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Analytic Reviews

Journal of Intensive Care Medicine

Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension ª The Author(s) 2021
Article reuse guidelines:
in the Critical Patient DOI: 10.1177/08850666211024886

Mark D. Mamlouk, MD1,2 , Peter Y. Shen, MD1 ,

and Mark F. Sedrak, MD3

Spontaneous intracranial hypotension typically manifests with orthostatic headaches and is caused by spinal dural tears, ruptured
meningeal diverticula, or CSF-venous fistulas. While most patients are diagnosed and treated in the outpatient setting, some
patients will occasionally present in the emergent ICU setting due to subdural hematomas, coma, or downward brain herniation.
In this review paper, we will discuss the diagnostic and treatment steps that intensivists can undertake to coordinate a team
approach to successfully manage these patients. A brief general overview of spontaneous intracranial hypotension will also be

spontaneous intracranial hypotension, critical patient, subdural hematoma, CSF-venous fistula

Background and with Valsalva maneuvers. In addition, headaches can wane

with time or be absent altogether, making the diagnosis chal-
Spontaneous intracranial hypotension (SIH) is a well-
lenging. Additional symptoms can include neck pain, nausea,
recognized and treatable cause of headaches. SIH is secondary
tinnitus, cranial nerve palsies, and even a frontotemporal-like
to spontaneous spinal CSF leaks, and there are 3 recognized
types: dural tears from calcified disc protrusions or spiculated
osteophytes, ruptured meningeal diverticula, and CSF-venous
SIH is not typically a condition that requires urgent medical MRI Brain Findings
attention. The majority of patients with SIH can be safely man- In patients with clinical concern for SIH, contrast-enhanced
aged and treated in an outpatient setting. Furthermore, because brain MR imaging is performed and typical findings include
SIH is sometimes difficult to diagnosis, a significant number of brain sag, dural enhancement, venous distension, and subdural
patients live with the condition for months to years before collections.6 The brain MRI is positive in the majority of SIH
treatment. A minority of patients; however, can become acutely patients and has always been abnormal in the critical patient in
obtunded or comatose,3 and SIH can even be fatal in in a small our experience. Subdural collections can be seen with SIH and
percentage of patients.4 While most of the existing literature on are invariably bilateral. In the absence of trauma, bilateral sub-
SIH focuses on the diagnostic and treatment plans, there is dural collections should raise suspicion for SIH.
relatively little discussion of the specific workflow that pertains
to the critical patient. Moreover, because SIH is prevalent
throughout small and large hospitals, not all critical patients Department of Radiology, The Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser
will be managed in a dedicated neurointensive care unit or a Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, CA, USA
Department of Radiology and Biomedical Imaging, University of California,
center that specializes in SIH. The purpose of this paper is to
San Francisco, CA, USA
provide a clinical workflow for the critical SIH patient that can 3
Department of Neurosurgery, The Permanente Medical Group, Kaiser
be managed in most intensive care units, which will be based Permanente Medical Center, Redwood City, CA, USA
on a literature review and the authors’ clinical experience.
Received March 9, 2021. Received revised May 21, 2021. Accepted May
26, 2021.
General SIH Overview Corresponding Author:
Clinical Symptoms Mark D. Mamlouk, Department of Radiology, The Permanente Medical Group,
Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Santa Clara, 700 Lawrence Expy, Santa
Headaches are the most common feature in SIH and are usually Clara, CA 95051, USA.
positional. Headaches can worsen in the second half of the day Emails:;
2 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine XX(X)

