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Conceptual Framework

1. How many objectives of CF?

7 objectives.
+ Basis for establishing and completing the system of International Accounting Standards.
+ Organize the composition and development of national standards.
+ Providers of financial information are helped in applying the IAS and solving the matters
that are not yet stipulated by any IAS.
+ Auditors are helped in giving control opinion about the relevance of financial statement
with IAS.
+ Users of FS are helped in explaining the financial information presented in the financial
statements provided in accordance with the IAS.
+ This CF does not substitute the specific IAS. When implementing, base on the specific IAS.
In case of no specific regulations, implementing in accordance with CF.
+ This CF applies to enterprises in the fields of every components of the economy.
2. Scope?
+ Objectives
+ Qualitative characteristics
+ Defintions, the recognition criteria of 5 elements on the financial statements.
+ Capital and capital maintenance
3. Objective of Financial statements is to provide financial information, which is useful for
investors, customers, creditors,…
4. The financial statements are provided on which basis?
=> Going concern assumption
5. Qualitative characteristics?
=> Relevance and faithful representation
+) confirmatory value
+) predictive value
+) materiality
Faithful representation: neutral, complete, free from error.
5.1. Enhancing qualitative characteristics?
=> comparability, verifiability, timeliness, understandability
6. Relevance?
=> Predictive value and Confirmatory value, besides there is Materiality.
7. Faithful representation?
Neutral, Complete and Free from error
8. Information has which characteristics?
Qualitative characteristics, no quantitative characteristics.
9. Asset?
Asset is a present economic resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events. (IF
An economic resource is a right that has the potential of producing economic benefits.
11b. According to CF 2018, the value in use of asset is?
The present value of cash flows or other economic benefits (in the future), which an entity
expects to receive from using the asset or from the disposal of assets.
10. How are future economic benefits expressed?
+ being used either individually or in combination with other economic resources (assets) to
produce goods or provide services;
+ receive cash or other economic resources by selling the economic resource;
+ extinguish liabilities by transferring the economic resource.
+ being distributed to owners
12. Liability?
A liability is a present obligation of an entity of tranferring economic resources as a result of
past events.
3 Recognition criteria of a liability:
+) An entity must have a obligation
+) That obligation must be tranferring an economic resource
+) That obligation is the present obligation, being a result of past events.
A present obligation is a result of past events if both conditions are satisfied:
(An obligation is an unavoidable responsibility of an entity)
+) An entity has reached, received the economic benefits or has carried out an action.
+) An entity will have to transfer an economic resource, but will not if there is no above
13. Equity?
=> is the value part of an entity which is the difference between the value of Assets of an
entity and its Liability
=> Equity = Assets - Liabilities
14. Income?
=> Income is an increase in assets or a decrease in liabilities leading to an increase of equity
but not because of the capital contribution of owners.
16. Expense?
=> Expense is a decrease in assets or an increase in liabilities leading to a decrease in equity
but not because of the capital distribution to owners.
Standards on Assets
1. Inventory – IAS 02

2. Properties, plant and equipment – IAS 16

1) What is the objective of IAS 16?
• prescribe the accounting treatment for PPE
2) What are the principal issues in accounting for property, plant and equipment?
• the recognition of the assets
• the determination of their carrying amounts
• the depreciation charges
• the impairment losses to be recognised in relation to them.
3) Which assets not apply IAS 16?
There are 4 types:
• Assets held for sale
• Biological assets
• Exploration and evaluation assets
• Mineral rights and mineral reserves
4) PPE is used for?
• production
• supply of goods or services
• rental to others
• administrative purposes
5) How long is PPE used for?
more than 1 period
6) Cost?
Cost is the amount of cash or cash equivalents paid or the fair value of the other
consideration given to acquire an asset at the time of its acquisition or construction
or, where applicable, the amount attributed to that asset when initially recognised.
7) Book value?
Book value = Cost – Accumulated depreciation – Accumulated Impairment loss
8) Depreciable amount?
Depreciable amount = Cost – Net realisable value
9) Depreciation by SLM?
Annual depreciation = (Cost – Net realisable value)/estimated useful life
10) specific value is used to?
determine if a transaction has commercial substance.
11) Useful life?
- the period when an asset is expected to be available for an entity to use
- the number of production (or similar units) are expected to be obtained by an entity
from the asset
12) Residual value?
NRV (RV) = Fair value less Cost of disposal
if the asset were already of the age and in the condition expected at the end of its
useful life.
13) Fair value?
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement
Là giá trị sẽ nhận khi bán tài sản hoặc được trả khi chuyển giao công nợ trong giao dịch
theo trình tự giữa người tham gia thị trường tại ngày xác định giá trị (Xem IFRS 13- Xác
định giá trị hợp lý)
Fair value is the “amount at which an asset could be exchanged between
knowledgeable and willing parties in an arm's length transaction.”
14) Impairment loss?
= Carrying amount – Recoverable amount > 0
15) Recoverable amount?
The higher of Fair value less Cost of disposal and Value in use
16) Value in use? (Entity specific value)
The present value of the cash flows an entity expects to arise from the continuing use
of an asset and from its disposal at the end of its useful life or expects to incur when
settling a liability.
17) How many Criteria to recognize PPE?
para 7
2 criteria:
(a) it is probable that future economic benefits associated with the item will flow to
the entity; and
(b) the cost of the item can be measured reliably.
note: Theo VAS 03 của Việt Nam có 4 tiêu chuẩn ghi nhận TSCĐ
+ Chắc chắn thu đc lợi ích trong tương lai
+ Xác định 1 cách đáng tin cậy
+ Có thời hạn sử dụng trên 1 năm
+ Gt > 30 triệu
18) PPE is initially recognised at?
19) Cost of PPE?
Nguyên giá của một khoản mục bất động sản, nhà xưởng và thiết bị bao gồm:
The cost of an item of property, plant and equipment comprises:
(a) giá mua, bao gồm thuế nhập khẩu và các khoản thuế không được hoàn lại khi mua,
sau khi trừ (-) đi các khoản chiết khấu thương mại và giảm giá.
(a) its purchase price, including import duties and non-refundable purchase taxes,
after deducting trade discounts and rebates.
(b) bất kỳ chi phí trực tiếp nào liên quan đến việc đưa tài sản đến vị trí và điều kiện cần
thiết để nó có khả năng hoạt động theo cách thức dự định của nhà quản lý.
(b) any costs directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition
necessary for it to be capable of operating in the manner intended by management.
(c) ước tính ban đầu về nghĩa vụ phát sinh chi phí tháo dỡ, di dời tài sản và khôi phục
lại mặt bằng đặt tài sản mà một đơn vị phải chịu khi mua tài sản hoặc là kết quả của
việc sử dụng tài sản cho các mục đích không phải để sản xuất các hàng tồn kho trong
một giai đoạn cụ thể.
(c) the initial estimate of the costs of dismantling and removing the item and restoring
the site on which it is located, the obligation for which an entity incurs either when
the item is acquired or as a consequence of having used the item during a particular
period for purposes other than to produce inventories during that period.
20) Which expenses are not capitalised?
- Training cost
- Initial operating losses (các khoản lỗ hoạt động ban đầu)
- Under-capacity
- Administrative expenses
- Relocating/reorganising costs (các chi phí di dời hoặc tái cấu trúc)
21) Cost of PPE if purchased on credit?
= cash price equivalent at the recognition date. (para 23)
= Giá trả ngay
22) Internal profits from self constructing assets are eliminated from cost. T or F?
T (para 22)
23) Internal profits from self constructing assets are capitalised. T or F?
F (para 22)
24) Cost of self-constructing PPE?
= Cost of self constructing + Testing and installation costs
25) Expenses for over-capacity performance are capitalised. T or F?
26) Which transactions don’t have commercial substance?
similar transactions
27) Which transactions have commercial substance?
dissimilar transactions
28) Similar transactions use which value?
Carrying value (giá trị còn lại)
29) Dissimilar transactions use which value?
Fair value (giá trị hợp lý)
30) Expenses incurred after intial recognition are capitalised?
30) Expenses incurred after intial recognition are capitalised if probably increasing
the future economic benefits? T or F
Added to the carrying amount of the asset but only subsequent expenditure which
improves condition of asset beyond the previous performance (probable future
economic benefits)
31) Repair and maintenance costs which maintain the probability of the future
economic benefits are capitalised?
Other subsequent expenditures (repair, maintenances...) recognized as an expenses.
32) How many ways to increase cost of an asset?
2 ways
+ Major repair (surely brings FEB)
+ Revaluation
33) How many models of subsequent measurement?
2 models.
Cost model and Revaluation model.
34) How to determine value of an asset using cost model?
Carrying value = Cost – AD – Accumulated impairment losses
35) How to determine value of an asset using revaluation model?
= Revalued amount – Subsequent AD - Accumulated impairment losses
= Giá trị hợp lý tại thời điểm đánh giá lại – khấu hao lũy kế tính từ sau ghi nhận là tài
sản đến thời điểm đánh giá lại – khoản lỗ lũy kế do gt TS bị tổn thất tính từ sau ghi
nhận là tài sản đến thời điểm đánh giá lại
36) Revaluation gain?
+ Credit the Revaluation surplus (OCI)
+ Recognised as Income (P/L) if it offsets the revaluation loss which was previously
debited into Expense (P/L).
PPE revaluation gain.
Year 1:
if this is the 1st revaluation

800 → 1000 Dr Asset 200

Cr OCI 200

if this is not the 1st revaluation

900 → 800 Dr Expense (P/L) 100
Cr Asset 100

Year 2:
800 → 1000 Dr Asset 200

Cr Income (P/L) 100

Cr OCI 100

37) Revaluation loss?

+) Dr Expense (P/L)
+) or Dr OCI to offset the previous revaluation gain provided that the revaluation loss
doesn’t exceed that gain.

PPE revaluation loss.

Year 1:

if this is the 1st revaluation

1000 → 800 Dr Expense (P/L) 200

Cr Asset 200
if this is not the 1st revaluation
800 → 900 Dr Asset 100
Cr OCI 100

Year 2:

900 → 700 Dr OCI 100

Dr Expense (P/L) 100
Cr Asset 200
38) Depreciation is determined based on?
2 aspects:
+ depreciable amount (= cost – residual value)
+ useful life (the period available to use, the number of production to obtain)
39) How many depreciation methods?
3 methods.
+ Declining balance method
+ Unit-of-production method

40) PPE is derecognised when?

