪð, -ˌwɪθ/










beautify  /ɪmˈbel.ɪʃ/

box, bin /rɪ



boast  /flɔːnt/

luxerious ˈɑː.pjə.lənt/


ncils to create the delightfully vibrant, playful illustrations.

ming with life.
a anemones to mighty sharks.
eyes have resulted in intricately detailed sketches of past agricultur
ast agricultural activities and rituals in Vietnam, from a Buddhist ce
rom a Buddhist ceremony to a crowded market session teeming wit
ssion teeming with shoppers in black  áo dài.

rendezvous (n)

sordid (adj)

stupendous (adj)

glitz (n)

chronicle (v)

sprinkle (v)

flair (n)
uncoth (adj)

alphabetize (v)

clamor (v)

suitor (n)

progressive (adj)

the limelight (n)

torrid (adj)
cosmopolitan (n)

polyglot (adj)

ferry (v)

patriarch (n)

dashing (adj)

fling (n)

have a fling (n)

get in the way of sth

protagonist (n)

grapple (v)

thrust (v)
fester (v))

squander (v)

proceed (v)

juxtapose (v)

somber (adj)
pushback (n)

draw-out (adj)

poignantly (adv)

midway (adv)

resonate (v)

discourse (n)

nuanced (adj)

align yourself with


stigma (n)

caricature (v)

splinter (n)

relegate (v)

didactic (adj)
a place where a particular group of people often go or meet,
by arrangement or habit

dirty and unpleasant:

morally wrong and shocking
very surprising, usually in a pleasing way, especially by
being large in amount or size:

the quality of being exciting and attractive, but often in a

way that has no real worth: (attractive outside)

to make a record or give details of something:

to drop a few pieces or drops of something over a surface:

to scatter a few drops or small pieces of something:

(n)a very light fall of rain or snow that lasts only
a short time, su rai rac
natural ability to do something well:

a situation in which something is done in

an exciting and interesting way:
behaving in a rude, unpleasant way:

to arrange a list of words in alphabetical order:

to make a loud complaint or demand:

a man who wants to marry a particular woman:

a person or company who wants to take control of
another company:

developing or happening gradually:

public attention and interest:

involving strong emotions, especially those of sexual love:

extremely hot

performing or doing something extremely well:

a torrid period of time is full of difficult problems:

containing or having experience of people and things from

many different parts of the world:

speaking or using several different languages:

containing people from many different and distant places:

someone who can speak or use several different languages:

to transport people or goods in
a vehicle, especially regularly and often:
a powerful and usually older man in charge of a family, or
the male leader of a society in which men hold power

attractive in a confident, exciting, and stylish way:

a short period of enjoyment:

to have a short sexual relationship with someone:

prevent sth from happening (can tro)

one of the main characters in a story or a play

to try to deal with
or understand a difficult problem or subject:

to push suddenly and strongly:
If a cut or other injury festers,
it becomes infected and produces pus:

to waste money or supplies, or to waste opportunities by
not using them to your advantage:

to continue as planned:
to do something after you have done something else:

to put things that are not similar next to each other:

serious, sad, and without humor or entertainment:

negative reaction to a change or to something new that has
been introduced:

lasting longer than is usual or necessary:

in a way that causes or has a very sharp feeling of sadness:

half the distance between two places:
to produce, increase, or fill with sound,
by vibrating (= shaking) objects that are near:

a speech or piece of writing about a particular,

usually serious, subject:

attracting a lot of attention and interest from

the public and newspapers, television, etc.:
made slightly different in appearance, meaning, sound, etc.:

to agree with a person or an organization and work with

them or support their ideas:
a strong feeling of disapproval that most people in
a society have about something, especially when this
is unfair:

a drawing or written or spoken description of someone that

usually makes them look silly by
making part of their appearance or character more noticeabl
e than it really is:

broken pieces
to put someone or something into a lower or
less important rank or position:

intended to teach people a moral lesson:
This restaurant is a popular rendezvous for local artists.Co thach
pagoda is a prevaling rendezvous for Buddist Believers
We have a rendezvous for next week, don't we?
The lovers met at a secret rendezvous in the park.
There are lots of really sordid apartments in the city's poorer areas.
Their hangouts are riddled with massive sordid talks, which
sickens me

He told me he'd had an affair but he spared me the sordid details.

He ran up stupendous debts through his extravagant lifestyle. / He
gave me a stupendous present on my 18th birthday.
Stupendous news! We've won £500,000!
The party's electoral message may be obscured by the
glitz and glamour of its presentation. Getting into university life, be
care with the glitz and glammor of stuffs!
The extraordinary thing about Cannes is
that despite the surface glitz, most people get up early and work.
The book chronicles the writer's coming to terms with his illness.
The film chronicles the love leading to the prince's abdication
Sprinkle a few herbs on the pizza./Sprinkle the pizza with a
few herbs. / I love cheese but I don’t like when people sprinkle
some mini crushed cheese on my pizza
figurative The speech was liberally sprinkled
with (= contained many) jokes about the incident.
Sprinkle cheese on the pizza.

I love film with the sprinkle of love and school

He has a flair for languages/ I have a flair for fashion and design
He played with great imagination and flair. Football player
completed his mission by shooting ball into goal with beauty and
flair, which intrigues the audiences.
It's a competent enough piece of writing but it lacks flair.
She thought he was loud-mouthed and uncouth. Nurturing children in
uncoth and sordid environment has negative impact on their

Can you please help me alphabetize the list of attendees?

The children were all clamoring for attention. I don't want to clamor
for adults' help even when I'm in trouble
[ + to infinitive ] She clamors to go home as soon as she gets
to school. The audiences clamored to have a meeting with the

It's the story of a young woman who can't make up her mind which

of her many suitors she should marry. Recruiting suitors for Your
highness's daughter was traditional occasion many years ago

PJH Corporation said it had been approached by

two possible suitors who had submitted bids to buy the company.
There's been a progressive decline in the standard of living over
the past few years. Have you witnessed my progressive process in
studying Chinese?
Hien Ho tries to keep distance from the limelight after her stupendous

a torrid romance/ fanatical love affair

the torrid heat of August. My countryside has two main season:
torrid and rainy one
Summers in the tropics are torrid.
He kept up his torrid hitting pace with a sixth homer in eight days. /
After her torrid study record, she had chances to acquire numerous
After a couple of months of
torrid sales, business began to settle down.
The manufacturing sector is going through torrid times.
These were a torrid few days for Spanish investors.

New York is a highly cosmopolitan city./ Due to fact that NY is a

cosmopolitan city, it harbor a diversity of cultures and langangues
She was reading a polyglot bible, with
the text in English, Latin and Greek. I like netflix because it is a
polyglot watching film app
New York is an exciting polyglot city.

My idol has to be someone who is a polyglot

I spend most of my time ferrying the children around./ I love being

ferried by my lover around the city to contemplate its beauty
In the past, each tribe has a patriarch who controls and lead the huge
group of people
a dashing young soldier/ Urban girls seem dashing and I love their
The girls are going to the beach for one last fling before the end
of summer.
She's been having a fling with her boss. It has rummored that to get a
position in the stardom, girls tend to have a fling with directors or boss
Will love get in the way of her mission? When I was young, I supposed
that love would get in the way of my education

Recently, no protagonists satisfies me

Today, many Americans are still grappling with the issue of race./

In recent academic fields, people are grappling with plagiarism
She thrust the money into his hand./ My roomates thrust me into a
dilemma situation exposing to my crush
(The Brilliant Darkness!) grapples with this question by thrusting
characters into a situation that exposes festering wounds in desperate
need of attention. 
a festering sore/ My late uncle had to face with numerous festering
wounds when struggling with his sickness
They'll quite happily squander a whole year's savings on
two weeks in the sun./ I squander my teaching salary on shopping
every weeks
Ireland squandered
several chances, including a penalty that cost them the game.
His lawyers have decided not to proceed with the case.Tired of
studying, he opted for not proceeding what he was doing and
She sat down and proceeded to tell me about her skiing holiday.
humorous He told me he was on a diet and then proceeded
to eat a plateful of chips!
[ C ] The juxtaposition of the original painting with
the fake clearly showed up the differences/ The juxtaposition of
protagonist's miserable life with her human behaviour emphasize
the ironical life
The film is set during a very southern funeral ceremony with raucous
singing, performances, drinking and gambling juxtaposing the somber
matter of death
a somber atmosphere/voice/face..../ My uncle's somber funeral
exacerbated my broken heart.
The funeral was a somber occasion.
I left them in a somber mood.
The need for deep and truthful depictions of people and customs was
especially important given that Toronto is American and, despite
speaking Vietnamese fluently and having lived here for more than a
decade and a half, anticipates some pushback from audiences about the
ability of an outsider to faithfully capture Vietnamese society./ When
LGBT+ society was first known widely, it received too much pushback
from people around the world
This dispute has been a long drawn-out affair/ I couldn't expect
this draw-out conference

He notes that a good actor like her “will know the character better than
the director,” and indeed her fantastic performance serves as the
emotional core of the movie, highlighted by one particularly graphic and
drawn-out scene
We had another drawn-out discussion after the meeting ended.

He sang poignantly of wanting to know true love.
The war correspondent is known for
poignantly chronicling the effect of war on ordinary people.
My sister cried poignantly when her father passed away
She stopped working midway through her pregnancy.
His voice resonated in the empty church./ your voice can be
reonated in a new house
The noise of the bell resonated through the building.
a discourse on/upon the nature of life after death/ Discourse on
children's development
Several high-profile domestic abuse cases seem to be changing that, and
the release of Đêm Tối Rực Rỡ!, which was filmed in 2019 but delayed
by the global pandemic, gains added relevancy in that context.
He resigned from a high-profile job as economic adviser to
the president./ When I want to post a story on IG, I tend to embed
the high-profile music to make it cooler

The film also portrays mental health in a nuanced and responsible way. /
The picture is ridled with nuanced and profound meanings.

The company has
a commitment to align itself closely with specialty retailers./ I don't
want to align myself with somebody carrying pessimistic thoughts

There is no longer any stigma to being divorced.

Being an unmarried mother no longer carries the social stigma
that it used to./ Wearing dashing and savage clothes carries the
certain social stigma and clamor

Tối Rực Rỡ! could come across as caricatures if not so carefully crafted

and convincingly acted/ Scruptures are difficult to make. Unless you
careful enough, your work will become caricatures!
All of her sordid and brutal past momemts causes lots of memory
She resigned when she was relegated to a desk job./ Despite my
uncle's sickness, they decided not to relegate his position
The story was relegated to the middle pages of the paper.

Đêm Tối Rực Rỡ!’s intentional lessons regarding what splinters and what
mends families do not relegate the movie to the category of a Disney-
esque fairytale
didactic literature/ Didactic fable/ Didactic story












Virtual learning

in person

acclimate (acclimatize)

set aside sth

ample (adj)

drastic (adj)

wellness (n)

coursework (n)
seamlessly (adv)

integrate (v)

espouse (v)

holistic (adj)


sloppy (adj)

refute (v)
be awash with

accentuate (v)

be slashed with sth

envision (v)

clash (n)

allegedly (adv)

zeitgeist (n)

online learning

by meeting with someone rather than talking on the phone, e-

mailing, or writing to the person:

to (cause to) change to suit different conditions of life, weather,

to save for a particular purpose:

more than enough

(especially of actions) severe and sudden or having
very noticeable effects:

the condition of being healthy:

work set at regular periods as part of an educational course

without any sudden changes, interruptions, or problems:
to mix with and join society or a group of people,
often changing to suit their way of life, habits, and customs:

to combine two or more things into one:

to become involved with or support an activity or opinion:
dealing with or treating the whole of something or someone and
not just a part:


luom thuom

to say or prove that a person, statement, opinion, etc.

is wrong or false:
affected by
nho giao
to emphasize a particular feature of something or to make
something more noticeable:

bi xe toac
to imagine or expect that something is
a likely or desirable possibility in the future:

su xung dot
used when something illegal or wrong is said to have been
done, but has not been proved:

the general set of ideas, beliefs, feelings, etc. that is typical of

a particular period in history (tinh than thoi dai)
Thanks to virtual learning in Covid pandemic, I have got a job which is about
teaching online

ven after classes returned to in-person learning, instances of increased stress,

anxiety, negativity and isolation persist. / I meet her in person to solve the drastic
problem she caused

The defending champion has acclimatized to the
90°F sunshine by spending the past month in Florida. I think it's hard for
me to acclaimate the cold climate in North Pole though I want to live there
"Why is it that it rains all the time in England?" "Don't worry -
you'll soon acclimatize."
He sets aside some time every day to read to his children./ Recently,
undrstanding the value of money, I decide to set aside small amount for the
rainy days
After melting the chocolate, set it aside and beat the eggs.
You'll have ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk.

