Operation Midnight: For The Enemy Within

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OM, “Operation Midnight” is one of the finest

and most successfully executed Civil Security

Services Operation by India and by scale
perhaps by any agency around the world and
probably as significant as The Surgical Strikes.

For the Enemy Within

Operation Midnight
What Happened and How?
The biggest Civil Security Services raid of the Indian history and with the scale involved,
probably biggest in the World.
1. Thursday 22-09-2022. Time. :: 0030 hrs
• The secured Radio-networks of Police and Civil Defence Services became alive with
chants of OM. Apparently originating from one Source (Command Centre)
➢ Command Centre [1] @ Delhi …………………… OM
and being responded from 6 different pods.( Control Centre )
➢ Control Centres [6] locations unknown …… Namah Shivay

2. This was repeated twice @ 0121 Hrs and then again at 0249 hrs. At both these instances, a
Chant of “Om” emerged from 1 location and was responded by “Namah Shivay” from 6
different Channels.
What Happened and How? Minute by minute action
3. Command Centres had instructions to wait till 0400 hrs.
BUT @ 0330 Hrs ::
➢ Command Centre : Go
➢ Control Centres : Fire Fire Fire

Exactly 100 minutes later …….

4. @ 0510 Hrs :: Cntrl Centres :
• #1 OM namah Shivay. # 2 OM namah Shivay. # 3 OM namah Shivay.
• # 4 OM namah Shivay. # 5 OM namah Shivay # 6 OM namah Shivay.

5. @ 0511 hrs :: Command Centre to Control Centres : Jai Hind. Out!

@ 0512 Hrs :: CC to Situation Room @ PMO Delhi ……..“Jai Ho!”
PMO to CC : Sub Theek ?
CC to PMO : Yes Sir .Jai Hind!

➢ [OM], “Operation Midnight” , India’s biggest Civil Security Raid Operation was Executed with clockwork precision and perfection. The
operation that is perhaps even bigger than the Surgical Strikes, in wake of its overall impact.
And now , The Full Story…….

6. Thursday 22nd Sep 2022. Time 1 AM midnight.

PFI members their Top Leadership and Midlevel cadres across India (Mainly Kerala, TN, AP and UP)
were sleeping at their respective places, unaware of some very unusual Radio Chatters around their
homes. Little were they aware that this is perhaps going to be their last night at home.

7. Around 200 NIA officers, plus 290 ED Officers with CAPF n State Police were positions under covers outside their
homes, waiting for the order from the “command center”. Planned time to STRIKE was at 4 AM when sleep is the

8. One person, seemingly someone very senior and powerful, sitting at far-off Delhi was coordinating all this. 9.
At 3:30 AM, 30 minutes before “planned time” , He thundered : "Go"