Para 67
The carrying amount of an item of property, plant and equipment shall be
(a) on disposal; or
(b) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
41) How is the gain or loss arising from the derecognition of an item of property,
plant and equipment determined?
the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the
Gain/Loss from derecognition = Disposal proceeds – Costs of disposal – Carrying
amount of the item.
42) How is the Gain/Loss from derecognition treated?
recognised as an income/expense on SOPL.
43) PPE is recorded to which items on SOFP? Cost, AD, Carrying amount
44) PPE is presented on which statements?
+ Notes to F.S
3. Intangible assets – IAS 38
1) Which standard applies to intangible assets?
IAS 38
2) This standard doesn’t apply to?
- intangible assets held by an entity for sale in the ordinary course of business (IAS 2)
- Deferred tax assets (IAS 12)
- Leases of intangible assets (IFRS 16)
- Goodwill (IFRS 3)
- In contracts with customers (IFRS 15)
- Held for disposal (IFRS 5)
- Employee benefits assets (IAS 19)
- Insurance contracts (IFRS 4 & 17)
- Extractive industries’ exploration and development costs (IFRS 6)
3) An intangible asset is an identifiable, non-monetary asset without physical
substance. T or F?
4) intangible asset comprises of?
computer software, patents, copyrights, motion picture films, customer lists,
mortgage servicing rights, fishing licences, import quotas, franchises, customer or
supplier relationships, customer loyalty, market share and marketing rights.
phần mềm máy tính, bằng sáng chế, bản quyền, phim điện ảnh, danh sách khách hàng,
quyền dịch vụ thế chấp, giấy phép câu cá, hạn ngạch nhập khẩu, nhượng quyền thương
mại, quan hệ khách hàng/nhà cung cấp, khách hàng thân thiết, thị phần và quyền được
tiếp thị.
5) How many elements to determine if a resource satisfy intangible asset definition?
3 elements
- Identifiable
+ Separable from the entity; could be sold, transferred, leased; individually or with a
related asset.
+ Or from legal or contractual rights alone (Example, a non-transferable licence).
- Controllable (a resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events)
If lack of control over => not assets, such as: workforce, customer relationships, market
- Future economic benefits (from which future economic benefits are expected to flow
to the entity)
Can be revenue generation or cost savings
Other definition elements:
- non-monetary (not fixed sum of money)
- without physical substance (invisible, untouchable, …)
Monetary assets include cash and cash equivalents, such as cash on hand, bank
deposits, investment accounts, accounts receivable (AR), and notes receivable, all of
which can readily be converted into a fixed or precisely determinable amount of
Common examples of non-monetary assets include goodwill, copyrights, inventory,
and plant, property and equipment (PP&E). ... Once an asset is sold, the amount
obtained as sales proceeds can vary since there is no standard rate at which the assets
can be converted into cash.
6) How many phases to internally generate intangible assets?
2 phases: research phase and development phase
7) How many criteria for an active market to meet?
3 criteria.
- items traded on the market are homogeneous.
- willing buyers and sellers can normally be found at any time.
- prices are available to the public. (cả giá thanh lý của chúng)
8) How many recognition criteria of intangible assets?
3 recognition criteria. (2 are the same as tangible assets)
+ Meets the definition of an intangible asset (identifiable, non-monetary, without
physical substance)
+ probable that economic benefits will flow.
+ costs can be measured reliably.
9) Cost of an intangible assets acquired separately?
(Nguyên giá TSVH mua riêng biệt đc xác định ntn?)
= purchase price (less trade discounts, rebates-giảm giá)
+ import duties, non-refundable taxes (less refundable taxes)
+ any directly attributable cost of preparing the asset for its intended use.
10) Which expenses are not capitalised?
- advertising, promotional expenses
- cost of staff training
- general administrative expenses
- indirectly attributable cost of preparing the asset for its intended use
- initial operating losses
11) Cost of intangible assets if purchased on credit?
= cash price equivalent at the recognition date. (para 32)
= Giá trả ngay
32 If payment for an intangible asset is deferred beyond normal credit terms, its
cost is the cash price equivalent. The difference between this amount and the total
payments is recognised as interest expense over the period of credit unless it is
capitalised in accordance with IAS 23 Borrowing Costs.
32. Nếu như việc thanh toán cho một tài sản vô hình bị kéo dài vượt quá thời hạn tín
dụng thông thường, nguyên giá của tài sản sẽ là giá mua trả tiền ngay. Sự chênh lệch
giữa giá mua trả tiền ngay và tổng số tiền thanh toán sẽ được ghi nhận như chi phí lãi
vay theo kỳ hạn thanh toán trừ khi số chênh lệch đó được tính vào nguyên giá tài sản
vô hình (vốn hóa) theo quy định của chuẩn mực kế toán IAS 23 Chi phí đi vay.
12) The difference between this amount and the total payments?
is recognised as interest expense over the period of credit. (para 32, IAS 38)
13) All research expenses are not capitalised. T or F?
14) All development expenses are capitalised. T or F?
False. (para 57, IAS 38)
Capitalisation if and only if satisfy all 6 criteria:
- Technically feasible
- Intention to complete for use or sale
- Ability to use or sell
- Probable economic benefits – demonstrate market for the output or benefits from
- Availability of resources to complete development
- Development cost measured reliably
15) If Development cost or R cost can’t be measured then what?
Put all of these expenses into Research expenses.
16) Which expenses are not capitalised into internally generated intangible assets?
- selling expenses, general administrative expenses, manufacturing overhead costs,…
- indirectly attributable costs to bring assets to its intended use.
- abnormal costs: material wastage, over capacity labor expense
- staff training costs
17) When to determine expenses for capitalisation?
- Start of development phase (and satisfy 3 recognition criteria of intangible assets)
+ definition of intangible assets (identifiable, non-monetary assets, without physical
+ probable future economic benefits
+ costs measured reliably
18) How many models of subsequent measurement?
2 models.
Cost model and Revaluation model.
19) The revaluation gain is?
Credited into the revaluation surplus.
20) Useful life – can be finite or indefinite?
Finite life assets: amortisation
Indefinite life assets:
+ No amortisation
+ Annual impairment tests (IAS 36) or when indication of loss of value or life is now
21) Intangible assets is derecognised when?
Para 112, IAS 38
An intangible asset shall be derecognised:
(a) on disposal; or
(b) when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal.
22) How many depreciation methods?
3 methods.
+ Declining balance method
+ Unit-of-production method
23) How is the gain or loss arising from the disposal of an intangible asset
the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the
Gain/Loss from derecognition = Disposal proceeds – Costs of disposal – Carrying
amount of the item.
24) intangible asset is presented on which statements?
+ Notes to F.S
IAS 16 covers all aspects of accounting for property, plant and equipment. This
represents items called “tangible” non-current assets.
4. Impairment of assets – IAS 36
1) Which standard stipulates Impairment of assets?
IAS 36
2) Objective of IAS 36?
Make sure assets are not recognised at the value higher than recoverable amount.
3) Ways to treat when an asset is impaired?
- How to record impairment loss
- When to reverse an impairment loss
- Disclosure which information relating to impairment of assets
4) An impairment loss is the amount by which the carrying amount of an asset or a
cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount. T or F?
5) Carrying amount=?
= Cost – AD – Accumulated impairment losses
is the amount at which an asset is recognised after deducting any accumulated
depreciation (amortisation) and accumulated impairment losses thereon. (para 6, IAS
6) Recoverable amount?
The higher of Fair value less Cost of disposal and Value in use
7) Fair value?
Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a
liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement
date. (para 6, IAS 36)
Là giá trị sẽ nhận khi bán tài sản hoặc được trả khi chuyển giao công nợ trong giao dịch
theo trình tự giữa người tham gia thị trường tại ngày xác định giá trị (Xem IFRS 13- Xác
định giá trị hợp lý)
8) Value in use? (Entity specific value)
Value in use is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from
an asset or cash-generating unit. (para 6, IAS 36)
Là giá trị hiện tại của các dòng tiền trong tương lai ước tính thu được từ tài sản hoặc
đơn vị tạo tiền.
9) cash-generating unit?
A cash-generating unit is the smallest identifiable group of assets that generates cash
inflows that are largely independent of the cash inflows from other assets or groups
of assets.
Đơn vị tạo tiền là nhóm nhỏ nhất có thể xác định của các tài sản tạo ra dòng tiền vào
và gần như độc lập với dòng tiền vào từ các tài sản hoặc nhóm tài sản khác.
10) When to assess whether there is any indication that an asset may be impaired?
at the end of each reporting period.
11) Which assets are tested for impairment at the end of each reporting period
(annually) irrespective of whether there is any indication that an asset may be
ko cần có dấu hiệu thi cứ cuối năm, cuối mỗi kì, hằng năm thực hiện annual test for
Para 9, IAS 36
+ an intangible asset with an indefinite useful life (TSVH vs thời gian sử dụng hữu ích k
xác định)
+ an intangible asset not yet available for use (TS VH chưa sẵn sàng vào việc sử dụng)
+ goodwill acquired in a business combination (Lợi thế TM từ việc hình thành hợp nhất
kinh doanh)
12) Indication of impairment of assets?
3 indications:
+ External sources of information
+ Internal sources of information
+ Dividend from a subsidiary, joint venture or associate
13) External sources of information?
+ Decline in market value
+ Significant adverse changes (market, technology, legal, economic): Lĩnh vực công
nghệ, thị trường, kinh tế hay pháp lý có sự thay đổi lớn ảnh hưởng bất lợi đến DN
+ Increase in interest rates: LS thị trường hoặc Tỷ suất hoàn vốn gia tăng
+ CA > market capitalization: GTGS lớn hơn giá trị Vốn hóa thị trường
14) Internal sources of information?
+ Obsolescence/physical damage: Sự lỗi thời hoặc hư hỏng
+ Significant adverse changes (restructuring (tái cấu trúc), discontinuing (dừng hoạt
động)): quyết định của nhà quản trị DN thay đổi đáng kể ảnh hưởng bất lợi đến DN từ
việc sử dụng TS
+ Internal reporting evidence: Bằng chứng có sẵn từ nội bộ chỉ ra lợi ích kinh tế thấp
hơn như dự kiến
15) Goodwill is a non-monetary asset. True or False?
True. not fixed sum of money, it can not measured reliably.
16) Impairment loss?
= Carrying amount – Recoverable amount > 0
17) If, and only if, the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying
amount, the carrying amount of the asset shall be reduced to its recoverable
amount. That reduction is an impairment loss. T or F?
Khi và chỉ khi giá trị có thể thu hồi của tài sản thấp hơn giá trị ghi sổ, giá trị ghi sổ của
tài sản sẽ bị ghi giảm xuống bằng giá trị có thể thu hồi. Chênh lệch giảm đó là khoản lỗ
do suy giảm giá trị. (para 59, IAS 36)
18) This impairment loss is recorded right into?
gain/loss (according to cost model)
Dr impairment loss
Cr Asset
19) After the recognition of an impairment loss, the depreciation (amortisation)
charge for the asset shall be adjusted in future periods to allocate the asset’s revised
carrying amount, less its residual value (if any), on a systematic basis over its
remaining useful life. (para 63, IAS 36) T or F?
Sau khi ghi nhận khoản lỗ do suy giảm giá trị, chi phí khấu hao của tài sản sẽ được điều
chỉnh trong các kỳ tương lai để phân bổ giá trị ghi sổ của tài sản đã thay đổi trừ giá trị
thanh lý (nếu có) một cách có hệ thống dựa trên thời gian sử dụng hữu ích còn lại của
tài sản.
20) Impairment loss are determined according to how many models?
2 models. Cost model and Revaluation model.
21) If there’s no recoverable amount of an asset then what to do?
establish a cash generating unit which include that asset
22) Khi xác định khối TS tạo ra dòng tiền cần đảm bảo gì ?
=> Nguyên tắc nhất quán để đảm bảo so sánh
Cash-generating units shall be identified consistently from period to period for the
same asset or types of assets, unless a change is justified.
23) Impairment loss of the assets in a CGU is pro rata to write down the carrying
amount of that asset. T or F
24) Which item is the first to be allocated impairment loss?
25) các TS còn lại mà có giá trị cao hơn giá trị ghi sổ thì ghi giá cao hơn
5. Investment property – IAS 40
1) Investment property?
- property (land/ building/ part of a building/ both
- held by the owner / held by the lessee as a right-of-use of asset
- to earn rentals or for capital appreciation or both
- rather than for:
(a) use in the production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes;
(b) sale in the ordinary course of business
2) Owner-occupied property ?
is property held (by the owner or by the lessee as a right-of-use asset) for use in the
production or supply of goods or services or for administrative purposes.
3) Vận dụng khái niệm Bất động sản đầu tư để nhận diện các tài sản trong các tình
huồng sau:
1/Doanh nghiệp nhận bàn giao tòa nhà xây dựng hoàn thành và cho thuê.
a) BĐS đầu tư
b) BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng
2/ Doanh nghiệp nhận bàn giao tòa nhà xây dựng hoàn thành và cho thuê kèm theo
dịch vụ hỗ trợ là bảo vệ và vệ sinh
a) Toàn bộ là BĐS đầu tư (bao gồm cả giá trị phần dịch vụ bảo vệ và vệ sinh)
b) BĐS đầu tư là giá trị tòa nhà
3/Doanh nghiệp cho thuê tòa nhà trong đó toàn bộ tầng 1 được sử dụng làm văn
phòng của doanh nghiệp
a) BĐS đầu tư là toàn bộ tòa nhà
b) BĐS đầu tư là phần giá trị tòa nhà từ tầng 2- BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng là giá trị tòa
nhà tầng 1
4/ Doanh nghiệp cho thuê phòng trong hoạt động kinh doanh khách sạn.
a) Khách sạn là BĐS đầu tư
b) Khách sạn là BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng
4) Dựa vào đâu để phân loại một Tài sản cố định thành TSCĐ chủ sở hữu sử dụng
hay BĐS đầu tư?
a) Giá trị
b) Mục đích sử dụng
c) Cả giá trị và mục đích sử dụng
5) Khi nào một BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng chuyên thành BĐS đầu tư?
Khi doanh nghiệp không còn nắm giữ BĐS cho mục đích sản xuất, kinh doanh trong kỳ
hoạt động sản xuất kinh doanh thông thường mà chuyển thành mục đích cho thuê
hoạt động BĐS nhằm thu lời từ việc cho thuê.
6) Khi nào một BĐS đầu tư trở thành BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng?
Khi doanh nghiệp thay đổi mục đích sử dụng tài sán đó từ cho thuê thành tài sản sử
dụng trong kỳ sản xuất kinh doanh bình thường.
7) Doanh nghiệp thuê tài sản cổ định thuê tải chính về với mục đích cho thuê hoạt
động. Giá trị hiện tại của khoản thanh toán tiền thuê tối thiểu là 2,3 triệu CU, Giá trị
hợp lý của tài sản thuê là 2,2 triệu CU. Xác định nguyên giá của BĐS sản đầu tư trên:
a) 2,3 triệu Cu
b) 2,2 triệu Cu -> GTHL
8) Doanh nghiệp mua một tài sản cố định theo phương thức trả chậm trả góp, về để
cho thuê hoạt động theo giá mua trả chậm,trả góp là: 5,5 triệu CŨ (trong đó VAT
10%); giá theo phương thức trả ngay một lần là 5,28 triệu CU (trong đó VAT 10%).
Xác định nguyên giá BĐS đâutư:
a) 5 triệu Cu
b) 4,8 triệu Cu = 5,28/1.1
9) Doanh nghiệp chuyên đổi 1 BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng thành BĐS đầu tư. Biết rằng
TSCĐ có NG 2tr CU, đã khẩu hao 0,5 trCU, giá trị hợp lý của TS khi chuyên đổi là 2,1tr
CU. Hãy ghi nhận giá trị BĐS đầu tư theo mô hình giá hợp lý.
Ghi nhận:
Nợ NG BĐS đầu tư 2,1tr
Có chênh lệch ĐGL tài sản 0,1tr
10) Doanh nghiệp chuyển đối 1 BĐS chủ sở hữu sử dụng thành BĐS đầu tư. Biết rằng
TSCĐ có NG 2tr CU, đã khấu hao 0,5 tr CU, giá trị hợp lý của TS khi chuyên đổi là 2,1tr
CU. Hãy ghi nhận giá trị BĐS đầu tư theo mô hình giá phí.
Ghi nhận (k theo giá hợp lý, mà theo giá phí)
Nợ NG BĐS đầu tư 2tr
11) Doanh nghiệp hoàn thành đưa vào sử dụng một BĐS đầu tư do xây dựng cơ bản,
biết rằng vào thời điểm bàn giao giá trị quyết toán công trình là 3 tr Cu, giá trị hợp
lý của tài sản là 3,1 tr CU. Kế toán ghi số NG BĐS đầu tư theo giá trị hợp lý đồng thời
phản ánh phần chênh lệch giữa giá hợp lý và giá trị quyết toán công trình vào:
a) Chênh lệch đánh giá lại Tài sản
b) Báo cáo lãi lỗ