There's ample evidence that the lawyer knew exactly what she was doing.

They had ample warning of the factory closure./ I gave u ample hints about
this question? Can't you answer this?

drastic measures/ change

Many employees have had to take drastic cuts in pay./ Human used to

undergo drastic lockdown to protect themselves from being infected
Employers who emphasize worker wellness get
a healthy return on their investment./ cilivans' wellness put down to
gorvernment policies about wellbeing strategies
Yoga is said to promote the wellness of the mind and body.
Tell me about the courswork of your solf- skill education
It's a children's film that seamlessly combines live action with computer-
generated creatures.How can Gods let the evils seamlessly disturb his

He seems to find it difficult to integrate socially.
It's very difficult to integrate yourself into a society whose culture is so
different from your own./ At the beginning, it's hard for me to integrate
myself into university life
integrate sth with sth We're planning to integrate
the sales department with the marketing department./ Why don’t you
integrate selling 2hand bags with y2k clothes?

integrate sth into sth We need

to develop an online shopping application and integrate it into our website.
Vegetarianism is one cause she does not espouse.

My doctor takes a holistic approach to disease.
Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.
Coming down with painful sickness requires holistic caring from a family


He said the Vietnamese women's clothing at the time — four-flap and five-flap
tunics — was too baggy and sloppy/ Dont wear sloppy clothes when you go out if
you dont want to be judged

Lemur didn't refute that criticism, instead he embraced it. He admitted the costume
was a hybrid, and he designed it on purpose because at the time, Vietnamese
society was awash with western influence.
 at the time, Vietnamese society was awash with western influence/ Children
gravitate towards being awash with their immediate environment like school and

Her dress was tightly belted, accentuating the slimness of her waist.

The new policy only serves to accentuate the inadequacy of help for
the homeless.
Suddenly, Vân heard a loud ripping sound and her tunic was slashed with a sharp
blade/ Tam's face is slashed with a sharp knife
He envisioned a partnership between business and government/ I don't
want to envision what will happen in the future
The company envisions adding at least five stores next year/ I envision
achieving my school scholarship for straight A students

This attack was just one example of the clash between the old and the new, but it
didn't dissuade Vân./ I can not envision a clash between me and my mom
That's where he allegedly killed his wife./ Mom allegedly accused me of not
breaking the vase
She was arrested for allegedly stealing a car.

: "The tunic was not just something beautiful to wear, but an entire zeitgeist
embodied in cloth."/ Executing the witches used to be a zeitgeist

adapt  /əˈklaɪ.mə.taɪz



zip (v)

bygone (adj)

remnant (n)

iteration (n)

story (n), storey

frond (n)

languish (v)
ripe for

sparsely (adv)

fugurine (n)

strew (v)

coyly (Adv)

caress (v)
bristle (v)

pastiche (n)
dilapidated (adj)

tile (v)

cottage (n)

sprawling (adj)

hover (v)

creak (v)

menacingly (adv)

dearth (n)
render (v)
aficonado (n)

decadent (adj)

err (v)
behold (b)

sample (v_

repertoire (n)

palate (n)

finetune (n)

nascent (adj)
treacherous adj

eatery (n)

stream (v)

verdant (adj)

vine (n)

minuscule (adj)

while sth away

languid (adj)0

foliage (n)

tower over (v)

luxuriant (adj)
willowy (adj)

patron (n)

eclectic (adj)

bespetacled (adj)
coo (v)

shutterbug (n)

decidedly (adv)

unbashed (adj)
penchant (n)

hoard (v)

knick-knack (n)


slew of sth

 a deluge of sth

beverage (n)

deodorant (n)

rendition (n)
luminous (adj)

untedered (adj) ko rang buoc

snug (adj)

exude (v)

pastry (n)

paraphernalia (n)
overt (adi)

amiability (n)

aromatic (adj)

joint (v)

take the plunge

stellar (adj)

backstory (n)
awe-inspiring (adj)
splendor (n)
ensuing (adj)

accent (v)
beset (v)
engender (v)

burgeoning (adj)
prime (v)

qua lai

belonging to or happening in a past time:

a small piece or amount of something that is left from

a larger original piece or amount:

the process of doing something again and again,

usually to improve it, or one of the times you do it:

a level of a building:

a long, thin leaf of a plant:

to exist in an unpleasant or unwanted situation, often

for a long time:
developed to a suitable condition for something
to happen:
with only a small number or amount of people or things:

a small model of a human, usually made

of clay or porcelain

to spread things in an untidy way over a surface, or to

be spread in an untidy way over a surface:

in a way
that intentionally tries to keep something secret:

in a way that is or pretends to be shy, or like a child:

to touch or kiss someone in a gentle and loving way:
to react angrily:

a piece of art, music, literature, etc.
that intentionally copies the style of someone
else's work or is intentionally in various styles, or
the practice of making art in either of these ways:
old and in poor condition:

to cover a wall or floor with tiles:

a small house, usually in the countryside:

existing or reaching over a large area:

to stay in one place in the air, usually

by moving the wings quickly:

cot ket

in a way that makes you think that someone is going to

do something bad or that something bad is going
to happen:

an amount or supply that is not large enough:
to cause someone or something to be in
a particular state:
someone who is very interested in
and enthusiastic about a particular subject:

A decadent person or group has low moral standards:

to make a mistake or to do something wrong:

to see or look at someone or something:

to experience a place or an activity, often for the

first time:
to taste a small amount of food or drink to decide if you
like it:

all the music or plays, etc. that you can do or perform or

that you know:

person's ability to taste and judge good food and wine:

to make very small changes to something in order to

make it work as well as possible:
only recently formed or started,
but likely to grow larger quickly:
If the ground or sea is treacherous, it
is extremely dangerous, especially because
of bad weather conditions:
(of a person) guilty of deceiving someone
who trusts you:

to move continuously:

covered with healthy green plants or grass:

the climbing plant that produces grapes as its fruit

extremely small:

to spend time in a relaxed way because you have

nothing to do or you are waiting for
something else to happen:

moving or speaking slowly with little energy, often in

an attractive way:
the leaves of a plant or tree, or leaves on
the stems or branches on which they are growing:
to be much bigger and more successful than another
thing of the same type:
growing thickly, strongly, and well:
pleasantly thick or full:

(especially of a
woman) graceful (= moving smoothly and attractively) a
nd thin:
a person or group that supports an activity or organizati
on, especially by giving money:

a person who uses a particular shop, restaurant, hotel,

etc., especially regularly: (customer. Khach quen)

including many different styles or methods:

wearing glasses:
to speak in a soft, gentle, or loving way:

nguoi me chup anh

certainly and obviously:

any worry about possible criticism or embarrassment:
not worried about being criticized or embarrassed:

a liking for, an enjoyment of, or a habit of doing

something, especially something that
other people might not like:

to collect large amounts of something and keep it for

yourself, often in a secret place:

a small, decorative object, especially in a house:

(especially of cloth or paper) badly torn:

a large amount or number:

a lot of something:
to cover something with a lot of water:

a drink of any type:

a substance that you put

on your body to prevent or hide unpleasant smells

a particular way of performing a song, piece of music,
or poem:
producing or reflecting bright light, especially in
the dark:

not physically connected or fastened to something:

An untethered animal is not tied to anything, so that it

is free to move in a large area:

) feeling warm, comfortable, and protected, or (of

a place, especially a small place)
giving feelings of warmth, comfort, and protection:

If you exude love, confidence, pain, etc., you show that

you have a lot of that feeling:
foods such as pastries, cakes, biscuits,
and desserts (= sweet dishes eaten at the end of
a meal):

all the objects needed for or connected with

a particular activity:
done or shown publicly or in an obvious way and
not secret:

the quality of being pleasant and friendly:

having a pleasant smell:

to (cause something or someone
to) move suddenly and violently:

to shock someone in order to change their behaviour or
way of thinking:
to make a decision to do
something, especially after thinking about it for
a long time:

(of people or their activities) extremely high in quality; excellent:

cot truyen
causing you to feel great respect or admiration:
great beauty that attracts admiration and attention:
happening after something and because of it:

to emphasize something:
having a lot of trouble with something, or having to deal with a lot
hurt or troubled by something bad:
to make people have a particular feeling or make a situation start t

developing quickly:
a place where alcohol was illegally sold and drunk in the US in the
to tell someone something that will prepare them for a particular s
tim kiem dieu moi la
. We would huddle at a corner table and chat at length while traffic zipped by
outside the store’s ebony arch window./ Can we zip into the city to grab some
food at the mini stops?

but the announcement still felt like the end of a bygone era I wasn’t aware I was
leaving behind/ That I had to get married with you is just a bygone promise made
by my father
the remnants of last night's meal/ The remnants the the previous night party
shocked me
remnants of the city's former glory
While the arch window remains untouched by the current tenant, any remnants of
those early-2010s days have vanished, but perhaps it’s high time to make new

the repetition and iteration that goes on in designing something/

The software is on its fifth iteration./ I perceive that the iteration of revising
vocabularies improves and widens my breadth of knowledge
a three-story house/ Owning a multi-storey house exhausts your spirit
Their new house has four stories including the attic.
Ferns and palms have fronds./ Embellishing your room with some fronds
accentuates the beauty of nature in your own palace

perhaps something one might spot while languishing on a bus to Cần Thơ, or a
close uncle’s cottage along a national highway, swallowed by coconut fronds

After languishing in obscurity for many years, her

early novels have recently been rediscovered./ I have languished around
these places to find my lost brother
He has been languishing in jail for the past 20 years.
The ruling party is languishing in third place in the opinion polls.

perhaps something one might spot while languishing on a bus to Cần Thơ
The company is ripe for takeover./ Our daughter is ripe for her mariage
sparsely furnished/populated / This portion of pizza is sparsely-sprinkled
with cheese, which worsens my mood
The event was sparsely attended.
Traditional children’s toys and figurines are strewn across shelves./ Anime
figurines are so expensive that only the privileged afford
They marked the end of the war by strewing flowers over the graves of
18,000 soldiers./ don't forget to strew roses over the path to the main
Wine bottles and dirty dishes were strewn across the lawn.
Her clothes lay strewn on the floor.
The park was strewn with litter after the concert.
"There are things I cannot talk about," he says coyly./ He confide coyly with me
about the fact that he was gay
The officer coyly responded that she was off-duty and unavailable to write
the report until the following week.

she coyly clutches a baby cupcake/ I coyly touch his cheek and kiss lightly on his
I love the way he caress on my neck
She bristled at the suggestion that she had in any
way neglected the child./ I hate being bristled by my lover
rt purists would probably bristle at this irreverent pastiche, but this was my
favorite piece of decor from the olden days of Pacey, and I am overjoyed it
survived the move. 

The movie is a skilful, witty pastiche of "Jaws"./ The creation of cupcake

likes the pastiche of which we can't keep our eyes out
The hotel we stayed in was really dilapidated./ last night, the dilapidated
area near my house have officially collapsed under the witness of the

a dilapidated old car/shed
It had grown very dilapidated before we renovated it,” he recalls
The washed-stone facade downstairs, for example, was all us, because they [past
owners] tiled granite over it. We peeled it off and redid it
They live in an idyllic country/thatched cottage, with roses around
the door.
We rented a little beach cottage on the North Caroline coast.
sprawling suburbs
Somewhere in this sprawling metropolis, there is
a secret military laboratory.
A hawk hovered in the sky, waiting to swoop down on its prey.
I heard the noise of a helicopter hovering overhead.
As we talk, a retro three-blade ceiling fan hovers above us, the kind one might
have gone to elementary school with
The door creaked on its hinges.
I heard the floorboards creak as he crept closer.

