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Precoding for MIMO Channels in Cognitive Radio

Networks With CSI Uncertainties and for
Compound Capacity
Mohannad H. Al-Ali, Student Member, IEEE and K. C. Ho, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—Inaccurate knowledge of channel state information to the short coherence time, limited feedback or significant
(CSI) limits the performance offered by MIMO communications. demand of spectrum resources by PUs [25]. The uncertainty
The design of a MIMO precoder should take the CSI uncertainty in interference CSI results from the non-cooperative nature
into consideration to mitigate its effects. This paper proposes
a method to design the precoder for a secondary user in an of PU with SU since both users often belong to different
underlay cognitive radio framework that maximizes its trans- networks [9]–[27]. The objective is to design a linear precoder
mission performance, where the direct link to its receiver and for SU-Tx to improve the SU transmission performance that
the interference link to a primary user have CSI uncertainties. is robust to the CSI uncertainties, while ensuring the QoS for
We model the CSI uncertainties through the Schatten norm PU. The underlay CR paradigm is less demanding in managing
that encompasses most commonly used norm measures such
as the spectral and Frobenious norms. The proposed method interferences than some other approaches, such as interference
solves iteratively a minimax problem by deriving the optimal alignment [18], [19] which requires the availability of CSI for
solution for the worst case interference CSI uncertainty, applying all link connections and a precoder at each transmitter and a
the alternate-iterate technique for the worst case direct link combiner at each receiver ends.
CSI deviation, and developing a feasible direction projected The uncertainty of CSI can be modelled in a stochastic
subgradient technique for the precoder. Simpler solutions for the
precoder are also derived under some specific norm measure or a deterministic manner. Under the stochastic model the
of CSI uncertainty and certain requirement of transmission robust design seeks a precoder that optimizes a stochastic
power. Simulations corroborate the expected performance of the performance metric with probabilistic constraints [21]–[26].
proposed design. The stochastic approach is usually not amenable in opti-
Index Terms—Cognitive radio, compound capacity, minimax, mization because of the lack of closed-form expressions for
MIMO, Schatten norm, alternate-iterate, Lagrange dual, leakage the CSI probability distributions. The deterministic model
rate. uses a quantitative measure together with a compact set
[2]–[17], whose size and shape are usually evaluated from
I. I NTRODUCTION field measurements, to encapsulate the CSI uncertainties. The
design looks for a precoder under the worst scenario over the
T HE exploitation of multiple-input multiple-output
(MIMO) techniques for increasing data throughput
often depends on the quality of channel state information
uncertainty sets, leading to a rather involved maximin (or the
equivalent minimax) optimization problem. This work uses a
deterministic model for the uncertainties and provides a novel
(CSI) available. A MIMO transmitter can utilize a precoder
solution to the precoder.
devised from the available CSI for sending signals over more
Essentially, we are interested in searching a precoder for
favorable spatial directions to increase the spectral efficiency
Gaussian modelled data that maximizes the mutual informa-
and ensure the quality of service (QoS) to the end users
tion (MI) of SU, under its most conservative performance
[1]. In practice uncertainty appears in the acquired CSI [2],
caused by the channel uncertainties in the SU intended connec-
rendering the expected performance offered by MIMO. It is
tion and in the SU to PU interference link. The optimization is
necessary to take the uncertainty of CSI into consideration
non-concave over the maximization on the precoder and non-
when designing the precoder, to mitigate the damage it can
convex over the minimization of the SU’s MI, although it is
cause [2]–[27].
concave over the maximization of the amount of interference
This paper considers an underlay cognitive radio (CR) point-
to PU. Such a mixed optimization problem does not lend
to-point MIMO system in which a secondary user (SU) seeks
itself to apply the existing techniques in [2], [3] or the matrix
communication in the presence of a primary user (PU) where
inequalities introduced in [5], [6]. This paper formulates the
its QoS should be assured. The available CSI of the direct link
problem as a continuous maximin optimization [28] and solves
between SU-Transmit (SU-Tx) and SU-Receive (SU-Rx) and
one variable at a time while holding the others fixed. We first
the interference link between SU-Tx and PU-Receive (PU-Rx)
derive an explicit solution of the worst case CSI deviation
is not accurate. The CSI error in the direct link is attributed
that would cause the largest amount of interference from SU
The authors are with the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science to PU. Next, by introducing a nuisance parameter, we obtain
Department, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211 USA. the CSI uncertainty value that yields the least MI at a given
This work was supported in part by the Higher Committee for Education precoder through the alternate-iterate (AI) technique [29].
Development (HCED) in Iraq. Finally, the precoder is then updated according to the feasible

direction determined by the projection of a subgradient [30]. matrix when the uncertainty sets are defined by the spectral
The optimization process repeats until a stationary solution is norm and the transmit power requirement is always fulfilled.
reached. We support the proposed method by providing the Furthermore, we prove for the CC problem that the optimal
convergence analysis for reaching a stationary point. precoder has eigen-directions equal to those of the available
It is critical to maintain the QoS of PU in CR. Such a CSI matrix for the uncertainty set defined by the Schatten
constraint, nevertheless, creates a non-convex feasible set for norm, when the power set is unitarily-invariant. Such a result
the precoder that would complicate the optimization. To handle was shown for the spectral norm defined uncertainty set only
this difficulty, we express the QoS measure in the interference under unitarily-invariant power set [5], [6].
constraint through the Taylor-series and maintain up to the This paper is organized as follows. The system model and
first order. Such an expansion provides more conservative re- problem formulation are introduced in Section II. Section III
quirement on the QoS. As the optimization cycles through, the develops an algorithm to solve the CR problem and proves
linear approximation would be more accurate and eventually the convergence of the proposed solution method. Section IV
represents the actual constraint at a stationary solution. briefly summarizes the reduced solution to the CC problem. In
The CR problem we are addressing encompasses another Section V, particular solutions for the CR and CC problems
interesting problem in the literature in which PU is absent are established. Section VI provides the numerical results and
that the QoS constraint is not needed. This is termed as Section VII gives the conclusion.
the compound capacity (CC) problem [2]–[6]. The proposed Notation: We denote matrices and column vectors by upper-
solution is applicable to the CC problem as well except the case and lower-case letters in bold. We mean by Tr(A),
optimization of CSI deviation on the interference link is not |A|, [A]ij and λi (A) the trace, determinant, ij-th element
necessary. The optimization of the precoder is in fact simpler and i-th eigenvalue of A. A  0, A  0 and A  0
as its feasible set is convex. indicate A is positive semi-definite (PSD), positive definite
We would like to highlight the contributions of our work. (PD) and negative-semidefinite (NSD). The superscripts (·)T
First, to the best of our knowledge, the proposed algorithms and (·)† are the regular transpose and the Hermitian transpose.
for solving the CR problem, including the CC problem as Rm×n and Cm×n are the real and complex spaces of m × n
well, are new. Most of the related works from the literature in matrices. diag(a) is a diagonal matrix formed by the elements
robust optimization are for unconstrained maximin problems of the vector a and vec(A) = [aT1 · · · aTm ]T is a collection
[28]. Recently, [31] took the interior-point methods with of the√columns of A = [a1 , · · · , am ]. kak is the
√ Euclidean
semi-infinite programming iterative steps and subgradient de- norm a† a and kakX is the weighted version a† Xa for a
scent directions to address the constrained minimax problem. Hermitian and PSD matrix X of appropriate size. We define
However, the iterative algorithm is applicable for equality the eigenvalue-decomposition (EVD) of the Hermitian matrix
constrained minimax problems and requires the functions A ∈ Cn×n as A = UA ΛA U†A , where UA ∈ Cn×n is
in the equality constraints twice differentiable. Furthermore, a unitary matrix and ΛA = diag([λ1 (A) · · · λn (A)]T ) with
it assumes there is sufficient number of solutions at each the eigenvalues arranged in non-increasing order. I is an
iteration for the inner non-concave maximization to obtain identity matrix of appropriate size. E[·] denotes the statistical
a descent direction. The CR problem investigated in [16], expectation and | · | is the absolute value of a scalar.
[17] assumes the SU direct link is exactly known, which is a
simpler problem and does not require maximin optimization.
Moreover, the work in [26] addresses the power allocation
problem in CR with a single antenna at SU-Rx and at PU-Rx, Let us consider the scenario as shown in Fig. 1 in which
under an outage probability criterion for the QoS of PU. an SU communicates through the MIMO channel H22 ∈
Second, most studies in the literature uses a specific norm, CN2 ×M2 in the presence of a PU, where M2 and N2 are the
such as the spectral norm, to define the CSI uncertainty set for number of SU transmit and receive antennas. The signal from
simplifying the solution finding, and consequently yielding a SU interferes with PU through the channel H21 ∈ CN1 ×M2 ,
limited result to the problem. The work here uses the general where N1 is the number of PU-Rx antennas. The channels
matrix norm called the Schatten norm [7], [16] that comprises are not known exactly due to limited feedback [4], [25]
a number of frequently used matrix norms such as the spectral and the lack of coordination between PU and SU [9]–[27].
and Frobenious norms. We also do not restrict the transmit The objective is to obtain a linear precoder for SU that
power constraint to be on the total power. As a result the maximizes the MI for its transmission where the available
proposed solution is more general and applicable to wider channel information has uncertainty, subject to the requirement
situations, including those from [2]–[6] for the CC problem of maintaining the QoS of PU.
that PU is absent and the QoS requirement is not needed. It is more direct here to represent the CSI in terms of
Third, through the Lagrange dual and the Hölder inequality, the covariance matrices R2j , j = 1, 2. It is related to the
we obtain a suboptimal solution for the worst case direct †
MIMO channels i R2j = H2j H2j for slow fading and
link CSI uncertainty in the AI process. This solution is more
R2j = E H†2j H2j for fast fading. The available CSI at SU-
attractive than solving the constrained problem directly using
the interior point methods, while maintaining comparable Tx is R̂2j . It is not accurate and is different from the actual
performance from our observations. by
Finally, we derive the optimal structure of the CR precoder R̂2j = R2j + ∆2j , j = 1, 2 . (1)