đáp án b/ báo cáo lãi lỗ

12) Meets definition of investment property?
Owned by the company and leased out under an operating lease
Held under a lease and leased out under an operating lease
Held under a lease and to be leased out in the future under an operating lease
land held for long-term capital appreciation rather than for short-term sale in the
ordinary course of business.
land held for a currently undetermined future use. (If an entity has not determined
that it will use the land as owner-occupied property or for short-term sale in the
ordinary course of business, the land is regarded as held for capital appreciation.)
a building owned by the entity (or a right-of-use asset relating to a building held by the
entity) and leased out under one or more operating leases.
a building that is vacant but is held to be leased out under one or more operating
property that is being constructed or developed for future use as investment property.
13) Not Meet definition of investment property?
Owner-occupied property used in the production or supply of goods, services or for
administrative purposes (Inventory)
Held for sale in the ordinary course of business (PPE)
Held under finance lease
14) An investment property shall be measured initially at its cost. Transaction costs
shall be included in the initial measurement.
15) Subsequent measurement?
fair value model and cost model
16) Subsequent measurement using fair value model?
• A gain or loss arising from a change in the fair value of investment property shall be
recognised in profit or loss for the period in which it arises.
• The fair value of investment property shall reflect market conditions at the balance
sheet date.
17) Subsequent measurement using cost model?
If an entity chooses the cost model, it shall measure all of its investment property in
accordance with IAS 16’s requirements.
18) Subsequent measurement using fair value?
• If an entity has previously measured an investment property at fair value, it shall
continue to measure the property at fair value until disposal even if comparable
market transactions become less frequent or market prices become less readily
55 Nếu một đơn vị trước đây đã định giá một bất động sản đầu tư theo giá trị hợp
lý, đơn vị sẽ tiếp tục sử dụng giá trị hợp lý để xác định giá trị của bất động sản đến thời
điểm thanh lý (hoặc đến khi bất động sản chuyển thành bất động sản chủ sở hữu sử
dụng hoặc đơn vị bắt đầu phát triển bất động sản để bán trong một kỳ sản xuất kinh
doanh thông thường) kể cả nếu giao dịch tương tự trên thị trường trở nên ít thường
xuyên hơn hoặc giá thị trường trở nên ít phổ biến hơn.

Chương 3: Chuẩn mực kế toán quốc tế về Chi phí đi vay, doanh thu, nợ phải trả và
các chuẩn mực khác Học 4 chuẩn mực
+ IAS 23 : Chi phí đi vay
+ IFRS 15: Doanh thu từ hợp đồng với khách hàng
+ IAS 12 : Thuế TNDN
6. Borrowing costs – IAS 23
1) This standard applies for which item?
Borrowing cost at the enterprises
2) When are borrowing costs capitalised?
When they form part of the cost of that asset
3) When are borrowing costs not capitalised?
When they do not form part of the cost of that asset, but they are recognised as an
4) Capitalised borrowing costs go hand in hand with which term?
A qualifying asset

