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17 But there will be survivors on Mount Zion

- a holy remnant.

V Obadiah verses 17-18

Obadiah verses 3-14
Amos 8:4 - 6

“Let us lower the measure and raise the price; let us

cheat and tamper with the scales…”
➢ AMOS was the prophet
of Gods’ justice
➢ This prophet echo's
God repugnance for
cheaters and people
who take advantage of
others while being
religious at the same
➢ Amos would be an
irritant to some of our
law makers and high
ranking public officials
“Let justice roll down like waters…”
Chapter 4:1- 10 until 6:8 Sin of Israel
“Oppress the weak and abuse the needy”

Chapter 6:3 – 7 vision:

puro saya… you will be the first to go into exile
Micah 6:8

➢ MICAH voiced out the
dislike of God of the
prosperity and beauty
of Jerusalem financed
by dishonest business
➢ He echo’s Gods distaste
of people who always
look for opportunities to
gain more money at the
expense of others
“DoH left the class…”
Jonah 4: 10 - 11
➢JONAH was sent by
God to Nineveh, the
capital of the Assyrian
➢ He is to warn its
residents of impending
divine wrath.
➢ He refuse God, as
Nineveh is the capital
of the enemy empire
➢ “would you correct an
V Isaiah
Isaiah 5:1 - 7
Isaiah 43:2 - 3


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