Spine Imaging targeted epidural blood patches are the next treatment and
typically entail administering autologous blood in the lumbar
The spinal imaging approach to SIH can differ depending on
spine. The efficacy of non-targeted epidural blood patches is
the institution, and the nuances are beyond the scope of this
variable, with a 52% success rate in one study.11 The advan-
discussion but will be briefly described. After SIH is confirmed
tages of a non-targeted epidural blood patch are that it can
clinically and on MRI brain imaging, the spine should be
typically be performed at most hospitals, does not typically
imaged to evaluate the spinal leak. MR imaging of the total
need image guidance, and can be performed irrespective if
spine is performed and typically includes T2 fat-suppressed
the specific leak site is identified. On the other hand, we
images in the sagittal and axial planes. The whole goal of
prefer image-guided targeted percutaneous treatments
imaging is to identify a CSF leak; therefore, additional T1
directly at the leak site origin with either blood or fibrin
sequences and contrast administration are unnecessary.7 If the
sealant, as our experience and prior literature both show that
spine MRI shows an extradural collection, the leak is either
from a dural tear from a calcified disc or a ruptured meningeal targeted treatments can increase the chance of sealing the
diverticulum. A dynamic CT myelogram is then performed in leak compared to non-targeted treatments.11 In the setting
either the prone position (for ventral disc-related leaks) or lat- of CSF-venous fistulas, CT-guided fibrin sealants and endo-
eral decubitus position (for ruptured meningeal diverticula) to vascular transvenous embolization have been recently shown
identify the exact leak site.7 If the spine MRI does not show an to be effective treatment options.12,13 Lastly, surgery is typi-
extradural collection, a CSF-venous fistula should be sus- cally a last resort option but is an effective treatment for all
pected, which is typically an abnormal connection between a types of spinal leaks. Neurosurgical operations include
meningeal diverticulum and a vein that shunts out CSF fluid removing calcified discs, repair of dural tears, and coagula-
and results in SIH. The actual CSF-venous fistula cannot be tion of CSF-venous fistulas.14-16
seen on routine MR spine imaging, but meningeal diverticula
can be seen on the spine MRI. In this scenario, a lateral decu-
bitus CT or digital subtraction myelogram are performed to SIH in the Critical Patient
identify the CSF-venous fistula, as the decubitus position per-
mits contrast to flow into the CSF-venous fistula on the depen- SIH With Small or Large Subdural Collections
dent side of the thecal sac via gravity.8,9 In our experience, the and Clinically Stable
laterality of the decubitus myelogram is usually predicated on Subdural collections in SIH can vary in consistency from
which side has a greater number of meningeal diverticula on CSF-filled effusions to hematomas with various ages of
the spine MRI, and this side is placed down on the procedure hemorrhage. Given the loss of CSF volume in SIH, subdural
table. If the meningeal diverticula are approximately equal, we effusions are presumably related to compensatory enlarge-
typically choose to start with a right lateral decubitus myelo- ment and are a reflection of the Monro-Kellie doctrine.2 Sub-
gram, as we have seen more CSF-venous fistulas on the right dural hematomas, on the other hand, are possibly related to
side in our experience. If there is no CSF-venous fistula on the tearing of the bridging veins or bleeding of enlarged veins in
first lateral decubitus myelogram, we bring the patient back the the subdural space.17
next day and image the contralateral decubitus myelogram.8 Treatment of the subdural collections should be guided by
During any of the various types of myelogram, an opening the patient’s neurological stability (Figure 1). If the patient is
pressure can be performed, and a pressure of 6 cm of water clinically stable, diagnosis and treatment should focus on the
or less is a diagnostic criterion for SIH. Nonetheless, the open- spinal leak and not drainage of the subdural collections for
ing pressure is normal in the majority of SIH patients, as the multiple reasons. First, it is important to remember that the
pathophysiology of CSF leaks is better described as low CSF subdural collections are an effect of SIH, not the cause. Second,
volume rather than low pressure.2 Of note, SIH is typically in many cases, the subdural collections are chronic and there
secondary to spinal CSF leaks and not skull base leaks, the are no resultant neurologic deficits. Third, there are multiple
latter entity usually seen with intracranial hypertension. Thus, reports that state that subdural collections can recur if surgi-
imaging of the skull base is not typically warranted in patients cally evacuated and the underlying spinal leak is not
with SIH.10 addressed.4,17-19 Lastly, there is some evidence that treating
the subdural hematoma in isolation of SIH may even be harm-
ful, as the craniotomy can decrease the intracranial pressure
Spinal CSF Leak Treatment after being exposed to atmospheric pressure.20 For these rea-
Treatment of the underlying spinal leak can vary from con- sons, subdural collection evacuation should be avoided if the
servative to percutaneous to surgical. Conservative treatments patient is not directly symptomatic from the subdural collec-
include bed rest to permit the CSF leak to “self-patch” on its tions. Instead, identifying and treating the spinal leak should be
own. Other conservative measures include oral hydration and the focus using the steps outlined in the previous section and
caffeine administration. While some patients can certainly can either be performed in the inpatient or outpatient setting,
improve with these conservative measures, there are limited depending on the clinical status of the patient and availability
data on the efficacy and specific duration of bed rest. Non- to perform the workup (Figure 2).
Mamlouk et al 3