10. Operation Midnight Commenced .

PFI : Popular Front of India (sic)
11. From Azad maidan to Shaheen baag, From Kerala murders to Rajasthan, UP riots, Hijab Row, Udaipur
Beheading, Anti CAA/NRC toolkits, one name that constantly was coming in news was “PFI”. IB informed
MoHA "SIMI is back".
12. SIM (now banned), was a Muslim extremist organization, active in late 90s/early 20s and was responsible
for lot of terror incidents, riots, Misinformation campaigns, recruitment for ISIS cadres etc etc. In 2001, it
was banned by the then Vajpayee govt and later in 2008 by The Supreme court.
13. PFI was formed in 2006 and it kept growing in India. In 2019, Modi govt brought NRC and CAA laws and
PFI got into the act , preparing social media tool-kits to brainwash Muslims with a nefarious and false
narrative that BJP and RSS want to throw them out of the country. This platform incidentally found lots of
attention from unsuspecting Muslim followers and many started believing in this false propaganda, which
was unfortunately also supported by some vested political parties. The PFI started to grow rapidly.
IB alerts GoI
14. In 2017, almost 5 years before OM (Operation Midnight), The GOI received input from IB that PFI is
working for “Gazwa E Hind”. They are radicalizing ignorant Muslim followers by showing fear of RSS and on
the same hand they are dividing Hindus by terming RSS as Upper Caste organization which is anti
15. Matter was sensitive. A meeting was held between PM Modi and RSS supremo Mohan Bhagwat. It was
decided that RSS and BJP both will reach-out to Muslims, SC, ST, OBC to mount a counter-narrative and
diffuse PFI’s plan. The objective was clear. To negate the PFI’s agenda to unite Radical Islamic cadres in
India who are a minority (within Muslims) as enemy- of-the-state and hurt both the state and Moderate
Muslim Ulema, which is the majority. The Objective of the outreach was to untangle “Moderate Majority”,
from the Radical Minority, and alienate them before the attack, by first make them weak.
16. President of PFI belongs to Ashraf community and there is a well known rivalry between Ashraf and
Pasmanda Sect. PM Modi reached out to Pasmanda Leadership to further weaken PFI’s plan to become
self styled leader of the entire Muslim Ulema in India.
17. 6 months before OM (Operation Midnight), a high level meeting was organized at MoHA chaired by HM
Amit Shah, NSA Ajit Doval, NIA, IB and ED officers alongwith some senior Defense Offcials and some state
Police DGPs. HomeMinister asked one straight question – Should we ban PFI ?. Many said "Yes" n many
said "No, cause it may cause rippling effect"
18. Amit Shah asked to Doval what he thinks. NSA said , “Give me some time”.
19. A joint team was made of IB and ED. IB was asked to monitor the modus operandi of PFI and decode how
PFI works. ED was asked to crack their funding routes and identify sponsors.
20. Both started working on it and eventually collected a lot of terrifying information, which stunned the
Indian Security Establishments.
21. HM Amit Shah reacted by ordering NSA to be on high alert and react without loosing any further moments.
PM was informed of the plan. “Operation Midnight” , code named [OM], was constituted with PM Modi’s
22. The top brass of this Operation wanted to visit South West India, the nerve centre of PFI activities but
without raising any suspicion. AND they found one such opportunity.
23. Just 20 days before OM, PM Modi went to Kochi for inauguration of “INS Vikrant”. NSA Doval accompanied with him.
They talked to State Police DGP n told him about the plan. From there NSA went to Mumbai and stayed at Governor
House, where he met with NIA top-brass and told them about the plan.
24. 3 days before OM, a joint meeting was organized between NIA, IB and ED in presence of Doval and Amit Shah where,
Doval reassessed the whole planning. The action plan was to create joint team of NIA and ED, and this setup will
mount a simultaneous raid on 93 identified locations of PFI across India on the midnight of 22.09.22 to arrest all the
targets together at a near clockwork precision, because aren’t arrested all-together, then the PFI second command
leaders and their foreign benefactors will be able to muster support and create unrest in India and will also try to
hide/destroy evidence so it was absolutely necessary to arrest them all together.
25. Deep analysis was done, plans created to manage the law-n-order situation & to offset any counter offensives from
the PFI propoganda, so that should not get any sympathy and support from other Muslim organizations.
26. 1 day before OM , a team of 215 NIA officers, 390 ED officers, 4 DGPs, 6 ADG’s, 12 IGs, 16 SPs and 2000 State armed
police constabulary was constituted under 6 different “control centres” to coordinate under “command centre” which
was managed and operated directly by the NSA Ajit Doval himself at New Delhi. A situation room was established at
PMO where no one other than PM plus HM were present. NSA was instructed to keep the situation room updated
with every moment. NSA Ajit Doval complied
Time for Action
23. The D-Day. September 22, 2022. 0022 hrs . “Operation Midnight” was kicked off.
24. 0030 hrs. Command Centre started relaying to Control Centres, solemn chants of “OM”.
25. PFI was unaware about operation. They were under a false security of being unshakeable under the gard of their false
religious garb. They all went to sleep totally unaware that more than 3000 Indian Security services offcials are waiting
to grab them.
26. “The Operation” started at the midnight of 22 September, precisely at 0059 hrs.
27. 93 locations of 11 states were identified on the basis of inputs of IB teams. NIA and ED teams backed with the entire
security apparatus of respective states were waiting in their positions around the target locations, waiting for the
orders expected to come at 0400 hrs. No one blinked an eye before that.
28. Armed State Police forces was kept as second shield and to guard the peripheries of the target locations and to stop
any help of PFI volunteers or other civilians to reach operation site.
The attack !

23. Time to attack was scheduled @ 4 AM.

24. But to everyone’s surprise, 30 minutes before the scheduled zero-hour, NSA Doval thundered

from Delhi. “Go”…

25. The 6 Control Centres responded “Fire-Fire-Fire” and Operation Midnight was On.
26. Hot-Line went OFF AIR.
27. All the members of Joint teams started the raid. With absolute mechanical precision they
stormed their target places, entered the houses and without using any words ‘neutralized’ their
targeted, individuals.
28. Without giving moment to think and react, Each one of them were promptly arrested, gagged
and confiscated all necessary things ( Mobiles, PCs, Documents, Printers, Routers) along-with.
100 Minutes
23. As the news of raid-attacks spread , PFI volunteers started to react and reach the target
locations, but were stopped by barricading police contingents already deputed.
24. 106 PFI leaders were arrested including their President, secretary and all the State-In charge’s.
25. 150+ mobile phones, 50+ laptops, Many PCs and other electronic equipments (routers, wifi
sets), Vision documents, Enrolment forms, Bank documents etc. were confiscated by NIA and
ED Teams.
26. By 0500 hrs of Thursday (23.09.2022), the raid was over. PFI was decapitated with their top and
mid level leadership neutralized.
27. PFI tried to play the religion card but could not get any support from Muslim Ulema as this
angle was already negotiated by the government. This threat was already diffused. No Muslim
Clerics supported them.
28. One of the most powerful radical organizations of India was destroyed in a matter of 100
minutes of that fateful night of 22nd September.
Shabaash NIA, ED !
▪ NIA and ED have found enough material to announce that a civil war in
India was on the anvil . They will further check the material they have
recovered and will take more actions.

▪ PFI will try to fight back with help of their supportive political parties at
National and state level, lawyers NGO and Judiciary. Fight will go long
but now it will not be easy for them from behind the detention bars.

▪ OM, “Operation Midnight”, at this scale across India,

was one of the finest and successfully executed Civil Security Services
Operation operations around the world and probably saved India from
their vicious vision 2047

Jai Hind!

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