WLP Q1 Week3 Sept.5 9

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Rizal
Rodriguez Sub-Office

Tagumpay National High School

San Jose, Rodriguez, Rizal
: 638-4738/ 292-1572/ 0949-3732222 : tagumpaynhs.308114@deped.gov.ph :www.facebook.com/tagumpaynhs03


SY. 2022-2023
September 5-9, 2022

Quarter: 1st Quarter Grade Level: Grade 9

Week: 3 Learning Area: Science
MELC: Explain how the respiratory and circulatory systems work together to transport nutrients, gases, and other molecules to and from the different parts of
the body S9LT-Ia-b-26

Day Objectives Topic Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Remarks

Tuesday At the end of the lesson, at First Quarter: Pre-activity (5 minutes) 1.Do the following,
G-9 Earth least 85% of the learners Living things  The class will begin with a prayer. deadline is our schedule
12:25-1:45 PM will be able to: and their  The assigned classroom secretary will for the next meeting:
5:20-6:40 PM Environment check the attendance.  Conduct an
1.1. Name, describe, and  Announcements and reminders will be information
Wednesday give the function of Coordinated given by the teacher. dissemination
G-9 Mercury the parts of the functions of the  The students will exchange their activity on
3:40-5:00 PM respiratory system; Respiratory and notebooks with their seatmate to check effective ways of
1.2. Explain how the Circulatory the given homework. taking care of the
Thursday organs of the System  Motivation (5 minutes): A picture of a respiratory based
G-9 Home respiratory system Highway will be shown to student. Using on data gathered
Schooling work together to a circle map, they will list down all the from the internet,
12:25-1:45 PM transport nutrients, things that makes the highway. school, or local
gases, and other health workers.
G-9 Neptune molecules to and
2:05-3:25 PM from the different  Each student will
5:20-6:40 PM parts of the body; have the freedom
to choose one
Performance Standards: activity to do:
Conduct an information
dissemination activity on Task 3: Festival
effective ways of taking of Talents
care of the respiratory and
circulatory systems based Painters: Draw a
on data gathered from the poster showing
school or local health ways how to take
workers care of our
system. (Draw
this in a long
Sampleanswers: bond paper with
roads,cars,passengers,buildings,trees,railings,bridge color)

 Like the highway our lesson for today Actors: In a 1-

comprises of different parts that makes minute TikTok
it as a system, and they function as one. Video, show
ways how to take
A. ACTIVITY (10 minutes) care of our
 The students will tell which level in the system. (Send the
hierarchy of life each picture belongs video clip on my
and guess what is in the picture. messenger

Writers: Create
a 2-stanza
poem showing
Task 1: Guess the Picture! how to take care
of our Respiratory
system (Write this
in a long bond
2. Read about the
 Parts and
functions of
 Common diseases
 Ways how to take
care our
Answers: atom,tissue,organ,ecosystem,cell,organ system Circulatory
Circulatory,nervous,skeletal,respiratory,digestive,mascular system.

 If one of the levels in the Hierarchy of

life don’t function well, will the other
parts be affected? In what ways?

 Does each body system have their own

function? Do they work together?

B. ANALYSIS (20 minutes)

 Just like highways, our body comprises

of different parts with specific functions
but also has integrated functions with
other parts.
 Discuss the function of the Respiratory
 Using their homework, the students will
label the parts of the given illustration of
the Respiratory system.
Task 2: Complete the gaps
Answers: nose,larynx,trachea,lungs,bronchi, diaphragm

 Each part and functions of the

Respiratory system will be discussed.
 The following questions should be
1. What is the Main function of the
Respiratory System?
2. Enumerate the parts and give their
3. What processes are involved in the
Respiratory system?

C. ABSTRACTION (15 minutes)

 A videoclip about how Smoking
cigarettes affect our body will be played.
The students should answer the
following questions:
1. Lists down at least 2 chemicals that
makes up a cigarette.
2. How does these chemicals affect our
3. Are there diseases caused by
smoking? Give at least 1.
 Discussed some diseases that affects our
Respiratory system.

D. APPLICATION (10 minutes)

 Ask the students: Are there ways by
which we can avoid respiratory diseases?
 Each student will have the freedom to
choose one activity to do:

Task 3: Festival of Talents

Painters: Draw a poster showing ways

how to take care of our Respiratory
system. (Draw this in a long bond paper
with color)

Actors: In a 1-minute TikTok Video,

show ways how to take care of our
Respiratory system. (Send the video clip
on my messenger account)

Writers: Create a 2-stanza poem

showing how to take care of our
Respiratory system (Write this in a long
bond paper)

 Generalization: (5 minutes) Share in

class what you have learned in today’s

 Evaluation: (10 minutes) Students

will answer the Quiz.

A. Complete the missing words/phrase in each

item. hairs
Choose the correctInhalation
answer from the word
box. sac Respiration
1. The act of inhaling air is _______.
2. Many large particles entering the nostrils
are stopped by the _____.
3. The main branches of the windpipe
4. The exchange of carbon dioxide in the
blood for oxygen in the air takes place in
5. The process of _______ is the
exchange of gasses between the cells
and its environment.

B. Answer the questions comprehensively.

6-7. It is proven that cigarettes are contain

harmful chemicals that affects our body. Give 2
harmful chemicals that makes up a cigarette.

8-9. The epiglottis prevents swallowed food

from entering the trachea. What will happen if
the epiglottis fails to function correctly?

10. Covid-19 is one of the respiratory diseases

cause by a virus, how can you protect yourself
from contracting the virus?
Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


Science Teacher Department Chairperson, Science Subject Leader


School Head

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