M2 N2 The precoder matrix Q is not a free variable. It should

be Hermitian and PSD, and should satisfy the power budget
ˆ= R + ∆
22 22 22
defined by its elements or eigenvalues. We shall use a convex
H 22 set Q to represent these requirements together.
The maximization of the SU rate is under the constraint that
the interference caused by SU-Tx to PU-Rx is under a certain
PU-Receive limit. The interference level is quantified by

g(Q, ∆21 ) = log |I + R21 Q| (5a)
Fig. 1. An underlay MIMO CR network with single SU and single PU. CSI
for the SU direct link and for the interference link from SU to PU is not = log |I + (R̂21 − ∆21 )Q| . (5b)
The measure (5b) is often referred as the leakage rate [20] and
was recently investigated in [16], [17] for the CR design.
∆2j ∈ CM2 ×M2 represents the error in acquiring CSI. It would be more convenient to use −φ(·, ·) instead of φ(·, ·)
We model the channel acquisition error as deterministic for the development in the sequel. In mathematical form, the
using the non-empty compact and convex set Uj , j = 1, 2, problem we would like to address can be posed as
whose shape is defined by the Schatten norm1 [7], [16],
(P-I): min. max. − φ(Q, ∆22 ) (6a)
Q∈Q ∆22 ∈U2
Uj = {∆2j : k∆2j kSpj ≤ j , R̂2j − ∆2j  0} , j = 1, 2 .
(2) s.t. max. g(Q, ∆21 ) ≤ rL . (6b)
∆21 ∈U1
The parameter j > 0 controls the size of the uncertainty set
and k · kSpj denotes the Schatten norm of order pj ∈ [1, ∞]. Note that (6a) is equivalent to max. min. φ(Q, ∆22 ). We
Q∈Q ∆22 ∈U2
The Schatten norm of a matrix A ∈ Cn×m is given by [33, seek a conservative precoder that guarantees performance
Proposition 9.2.3] improvement as much as possible under the worst transmission
 scenario for SU. (6b) ensures the interference tolerance limit
 Pmin(n,m) p 1/p

σi , 1≤p<∞ rL > 0 is not exceeded for all possible CSI uncertainties
kAkSp = i=1 (3) expected in the interference link.
σ ,
1 p=∞
P-I is a constrained continuous minimax problem and it is
where σi , i = 1, 2, · · · , min(n, m), are the singular values of rather difficult to solve for several reasons. First, the objective
A arranged in non-increasing order. In (2), the requirement function −φ(Q, ∆22 ) is not concave in ∆22 . Second, the
R̂2j − ∆2j  0 ensures the actual CSI R2j is PSD and it interference constraint (6b) is not convex in Q. Third, the
implicitly restricts ∆2j to be a Hermitian matrix. optimization on the left side of (6b) does not have a closed
The linear precoder we would like to obtain is represented form expression in terms of Q, unlike the studies in [14]–[16].
by the matrix Q ∈ CM2 ×M2 . It processes the SU signal In addition to the CR problem, P-I becomes the CC problem
before transmission to improve the performance. The metric [2] if the constraint (6b) is absent. That is, we only consider
for maximization is the transmission of SU without worrying the QoS of PU. The

CC problem has found interests in the research community as
φ(Q, ∆22 ) = log |I + R22 Q| (4a) well [2]–[6].
= log |I + (R̂22 − ∆22 )Q| (4b)
where log(·) is the natural logarithm. (4b) resembles the MI
of SU. It is indeed the MI for slow fading, and is the upper We would like to solve P-I over the optimization variables
∆21 , ∆22 and Q. They are coupled together and it is
bound for the MI under fast fading h wherei R22 is defined extremely difficult for joint optimization. Rather, we resort
with expectation, i.e., R22 = E H†22 H22 . Please refer to
to the approach similar to coordinate descent by iteratively
Appendix A for the details. Precoding optimization based on a optimizing over the variables one by one in sequence; while
tractable bound of a performance metric is common in CR with optimizing in one variable the others are held fixed at their
single [23], [24] or multiple antennas [34], [35]. The metric latest values. Let us assume that after the previous iteration
(4b) defines the information rate over the SU transmission we have obtained the precoder solution Q(l) , where l denotes
link and henceforth we shall call φ(·, ·) as the SU rate. The the iteration count.
SU rate in (4) assumes the SU signal follows a Gaussian
distribution [1] so that it is accurate and has a simple form.
In practice the distribution of SU signal may be different. For A. Solution for ∆21
finite-alphabet signals such as those created from quadrature Utilizing the interference constraint (6b) requires the opti-
amplitude modulation (QAM), the rate expression should be mal value of the subproblem
defined using the constellation-constraint MI instead [32]. In
(P-I.1): max. g(∆21 , Q) . (7)
such a case, it will lead to a different solution for the precoder. ∆21 ∈U1

1 The
P-I.1 is concave in ∆21 for a given precoder.
developed techniques and solutions in this work are not limited to
the Schatten norm based uncertainty set. They can be easily extended to any To proceed, we first introduce a proposition for the set of
non-empty compact and convex uncertainty set. possible solutions for ∆21 .

Proposition 1: For a given precoder matrix Q the optimal B. Solution for ∆22
uncertainty matrix ∆21 to the problem P-I.1 must be NSD.
Using a similar procedure as for Proposition 1 in Appendix
Proof: The key idea for the proof is to show that the function B, we can show that ∆22 should be PSD for the solution to
g(·, ·) in P-I.1 would have a larger value when ∆21 is NSD P-I.3. Incorporating this result, the uncertainty set for ∆22 in
than PSD. Please refer to Appendix B for the details.  (2) becomes
As a result, R̂21 − ∆21  0 is automatically satisfied and
does not need to be included in the set U1 . Ũ2 = {∆22 : k∆22 kSp2 ≤ 2 , R̂22 − ∆22  0, ∆22  0} .
We shall derive an analytic solution of ∆21 for the problem
(7) at Q = Q(l) . Note that ∆21 does not depend on Given the intermediate solution for the precoder Q(l) , the
∆ objective is to find ∆22 ∈ Ũ2 that maximizes −φ(Q(l) , ∆22 ).
∆22 explicitly. Let us begin by defining the matrix T(l) =
(l) (l) −1 We shall make use of the following lemma to convert −φ(·, ·)
Q (I + R̂21 Q ) , which is PSD according to Lemma 2
to a different and yet equivalent form to simplify the solution
in Appendix C. It is direct to verify the subproblem P-I.1 in
(7) at Q = Q(l) is equivalent to
Lemma 1: Let A ∈ Cn×n be any PD matrix (not neces-
(P-I.2): max. log |I − ∆21 T(l) | (8a) sarily Hermitian). Consider the function z(S) = − Tr(SA) +
−∆21 0
s.t. k∆21 kpS1p ≤ p11 . (8b) log |S| + n, where S ∈ Cn×n is any PD matrix. Then

