Ethics Test 2

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Ethics, Integrity & Aptitude

Test – II
Comprehensive Test

Time: 180 Mts. Date: 24th

​ ​ September Max Marks:

Section – A
1. What do you mean by colonial attitude of bureaucracy? Why
it is considered dangerous in ensuring the effective
functioning of bureaucracy? Discuss with relevant
examples. (10 marks)
2. Explain the following concepts and their relevance to Public
(20 marks)
a. Responsiveness
b. Utilitarianism
c. Compassion
d. Innovation
e. Tolerance

3. ‘The most important kind of freedom is to be what you

really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You give up
your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask’.
Explain the above statement. (10 marks)
4. ‘That men do not learn very much from the lessons of
history is the most important of all the lessons of history.’

Explain the significance of the above statement in the
present context.(10 marks)
5. “Public servants worked solely for the state and not for
society as it was first, which determined the choice of
citizens.” Hegel. Discuss the moral dilemmas faced by
public servants. (10 marks)
6. Differentiate between Code of Conduct and Code of Ethics.
Explain their significance to public services with relevant
examples. (10 marks)
7. Corruption in India is both systemic and systematic. Explain
the statement with relevant examples. (10 marks)
8. Rules and Regulations are necessary but not sufficient to
influence the values, behaviour and attitude of Civil
Servants. Examine the role of other factors in shaping the
character of Civil Servants with relevant examples. (10

9. If Civil Servants have empathy nothing else matters, if they

don’t have empathy again nothing else matters. Discuss (10
10. Discuss the significance of Corporate Governance in the
context of the global financial crisis the world has
witnessed in recent times. (10 marks)
11. Discuss the ethical issues involved in migration of people
from developing to developed countries and unwillingness
of the developed world to accept refugees from the third
world. (10 marks)

12. In recent times the country has witnessed spate of
suicides by famers in different parts. On the one hand, the
Government is implementing many welfare schemes for

farmers but their effectiveness can be questioned in terms
of outcomes. It is believed that the benefits of these
schemes mostly are cornered by rich and wealthy farmers
leaving the real beneficiaries out of these schemes. Land
reforms also have not been implemented effectively as can
be seen in the distribution of land holding in the country.
Discuss some feasible strategies to overcome this problem
both in the short term as well as in the long term. (250
words/ 25 marks)

13. You are working as District Magistrate of a district where

illegal mining of sand is rampant. Recently there was an
accident between a truck illegally carrying sand and a
government passenger bus. Many passengers died on the
spot because of the accident. Ever since you assumed power,
you are trying to curb this illegal mining of sand. Because of
negligence and involvement of police officers at local level,
illegal mining is going on in many parts of the district
despite your efforts to curb it. These trucks which travel on
narrow village roads, have not only damaged roads, they
have also caused traffic problem for passenger vehicles
frequently causing accidents.

The media and some people from a political party are protesting
against you after the bus accident. They are saying that you are
working hands in glove with the sand Mafia. There is also an
accusation that you are not in good terms with the police in the
district which has resulted in lack of coordination. Moreover,
even local media is portraying you as someone intentionally
allowing illegal sand mining in the district.

In this situation, what are your options? How will you deal with
accusations? And how will you manage the situation? (20 marks)

14. You are the police officer working in the anti-terror wing.
Recently there are reports of one of your subordinates using
third degree methods to extract confession from the

terrorists. He is known for his efficiency and honesty. Cases
were filed by the relatives of a person who was arrested on
suspicion regarding his links to terror modules. He was
tortured in the cell and the case has become sensational.
Finally it was proved that this person is innocent. Local
media is extremely critical of the actions of your
subordinate and judiciary has also intervened in the matter.
You are under extreme pressure to suspend the officer and
take penal action against him. What are the options in front
of you and select the best option by giving reasons. (20

15. Naxalism is one of the major law and order problems

faced by the country in recent times. It is said that spread of
naxalism has its origins in failure to implement land
reforms in the country. Backwardness in rural areas coupled
with lack of opportunities for rural youth and failure of
developmental schemes to reach targeted beneficiaries are
some of the reasons for spread of naxalism. In recent times,
mining in tribal areas and resulting displacement of tribals
also contributed to it. Discuss some of the feasible measures
to tackle the menace of naxalism. (25 marks)

16. Women empowerment in India remained a dream in spite

of the fact that woman constitute almost half of our
population. Lack of political will, absence of awareness,
poverty, lack of education, financial dependency are some of
the reasons for failure of our societies to achieve the
objectives women empowerment. 33% reservation for
woman in local self governments has not really transformed
the lives of woman in rural areas. Discuss some feasible
strategies to ensure empowerment of women. (20 marks).

17. You are working as HR manager in a private company.

You are known for your efficiency and honesty. Recently, a
very close friend of yours, who has lost both his parents and

looking for a job after completing his education from a
charity college approaches you to provide him a job in your
company. He has required qualifications to fill a job post for
which the company has recently published an
advertisement but he wants you to choose him over others
if there are more qualified persons so as to help him
overcome his difficulties in life. But many people have
applied for this job that are even more qualified. Your friend
is reeling under extreme poverty and this job can change his
life for better. He has come to you because you are the only
person whom he knows in the city and whom he trusts to
help him in the hour of need. He also reminds you gently
and politely the promise you had made to him few years
ago, to help him find a job.
a) Is it ethical to recruit your friend to the job bypassing other
qualified aspirants? Justify ​
b) Is your friend justified in seeking favour from you knowing
that he will be snatching job from more qualified person
than him? Justify. ​(20 marks)

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