A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get
ready for its intended use or sale.
Tài sản đủ điều kiện vốn hóa lãi vay là tài sản đang trong quá trình đầu tư hoặc sản
xuất cần một thời gian đủ dài để sẵn sàng đưa vào sử dụng theo mục đích định trước
hoặc để bán theo ý định.
5) What is borrowing cost?
Borrowing costs are interest and other costs that an entity incurs in connection with
the borrowing of funds.
Chi phí đi vay là lãi và các chi phí khác mà đơn vị phải gánh chịu có liên quan đến việc
vay vốn.
6) Borrowing costs comprise of?
+ interest expense (calculated using the effective interest method as in IFRS 9)
+ interest in respect of lease liabilities recognised in accordance with IFRS 16 Leases;
+ exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings to the extent that
they are regarded as an adjustment to interest costs.
7) Exchange differences arising from foreign currency borrowings relating to the
capitalised borrowing costs are recorded into which account? Does it have ending
Account 4132, it has ending balance.
8) Only using Account 4132 when?
when the National key projects are invested in foreign currency
9) If the borrowing costs are capitalised, then what is the sequence of accounts?
Account 4132 => 241 => 211
10) If Borrowing costs are not capitalised, then what is the sequence of accounts?
Account 4132 => 635, 515
11) A qualifying asset?
A qualifying asset is an asset that necessarily takes a substantial period of time to get
ready for its intended use or sale.
12) The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction
or production of a qualifying asset must be capitalised (form a part of the cost of
that asset). T or F
13) Where are other Borrowing costs recognised as?
14) Criteria to recognise borrowing costs being capitalised?
2 criteria:
+ Probable future economic benefits
+ Cost measured reliably
15) The main contents of IAS 23?
+ Recognition of borrowing costs
+ borrowing costs eligible for Capitalisation
+ Commencement of Capitalisation
+ Suspension of Capitalisation
+ Cessation of Capitalisation
16) The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction
or production of a qualifying asset only arise when the acquisition, construction or
production of that asset are carried out (được thực hiện). T or F?
17) A company used a bank overdraft of $500,000 and a loan of $1m for the
expansion a few years ago. Recently, the company has officially carried out the
construction of a new factory to expand the company’s business. The construction
will cost $2m and this will be covered by a new loan.
The borrowing costs in respect of which loan will be capitalised in terms of the
construction of the new factory of the company?
Because $500,000 and $1m previously have not been brought into use, then the
amount used for the construction of the new factory must be $2m.
18) In case of the loan specifically used for the purpose of obtaining a particular
qualifying asset (i.e, the acquisition, construction and production of a qualifying
asset), how to determine the borrowing costs? (para 12, IAS 12)
Chi phí đi vay đc vốn hóa = Chi phí đi vay thực tế phát sinh – Khoản thu nhập từ khoản
đi vay đó.
12. Trường hợp khoản vốn vay riêng biệt chỉ sử dụng cho mục đích có được một
tài sản đủ điều kiện vốn hóa lãi vay thì đơn vị sẽ xác định chi phí đi vay đủ điều kiện
vốn hóa là chi phí đi vay thực tế phát sinh từ khoản vay trừ (-) đi các khoản thu nhập
phát sinh từ hoạt động đầu tư tạm thời của các khoản vay này.
12 To the extent that an entity borrows funds specifically for the purpose of
obtaining a qualifying asset, the entity shall determine the amount of borrowing
costs eligible for capitalisation as the actual borrowing costs incurred on that
borrowing during the period less any investment income on the temporary
investment of those borrowings.
The amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation = Actual borrowing costs
incurred on that borrowing during the period – Investment income on the temporary
investment of those borrowings.
Chi phí đi vay đc vốn hóa = Chi phí đi vay thực tế phát sinh – Khoản thu nhập từ khoản
đi vay đó.
19) Eg 2: A company borrowed a fund of $5m to build a new building at the interest
rate of 8% per annum. The payments to the contractor are made in accordance with
each of the construction stages. Therefore, the company has used the surplus funds
(which are not needed to pay) to invest. When the project completes, the proceeds
from the investment of surplus funds is $150,000. The project takes 12 months to
Determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation.
Actual borrowing costs incurred on that borrowing during 12 months = $5m x 8% =
Investment income on the temporary investment of those borrowings = $150,000
The amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation = $400,000 – $150,000 =
20) When an entity borrows funds generally and uses them for the purpose of
obtaining a qualifying asset, how to determine the amount of borrowing costs
eligible for capitalisation?
By applying a capitalisation rate to the accumulated expenditures incurred for the
acquistion, construction or production of that qualifying asset.
21) How to determine the capitalisation rate?
By the weighted average of the borrowing costs applicable to all borrowings of the
entity that are outstanding during the period.
22) The capitalisation rate is determined by the weighted average of the borrowing
costs applicable to all borrowings used for the general purposes that are outstanding
and those used for the specific purposes. T or F?
Tỷ lệ vốn hóa xác định bằng tỷ lệ lãi suất bq gia quyền của khoản vay chung chưa trả
và khoản vay riêng. Đúng hay Sai?
False. Only the borrowings of the entity that are outstanding during the period.
Sai. Chỉ bằng tỷ lệ lãi suất bình quân gia quyền của khoản vay chưa trả.
23) Borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation during the period are allowed to
exceed the total of actual borrowing costs incurred. T or F?
Para 14, IAS 23.
The amount of borrowing costs that an entity capitalises during a period shall not
exceed the amount of borrowing costs it incurred during that period.
Chi phí đi vay được vốn hóa trong kỳ không vượt quá tổng số chi phí đi vay phát sinh
trong kỳ đó.
24) Eg 3: A company has the following funds borrowed generally for the business:
A loan of $800,000, interest rate of 9% per annum.
A loan of $2,000,000, interest rate of 8% per annum.
A loan of $400,000, interest rate of 7% per annum.
A specifically borrowed fund of $500,000, interest rate of 7.5% per annum.
A company has started to construct a new factory with an estimated cost of $800,000
and expected to use the current loans to finance the construction. The payments are
made while the construction progresses. This project is expected to be completed
within 6 months.
Determine the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation in respect of this
Funds borrowed specifically are excluded from the computation as they are not for
the general purposes.
Weighted average cost of borrowing is 8.125%
800 ∗ 9% + 2,000 ∗ 8% + 400 ∗ 7%
= 8.125%
(800 + 2,000 + 400)
Therefore the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is $32,500.
8.125% x 6/12 x $800,000 = $32,500
Note: Notice the period of time to complete the construction.
25) Capitalisation is commenced when how many conditions are first met
3 conditions.
+ it (starts to) incurs expenditures for the asset (the acquistion, construction or
production of a qualifying asset)
(Các chi phí liên quan đến việc hình thành tài sản bắt đầu phát sinh)
+ it incurs borrowing costs
(Các chi phí đi vay phát sinh)
+ it undertakes activities that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use
or sale.
(Các hoạt động cần thiết cho việc chuẩn bị đưa tài sản vào sử dụng theo mục đích định
trước hoặc để bán đang được triển khai)
26) Các hoạt động cần thiết cho việc chuẩn bị đưa tài sản vào sử dụng hoặc bán bao
gồm hoạt động xây dựng, sản xuất, hoạt động kỹ thuật và quản lý chung trước khi
bắt đầu xây dựng, sản xuất như hoạt động liên quan đến việc xin giấy phép trước
khi khởi công xây dựng hoặc sản xuất.
hoạt động liên quan đến việc xin giấy phép trước khi bắt đầu xây dựng hình thái vật
chất. => capitalised
chuẩn bị mặt bằng đó được thực hiện => Chi phí đi vay được vốn hóa : capitalised
Not capitalise:
- giữ một tài sản khi không có sự chế tạo hoặc phát triển để thay đổi trạng thái của tài
sản này.
Eg: không có hoạt động triển khai xây dựng liên quan đến mảnh đất => Chi phí đi vay
ko được vốn hóa
27) Eg 4: The company starts a new construction project which is financed by
borrowed funds. There are some information as follows:
15.5.X8: starts to compute the cost of borrowing in respect of the project
03.6.X8: starts to technically review the construction field.
12.6.X8: starts to incur expenditures for the assets
18.7.X8: the construction starts.
Determine the commencement date for capitalisation of the borrowing costs
relating to this project?
It is 12.6.X8
Bc 3 conditions for the capitalisation to be commenced are met
+ it incurs expenditures for the assets
+ it incurs borrowing costs
+ it undertakes activities needed to prepare the asset for its intended use or sale
28) An entity shall suspend capitalisation of borrowing costs during extended
periods in which it suspends active development of a qualifying asset. T or F?
Para 20, IAS 23
29) An entity also does not (does not have to) suspend capitalising borrowing costs
when a temporary delay of the development of a qualifying asset- is a necessary part
of the process of getting an asset ready for its intended use or sale. T or F?
Para 21, IAS 23
Đơn vị cũng không tạm ngừng vốn hóa khi sự trì hoãn tạm thời là một phần cần thiết
trong quá trình đưa tài sản vào trạng thái sẵn sàng sử dụng cho mục đích định trước
hoặc để bán.
30) Eg 5: At an entity, there were events as follows:
The entity bought a land on 1.12
Construction permit was granted on 31.1
The payment for the land was postponed to 1.2
The entity had borrowed a fund to buy the land and started to construct on 1.2
Bc of the bad weather, the commencement of construction was delayed for 6 weeks
until 15.3.
Determine the commence date for capitalisation of borrowing costs?
On 1.2.
Bc 3 conditions are met
+ it incurs expenditures for assets
+ it incurs borrowing costs
+ it undertakes activities
The entity doesn’t suspend capitalisation due to temporary delay bc of bad weather
which is an uncontrollable factor (unavoidable part in getting the asset ready for its
intended use or sale.
31) An entity shall cease capitalising borrowing costs when substantially all the
activities necessary to prepare the qualifying asset for its intended use or sale are
complete. T or F?
32) Upon completion, there are still some minor modifications which have not been
finished yet, then the whole construction is considered to be complete or not?
Yes, it is.
If minor modifications, such as the decoration of a property to the purchaser’s or
user’s specification, are all that are outstanding, this indicates that substantially all the
activities are complete.
Khi hoàn thành mà vẫn còn 1 số hoạt động thay đổi nhỏ chưa hoàn thành thì toàn bộ
công trình đó đc coi như hoàn thành chưa ? => Rồi
33) The case where the asset was being completed by parts and when each part can
be used separately while others continues to be constructed, the cessation of
capitalisation of borrowing costs will be considered by considering of the level of
completeness of each part. T or F?
Trường hợp tài sản được hoàn thành theo từng bộ phận và khi mỗi bộ phận có thể
được sử dụng riêng biệt trong khi bộ phận khác tiếp tục được xây dựng, việc chấm dứt
vốn hóa chi phí đi vay sẽ được xem xét trên cơ sở đánh giá mức độ hoàn thành của
từng bộ phận Đúng hay Sai ?
Para 24, IAS 23
24. When an entity completes the construction of a qualifying asset in parts and each
part is capable of being used while construction continues on other parts, the entity
shall cease capitalising borrowing costs when it completes substantially all the
activities necessary to prepare that part for its intended use or sale.
24. Khi đơn vị hoàn thành quá trình xây dựng tài sản đủ điều kiện vốn hóa lãi vay
theo các bộ phận và mỗi bộ phận có thể sử dụng được trong khi vẫn tiếp tục quá
trình xây dựng các bộ phận khác, thì việc vốn hoá các chi phí đi vay sẽ chấm dứt khi
hoàn thành tất cả các hoạt động cần thiết để đưa bộ phận đó vào sử dụng theo mục
đích định trước hoặc để bán.
34) Eg 6: 1.4.X8: Co A borrowed a fund to finance the construction of a building. The
construction starts on 1.7.X8 and completes on 31.3.X9. The building is brought into
use on 1.7.X9.
Determine the period of time that borrowing costs being capitalised under IAS 23?
from 1.7.X8 to 31.3.X9 (the completion date)
35) Lam Co builds their main office.
1.1. Borrow a fund of $60m at 7% pa
1.2. Starts to incur expenditures for construction materials
15.2. Construction starts
6/5. Constructions are interrupted by tropical storms, which is common in the area
during summertime.
16/5. Construction starts again.
30/11. Construction completes and is authorised by competent agency.
1/12. The decorations and completion of the asset in Lam Co’s style.
15/12. The decorations and completion of the asset are done.
20/12. The assets are used for the Commencement Ceremony.
Determine when the capitalisation is commenced, suspended and cessed?
+ Commencement date: 15.2. (3 conditions are met: expenditure, borrowing cost,
activities if any)
+ Suspension: None. Bc bad weather is an necessary part in the process of getting the
asset ready for its intended use or sale.
+ Cessation: 30/11. Substantially all activities necessary to prepare the asset for its
intended use or sale are done. If minor modifications, such as the decoration of a
property to the purchaser’s or user’s specification, are all that are outstanding, this
indicates that substantially all the activities are complete.
36) The entity must disclose which information?
+ The capitalised borrowing costs during the period
+ The capitalisation rate it applies to determine the capitalised amount of borrowing
1.1.X7: Co A borrowed $6m at 10% pa to build electrical factory. The constructions
starts on 1.1.X7 and the cost was $6m. Bc the whole money wouldn’t be used
instantly then Co A invest the surplus funds and obtain the income of $80,000. The
construction ended on 30.11.X7
Determine the carrying amount of the factory on 30.11.X7
+ Actual borrowing costs incurred during 11 months = $6m x 10% x 11/12=$550,000
+ The carrying amount of the factory on 30.11.X7
= $6m + $550,000 – $80,000 = $6.47m
38) Co A starts the construction of a package factory on 1.2.X7.
The budget is $1.8m which is derived from the current loans of the company.
The construction completes on 30.9.X7.
Infor on loans:
A loan of $800,000 from Bank B at 6% pa
A loan of $1,000,000 from Bank C at 6.6% pa
A loan of $3,000,000 from Bank B at 7% pa
Determine the cost of borrowing in respect of this contruction being capitalised?
+ The weighted average cost of borrowing is 6.75%
800 ∗ 6% + 1000 ∗ 6.6% + 3000 ∗ 7%
= 6.75%
800 + 1000 + 3000
+ Therefore the amount to be capitalised is $81,000.
6.75% x $1.8m x 8/12 = $81,000
39) A real estate company incurred a cost of $3m to obtain a permit to construct a
tower. They also had to buy equipments at $6m to build many towers. Could the
borrowing costs to obtain the construction permit and equipment purchase be
capitalised until the construction completed?
40) A telecom company bought a 3G license at $5m. They could sell it or lease it to a
3rd party. The network development starts upon the license purchase. Could the
borrowing costs to obtain the license be capitalised until the network was ready for
its intended use?
7. Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets – IAS 37
1) Any obligations of the entity must be presented on the financial statement. T or
2) IAS 37 does not apply to which circumstances?
+ those resulting from executory contracts, except onerous contracts.
Các khoản mục phát sinh từ các hợp đồng thông thường, không kể các hợp đồng có
rủi ro lớn
+ those covered by another Standard
Các khoản mục đã được quy định trong các Chuẩn mực khác
+ financial instruments (including guarantees) within the scope of IFRS 9 Financial
các công cụ tài chính (bao gồm cả bảo lãnh) trong phạm vi của IFRS 9 Công cụ tài chính
3) What is a provision? A liability?
+ A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount.
Dự phòng :Là một khoản NPT không chắc chắn về giá trị hoặc thời gian
+ A liability is a present obligation of the entity arising from past events, the
settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity of resources
embodying economic benefits.
NPT: là một nghĩa vụ hiện tại của đơn vị phát sinh từ các sự kiện đã qua và việc thanh
toán nghĩa vụ này dẫn đến sự giảm sút về lợi ích kinh tế của đơn vị.
4) An obligating event is an event that creates a legal or constructive obligation that
results in an entity having no realistic alternative to settling that obligation. T or F?
Sự kiện phát sinh nghĩa vụ là một sự kiện làm nảy sinh một nghĩa vụ pháp lý hoặc nghĩa
vụ ngầm định (nghĩa vụ liên đới) làm cho đơn vị không có lựa chọn nào khác ngoài việc
thực hiện nghĩa vụ đó.
5) Contingent liability? Contingent asset?
+ Contingent liability is the obligations which does not satisfy the definition or the
recognition criteria of liability.
+ Contingent asset is the resources which does not satisfy the definition or the
recognition criteria of asset.
6) In accounting aspect, provisions are recognised as liability. T or F?
A provision is a liability of uncertain timing or amount. A liability is defined in the
Conceptual Framework (para 4.4 (b)) as “a present obligation of the entity arising from
past events, the settlement of which is expected to result in an outflow from the entity
of resources embodying economic benefits.”
7) In accounting aspect, an entity can not recognise a contingent liability and a
contingent asset. T or F?
Về mặt kế toán doanh nghiệp không được ghi nhận một khoản nợ tiềm tàng và không
được ghi nhận một tài sản tiềm tàng là đúng hay sai? đúng
8) An entity must disclose about contingent liabilities unless the possibility of any
outflow in settlement is remote; about contingent assets if it is probable that
economic benefits will inflow. T or F?
86 Trừ khi có rất ít khả năng phát sinh sự suy giảm lợi ích kinh tế để thanh toán nghĩa
vụ, đơn vị phải thuyết minh tóm tắt bản chất của khoản nợ tiềm tàng theo từng
nhóm nợ tại thời điểm kết thúc kỳ kế toán và các thông tin sau nếu phù hợp:
86 Unless the possibility of any outflow in settlement is remote, an entity shall
disclose for each class of contingent liability at the end of the reporting period a
brief description of the nature of the contingent liability and, where practicable:
(a) Ước tính về ảnh hưởng tài chính của chúng, được xác định giá trị theo đoạn 36-
(a) an estimate of its financial effect, measured under paragraphs 36–52;
(b) Chỉ ra sự không chắc chắn liên quan đến giá trị hoặc thời gian của sự suy giảm lợi
ích kinh tế; và
(b) an indication of the uncertainties relating to the amount or timing of any
outflow; and
(c) Khả năng nhận được bất kỳ khoản bồi hoàn nào.
(c) the possibility of any reimbursement.
89 Khi có nhiều khả năng thu được lợi ích kinh tế, đơn vị cần thuyết minh tóm tắt về
bản chất của tài sản tiềm tàng tại thời điểm kết thúc kỳ báo cáo, và nếu khả thi,
ước tính về ảnh hưởng tài chính của chúng, theo các nguyên tắc áp dụng cho dự
phòng phải trả tại đoạn 36-52.
89 Where an inflow of economic benefits is probable, an entity shall disclose a brief
description of the nature of the contingent assets at the end of the reporting
period, and, where practicable, an estimate of their financial effect, measured
using the principles set out for provisions in paragraphs 36–52.
9) A legal obligation derives from?
A contract, A legislation, the operation of law
Một hợp đồng, Một văn bản pháp luật hiện hành hoặc việc vận dụng các quy định
của luật.
Nghĩa vụ pháp lý là một nghĩa vụ bắt nguồn từ:
A legal obligation is an obligation that derives from:
(a) Một hợp đồng (thông qua các điều khoản rõ ràng hoặc ngầm định)
(a) a contract (through its explicit or implicit terms);
(b) Quy định của pháp luật; hoặc là
(b) legislation; or
(c) Hoạt động khác của pháp luật.
(c) other operation of law.
10) The retail store has a policy that allows customers to return goods if they aren’t
satisfied with them even though there are no legislations requiring the store to do
so. This policy is well-known to customers. Are there any constructive obligations in
Yes, there is one constructive obligation of: receiving the returned goods from the
Nghĩa vụ ngầm định là một nghĩa vụ phát sinh từ các hoạt động của đơn vị khi:
A constructive obligation is an obligation that derives from an entity’s actions where:
(a) Thông qua hình mẫu được thiết lập từ thực tiễn trong quá khứ, các chính sách
được công bố hoặc một tuyên bố đủ cụ thể ở thời điểm hiện tại, đơn vị đã chỉ ra cho
các bên khác rằng đơn vị sẽ chấp nhận một số trách nhiệm nhất định; và
(a) by an established pattern of past practice, published policies or a sufficiently
specific current statement, the entity has indicated to other parties that it will accept
certain responsibilities; and
(b) Do đó, đơn vị đã tạo cho các bên khác sự mong đợi phù hợp rằng đơn vị sẽ thực
hiện các trách nhiệm đó.
(b) as a result, the entity has created a valid expectation on the part of those other
parties that it will discharge those responsibilities.
11) A few days 12/12/N The Board of Directors decided to close a division, resulting
in a large number of redundant workers. The decision was announced to the public
at a press conference on 15/1/N+1, the day after holding a meeting with employees
to inform them of the decision. Was there a legal or constructive obligation as of
December 31/N?
12) A contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events and
whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one
or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the entity; or a
present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised. T or F?
13) A restructuring is a programme that is planned and controlled by management,
and materially changes either what?
+ the scope of a business undertaken by an entity; or (phạm vi hoạt động kinh doanh
của đơn vị)
+ the manner in which that business is conducted. (phương thức hoạt động kinh doanh
của đơn vị)
14) Contingent liability can not be recognised as liability. T or F?
+ It is uncertain / remote that the entity has a present obligation which may cause an
outflow in settlement.
+ The entity has present obligations but these obligations do not satisfy the criteria to
be recognised as liability under IAS 37.
(b) Nợ tiềm tàng – các khoản không được ghi nhận như nợ phải trả vì chúng
i. Nghĩa vụ có thể tồn tại, vì nó chưa được xác nhận liệu đơn vị có nghĩa vụ hiện
tại có thể dẫn đến sự giảm sút lợi ích kinh tế hay không; hoặc
ii. Nghĩa vụ hiện tại nhưng không đáp ứng các tiêu chí ghi nhận trong Chuẩn
mực này (vì không có nhiều khả năng sẽ phải có sự giảm sút lợi ích kinh tế để thanh
toán cho các nghĩa vụ, hoặc giá trị nghĩa vụ không thể ước tính một cách đủ độ tin cậy).
(b) contingent liabilities – which are not recognised as liabilities because they are
(i) possible obligations, as it has yet to be confirmed whether the entity has a
present obligation that could lead to an outflow of resources embodying economic
benefits; or
(ii) present obligations that do not meet the recognition criteria in this Standard
(because either it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic
benefits will be required to settle the obligation, or a sufficiently reliable estimate of
the amount of the obligation cannot be made).
16) A provision is recognised when?
It is recognised as a provision if only satisfy the criteria:
+ an entity has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event
+)Đơn vị có nghĩa vụ hiện tại (nghĩa vụ pháp lí hoặc nghĩa vụ liên đới) do kết quả từ
một sự việc xảy ra
+ it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be
required to settle the obligation
+)Đơn vị có thể chắc chắn rằng phải sử dụng các nguồn lực gắn liền với những lợi ích
kinh tế để thanh toán nghĩa vụ
+ a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation.
+) Giá trị của nghĩa vụ đó có thể được ước tính một cách đáng tin cậy.
17) That the entity only has the intention of giving up economic benefits could form
a present obligation or not?
Not enough possibility to form one.
18) In almost all cases it will be clear whether a past event has given rise to a present
obligation. T or F?
19) A past event that leads to a present obligation is called an obligating event. T or
Một sự kiện quá khứ dẫn đến nghĩa vụ hiện tại được gọi là sự kiện phát sinh nghĩa vụ
(sự kiện bắt buộc).
20) an obligating event happens when:
+ where the settlement of the obligation can be enforced by law
+) Việc thanh toán nghĩa vụ này do pháp luật bắt buộc
+ in the case of a constructive obligation, this event creates valid expectations in other
parties that the entity will discharge the obligation.
+) Đối với nghĩa vụ liên đới, sự kiện này tạo ra sự mong đợi của các bên khác rằng đơn
vị sẽ thực hiện các nghĩa vụ này.
21) When it is not possible to reliably estimate the amount of the obligation, the
entity will recognise it as a liability. T or F?
False. An entity will not recognize it as a liability and will instead present a contingent
22) The entity does not recognize a contingent liability but is presented as true or
Para 27, IAS 37
An entity is not allowed to recognise a contingent liability.
A contingent liability is disclosed (as in para 86) unless the possibility of the outflow of
resources embodying economic benefits is remote.
+ Recognition (ghi nhận): is on the SOFP, SOPL and CFS.
+ Presentation (trình bày): is on the financial statements
23) Is it right or wrong for an entity not to make provision for future operating
Right. For not meeting the definition of a liability and general recognition criteria set
out for provisions.
+ Definition of a liability:
- present obligation arising from past events
- cause an outflow of economic benefits to settle
+ 3 Recognition criteria of a provision:
- present obligation arising from past events
- cause an outflow of economic benefits to settle
- amount of obligation can be estimated reliably
Para 63, 64 - IAS 37
63 Provisions shall not be recognised for future operating losses.
63 Đơn vị không được ghi nhận dự phòng phải trả cho các khoản lỗ hoạt động trong
tương lai.
64 Các khoản lỗ hoạt động trong tương lai không đáp ứng định nghĩa về nợ phải trả
tại đoạn 10 và các tiêu chí ghi nhận chung đối với dự phòng phải trả tại đoạn 14.
64 Future operating losses do not meet the definition of a liability in paragraph 10
and the general recognition criteria set out for provisions in paragraph 14.
24) If the entity has a contract with great risk, is the present obligation under the
contract recognized and assessed as a provision?
TL: Yes.
Para 66, IAS 37
66 Nếu đơn vị có một hợp đồng bất lợi, nghĩa vụ hiện tại theo hợp đồng sẽ được
ghi nhận và xác định giá trị như một khoản dự phòng phải trả.
66 If an entity has a contract that is onerous, the present obligation under the
contract shall be recognised and measured as a provision.
25) A restructuring is a programme that is planned and controlled by management,
and materially changes either what?
+ scope of a business (phạm vi hoạt động kinh doanh của đơn vị)
+ how a business is conducted (phương thức hoạt động kinh doanh của đơn vị)
26) Provision for restructuring is only made for direct expenses arising from
restructuring activities. Is it true or false?
Para 80, IAS 37
80 Khoản dự phòng phải trả tái cấu trúc sẽ chỉ bao gồm những khoản chi phí trực
tiếp phát sinh từ việc tái cấu trúc, khi thỏa mãn cả 2 điều kiện:
80 A restructuring provision shall include only the direct expenditures arising from
the restructuring, which are those that are both:
(a) cần phải có cho việc tái cấu trúc; và
(a) necessarily entailed by the restructuring; and
(b) không liên quan đến hoạt động thường xuyên của đơn vị.
(b) not associated with the ongoing activities of the entity.
27) What expenses does a provision for restructuring not include?
+ Retraining and relocating existing staff (Đào tạo lại hoặc thuyên chuyển nhân viên
hiện có)
+ Marketing, Investment in new systems and distribution networks (Tiếp thị hoặc đầu
tư vào hệ thống mới và các mạng lưới phân phối)
28) Some situations are considered provisions under IAS 37:
+) Expected expenses payable under the mandatory warranty by law for sold goods
(Chi phí dự kiến phải trả theo quy định bảo hành bắt buộc theo luật cho hàng đã bán)
– Warranty
+) A lawsuit is likely to lose in the opinion of the lawyer (Một vụ kiện nhiều khả năng
thua theo nhận định của luật sư)
+) Provision for restructuring associated with decommissioning (Dự phòng tái cấu trúc
gắn với việc ngừng hoạt động)
+) An operating lease becomes risky (Một hợp đồng cho thuê hoạt động trở nên rủi
29) The performed obligation a necessary condition to recognize a liability. True or
30) There is a present obligation, which settlement reduces future economic
benefits. What to do?
=> Recognise a provision, disclose a provision as prescribed
31) There may be an obligation or a present obligation, but it is uncertain that
economic benefits will be reduced. What to do?
=> No provision is recognised, disclose a contingent liability
32) There may be a present obligation or obligation, but the possibility of reducing
economic benefits is remote. What to do?
=> No provision is recognised; No information is disclosed.
33) The possibility of obtaining economic benefits obtained are 90% or above.
Recognized as an asset
34) The possibility of obtaining economic benefits is 50% or above.
Not recognized as an asset ; disclosed in notes to FS a contingent asset.
35) The possibility of obtaining economic benefits is below 50%.
either possible (≥20%) or remote (<20%)
Not recognized as an asset
No disclosure
36) The possibility of losing economic benefits is 50% or above (probable).
Recognised as a provision (a liability which is uncertain about timing and amount)
37) The possibility of losing economic benefits is 20% or above (possible).
Not recognized as a liability; disclosed in notes to FS a contingent liability.
38) The possibility of losing economic benefits is 20% or below (remote).
Not recognized as a liability
No disclosure