The solution to P-I.2 is obtained through the EVD rep- max. z(S) = − log |A| . (14)
resentations of T(l) and ∆21 . Let T(l) = UT(l) ΛT(l) U†T(l)
with eigenvalues λ1 (T(l) ) ≥ · · · ≥ λM2 (T(l) ) and ∆21 = The optimization on the left is achieved when S = A−1 .
U∆21 Λ∆21 U†∆21 with eigenvalues −λ1 (∆21 ) ≥ · · · ≥
Proof: It is direct to show (14) as z(S) is concave and
−λM2 (∆21 ). From the Q Hadamard’s inequality [40, Ch. 9,
n n×n differentiable in S. 
B.5] that states |A| ≤ i=1 [A]ii with A ∈ C being
Hermitian and PSD, the objective function (8a) is maximized When using the fact that ∆22 is PSD and applying (14) to
when U∆21 = UT(l) . the function −φ(·, ·) defined in (4b), (11) becomes
Introducing the Lagrange multiplier µ ≥ 0 for the constraint  
max. − Tr Q(l) W2 (R̂22 − ∆22 ) + f (W2 )(15)
(8b), the Lagrange dual for P-I.2 under U∆21 = UT(l) is ∆22 ∈Ũ2 ,W2 0
PM2 (l)

max. i=1 log 1 + |λi (∆21 )|λi (T ) where W2 is a nuisance variable that is PD and
[Λ∆21 ]ii ≥0
f (W2 ) = − Tr(W2 ) + log |W2 | + M2 . (16)
M2 p1 p1
−µ i=1 |λ i (∆21 )| −  1 . (9)
The optimization problem (15) is biconcave, i.e., it is
Taking derivative with respect to λi (∆21 ) and setting it to
concave in ∆22 or W2 but not in both [29]. We shall
zero give
solve it based on the AI approach using the alternate convex

1 1
+ search (ACS) method [29]. In particular, each iteration of ACS
λi (∆21 ) = − − (10) consists of the following two steps:
µp1 |λi (∆21 )|p1 −1 λi (T(l) )
• Fix ∆22 and maximize (15) over W2 . The resulting
for p1 ∈ [1, ∞), where the value x+ = max(x, 0). For a solution for W2 is in closed-form
given µ, we can solve (10) for λi (∆21 ) through a simple line  −1
PMApplying another level of line search yields µ such W2 = I + (R̂22 − ∆22 )Q(l) . (17)
that i=1 2
|λpi 1 (∆21 )| = p11 .
For p1 = ∞, it is straightforward to validate that ∆21 = • Fix W2 at the value obtained in (17) and maximize
−1 I is optimal since the constraint (8b) is equivalent to (15) over ∆22 , which is uniquely determined from the
−∆21  1 I. following subproblem
Putting together the eigenvectors and the eigenvalues, we
have the solution to P-I.2 and it is denoted as ∆21 . (P-I.5): max. Tr (Q(l) W2 ∆22 ) (18a)
∆22 0
We next obtain the solutions for ∆22 and Q. For ease of
s.t. k∆22 kSp2 ≤ 2 (18b)
illustration, (6a) in the problem P-I is expressed as two sub-
problems R̂22 − ∆22  0 . (18c)
∆ The subproblem (18) has a linear objective function and
(P-I.3): Ψ(Q) = max. − φ(Q, ∆22 ) , (11)
∆22 ∈U2 convex constraints in ∆22 . It can be solved using the
(P-I.4): min. Ψ(Q) . (12) interior-point methods [36] or some software optimization
packages such as CVX [37]. Alternatively, we shall
P-I.3 is not concave in ∆22 at a given Q and P-I.4 is convex propose an attractive suboptimal solution for (18) and
in Q over the set Q. provide the corresponding structure of ∆22 .

1) Suboptimal Solution to P-I.5: We solve (18) by consid- The computation of F∗ from (21) does not depend on the
ering an upper bound of its Lagrange dual function and denote solution ∆∗22 . Hence, using F∗ in E2 yields ∆∗22 analytically.
the resulting solution as ∆∗22 . The following theorem defines The AI process starts with ∆22 = γ∆22 I where γ∆22 ≈ 0,
the structure of the solution. and will reach an accumulation or a stationary point [29,
Theorem 4.7]. The solution of W2 is discarded and the
Theorem 1: Given that the matrix Q(l) W2 in (18a) is (l)
solution of ∆22 is the intermediate solution ∆22 for use to
Hermitian and PSD. Let F∗ ∈ CM2 ×M2 be a PSD matrix
update Q.
obtained through (21) and it is Hermitian. Define the matrix

E2 = Q(l) W2 −F∗ whose EVD is E2 = UE2 ΛE2 U†E2 where
λ1 (E2 ) ≥ · · · ≥ λM2 (E2 ). A suboptimal solution to (18) that C. Solution for Q
optimizes an upper bound of its Lagrange dual function is (l) (l)
We now update Q, using Q(l) , ∆21 and ∆22 . The corre-
∆∗22 = U∆∗22 Λ∆∗22 U†∆∗ , where
22 sponding optimization problem P-I.4 is solved using a feasible
1. The eigenvectors of ∆∗22 are the same as those of UE2 ,
descent direction method. The method uses scaled gradient
i.e., U∆∗22 = UE2 .
projection to generate the feasible direction for updating the
2. The eigenvalues of ∆∗22 , λ1 (∆∗22 ) ≥ · · · ≥ λM2 (∆∗22 ) ≥
precoder matrix [30, Sec. 2.3]. The gradient of Ψ with respect
0, are:
to Q may not be unique and the descent direction is obtained
i. If p2 ∈ (1, ∞)
by a subgradient instead [39]. For simplicity, let us use
λi (∆∗22 ) = (|λi (E2 )|/|λ1 (E2 )|) p2 λ1 (∆∗22 ) , i = 2, · · · , M2 Ψ(l) (Q) to denote −φ(Q, ∆22 ).
(19) A direction vector at Q is
where p2 is the Schatten norm order in the set Ũ2 and q2 =
(1 − 1/p2 )−1 . The maximum eigenvalue λ1 (∆∗22 ) is d(Q) = vec(Q) − vec(Q(l) ) . (22)
"M # −1
p2 The update equation for Q in the next iteration is
X 2
λ1 (∆∗22 ) = 2 (|λk (E2 )|/|λ1 (E2 )|) 2 . (20)
vec(Q(l+1) ) = vec(Q(l) ) + αl d(l) (23)

ii. If p2 = 1, λ1 (∆∗22 ) = 2 and λi (∆∗22 ) = 0 for i = where the parameter αl ∈ (0, 1] is the step-size at the l-th
2, · · · , M2 . iteration that will be discussed later. The feasible direction
iii. If p2 = ∞, ∆∗22 = 2 I. vector is d(l) = d(Q̆(l) ). Q̆(l) ∈ Q is obtained through scaled
subgradient projection by using a quadratic approximation
Proof: Please refer to Appendix C. 
of Ψ(l) (Q) around Q(l) , which is equivalent to solving the
Corollary 1: The matrix ∆∗22 from Theorem 1 is the optimal
following Euclidean projection problem [30, Sec. 2.3]
solution for (18) if the matrix F∗ = 0.
Proof: Please see the end of Appendix C. 
Corollary 2: The matrix F∗  0 presented in Theorem 1 1 2
Q̆(l) = arg min. d(Q) − d̄(l) (Q(l) , ∆22 ) −1(l) , (24)

represents the optimal solution of the following optimization Q∈Q 2 N

where d̄(l) is a descent direction that may not be feasible and
min. h(F) = 2 kQ(l) W2 − FkSq2 + Tr(R̂22 F) . (21) is given by

Proof: Please refer to Appendix D.  d̄(l) =−N(l) vec(Ψ(l) (l)

g (Q ) , (25)
The problem (21) is convex in F. For q2 ∈ [1, ∞), the 
function h(F) is differentiable and hence (21) can be solved Ψ(l) (l)
g (Q )=− I + (R̂22 − ∆22 )Q
(R̂22 − ∆22 ) . (26)
efficiently using the non-monotone spectral projected gradient 2 2
(NMSPG) method with superlinear convergence [38]. We The matrix N(l) ∈ CM2 ×M2 is PD symmetric that approxi-
have included the first derivative of the function h(F) in mates the Hessian inverse with respect to Q, and the choice
Appendix D that will be useful in obtaining the numerical of it will be discussed at the end of this Section. Ψg (Q(l) )
results presented in Section VI. For q2 = ∞, h(F) is not represents a subgradient of Ψ with respect to Q evaluated
differentiable and we reformulate the problem (21) as linear at Q(l) , please see Lemma 5 in Appendix E. The projection
semi-definite programming (SDP) in Appendix D, which can problem (24) can be solved using the interior-point methods
be solved in polynomial time using an interior-point based [36] or an optimization package [37].
method [36]. The precoder Q in P-I must be solved under the interference
The proposed suboptimal solution for P-I.5 through Theo- constraint (6b) to guarantee the QoS of PU. The constraint
rem 1 and (21) is more computationally efficient than solving makes the feasible set of Q non-convex. The non-convexity
(18) directly using the interior-point methods. The NMSPG in the constraint is handled through the Taylor-series expan-
algorithm for (21) has a linear time complexity and involves sion up to the first order. The linearized constraint is more
h(F) and its gradient only. The interior-point methods, on the conservative than the original [16] and the two become closer
other hand, have polynomial time complexity. Furthermore, and eventually equivalent as we approach the solution.
Theorem 1 yields the optimal solution for P-I.5 when the To ensure d(l) is a feasible direction for the problem P-I,
constraint (18c) is always satisfied. Q̆ is determined by the Euclidean projection (24) together

with the interference constraint, gradient method [38]

