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Nel nome del Padre, e del Figlio,

e dello Spirito Santo. Amen.

Padre nostro che sei nei cieli,

sia santificato il tuo Nome, Etymology
venga il tuo Regno,
sia fatta la tua Volontà of
come in cielo così in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano, CHURCH -
e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori,
e non ci indurre in tentazione,
ma liberaci dal Male. Amen

from the German
word “Kirche, kirk”
which means what
belongs to the lord

The from the Greek
Lord word “kyriake”
which means
house of God

Alexander the great kyriake

from the Roman
word “ Kyriakon”
which means
house of the

Julius Ceasar “Church”

The English word
church is derived from
the Latin word
which means assembly,


It is a Greek word,
which is derived
from the Hebrew
word “QAHAL


meaning: these
three meanings
are inseparable
1. the act of assembling…

3.The total community

of the people of God

2. The assembled community itself

QAHAL JAWEH in Christian
usage The word “church by this
time”, meant “religious
a. the liturgical assembly gathering” or “meeting.”
(1 Cor 11:18; 14: 19, 28, 34, 35),
b. the local community
(1 Cor 1:2; 16:1), The early Christians used to
c. the whole universal community
meet for common prayer and
of believers to break bread in private
(1 Cor 15:9; Gal. 1:13; Phil 3:6). houses and at the temple.

“religious gathering” “religious gathering”

Break bread......
Sunday or the first day
of the Jewish week
came to be considered
as the chief day of
their communal
celebration because
this is the day when
Christ resurrected from
the dead.

To the early Christians it
• read psalms;
• sang hymns;
• shared recollection of
Christ words and deeds;
• and celebration of the
Lord’s Supper;
• at a communal meal.

Such practices were Church

recorded in the (German) Kirche, kirk

book of Acts 2:42 - 47 What belongs to the Lord

(Greek) Kyriake
House of god

(Roman) Kyriakon
House of the Master


(Latin) Ecclesia
Assembly, community

(Hebrew) Qahal Jaweh

- Act of assembling
- The assembled community
- Total community

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