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Q1 : What operating system?

An operating system is the software that manages a computer’s basic systems, such as
scheduling tasks, executing applications and controlling peripherals ( 2 marks )

Q2: An operating system is software that :

a. Manages the input/output peripherals

b. Provides A user interface
c. Provides File management
d. Manages computer start up
e. Provides utilities
f. Manages security
g. Allows user to modify the system (7 marks )

Q3: BIOS stands for

Basic input/output system

Q4 : What is Cold boot ?

A code boot is turning the computer on after completely shutting it down

Q5 : What is Warm boot?

A warm boot is when a user uses the operating system to restart the computer

Q6 : List 9 CMOS setup instructions

Standard CMOS features
Advanced BIOS features
Advanced chipset features
Integrated peripherals
Power management setup
PNP/PCI Configurations
PC health status
Frequency/Voltage control
Load Fail-safe defaults
Load Optimized defaults
Set supervisor password
Set user password
Save and exit setup
Exit without saving
Q7 : What is peripheral?
A peripheral is external hardware such as mouse, keyboard, speaker, etc.

Q8: What is driver ?

A driver is software provided by the manufacturer to enable the operating system and the
device to communicate with each other

Q9: Draw an operating system and use drivers to manage peripheral devices.

Q10: Describe how the computer manage the resources.
When a user runs an application, such as Microsoft Word, it is loaded into RAM; once it is
running, any files (from internal or external storage) are also loaded into RAM for the program's
use. Once the file is saved and closed, the information is written to storage, and then wiped out
from RAM
Q10 : Draw the layers of abstraction
| /\
\/ |
| /\
\/ |
Operating system
| /\
\/ |
| /\
\/ |
Assembling system
| /\
\/ |
| /\
\/ |

Q12: Explain and give an example of layer abstraction

Software developers writing code for applications can ignore OS, Kernel, Assembling
system, Firmware, and hardware

Q13 : What is API? Describe

API is application program interface which specifies how software applications and
hardware such as storage and video cards should interact with one another.

Q14 : What is a high - level language ? Describe

High level language is any programming language that enables development of a program in a
much more user-friendly programming context and is generally independent of the computer's
hardware architecture.
Q15: What is ‘Translator’? Describe it

A translator is a utility that translates high-level code into machine language that a computer can

Q16: What is ‘Compiler’? Describe it

Compiler is a translator that takes a piece of high-level code and translates it into a simple
program computers can understand

Q17: What is ‘Interpreter’? Describe it

An interpreter is a translator that translate the high-level code into machine code one instruction
at a time

Q18: Different types of operating system. Describe.

Each device has a different operating system needed to run. The main OS’s are Window’s,
MacOS, Linux, Windows phone, Apple iOS, google Android

Q19: What is common OS for desktop and laptop?

Window’s, MacOS, Linux

Q20 : What is similar features for all the OS ?

Protected and supervisor mode.

Allows disk access and file systems
Device drivers Networking Security.
Program Execution.
Memory management Virtual Memory Multitasking.
Handling I/O operations.
Manipulation of the file system.
Error Detection and handling.
Resource allocation.

Q21: Hand held devices and mobile phones have different features because of different
OS. What do you understand about the OS for most of the devices?

They all are required to run the devices, and as such regarded as firmware

Q22 : HCI and GUI means (Write the full names)

Human computer interaction and Graphic user interface

Q23: Windows and Mac OS are proprietary operating systems. What that means?
Proprietary OS are owned by organizations and can only be updated/modified by their
respective owners

Q24: Assembly language are easy to remember code based on ………………

Machines bio instructions


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