3-12r4 AuditPlan SMS00031

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Organization No. Scheme Audit Type Audit No.

SM S 00031 ISO28000 Surv e illance


Address: Kompleks Pabrik Citereup, Jl. Mayor Oking Jayaatmadja - Citeureup

Audit Date(s): 05 - 07 Okt 2022

Audit Objectives: To assess the security management system implementation, based on
ISO 28000:2007
Scope (Category): Manufacturing of cement, Quarrying of Limestone, Gypsum and Chalk

Sector Code:
Not Applicable

Audit Team: Linda Devi Yuniarsih (auditor)

Ardilla Widi (ATL)

Relevant  Organization Policy and Objectives (Quality, Environmental, Safety &

Documentation: Health, Food, Product, Information Security, etc) .
 Manual and Procedures.
 Other related documents to ensure the effectiveness of planning,
Operation and control of its processes.
 Records.
Facilities:  Room for opening & closing meeting & report writing .
 Personnel concerned with audit subject.
 Management representative to provide overall assistance .
 Any other facilities necessary as organization’s requirements .
Report Distribution: 1. Organization to be audited (original)
2. Audit Team (copy)

Audit Team Leader

……………………...... Ardilla Widi 14 Sep 2022

(Signed) (Name) (Date)

Sucofi ndo ICS FRM 3.12

Issue 04 Rev. 4
1 of 3

De tail of Audit Plan

Date /Time Functions / areas / De partment / activities to be audite d (include Auditor(s)
re late d re quire me nts)

1st Day
08.30 Ope ning M e e ting All
09:00 Audit in M anage me nt Re pre se ntativ e AW
Review of previous audit finding and monitoring logos
Commitment and Policy (4.2), Structure and Responsibilities (4.4.1),
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Objective and Target (4.3.3,
4.3.4), Planning and Programs (4.3.5), Manual SMKRP (4.4.4),
Documentation System and Data Control (4.4.5, 4.5.4), Internal Audit
(Auditing of Security Management Systems) (4.5.5), Management
Review (4.6), Evaluation Systems (4.5.2).
Audit in Se curity De partme nt
09:00 LD
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Legal and other requirement
(4.3.2), Objective and Target (4.3.3, 4.3.4), Planning and Programs
(4.3.5), Communication (4.4.3), Operational Control (4.4.6),
Emergency preparedness, response and security recovery (4.4.7),
Monitoring and Measurement (4.5.1), Reporting, Corrective and
Preventive Action (4.5.3)

12.00 Bre ak
13:00 Audit in Supply De partme nt - Vide o Confe re nce M e e ting LD
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Documentation System and Data
Control (4.4.5, 4.5.4), Operational Control (4.4.6) (purchase process,
warehouse process, supplier & subcontractor handling), site
observation to warehouse
Audit in Human Re source s & Ge ne ral Affairs De partme nt
13:00 AW
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Competency, Awareness and
Training (4.4.2), Consultation, Communication and Participation
(4.4.3), Personnel History Records, Code of Conduct, Recruitment
and Termination, (4.4.6)

14:30 Audit in QARD De partme nt - Vide o Confe re nce M e e ting AW

Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Documentation System and
Data Control (4.4.5, 4.5.4), Operational Control (4.4.6)
14:30 Audit In Utility (Ele ctrical) LD
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Documentation System and
Data Control (4.4.5, 4.5.4), Operational Control (4.4.6)
16.30 End of audit day 1

Sucofi ndo ICS FRM 3.12

Issue 04 Rev. 4
2 of 3

Date /Time Functions / areas / De partment / activities to be audite d (include Auditor(s)

re late d re quire me nts)

2nd Day
09:00 Audit in Production and Maintenance P 14 - Vide o Confe re nce LD
M e e ting
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Planning and Programs (4.3.5),
Documentation System and Data Control (4.4.5, 4.5.4), Operational
Control (4.4.6) Site observation to control room and security post
09:00 Audit in M ining Div ision - Vide o Confe re nce M e e ting AW
Security Risk Management (4.3.1), Documentation System and Data
Control (4.4.5, 4.5.4), Operational Control (4.4.6). Site observation to,
perimeter, explosive handling, project area, and security post ner aby

12.00 Bre ak
13:00 Audit in Te chnical Se rv ice s LD
Security Risk Management (3, 4.3.1), Document & Data Control (8,
4.4.4, 4.4.5), Operational Control (10, 4.4.6)

13:00 Audit in De liv e ry (Dispatch) AW

Security Risk Management (3, 4.3.1), Document & Data Control (8,
4.4.4, 4.4.5), Operational Control (10, 4.4.6)

16.00 End of audit All

Date /Time Functions / areas / De partment / activities to be audite d (include
re late d re quire me nts)

3th Day
09.00 Re porting AW/LD
10.00 Closing M e e ting - Vide o Confe re nce M e e ting All
11.00 End of Surv e illance audit All
Note: control of document and records. Monitoring of achieving quality objective, analysis data,
and improvement will be audited at each area

Sucofi ndo ICS FRM 3.12

Issue 04 Rev. 4
3 of 3

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