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Povadora, Eprilyn T. Ms.

Suzette Mae Pacilan

BSBA-FM May 28, 2022
24851 NSTP 102

Activity 24: Narrative Report

First Day of Oral Defense

(Project Proposal Implementation Presentation)

May 21, 2022, 10:30 AM, the first day of our oral defense about the project
proposal implementation that each group has present. I wasn`t able to got
in at the class on time because that day is the wedding of my very own
sister so we are busy that day. When I got in at the class, the oral defense
started already, the speaker of each group who present that day explained
their presentation so well.

As I waited, I did prepared myself for the oral defense so that I will not be
confused and stuttered and I can defense our project proposal together
with my members. As I was busy at the wedding of my sister, I was also
nervous about our oral defense due to the conflict of time, but thankfully,
our instructor said that some of the groups who didn`t present that day
because it`s already time, she said that we will continue next meeting so
that all groups can defense their project proposal. As I listened to all the
presenters that day, I`ve learned a lot of things that will eventually help our
community, environment especially our mother earth to maintain its
uniqueness. I`ve learned about planting trees which is relevant to us
because by planting more trees, it will contribute to global reforestation
efforts, restoring lost forests, repairing damaged ecosystems and mitigating
climate changes. It helps us to breathe and live in a happy and healthy life.
By sharing our love and care to other, some of us implement a program
that help others especially to those people who are in needs through
feeding program, sport program, gym program and such things.
Therefore, I`ve learned that it is very important for every individual in this
world to understand that a clean environment is very important for the
health of all human beings. Any kind of pollution which is causing damage
to the environment is equally bad for the whole of humanity. I`ve learned
that it is on us that we can do this all things that will help ourselves as well
as others not only to others but to our mother earth.

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