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Technology is rapidly evolving and is introduced to children at an early age.

Kids are playing outside less

and are more likely to play on gaming consoles, tables, and cellphones at schools.

This can be a major distraction instead of paying attention in class. Many students are on their phones
texting and using social media.

This distraction can cause their grades to slip in disciplinary actions such as detention and suspension
can impact their learning negatively.

Even though many see technology as a distraction, educators can benefit from integrating these

advancements into their curriculum.

interactive educational assignments that require students to use apps on mobile devices can keep
students engaged with their studies by delivering knowledge through a medium they are comfortable

Introducing students

to technology in the classroom using computers and smart

boards resonates with them more than white boards and notebooks do.

familiarizing student with this technology will

also help prepare them for jobs where they will need to know more practical skills

related to technology such as social media

and coding. using technology hand in hand with education we can

prepare our students for brighter futures.

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