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A Choose an animal that is similar to humans in some way.

Write notes about the animal’s

behavior. For example, what is its social hierarchy like? How are gender roles different?
Similar animal:Chimpanzees
In chimpanzees world social hierarchy is very important.Gender roles are quite similar because
a male chimpanzees usually has the power in a social family group so the female chimps are
not powerful.In books give information about that young people may speak softly or avoid eye
contact when they are talking to people with higher status. Similarly, when chimpanzees
approach a powerful or senior member, they try to make themselves look smaller.

B Follow these steps to make notes for your body paragraphs

Similarity between humans and chimpanzees
While humans and chimps are similar in some ways, similar in terms of their gender roles and
social roles
Chimpanzees are considered our closest relatives.The similarity between us are not only in
appearance, but also in genetics. Depending on the method of counting, the total genome of
chimp and humans is between 94 and 99%. And Darwin's theory can prove it,most of us belives
in it.In reality, the genetic differences between humans and chimpanzees are probably greater
than 2%. More recent studies have shown that the true genetic divergence between humans
and apes is probably closer to 5%. This is the “over 98% similarity” argument is probably an
overstatement.Adult female chimps cooperate to raise families together and in our world this a
thing too we have single mothers who raises child by own.Why I chose chimps are similar to
humans in social because because in our world women are still one step lower than men and in
the world of chimpanzees they are also the head of the family and the main character is male
chimpanzee and this is and this is how our world works and both of women have no rights to be
Difference between chimps and humans is that:Human brain is 2% larger than chimps and that
we are more intelligent than other animals.This is a huge difference between human and animal
world.Darwin theory thinks that chimpanzees are evolved to humans by time.
Another difference is that chimps are still walking on all four,and chimps have shorter lifespans.
Most chimps only live in the wild world for 40 to 50 years while humans live for 80-100 but
world changing we can live like chimps in the future if our environment doesn't get better.
These are the most correct theories I found about the similarities between chimpanzees and
between people.

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