1 (l)
Q̆(l) ∈ arg min. kd(Q) − d̄(l) (Q(l) , ∆22 )k2N−1(l) (27a) N(l) =s(l) I ,
Q∈Q s(l) =min smax , max smin , ρ(l−1) x(l−1)† x(l−1) (31)
s.t. log |I + R21 Q| ≤ rL (27b)
where s(l) is known as the spectral step-length, 0 ≤ smin ≤
(l) ∆ (l) smax ≤ ∞ are two pre-determined constants and
where R21 = R̂21 − ∆21 .
The solution of the projection
problem (27) exists as the feasible set is closed and it may
x(l−1) = vec(Q(l) ) − vec(Q(l−1) ) , (32a)
not be unique due to the non-convex constraint (27b). We (l−1)
shall obtain one possible solution out of many by applying y = vec(Ψ(l) (l)
g (Q )) − vec(Ψ(l−1)
g (Q(l−1) )) , (32b)
(l−1) (l−1)† (l−1)
a local approximation through linearization to the constraint ρ = 1/(y x ). (32c)
(27b) to obtain a tractable formulation. Expanding the left side
of (27b) around a nominal point Q̃(k) , (27) becomes Algorithm 1 illustrates the major steps for solving P-I,
through the AI and feasible direction projected subgradient
1 (l) (FDPS) techniques. In Algorithm 1, we use a diminishing step-
Q̃(k+1) = arg min. kd(Q) − d̄(l) (Q(l) , ∆22 )k2N−1(l) (28a)
Q∈Q 2 size rule for αl in (30). The algorithm would converge to a
s.t. Tr (M(k) Q) ≤ r(k) (28b) critical point and reach a solution for Q. This is shown in
Appendix E with the aid of the Danskin’s min-max Theorem
where the variables M(k) and r(k) are defined as [36, Proposition 4.5.1].
(l) (l) Algorithm 1 Solving P-I Using the AI and FDPS Techniques
M(k) = I + R21 Q̃(k) R21 , (29a)
(l) Input: Provide the initial matrices Q(1) , N(1) ; the Schatten
r(k) = rL − log |I + R21 Q̃(k) | + Tr (M(k) Q̃(k) ) .(29b)
norm order pj and the error size j for j = 1, 2; the LR limit
The matrix M(k) represents the partial derivative of the left rL . Define the step-size rule for αl ; set the iteration counter
side of (27b) with respect to Q evaluated at Q̃(k) . Note that l = 0.
k = 0, 1, · · · here represents the iteration index for the first Step 1. l = l + 1.
order approximation and (28) is iterated over k to reach a Step 2. If Q(l) satisfies a certain stopping criterion: STOP.
solution. Step 3. Find ∆21 by the explicit solution of (8).
The proposed formulation (28) would guarantee a feasible Step 4. Obtain the solution ∆22 by iterating (17) and (18).
(l) (l) (l)
solution to the subproblem (27) as the feasible set of (28) Step 5. Determine d̄ (Q , ∆22 ) using (25), solve (27) for
is a subset of that in (27). This means that (28b) provides Q̆ through (28).
a conservative approximation of (27b). Hence, as k increases Step 6. Evaluate αl from a diminishing step-size rule.
the precoder matrix Q̃(k) converges to a solution for (27). Step 7. Obtain the precoder Q(l+1) by solving (30) and N(l+1)
The iteration begins with the initial value Q̃(0) = γCR I where using (31). Go back to Step 1.
γCR ≈ 0 and the converged value is Q̆(l) .
As the feasible region for Q in P-I is not convex, direct A typical choice for initialization is Q(1) = γQ I and
update using (23) is no longer valid. The solution for Q N = I, where γQ ≈ 0. We would like to clarify that the
requires the optimization optimization problem P-I.3 shown in (11) is non-concave in
∆22 and the feasible set of Q in P-I is non-convex. There
Q(l+1) ∈ arg min. kd(Q) − αl d(l) (Q̆(l) )k2 (30a) could be multiple stationary points and there is no guarantee
the proposed algorithm will give the global optimum solution.
s.t. log |I + R21 Q| ≤ rL . (30b) For better result, one can use several different initializations
for Q(1) and select the solution that gives the best objective
There could be multiple solutions to (30) due to the non- value.
convex optimization problem, and applying the approach as in It is straightforward to extend the proposed CR solution
(28)-(29) with linearization of (30b) would lead to a solution. for the presence of multiple PUs. In such a case, a separate
To complete the solution finding, the details for selecting solution for the amount of interference CSI uncertainty for
the step-size αl and the PD matrix N(l) are as follows. each PU is evaluated according to Section III-A. Furthermore,
Step-Size the number of constraints is expanded for the PUs in (30b)
We shall use an exogenous step-size that can be fixed or di- when obtaining the precoder.
minishing [30], [39]. Such a step-size ensures the convergence
of (23) to a stationary point, as shown in Appendix E. IV. C OMPOUND C APACITY P ROBLEM
Hessian Inverse
When dropping (6b) in P-I, we have the CC problem
The Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) algorithm
can yield a good estimate of the Hessian inverse as the iteration (P-II): min. max. − φ(Q, ∆22 ) . (33)
Q∈Q ∆22 ∈U2
proceeds [28, Ch. 4]. To simplify the algorithm and ensure
stable behavior, we simply choose N to be a scalar multiple of The CC problem is considered to be challenging to solve in
an identity matrix by following the approach from the spectral the literature due to the inner maximization over ∆22 before

optimization in Q can take place. Indeed, analytical solutions Let us define the PSD matrix R222 = UR̂22 (ΛR̂22 −
for P-II are known under very few cases: when H22 belongs to 2 I)+ U†R̂ . The inequality k∆22 ks∞ ≤ 2 from the uncer-
an isotropic set [2], the available channel Ĥ22 is rank one [3], tainty set Ũ2 is equivalent to −∆22  −2 I where ∆22 is
and the uncertainty set is defined for the spectral norm only PSD. Adding both sides by R̂22 gives
(p2 = ∞) [5], [6]. In this work, the considered uncertainty set
U2 is governed by the Schatten norm and the feasible set Q R̂22 − ∆22  R222 (34a)
is more general than the previous studies [2]–[6]. 2
⇒ log |I + (R̂22 − ∆22 )Q| ≥ log |I + R22 Q| . (34b)
The proposed algorithm for CR is applicable to the CC
problem as well. There are two main changes. The first one As a result, the solution of ∆22 that yields the minimum MI
is that we do not need to update ∆21 in each iteration. The is ∆22 = 2 I.
second is that the feasible set of Q is convex because of the Similarly, let R211 = R̂21 + 1 I. The inequality k∆21 ks∞ ≤
absence of the constraint (6b), making it easier to solve. 1 from the uncertainty set U1 is equivalent to −∆21  1 I.
Algorithm 2 summarizes the main framework to find a Adding both sides by R̂21 yields
solution for the CC problem. It would converge to a critical R̂21 − ∆21  R211 (35a)
point for ∆22 and Q. The proof of convergence follows a ⇒ log |I + (R̂21 − ∆21 )Q| ≤ log |I + 1
R21 Q| . (35b)
similar analysis as in Appendix E.
The largest amount of interference to PU occurs when ∆21 =
Algorithm 2 Solving P-II Using the AI and FDPS Approach −1 I.
Input: Provide the initial matrices Q(1) and N(1) ; the Schatten Using the uncertainty matrix solutions ∆22 = 2 I and
norm order p2 and the uncertainty size 2 . Set counter l = 0. ∆21 = −1 I, P-I in (6) becomes
Step 1. l = l + 1. (P-III): max. log |I + R222 Q| (36a)
Step 2. If Q(l) satisfies a suitable stopping criterion: STOP. Q0
Step 3. Obtain the solution ∆22 by iterating (17) and (18). s.t. log |I + R211 Q| ≤ rL (36b)
Step 4. Calculate Ψg (Q(l) ) using (26) and d̄(l) using (25); where the power limitation in the feasible set Q is assumed
solve the subproblem (24) for Q̆(l) and obtain d(l) from (22) satisfied. The following proposition shows that the optimal
at Q = Q̆(l) . precoder should diagonalize the matrix R222 .
Step 5. Determine αl using a fixed or diminishing step-size
rule. Proposition 2: Let U ∈ CM2 ×r with r ≤ M2 be (semi-
Step 6. Obtain the precoder Q(l+1) from (23) and N(l+1) )unitary and Σ ∈ Rr×r a diagonal matrix with non-negative
using (31). Go back to Step 1. non-increasing elements. The optimal precoder solution for the
problem P-III would diagonalize the covariance matrix R222
and has the structure
Similar to Algorithm 1, the initialization is Q(1) = γQ I
‡ ‡
and N(1) = I with γQ ≈ 0. The optimization problem P- Q = (R222 )− 2 UΣU† (R222 )− 2 (37)
I.3 in (11) is non-concave in ∆22 . The possibility remains 1
where (R222 ) 2is the matrix square root of R222
and (·)‡
of having multiple stationary points that some could be local
denotes the pseudo-inverse of (·).
optima. Using several different initializations for Q(1) could ‡ ‡