She glared menacingly at him.

Black clouds gathered menacingly over the hills.

a dearth of new homes in the region
[ + adj ] His rudeness rendered me speechless.
New technology has rendered my old computer obsolete.
 Today, the dearth of throaty ‘Duyên Phận’ covers might render the neighborhood
less lively, but it’s certainly more delicious thanks to the presence of freshly
baked cupcakes every morning.
a club for model railway aficionados
an aficionado of French cinema
a decadent society

the decadent court surrounding the king
humorous Champagne and chocolates for breakfast - how decadent!

I have to admit now that, in general, I am not a cupcake aficionado, as past

experience tends to err on the cloying and exhaustingly decadent side

He erred in agreeing to her appointment to the position.

The new bridge is an incredible sight to behold.
People have in their head an image of the cupcake that’s equivalent to a block of
sugar, something not intended to be eaten, but beheld.”

So you're going to sample the delights/pleasures of the new restaurant?

As the food looked so good, he decided to sample a little from each dish.

I have not sampled enough of Saigon’s cupcake repertoire to declare that Pacey’s
cupcakes are the best anything
The Royal Shakespeare Company also have
many modern plays in their repertoire.
There is an extensive repertoire of music written for the flute.
To cater to Vietnamese palates, Pacey has been constantly finetuning their recipe
over the years

a discriminating palate/ our family members have various palates so it's hard for
mom to meet invidual's demands
She spent hours fine-tuning her speech./ I spend my entire time fine-
tuning my writing skill
a nascent political party/ My writing skill is just nascent, I still need to try
a nascent problem
Cupcakes were a timely treat during the nascent years of the 2010s, so Pacey
officially started baking

Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and drivers are warned to

use caution./ Keep away from some sloppy and treacherous paths

He was treacherous, or at least sneaky.

We met in a little eatery just off the main road./ A new eatery has been
opened near my house recently

Nguyên feels fortunate to have a second revenue stream in architecture to help

tide him over./ My teaching salaries have not streamed in fashion anymore

Much of the region's verdant countryside has been destroyed in

the hurricane.
Under a thick canopy of verdant vines and minuscule pink flowers, it’s easy to
indulge in the cooling comfort of a glass of iced tamarind juice and while the day

All she gave him to eat was two minuscule pieces of toast.

We whiled away the afternoon playing cards in front of the fire.

That's the spot where Sara and I used to while away

the hours between lectures.

The dense foliage overhead almost blocked out the sun.

One computer manufacturer towers above all the rest.

Tall, luxuriant plants grew along the river bank.
This stretch of land was once covered with luxuriant forest, but is
now bare.
Her luxuriant hair fell around her shoulders.
We've bought a wonderfully luxuriant carpet for our bedroom.
a luxuriant style of writing

a willowy blonde

Will patrons kindly note that this restaurant will be closed on 17 July .

Pilard, who takes an
eclectic approach to identifying cheap stocks, invests in small and midsiz
e companies, as well as large ones.
It was an
eclectic mix of our ethnic foods and traditional Thanksgiving food.
an eclectic style/approach
an eclectic taste in literature
a small, bespectacled man in a drab suit
The baby lay in his cot, cooing and gurgling.
It's sickening the way she coos over those cats of hers.
[ + speech ] "How wonderful to see you again, darling," she cooed.
At a glance, Cỏ Café’s clientele seems eclectic — office workers getting their
daily caffeine fix, shutterbugs cooing over the latest gear, and bespectacled
freelancers typing furiously on their laptop.

He was decidedly careful about what he told me.

An agreement is looking decidedly difficult according to the newspapers.
She is to this day unabashed in her patriotism.
He is an unabashed capitalist.
an unabashed critic of Congress
an unabashed supporter of the team

a penchant for melodrama/skiing/exotic clothes

Her penchant for disappearing for days at a time worries her family.

During the siege people began hoarding food and supplies.

There would be enough food on a daily basis if people were not hoarding.

The interior of the café is decidedly 90s both in its décor and unabashed penchant
for the art of memory hoarding
The shelves were covered with ornaments and useless knick-knacks.
Every corner of the space is filled with personal knick-knacks (ceramic elephants,
homemade sculptures, even scrap wood)
The flag was tattered and threadbare.
a tattered old letter

 tattered books in various languages, and a slew of makeshift plant pots.

The newspaper received a deluge of complaints/letters/phone calls about

the article.
The city was deluged when the river burst its banks.
figurative We've been deluged with (= have received a lot of) replies.
Hot beverages include tea, coffee, and hot chocolate.
We do not sell alcoholic beverages.
 The citrusy herb is in beverages as an infusion, in pots and vases positioned on
various shelves as plant, and in bundles hung on the wall of the bathroom as
natural deodorant
She ended the concert with a powerful rendition of "I Will Always Love
 I have her jazzy rendition of ‘Bésame Mucho’ stuck in my head, a sweet
reminder of time spent under the shade of vines watching traffic zoom past the
Nguyen Huu Canh Bridge.

When I heard that Nhà Phạm was no longer at its old address in Lê Văn Duyệt,
my heart couldn't help but skip a beat, as I’d fallen in love with the cafe’s former
airy, luminous and tranquil space, which I found to be my personal oasis to
escape from the urban clamor.
Helium is a colourless, odourless inert gas we associate most often
with balloons that float skyward if left untethered.
he cell phone also better serves a more
untethered community, especially recent immigrants who value portability
over traditional landlines.
he cell phone also better serves a more
untethered community, especially recent immigrants who value portability
over traditional landlines.

We curled up in bed, all snug and warm, and listened to the storm outside.

I bet your feet are nice and snug in your fur-lined boots!

The new Nhà Phạm is not as spacious as its predecessor, but there was enough
room for me to spend a snug afternoon.

The wooden flooring exudes coziness.

The chocolatier has headed up the pastry section at two of

London's finest restaurants.
She worked in Geauga County as a pastry assistant for three years.
We sell pots, gloves, seeds and other gardening paraphernalia.
Bags of cocaine and all sorts of drug paraphernalia were seized at
the airport.
On the counter, a cohort of paraphernalia, mostly specialty coffee-making tools,
are arranged neatly.

overt criticism
overt racism
He shows no overt signs of his unhappiness.
I hate all that false amiability that goes on at parties.
People admire her for her amiability as much as her good sense.
aromatic herbs

 it's still a great choice for those who need something refreshing for their taste
buds, or need to jolt their mind awake for a long day of work.

The charity used photos of starving children in an attempt to jolt

the public conscience (= make people feel guilty and take action).

They're finally taking the plunge and getting married.

The mulberry cold brew and waffle also had very delicate flavors that are worth
taking the plunge for when coming to Nhà Phạm.
The cellist gave a stellar performance before an enthusiastic audience.
In a city so blessed with stellar culinary experiences, it often takes a little s

Guests were led into the boutique hotel’s flower-filled dining area via a se
They bought a decaying 16th-century manor house and restored it to its ori
He lost his job and in the ensuing months became more and more depress
 The ensuing meal aimed to instill the same sense of splendor and surprise
Executive Chef Julio Gomes served inventive items such as Hokkaido sca
With the amount of traffic nowadays, even a trip across town is beset by/w
Many problems have beset the team in recent months.
Her latest book has engendered a lot of controversy.
The vice-president's speech did not engender confidence in his judgment.
The company hoped to profit from the burgeoning communications industry
 drunk in the US in the 1920s and 1930s
I'd been primed so I knew not to mention her son.
This ensures that a variety of events and concepts will look to it when look


/ˌɪt̬ .əˈreɪ.ʃən/


statutte /ˌfɪɡ.jəˈriːn/



broken-  /dɪ
kle,derelict, ˈlæp.ɪ.deɪ.tɪ
tumbledown d/



/ɝː/ /er/




/ˈiː.t̬ ɚ.ri/


















ˈbɪl.ə.t̬ i/



kes a little something extra to stand out in the crowd.

rea via a secret entrance that opened up an awe-inspiring view of the city’s skylin
d it to its original splendor.
ore depressed.  /ɪnˈsuː.ɪŋ/
and surprise.
okkaido scallop sashimi accented with orange and vanilla vinaigrette and wasabi-l
beset by/with dangers.
ons industry.  /ˈbɝː.dʒən.ɪŋ/

it when looking to provide their novelty-seeking audience with something a bit un

ew of the city’s skyline. 

naigrette and wasabi-lime gel

ith something a bit unknown.

scourge (n)

idleness (n)

impromptu (adj)

bemoan (v)

torturous (adj)
rampant (adj)

household (n)

earshot (n)

censure (n)(v)

escalate (v)

make a scene

inspector (n)
junction (n)

drape (v)
exemplify (v)

unregulated (adj)
bronchitis (n)
pneumonia (n)
asthma (n)
compromise (v)

safeguard (v)

attenuate (v)

enact (v)

hazy (adj)

manifestation (n)
swatch (n)

glitch (v,n)

emerge (v)

maze (n)

stipulate (v)

roadside (n)
oblige sb with sth

oblige (v)
something or someone
that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble:

the state of not working or being used:

done or said
without earlier planning or preparation:

to complain or express sadness about something:

involving a lot of suffering or difficulty:

(of something bad) getting worse quickly and in
an uncontrolled way:

ho gia dinh
the range of distance within which it
is possible to be heard or to hear what someone
is saying:

strong criticism or disapproval:

to express strong criticism or disapproval:
to involve someone
more important or higher in rank in
a situation or problem:

to behave in a loud, angry way in public :

thanh tra
giao lo

to put something such as cloth or

a piece of clothing loosely over something:
to be or give a typical example of something:

not controlled, esp. by laws, police, or
a government department:
viem phe quan
viem phoi
hen suyen
to risk having a harmful effect on something:

to accept that you
will reduce your demands or change your opinion
 in order to reach an agreement with someone:

to protect something from harm:
the fact that something or someone seems to
be everywhere:
to make something less or weaker:

to put something into action, especially to make

something law:

not remembering things clearly:

bieu hien
a small piece of cloth used as an example of
the colour and type of the cloth
a small problem or fault that prevents something
from being successful or working as well as it

to experience a small fault or problem, especially 
one that stops something from working:

to appear by coming out of something or out from

behind something:

a complicated and confusing network of passages

to say exactly how something must be or must be


le duong
to help someone by giving them something:
to force someone to do something, or to make
it necessary for someone to do something:
the scourge of war/poverty/drugs/ the scourge of maniac
sickness wreak totorous havoc on many children
Pop-up ads have been described as the
scourge of the Internet./ People all over the world has been
scourge by the covid pandemic recently
Is there an end to Saigon’s scourge of non-consensual public
karaoke sessions?
They live in an enforced idleness.

Jumping into an exercise routine after weeks of idleness

can cause muscle soreness. If you are always in a state of
idleness in your relationship, it is likely that both of you get
bored with each other
idleness creates a prime breeding ground for impromptu
an impromptu party/performance/ learning how to deal with
everything impromptuly is necessary for you to struggle with
this effing tough life

Researchers at universities are always

bemoaning their lack of funds./ Instead of bemoaning about
the fact that there are many excellent people in your class,
you should study industriously and consider these guys an
incentive for you to make attempt
Many wrote to Tuoi Tre in a recent series to bemoan the
torturous levels of noise coming from their neighbor’s
karaoke sessions.

the torturous path to passing the bill/ I have read about the

first expedition to climb and conquer the Everest Mount, then
I find these adventurers courageous during the torturous
 Many wrote to Tuoi Tre in a recent series to bemoan the
torturous levels of noise coming from their neighbor’s
karaoke sessions.

