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Philosophical Perspective of the  It is because of our

Self memories
Philosophy – understanding David Hume – “You are an
oneself illusion”
Socrates – “An unexamined life is  Scottish philosopher
not worth living “ economist and historian
 Father of western  Atheist and Skeptic
philosophy Fundamental Believe
 Teaches student for free  There is no such thing as
Fundamental Believe self
 Dichotomous realms:  Proponent of Bundle
 Physical Theory
 Ideal Realms  Self-identity is not the
 To find yourself think for same over time
yourself – Socratic  Heraclitus - “You can’t
question step on the same river
 Let him who would move twice”
the world first move Immanuel Kant – “We construct
himself – Socratic Method the self”
Aristotle – “The soul is the essence  Wrote Critique
of the self” Fundamental Believe
Fundamental Believe  Transcendental Enduring
 Soul is the essence of all Self
living things  Self-identity is the same
 Three kinds of soul over time
 Vegetative  There’s no different self at
 Sentient each moment of
 Rational consciousness
Rene Descartes – “I think therefore Contemporary Philosophers – 19th
I am” “Cogito Ergo Sum” to 20th century
 French philosopher, Gilbert Ryle
mathematician, and  “I act therefore I am”
scientist  The mind is the totality of
Fundamental Believe human dispositions that
 Mind and body as separate known through the way
entity of the self people behave
 Self-identity based on self- Paul Churchland
consciousness “A thinking  “The self is the brain”
thing”  The physical brain not the
 Self-identity remains the imaginary mind gives
same over time people the sense of self
John Locke = “The self is the Maurice Merleaue-Ponty
consciousness”  Mind and body not
Fundamental Believe separated. The self is
 Mind as Tabularasa embodied subjectivity
 Tabularasa – a blank
 Consciousness is the key
to self-identity
 Self-identity does not
remain the same over time

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