The Obtaining economic benefits Losing economic benefits

< 20% Not recognized as an asset Not recognized as a liability
Remote No disclosure No disclosure
≥ 20% Not recognized as an asset A contingent liability is disclosed
Possible No disclosure
≥ 50% A contingent asset recognised A provision is recognised
≥ 90% An asset is recognised A liability is recognised

39) Provision for major repairs is not allowed under IAS 37

8. Income tax – IAS 12
The objective of IAS 12 is to
prescribe the accounting treatment for income taxes.
1) Tax is calculated based on accounting profit before tax or taxable profit?
taxable profit
2) Accounting profit is stipulated by what?
Accounting standards, Accounting rules
3) Profit before tax is stipulated by what?
Tax law
4) Accounting profit is profit or loss for a period before deducting tax expense. T or
Lợi nhuận/lỗ kế toán là lãi hoặc lỗ trong kỳ trước khi trừ chi phí thuế.
5) Taxable profit is the taxable profit for a period, determined in accordance with
the tax rules and is the base upon which income taxes are payable. T or F?
Taxable profit (tax loss) is the profit (loss) for a period, determined in accordance
with the rules established by the taxation authorities, upon which income taxes are
payable (recoverable).
Thu nhập chịu thuế (lỗ tính thuế) là lãi (lỗ) trong kỳ, được xác định theo quy định của
cơ quan thuế và là cơ sở để tính thuế thu nhập doanh nghiệp phải nộp (hoặc được
hoàn lại).
Thu nhập tính thuế
6) current Tax-able profit?
= current Tax-able Revenue and other Income – Deductible expenses
7) Accounting profit is determined on which basis?
Accrual basis
8) Taxable profit (tax loss) is determined on which basis?
Cash and Accrual basis
9) Depreciation rate of Accounting profit must be in accordance with the useful life
that the entity determine. T or F?
10) Depreciation rate of the Accounting profit (depreciated based on UL) may be
different from that of the Taxable profit (tax loss) (depreciated fully after purchase).
T or F?
Para 17 (b), IAS 12
(b) depreciation used in determining taxable profit (tax loss) may differ from that
used in determining accounting profit. The temporary difference is the difference
between the carrying amount of the asset and its tax base which is the original cost of
the asset less all deductions in respect of that asset permitted by the taxation
authorities in determining taxable profit of the current and prior periods. A taxable
temporary difference arises, and results in a deferred tax liability, when tax
depreciation is accelerated (if tax depreciation is less rapid than accounting
depreciation, a deductible temporary difference arises, and results in a deferred tax
asset); and
11) Which differences give rise to Deferred tax?
Taxable temporary differences
12) Tax expense (tax income) comprises?
+ current tax expense (current tax income)
+ deferred tax expense (deferred tax income).
Chi phí thuế TNDN (thu nhập thuế TNDN) bao gồm chi phí thuế TNDN hiện hành (thu
nhập thuế TNDN hiện hành) và chi phí thuế TNDN hoãn lại (thu nhập thuế TNDN hoãn
p6, IAS 12
13) Tax base?
Tax base of an asset or a liability is the amount that will be deductible for tax purposes
in respect of that asset or liability.
14) The tax base of an asset is the amount deductible for tax purposes, which will be
deducted against any economic benefits and subject to income tax when the
carrying amount of that asset is recovered. T or F?
Cơ sở tính thuế của TS là giá trị được khấu trừ cho mục đích thuế TN, sẽ đc khấu trừ
khỏi lợi ích kinh tế và chịu thuế TNDN khi TS đó đc Thu hồi.
The tax base of an asset is the amount that will be deductible for tax purposes against
any taxable economic benefits that will flow to an entity when it recovers the carrying
amount of the asset.
15) The profit of 500,000 is receivable but not yet received. Tax base=?
According to cash basis, the tax base is zero because no cash is received.
16) Company A sold goods on credit, the amount is $80,000. At the end of the period,
the customer still has not made the payment. The tax authority determined this
amount is taxable income.
The tax base of this asset = ?
Because 80,000 has not been paid, that amount has not been deductible now.
=> Tax base = 0.
17) 1.1.2018: cost 400,000.
1.1.2020: carrying amount = 160,000.
Depreciation rate = 25% pa. The tax base of this asset = ?
+ Year 2018: Depreciation = 400,000 x 25% = 100,000
+ Year 2019: Depreciation = (400,000 – 100,000) x 25% = 75,000
+ Year 2020: Depreciation = (400,000 – 100,000 – 75,000) x 25% = 56,250
=> Total of 3 year depreciation = 100,000 + 75,000 + 56,250 = 231,250
=> CA = 400,000-231,250 = 168,750
=> Tax base = 168,750
18) Accrued expense for work leaves with a carrying amount of 100. The related
expense will be deducted for tax purposes on a cash basis. The tax base of the
accrued expenses is?
The tax base of the accrued expenses at the present time = CA – Deductible expenses
= 100-100 = 0
Because the related expenses are deductible in the future, the deductible expense is
Simply, if no cash is spent, then tax base = 0.
19) The loan of 40,000. The related expense will be deducted for tax purposes on a
cash basis. The tax base = ?
=> The tax base at present = CA – Deductible expenses = 40,000-0 = 40,000
20) Temporary differences = ?
Temporary differences = CA – Tax base
Para 5, IAS 12
Chênh lệch tạm thời là khoản chênh lệch giữa giá trị ghi sổ của các khoản mục tài sản
hoặc nợ phải trả trong Bảng cân đối kế toán và cơ sở tính thuế của tài sản hoặc nợ phải
trả đó.
Temporary differences are differences between the carrying amount of an asset or
liability in the statement of financial position and its tax base.
21) The fundamental principle of IAS 12?
+ Determine the tax base for an asset and a liability
* For an asset:
+ CA > Tax base => arise the taxable temporary differences => recognise a deferred tax
+ CA < Tax base => arise the deductible temporary differences => recognise a deferred
tax Asset
* For a liability:
+ CA > Tax base => arise the deductible temporary differences => recognise a deferred
tax Asset
+ CA < Tax base => arise the taxable temporary differences => recognise a deferred tax
22) A deferred tax Liability is determined based on how many elements?
1 element: the taxable temporary differences of the current year
23) A deferred tax Asset is determined based on how many elements?
3 elements:
+ The deductible temporary differences
+ The carryforward of unused tax losses (giá trị được khấu trừ chuyển sang năm sau
của khoản lỗ chưa sử dụng)
+ The carryforward of unused tax credits (giá trị khấu trừ chuyển sang năm sau của
khoản ưu đãi thuế chưa sử dụng)
Para 24, IAS 12
24. A deferred tax asset shall be recognised for all deductible temporary differences
to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which
the deductible temporary difference can be utilised (…)
24. Tài sản thuế thu nhập hoãn lại cần được ghi nhận cho tất cả các chênh lệch tạm
thời được khấu trừ, khi có nhiều khả năng trong tương lai sẽ có lợi nhuận tính
thuế để sử dụng những chênh lệch tạm thời được khấu trừ này
Para 34, IAS 12
34. Chỉ được ghi nhận một khoản tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại cho các khoản lỗ tính
thuế được chuyển sang kỳ tương lai và các khoản ưu đãi khấu trừ thuế chưa sử
dụng, với điều kiện là đơn vị có lợi nhuận tính thuế trong tương lai để sử dụng
các khoản lỗ tính thuế và các ưu đãi khấu trừ thuế chưa sử dụng đó.
34 A deferred tax asset shall be recognised for the carryforward of unused tax losses
and unused tax credits to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit
will be available against which the unused tax losses and unused tax credits can
be utilised.
24) How many steps in determining and recognising the deferred tax?
5 steps:
+ Determine the tax base of an asset or a liability
+ Determine the temporary differences
+ Determine if there are tax exemptions
+ Determine the deferred tax liability and the deferred tax asset
+ Recognise and present on Financial statements.
25) A computer is worth $30,000 which is used within 3 years. The annual
depreciation is $10,000. The tax authority allows the full depreciation after
purchase. The temporary differences = ?
+ CA = 30,000-10,000 = 20,000
+ Tax base = 0 (bc it is not depreciated at the next 2 year amount of $20,000 while the
$10,000 is taxed so $10,000 will be excluded from the tax based.)
+ Temporary differences = CA – Tax base = $20,000-0 = $20,000
+ Computer is an asset
+ CA > Tax base => arise Taxable temporay difference => recognise deferred tax
26) Unspent accrued expense for agent commission is $10,000.
CA = $10,000
Tax base = 0 (bc it’s unspent, = CA – Deductible expenses = 10,000-10,000 = 0)
Temporary differences = 10,000-0 = 10,000
+ This is a Liability.
+ CA > Tax base => arise deductible temporary differences => recognise deferred tax
27) Determine the deferred tax liability?
deferred tax liability = total taxable temporary differences x income tax rate
(determined and recognised at the end of each year)
28) Determine the deferred tax asset?
the deferred tax asset = (Total deductible temporary differences + The unused tax
losses + The unused tax credits) x income tax rate
29) The excess amount of tax paid (the deferred tax asset) will be deducted in the
future if?
it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the following years.
30) The deferred tax asset and liability shall be determined at which tax rates?
Expected tax rates.
Para 47, IAS 12
47. Tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại và thuế TNDN hoãn lại phải trả phải được xác định
theo thuế suất dự tính sẽ áp dụng cho kỳ mà tài sản được thu hồi hay nợ phải
trả được thanh toán, dựa trên các mức thuế suất (và các qui định về thuế) có
hiệu lực hoặc cơ bản có hiệu lực tại ngày kết thúc kỳ báo cáo.
47 Deferred tax assets and liabilities shall be measured at the tax rates that are
expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is
settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have been enacted or
substantively enacted by the end of the reporting period.
31) 2009: tax rate 30%
2010: tax rate 29%
2011: rumored tax rate 28%
The income tax rate for 2011 is?
29% (bc tax rate of 28% was just rumor.)
32) Cost 50,000
Depreciated 30,000
Remaining value = 20,000 (which will be depreciated in the future) => Tax base
CA = 35,000, Tax rate 30%
Determine deferred taxation?
+ CA = 35,000
+ Tax base = 20,000
+ CA > Tax base => arise the taxable temporary differences => recognise a deferred tax
deferred tax Liability = (35,000-20,000) x 30% = 4500
*Simply put, Tax base = Carrying amount of that asset if that asset is depreciated
annually, but Tax base = 0 if that asset is depreciated fully when being purchased.
33) Can The deferred tax asset and The deferred tax liability be discounted?
Para 54, IAS 12
54. Để có thể xác định một cách tin cậy tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại và thuế TNDN
hoãn lại phải trả trên cơ sở chiết khấu, cần phải có biểu chi tiết về thời gian
hoàn nhập của từng khoản chênh lệch tạm thời. Trong nhiều trường hợp, một
lịch trình chi tiết như vậy là không thực tế hoặc rất phức tạp. Do đó, việc đòi hỏi
bắt buộc phải chiết khấu các tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại và thuế TNDN hoãn lại
phải trả là không phù hợp. Nếu cho phép nhưng không bắt buộc phải chiết khấu
sẽ dẫn đến việc giảm sút tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại và thuế TNDN hoãn lại phải
trả không được áp dụng nhất quán giữa các đơn vị. Vì vậy, chuẩn mực này không
đòi hỏi bắt buộc và cũng không cho phép chiết khấu tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại
và thuế TNDN hoãn lại phải trả.
54 The reliable determination of deferred tax assets and liabilities on a discounted
basis requires detailed scheduling of the timing of the reversal of each
temporary difference. In many cases such scheduling is impracticable or highly
complex. Therefore, it is inappropriate to require discounting of deferred tax
assets and liabilities. To permit, but not to require, discounting would result in
deferred tax assets and liabilities which would not be comparable between
entities. Therefore, this Standard does not require or permit the discounting of
deferred tax assets and liabilities.
34) At the end of the reporting period, the entity should do what to make sure of the
recovery of the deferred tax?
At the end of each reporting period, an entity reassesses unrecognised deferred tax
assets. The entity recognises a previously unrecognised deferred tax asset to the
extent that it has become probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred
tax asset to be recovered. (Para 37, IAS 12)
For example, an improvement in trading conditions may make it more probable that
the entity will be able to generate sufficient taxable profit in the future for the
deferred tax asset to meet the recognition criteria set out in paragraph 24 or 34. (Para
37, IAS 12)
37 - Tại các ngày kết thúc mỗi kỳ báo cáo, đơn vị phải đánh giá các tài sản thuế TNDN
hoãn lại chưa được ghi nhận ở các kỳ trước. Đơn vị cần ghi nhận tài sản thuế TNDN
hoãn lại trước đó chưa được ghi nhận khi việc có được lợi nhuận tính thuế trong tương
lai để cho phép tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại được thu hồi trở nên gần như chắc chắn.
Ví dụ, việc cải thiện điều kiện kinh doanh có thể làm tăng khả năng đơn vị sẽ tạo ra đủ
lợi nhuận tính thuế trong tương lai đến mức đủ để tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại thỏa
mãn các tiêu chí ghi nhận trong đoạn 24 hoặc 34. Một ví dụ khác là khi đơn vị đánh giá
lại tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại tại ngày hợp nhất kinh doanh hoặc sau ngày hợp nhất
kinh doanh (xem đoạn 67 và 68).
35) The deferred tax incurred is recognised in the SOPL include which items?
Para 59, IAS 12
+ interest revenue, dividend revenue is received in arrears and is included in
accounting profit but is included in taxable profit (tax loss) on a cash basis
doanh thu tiền lãi, cổ tức ghi nhận theo lợi nhuận chịu thuế theo cơ sở tiền
+ costs of intangible assets have been capitalised and are being amortised in profit
or loss, but were deducted for tax purposes when they were incurred.
Giá trị của TSVH được vốn hóa và phân bổ dần vào BCKQHĐKD nhưng chỉ được khấu
trừ vào thu nhập chịu thuế khi phát sinh
+ The carrying amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities may change due to: a
change in tax rates or tax laws; a reassessment of the recoverability of deferred tax
assets; a change in the expected manner of recovery of an asset
Para 60, IAS 12
Giá trị ghi sổ của khoản thuế hoãn lại (gồm, tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại và thuế TNDN
hoãn lại phải trả) có thể thay đổi do
- thay đổi về thuế suất hoặc các qui định thuế;
- đánh giá lại khả năng thu hồi của tài sản thuế TNDN hoãn lại;
- thay đổi cách thức thu hồi giá trị tài sản (ước tính thu hồi).
36) Which items are not recognised in profit or loss?
Para 58, IAS 12
Current and Deferred tax - which tax arises from a transaction or event which is
recognised, in the same period or different period, outside profit or loss – will be
recognised either in other comprehensive income or directly in equity.
Both are recognised at the same place where the transaction/event is recognised.
(para 61A, IAS 12)
9. Revenue – IFRS 15
1) When was IFRS 15 published?