Corruption and fraud are rampant in the war-stricken area.

rampant inflation/commercialism/consumerism
ard officials and local police did check out the source, but
merely verbally warned the offending household

I don't think you should say anything while the boss is

still in/within earshot.
Wait till she's out of earshot before you say anything.
The culprits agreed to lower their volume, but only while law
enforcement was within earshot; the blast returned soon
His dishonest behaviour came under severe censure.
Neighborly advice and police censure could only go so far
before everything becomes noisy again

“I don’t want to make a scene because it could escalate to

violence, harming the community bond
The customer is threatening to escalate his complaint.
Please don't make a scene.
So he paid, too embarrassed to make a scene in front of
his date.
He recommends municipal inspectors install third-party apps
to measure noise levels, which can provide concrete proof
that the neighborhood singers are violating the law.

The dark haze frequently draped across Saigon’s skyline

exemplifies one of the most serious problems the city faces:
air pollution.
This painting perfectly exemplifies the naturalistic style which
was so popular at the time.
Unregulated factories and power plants release a significant
amount of pollutants, as does as the unceasing
construction underway throughout every district

We would never compromise the safety of our passengers.

The young, elderly, pregnant and those with already
compromised health are most at risk to develop illnesses
thanks to poor air quality.

Party unity is threatened when members will not
Well, you want $400 and I say $300, so let's
compromise at/on $350.
It is hoped that a compromise will be reached in
today's talks.
In a compromise between management and unions, a
four percent pay rise was agreed in return for
an increase in productivity.
The government has said that there will be no
compromise with terrorists.
And thanks to all the cracks and crannies around windows
and doorways, hiding inside doesn’t offer a viable way to
safeguard one’s lungs

the ubiquity of fast-food outlets

Similarly, considering the unpredictable nature of wind
patterns and the ubiquity of construction in all
neighborhoods, moving to the suburban outskirts is no
solution/ the ubiquity of Y2K fashion has once emerged from
the hay day in the past

Radiation from the sun is attenuated by the

earth's atmosphere./ Thanks to Vietnam strict regulation and
harsh lockdown amidst the disease pandemonium, Covid
pandemic has been flattened the curved and attenuated
They propose more peacekeeping troops to attenuate
the violence.
A package of economic sanctions is to be enacted against
the country./ Banning children abortion law enacted in
America caused a strikingly outrageous conservation.
The stories are enacted using music, dance and mime.
hazy memories of childhood/ I can't forget the event that I
was almost raped and harassed sexually on a hazy day

han Dinh Khanh overlaps several layers of images, with

colour alterations, before printing the unique results on
canvas. The material produces a hazy manifestation of
entangled memories.

She claimed that the rise in unemployment was just

a further manifestation of the
government's incompetence.Following formative assessment
means that I should keep track and make constant
observation with my student's studying manifestation
With the help of drone camera, Nathan Larson photographs
Ho Chi Minh City from above, and silkscreen and transfer
print onto canvas with bright colour swatches from the Air
Quality Index/ when it comes to designing any school
products, I scrupulously carefully opt for appropriate fresh
and bright colour swatch

The computer failure was due to a glitch caused by lightning.
The mail system has glitched a couple of times recently./
There is some moment my computer suddenly glitches, then
it works normally
At that moment the videophone glitched.
She emerged from the sea, blue with cold./ Slowly does she
emerge from the dark night intertwined with the bleeze
wind, which gives me goosebumo
He felt like a rat in a maze. / I had difficult time scouring
websites which are full of advanced vocabularies. I kept
trying to find like a rat in an unescapable maze
fig. You have to weed through the maze
of complex rules in order to fill out your tax forms.
She agreed to buy the car, but stipulated racing tyres and a
turbo-powered engine.

[ + that ] The law stipulates that new cars must
have seat belts for the driver and every passenger./ The
school council stipulates that school violence is never
accepted by any means.
[ + question word ] We have signed a contract which
stipulates when the project must be completed.
The car pulled in at/by/on the roadside.
We stopped at a roadside café for lunch./ Vietnam food
culture is illustrated through a diversity of roadside
scrumptious culinary

Meanwhile many roadside businesses in residential areas,

like restaurants and bike mechanics, have a difficult time of
obliging with requests to keep it down. Because of the fact
that the new regulation has just passed down recently, it's
hard for students to oblige with the rule immediately
My boyfriend is willing to oblige me with heavy stuff delivery
when I move to new apartment
The law obliges companies to pay decent wages to their emp

The law does not obligate sellers to accept the highest offer./

The new rules of wearing uniform to school obliges students
to be more formal and graceful









vignette (n)

afloat (Adj)

keep sb at arm's length

encounter (n)

transient (adj)

prose (n)

encapsulate (v)

mosaic (n)

unapologetic (adj)
evocative (adj) -> evoke (v)

infuse (v)

idyllic (adj)

cookout (n)

injure (v)

torrential (adj)

downpour (n)

sweltering (adj)

salvation (n)

ransack ()
dawn on sb

epiphany (n)

tone down

heart-wrenching (adj)

fervent (adj)

angsty (adj)

pour all my devotion

tatter (n)

be down to sb
be down to sth

riveting (adj)

synopsis (n)
scorching (adj)

infatuation (n)

glorify (v)

wholesome (adj)

palliative (adj)
heinous (adj)

bland (adj)

sporadically (adv)

falter (v)

shattered (adj)

bereavement (n)

estrangement (n)

coping mechanism (n)

squeeze out (v)

shimmering (adj)

sonorous (adj)
roam (v)


gulp down (v)

recount (v)

dissect (v)

melodramatic (adj)
seep (v)

permeate (v)

a short piece of writing, music, acting, etc.
that clearly expresses the typical characteristics of
something or someone:

having enough money to pay what you owe:

to not allow someone to become too friendly with

lasting for only a short time; temporary:

written language in its ordinary form rather than poetr

to express or show the most important facts about


a combination of many different parts forming one


not sorry about
having caused someone problems or unhappiness, e
ven though people might expect you to be sorry:
you remember or imagine something pleasant:

to fill someone or something with

an emotion or quality:

idyllic place or experience is extremely pleasant, bea
utiful, or peaceful:

a party at which food is cooked outdoors

to hurt or cause physical harm to a person or animal:

used to refer to very heavy rain:

a lot of rain in a short time

extremely and uncomfortably hot:

su cuu roi

to search a place or container in
a violent and careless way:
If a fact dawns on you, you understand it after
a period of not understanding it:

a moment when you suddenly feel that
you understand, or suddenly become conscious of,
something that is very important to you
a powerful religious experience
to make something less forceful or offensive, usually
a piece of writing or a speech:

causing great sadness or sympathy:

used to describe beliefs that
are strongly and sincerely felt or people who
have strong and sincere beliefs:

often worried or unhappy, especially about personal 
make attempt

(especially of cloth) badly torn:

to be someone's responsibility or decision:
To be ready, willing, or eager to do something.

very interesting

a short description of the contents of something

such as a film or book
very hot

strong but not
usually lasting feelings of love or attraction:

to praise and honour God or a person:

good for you,

and likely to improve your life either physically, moral
ly, or emotionally:

a drug or medical treatment) reducing pain without cu
ring the cause of the pain:
very bad and shocking:

not having a strong taste or character or

not showing any interest or energy:

sometimes, but not regularly or continuously:

to lose strength or purpose and stop, or almost stop:

extremely upset:( vo vun, cho nguoi va vat)

the death of a close relation or friend:

a period when you are estranged from someone (=

no longer friendly with them), or the fact of
no longer being friendly:

co che doi pho

to make it impossible for
a person or company to continue to do business or
be successful: vat kiet
reflecting a gentle light that seems to move slightly:

o trong do

having a deep, pleasant sound:
to move about or travel, especially without
a clear idea of what you are going to do:

the act of thinking carefully and for
a long period about something

to eat or drink something quickly:

to describe how something happened, or
to tell a story:

to examine or consider something in detail:

khoa truong
to move or spread slowly out of a hole or through
something:, tham nhuan

to spread through something and be present in

every part of it:

bad luck, or an unlucky event or accident:
She wrote several vignettes of small-town life./ Writing numerous
vignettes of things happing around yourself is also a wholesome way
to pratice writing skill
Many small businesses are struggling to stay/keep afloat./ I'm have
never stopped being skint as I am addicted to clothes. It's also the
reason I try to keep afloat regularly
I always had the feeling she was keeping me at arm's length./ I have
bf but I dont want people to know more about my private life. I also
keep other boys at arm's length
Have you encountered your competitors in the upcoming chess contest?
A glass of whisky has only a transient warming effect./ You don't
need to feel pity for my recent break up by your transient love. Cause
What I need is true love
The city has a large transient population (= many people who
are living in it only temporarily).
I've always preferred reading prose to poetry./ Reading some prose
from off off the beaten path people stimulates my in-depth thinking
and inspiration to write my own vignettes
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of
the revolution in a single one-hour documentary./ You can
escapsulate the world war timeline by drawing a detailed mindmap
She encapsulates the stereotyped image that the British have
of Americans.
The country is a cultural and social mosaic due to the influx of
different ethnic groups./ The vintage-vibe bakery riddled with
American knick-knack mosaic spread a sense of tranquility and
With continued protection, orchids will continue to inhabit the unique 
mosaic of ecosystems that is South Florida.
They were very rude and completely unapologetic about it./ After
slaughtering a slew of inhabitants, the homicidal was unpologetic
about his terrible and henious action
a sound evocative of the sea./ WhenI contemplated the hometown
evocative knick-knack, I burst into tears as haunting home memories
has not been faded for years
The pulling down of the Berlin Wall infused the world with optimism./
This class today infused with anger and rancour after a colossal
affray amongs the highers-up students
The arrival of a group of friends on Saturday infused
new life into the weekend.

an idyllic childhood/summer/ Not until you came and dirtied my

idyllic childhood did my memory get sordid and disgusting
an idyllic village in the Yorkshire Dales

But when a tragic accident permanently injures the family’s youngest

child./ His rancour is so profound that he is injured by his invisible
negative emotion
torrential rain
a torrential downpour/storm/ The torrential bucket down is powerful
enough to squeeze out your health

In the summer, it's sweltering in the smaller classrooms./ Last year,

the weather was sweltering in the winter, which was diagnosed as
one of the aftermath caused by human's nature destruction

But for now, it is such salvation from the suffocating summer heat
that I find myself staring at the window with a goofy smile plastered
on my face./ Sometimes, things happening in unexpected ways turns
out the necessary salvation for myself

The burglars ransacked the house but found nothing valuable.
I ransacked the cupboard for my ski boots./ I ransacked my
backpack for my keys frequently
[ + that ] I was about to pay for
the shopping when it suddenly dawned on
me that I'd left my wallet at home./ It dawned on her that on her
marriage day that the one she loved is not him, but her best friend
After thoroughly ransacking my bookcase, it suddenly dawns upon me that
the majority of my favourite books are, indeed, quite sad. And this
“epiphany” really makes the hamster wheel in my brain spin.