improve the chance of obtaining the global optimum solution. Define the PSD matrix R̄ = (R222 )− 2 R211 (R222 )− 2 whose

EVD is R̄ = UR̄ ΛR̄ UR̄ where UR̄ ∈ CM2 ×r and ΛR̄ ∈
Rr×r are (semi-)unitary and diagonal matrices. Then, the
V. PARTICULAR S OLUTIONS selection U = UR̄ Ia would optimize (36) where Ia is the anti-
Under some specific conditions the proposed solutions for identity matrix of appropriate size. The matrix Σ is obtained
the CR and CC problems can be reduced to simpler forms for by solving the problem
(P-IV): max. log |I + Σ| (38a)

A. Particular Solution for P-I s.t. log |I + Ia ΛR̄ Ia Σ| ≤ rL . (38b)

We shall consider the solution of the CR problem P-I under Proof: Please refer to Appendix F. 
the following two conditions. P-IV is not convex in Σ due to the constraint (38b). (38b)
• The uncertainty sets U1 and U2 for R̂21 and R̂22 are can become tractable by using the Taylor-series expansion and
defined under pj = ∞, j = 1, 2 in the Schatten norm P-IV can be solved by the iterative linearization technique as
(3), which is equivalent to the spectral norm. Using the presented in Section III-C.
spectral norm will lead to the most conservative solution
among the class of unitarily-invariant norms [4]; B. Particular Solution for P-II
• The power limitation constraints for the precoder in
When the power of the precoder Q is restricted to be in a
the feasible set Q are inactive in the presence of the
unitarily-invariant convex set Qu , for example, the total power
interference constraint (6b). Such situation occurs often
in a CR network where the performance is interference
limited rather than power-budget restricted. Qu = {Q : Q  0, Tr(Q) ≤ PT } (39)

or the maximum power limitation noise variance is fixed to unity and hence the total SU transmit
power PT is equal to the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), i.e.,
Qu = {Q : Q  0, λ1 (Q) ≤ Pmax } , (40) PT = SNR. In addition to the power sets in (39) and (40), we
the following theorem states the precoder for the CC problem consider the per-transmit dimension power set defined as
has the same eigenvectors as the available channel covariance. Q = Q : Q  0, Q  diag([P1 , · · · , PM2 ]T )

Theorem 2: Consider the EVD representation Q = where Pm , m = 1, · · · , M2 , is the power limit for the m-
UQ ΛQ U†Q and R̂22 = UR̂22 ΛR̂22 U†R̂ where the elements th antenna. Unless otherwise stated, we simply set the power
along the diagonal of ΛQ and ΛR̂22 are arranged in non- values as Pmax = 0.7PT and Pm = 0.75m PT for illustration
increasing order. For any ∆22 ∈ U2 , define the matrix purpose.

∆o22 = JU†R̂ ∆22 UR̂22 J, where J ∈ Rn×n is a diagonal For all the proposed precoder designs, we compute αl in
matrix with diagonal elements either +1 or −1. If Q ∈ Qu (23) by a diminishing step-size rule such that the rule αl+1 =
where Qu is a unitarily-invariant compact and convex set, the 1/(l+1) is used for the CR problem while αl+1 = αl (1−βαl )
optimal precoder for the CC problem P-II has eigenvectors with β = 10−2 ∈ (0, 1) and α0 = 1 for the CC problem.
equal to those of the channel R̂22 available, i.e., UQ = UR̂22 . The proposed solutions shown in Algorithm 1 and Algorithm
Additionally, P-II becomes 2 are computed with one initialization of Q(1) only. The
initialization constants γ∆22 , γQ and γCR are set to 10−4 and
(P-V): max. min. log |I + (ΛR̂22 − ∆o22 )ΛQ | (41)
ΛQ ∈Qu ∆o o
22 ∈U2
the constants smin and smax are 10−7 and 1020 . We shall denote
the solution for ∆22 as AI(O) when solving P-I.5 optimally
where the uncertainty set U2o is
using CVX [37] and AI(SO) as the suboptimal solution.
U2o = {k∆o22 kSp2 ≤ 2 , ΛR̂22 − ∆o22  0, ∆o22  0}. (42) We first examine Algorithm 1 and the proposed solutions
for the CR problem in Section III under different values of
Proof: Please see Appendix G.  the Schatten norm orders pj and normalized uncertainty error
The conclusion that the precoder has the same eigenmodes wj , j = 1, 2. Fig. 2 illustrates the SU rate in (nats/s/Hz) as
as the available channel has previously been demonstrated for the leakage rate limit rL (nats/s/Hz) increases. It includes the
the CSI uncertainty set defined by the spectral norm only under robust solution from [16] for comparison. The antenna setting
unitarily-invariant convex set for the transmission power [5], is M2 = N2 = N1 = 4 and SNR = 5dB. We use the AI(O)
[6]. We generalize the results here and prove that the same method to obtain the uncertainty element ∆22 . It is obvious
conclusion carries for the CSI uncertainty set defined by the from Fig. 2 that the proposed solutions for Q and ∆21 provide
Schatten norm. higher rate than that in [16]. It should be noted that the work
As apparent from (41), the outer maximization for the CC [16] does not consider CSI uncertainty in the direct link of
problem simplifies considerably since the unknowns are M2 SU; therefore, we limit the comparison in Fig. 2 for w2 = 0
eigenvalues rather than M2 (M2 + 1)/2 independent elements only. As expected, increasing the uncertainty error w2 for fixed
of Q. values of w1 will deteriorate the SU rate. Also, the proposed
The modification to the FDPS method developed in Section solution when p1 = p2 = ∞ produces the most conservative
III-C for P-V is straightforward. In particular, the matrices Q solution among the Schatten norm orders.
and R̂22 become diagonal counterparts ΛQ and ΛR̂22 with Fig. 3 depicts the SU rate versus the uncertainty error w1 of
diagonal elements arranged in non-increasing order. Further- the interference link for antenna settings of M2 = N2 = N1 =
more, ∆22 is now ∆o22 , and Q and U2 turn into Qu and U2o . 2 or 4, where the leakage rate limit and the uncertainty error
We can simplify P-V further by restricting the matrix ∆o22 of the direct link are kept at rL = 3 (nats/s/Hz) and w2 = 0.5.
to be diagonal. Consequently, both Q and ∆22 share the same The AI(SO) method is applied to obtain ∆22 . The results show
eigenvectors as R̂22 , which leads to a channel-diagonalizing that the SU rate decreases as the uncertainty error w1 increases
solution. In this case, we only need to obtain the eigenvalues for a fixed value of w2 , and the decrease is more significant for
of Q and ∆22 . The restriction that ∆o22 has diagonal structure the four antenna than the two antenna setting. The uncertainty
will likely lead to a suboptimal solution, unless the channel sets defined with p1 = p2 = 1 have the smallest size among all
uncertainty set U2 is defined by the spectral norm [5], [6]. other Schatten norm orders and SU has the highest rate. The
effect of the Schatten norm order on the SU rate is apparent.
We next consider Algorithm 2 to obtain the designs for
the CC problem presented in Section IV when the normalized
We shall provide numerical examples to illustrate the per- uncertainty error w2 = 0.3 or 0.5 and the Schatten norm order
formance of proposed precoder solutions. The available CSI p2 = 2. Both precoder solutions AI(O)-FDPS or AI(SO)-FDPS
is set as R̂2j = Ĥ†2j Ĥ2j for j = 1, 2, where the elements are provided. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed
of Ĥ2j are IID and follow a Gaussian distribution with zero FDPS technique, we compare the proposed precoder solutions
mean and unit variance. The SU rate reported is the worst with the beamforming precoder that transmits signals over
case rate by the design methodology and is the average over the principal eigenvalue of the worst channel and with the
the randomly generated matrices R̂2j . The uncertainty error equal power allocation precoder that distributes power equally
size is j = wj kR̂2j kS∞ where the normalized parameter among the antennas. Both the beamforming and equal power
wj ∈ (0, 1) is used to adjust the amount of uncertainty. The precoders require ∆22 and it is taken from the proposed