2) When was IFRS 15 last edited?

3) When was IFRS 15 officialy effective?
4) In Vietnam, which standard stipulates the accounting treatment of revenue?
VAS 14
5) The objective of this Standard is to establish the principles that an entity shall
apply to report useful information to users of financial statements about the nature,
amount, timing and uncertainty of revenue and cash flows arising from a contract
with a customer. T or F?
6) The core principle of this Standard is that an entity shall recognise revenue to
depict the transfer of promised goods or services to customers in an amount that
reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for
those goods or services. T or F?
7) An entity shall apply this Standard to all contracts with customers, except the
+ lease contracts within the scope of IFRS 16 Leases
+ Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17)
+ financial instruments and other contractual rights or obligations within the scope of
IFRS 9, IFRS 10, IFRS 11, IAS 27 and IAS 28 .
+ non-monetary exchanges between entities in the same line of business to facilitate
sales to customers or potential customers.
8) A contract is an agreement between two or more parties that creates enforceable
rights and obligations. T or F?
9) A customer is a party that has contracted with an entity to obtain goods or services
that are an output of the entity’s ordinary activities in exchange for consideration. T
or F?
Para 6, IAS 15
A customer is a party that has contracted with an entity to obtain goods or services
that are an output of the entity’s ordinary activities in exchange for consideration.
Khách hàng là một bên ký kết hợp đồng với đơn vị để được nhận hàng hóa hoặc dịch
vụ là đầu ra của hoạt động sản xuất kinh doanh thông thường của đơn vị, đổi lại bằng
một khoản thanh toán.
10) Income arising in the course of an entity’s extra-ordinary activities is recognised
as revenue. T or F?
Revenue is the Income arising in the course of an entity’s ordinary activities.
11) An entity has a right of what?
- Contract asset

Tài sản phát sinh từ hợp đồng

Quyền của đơn vị được hưởng khoản thanh toán (tức, khoản mục nhận về) từ việc
chuyển giao (tức, trao đổi) hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ cho khách hàng khi quyền đó phụ
thuộc vào các điều kiện không phải yếu tố thời gian (tức, không phải chờ thời gian trôi
qua) (ví dụ, việc thực hiện một nghĩa vụ trong tương lai của đơn vị)
An entity’s right to consideration in exchange for goods or services that the entity has
transferred to a customer when that right is conditioned on something other than the
passage of time (for example, the entity’s future performance).
12) An entity has an obligation of what?
- Contract liability
An entity’s obligation to transfer goods or services to a customer for which the entity
has received consideration (or the amount is due) from the customer.
Nợ phải trả phát sinh từ hợp đồng
Nghĩa vụ của đơn vị phải chuyển giao hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ cho khách hàng mà đơn
vị đã nhận được khoản thanh toán (hoặc khi khoản thanh toán đến hạn) từ khách hàng
13) Revenue arising from which activities of the entity?
Ordinary activities
14) Performance obligation?
Nghĩa vụ thực hiện
Một cam kết trong hợp đồng để chuyển giao cho khách hàng một trong hai yếu tố:
(a) một hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ (hoặc gói hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ) tách biệt; hoặc
(b) một nhóm hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ tách biệt về cơ bản giống nhau và có cùng cách
thức chuyển giao cho khách hàng

Performance obligation
A promise in a contract with a customer to transfer to the customer either:
(a) a good or service (or a bundle of goods or services) that is distinct; or
(b) a series of distinct goods or services that are substantially the same and that have
the same pattern of transfer to the customer.
15) Stand-alone selling price (of a good or service) is The price at which an entity
would sell a promised good or service separately to a customer. T or F?
Giá bán riêng lẻ (của hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ) là giá đơn vị bán hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ
đã cam kết một cách tách biệt cho khách hàng
Stand-alone selling price (of a good or service) is The price at which an entity would
sell a promised good or service separately to a customer.
16) transaction price (for a contract with a customer) is also called? (giá giao dịch)
contract price (giá hợp đồng)
17) The amount of consideration to which an entity expects to be entitled in return,
including amounts collected on behalf of third parties. T or F?
Amounts collected on behalf of third parties is excluded from the contract price.
18) The model of revenue recognition includes how many steps?
=> 5 steps
+ Identifying the contract
+ Identifying performance obligations
+ Determining the transaction price
+ Allocating the transaction price to performance obligations
+ Recognise revenue when performance obligations are met

Step 1: Identifying the contract

19) An entity shall account for a contract with a customer only when all of the
following criteria are met? (criteria for contract)
Para 9, IAS 15
+ parties have approved the contract and are committed to perform their respective
+ the entity can identify each party’s rights
+ the entity can identify the payment terms
+ the contract has commercial substance
+ probable to collect the consideration. Consider only the customer’s ability and
intention to pay that consideration when it is due.
20) An entity shall recognise the consideration received as revenue only when?
When a contract with a customer does not meet the criteria in paragraph 9 and an
entity receives consideration from the customer, the entity shall recognise the
consideration received as revenue only when either of the following events has
(a) the entity has no remaining obligations to transfer goods or services to the
customer and all, or substantially all, of the consideration promised by the customer
has been received by the entity and is non- refundable; or
(b) the contract has been terminated and the consideration received from the
customer is non-refundable.
If not, then the consideration shall be recognised as a liability until the performance
obligation is satisfied.
Example 2: Is the money received recognized as revenue?
A traveler failed to check in for a transfer before the deadline ended.
Can the airline record revenue for a ticket that has already been paid for?
Case 1: If the airline is no longer obliged to provide flight services to the passenger and
the payment is non-refundable.
Case 2: If the ticket type allows the passenger to change flights, the airline needs to
arrange another flight and the service is not yet available. The payment should not be
recognized as revenue but only as a liability.
Step 2: Identifying performance obligations
21) The government contract with a manufacturing entity to:
+ build a hospital,
+ including lots of steps from laying foundations, constructing functional areas,
surgery rooms, etc.
How many PO in this project?
A. 1
B. Many
Ans: Substantial service sellers integrate goods or services to produce a customer-
specified output.
22) The sellers provides a significant service of integrating the goods or services to
produce many outputs which the customer has specified. T or F?
False. To produce ONE type/combination of outputs.
Para 29, IAS 15
The entity is using the goods or services as inputs to produce or deliver the combined
output or outputs specified by the customer.

The entity provides a significant service of integrating the goods or services with other
goods or services promised in the contract into a bundle of goods or services that
represent the combined output or outputs for which the customer has contracted.
Steps 3: Determining the transaction price
23) The transaction price can be fixed, variable,or both. T or F?
Khoản thanh toán cam kết trong hợp đồng với khách hàng có thể bao gồm các khoản
cố định, các khoản biến đổi hoặc cả hai.
=> Giá giao dịch có thể là giá trị cố định, biến đổi hoặc cả hai
The consideration promised in a contract with a customer may include fixed amounts,
variable amounts, or both.
The transaction price = The consideration promised in a contract with a customer
24) The transaction price shall be adjusted for the effects of the time value of money.
T or F?
Para 60, IFRS 15
In determining the transaction price, an entity shall adjust the promised amount of
consideration for the effects of the time value of money if the timing of payments
agreed to by the parties to the contract (either explicitly or implicitly) provides the
customer or the entity with a significant benefit of financing the transfer of goods or
services to the customer.
Để xác định giá giao dịch, đơn vị phải điều chỉnh giá trị cam kết của khoản thanh toán
cho ảnh hưởng về giá trị thời gian của tiền tệ nếu thời hạn thanh toán được thỏa thuận
bởi các bên tham gia trong hợp đồng (một cách rõ ràng hoặc ngầm định) mang lại cho
khách hàng hoặc đơn vị lợi ích đáng kể từ việc hỗ trợ tài chính cho việc chuyển giao
hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ cho khách hàng.
25) When determining the transaction price, an entity shall consider the effects of
all of the following?
(a) variable consideration (see paragraphs 50–55 and 59);
(b) constraining estimates of variable consideration (see paragraphs 56–58);
(c) the existence of a significant financing component in the contract (see
paragraphs 60–65);
(d) non-cash consideration (see paragraphs 66–69); and
(e) consideration payable to a customer (see paragraphs 70–72).
26) A Co sells to customer with a condition: if the quantity bought during the year
reaches 1.000 products and above then the price is $500/product. If not, then price
is $550/product. In the financial year ended 30 June 20X8:
At 31 Dec 20X7: The customer bought 600 products from A Co. A Co estimated that
in this year, the customer will not buy up to 1000 products. Therefore, the discount
amount won’t be reached.
At 31 Mar 20X8: Due to unexpected demand of customers for 300 products in extra
from A Co. A Co estimated that customers will reach the discount limit.
Requirement: Determine the transaction price for the quarter ended at 31.12 and
=> At 31.12: Revenue recognised: 550 x 600 = 330.000 (because the company believes
that it wont reach the threshold of 1000)
+ However, until 31.3.N+1: The customer unexpectedly bought 300 products in extra.
Therefore the company estimated that the customer would buy up to 1000 products.
So, they applied the discount.
=> Revenue for this quarter = 500 x 300 – 50 x 600 = 120.000
27) How to recognise the revenue when the considerations are variable amounts?