Figure 1. SIH algorithm in the critical patient. The algorithm begins with identifying a patient with positive clinical and neuroimaging findings of
SIH. The patient is first assessed if clinically stable (a). If yes (b), then diagnosis and treatment of the spinal leak should be performed. If the patient
is not clinically stable (c), then the patient is assessed for physical exam findings suggestive of elevated intracranial pressure. If yes, and there are
subdural collections (d), then subdural evacuation should be performed, followed by addressing the spinal leak. If there is no elevated intracranial
pressure (e), then the patient should be placed in the Trendelenburg position. Clinical and imaging assessment should be made if there are other
worrisome neurologic signs besides coma (f). If no (g), then the spinal leak should be addressed. If there is additional clinical concern, and there is
severe central downward herniation (h), then intrathecal saline infusion and/or non-targeted blood patching should be performed, followed by
addressing the spinal leak.

SIH With Large Subdural Collections and Clinically drains at gravity provide insufficient negative force for these
Unstable circumstances. Also, keeping the patient supine or even in inter-
mittent Trendelenburg positions while draining can be benefi-
One major difficulty in this group of patients is determining if cial. We generally maintain this negative pressure drainage
the patient is clinically unstable from the large subdural collec- while the patient is undergoing targeted or non-targeted percu-
tions or from downward herniation related to SIH. As described taneous treatment for the spinal leak. Finally, unlike other sub-
in the previous section, many subdural collections can be dural evacuations, a clamp and reimage trial of the brain can be
managed without drainage and by addressing the spinal leak entertained prior to removal of the drain.
(Figure 3). There are reports that state subdural evacuation
should be performed in the setting of uncal herniation and loss
of consciousness21; however, both of these features can be seen SIH With Coma and/or Central Herniation
with severe SIH resulting in central herniation and brainstem This subset of patients is the most life threatening and challen-
compression and are discussed in the subsequent sections. Thus, ging to clinically address. Clinically, patients can present with
we propose that subdural evacuation should solely be performed lethargy, confusion, coma, fixed pupils, Cheyne-Stokes breath-
if there are distinct physical exam signs of increased intracranial ing, and decerebrate posturing. Coma is an uncommon clinical
pressure that are directly attributed to the subdural collections. presentation in patients with SIH and is invariably seen with
In the event that subdural evacuation is done, we have empiri- brain sagging although not all patients with brain sagging man-
cally placed a drain in the subdural space and maintained a ifest with coma.3 A recent study that evaluated brainstem
negative pressure using a subdural evacuating port system. This lesions found the left pontine tegmentum to be the potential
negative pressure can be obtained using standard materials, such anatomic location to induce coma if affected.22 In SIH patients
as Jackson-Pratt or Blake bulbs. In our experience, ventricular with brain sag, the pons is flattened and this could potentially
4 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine XX(X)

Figure 2. Subdural collections in a clinically stable 33-year-old woman who had abrupt orthostatic headaches after kickboxing class. (A) Axial
noncontrast CT head shows a left frontoparietal convexity subdural collection with acute (arrow) and chronic (arrowhead) hemorrhage. (B)
Sagittal CT image of a dynamic myelogram in the prone position shows normal intrathecal contrast (arrow) and a ventral extradural CSF leak
(arrowhead) at the T1-T2 level, which was secondary to a calcified disc (C, arrow). (D) CT-guided epidural blood patch was performed with
circumferential contrast-enhanced blood in the epidural space (arrows), which cured the patient. Air is also noted in the epidural space from the
prior epidurogram (not shown) that was performed to confirm the epidural space prior to injection of blood.

