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Annotated Bibliography

Andy He

Ferriss, S. E. (n.d.). Apple “Porn”: Design Videos as Seduction and Exploitation. Class, Race and
Corporate Power, 6(1).

Apple ad videos, not nationally broadcast ads, but ads disguised as documentaries on how they
were made. They purportedly document the design and manufacture, but ironically, they rarely (if
ever) reveal the actual work. They are obsessed with the manufacturing process of an already
obsessed commodity: the iPhone commercials, videos that simulate the device and its
manufacturing process in a cinematic way. As such, they are not only advertisements for the
company, but also lure viewers into a fantasy world of fascinating technological devices that are
decoupled from labor reality.
This article explains why Apple's commercials are so refreshing and even addictive after each
viewing, and gave me the idea to try to make a similar commercial.

蘭州孩子. (2020, February 21). How to make an apple ad_哔哩哔哩_bilibili. 哔哩哔哩 (゜-゜)つロ

This video shows me how to make Apple ads every step of the way. I learned how to make an
Apple commercial easily. First choose the music, then choose the product I want to shoot, after that
watch a lot of original Apple ads, and finally just shoot the material and then edit it.

Why is Apple’s Marketing Just So Darn Good? (2017, January 12). The Daily Egg; Daniel Threlfall.

This article explains why Apple's marketing is so successful. No matter what your industry,
products or service, you can learn something from Apple's marketing. I use this site because he lists
many of the reasons Apple is so successful that are close to my topic.

Mulcahy, E. (2019, March 26). 10 Apple Ads That Show How The Brand Has Evolved | The Drum. The
Drum; Emma Mulcahy.

This site lists a lot of classic Apple commercials, which gave me a lot of inspiration to follow
Apple's lead in future commercials, and this article has a breakdown of each commercial, which gave
me a better understanding of Apple's intentions and what the company wants its customers to
Beattie, A. (2015, April 28). How Did Apple Get So Big? Investopedia; Investopedia.

This article looks at the chronology of Apple's development and explains why Apple has become
so powerful. The article lists several key points, starting with Steve Jobs and continuing through the
1920s, and he gives detailed examples and explains why Apple became the number one company in
the digital market today. I chose this article because it is very relevant to my topic and I can learn a
lot from it.

PolyMatter. (2017, December 18). The Grand Theory of Apple. YouTube.
This video discusses how there is a lot of debate and intrigue about how Apple's expanding
product line fits together. new models like the Apple Watch and iPad Pro add a whole new product
category that has some people wondering if Apple is losing focus? The reason I chose this article is
because it answers the question I've always had in the back of my mind, which is what does the
future of Apple look like? Of course this is an article from 2015 and some of the ideas may be

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