Year 1:
Scenario Contract price Probability Expected value
1 $100M 70% $70m
2 $95M 15% $14.25M
3 $90M 10% $9M
4 $85M 5% $4.25M
Year 1 completed 60% of the progress => Revenue recognised = $97.5M x 60%
= $58.5M
Year 1:
Scenario Contract price Probability Expected value
1 $100M 95% $95m
2 $95M 5% $4.75M
Year 2 completed 90% of the progress => Revenue recognised in Year 2 =
$99.75M x 90% = $89.775M–$58.5M = $31.275M
28) Financing component in the transaction price
Contract price: $13m
+ if the customer choose to pay immediately then they are only needed to pay
- At the time of payment:
Dr Acc Cash in bank: $10.9m
Cr Acc Liability: $10.9m
+ At the end of year 1: only calculate the interest
Dr Acc Cost of borrowing: $10.9 x 7% = $0,763m
Cr Acc Liability: $0,763m
+ At the end of year 2:
Dr Acc Cost of borrowing: ($10.9m+$0,763m) x 7% = $0.816m
Cr Acc Liability: $0.816m
=> The amount payable = $10.9m + $0,763m + $0.816m = $12.48m < $13m
=> Therefore at the end of year 2, the value of the room is $12.48m.
=> The customer should pay immediately when contracting.

The company recognised:

Dr Acc Liability: $12.48m
Cr Acc Office for buyer party: $12.48m

Step 4: Allocating the transaction price to performance obligations

29) Allocating the transaction price to performance obligations based on which
Stand-alone selling price (of a good or service)
30) If the transaction price includes the trade discount or variable amount,
how to allocate them to performance obligation?
allocate the transaction price in proportion to those stand-alone selling prices.
31) If there is no observable price, then how to estimate?
Bằng chứng tốt nhất của một giá bán riêng lẻ là giá có thể quan sát được của
một hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ khi đơn vị bán hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ đó một cách
tách biệt trong các tình huống và cho các khách hàng tương tự.
The best evidence of a stand-alone selling price is the observable price of a good
or service when the entity sells that good or service separately in similar
circumstances and to similar customers.
- Estimate stand-alone selling price by
+ Adjusted market assessment approach (đánh giá thị trường có điều chỉnh)
(compare stand-alone selling price with price from competitors)
+ Expected cost plus a margin approach (chi phí cộng lợi nhuận biên)
(add an appropriate margin to the expected costs of PO)
+ Residual approach (giá trị còn lại)
(total transaction price less the sum of the observable stand-alone selling prices)
32) Give example about the allocation of transaction price to each PO.
• Transaction price signed in the contract include:
+ 12-month Internet service – 1 month 100 => total contract price = 12 x 100 =
+ Free phone service
• Stand-alone selling price:
+ Service 80/month
+ Phone: 300
• Allocation table of the transaction price to each PO:
Separate performance Stand-alone % on total Contract price
obligation selling price value
Phone provider 300 23.8% 285.6 (=23.8% x
Internet service provider 80 x 12 = 960 76.2% 914.4 (=76.2% x
Total 1260 100% 1200

Step 5: Recognise revenue when performance obligations are met

33) The recognition criteria of revenue?
+ the entity satisfies a performance obligation by transferring a promised good
or service (ie an asset) to a customer.
+ the customer obtains control of that asset.
31. Đơn vị phải ghi nhận doanh thu khi (hoặc ngay khi) đơn vị hoàn thành một
nghĩa vụ thực hiện bằng cách chuyển giao hàng hóa hoặc dịch vụ đã cam kết
(nghĩa là một tài sản) cho khách hàng. Một tài sản được chuyển giao khi (hoặc
ngay khi) khách hàng nắm được quyền kiểm soát tài sản đó.
31 An entity shall recognise revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a
performance obligation by transferring a promised good or service (ie an asset)
to a customer. An asset is transferred when (or as) the customer obtains control
of that asset.
34) Control include how many abilities?
=> 2 abilities
+ the ability to direct the use of, and obtain substantially all remaining benefits
from, the asset.
+ the ability to prevent other entities from directing the use of, and obtaining
the benefits from, an asset.
Para 33, IFRS 15
Quyền kiểm soát một tài sản nói đến khả năng quyết định việc sử dụng và có
được gần như toàn bộ lợi ích còn lại từ tài sản đó. Quyền kiểm soát bao gồm
khả năng ngăn cản các đơn vị khác quyết định việc sử dụng và có được lợi ích
từ tài sản.
Control of an asset refers to the ability to direct the use of, and obtain
substantially all of the remaining benefits from, the asset. Control includes the
ability to prevent other entities from directing the use of, and obtaining the
benefits from, an asset.
35) Satisfying PO for a period of time or at a moment. T or F?
Nghĩa vụ thực hiện được hoàn thành trong một khoảng thời gian
Performance obligations satisfied over time
Nghĩa vụ thực hiện được hoàn thành tại một thời điểm
Performance obligations satisfied at a point in time
36) How many special cases? What are they?
There are 4 special cases.
+ Matters about contract (Sale with a right of return (B20-B27)) (Bán hàng có
quyền trả lại)
+ Customer options for additional goods or services (B39-43) (Phiếu quà tặng)
+ Warranties (dịch vụ bảo hành) (B28-B33)
+ Bill-and-hold arrangements (Xuất hóa đơn và chưa giao hàng)

• Matters about contract

37) How to modify the contract?
+ 1.1 – 30/6: require 500 packs/month
Revenue from contract = 500 x 6 x 80 = 240.000
+ 30/6 – 31/12: require 600 packs/month (add up 100 packs/month)
there should have been 2 contracts as follows:
Contract A: 500 x 6 x 80 = 240.000
Contract B: 100 x 6 x 65 = 39.000
=> Total value = 279.000
But bc $65 is not the stand-alone selling price so the first contract is cancelled.
=> Instead, it is the contract with average price (create a new contract to avoid
unreasonable selling price)
Total revenue = 279.000
=> Selling price per leather packet = 279.000/(6 months x 600 packets/month) =
=> Revenue of new contract should be $77,5 x 6 x 600 = $279.000
38) MATA Co signed a contract of selling water purifying system and
equipments to customers.
In which: the equipments will be delivered within 2 weeks. Some information is
given as follows:
+ the purifying system can not operate wo the equipments.
+ the manufacturer of the system and the seller of the equipments sell their
goods dividedly.
How many PO in the above situation?
=> there are 2 POs.
+ providing purifying equipment
+ providing purifying system
+ customer can use goods in their own ways or integrating with the available
+ MATA Co delivered in 2 different time, did not install 2 things at the same time.
The equipment is not the one that is exclusive to the system. These 2 parts are
independent and highly correlated with each other even though it takes 2 to
39) In year 20X7, JavaCo signed a contract to grant customer administration
software license to customer. 3 days later, in another contract, Java Co agreed
to provide consultance service to significantly modify the previous licensed-
for-sale software to operate in the information system of customer. Customer
cannot use the software until the modification service completed.
So Does Java Co need to integrate 2 contract into 1 contract in accordance with
IFRS 15?
=> They should. Bc
+ 2 contracts are signed on close dates and with the same customer.
+ establish one PO, integrating liscensing and servicing into 1 complete product.
Software is modified significantly by the consultancy services.

• Voucher (phiếu quà tặng)

40) The value of vouchers is not allowed to be exchanged is referred to as?
abandonment value (giá trị từ bỏ)
41) The time to recognise the voucher depends on what?
Depends on expected behavior of customers (depending on their needs) and
legal limits.
42) Voucher of $100, estimated that customer will exchange it for $90,
abandonment value is $10.
The chain of stores will refund for the abandonment value or not? Accounting
for revenue.
They won’t refund for the abandonment value bc payment obligation is done,
only providing services for $90.
Nominal value Proportion % 1st time 2nd time
allocation allocation
Obligation $90 100% $50 $40
Abandoned $10 11% $5.6 $4.4
Revenue $100 111% $55.6 $44.4
+ At the time of selling voucher:
Dr Cash in bank: $100
Cr Contract Liability: $100
+ At the 1st time allocation:
Dr Contract Liability: $55.6
Cr Revenue: $55.6
+ At the 2nd time allocation:
Dr Contract Liability: $44.4
Cr Revenue: $44.4

43) How many cases in establishing PO of separate contract?
2 cases:
+ not form PO of separate contract
Eg: the product having warranty paper to comply with law, bc they are sure that
the product runs well and there is nothing wrong with it, for example a super
tepid (ấm siêu tốc). (It is accounted for under IAS 37, rather than IFRS 15)
+ form PO of separate contract
Eg: Customer can choose to buy or not to buy that service. Stand alone selling
price, form a separate PO. The entity account for this revenue separately, for
example, motorbikes, 2-year warranties.
=> 2 separate PO are selling bikes and providing warranty services.
=> The entity account for these revenue separately.

• Bill-and-hold agreements
44) The control right is condered to be already transferring goods to customers
when they are delivered to them. T or F?
Bc in some cases, the right of control is still considered to be transferred while
the goods remain in the warehouse of the SELLERS.
45) Bill-and-hold agreements ?
Invoice is cleared but goods are not yet transferred. The sellers still hold them
for a couple of times.
46) An entity signed a contract of providing machines and spare parts. After 2
years of service, customer has right to control both of them but spare parts are
required to be remained at the entity’s warehouse.
How many PO of the entity?
3 POs.
+ Providing machines
+ Providing spare parts
+ Storing spare parts at the warehouse (custodial services)
Transaction price is allocated to 3 of them and revenue is only recognised if (or
when) control right is transferred to the customers.
47) when to recognise revenue from custodial services?
custodial services is an PO satisfied over time. thus, revenue from custodial
services will be recognised throughout the custodial period of time.
• Presentation on FS
48) How contracts are presented on the Balance sheet?
=> they are presented as a Contract Liability, a Contract asset or a Contract
49) what is a Contract Liability, a Contract asset or a Contract Receivable?
+ Contract Liability: the consideration in advance from the customer for entity’s
+ Contract asset: is recognised when right of the entity to the consideration is
under conditions which is somthing other than the passage of time. (eg. future
obligation of the entity)
+ Contract Receivable: is recognised when right of the entity to the
consideration is under no conditions, except the passage of time.

10. Lease – IFRS 16

1) When was IFRS 16 published and applied?
published in 1/2016
applied in 1/1/2019
2) Objective?
This Standard sets out the principles for the recognition, measurement, presentation
and disclosure of leases.
The objective is to ensure that lessees and lessors provide relevant information in a
manner that faithfully represents those transactions.
3) Scope?
3 An entity shall apply this Standard to all leases, including leases of right-of-use
assets in a sublease, except for:
(a) leases to explore/use non-regenerative resources; (Thuê quyền khai thác hoặc
sử dụng tài nguyên ks)
(b) leases of biological assets held by a lessee; (thuê TS sinh học)
(c) service concession arrangements (các HĐ nhượng quyền dịch vụ)
(d) licences of intellectual property granted by a lessor (Bằng sở hữu trí tuệ đc trao
cho bên thuê)
(e) rights held by a lessee under licensing agreements (hợp đồng bản quyền)
Eg. motion picture films, video recordings, plays, manuscripts, patents and copyrights.

Lessee: bên đi thuê

Lessor: bên cho thuê
4) How many cases of exemption from recognition of asset lease?
2 cases:
+ short-term leases (≤ 12 months, excluding asset buy option)
+ leases for which the underlying asset is of low value, lease on each time
5) Asset lease: A contract is, or contains, a lease if the contract conveys the right to
control the use of an identified asset for a period of time in exchange for
consideration. T or F?
p9, IFRS 16
6) The commencement date of the lease is The date on which a lessor makes an
underlying asset available for use by a lessee. T or F?
Appenx A
7) Inception date of the lease (inception date): The earlier of the date of a lease
agreement and the date of commitment by the parties to the principal terms and
conditions of the lease. T or F?
Thời điểm khởi đầu Là ngày sớm hơn giữa ngày ký hợp đồng thuê và ngày
thuê tài sản cam kết của các bên về các điều khoản và điều kiện chính
của hợp đồng thuê.
8) Can the date of a lease agreement differ from the inception date?
Yes, it can.
9) Lease payments include?
Payments made by a lessee to a lessor relating to the right to use an underlying asset
during the lease term, comprising the following:
+ fixed lease payments - lease incentives
E.g: The fixed monthly house rental is 5m. Whether he lives there or not, the lessee
still has to pay it fully.
+ variable lease payments
E.g: they depend on an index or a rate, eg gold price or CPI,… The house rental depends
on these.
+ the exercise price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise
that option
giá thực hiện của 1 lựa chọn mua nếu bên thuê xác định chắc chắn thực hiện lựa chọn
E.g: rent an apartment and intend to buy it => monthly pay both principal and interest
+ payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee
exercising an option to terminate the lease.
Các khoản thanh toán tiền phạt do bên thuê chấm dứt thuê TS
10) How to determine the lease term?
= The non-cancellable period where a lessee has the right to use an underlying asset
(TS thuê))
+ periods to extend the lease (if certainly do so)
+ periods to terminate the lease (if certainly not do so)
11) How many main contents in IFRS 16?
5 contents:
+ Identifying a lease
+ Separating components of a contract: tách riêng các thành tố của 1 HĐ
+ Accounting for asset lease on the lessee side: kế toán thuê tài sản tại bên đi thuê
+ Accounting for asset lease on the lessor side: kế toán thuê tài sản tại bên cho thuê
+ Sale and leaseback transactions: giao dịch bán và thuê lại tài sản
* Identifying a lease
12) Asset is specified at which time?
at 2 points in time:
+ The date of a lease agreement (explicitly specified in the contract)
+ The time when the asset is made available for use by the customer. (implicitly
B13, IFRS 16
13) When signing a lease agreement, can the lessee stop leasing that asset?
Yes, they can. If so, they will lose the deposit money. (mất tiền cọc)
14) Does the lesse has the right to substitute an asset substantially ?

