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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus, Sogod, Southern Leyte
email: telefax: (053) 577-8299


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Course No.
Course Code PE 202
Descriptive Title Recreational and Individual Sports
Credit Units 2 Units
School Year/Term 2nd Semester, A.Y: 2020-2021

Mode of Delivery Online and Modular Learning

Name of Jaye B. Bug-os, Ma. Fiona Tesha R. Calibo, Glevan A. Daigdigan, Mary Claire
Instructor M. Magaipo, Daisy P. Sajonia, Adonis J. Sinambong, Virgilio S. Taghoy,
/Professor Marian June Jumayll C. Villamor, Carlo T. Trasmonte, Synamar P. Yuag

Course The course involves the development of fundamental skills in teaching

Description Laro ng Lahi (sipa, dama & chess). It offers recreational program of
activities with the aim of providing students constructive and productive
use of leisure time pursuits. Emphasis is on fitness through sports which
can be played and enjoyed throughout life. It includes the development of
different techniques, values of activity, nature of the game, facilities and
equipment, terminologies, including the strategies in playing offensive
and defensive as well as sportsmanship. The students regardless of
gender are expected to increase and develop the skills and knowledge of
the game socially, mentally, and emotionally with values for sustainable
Course Outcomes Knowledge (Think)
1. Discuss the significance of Laro ng Lahi to the total well-being of
the individual.
Values (Feel and Do)
2. Apply the basic skills, techniques and strategies in playing Laro ng
Lahi and Chess.

SLSU Vision A quality corporate University of Science, Technology and Innovation

SLSU Mission 1. Develop Science, technology and Innovation leaders and
2. Produce high-impact technologies from research and
3. Contribute to sustainable development through responsive
community engagement programs; and
4. Generate revenues to be self-sufficient and financially-

This module for PE 202: Recreational and Individual Sports is developed to address the
new normal in higher education taking into consideration the difficulties and challenges during
the pandemic brought about Covid-19 pandemic and adapt this flexible learning. In addition,
this module will be the mode of learning to cater the needs of students who have limited access
on the internet. With this approach, students are given flexible learning modal and convenience
in time and location during their undertakings and compliance to the course-set activities and
requirements. Furthermore, this module will be submitted before the end of the semester or
when a student is already done accomplishing the required tasks and requirements. In spite of
the deadline, submission of the students’ outputs and requirements will be taken into

Direction: Answer the questions below comprehensively. Write your answer in the space
1. In your childhood days, what recreational game is your most favourite one? Why?
2. How will you relate mentally fit to a physically fit person? Provide at least two
recreational games that coordinate mental and physical fitness.
3. Have you experienced playing Sipa and Dama? If yes, please elaborate how the game is
being played?

• Explain the importance of knowing the history, nature, objectives and terminologies of
the game.
• Identify the facilities and equipment use in playing the game.
• Execute the basic skills in playing Laro ng Lahi.
• Perform the different techniques and strategies in playing Laro ng Lahi and Chess.

Being a child is the happiest and the most wonderful moment of our lives. So precious,
so memorable and the most beautiful part of everyone’s life.
Recreation is an activity; it is some sort of action as distinguished from the rest.
Participating in recreational activities helps manage stress. Taking time to nurture one provides
a sense of balance and self-esteem, which can directly reduce anxiety and depression. There are
three types of recreational activity: Outdoor activities, which involves activities such as
backpacking, camping, etc., Social activities, it includes things such as carnivals, parties, picnics,
and etc., and Physical Activities, some of the examples of games and sports include tennis,
volleyball, etc.
The most known recreational activity we can perform especially in our childhood days
is the famous “Laro ng Lahi” these are games commonly played by children, usually using native
materials or instruments. In the Philippines, due to limited resources of toys for Filipino
children, they usually invent games without the need of anything but the players themselves.
Their games complexity arises from their flexibility to think and act.
Laro ng Lahi is a cultural heritage that is passed on from generation to generation. Laro
ng Lahi plays a big role in shaping our lives, as it molds our character, values and the totality of
us, as human beings. As modernization takes place these games seem rarely being played by