5 12
CC, AI(O)-FDPS, w2 = 0.3
CC, AI(SO)-FDPS, w2 = 0.3
10 CC, Equal power, w2 = 0.3
4 CC, Beamforming, w2 = 0.3
CC, AI(O)-FDPS, w2 = 0.5
3.5 CC, AI(SO)-FDPS, w2 = 0.5

SU Rate (nats/s/Hz)
SU Rate (nats/s/Hz)

CC, Equal power, w2 = 0.5

CC, Beamforming, w2 = 0.5

2.5 6

CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = 1, w1 = 0.4, w2 = 0 4
1.5 CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = 2, w1 = 0.4, w2 = 0
CR, Solution from [16], w1 = 0.4, w2 = 0
CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = 1, w1 = 0.4, w2 = 0.25 2

0.5 CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = 2, w1 = 0.4, w2 = 0.25

CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = ∞, w1 = 0.4, w2 = 0.25
0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
rL (nats/s/Hz) SNR (dB)

Fig. 4. Rate for SU from the proposed CC solution, the beamforming and the
Fig. 2. Rate for SU from the proposed CR solution and from [16] for different equal power solutions versus SNR (dB), M2 = N2 = 4. The results shown
values of rL (nats/s/Hz), SNR = 5dB, M2 = N2 = N1 = 4. The results are the average over 100 realizations of R̂22 .
shown are the average over 100 realizations of R̂22 and R̂21 .

CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = 1 CC, AI(O)-FDPS, p2 = 2
CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = 2 CC, AI(SO)-FDPS, p2 = 2
2.8 CR, Proposed solution, p1 = p2 = ∞ CC, Equal power, p2 = 2

M2 = N2 = 4, N1 = 4 3.5 CC, Beamforming, p2 = 2

2.6 M2 = N2 = 2, N1 = 2 CC, AI(O)-FDPS, p2 = ∞
SU Rate (nats/s/Hz)

CC, AI(SO)-FDPS, p2 = ∞

SU Rate (nats/s/Hz)
2.4 CC, Equal power, p2 = ∞
2.5 CC, Beamforming, p2 = ∞
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Uncertainty error w1 Uncertainty w2

Fig. 3. Rate for SU from the proposed CR solution versus the uncertainty Fig. 5. Rate for SU from the proposed CC solution, the beamforming and
error w1 , rL = 3 (nats/s/Hz), w2 = 0.5, SNR = 5dB, M2 = N2 = N1 = 2 the equal power solutions at different values of w2 , M2 = N2 = 4. The
or 4. The results shown are the average over 100 realizations of R̂22 and R̂21 . results shown are the average over 100 realizations of R̂22 .

AI(O)-FDPS solution. Fig. 4 illustrates the average SU rate Q is relaxed. The SU rate increases with rL as expected. The
as SNR increases. The antenna setting for SU is M2 = N2 = increase in the SU rate is more sensitive at smaller normalized
4. Fig. 4 indicates that the proposed precoder significantly uncertainty radii w1 and w2 .
outperforms the beamforming and equal power ones. The Fig. 7 shows the SU rates for the CC problem as SNR
performance of the AI(O)-FDPS and AI(SO)-FDPS is almost varies. The curves denoted by “Q diagonalization” and “Q,
identical at different SNR and w2 values. ∆22 diagonalization” correspond to the optimal precoder
Fig. 5 shows the average SU rates when the error w2 that diagonalizes the available channel estimate R̂22 and the
increases with SNR = 4dB and p2 = 2 or ∞. The power and suboptimal solution in which both Q and ∆22 diagonalize R̂22
antenna settings of Fig. 5 are the same as those in Fig. 4. The for any value of p2 . The SU rates for both precoder solutions
proposed precoders show better SU rate than the beamforming are very comparable. The proposed precoders are applicable to
and equal power designs. The uncertainty set defined with a wide class of situations and covers some precoder solutions
p2 = ∞ has the largest shape among the Schatten norm from the literature that are obtained under more restrictive
uncertainty sets; hence the proposed solution at p2 = ∞ would scenarios. This is illustrated in the figure where the proposed
produce the most conservative SU rate. Similar to Fig. 4, Q diagonalization precoder yields identical performance with
the precoders from AI(O)-FDPS and AI(SO)-FDPS are quite the precoder from [5], [6] that is applicable to p2 = ∞ only.
comparable in performance at different values of p2 and w2 .
Finally, we investigate the proposed particular solutions for
the CR and CC problems in Section V. Fig. 6 evaluates the
performance of the particular solution for the CR problem We have developed in this paper the solution of a robust
from Section V-A at different values of w1 = w2 as the leakage precoder for an SU in an underlay cognitive radio framework,
rate limit rL increases, where p1 = p2 = ∞ and the power set where the available CSI of the direct link of SU and the

CR, Particular solution, w1 = w2 = 0 where the expectation is taken over the channel H22 . Using
CR, Particular solution, w1 = w2 = 0.15
first the fact that [33, Corollory 2.8.5]
CR, Particular solution, w1 = w2 = 0.35
CR, Particular solution, w1 = w2 = 0.55
log |I + AB| = log |I + BA| (45)
SU Rate (nats/s/Hz)

for any A ∈ Cn×m and B ∈ Cm×n , and next the concavity

of the log | · | function over the set of PSD matrices, we have
E[log |I + H22 QH†22 |] = E[log |I + H†22 H22 Q|] (46a)
4 ≤ log |I + E[H†22 H22 ]Q| . (46b)

Hence the metric φ(·, ·) in (4a) is an upper bound of (44).
We can follow similar procedure to show that the function
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
g(Q, R21 ) (5a) is no less than E[log |I + H21 QH†21 |], where
rL (nats/s/Hz)
the expectation is applied to the channel H21 .
Fig. 6. Rate for SU from the particular CR solution versus rL , M2 = N2 =
N1 = 5. The results shown are the average over 100 realizations of R̂22 and A PPENDIX B
CC, Q Diagonalization proposed, p2 = 2, w2 = 0.2
Consider NSD ∆21 ∈ U1 and PSD ∆ˇ 21 ∈ U1 . It is obvious
14 CC, Q, ∆ 22 Diagonalization proposed, p2 = 2, w2 = 0.2
CC, Q Diagonalization proposed, p2 = ∞, w2 = 0.2 ˇ
that −∆21  −∆21 . Hence
CC, Q, ∆ 22 Solurion from [5, 6], p2 = ∞, w2 = 0.2
CC, Q Diagonalization proposed, p2 = 2, w2 = 0.4 ˇ 21  R̂21 − ∆21
R̂21 − ∆ (47a)
CC, Q, ∆ 22 Diagonalization proposed, p2 = 2, w2 = 0.4
CC, Q Diagonalization proposed, p2 = ∞, w2 = 0.4 1/2
Q (R̂21 − ∆ ˇ 21 )Q1/2  Q1/2 (R̂21 − ∆21 )Q1/2 (47b)
SU Rate (nats/s/Hz)