15) A supplier’s right to substitute an asset is substantive only if both of the following
conditions exist:
2 conditions:
+ practical ability to substitute alternative assets throughout the period of use (eg:
customers can’t prevent)
à khả năng thực tế để thực hiện việc thay thế bằng tài sản khác trong suốt thời
gian sử dụng
+ benefit economically from the exercise of its right to substitute the asset
à đạt được lợi ích từ việc thay thể/từ việc sd
16) Each portion of an asset is an identified asset if it is physically distinct (for
example, a floor of a building). True or False?
B20, IFRS 16
Phần năng lực của tài sản là một tài sản xác định trong 1 HĐ thuê TS nếu nó tách biệt
về mặt vật chất (ví dụ, một tầng của tòa nhà).
Phần năng lực hoặc phần khác của tài sản nếu không tách biệt về mặt vật chất (ví dụ,
phần năng lực của cáp quang) không phải là một tài sản xác định, trừ khi nó đại diện
đáng kể cho tất cả năng lực của tài sản đó và đem lại cho khách hàng quyền thu được
phần lớn lợi ích kinh tế từ việc sử dụng tài sản.
A capacity or other portion of an asset that is not physically distinct (for example, a
capacity portion of a fibre optic cable) is not an identified asset, unless it represents
substantially all of the capacity of the asset and thereby provides the customer with
the right to obtain substantially all of the economic benefits from use of the asset.
17) Each portion of an asset is an identified asset if it is not physically distinct. True
or False?
Phần năng lực hoặc phần khác của tài sản nếu không tách biệt về mặt vật chất (ví dụ,
phần năng lực của cáp quang) không phải là một tài sản xác định, trừ khi nó đại diện
đáng kể cho tất cả năng lực của tài sản đó và đem lại cho khách hàng quyền thu được
phần lớn lợi ích kinh tế từ việc sử dụng tài sản.
18) How to make the assessment of whether a contract is, or contains, a lease?
It must be ‘Yes’ to 3 questions.
+ Is there an identified asset? Consider paragraphs B13–B20.
Có tài sản xác định?
+ Does the customer have the right to obtain substantially all of the economic
benefits from use of the asset throughout the period of use? Consider paragraphs
Bên thuê có quyền được hưởng phần lớn lợi ích kinh tế phát sinh từ việc sử dụng tài
sản trong thời gian sử dụng không?
+ Does the customer, the supplier, or neither party, have the right to direct how and
for what purpose the asset is used throughout the period of use? Consider paragraphs
Bên thuê có quyền quyết định cách thức và mục đích sử dụng tài sản trong suốt quá
trình sử dụng?
19) How to identify a lease contract?
+ A gave B a lease of bar 16 in the mall.
+ B sells from 6 am to 23 pm
+ B has the right to sell and charge the price.
+ B has the right to relocate the bar or not, if A require them do so and cover their
Requirement: Is this contract a lease?
The assessment is made as follows.
• 1st condition: Is Bar 16 an identified asset?
- Bar 16 is a capacity portion of the mall and physically distinct from the mall.
- A does not have the right to substitute the Bar 16 bc B can choose whether to leave
or not.
- If 2 terms and conditions are added to the contract (A has the right to relocate B to a
new location in order to repair Bar 16, A has the right to relocate Bar 16 to a new same
size location, etc.) => not affect the right to substitute of A.
• 2nd condition: Does the lessee have the right to obtain substantially all of the
economic benefits?
Yes, bc B only sells from 6 am to 23 pm, not sell in extra hours.
• 3rd condition: Does the lessee have the right to direct how and for what purpose?
Yes, B decides the selling price and which products to sell.

* Separating components of a contract: tách riêng các thành tố của 1 HĐ

20) A contract containing both lease component and other components, lessee can
choose to not separate the other service components from the lease component,
instead they account for all of the components into an asset lease activity. True or
21) With a contract containing both lease element and other elements such as an
asset lease and maintenance service provider, the lessee will gather all of the
consideration based on which price?
Stand-alone selling price
=> allocate consideration to each lease component
based on
+ the relative stand-alone price of the lease component
+ the aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease components
13 Đối với hợp đồng bao gồm một hoặc nhiều cấu phần thuê tài sản và cả cấu phần
không phải thuê tài sản, bên đi thuê phải phân bổ khoản thanh toán tiền thuê trong
hợp đồng cho mỗi cấu phần thuê tài sản trên cơ sở giá độc lập tương đối của cấu phần
thuê tài sản và tổng giá độc lập của các cấu phần không phải thuê tài sản.
13 For a contract that contains a lease component and one or more additional lease
or non-lease components, a lessee shall allocate the consideration in the contract to
each lease component on the basis of the relative stand-alone price of the lease
component and the aggregate stand-alone price of the non-lease components.
22) If an observable stand-alone price is not readily available, then allocate based on
which price?
- the estimated stand-alone price
- by maximising the use of observable information
14 Giá độc lập tương đối của cấu phần thuê tài sản và cấu phần không phải thuê tài
sản phải được xác định trên cơ sở giá của bên cho thuê hoặc nhà cung cấp tương tự,
tính riêng biệt cho cấu phần đó hoặc cho cấu phần tương tự. Nếu giá độc lập có thể
quan sát được không sẵn có, bên đi thuê phải ước tính giá độc lập, tối đa hóa việc sử
dụng thông tin có thể quan sát được.
14 The relative stand-alone price of lease and non-lease components shall be
determined on the basis of the price the lessor, or a similar supplier, would charge an
entity for that component, or a similar component, separately. If an observable stand-
alone price is not readily available, the lessee shall estimate the stand-alone price,
maximising the use of observable information.
23) The assets which go hand in hand with the operation and existence of the main
lease asset then should they be considered to be a separate asset in the contract?
No. Bc they have the close relationship with each other and the lessee can not obtain
the economic benefits without these companying assets.

+ Accounting for asset lease on the lessee side: kế toán thuê tài sản tại bên đi thuê
24) At the commencement date, a lessee shall recognise what?
a right-of-use asset and a lease liability
25) a right-of-use asset is initially recognised at cost, including?
+ amount of the initial measurement of the lease liability
+ any lease payments less any lease incentives received
+ any initial direct costs incurred by the lessee
+ estimate of costs (incurred by the lessee) in dismantling and removing the
underlying asset, restoring the site or the underlying asset, unless these costs incurred
to produce inventories.
+ giá trị của đo lường ban đầu của NPT
+ Bất kì khoản thanh toán – ưu đãi thuê ts
+ chi phí trực tiếp ban đầu mà bên thuê chịu
+ ước tính chi phí tháo dỡ, phục hồi mặt bằng….
26) At the commencement date, a lessee shall measure the lease liability at the
present value of the lease payments that are not paid at that date. T or F?
27) That present value is calculated based on which interest rate?
=> the interest rate implicit in the lease. If unavailable, use the lessee’s incremental
borrowing rate.
Lãi suất ngầm định trong HĐ, nếu k xác định đc thì dùng lãi suất biên đi vay
The lease payments shall be discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease, if
that rate can be readily determined. If that rate cannot be readily determined, the
lessee shall use the lessee’s incremental borrowing rate.
Các khoản thanh toán tiền thuê phải được chiết khấu theo lãi suất ngầm định trong
hợp đồng thuê tài sản nếu lãi suất đó có thể xác định được. Trường hợp lãi suất đó
không thể xác định được thì phải sử dụng lãi suất đi vay tương đương của bên đi thuê.
28) At the commencement date, the Lease payment includes what? (giống câu 9)
Payments made by a lessee to a lessor relating to the right to use an underlying asset
during the lease term, comprising the following:
+ fixed lease payments - lease incentives
E.g: The fixed monthly house rental is 5m. Whether he lives there or not, the lessee
still has to pay it fully.
+ variable lease payments
E.g: they depend on an index or a rate, eg gold price or CPI,… The house rental depends
on these.
+ the exercise price of a purchase option if the lessee is reasonably certain to exercise
that option
giá thực hiện của 1 lựa chọn mua nếu bên thuê xác định chắc chắn thực hiện lựa chọn
E.g: rent an apartment and intend to buy it => monthly pay both principal and interest
+ payments of penalties for terminating the lease, if the lease term reflects the lessee
exercising an option to terminate the lease.
Các khoản thanh toán tiền phạt do bên thuê chấm dứt thuê TS
29) The lease payment for a car is $1.000 and the extra fee is $500 if used for work.
The fixed lease payment is?
$1.500 bc the extra fee is a fixed lease payment in substance. (the car is used for work,
there are no fluctuations in the lease payment and is unavoidable amount).
30) The levels of lease payments are as follows.
+ 750 if travel less than 500km
+ 1.250 if travel from 500km to 2000km
+ 1.750 if travel more than 2.000km
In fact, the monthly lease payment is?
=> 750 bc that is the minimum amount, should be considered a fixed lease payment in
31) If the annual payment is 100.000, then in the 3rd year, CPI goes from 125 to 135.
The annual payment of the remaing years are?
100.000 x 135/125 = 108.000
32) The lease asset is represented by which items on the B/S?
The ROU asset
33) After the initial recognition, the lessee needs to measure the ROU asset under
which model?
The cost model (except the ROU investment property, the ROU PPE are under the
revaluation model)
34) In accordance with the cost model, the ROU is determined by which formula?
Cost – AD – Acc impairment losses
35) If the lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee by the end
of the lease term or if the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects that the lessee will
exercise a purchase option, the lessee shall depreciate the right-of- use asset from
the commencement date to the end of the useful life of the underlying asset. T or F?
p32, IFRS 16
36) If the lease DOES NOT transfer ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee
by the end of the lease term or if the cost of the right-of-use asset DOES NOT reflect
that the lessee will exercise a purchase option, the lessee shall depreciate the right-
of-use asset from the commencement date to the earlier of the end of the useful life
of the right-of-use asset or the end of the lease term. T or F?
p32, IFRS 16
37) A lessee shall apply IAS 36 Impairment of Assets to determine whether the right-
of-use asset is impaired and to account for any impairment loss identified. T or F
33 A lessee shall apply IAS 36 Impairment of Assets to determine whether the right-
of-use asset is impaired and to account for any impairment loss identified.
38) After the commencement date, the liability should be re-measure to reflect the
changes in:
+ lease term
+ assess the purchase option
+ the amounts expected to be payable by the lessee under residual value guarantees.
(số tiền dự kiến phải trả cho giá trị còn lại của tài sản thuê được đảm bảo.)
p42, IFRS 16
+ change in future lease payments (variable lease payment)

+ Accounting for asset lease on the lessor side: kế toán thuê tài sản tại bên cho thuê
+ Sale and leaseback transactions: giao dịch bán và thuê lại tài sản
39) The measurement in Q38 is called?
Adjustment the ROU of lease asset : Điều chỉnh quyền sử dụng TS thuê
• Sale and leaseback transactions: giao dịch bán và thuê lại tài sản
40) If want to leaseback, which transaction is needed?
Sale transaction
41) When selling an asset, the seller-lessee shall recognise what?
only the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the buyer-
p100, IFRS 16
bên bán đồng thời là bên đi thuê chỉ ghi nhận giá trị khoản lãi hoặc lỗ liên quan đến
quyền đã chuyển giao sang cho bên mua đồng thời là bên cho thuê.

100 Nếu việc chuyển giao tài sản của bên bán đồng thời là bên đi thuê thỏa mãn yêu
cầu của IFRS 15 để được kế toán là giao dịch bán tài sản:
100 If the transfer of an asset by the seller-lessee satisfies the requirements of IFRS
15 to be accounted for as a sale of the asset:
(a) bên bán đồng thời là bên đi thuê phải xác định giá trị tài sản quyền sử dụng phát
sinh từ việc thuê lại theo tỷ lệ giữa giá trị ghi sổ của tài sản trước đây và giá trị quyền
sử dụng mà bên bán đồng thời là bên đi thuê giữ lại. Theo đó, bên bán đồng thời là
bên đi thuê chỉ ghi nhận giá trị khoản lãi hoặc lỗ liên quan đến quyền đã chuyển giao
sang cho bên mua đồng thời là bên cho thuê.
(a) the seller-lessee shall measure the right-of-use asset arising from the leaseback
at the proportion of the previous carrying amount of the asset that relates to the right
of use retained by the seller-lessee. Accordingly, the seller-lessee shall recognise only
the amount of any gain or loss that relates to the rights transferred to the buyer-lessor.

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