children but
still they utilize it as part of their pastime using native

materials. Sipa https://catmonanonsabakogamesandtoys.blogsp


Filipinos started playing Sipa in the 15th century before the Philippines was colonised by Spain.
Sipa was even considered the Philippines’ national sport before Arnis replaced it in 2009 during
the administration of former President Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo.
Sipa is a traditional Filipino game which means “kick”. The players kick or hit a lead
washer (the "sipa") with their feet, palms, and elbows. It also refers to the ball used in the game
which has many variations and is usually made by the players themselves. The two most
popular types of sipa ball are the lead washer and rattan ball. The lead washer sipa consists of
a coin-like object with strips of cloth or plastic straws attached to it. The rattan ball is made of
rattan strips formed into a hollow ball that is at least 4 inches in diameter.
Sipa can be played by two or more players. The objective of this game is to hit the Sipa
with the foot without dropping it to the ground. A player tosses the sipa into the air and
prevents it from touching the ground through continuous kicking. Each kick is counted as a
point. A turn ends once the sipa is dropped. Hence, the player who can keep the ball in the air
the longest and hits it the most wins the game.
A version of the game called “Sipa Lambatan”, involves two teams, indoors or outdoors,
on a court that is about the size of a tennis court. The teams consist of one, two or four players
in each side, where the ball is tossed back and forth over a net like volleyball but this time the
foot instead of the hands is used to hit the ball. If the ball is dropped on a team’s side of the
court, the opposing team gets a point. Games similar to Sipa include Sepak Takraw, Hacky Sack,
Jianzi, Footvolley and Bossaball. The sport requires speed, agility and ball control.

There are different variations of Sipa that are commonly


Washer Version – It is mainly a children’s game where the

object being played is made of lead washer, coin-like object
covered with cloth tied with a rubber band or simply a big
bunch of rubber bands knotted together.


Rattan Ball Version – Sipa is also a simple ball game where the ball
for sipa is made of rattan strips interwoven to form a ball. It’s
hollow inside and is about 4 inches in diameter. The ball is kicked
backwards and forwards and kept going continuously. It cannot be
touched with any part of the body except knees, legs and feet. In
this case, the rattan ball can touch the ground.

There is also a court version in which a rectangle is marked in grids. Grids denote zones, and
dictate where players stand, and how points are allotted based on where the ball lands in the
court. This game requires much coordination.

Modern day versions are made of feather light balls similar to

those used at badminton. The sipa is thrown upwards for the
player toss using only the legs, particularly the area from the
foot up to just above the knee. The player must prevent the
Sipa touching the ground by hitting it several times. Each hit is
counted; the player kicking the Sipa most wins the game. If the
ball touches the ground, one point is awarded to the opposing

ACTIVITY 1: Written Essay

Direction: Answer the question comprehensively

. (10 pts each)

1. There are three types of recreational activities, the Outdoor

Social activities and Physical activities. Now, choose one and explain
why you chose it.
2. During your childhood days, were you able to playSipa or any local
recreational games ? If yes, how did it affect you as a child?


The Equipment’s used in playing Sipa Game are:
1. There are three types of recreational activities
2. Small lead washer
3. Any piece of cloth, yarn, plastic straw
4. String or rubber band
Steps in Making Improvised Sipa Equipment

1. Get a small metal washer about the
size of a bottle cap. A washer is a small,
flat piece of metal with a hole in the
middle. Grab a washer that’s about the
size and thickness of a quarter.
Traditionally, sipa’s are made with lead
washers, but any metal washer will
2. Cut about twenty 6 in (15 cm) strips
of cloth or yarn. Any old cloth you have
laying around will work or you can use
regular craft yarn. Yarn is already thin
enough, but if you’re using cloth, be sure
to cut it into thin strips. The color
doesn't matter and you can even use
multiple colors if you want.

3. Tie the first strip of cloth or yarn to

the washer with a single knot. Poke
the end of a strip through the middle of
the washer about halfway. Then, tie a
single knot so it stays in place and the 2
loose ends are dangling from the

4. Continue adding more yarn or strips

to cover the washer. Keep knotting
strips around the washer, one after the
other. You can stop once the washer is
halfway covered, or cover the whole
washer with strips for a thicker, more
colorful sipa. If you’re using multiple
colors, be sure to alternate them.
5. Secure the strips with additional
knots to make the sipa extra strong.
This is optional, but if you want to make
an extra durable sipa, takes 2 strips that
are next to each other on the washer and
tie them into a knot. These knots are
exactly like the original knots you made
—you're just using different strips to
make them.

