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Nigeria Youth Futures Fund (NYFF)

Young Leaders Development Funds

Guideline for Submission

Applicants for NYFF Subgrant should submit their proposal, not more than 2,000 words, using the following guidelines:

Organization/Individual Name Ejimadu Maureen Chioma

Phone Number 07035325426

Organization or Individual background: Background of the organization or individual applying for the grants. Brief
description of the individual/ organization’s purpose, relevant experience, and previous grant. (Max: 300 words)

I am Ejimadu Maureen Chioma, from Imo State, Owerri North LGA, I am a graduate of
economics from Imo State University. A single and an entrepreneur woman of 30 year
old. I have been providing awareness on issues related to environment protection,
biodiversity conservation and climate change adaptation. I conduct training sessions to
help the grassroots organizations in building their capacity for environment protection. I
also conduct research on various environment related aspects and use the results of the
research in reaching out to the public. Over the years I have been successful.
Current Programme Focus: I am currently engaged in projects that focus on building the
capacities of local communities in conserving local biodiversity. I help the local
communities through awareness sessions and giving hands on practical training on
conservation and restoration.
Initiative/idea to be implemented: Detailed proposed initiative and ideas in line with the thematic focus(s) of the
specific grants of interest. The narrative should include the following (Max 600 words)

Problem analysis
Mangrove management is faced with complex challenges
Problem Analysis
encompassing social, ecological, and economic issues.
Mangroves in Nigeria are under serious threat; a combination of
both natural and anthropogenic factors are responsible for the
degradation of the mangrove forests. Major causes of the forest
cover in the project countries can be attributed to the conversion
to other land use (e.g., conversion of agriculture, shrimp farms,
development, and human settlement)

Project Goal: The project aims to improve the status of mangrove forests
through a participatory and community-based approach through a series of
awareness and capacity building on aspects of both restoration and
Project goal and objectives conservation activities.
Project Objectives
To develop specific mangrove community conservation and restoration plans to
suit the ecology, economy and culture of the respective project sites.
To build the capacities of the local communities in implementing the community
conservation and restoration plans through demonstrations and training.

Key activities
• Site Investigation
Key activities/milestones • status of mangrove forests in the project sites
• socio-economic condition of the local communities around
mangrove forests
• existing schemes and programs being implemented in the region
• Community Planning:
• Identify Problems and Opportunities:
• Determining Objectives:
• Resource Inventorization:
• Finalizing the objectives and activities:
• Allocation of responsibilities: Implementation of the plan
• Capacity Building
• Implementation:
• Exit:
Scope: The applicant must provide a detailed scope and delimitation of the proposal (200 words)

The project is scoped to be carried out in

Owerri North LGA, of Imo State Nigeria.
Intended beneficiaries
Exploitation of the forest not according to land
Focus on land area of work and Benefits of high
Risks and Mitigation actions economic value
Involving and engaging local communities in every
step of planning and implementation is necessary so
as to instill ownership and also make them stewards
Sustainability plan for conservation and management.
Build public awareness and knowledge regarding
environmental damage, especially mangrove
ecosystem areas, as well as legal products and law
Public awareness & dissemination enforcement
We would be training and working with 20 youths
between the ages of 18 and 30 in every
Gender and Social Inclusion

Duration: The proposed duration of implementation should fall within one year from the time of grant disbursement

S/N Activity Description Start Date End Date

1 Site investigation Preliminary study Day 1 Day 7
Primary research Day 8 Day 14
Report compilation Day 15 Day 16
2 Planning Consultations Day 17 Day 18
Meetings Day 19 Day 21
Developing the plan Day 23 Day 25
Capacity building of local Preparing teaching and training Day 26
3 Day 26
communities materials
Awareness session Day 27 Day 27
Training of youth Day 28 Day 34

4 Plan implementation Nursery establishment Day 35 Day 45

Leader training Day 46 Day 52
5 Communication Product development Day 53 Day 83
Dissemination events Day 84 Day 87
Social media engagement Day 88 Day 90
6 Monitoring/Evaluation Continuous
Budget Plan: The applicant needs to submit a simplified budget in line with the category of grant applied for, the small
grant would be disbursed once (100%) and the other categories of grant would be disbursed in two tranches conditioned
on milestone achievements (First tranche 50% and Last tranche 50%). The budget is advised to be structured as
indicated below:

NYFF Subgrating Budget Template

Category Activity Unit Cost Quantity Total Cost
Operation and Logistic
(15% of the budget)

Site investigation 90,000

Subtotal (Operation & Logistic) 90,000

Concept Implementation
(80% of the Budget) Planning 50,000

Capacity building of local communities 100,000

Plan implementation 250,000

Communication 80,000

Subtotal (Concept Implementation) 480,000

Monitoring and Evaluation
(5% of the budget)

Monitoring/Evaluation 30,000

Subtotal (Monitoring & Evaluation) 30,000

General Total
Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: This consists of information on the indicators to measure based on your concept

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Project To develop specific mangrove community conservation and restoration plans to suit the
Objective 1: ecology, economy and culture of the respective project sites.
Expected Person
Outcomes Indicator Mean of verification Frequency of Data collection Responsible

mangrove Seedling Ejimadu Maureen
species survival Quantitative data analysis Monthly Chioma
thrives at a

Project To build the capacities of the local communities in implementing the community conservation
Objective 2: and restoration plans through demonstrations and training.
Expected Person
Outcomes Indicator Mean of verification Frequency of Data collection Responsible
youths are
working as
Leaves on Quantitative data analysis Ejimadu Maureen
rangers Monthly Chioma
in reporting
Project The provision of incentives for mangrove conservation, as well as dissemination and facilitation to
develop environmentally friendly mangrove utilization in coastal communities, is needed to increase the
Objective 3: public acceptance of policy implementation and community engagement in mangrove management.
Expected Person
Outcomes Indicator Mean of verification Frequency of Data collection Responsible
Friendly Occurrence
mangrove and
utilization extent of
anthropogeni Ejimadu Maureen
in coastal Quantitative data analysis Monthly
c Chioma
es, has activities
increased in

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