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In the kinetic particle theory, matter is characterized by tiny particles constantly in motion that explain

the states of matter. In addition to explaining solids, liquids, and gases' properties and behaviors, this
theory also describes how they function and react. As the molecules in the diagram seem to behave
consistently with the assumptions of Kinetic Particle Theory, this theory offers the most useful and
accurate information about the three states of matter. By spreading out, the gas molecules, for example,
behave according to theory. This shows that molecules have lots of empty space to move in, and their
volumes are very small compared to the total volume of the gas. Another statement from the Kinetic
Particle Theory is that a liquid’s vapor pressure depends on its temperature. A liquid's temperature
increases the fraction of molecules with enough energy to escape. Due to their random motion,
molecules will flow or glide. As a result of having a lot of kinetic energy, they can slip out of an ordered
arrangement, unlike a solid.

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