Open Letter To Dickinsons

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This book is a Finals eee ng Cer aunty RRO Cea ear) Cao RT Yabut, June Carlo Pot irrmnrrerrer ere. ce Ie SS: EE} DIO hood SS =~ See test PES at eS) rt ed INESARY Quip A Gy ae ae EG oo eSy ose ue ade toe) Dee a ee ce SENG SRE REE EE RENNIN, NAG ge Ve, oe ef AZ Sys (aa) Placed SE ON VEO, PAN, Pee : ger 9 “Sas. C/E You lived yourself the way you want to, as you should. Though [know that you may hear this very often, since you've been alive for fairly long now, but I sil want to know, how was the last hundred and ninety-two years? How does it feel, now realizing that you were bom thead of your time? You are Wwell-aware, because you lived i, that before, women were not Seen as equal to men, They were trated asi they only belong to the household, and Wouldn't amount to more. Though we may ‘only know litle about your endeavors, just thought you should Know that I, personally, deeply admire you as a person, and more especially as a woman. Because you didn’t let the people ‘around You dicate Your sexual orientation and gender identity itis now inthe law, for decades, untl today, women are stil fighting this endless battle called women's rights, Women are human, more human than mea, if may say so mysell, so we ‘should not be abjectifid, degraded, or soon as les, Instead, we Should be treated with respect, and we should be able to use our voice, rights and have the same opportunities as men, because Weare equals, We can do, what they can, if not better, With this, Fd like to commend you forall your contributions in our society today, through your trary works. You've been a great role ‘model and inspiration tothe women of today, May you continue to be a great source of encouragement to young ladies to embrace their talents and pursue their passions, no matter what other people say: And because you have witnessed how the ‘world changed through the decades, ean only hope thy Il Billbea par of the coninaus improve ots ast nthe Hello, greeting you a blessed day! Lam Yvan Jasfer Mallon Femandez, an Aeronautical Engineering student form Holy ‘Angel University. [wrote this letter for both of you since Your life lessons and experience caught my attention and 1 felt ike T was on your shoes because we have the same experience as, rine. L vas realy moved by your story; it Was a reat eye ‘opener and such a wonderful masterpiece. As they say, “Side by Side or miles apart, bothers and sisters will alvays be connected by hear, Emily you have shown to your Brother Austin that no ‘matter what happen, no matter what i his decision will be and ‘ho matter what pathjjourney he will take you will always be there for him to support and let him take the risk of experiencing great things in lifes was really inspired by the decision of Austin to take a chance and risk because in lie you will never know what will be the result of on thing unless you go for it, take the risk and try it Emily, see your support ftom your brother Austin as what is my relationship and support of my girl siblings to me. They never doubted my decision to take Aeronautical Engineering ‘even though their field is on medicine. They supported my Joumey all throughout, and they always cheer me up when Tam ‘doubting myself Emily and Austin, your story and poems, is really @ work of art at the same time an inspiration to al. Your story taught me alot about relationship and how siblings must Suppor each other. To achieve a relationship that no one can break is that think we should always believe and admire, protect and show, watch and listen, ove and know because a brother's love is a sister's greatest treasure, A sister's happiness is brother's deepest desire know that you are loved. Emly and ‘Austin, thankyou forall the life earnings and truly admire ‘your bond, [hope someday will meet personally! Hello! lam a student of Angel University and in my subj discussed in my cl silly wen you wrote a poem for your brother, Austin, that entitled “There is another Sky”, I was really inspired and ‘moved by reading your poctry Because | fel 4 deop meaning toi. Iwas really touched by brother. Somehow, | was able to relate to it be also have that love and care that T would always have for my oungest brother, The love that | always. fend to cate for thom so much. 1 alse support and encourage And ifa problem arrives, we are always at everyone's side to support and conguer the problem, Unfortunately, our father died fast 2018 and it was so hard for us to continue with our lives without him, Ie suddenly beeame hard for us to pursue our dreams since my father i the breadwinner in our family but we all Keep up and stay strong together. And now, we are focused on achioving out goals especially me because T want to support them. It be cease We that my father is still on our fen if he is one an hat our faber wants, to each our goals. Itis really a pleasure to have read your poem. Nothing beats the feeling of being home when your farnily i always at your sid to support you, Emily, Lknow there is no way for you to receive or read this letter that 'am writing right now. However, tll, [just ‘wanted to express my heartfelt gratitude forall of your ‘wondrous works that have served as an inspiration to many, most especially myself. It awed and inspired me even mo ‘when T learned that, despite not being abe to publish your own work owing to some unfortunate societal biases, you persisted in ‘ring thousands