Some of the language in the original play has been toned down for

the television version./ Remember to use tone down opinion to give
your students supportive feedbacks
It’s not that I am dead inside or incapable of expressing emotions,
but sometimes I have to tone down my emotions to be able to fit into
certain social expectations and cultural norms
These are heart-wrenching decisions.
Having to spend so much time away from home is heart-wrenching/ I
never forget the heart-wrenching time when I first lived away from
my family

a fervent supporter of the communist party/ No matter how it

happens, our fervent belief is more consistent than anythings
It is his fervent hope that a peaceful solution will soon be found.
an angsty teenage boy/ Sordid and heartbreaking children turns him
into an angsty teenager

Her clothes were old and in tatters./ Please, don't forget to throw

away all your garments which are in tatters
After the newspaper story appeared his reputation was in tatters.
It's down to me to find a suitable person for the job./ It's down to me
to lead the team without taking on any tasks
I'm down to play a quick game of soccer if you are.I am so down to s
ee that movie tonight, I've been waiting for it to come out for months!/
I'm down to complete the final self-reflect writing assignment

The building is shaped like an inverted pyramid.
, I’m always down for a good inverted murder mystery
especially when the story is told from the murderer’s point of view
since I find it riveting to gain some insights into their mentality and
morality./ after paying a visit to my cup of tea bakery in the ancient
city, I find the vintage 90s music riveting to heal my soul and indulge
myself in some somber days
Sometimes I am reluctant to read the synopsis before binging any films as I
am afraid that the their content will be spoiled
a scorching summer day
It was scorching hot inside the greenhouse./ Living in SG city means
you have to withstand the scorching heat during 4 seasons
It's just an infatuation. She'll get over it. I thought my past crush was
infatuated with his girlfriend, but it turned out that he gave her his
sincere and pure love
No one expected their infatuation with each other to last.
to praise and honour God or a person:/ We, our ethics glorify
ready-sacrifice soilders' achievement who were willing to die for
our country's bright future

wholesome food/ preparing wholesome dish is a big faff when it comes to

choosing and conserving fresh vegetable

good, wholesome family entertainment
He looks like a nice, wholesome young man.
Older people facing a terminal illness may want to choose palliative c
are only. Many years ago, people went through major surgery
without palliative medicines
The success of chemotherapy as a form of
palliative treatment depends on the type of tumour.
a heinous crime/ Vietnamese recently has witness endless heinous crime
occuring in their surroundings
Although Henry has a fascinating backstory, his character is,
unfortunately, quite bland. His taste is kinda bland as he just like
sweet cakes and other easy-to-digest dish except for seafood
Fighting continued throughout the afternoon and sporadically
into Friday night.I sporadically indulge myself in some jazz songs
Though she likes to work, she has only done so sporadically.
The dinner party conversation faltered for a moment.
Her friends never faltered in their belief in her. / We deep down know
we can falter the enemies's force by gut and patriotism
Nickie's voice faltered and he stopped speaking.
The family were shattered by the news of Annabel's suicide. Our
family was completely shattered by the news of my beloved uncle's
She has recently suffered a bereavement./ Poor my cousins, they
are too nascent and immature to be scourged by their father
Their reunion followed a long estrangement. I thought at the time my
mom detected my dad's affair, she would choose to be in a state of
estrangement from him
He talked about his estrangement from his family.
While Liz desperately tried to squeeze out every shimmering drop of
life and Marty found solace in a cynical worldview, Jules plunged
himself into a world of daydream as his only coping mechanism/ the
number of students comes up with different coping mechanism to
pass the exam without too much effort
Some investors found themselves squeezed out
because their bids were too low./ Burning the midnight oil days and
nights is heavy enough to squeezed out my spirit
squeeze sb out of
sth Foreign competition is squeezing domestic suppliers out of
the market.
be/get squeezed out of sth Thousands of real estate agents are
getting squeezed out of the business, casualties of one of
the worst housing slumps in history.
We drove across the desert, through the shimmering heat haze./
under the shimmering moonlight, we relish the silience of the
darkness intertwined with the forest serenade
a shimmering new production of "A Midsummer Night's Dream"
The End of Loneliness recounts an exquisite coming-of-age story wherein
the struggles of maturity are depicted with utmost authenticity.
a sonorous voice
every time my eyes roam over the pages, I will still stumble upon
some details I have never noticed before.
After the bars close, gangs of youths roam the city streets.
She roamed around America for
a year, working in bars and restaurants.
Because this book is full of philosophical ruminations, I think it needs
to be savoured, not gulped down in one sitting./ Her rumination about
the upcoming exam can almost slaughter her available positive
He hardly has time to gulp down a piece of pizza./ In recent times,
students are experiencing as much as extra classes after school as
possiblly. When finishing the periods at school, they rush to home,
gulp down a piece of snack, then go on the study trip
Observing all the sordid settings happening with his family, he couldn't
recount that surreal nightmare calmly
He's the kind of person who watches a movie and then dissects it
for hours./ CD is such a vexed subject in pedogical field that I have to
dissect it before embarking on carrying out the tasks
Instead, this novel bears the kind of melancholy that seeps deep into
the readers’ hearts and souls. Y2K fashion style presented through
various acient films now seeps deep into my casual style.
Dissatisfaction with the government seems to have permeated
every section of society./ I have witnessed many situations in which
teachers' dissatisfaction permeated all over the class and students
had to be scourged by the unreasonable things
A foul smell of stale beer permeated the whole building.
The table has a plastic coating which prevents liquids from
permeating into the wood beneath.
Whenever I hold the book close to my heart, I cannot help but feel as
if a fraction of their pain escaped the pages and permeated through
my skin.
The parade was very well organized and passed without mishap.
A series of mishaps led to the nuclear power plant blowing up.
Or are we merely the pawns at fate’s mercy? If life is not a zero-sum
game, does it mean that some of us are simply prone to suffer from
If we are always worried unconditionally about unprecedented mishaps,
we can not relish the peace of life






mixture  /moʊˈzeɪ.ɪk/

ˈdʒet̬ .ɪk/










/ˈtæt̬ .ɚz/



/ˈpæl.i.ə.t̬ ɪv/



stop /ˈfɑːl.tɚ/






sophistication (n)

the forefront (n)

off the beaten path (adj)

world class (adj)

exemplify (v)

acclaimed (adj)

marry (v)

interpretation (n)

curate (v)

further (v)

reimagine (v)

showcase (v)
versatility (n)


accommodate (v)

complimentary (adj)

spellbinding (adj)

secluded (adj)
lush (adj)

su tinh vi

the most noticeable or important position:

not known or popular with many people:

Someone or something world-class is one of

the best that there are of that type in the world:

to be or give a typical example of something:

to be a typical example of something:

to be a typical example of something:
trai dai
attracting public approval and praise:

to combine two different qualities:

a particular way of performing a piece of music,
a part in a play, etc.:
an explanation or opinion of what
something means:
tuyen chon

lam tang

to develop or make progress in something:

mo phong lai

to show the best qualities or parts of something:

the quality of
being versatile (= able to change easily or to be
used for different purposes):

the view behind something:

dap ung

mien phi

holding your attention completely:

quiet, private, and not near people, roads,

or buildings:
A lush area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass, and trees:
very attractive to look at, taste, smell, etc.:

good or, of a person, attractive:

The growth and increased sophistication of Vietnam's
hospitality sector is nowhere more evident than on Phu Quoc. /
Since the day computer was invented, its sophistication has been
enhanced days and nights
The level of sophistication in
the cameras has grown tremendously.
She was one of
the politicians at/in the forefront of the campaign to free th
e prisoners./ Problem solving skill is at the forefont of
students' soft skills.
His team is at the forefront of scientific research into vacci
We wanted to find a camping site that was a little bit off
the beaten path. I was attracted to some opposite off-the-
beaten-path ideas about particular speeches.

Once home to sparsely populated fishing villages, then an off-

the-beaten-path backpacker destination, the island now offers
some of the region's most glamorous resorts, with world-class
accommodations, dining and spa services. / I have never seen
any places I can considered it world class ones/ My cup of tea
Dalat-located bakery selling the world class salted-egg
croissants will be never out of my heart's top position

This painting perfectly exemplifies
the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
The Regent Phu Quoc is a leader of this trend, as exemplified
by its bespoke architecture, globe-spanning restaurants, tailor-
made services and an indulgent spa. 
American fashion is exemplified by jeans and T-shirts.
an acclaimed artist/writer/poet

"Dinner Party", based on
the critically acclaimed novel by Bill Davies, was made
into a film last year.
a design which marries fun with function

Luan Losada, the resort's general manager, observes: “Regent

Phu Quoc will surely be a brand-defining resort in Vietnam and
South East Asia that will deliver a truly captivating
interpretation of the Regent experience, marrying the calming,
the imaginative and the extravagant.”

Her interpretation of Juliet was one of

the best performances I have ever seen.
[ C ] We had different interpretations of the survey results.

 Spectacular, large-scale art installations further the elegant

He has probably done more to
further the cause of interracial harmony than any
other person.

 For example, “Charming Deeps,” a bohemian hand-blown

crystal by Lasvit, reimagines the island's coral and captures the
attention of everyone that enters the resort lobby. 

The main aim of the exhibition is to showcase

British design.
Meanwhile, Rice Market keeps attention closer to home and
uses the finest local and imported ingredients to
prepare Vietnamese, Indo-Chinese and Chinese dishes that
showcase the versatility of rice and noodles.

I have chosen these recipes to show the versatility

of vegetables.

He wanted to challenge the actors and demonstrate their v

The various lounges and bars serve innovative cocktails

backdropped by stunning views of Phu Quoc's sunset

The experienced staff are eager to accommodate special requests

to ensure every trip is exactly what guests are looking for. 

 Regent specialties include a signature bath ritual within the

villas, complimentary daily beverages and gourmet snacks from
the Refreshment Gallery, a daily breakfast buffet at Rice Market
and laundry and unpacking services.

He gave a spellbinding performance.
People eager to experience the finest of what Vietnam has to
offer to guests in search of spellbinding trips should plan their
trip to The Regent Phu Quoc. 

a secluded beach

a secluded house in the forest
A wide range of treatments that rely on local traditions and
famous techniques in a serene and secluded space help guests
achieve holistic wellness.
lush green valleys
the lush sound of the orchestra
the lush taste of fudge ice cream
We had a lush time on my birthday.
He's so lush.



 /ˌvɝː.səˈtɪl.ə.t̬ i/
landing (v)

strip (v)

source (V)

spaple (v)

commemorate (v)

smattering (n)
grace (n)

stance (n) laptruong

dexterity (n)
kernel (n) nha^n ben trong qua

know how (n)

spar v)

blazingly (adv)

prudence (n)

euphoric (adj)

condone (v)

clouded (adj)

overshadow (v)

antagonistic (adj)

bickering (n)
weigh down (v)

of-putting (adj)

lifeblood (n)

capstone (n)

hitchhike (v)
to get or achieve something good, especially in a way
that seems easy or unexpected:
to remove, pull,
or tear the covering or outer layer from something:

to get something from a particular place:

a main product or part of something:

to remember officially and give respect to
a great person or event, especially by
a public ceremony or by making
a statue or special building:

a very small amount or number:
the quality of being pleasantly polite, or
a willingness to be fair and honest:
to be in a place, on a thing etc. and make
it look more attractive:

a way of thinking about
something, especially expressed in
a publicly stated opinion:

the ability to perform a difficult action quickly and skil
fully with the hands:
the most important part of something, although it
might not always be easy to find:

bi quyet

to argue:


behaviour that is careful and avoids risks:

extremely happy and excited:
to accept or allow behaviour that is wrong:

mu quang

to cause someone or something
to seem less important or less happy:

actively opposing or showing unfriendliness towards
something or someone:
expressing strong dislike or opposition:

arguments about things that are not important:

to make a person feel worried and unhappy because
of problems, responsibilities, and duties:

slightly unpleasant or worrying so that you do

not want to get involved in any way:

the thing that is most important to

the continuing success and existence of
something else:

someone's greatest achievement or the greatest part of something

a slight smell, carried on a current of air:

a slight sign of something:
to travel by getting free rides in someone else's vehicle:
He landed a senior editorial job.

Because of the pollution,
the trees are almost completely stripped of bark.
The paintwork was so bad that we decided to strip off all
the paint and start again.
[ + adj ] During the summer months, the sheep strip
the mountains bare.
Huge areas of land have been
stripped of all trees and vegetation.
Where possible the produce used
in our restaurant is sourced locally.
Shortages mean that even staples (= basic foods) like bre
ad are difficult to find.

Phosphate has been a staple of this area for many years.

Romantic fiction and reference books are a
staple of many public libraries.

There's only a
smattering of people who oppose the proposal.
Saigoneer gathered some of our favorites
sugary treats, a smattering of standards certain
to grace tables around the country this holiday,
for a roundtable taste test. 

They accepted their defeat with good grace.

Her face has graced
the covers of magazines across the world.

Saigoneer gathered some of our favorites

sugary treats, a smattering of standards certain
to grace tables around the country this holiday,
for a roundtable taste test.

The doctor's stance on the issue of abortion is

well known.

You probably won’t agree with all our stances, but we hope they make you hungry, or at
least inspire you to stuff your face to avoid awkward Tết conversations. 

