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Module 1 Your life A2 / B1

Grammar Functions Vocabulary Skills

SURE START p7 Review: basic vocabulary s questions about me
areas W Ex uses of like
UNIT 1 Get up & go
A p8 Brush up present simple / talking about the present daily routine R identity parade S my routine / frequency of
adverbs of frequency actions COMPETENCE ZONE questionnaire
PPT about daily routine
B p10 Brush up present talking about actions in free-time activities R Tara's video blog | 5 activities I like/dislike|
continuous vs present progress W EX so ask and answer about my life
simple / like + ing
Grammar Hub 1 p12 as above W sentences /L interview with Ruby / identify
PLUS personal pronouns | stative/active verbs / Pronunciation: third person -s false sentences /S my routine / frequency of
actions / a holiday / R an email
Communication p14 Making conversation | Introductions / Starting conversations/ Responding/ Closing/
Scenario My new party personality/ Culture Summer language schools.
UNIT 2 Q & A
A p16 modal verbs can/ could / talking about skills & personality W Ex despite R heroes / S my personality / my skills &
be able to abilities abilities
B p18 CLIL Brush up question asking & answering countries & nationalities R celebrities quiz W quiz questions | S class
formation questions quiz COMPETENCE ZONE slide presentation
PPT about a country
Grammar Hub 2 p20 as above R leaflet on London | S my town /my abilities |
PLUS Pronunciation: can questions & answers / L conversations
Skills p22 Good friends R & S Friendship | L&S / identify people/ describe people| w an email describing yourself & a friend / Vocabulary
describing people
Accuracy p24 review present simple & continuous review pronouns L understanding specific information | Bonus gramar so/ neither / nor
Fluency p26 CLIL I can talk about a painting Introduction Location | Speculation | Description Opinion Style Genre I can work in a group | Getting
started | Eliciting | Suggesting & responding | Moving on
COMPETENCE ZONE slide presentation about a painting
Check your progress p28 / Pinboard p29
Culture p150 LIL The new young Americans America's first people
WB P178 Unit 1 p178 / Unit 2 p181 / Reading Online profiles p184 / Writing A personal email p185
Module 2 True stories B1
Grammar Functions Vocabulary Skills
SURE START p31 Review: describing people s talk about people | W describe personality and
UNIT 3 Life´s like that!
A p32 Brush up past simple talking about the past actions R a mugging | L last weekend Is things people did |
modal verb could W sentences
B p34 CLIL used to / would talking about past habits digital verbs W Ex R interview | S habits of today | childhood
PPT & routines either...or
Grammar Hub 3 p36 as above w sentences / a paragraph about your life/ R
PLUS past simple review Stephen Hawking | L places people visited | S
Pronunciation: -ed | used to silent d things you did | life in the 1950s
Communication p38
UNIT 4 Danger zone
A p40 past simple vs past talking about activities in health R lucky escapes | S happenings in the past
continuous the past W Ex attitude adverbs
B p42 CLIL zero conditional | talking about conditions disasters R disastrous happenings | W conditional sentences
imperative conditional W Ex even | S giving advice
Grammar Hub 4 p44 as above L past happenings | S describe pictures | give
advice | W conditional sentences
Skills p46 The great escape R & S Rescue of 33 Chilean miners buried under rock | L&W News stories
W Ex news headlines
Accuracy p48 review of tenses (present simple & continuous, past simple & continuous, would) | review comparisons | L understanding
specific information Bonus Grammar-ing form & infinitive
Fluency p50 CLIL I can give a talk | Starting | Sequencing | Linking & contrasting | Explaining I can participate in a talk | Asking polite questions W Ex
contrasting ideas / COMPTETENCE ZONE give a talk
Check your progress p52 / Pinboard p53
Culture p154 CLIL English around the world | All about Australia
WB p186 Unit 3 p186 / Unit 4 p189 | Reading Storm chaser p192| Writing A story p193

Module 3 Style A2
Grammar Functions Vocabulary Skills
SURE START p55 Review: talking about S a questionnaire about holidays |
holidays W Ex like + ing+ W holiday preferences
UNIT 5 Work & play
A p56 modal verb must / semi- giving instructions landscape R go USA! | W description of my
modal verb have W Ex strong adjectives region | COMPETENCE ZONE slide
to / needn't presentation about my region
B p58 modal verb should | semi- making suggestions & word formation R holiday helpline | S advice about
modal verb ought to recommendations holidays
Grammar Hub 5 p60 as above w sentences | advice | S rules |
PLUS be allowed to Pronunciation: have to other people's obligations | my
obligations | advice |L dialogues
Communication p62 Giving advice | Checking how someone feels | Offering advice | Accepting advice | Rejecting advice Scenario Offering and
receiving advice | Culture Money matters COMPETENCE ZONE slide presentation about money
UNIT 6 Cool places
A p64 Brush up comparing and British & American English R travel tips|S compare countries
comparatives & contrasting W Ex prefixes un-/-in
B p66 CLILL Brush up some / any / talking about quantity everyday things R Tara talks | S discuss collecting |
enough what I carry with me | W what your
PPT partner has
Grammar Hub p68 as above L a quiz | S compare holidays |
PLUS comparative adverbs | countable uncountable nouns | defining quantity compare opinions about things in
my town
Skills p70 Gap year adventure: R an article on gap year experiences | L adventures of two young people | S&W discuss a gap
Year / write a blog about my gap year
Accuracy p72 review verb tenses & modals | review definite & indefinite articles | R an article about a gap year | Lunderstanding specific
information Bonus Grammar so/such
Fluency p74 I can describe places | Describing places | Recommendations | Vocabulary Tourism
I can make enquiries | Asking for information | Asking for directions | Giving directions
COMPETENCE ZONE slide presentation about a city
Check your progress p76 / Pinboard p77
Culture p158 CLIL American attitudes | Citizenship
WB p194 Unit 5 p194 |Unit 6 p197 | Reading Holiday reviews p200|Writing / Describing a place p201

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