Figure 3. Large subdural hematomas in a 64-year-old man that was clinically stable and endorsed orthostatic headaches. A, Axial noncontrast
CT head shows bilateral holohemispheric subacute subdural hematomas (arrows), left greater than right. Subdural evacuation was not
performed, as there were no physical exam findings to suggest elevated intracranial pressure. B, Right lateral decubitus CT myelogram was
performed after a normal spine MRI (not shown) and reveals a right T9-T10 CSF-venous fistula with a paravertebral course (arrows). C,
CT-guided fibrin glue occlusion was performed with contrast-enhanced glue injected in the neural foramen and epidural space (arrow). D,
Post-treatment right lateral decubitus CT myelogram 1.5 months later shows resolution of the CSF-venous fistula. The patient’s symptoms also
clinically resolved, including a frontotemporal-like dementia.

result in disruption of the pontine tegmentum. While coma is an The first step in treatment is to place the patient in the Tren-
alarming feature in the SIH patient, it is typically reversible if delenburg position, which is the exact opposite positioning for
the underlying spinal leak is treated. central herniation not related to SIH and could be life-saving.4
Mamlouk et al 5

Figure 4. Coma in a 57-year-old man with a CSF-venous fistula. A, Sagittal T1-weighted imaging of the brain shows midbrain sag (arrow) that is
in keeping with SIH. B, Axial T2-weighted image at the vertex shows small subdural effusions (arrows) without significant mass effect. C, Axial
T2-weighted image at the base of the brain shows bilateral uncal herniation (arrows). There is still some CSF present in the left ambient cistern
(arrowhead), suggesting incomplete central herniation. Steroids were administered, and the patient regained normal consciousness. D, Right
lateral decubitus CT myelogram in the coronal plane performed the next day shows an irregular meningeal diverticulum (arrow) at the right
T11-T12 level that communicates with a vein (arrowhead), which is compatible with a CSF-venous fistula. This patient was treated with fibrin
glue occlusion (not shown), similar to the previous figure, and was cured.

Figure 5. Fatal case of SIH in a 35-year-old woman with severe central herniation. A, Axial noncontrast CT head shows hyperdensity along the
bilateral middle cerebral arteries (arrows) and tentorium cerebelli (arrowheads), which is compatible with pseudo-subarachnoid hemorrhage. B,
Sagittal T1-weighted image of the brain shows severe sagging of the cerebellar tonsils (arrow) and midbrain (arrowhead). C, Axial T2-weighted
image shows bilateral uncal herniation (arrows) and complete CSF effacement of the basal cisterns (arrowheads). In addition, the gray matter is
diffusely hyperintense and the sulci are effaced, which are consistent with cerebral edema. D, Apparent diffusion coefficient image of the brain
shows hypointense signal in the bilateral posterior cerebral artery distributions (arrows) that is compatible with acute infarction secondary to
narrowing of the posterior cerebral arteries (not shown). This patient was declared brain dead shortly after, despite intrathecal saline infusion.
An undiagnosed CSF-venous fistula was likely the cause of the SIH.

Because of the acuity of the condition, the authors suggest to 2 techniques in this specific population but both have likely
only proceed with the spinal imaging diagnostic workup if the similar effectiveness. In addition, both techniques could also
patient is clinically stable. If the patient is clinically unstable theoretically be performed at the same time as well. There may
with additional neurologic symptoms besides coma, and there be some concerns of performing a lumbar puncture for intrathe-
is severe central herniation with complete CSF effacement of cal saline administration or the myelogram in the setting of
the basilar cisterns on brain imaging, maneuvers to raise intra- brain sagging, with particular concern for worsening the hernia-
cranial pressure and volume are preferred. This can be done tion; however, a spinal leak is already present and the CSF
by an intrathecal saline infusion via a lumbar drain placement. pressure is generally low. In one study, no reports of clinical
One group has administered large boluses up to 163 cc of or radiologic worsening were seen after the lumbar puncture in
saline,23 while another group had a constant infusion rate of patients with coma.3 The authors’ experiences also coincide
20 cc/hour.24 Both groups used simultaneous intracranial pres- with this as well. Lastly, it is important to note that when per-
sure monitoring to gauge the effectiveness of the saline infu- forming a lumbar puncture to ensure the needle is in the sub-
sion. Alternatively, a non-targeted large volume epidural blood arachnoid space prior to intrathecal saline administration or
patch can also be performed. No studies have compared the contrast injection for a myelogram, CSF return may be limited
6 Journal of Intensive Care Medicine XX(X)

or absent altogether due to the low pressure and volume in these ORCID iDs
patients and make it challenging to ensure correct needle place- Mark D. Mamlouk, MD
ment. Image guidance can help mitigate this potential obstacle Peter Y. Shen, MD
in these cases.
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