He caught the ball with great dexterity.

Young children lack the dexterity
to brush their teeth effectively.
There is often a kernel of truth in what they say.

: I lack the dental dexterity and know-how to

effectively crack watermelon seeds. 

: I have to spar with you on this one, Paul, I’ve

always thought of hạt dưa as the perfect treat
for Tết. 
blazingly hot

blazingly fast speeds
The firm was commended for its financial prudence.
Everyone agreed that panic wasn't called for, prudence
a euphoric mood

If the government is seen to condone violence,
the bloodshed will never stop.
but perhaps I’m too clouded by my bias
against gừng to be the bigger person
Karen has always felt overshadowed by
her famous elder sister.
My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news.
He's extremely antagonistic towards all critics.

He’s extremely antagonistic toward critics.
You can be clear about what you need without being antagonistic.

I'm tired of their constant bickering.
The group finally elected a leader after several days of
I thought she looked somehow older, weighed down by al
l her new responsibilities.
Too much responsibility when
too young can weigh down on a child.
He's slightly aggressive, which a lot of people find off-
putting when they first meet him.
What I found off-putting was the amount of work that you
were expected to do.

Well-made mứt hạt sen is probably less off-

putting, but bad ones are unfortunately too

Tourism is the lifeblood of Hawaii's economy.

The vibrant project celebrates the city’s many identities throu

This leadership position represents the capstone of my career.
He leaned towards me and I caught/got a whiff of garlic.
During the first few months of pregnancy the slightest whiff of food cooking
They regularly hold elections without a whiff of corruption or violence.
I would never hitchhike on my own.
They hitchhiked to Paris.


 /dekˈster.ə.t̬ i/




many identities through the crossover between its different lifeblood
my career.

est whiff of food cooking made my stomach turn.
uption or violence.
ent lifebloods — namely traffic, food, architecture and people.
and people.
shard (n)

curate (v)

squeeze (v)

stealth (n)

ecstasy (v)
pungent (adj)

fragrance (n)

wail (v)

perilous (adj)
top-grossing (adj)

flick (n)


rabbit hole (n)

phantom (adj)

enthralling (adj)
beget (v)

piece (v)
conjure (v)

trudge. Through
sth (v)

transfixed (adj)


mirage (n)

obliterate (v)

alleviate (v)

morbidity (n)
feign (v)

gnaw (v)

tapestry (n)

interweave (v)

scalding (adj)

steep sth/sb in sth

encapsulate (v)
gruesome (adj)
dearth (N)
stigmatise (v)

sugarcoat (v)

unravel (v)

snuggle (v)

devour (v)

wary (adj)
decadent (Adi)

nitpick (v)
a piece of a broken glass, cup, container, or similar object:

to be in charge of selecting and caring for objects to be shown in
a museum or to form part of a collection of art, an exhibition, etc.:

to give someone a quick, tight hug (=

an act of holding someone close to your body with your arms):
to get in, through, under, etc. with difficulty:

the quality of carrying an action out secretly, so that people do
not know it is happening:
a state of extreme happiness, especially when feeling pleasure:
smelling or tasting very strong and sharp:

a sweet or pleasant smell:

to make a long, high cry, usually because of pain or sadness:

full of danger
used to describe a product or service, especially a film,
that earns more money than any other:

in which, or in which part:

Used especially in the phrase going down the rabbit hole or falling down
the rabbit hole, a rabbit hole is a metaphor for something that transports
someone into a wonderfully (or troublingly) surreal state or situation.

used to describe something that you imagine exists or

that appears to exist, although in fact it does not:

keeping someone's interest and attention completely:
to cause:

chap va
to make something appear by magic or as if by magic:

to do work or a particular task slowly and
with effort or difficulty:

unable to move or stop looking at something because you

are so interested, surprised, or frightened:

unpleasant and shocking:
ao anh

to make an idea or feeling disappear completely:

to make something bad such
as pain or problems less severe:
the fact of being
too interested in unpleasant subjects, especially death:
to pretend to have a particular feeling, problem, etc. :

to cause someone to feel continual anxiety or pain

something that is made of many different parts:

to twist together or combine two or more things so that they

cannot be separated easily:
If a liquid is scalding, it is extremely hot:

If criticism is scalding, it is very strong or violent.

If something or someone is steeped in something, they are compl

in a way that is perfect and has no mistakes:

to express or show the most important facts about something:

extremely unpleasant and shocking, and usually dealing with deat
an amount or supply that is not large enough:
to treat someone or something unfairly by disapproving of him, he

to make something seem more positive or pleasant than it really is

If you unravel a mysterious, unknown, or complicated subject, you

to move yourself into a warm and comfortable position, especially

to eat something eagerly and in large amounts so that nothing is l

not completely trusting or certain about something or someone:

A decadent person or group has low moral standards:

soi moi
Shards of glass have been cemented into the top of
the wall to stop people climbing over.
Not that the glass shard had any business with the sole of his
foot; nevertheless, it made itself familiar

She curated a recent exhibition of Indian artwork.

Bên tai tôi, giọng người vẫn chờn vờn, a three-part, bilingual
collection of works by more than 20 Vietnamese artists and
writers, curated by Saigoneer in collaboration with Miami Book

She squeezed him tight and kissed him on both cheeks.

She squeezed through the crowd and found a seat at
the front.
They managed to squeeze under the fence and get into
the festival without paying.
 He named for me seasons half-forgotten, our childhood fruits,
fruits eaten in stealth and ecstasy.

the pungent whiff of a goat

I sat down to a cup of wonderfully pungent Turkish coffee.

Rotten flesh fragrance, its pungent aroma remaining for days in

your hair, your nostrils, your breath.
The women gathered around the coffin and began to wail,
as was the custom in the region.
[ + speech ] "My finger hurts," wailed the child.
It is this year's top-grossing film.

London's top-grossing restaurant

He gazed once more around the room, wherein

were assembled his entire family.
He was certainly a pleasant man but
wherein lay his charms, she wondered.
A few years ago, I somehow fell down a rabbit
hole of medical content on YouTube and
stumbled across a video wherein a physical
therapist explained the concept of phantom
Although she had to have her leg amputated, she
still feels as though she's got a phantom limb.
They discovered it was a phantom organization set up
for the processing of drug profits.
UK Although she grew bigger, she later discovered it
was a phantom (US false) pregnancy.
I found your book absolutely enthralling!
Poverty begets hunger, and hunger begets crime.
It is enthralling (and terrifying at the same
time) how the miscommunication between the
brain and spinal cord can beget such
I could listen to those stories for hours on end,
trying to piece together the fragments I had
and conjuring up the kind of man my father
His words conjured images of far-away action.
In an instant, the magician had
conjured (up) a dove from his hat.
I spent the whole weekend trudging through
this report, and I still haven't finished reading it.
I stared at that little girl intently, transfixed by
that ghastly sight and intrigued by how
awkward it was for the photographer to shove
a camera in my face.
Today's newspaper gives all the ghastly details of
the murder.
Electoral victory is just a distant mirage.
. Somehow that little girl’s agony felt so
strange to me, like she was just another
unfamiliar mirage of the past, like we did not
share this very same fleshly cage.
Maybe she gets drunk to obliterate painful memories.

The hurricane virtually obliterated
this small coastal town.
I longed for the kind of pain that demolished
my heart and obliterated my soul.
The drugs did nothing to alleviate her pain/suffering.

She remembered her dead brother without morbidity.

Each expression was carefully crafted to

alleviate the morbidity of the situation, to turn
away from the truth
When people asked about my father, I would
shrug and say that he had passed away,
feigning indifference to make the situation less
I've been gnawed by guilt about not replying to
her letter yet.
The feeling that I've forgotten something has been
gnawing at me all day.
However, deep down, the grief that used to be
invisible was now gnawing at my heart,
clutching at my mind.
The instruments blend together, weaving tapestries
of sound, while the pace of
the music changes constantly.
They all have contributed to the rich tapestry
of mankind.
has created an intriguing story by skilfully interweaving
 fictional and historical events.
scalding tea

scalding hot water

The college is steeped in history/tradition.
These ancient scholars were steeped in poetry and painting, as well as ma

He wore an immaculately tailored three-piece suit.
David Cronenberg's film is deftly structured, beautifully paced, and immacu
It was very difficult to encapsulate the story of the revolution in a single one
She encapsulates the stereotyped image that the British have of Americans
The newspaper article included a gruesome description of the murder.
In this age wherein we are constantly bombarded with gender
People should not be stigmatized on the basis of race.
Gabrielle felt stigmatized in math class because she was not seen as one o
We are not going to sugarcoat the facts for partisan gain.
It is not our job to sugar-coat the rise of hate crimes. The statistics are real.
We have a long way to go before we unravel the secrets of genetics.
Plus, the last chapter unravels so hastily that the readers do not
The children snuggled up to their mother to get warm.
I was just snuggling down into my warm bed when my phone rang.
If you are looking for a cozy book to snuggle with, this might be the read for you.
The young cubs hungrily devoured the deer.
Sometimes I devour the whole book in one sitting, and sometim
I'm a little wary of/about giving people my address when I don't know them
a decadent society
the decadent court surrounding the king
humorous Champagne and chocolates for breakfast - how decadent!

You're always nitpicking - it's so annoying!

fragment /ʃɑːrd/





/ˈfæn.t̬ əm/

inflict, /bɪˈɡet/



and painting, as well as maths and astronomy.

utifully paced, and immaculately shot.
e revolution in a single one-hour documentary.
e British have of Americans.
scription of the murder.
mbarded with gender
she was not seen as one of “the smart kids.”
san gain.
mes. The statistics are real.
e secrets of genetics.
that the readers do not have enough time to process their emotions

hen my phone rang.

ne sitting, and sometimes I drag myself through the first few chapters o
ess when I don't know them very well.

kfast - how decadent!

heir emotions

t few chapters only to abandon it later.


emotive (adj)

station (v)

memior (n) hoi ky

blossom (v)

stanze (n)

profess (v)

deviant (adj)

drench (v)
anecdote (n)

oeuvre (n)

glean (v)

wunderkind (n)

radient (adj)

ardent (adj)

sensual (adj)

imbue something/
someone with something

nothingness (n)
enshroud (v)

crescendo (n)

marginalize (v)

demonize (v)

debauched(adj) doi truy

perverted (adj)

fraternization (n)

chatise (v)
verdant (adj)

pavilion (n)

landmark (n)

wedge (v)

thoroughfare (n_

 have a bearing
on something
If you lose your bearings,
you do not know where
you are:

 get/find your bearings
recuperation (n)

entrap (v)

interstice (n)

turmoil (n)

epitomize (v)


unperturbed (adj)

austere (adj)
underscore (v)
abhorrent (adj)

stain (v)

pore over (v)

somber (adj)

anguished (adj)

reiterate (v)

abyss (n)

extinguish (v)
ragtag (adj)

inebriated (adj)

kernel (n)

unmitigated (adj)
shack (n)
hiccup (n)

anecdote (n)
peek (v)
 have/take a peek
potent (adj)


contour (n)
stunning (adj)
unscathed (adj)

cooped up
tune in (v)
pick up on

play date(n)
dangle (v)


epoch (n)
beatitude (n)
devasted (adj)
boundless (adj)
commission (v)

assemblage (n)

drop a brick
whirligig (n)
nibble (v)

chintzy (adj)

strap (v)

whimsical (adj)
plumage (n)
akin (adj)
strip of (v)

absurdity (n)


rummage (v)

causing strong feelings:

to cause especially soldiers to be in
a particular place to do a job:

a written record of a person’s knowledge of events or
of a person's own experiences:

When people blossom,
they become more attractive, successful, or confident,
and when good feelings or relationships blossom,
they develop and become stronger:

a related group of lines in a poem or song; a verse

to state something, sometimes in a way that is
not sincere:

lech lạc

to make someone or something extremely wet:

be drenched in: lam chim dam trong
a short, often funny story, especially about something
someone has done:

the complete works of a writer, painter, or other artist:

to collect information in small amounts and often
with difficulty:

a person who is very clever or good at something

and achieves success at a young age

obviously very happy, or very beautiful:

enthusiastic, eager
expressing or suggesting physical, especially sexual, 
pleasure or satisfaction:

to fill something or someone with

a particular feeling, quality, or idea:
a state where nothing is present, or where
nothing exists that is important or
gives meaning to life
to cover something so that it cannot be seen clearly:
to make something difficult to know or understand:

a gradual increase in loudness, or the moment when
a noise or piece of music is at its loudest:

to treat someone or something as if they are

not important:
to try to make someone or a group of people seem as
if they are evil:
made weaker or destroyed by bad sexual behaviour, drinking t
oo much alcohol, taking drugs, etc.:

considered strange and unpleasant by most people, bieen thai

the action of meeting someone socially, especially someone
who belongs to an opposing army or team, or has a
different social position, ket than huynh de

to criticize someone severely:
covered with healthy green plants or grass:

a temporary structure, such as a large tent, especially used

at public events or for shows

a building or place that is easily recognized, especially one that

you can use to judge where you are:
to put something into a very small or narrow space, so that it
cannot move easily:

a main road for public use or a passage through somewhere

a road that connects to other roads:
to have an influence on something or a relationship to

to discover your exact position:

to succeed in becoming familiar with a new situation:
the process of becoming well again after an illness or of
getting back your strength, health, etc.:

to deceive someone into doing something wrong so that

the person will be caught

a space between things or events:

a state of confusion, uncertainty, or disorder:

to be a perfect example of a quality or type of thing:

severely damaged by a long war, especially between
different groups from the same country:
not worried about something, especially when this
is slightly surprising:
very simple, with only the things that
are absolutely necessary, especially because
of severe limits on money or goods:
to emphasize the importance something:
morally very bad:

to leave a mark on something that is difficult to remove:

to look at and study something, usually

a book or document, carefully:

serious, sad, and without humor or entertainment:

having or showing extreme physical or mental suffering:

to say something again, once or several times:

a very deep hole that seems to have no bottom

a difficult situation that brings trouble or destruction:

to stop a fire or a light burning:

to stop or get rid of an idea or feeling:

to stop a fire or light from burning:
untidy and not similar or organized:

consisting of parts or pieces that are in no particular order or syst

having drunk too much alcohol:

the most important part of something, although it might not alway

complete, often describing something bad or unsuccessful that ha
a simple, small building:
a problem that delays or interrupts something for a while, but doe

a short, often funny story, especially about something someone h

to look, especially for a short time or while trying to avoid being s
to look at something for a short time:
very powerful, forceful, or effective:

(of actions) having no effect or achieving nothing:

very shocked or surprised:
the shape of a mass of land or other object, esp. of its surface, or
extremely beautiful or attractive:
without injuries or damage being caused:
to drive someone somewhere:

If you are cooped up somewhere, you are in a small closed space 

to watch or listen to a particular television or radio programme or 
to criticize someone about something they have said:
to understand something that is not communicated directly:
to give particular attention to something that someone has said or
to notice something that other people have not noticed:
an arrangement for children to spend time together and play:
to hang loosely, or to hold something so that it hangs loosely:

to offer someone something that they want in order to persuade th

Succulent food is pleasantly juicy:

a long period of time, especially one in which there are new develo

great happiness and calm:
very shocked and upset:
having no limit:
to formally choose someone to do a special piece of work, or to fo

a collection of things or a group of people or animals:

to do or say something that makes you feel embarrassed

a toy that spins
to eat something by taking a lot of small bites:
an act of nibbling something:
having a lot of traditional decoration, especially using cloth with p

cheap and ugly

to hold or fasten something with a strap:
in a way that is very quick and slightly rude:

unusual and strange in a way that might be funny or annoying:

bo long
having some of the same qualities:
to remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something

an area of ground where flowers are planted
the quality of being stupid and unreasonable, or silly in a humorou

to cut off branches from a tree, bush, or plant, especially so that it

to reduce something by removing things that are not necessary:

an action that harms something or someone:
to search for something by moving things around carelessly and l
Example Synonym
Animal experimentation is
a highly emotive issue.

During the First Indochina War, Tô Hoài and Xuân

Diệu were stationed in the remote border areas, 

hey formed a close bond that might have

blossomed into something more,

Through his tender stanzas, Diệu has professed his

love for a number of male contemporaries,
I don't profess to know all the details about
the case.
She professes ignorance of the whole affair,
though I'm not sure I believe her.

Through his tender stanzas, Diệu has professed his

love for a number of male contemporaries, despite
homosexuality being deemed a deviant illness by
much of society at the time. 
A sudden thunderstorm had drenched us to
the skin.
The athletes were drenched with sweat.
Perhaps that’s a major factor why his poetry is
drenched in longing and a hopeless sense of
He told one or two amusing anecdotes about
his years as a policeman.
A significant portion of Xuân Diệu’s oeuvre belongs
to the love poetry genre,
From what I was able to glean, the news isn't
They're leaving on Tuesday - I managed to
glean that much (from them).

 the fragments we can now glean from his life might

help soothe a new generation of Vietnamese
experiencing love the same way Diệu once did.

He gave a radiant smile when
he heard her news.

Diệu was introduced to the public by earlier

member Thế Lữ as a “wunderkind” with “a radiant
and ardent soul living in gentle yet sensual,
passionate yet impulsive verses.

sensual pleasure
a sensual mouth/voice
He is elegant, sensual, conscious of his body.
His poetry is imbued
with deep, religious feeling.
The planet Venus is
enshrouded in thick clouds.
The whole affair was enshrouded in secrecy.

The passion reaches a crescendo in the last two lines:

“Beneath the joyous moon, my gaze still seeking /
the trace of that hand within mine.”

During Xuân Diệu’s era, homosexual relationships

were marginalized, even demonized. 
The mayor demonizes anyone
who disagrees with him.

his debauched lifestyle
And it’s in my understanding that people view it as
something unscrupulous, deviant, debauched, or
even perverted. 

She told him he had a sick and perverted mind.

He used a
perverted form of socialism to incite racial hatred.

Fraternization with the enemy was against the rules.

Army regulations prohibit fraternization between
men and women.
Charity organizations have chastised
the government for not doing enough
to prevent the latest famine in Africa.
She has been chastised by critics who say
that children will
never learn to recognize and enjoy vegetables if they
are disguised.
Much of the region's verdant countryside has
been destroyed in the hurricane.

The Rock of
Gibraltar is one of
most famous landm
Her shoe came off and got wedged between
the bars.

I was standing waiting for a bus,
wedged between (= fixed between
and unable to move away
from) two old ladies and their bags of shopping.
I live right on the main thoroughfare.
Hòa Bình Park is wedged at the intersection of three
major thoroughfares
What you decide now could have
a considerable bearing on your future.

They lost their bearings in the dark.
The road system was so complicated that we had
to stop to get our bearings several times.
It takes a while to get your bearings when
you start a new job.
You need to allow time for rest and recuperation.
He went home to continue his recuperation from a
third operation.
His poems, despite his youth, read like words from a
mature soul entrapped in an interstice between life
and death during the American War
I firmly believe my son has been entrapped by
this cult.
The wall was old and crumbling with plants growing 
in the interstices between/in/of the bricks.

a story told in snapshots, leaving the reader to fill in
the interstices
His poems, despite his youth, read like words from a
mature soul entrapped in an interstice between life
and death during the American War
The whole region is in turmoil.
The country is in a state of political turmoil.
The Stock Exchange
is in turmoil following a huge wave of selling.

With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she

the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker. encapsulate

He seemed completely unperturbed at the idea of
having to sing in a room full of strangers.

an austere childhood during the war
The need for fire detectors in cargo bays was
underscored by some accidents in the 1980s.
an abhorrent crime
Racism of any kind is abhorrent to me
Tomato sauce stains terribly - it's really difficult to
get it out of clothes.
While she was changing the wheel on her car,
her coat had become stained with oil.

She spends her evenings poring over textbooks.
He pored over the letter searching for clues about
the writer.
a somber atmosphere/voice/face
The funeral was a somber occasion.
I left them in a somber mood.
an anguished cry
The anguished song at the end was beautiful.

The government has
reiterated its refusal to compromise with terrorists.
[ + that ] She reiterated that she had never seen him
Towards the conclusion of the poem, the
disappointment lingering on top of his mind slowly
leads him back to the abyss of despair.
The country is sinking/plunging into an
abyss of violence and lawlessness.
She found herself on the edge of an abyss.
It took the firefighters several hours to extinguish
the flames.
to extinguish a cigarette
Nothing could extinguish his love for her.
It took the firefighters four hours to extinguish
the flames.
The village was guarded by a ragtag group of soldiers.
He arrived with a ragtag collection of friends.
They put together a ragtag team for a third of the cost of the Yankees and t
The Designated Driver programme offers not just a free ride home for inebr
 “All the initial conversations about H2H occurred when we were very ine
There is often a kernel of truth in what they say.
The first kernel of inspiration came to Wilson and some friends one morni
he whole venture has been an unmitigated disaster.
The family lived in a one-room shack.
We've had one or two slight hiccups, but progress has generally been quit
H2H was then well and truly born, and over the last decade it has grown, t
He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.
Close your eyes. Don't peek. I've got a surprise for you.
If I'm passing by I might take a peek at the new premises.
Surprise remains the terrorists' most potent weapon.
The Berlin Wall was a potent symbol of the Cold War.
It's completely futile trying to reason with him - he just won't listen.
Resistance was futile though, and we were soon completely drunk, dancin
 I don’t remember returning to our hotel afterward, but we were all stunne
It is by riding a bicycle that you learn the contours of a country best, since
a stunning view over the bay of Saint Tropez
Her husband died in the accident but she, amazingly, escaped unscathed.
His mother spoils him terribly and chauffeurs him (around/about) everywh

I hate being cooped up inside working when it's a sunny day outside.

Be sure to tune in to next week's show.
Will the millions of viewers who regularly tune in stay loyal, now that their fa
His teacher picked him up on his pronunciation.
He obviously didn't pick up on her lack of interest in the subject.
I want to pick up on a point that Susan made about role models.
Only one newspaper picked up on the contradictions in the statement.
He picked his daughter up from school then drove her to a friend's house fo
Loose electric wires were dangling from the wall.
He dangled the puppet in front of the children.
I've tried dangling all kinds of offers in front of him to get him to work harde
 succulent peach.
a big piece of succulent steak
To walk through a zoo is to be assaulted by the strangeness of
He wore a perpetual look of amiable beatitude on his face.
She was utterly devastated when her husband died.
She has boundless energy and enthusiasm.
The newspaper commissioned a series of articles on the worst excesses o
She's commissioned an artist to paint her portrait.
A varied assemblage of birds was probing the mud for food.

l embarrassed

Do you have some peanuts for us to nibble while the party warms up?

Just take/have a nibble to see if you like the taste.
I find their house a bit too chintzy.
a chintzy rose-patterned sofa
The room was full of chintzy Christmas decorations.
Considering how strapped they are for cash, I’d hoped they would have jumped at such
Steve answered curtly and turned his back on me.
She nodded curtly in reply.
unusual and strange in a way that might be funny or annoying:
Male peacocks have beautiful plumage.
In a time when so many streets are being stripped of their vegetation, walk
Because of the pollution, the trees are almost completely stripped of bark.
Huge areas of land have been stripped of all trees and vegetation.

Standing there naked, I was suddenly struck by the absurdity of the situatio

We laughed about the absurdity of the idea.
She spent the afternoon pruning roses.
Arco has reacted to the loss in revenue by pruning (back) its expansion pla
I felt his essay needed a little pruning.
She has done a great disservice to her cause by suggesting that violence 
She rummaged in/through all the drawers, looking for a pen.






 /pɚˈvɝː.tɪ̬ d/

/ˌfræt.̬ ɚ.nəˈzeɪ.ʃən/










the Yankees and they won it all.