ACTIVITY 2: “Make Me”

1. MakeimprovisedSipa equipment using a coin or any round metal objects
for the base and a plastic straw rope or a candy wrapper for its tail.

2. Take a clear photo while making the improvise equipment and the final
product of your output. Put it in a collage form.

Criteriafor output:

Resourcefulness : 25 points
Durability : 15 points
Design : 10 points
Total : 50 points


Steps in Playing the Game Sipa

1. Stand across from 1 player or gather a

group in a circle. You can play sipa all by
yourself, but it’s a lot more fun with
friends! You can play against 1 other
person by standing across from them. For
bigger groups, create 2 teams and gather
together in a circle.

 There should be enough room in between

players for everyone to move freely.

2. Toss the sipa up and kick it with the top,

side, or heel of your shoe. The object of
the game is to kick it repeatedly as many
times as you can and never allow the sipa
to hit the ground.

• To use the top of your shoe, let the sipa

land on it and gently bounce it in the air
with your foot.

• Turn your leg to the side (like you’re

sitting cross legged) and bounce the sipa
off the side of your shoe. -and-Make-Improvised-Sipa
• If the sipa goes behind you, bend your
knee and kick the sipa with the bottom of
your shoe. This is a tough move!

3. Give yourself 1 point each time you
successfully kick the sipa. Try to keep
the sipa going with as many consecutive
kicks as you can. Each time the sipa hits
your shoe and doesn’t hit the ground, give
yourself a point.

• Hitting the sipa as many times as you can

in a row is the most traditional way to play
the game.
• The player that can keep the sipa in the air
the longest and get the most kicks is the
4. Use your palms and elbows to make the
game a little easier. Kicking is hard and
takes practice! If you’re a beginner, feel
free to hit the sipa with your foot, the palm
of your hand, or even your elbow to keep it
in the air.

 Give yourself a point each time you hit the

sipa with your hand or elbow, as well.
5. Kick or give the sipa to another player to
keep the game going. Your turn is over if
the sipa hits the ground, so hand it to the
next player when that happens. You can
also kick the sipa over to one of your
teammates if you get tired or start losing
your momentum.
6. Put up a net and kick the sipa back and
forth over it for a variation. Get into 2
teams and put a net in between you so
there’s 1 team on each side of the net (like
how you would set up for a volleyball
game). Vault the sipa back and forth over
the net and try to keep it going as long as
• If a team lets the sipa hit the ground, the
opposing team gets a point.
• In this version of the game, hit the sipa
back and forth over the net rather than
trying to keep it for consecutive kicks.

Activity 3: “Play Me”

Name: ________________________________________________ Score: ________________________

Course Yr. & Sec.: ___________________________________


1. Play the game Sipa without landing it on the ground.

2. Record a video of you playing the game Sipa with different level of difficulties.

3. Send it to your class group chat or to your instructor’s messenger account.

4. Wear proper PE attire in performing the game.

You will be scored using the rubrics below:

Rubrics for Sipa using Foot Rubrics for Sipa using Elbow
Male Score Female Male Score Female
Results Results Results Results
40 above 50 20 above 50 above 50 40 above

36-39 45 18-19 40-50 45 36-39

31-35 40 16-17 35-39 40 31-35

26-30 35 14-15 31-34 35 26-30

22-25 30 12-13 26-30 30 21-25

16-21 25 10-11 21-25 25 16-20

12-15 20 8-9 16-20 20 11-15

7-11 15 6-7 11-15 15 8-10

4-6 10 4-5 6-10 10 4-7

1-3 5 1-3 1-5 5 1-3

0 0 0 0 0 0


Dama or Türk Daması is a variant of

Checkers (Draughts) played in Turkey. It is played on a chess-
board. It is known in the west as
Draughts or Turkish Checkers. It is a traditional board game
played in every country. It is very popular and there are clubs
in Turkey and Germany organizing tournaments. Complicated
endgame problems have been published in books, some of
them dating from the 19th century.