oF poms ft ealy sows how much you Value and commit to your passion and love of wrt Fpoulnalyadre Sod men aly wo oscar fou ho Yyou- that no matter how much the rest ofthe world tries to {iscourage you from doing what you are passionate about, you will never budge and cave to what they sy and just continue doing what you have always wanted to accomplish It upsets and saddens me a the same time thatthe only reason you cannot publish your works is that you area woman, ‘Your poems have inspired million of readers, moved thousands of hears, and touched hundreds of souls. I hope that there are sil writers in our generation today who are not afraid of what others think oftheir passion for writing such brilliant land beautiful posts and stories, [know I canot write poetry And think as creatively as you, but you have sill ruly inspired ‘and motivated me to Continue doing and pursuing the things I am passionate about Enly, thanks to your works and efforts, | have gained confidence and faith that one day I, t00, will be recognized, and ‘my works will serve as an inspiration for many people. 'm also fratel to you, Austin, because when Emily fails get any ret for her inspiring words, you have always stood by her side 4nd helped er name and masterpieces gain the recognition they ear Austin and Emily Dickinson, lam Philip Joseph Santos from the current gen far from the year you have lived i, Lam one of those who have shown like to your itera pees, You have great talent in making these piste, they are truly a work o ‘works are based from life experiences and emotions from yoursel To you Mr. Austin Dickinson cheers to the carcer you have to pursue, itis not that easy ofa path you have choos Tapplaud you foe your bravery and strong heat. You have served your fown at Your very best and gave them all that they needed, You area one ofa kind leader and you should amp) = in this time. On the contrary he {gave fo Ms. Susan is not very justifiable, you should have I her tothe extent of your heart. She should have been your one and only, she may have some shortcomings but you decided to ‘marry her so you have to full tht promise to love ber tll seath That mistake of having amis eneration. T hope yon ha To Ms, Emily Dickinson, | am first sorry for having a world that is very discriminative, your talent was one of akind and that ‘alent neoded to be shown in the whole world, These poems you have made are very inspiring and can impact a person and leave ‘lesson for them. Ifthe world only accepted that women can do whatever men ean do, you could have been very avoided the loneliness nlf ‘commend you for being brave and also having & strong heart for fighting all the challenges that life has thrown ‘exemplary and a good role model for the women in today’s time fighting for equality in the community wv one becomes a dreamer, I it the talent? Is Tong before we are still a kid? Is it the ‘of wars, inequality, oppression, or poverty that pushes us to dream of something bigger for us? Does it know if you are poor, rich, a politician, a teacher, ora student? Some say that ‘death, heighs, ghosts, and not having money will haunt you most, Stop dreaming. Tam sm interested in ting poor and realizing that | should stop aiming for my dreams and focus on surviving, tam frightened of now knowing reaming the right one for me and be too late to feel that I never wanted that dream. You, Emily, are one of the most appropriate icon for dreamers. am also extending my gratitude owards you, Austin, for also shining and for helping the people tround you shine, too, You, both, have affected generations of dreamers that we mast risk everthing to do what we think i right and for us. Ihave always Tooked up on people like you who has impacted us. I want you to know that there ae women runing for presidency, working same jobs as men, and are ‘artng to get heard. Most people now ate pushing for less wars TTelieve that you would be so envious if you knew ae living today compared to your time. However, there are sill lot to do but thank you for being & big part of starts because you dared to dream and worked for it gin by applauding you on your countless achievements in life, whether they are works of poetry literary now, our generations ber ontained in your Werks T¥ range of fascinating topics. Emily Dickenson, you area wise and Courageous woman, Your approach to prodacing poetry was ‘considered unconventional atthe time, yet you persisted and revolutionized the way poetry is writen. You determined to go poetry and ideas pushed the boundaries of what others thou About poetry at that epoch. During our generation, reading rk reveals a universe of thoughts and feelings fo be _undefstood andl comprehended. Its as if ve been flown back to the twentieth-century Americ revolution. "Tha it will never come again is what makes life so sweet this is my favorite phrase that she wrote, in my opinion, because it reminds me that life is temporary and time is short, $0 we should enjay every second we have, no matter how bad nice i is, Emily's will and perseverance to stand by her Sentiments for Susan Gilbert are deeply moving te me, especialy given the time and era to which they belong. 1b Austin's feaction to this situation was somewhat acceptable given that culture a the time didnot allow for st Teast analy eee Mune a eats oe, died § iy love is admirable and deserve recognized because not al siblings ae

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