CC, Q, ∆ 22 Solution from [5, 6], p2 = ∞, w2 = 0.4

8 ˇ 21 )Q1/2 | ≤
log |I + Q1/2 (R̂21 − ∆
6 log |I + Q1/2 (R̂21 − ∆21 )Q1/2 | (47c)
ˇ 21 )Q| ≤ log |I + (R̂21 − ∆21 )Q| (47d)
log |I + (R̂21 − ∆

where Q1/2 is the matrix square root of Q. (47b) follows
since for Hermitian matrices A, B ∈ Cn×n such that A  B,
-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20
SAS†  SBS† where S ∈ Cm×n [33, Proposition 8.1.2].
SNR (dB)
(47c) comes from the fact that the function log | · | is strictly
Fig. 7. Rate for SU from the particular CC solutions versus SNR (dB),
increasing on the set of PD Hermitian matrices [40, Ch. 16,
M2 = 6, N2 = 3. The results shown are the average over 100 realizations F.2.b], and (47d) is by applying (45). It is obvious from (47d)
of R̂22 . that the function g(·, ·) will take a larger value if ∆21 is NSD
rather than PSD.
interference link to PU have uncertainties and the QoS of
PU must be maintained. In the absence of PU, the proposed A PPENDIX C
solution addresses the CC problem in the literature. The CSI P ROOF OF T HEOREM 1
uncertainties are modelled by convex sets with the Schatten
norm measure. We formulate the design as a maximin opti- The proof requires a number of lemmas. We first summarize
mization problem that seeks a precoder to maximize the MI them below,
of SU under the most conservative anticipated performance Lemma 2: Given the Hermitian and P(S)D matrices A, B ∈
for SU while ensuring the QoS of PU under all possible CSI Cn×n . The matrix A(I+BA)−1 is then Hermitian and P(S)D
uncertainties expected in the interference link. The maximin matrix.
problem is solved iteratively, using the explicit solution for
Proof: Let A1/2 be the matrix square root of A. From direct
the worst case CSI deviation of the interference link, the AI
algebraic manipulation,
technique for the worst case CSI error of the direct link,
and the FDPS method for the precoder. Convergence analysis A(I + BA)−1 = A1/2 A1/2 (I + BA1/2 A1/2 )−1 (48a)
of the proposed solution is established. Simpler solutions for = A1/2 (I + A1/2 BA1/2 )−1 A1/2 .(48b)
some specific choices of the norm measure and transmission
power restrictions are also derived. Simulations validate the (48b) is due to the fact (I + AB)−1 A = A(I + BA)−1 [33,
performance improvement of the proposed precoders for the Fact 2.16.16]. The Hermitian property can be easily seen from
CR and CC problems. the right side of (48b). Note that A1/2 BA1/2 is P(S)D. By
the definition of the P(S)D property, the right side is P(S)D
and hence the left side. 
Lemma 3: Let A, B ∈ Cn×n be Hermitian with eigenvalues
The MI for the transmission link from SU-Tx to SU-Rx is λ1 (A) ≥ · · P
· ≥ λn (A) and λ1 (B) ≥ · · · ≥ λn (B). Then,
defined as [1] n
Tr(AB) ≤ i=1 λi (A)λi (B) and the equality holds if A
E[log |I + H22 QH†22 |] (44) and B are diagonal [33, Fact 5.12.4].

Lemma 4: (Hölder inequality [33, Proposition 9.1.6]) Let From the Schatten norm definition in (3) and (19), when
p, q ∈ [1, ∞] such that 1/p + 1/q = 1, and let a, b ∈ Cn with the constraint (18b) is active for reaching a solution of P-II.3,
elements a1 , · · · , an and b1 , · · · , bn . Then, we obtain λ1 (∆∗22 ) as
M2  q
|aH b| ≤ kakp kbkq , (49) p2 ∗ p2
X |λk (E2 )| 2
2 =λ1 (∆22 ) + λ1 (∆∗22 )p2 . (54)
|λ1 (E2 )|
where k · kp is the Hölder norm [33, Proposition 9.1.4] k=2
P (54) leads to (20) directly.
( n |ai |p )1/p , 1 ≤ p < ∞ For p2 = 1, from (51a) a possible choice for λi (∆∗22 ) that
kakp = (50)
 max |ai |, p = ∞. achieves the equality in (52f) and fulfills (18b) is λ1 (∆∗22 ) =
i∈1,··· ,n
2 and λi (∆∗22 ) = 0 for i 6= 1. For p2 = ∞, using (51c)
Equality in (49) holds if and only if we can select λi (∆∗22 ) = 2 to reach the equality in (52f)
and satisfy (18b). The above two choices for λi (∆∗22 ) are
valid regardless of the value of the matrix F∗ in E2 . If the

|ai ||bi | = kbk∞ |ai |, p = 1, (51a)
eigenvalues of E2 as well as ∆∗22 are considered variables to

|a1 |1/q |an |1/q

= · · · = , 1 < p < ∞, (51b) be evaluated, the conditions (51a) or (51c) can lead to other
|b1 |1/p |bn |1/p
choices for λi (∆∗22 ).

|ai ||bi | = kak∞ |bi |, p = ∞. (51c)

Proof of Corollary 1: If F∗ is the zero matrix, then the
matrix E2 would be PSD and the inequality in (52e) becomes
equality, which makes ∆∗22 the optimal solution for the
From Lemma 2 and (17) the matrix (Q(l) W2 ) is Hermitian
problem P-II.3 when p2 ∈ (1, ∞). For p2 = 1 or p2 = ∞
and PSD.
the choice (λi (∆∗22 ) = 2 for i = 1 and zero otherwise) or
We shall begin the proof of Theorem 1 as follows. Let the
(λi (∆∗22 ) = 2 for every i) is optimal as E2 becomes a fixed
Lagrange multipliers associated with (18b) and (18c) be γ ≥ 0
matrix and the equality condition (51a) or (51c) is determined
and F  0. We first form the Lagrangian L for (18) and its
by ∆∗22 only.
corresponding dual function D(·, ·) is

D(F, γ)= max. L(∆22 , F, γ) (52a) A PPENDIX D

∆22 0
= max. Tr(Q(l) W2 ∆22 ) − γ(k∆22 kSp2 − 2 )
∆22 0 Proof of Corollary 2: From Appendix C, an upper bound
the dual function D(·, ·) of the problem (18) is the right
+ Tr (R̂22 − ∆22 )F (52b) for
  side of (52f). D(·, ·) would take the following values
= max. Tr (Q W2 − F)∆22 − γk∆22 kSp2 + γ2 (
∆22 0 ∞, γ < kΛE2 kSq2 ,
D(F, γ) ≤ (55)
+ Tr (R̂22 F) (52c) γ2 + Tr (R̂22 F), γ ≥ kΛE2 kSq2 .
≤ max. Tr (ΛE2 Λ∆22 ) − γkΛ∆22 kSp2 + γ2 We can find the variables γ and F by minimizing the upper
Λ∆22 0
bound of D(·, ·) when γ ≥ kΛE kSq2 . That is,
+ Tr (R̂22 F) (52d)
≤ max. kΛE2 Λ∆22 kS1 − γkΛ∆22 kSp2 + γ2 min. γ2 + Tr (R̂22 F) (56a)
Λ∆22 0 γ≥0, F0

+ Tr (R̂22 F) (52e) s.t. γ ≥ kΛE2 kSq2 . (56b)

≤ max. kΛ∆22 kSp2 kΛE2 kSq2 − γ + γ2 It is evident that γ should be chosen as its smallest possible
Λ∆22 0
value, γ = kΛE2 kSq2 . Substituting the optimal value of γ back
+ Tr (R̂22 F) . (52f) into (56a) produces the problem (21).
Derivative of h(F): For q2 ∈ [1, ∞), the derivative of the
where E2 = (Q(l) W2 − F). The inequality in (52d) is due
function h(F) in (21) with respect to F is
to Lemma 3 and equality happens when U∆22 = UE2 .
Hence, we conclude that U∆∗22 = UE2 in order to maximize  q q2 1/q2

L(∆22 , F, γ). d Tr E2 E2
The inequality Tr (ΛE2 Λ∆22 ) ≤ k(ΛE2 Λ∆22 )kS1 in (52e) Dh (F) = 22 + R̂22 (57a)
is from [33, Fact 9.14.3]. The inequality in (52f) is due to q q2 −2
−q /p
Hölder inequality in Lemma 4. Equality for (52f) can be = − 2 kE2 kSq 2 2 E†2 E2 E2 + R̂22 . (57b)
achieved provided that the eigenvalues of the suboptimal so-
lution ∆∗22 and that of E2 satisfy (51). Thus, for p2 ∈ (1, ∞), In (57b), the matrix (E† E ) should be non-singular for q < 2,
2 2 2

|λ1 (E2 )|1/p2 |λi (E2 )|1/p2 otherwise we can consider its pseudo-inverse to obtain a well-
= ··· = 1/q2
(53) defined derivative Dh (F) [33, Sec. 6.1].
λ1 (∆∗22 ) λi (∆∗22 ) We shall provide next a reformulation for (21) q when
and (19) in Theorem 1 follows. q2 = ∞. Since kE2 kS∞ is the largest eigenvalue of E†2 E2