Unlike International Checkers, it is played on an eight-by-eight squared board (with

sixty-four total squares) with twelve pieces on each side. The pieces move and capture
diagonally. They may only move forward until they reach the opposite end of the board, when
they are crowned or kinged (dama) and may henceforth move and capture both backward and

As in all checkers variants, American Checkers is played by two people, on opposite

sides of a playing board, alternating moves. Traditionally the pieces are black, red, or white. The
opponent's pieces are captured by jumping over them. The objective of Dama is to capture all
opponents’ checkers or to block them leaving the opponent without any legal moves.


• The opponent with the white (lighter colors) pieces moves first.
• Pieces may only move one diagonal space forward (towards their opponent’s pieces) in
the beginning of the game.
• Pieces must stay on the dark squares.
• To capture an opposing piece, "jump" over it by moving two diagonal spaces in the
direction of the opposing piece.
• A piece may jump forward over an opponent's pieces in multiple parts of the board to
capture them.
• Keep in mind, the space on the other side of your opponent’s piece must be empty for
you to capture it.
• If your piece reaches the last row on your opponent's side, you may re-take one of your
captured pieces and "crown “the piece that made it to the Kings Row. This is the time
when we say “Dama” at the end of the move.
• There by making it a "King Piece." King pieces may still only move one space at a time
during a non-capturing move. However, when capturing an opponent's piece(s) it may
move diagonally forward or backwards.
• There is no limit to how many king pieces a player may have.
• The game ends when a player has not any legal move left, either because all his pieces
are captured or he is completely blocked. Then, his opponent has won the game.

ACTIVITY 4: Written Essay

Direction: Answer the question comprehensively in the provided space. (10 pts.

1. In your own opinion, giv e at least three (3) benefits of

playing board games?
___ ______________________________________________________________________________________
_________________________________________________________ ____________________________.

2. During your childhood days, were you able to play Dama or any local
recreational games ? If yes, how did it affect you as a child?





The Equipment’s used in playing Sipa Game are:

1. Chess board/ Dama board

The board is an 8x8 grid, with alternating dark and light squares of a standard
checkerboard of 64 squares. The left down square field should be dark. The
squares should be different in color but the best colors to use are black and
white. If you can provide Chess board then you have no problem at all.


2. Pieces
Though pieces were traditionally made of wood,
now many are made of plastic, though other
materials may be used. Pieces are typically flat and
cylindrical but the traditional people in the
Philippines used stones as an alternative piece.
They are invariably split into one darker and one
lighter colour. Traditionally, these colours are
white and red, but black and red are common in
the United States, and light- and dark-stained
wooden pieces are supplied with more expensive
sets. There are two classes of
pieces: men and kings. Kings are differentiated as consisting of two normal
pieces of the same colour, stacked one on top of the other. Often indentations are
added to the pieces to aid stacking.

ACTIVITY 2 : “Make Me”

1. Makean improvised Dama equipment using your
2. Take a clear photo while making the improvise
equipment and thefinal product of your output. Put it in a
collage form.
Criteria for output:
Resourcefulness : 25 points
Durability : 15 points
Design : 10 points
Total : 50 points


Guide in playing DAMA

Starting position – Each player starts

with twelve pieces on the dark spaces
of the three rows closest to that
person's own side (as shown in the
diagram). The row closest to each
player is called the crown head or
kings row. The player with the light
colored pieces moves first.

A simple move involves sliding a
piece one space diagonally forwards to
an adjacent unoccupied dark square.
A jump is a move from a square
diagonally adjacent to one of the
opponent's pieces to an empty square
immediately and directly on the
opposite side of the opponent's square,
thus jumping directly over the square
containing the opponent's piece.
An uncrowned piece may only jump
diagonally forwards, kings may also
jump diagonally backwards. A piece
that is jumped is captured and
removed from the board.
Multiple-jump moves are possible if when
the jumping piece lands, there is another
immediate piece that can be jumped; even
if the jump is in a different direction.
Jumping is mandatory – whenever a player
has the option to jump, that person must
jump (even if it's to the jumping player's
disadvantage; for example, a player can
choose to allow one of his men to get
captured to set up capturing two or more
of his/her opponent's men). When
multiple-option jumping moves are
available, whether with the one piece in
different directions or multiple pieces that
can make various jumping moves, the
player may choose which piece to jump
with and which jumping option or
sequence of jumps to make.
The jumping sequence chosen does not
necessarily have to be the one that would
have resulted in the most captures;
however, one must make all available
captures in the chosen sequence. Any
piece, whether it is a king or not, can jump
a king.


