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Earth Overshoot Day

Earth Overshoot Day is the date when the demand for natural resources and services of
humans in a given year surpasses the capacity of the Earth to reproduce in one year. This was
hosted and calculated by Global Footprint Network which is an international research agency
that develops and promotes tools for advancing sustainability, such as the ecological footprint
and biocapacity, which quantify how much and how little we use of the resources we have.
These methods are designed to put ecological limits at the center of decision-making. The
Global Footprint Network was founded year 2003 with the aim of ensuring a better environment
for all the people, where we can live our happy lives within natural ecological limits. The Global
Footprint Network's has its branch here in the Philippines, in Switzerland and Belgium. But, is
mainly located in Oakland, California. It was recorded that the first Ecological Footprint metrics
was year 1961, and every year it is recalculated with the same data set and method.
Formula to calculate the Earth Overshoot Day:
(Earth’s Biocapacity / Humanity’s Ecological Footprint) x 365 = Earth Overshoot Day
Earth Overshoot Day for the last 10 years:

Year Earth Overshoot Day

2020 August 22
2019 July 29
2018 July 29
2017 August 1 As calculated with the National
2016 August 5 Footprint and Biocapacity
2015 August 5 Accounts 2019 Edition
2014 August 4
2013 August 3
2012 August 4
2011 August 4
2010 August 7

What do you think can you do to move the date of Earth overshoot to a later date?
At first, I had no idea on what is Earth Overshoot Day is. But, after looking on it and
reading different articles, I have learned its meaning and purpose. This has given me some
realization; natural resources are limited. It takes time for it to fully develop. However, we
humans can help in order to preserve the available resources. Since many resources are limited
and take millions of years to produce, it is important to preserve them. Overexploitation of
resources can lead to their depletion. As a result, we must save energy and use them wisely.
We should provide time for them to renew. In order to move the date of the Earth Overshoot
Day, these are the following that I think can help:

 Conserve water and energy

 Practice taking a bath for five to ten (5-10) minutes;
 Turn off the faucet while or after doing something
 Turn off the lights when not in use
 Use energy saving bulbs
 Remove the plug after using
 Reduce, reuse, and recycle
 Always choose reusable goods
 Reuse things that are not broken
 Recycle, if the things are broken but can be fix and use again
 Stop using any plastic material
 Drive less
 Use bike as transportation
 Practice walking, if the place is near. It is also good for the health
 Volunteer and Educate
 Assist and go to events arrange by an organization that promotes
conservation of resources
 Share knowledge to people, use different social media pages to raise
Since then, my parents has taught me that I need to conserve water and energy in order
to lessen our expenses. I should reuse things that can still be use for we do not have money to
buy for a new one. I need to walk to go to different places to minimize my expenses. But, other
than that, I am happy that with these little things that I thought of negatively, can also help
reduce our consumption that can help preserve our natural resources. Earth needs to be saved
as our survival depends on its life. We are already lucky enough that Earth has all the resources
that we need, it satisfies our necessity in life. I believe that with my capacity, I can raise
awareness to this certain issue. Moreover, small things can be a great help to conserve the
resources that we have. Change must come from ourselves; I know that everything else will
follow if we do things with our heart. And that, the actions that we possess has its own
consequences that might come to us later. We need to choose our own battles, and fight for
what is needed to be. I am ready to be a part of the awareness.

Create a Campaign Slogan for your own Environmental Awareness Advocacy.

Reduce Now, Save Later
Time is passing by, and a lot has changed. Not only in ourselves, but in our
surroundings as well. “Reduce Now, Save Later” literally means that we must save now in order
to accumulate for future days or seasons. It applies not only to monetary matters, but also to the
preservation of our world. We save because we don't know what the future holds. Saving
money will help us become more secure and provide a safety net in the case of a catastrophe. I
believe that we need to save for our future and next generation. I wanted to make a change with
my small ways, and make people realize that our future is important. If we can minimize our
consumption, then we must do it. Everyone must make their effort, even if its small. If we take
an action as a whole, it will surely make an impact.
About - #MoveTheDate of. (2021, January 9). Earth Overshoot Day. Retrieved from:

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