according to (3), the optimization problem (21) can be casted and Q∗ . Using (23) and (25),
kvec(Q(l+1) ) − vec(Q∗ )k2N−1(l)
≤ kvec(Q(l) ) + αl d(l) − vec(Q∗ )k2N−1(l) (61a)
min. 2 t + Tr (R̂22 F) (58a)
(l) (l) ∗
t≥0, F0
≤ kvec(Q ) + αl d̄ − vec(Q )k2N−1(l) (61b)
tI E†2
(l) ∗
s.t 0 (58b) = kvec(Q ) − vec(Q )k2N−1(l)
E2 tI (l) † ∗
−2αl vec(Ψ(l) (l)
g (Q )) (vec(Q ) − vec(Q ))

where we have introduced t such that E†2 E2 ≤ t2 I and used +αl2 kvec(Ψ(l) (l) 2
g (Q ))kN(l) (61c)
the Schur complement property of a partitioned PSD matrix ≤ kvec(Q(l) ) − vec(Q∗ )k2N−1(l) − 2αl (Ψ(Q(l) ) − Ψ(Q∗ ))
[33, Definition 6.1.8]. Thus, (21) reduces to (58) when q2 = +αl2 c̄kvec(Ψ(l) (l) 2
g (Q ))k . (61d)
∞, which is an SDP problem of an affine objective function
with a linear matrix inequality constraint. The inequalities in (61a) and (61b) are due to the fact that
Q(l+1) from (30) is a projection of that from (23) and the
descent direction d(l) from (27) is a projection of d̄(l) . Note
that vec(Ψg (Q(l) )) is a subgradient for Ψ according to part
2 of Lemma 5, and kd̄(l) k2N−1(l) = kvec(Ψg (Q(l) ))k2N(l) . The
last two terms in (61d) follows from the subgradient definition
We shall establish the convergence of Algorithm 1 to a [36, Sec. 4.2] and Assumption 1, respectively. The quantity
stationary point with exogenous step-size. For a given Q, ∆21 (l) (l)
kvec(Ψg (Q(l) ))k2 is bounded from above for any ∆22 as
has an optimal solution and the AI method is ensured to yield
the feasible set Q is compact.
a solution for ∆22 [29]. We therefore only need to show the
From (61d), we can proceed to prove the convergence of
convergence of the FDPS iteration for Q. It is achieved based
the proposed FDPS method for exogenous step-size using the
on the Danskin’s min-max Theorem [36, Proposition 4.5.1]
procedure presented in [39].
which is repeated here for completeness.
Lemma 5: (Danskin’s min-max Theorem [36, Proposition P ROOF OF P ROPOSITION 2
4.5.1]) Let Y be a compact set and let the function f : Cn×m ×
Y → R be continuous and differentiable such that f (·, Y) : Lemma 6: For Hermitian PSD matrices A ∈ Cn×n
Cn×m → R is convex for each Y ∈ Y. Then, and B ∈ Cn×n whose EVDs are A = UA ΛA U†A and

1. The maximum function p(X) = max. f (X, Y) is convex B = UB ΛB U†B , where the eigenvalues are arranged in non-
Y∈Y increasing order. Then, we have
and has a subgradient OX f (X, Ȳ) with respect to X, where
∆ |I + AB| ≥ |I + Ia ΛA Ia ΛB | . (62)
Ȳ ∈ Y(X) and Y(X) = {Ȳ : f (X, Ȳ) = max. f (X, Y)} is
the set of maximizing points for p(·). The equality is achieved when UA = UB Ia [2, Lemma 1].
2. If f (·, Y) is differentiable for any Y ∈ Y and ∇X f (X, ·) We can prove the precoder structure (37) is optimal using
is continuous on Y for each X, then a similar approach to that in [41, Theorem 1].
We can show that U = UR̄ Ia optimizes (36) as fol-
∂p(X) = conv{∇X f (X, Ȳ) : Ȳ ∈ Y(X)} (59) lows. Substituting (37), the left side of the constraint (36b)
becomes log |I + R̄UΣU† |. According to (62), we have
log |I+ R̄UΣU† | ≥ log |I+Ia ΛR̄ Ia Σ|. Clearly, when the left
where ∂p(X) is the subdifferential of the convex function
side of (36b) is replaced by the expression log |I+Ia ΛR̄ Ia Σ|,
p(X) at X, and conv{·} denotes the convex hull.
the problem (36) would have a larger feasible set and hence
U = UR̄ Ia maximizes P-V.
To make use of the min-max theorem, we associate the
variables to our problem as follows: f (·, ·) is −φ(·, ·), p(·) is A PPENDIX G
Ψ(·), X is Q, Y is ∆22 , and Ȳ is ∆22 . P ROOF OF T HEOREM 2
The following assumption is needed. Assumption 1: The
Hessian inverse approximation matrix N(l) , l = 0, 1, 2 · · · , Lemma 7: Let J be the set of all L = 2n diagonal matrices
satisfies the following condition J that have either +1 or −1 as the diagonal elements. Let
A ∈ Cn×n be a Hermitian matrix and DA bePa diagonal
matrix such that [DA ]ii = [A]ii . Then, DA = L1 J∈J JAJ
ckzk2 ≤ kzk2N(l) ≤ c̄kzk2 (60) [40, Ch 9].
∆ ∆
where 0 < c ≤ c̄. Assumption 1 indicates that the eigenvalues Define the matrices Q̄ = U† QU and ∆¯ 22 =
R̂22 R̂22
of N(l) are bounded from below and above, which can be U†R̂ ∆22 UR̂22 .Under the unitarily-invariant set Qu , the CC
easily checked to ensure it is valid. problem P-II can be expressed as
Let Q∗ be an optimal point for P-I in (6). We begin with
min. Ψ(Q̄) = max. − log I + (ΛR̂22 − ∆
¯ 22 )Q̄ (63)
the weighted Euclidean distance between Q(l+1) from (30) Q̄∈Qu ¯ 22 ∈U¯2


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Mohannad H. Al-Ali (S’11) was born in Iraq. He

received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical
Engineering from the University of Basrah, Basrah
province, Iraq in 2003 and 2007, respectively. He
expects to receive his Ph.D. degree in Electrical
and Computer Engineering from the University of
Missouri, Columbia, USA on May 2017.
Mr. Al-Ali joined the Asiacell Telecommunication
Company, Basrah province, Iraq as a member of the
Project Management Department from August 2005
to December 2011. Since April 2009, he has been a
faculty in the Computer Engineering Department at the University of Basrah.
His current research interests are cognitive radio, nonlinear optimization, game
theory for wireless communications, and statistical signal processing.

 K. C. Ho (S ’89 – M ’91 – SM ’00 – F ’09) was

 born in Hong Kong. He received the B.Sc. degree

 with First Class Honors in Electronics in 1988 and

 the Ph.D. degree in Electronic Engineering in 1991.
 He was a research associate in the Royal Military
College of Canada from 1991 to 1994. He joined the

Bell-Northern Research, Montreal, Canada in 1995

 as a member of scientific staff. He was a faculty in

 the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Uni-

 versity of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada from

 September 1996 to August 1997. Since September

 he has been with the University of Missouri and is currently a Professor
 the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department. His research
interests are in sensor array processing, source localization, subsurface object
detection, wireless communications and adaptive processing.
He was active in the development of the ITU-T Standard Recommendations
from 1995 to 2012. He was the Rapporteur of ITU-T Q15/SG16: Voice
Gateway Signal Processing Functions and Circuit Multiplication Equip-
ment/Systems from 2009 to 2012, and the Associate Rapporteur of ITU-T
Q16/SG16: Speech Enhancement Functions in Signal Processing Network
Equipment in 2012. He was the Editor of the ITU-T Recommendations G.160:
Voice Enhancement Devices from 2006 to 2012, G.168: Digital Network
Echo Cancellers from 2000 to 2012 and G.799.2: Mechanism for Dynamic
Coordination of Signal Processing Network Equipment from 2004 to 2009.
Dr. Ho served as a Technical Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing 2016 (ICASSP2016). He was
the Past Chair (2015), Chair (2013-2014) and Vice-Chair (2011-2012) of the
Sensor Array and Multichannel (SAM) Technical Committee of the IEEE
Signal Processing Society. He participated in the organizing committees of
the IEEE SAM 2008 Workshop and the IEEE CAMSAP 2011. He was an
Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (2003-2006,
2009-2013) and the IEEE Signal Processing Letters (2004-2008). He received
the Senior Faculty Research Award in 2009 and 2014, the Junior Faculty
Research Award in 2003 and the Teaching Award in 2006 from the College
of Engineering at the University of Missouri. He is an inventor of 22 patents
in the United States, Canada, Europe and Asia on geolocation and signal
processing for wireless communications.

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