/ɪˈniː.bri.eɪ.t̬ ɪd/
n we were very inebriated.”
friends one morning in 2008 while they were watching the American presidentia
/ʌnˈmɪt̬ .ə.ɡeɪ.t̬ ɪd/

generally been quite steady.
ade it has grown, though not without hiccups,


/ˈfjuː.t̬ əl/
tely drunk, dancing with a security guard to deafening Vinahouse. The
we were all stunned by the hospitality granted to a collection of dirty cyclists who
country best, since you have to sweat up the hills and coast down them.”


/ˌkuːpt ˈʌp/

al, now that their favorite host is gone?

he statement.
a friend's house for a play date.

t him to work harder at school, but nothing works.


 /ˈdev.ə.steɪ.t̬ ɪd/



 /ˈnɪb.l̩ /

d have jumped at such an offer, but I was curtly refused.


ir vegetation, walking beneath the immense canopy one feels a certain calmness a
 /ˈflɑʊ·ərˌbed, ˈflɑʊər-/
/əbˈzɝː.də.t̬ i/

k) its expansion plans.

sting that violence is justifiable.
American presidential election results at Xu Bar.

house. The
n of dirty cyclists who appeared out of nowhere 
down them.”
ls a certain calmness akin to when one was a child lying on their father’s chest, ri
their father’s chest, rising and falling with each inhale.  

well-adjusted (adj)

underscore (v)

well-rounded (adj)

exemplify (v) lam guong

undue (adj)

A well adjusted person is reasonable and has
good judgment and theirbehaviour is not difficult or strange:

underline, emphasize

involving or having experience in
a wide range of ideas or activities:

having or providing experience and knowledge in a number of

different areas:
to be or give a typical example of something:

to a level that is more than is necessary, acceptable,

or reasonable:
Example Synonym

The social-emotional learning that takes place at school helps

students become healthy, well-adjusted individuals that lead
satisfying lives and contribute positively to the world around

In this way, children learn how external stimuli impact their

state of mind and healthy ways to respond to them. It also
underscores the power everyone has over their own well-
The article is well rounded and is fair to both sides of
the dispute.
[ before noun ] She describes herself as a "well-
rounded individual" who works hard but has
a varied social life.
American fashion is exemplified by jeans and T-shirts.
This painting perfectly exemplifies
the naturalistic style which was so popular at the time.
Olivia, now a year-seven student at British International
School Hanoi (BIS Hanoi), exemplifies the holistic growth the
school aims for. 
Such a high increase will impose an undue burden on
the local tax payer.
The court said the state law placed an
undue burden on working mothers.
show undue concern to something


succumb (v)

nip (v)


The old folks at home

 put (someone or something) in the
breed (v)

recoil (v)
tad (n)


realm (n)
crackpot (adj)

crumble (v)

avert (v)

apocalypse (n)

blunt (adj)
pairing (n)

backlash (n)
propound (v)

promulgate (v)

trajectory (n)
bristle (v)

bristle with sth

beast of burden

articulate (v)

ethos (n)

straits (n)
take down a notch/peg
condescending (adj)
distressing (adj)
Well worn clothes have been worn often and
are becoming old:

used very often or too often:

to lose the determination to oppose somethi
ng; to accept defeat:

to die or suffer badly from an illness:
to go somewhere quickly or
be somewhere for only a short time:

to drink liquid so that you stop being thirsty:

to satisfy a need or wish:
người già ở nhà 

to be much better than (someone or something)

to cause something to happen, usually
something bad:

to move back because
of fear or disgust (= dislike or disapproval):
She wondered how it would be to touch him and
recoiled at the thought.
a little, slightly:

continuing for
too long and therefore boring or annoying:

an area of interest or activity:
relating to a person or an idea that
is silly or stupid:
to break, or cause something to break,
into small pieces:

to become weaker in strength or influence:
to prevent something bad from happening:

to turn away your eyes or thoughts:

tan the

saying what you think without trying to

be polite or considering other people's feelings:
a strong feeling among
a group of people in reaction to
a change or recent events in society or politics:
to suggest a theory, belief, or opinion for
other people to consider:

to spread beliefs or ideas among a lot of people

to announce something publicly, especially a
new law:
quy dao

to react angrily:
to have a large amount of something, or to
be full of something:

an animal used to perform work

to express in words:

the set of beliefs, ideas, etc. about

the social behaviour and relationships of
a person or group:

a difficult situation, especially because of financial problems:
Deflate or humble someone,
treating someone as if you are more important or more intelligent 
upsetting or worrying:
The purpose of a Holiday can be summed up in that well-
worn cliché – « the chance to get away from it all. »
Ecology can be written about without relying on well-
worn examples such as tropical rain forests.
The town finally succumbed last week after
being pounded with heavy artillery for more than
two months.
I'm afraid I succumbed to temptation and had
a piece of cheesecake.
I felt sure it would only be a matter of time before he
succumbed to my charms.
Thousands of cows have succumbed to the disease in
the past few months.

Can you nip out/round/down to the shop for me?

Shall we nip in to the café for a bite to eat?
When it's hot, it's best to quench your thirst with water.
Her thirst for knowledge will never be quenched.
You certainly aren’t going to sit in the shade and have a beer. What
will the folks at home say?
Although I thought I'd done well, my sister's exam results put
mine in the shade.
Favouritism breeds resentment.

Much of the time, your fatigue comes from familiarity, which as we

know breeds contempt and when you begin to despise your
surroundings, it is time to change, but you don’t have to travel
halfway across the planet to do it. 

He leaned forward to kiss her and she recoiled in horror.

I recoiled from the smell and the filth.
to refuse to accept an idea or principle, feeling strong di
slike or disapproval:
The fish was OK, but the chips were a tad greasy.
I must admit though, that I find the « adventurers » just a tad boring
an interminable delay
his interminable stories
Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.

She nervously crumbled the bread between her fingers.

The cliffs on which the houses are built are starting to
Support for the government is crumbling.
to avert a crisis/conflict/strike/famine
to avert disaster/economic collapse
I averted my gaze/eyes while he dressed.
We tried to
avert our thoughts from our massive financial problems.
The current way of things is doomed, and it’s up to us to
prepare as best we can to ensure as soft a landing as possible
when the inevitable apocalypse arrives.

I'll be blunt - that last piece of work you did was terrible.

the 60s backlash against bourgeois materialism

the backlash against feminism
It was Ptolemy who propounded the theory that the earth was
at the centre of the universe.
 in response to the criticism he has doubled down on these
viewpoints, continuing to promulgate them.
The new law was finally promulgated in the autumn of
last year.

She bristled at the suggestion that she had in any

way neglected the child.
The helicopter hovered above
them bristling with machine guns.
it is up to humans to figure out how to live in a “low-energy”
future – that is, one where fossil fuels are no longer used and
we essentially are back to relying on our own muscles and
those of beasts of burden.
I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.
Many people are opposed to the new law, but have had
no opportunity to articulate their opposition.

national ethos

working-class ethos
The ethos of the traditional family firm is being threatened.
So many companies are in such dire/difficult straits that their prices have
He's so arrogant that I wish someone would take him down a notch, or That defeat to
I hate the way he's so condescending to his staff!
The news reports about the famine were very distressing.
It was deeply distressing for him to see his wife in such pain.









ts that their prices have come right down.
n a notch, or That defeat took them down a peg.

such pain.
sleeping rough/rough
sleeping (n)

detritus (n)

arch (adj)

disfigure (v)

multitude (n)

stem (v)
stem the flow

suck into


holding operation:
temporary resolution

conscience (n) luong tam,

tin nguong
conscience-stricken (adj)
in all conscience
on your conscience

analogy (n)

sustained (adj)

initiative (n)

 on your own initiative

 the initiative
revamp (v,n)

ground- breaking (adj)

venture (n)
boom (v)

desperate (adj)

go down

fast-track (n)
by far

scowl (v)

apprehensive (adj)

 take a turn for the

cocoon (v)
afresh (adv)
the problem of people sleeping on
the streets because they have no home:

waste material or rubbish, especially left after
a particular event:
showing that you think it is amusing that
you know more about something than
someone else does:
to spoil the appearance of something or
someone, especially their face, completely:

a large number of people or things:

to stop something unwanted from spreading or 
to cause someone or something
to gradually become involved in
an unpleasant situation or harmful activity:
the weakest or most unpleasant part of

a temporary way of dealing with a situation until

a new and better way can be introduced:

the part of you
that judges how moral your own actions are
and makes you feel guilty about bad things that
you have done or things
you feel responsible for:
feeling very sorry for something that you have
done wrong
without feeling guilty:
to make you feel guilty:

a comparison between things that

have similar features, often used
to help explain a principle or idea:

continuing for a long time:

a new plan or process to achieve something
or solve a problem:
the ability to use your judgment to
make decisions and do things
without needing to be told what to do:

If you do something on your own initiative,

you plan it and decide to do it yourself without
anyone telling you what to do.
the power or opportunity to win an advantage:
to change or arrange something again,
in order to improve it:
If something is groundbreaking, it is very new
and a big change from other things of its type:
a new activity, usually in business,
that involves risk or uncertainty:
to increase or become successful and produce 
a lot of money very quickly:
very serious or bad:
needing or wanting something very much:
to be remembered or recorded in
a particular way:

if a computer system goes down,
it stops working:
the quickest route to a successful position:
by a great amount:
using a quicker than normal route to
a higher position or level:

to look at someone or something with a

very annoyed expression:
feeling worried about something that you are
going to do or that is going to happen:

to suddenly become better or worse:

to protect someone or something from pain or an unpleasant situa

If you do something afresh, you deal with it again in a
new way:
The Government is spending about £100
million tackling the problem of rough sleeping in our cities.
Begging and rough sleeping are closely related activities.
The stadium was littered with the detritus of yesterday's concert.

arch voice tone

She was horribly disfigured by burns.

This part of the old town has been disfigured by ugly new buildings.
The city has a multitude of problems,
from homelessness to drugs and murder.
This case has raised a multitude of questions.
These measures are designed to stem the rise of violent crime.

I really don't to get involved in this argument, but I can feel myself

being sucked into it.

a film exposing the sordid underbelly of modern urban society
Small businesses are the soft underbelly (= weakest parts) of
the economy, and they need as much government support as possible.

This is just a holding operation until we get the

new management structure sorted out.

I have a guilty conscience for spending so little time with my kids.

Surely, therefore, she herself must feel rather conscience-stricken.
You couldn't, in all conscience, ask her to pay the whole bill!
Yesterday I ignored an old woman who asked me for money in the street,
and it's been on my conscience ever since.

He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.

It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract concept by analogy with (=
by comparing it with) something concrete.

sustained economic
growth/downturn/recovery The necessary underlying economic conditi
ons for a sustained recovery appear to be in place.
For the trade deficit to fall on a sustained basis, export growth would
need to outstrip import growth by a hefty margin.
sustained commitment/effort/success
The peace initiative was welcomed by both sides.

Although she was quite young, she showed a lot of initiative and

was promoted to manager after a year.

I shouldn't always have to tell you what to do, use your initiative (=

use your own judgment to decide what to do)!

to seize/take/lose the initiative
We revamped the management system, but the business is doing
no better than it was before.
His latest movie is interesting, but not groundbreaking.

She advised us to look abroad for more lucrative business ventures.

There are many joint ventures between American
and Japanese companies.
 The leisure industry is booming.
The situation is desperate - we have no food, very little water and
no medical supplies.
They are desperate for help.

Hurricane Katrina will go

down in the record books as the costliest storm ever faced by insurers.

He is on the fast track to success.
She is by far the best student in the class.
fast-track opportunities

They've introduced a fast-track system for brighter pupils which
will allow thousands to take their GCSE exams two years early.
The boy scowled at her and reluctantly followed her back into school.

I'm very apprehensive about tomorrow's meeting.

I've invited a lot of people to the party, but I'm a little

apprehensive that no one will come.
Their relationship took a turn for the worse when he lost his job.

As a student you're cocooned against/from the real world.
She tore up the letter and started afresh.
We agreed to look afresh at her original proposal.

/dɪˈtraɪ.t̬ əs/




innovative, novel




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