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WEEK 2: Working with Symbols, Instances and the Library Panel

Gen. Vicente Alvarez St., Zamboanga City
Junior High School Unit
Local nos. (062) 991 – 4277, (062) 991 – 1676, Telefax: 992 – 3045

Learning Plan in COMPUTER 7

Grade Level Grade 7 Consultation schedule 2:00 – 4:00 PM
Activity Sheet no. 2 Week no.2 SECOND QUARTER
Topic: Working with Symbols, Instances and the Library Panel

At the end of the lesson, the students can:
a. identify the different kinds of symbols;
b. demonstrate the steps in creating and editing symbol;
c. execute the process of creating instances;
d. show efficiency in using the library panel.


A. Engaging Activity
1. Priming (Mindful Activities)
Can you find the missing number?
5 11 ? 12

6 3 3 7 2 3 3 9

13 10 4 15
2. Activation of Prior Knowledge
Simple recall of the previous lesson.
3. Guided Instruction
1. Concept Digest:
Library and Symbols
Up to now, you are doing all your drawings on the Stage. One problem with this is if there are many
objects in your animation, you will also have many layers and your timeline may look cluttered. A
solution is to classify each of the objects as symbols. Symbols are individual objects that can be used in
an animation. These could be movies, graphics, buttons, sounds, and other imported rile formats. Flash
allows you to have a storage area for all the symbols that you are using in your Flash animation.
To access the Library, press Ctrl + L.
To create a symbol, click the Create New Symbol button. A dialog box will open up. From here you can
choose from three kinds of behaviors. These are considered container symbol types since other files
imported into Flash can be included in these types.

Movie clip - This can be thought of as a movie within a movie. This type is particularly helpful in
limited animation as one instance can continue to play in a loop.

Button - This is used to create function buttons.

Graphic - Mostly used for static images. Sounds and actions included in this type are ignored by Flash.

Another way of creating a new symbol is by clicking the Insert Menu > New Symbol or simply press

The more objects you develop, the more objects will be put in the Library. Keeping it organized will
help you in the process. Flash also lets you import or export libraries to other projects so you may
always reuse objects to save time and effort.

To import or export library:

Click File Menu > Import > Open External Library or Simply Press Ctrl + Shift + O.

2. Checking for Understanding

Match Column A with Column B

Column A Column B
______1. These are individual objects that can be used in an animation. A. Button
______2. This is defined as a movie within a movie. B. Movie Clip
______3. This type of symbol allows interaction coming from the user. C. Graphics
______4. This type of symbol is used for static images. D. Symbol
______5. Shortcut key to access the library. E. F8
______6. Function key to create symbol F. Insert Menu
______7. Shortcut key combination to import or export external library. G. CTL + SHIFT + O
______8. This menu will allow you to create a new symbol. H. File
______9. This menu will allow you to import symbols. I. Keyframe
______10. This denotes a major change in a movement J. CTRL + L

B. Guided Practice
Write TRUE if the statement is true and FALSE if it is false.
__________1. Layers in Flash do not stack on top of one other.
__________2. The symbol you are editing is always considered as a graphic.
__________3. The library is where Flash stores symbols.
__________4. In Flash, the sequencing of images through time is done on the Stage.
__________5. You can cut, copy and move frames in Flash.
__________6. It is important to consider which parts of an animated character will move and which
parts will remain stationary.
__________7. Flash lets you import or export libraries to other projects.
__________8. The symbol that you created will show up in the Library.
__________9. A crosshair appears on the Stage in the middle when editing symbols.
__________10. Graphic symbols is mostly used for static images.

C. Analysis Question(s)
What are the steps in creating a symbol?

D. Synthesis/ Closure:
1. Write three significant ideas of what you have learned today.


Recreate the given graphic symbol below. Follow the layers as indicated.

Image 1

Adobe Animate

Image 2

Adobe Animate

“The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet”

Keep up the good works! Till’ next module.
Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Girlie L. Andas, LPT Simon L. Chua, D.T. Jomar S. Ejedio, LPT

Subject teacher Subject Coordinator Department Head, JHS

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