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Sales Call - Role-Play

Introduction Role-playing is an effective tool when learning how to make a sales call. The direction and outcome of your role-play is heavily determined by your team. Your team plans a course of action to follow when making a sales call. Completing a role-play requires you to first gather information about your company and your customer. This is accomplished by answering questions in Section #1. Using Section #1, your team will build a script for the customer and salesperson by answering questions in Section #2 Once your team has developed the script, you will then rehearse a sales call that will be completed in class. When rehearsing, each team member should be given a chance to be the customer and salesperson. When not completing one of these roles, please listen to the role play and advise fellow team members on changes that may be needed. Your In-Class Role Play Scenario You are completing a sales call with a customer that is not familiar with your company or its products. The customer is expecting you because the appointment was set about two weeks ago. Your prospecting activity qualified him, or her, as a potential customer with a need for your product or service. You arrive at the customers office and may have to wait in an area near the receptionist. You will use the ADAPT questioning technique to obtain the customers interest and desire. This must be completed before presenting the product. Otherwise, you may be presenting information that is not meaningful to the customer. Objections will be raised during the presentation phase. The LAARC method is used to negotiate buyer resistance when objections are raised. Four common objections are included in the worksheets. When using the LAARC method, you will apply four methods for handling objections.

Organization of Role Play Worksheets There are two sections of the worksheets: Section #1: Sales Call Planning. This part of the worksheet is used to gather information needed for a sales call. Answer questions using the internet and library. Feel free to talk with a salesperson of the company. You will need this information to complete the next section of the worksheets. Section #2: Sales Call Script. Use this part to write a script for the role-play. When developing, use information from Section #1 (above), refer to the ADAPT selling framework, ways to handle objections and ways to close a sale. Be sure to use the ADAPT framework and the methods - instead of introducing your own version of the selling process. What to Turn-in for Grading. 1. Provide a cover page. It should have: (1) the name of your company, (2) names of your team members, (3) the product or service you will be selling and (4) the name of the customer (both company name and persons name). 2. Role-Play Worksheets (Keep Copies So You Can Practice!) Do not remove the worksheet instructions and guiding questions. You will receive and F on the assignment if these instructions and guiding questions are removed. Staple the worksheets together in the correct order with the cover page on top. Do not use a binder or presentation folder. All worksheets must be typed. 3. Assignment Review Form. Each team must follow an Assignment Review Form. It states the requirements for paper format and required actions for completion of the paper. Each team member must sign the Assignment Review Form. Staple the form at the end of your completed worksheets. The material will not be accepted without it. If it is clear that you did not complete a task shown on this "checklist", such as checking spelling, then the assignment will be returned. No points will be given to you for the assignment. 3. Peer Evaluation Form. Team participation is considered when grades are determined for this assignment. Each team member will complete a peer rating form that is on Blackboard. Complete this evaluation before class and bring it with you to class. It will be turned in separately from the other materials.

Section #1 Sales Call Planning

Section #1: Sales Call Planning

This is a Word document so you can type your information below each question. Do not remove the worksheet instructions and guiding questions. You will receive and F on the assignment if these are removed. Learn About Your Own Company 1. Describe your company. Where is it located? How many employees? etc 2. What products or services are you selling? - Describe the features of one or two products or services that you intend to sell. - What are the benefits to the customer? - What are the advantages of your product as compared to competitors. - Are there any warranties or guarantees? Describe them. - Does your company offer any services after the sale? - What other information would be helpful when selling to the customer?

3. Describe two major competitors. - How do the features, advantages and benefits of their products/services compare to those of your firms products/services? Coleman Coolers (F) Keeps ice up to five days, (A) Rustproof, leak resistant channel drain for no-tilt easy draining, (B) Convenient draining. Igloo Coolers (F) Cool Riser Technology for improved cooling performance, (A) Slotted lid for easy stacking, (B) Convenient if customer needs multiple. 4. Look at the benefits of your product/service. - What proof (evidence) will you give customers so they will believe you when describe benefits? Gather information about the customer. 5. Describe the customer. - What is the name of the firm and location?. - Describe the products or services the customer sells. - Your customer also has customers. Describe those customers. 6. Describe the decision maker. - What is his or her name?

- What is the job position of this person? - How long has he or she been at the firm? - Describe the individuals personality. (We reviewed four.) - Will the personality impact how you interact with the individual? 7. How does the decision maker plan to reach a decision?

8. Identify what you will focus on during the role-play. - What are the needs of the decision maker that can be fulfilled by your firm? Type below in the table. (Needs Gap) - How does your product fulfill the Needs Gap? Type in Features and Benefits. - What are the advantages of your product as compared to the competitors? Needs Gap Features Benefits Advantages

9. Review the table above. - What is the key selling point you will use to obtain the customers business? 10. What are some reasons why the customer might not buy what your firm offers? Complete the table below. - Look at the worksheets in Section #2 that are related to objections. Each presents a different objection. Place each one in the Objections column below. - In the second column, describe what you will say in response. - Also in the second column state the method you will use for the objection. (boomerang, defer/postpone, ask questions, etc.) Objections Solutions

Section #2 Sales Call Script

Section #2: Sales Call Script

This is a Word document so you can type your information below each question. Do not remove the worksheet instructions and guiding questions. You will receive and F on the assignment if these are removed. Use B to indicate Buyer (customer) and S to indicate Salesperson. Type underneath each question. An example is below with the Approach question.

The Approach The Approach is the beginning of a sales call. (1) How do you plan to introduce yourself to the customer? What will you say? For example, the script you write would say --S: Hello Mr. Smith. Im Michael Pass. Thank you for meeting with me today. B: Its nice to meet you. Ive heard many things about your firm and its products. Type Below: (2) How will you establish rapport with the customer? - What will you say? What will the buyer say in response to what you say? Type Below:

(3) Establish a reason for meeting with the buyer. - What is the general benefit that you will bring up? Do not discuss details yet. DO NOT START SELLING. You have to use ADAPT first. Type Below:

Use the ADAPT technique Do NOT Present or SELL Until ADAPT has been completed. Assessment (Adapt)
(4) Ask the customer for some fundamental information. - The customer may be resistant. The salesperson must explain why the information is needed. - What questions will the salesperson ask the customer? - What will the customer say in response? Type Below:

Discovery (aDapt)
(5) Ask the customer questions to uncover problems or dissatisfactions. Review Section #1 where you identified the Needs Gap. Select three of these needs and write the script so you are asking the customer questions that lead him/her to state say these needs. Do not start selling or presenting when the customer expresses needs. You must first Activate and Project with the Customer. Type Below:

Activation (adApt)
(6) Show the impact of a problem uncovered through Discovery questions. Activate the customers interest in solving the situation. Generate a desire. Example: What effect does your suppliers late delivery have on your operations? Type Below:

Projection (adaPt)
(7) Help the customer to project (realize) what it would be like to not have the problem or dissatisfaction. - Refer to the needs stated by the customer. (See Activation) - Ask what it would be like if the needs were fulfilled no longer a problem. Example: You said that you have problems with late deliveries. If a supplier was never late with delivery, what effect would that have on your business? Type Below:

Transition (adapT) This is the transition to the presentation. (8) Confirm the buyers desire to solve the problem. Use a close-end question. Quickly confirm with a tie-down question. Example: So having a supplier who is never late is important to you? Would you be interested in working with a supplier that is never late with shipments? Then say let me show you our product I think we can help you. Type Below:

After ADAPT Complete a Presentation! Assume that you have secured desire for your firms product. Now you can present the benefits of your product and how it meets the customers needs or satisfies the problems. Discuss features of the product or service and the benefits. You must place attention on the problems/needs revealed during the ADAPT steps. If you do not, then you are not focusing on the customers Needs Gap. 9) What will you use to complete a presentation? - Describe your visual aids. - What is the proof that you will be using?

You do not need to write the script for your presentation here. Its assumed you will be presenting the product. Be sure to place attention on the information revealed during ADAPT. Type Below:

Uncover Objections with a Trial Close (10) After presenting the product do a trial close. - What would you say? Write it below. How will the customer respond? - Do not complete a true close do only a trial close. - Review your notes if you do not know the difference between a trial close and a true close. Type Below:


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