Kings – If a player's piece moves into the

king’s row on the opposing player's side of
the board, that piece is said to be crowned
becoming a king and gaining the ability to
move both forwards and backwards. If a
player's piece jumps into the kings row,
the current move terminates; having just
been crowned, the piece cannot continue
on by jumping back out (as in a multiple
jump), until the next move.


A player wins by capturing all of the
opposing player's pieces or by leaving the
opposing player with no legal moves. The
game ends in a draw, if neither side can
force a win.


An ordinary checker can capture an enemy piece standing on an adjacent square to the
left, to the right or in front of it if the next square in the same direction is empty. The
capture is made by jumping over this enemy piece and placing the player's own checker
on the next empty square. If the same player's checker can continue capturing another
enemy piece then it must do so.
In either case, captured pieces are immediately removed from the board, that is, before
the capture is continued. Thus squares may become vacant that allow the capture, in
the same turn, of pieces that previously could not be captured.
Capturing is mandatory. This means that if a player can capture an enemy piece (or
pieces) on his turn then he must do so.
If a player has a choice of jump sequences then he must choose the sequence that
captures the most enemy pieces.
If a player has a choice of jump sequences then he must choose the sequence that
captures the most enemy pieces.

Activity 3: “Play Me”

Directions: Interpret and perform the game Dama with the following movements
below. Take a video while performing the game and identify the winner of the game.
Take note that there are 2 players and you can play the game any member of your family
or relatives.

Legend: (x) -jump/take (-) -to (,) -and

G3 - H4 A3 - B4
E3 - D4 E3 - D4
F2 - E3 B2 - A3
A3 - B4 G3 - F4
D4 x C5 - B6 H2 x G3 , G5 - H6
E3 - D4 F2 - G3
D2 - E3 D2 - E3
E1 - F2 D4 - C5
C1 - D2 G3 - H4
D4 - E5 C3 x D4 - E5
C3 x D4, F4 - G3 H6 x G7 - F8
H4 x G5 - F6 H4 - G5
G3 - H4 A3 - B4
F2 - G3 B4 x C3 - D2

G1 - F2 G5 - H6
H4 - G5 A1 - B2
G5 - H6 B2 - C3
G3 - H4 C3 - B4
H4 x G5 - F6 D2 x C3 - B4
H6 x G5 - F4 C1 - B2
D2 - C3 H6 - G7
C3 - B4 B2 - C3
B4 - A5 G1 - H2
A1 x B2 - C3 C3 - D4
F2 - G3 H2 - G3
A5 x B6 - C7 E1 x F2 - G3
G3 - H4 D4 x C5 - B6
H2 x G3 - F4 E3 - D4
F4 x E5 - D6 F8 x D6 , E3 - F2
H4 - G5 F2 - D4
C3 - B4 G3 - H4
B4 - C5 H4 - G5
C5 x B4 - A3 D4 - C3
G5 x F6 - E7

Direction: Identify the following statements below. (30pts.)

1. Laro Ng lahi It is a cultural heritage that is passed on from generation to generation.

2. Sipa What is the traditional Filipino game which means “kick”.
3. Sipa lambatan It is a version of the game that is played by teams, indoors or
outdoors, on a court that is about the size of a tennis court.
4. A variant of sipa where the object being played is made of lead washer is known
as Washer Version
5. The players kick or hit a lead washer (the "sipa") with their feet, palms, and elbow
6. Sipa was even considered the Philippines’ national sport before Arnis.
7. In the 15th century before the Philippines was colonised by spain In what time
where the Filipinos started playing Sipa?
8. Speak takraw, Hacky Sack, Jianzi, Footvolley and Bossaball What sport is very
popular nowadays and is similar to Sipa?

9. Dama or türk Damasi It is a variant of Checkers (Draughts) played in Turkey and is
played on a chess-board?
10. An eighth by eight (8×8) squared board (with sixty-four total squares) What is the
exact measure of the Dama board?
11. Wood Traditionally, the dama pieces is made of?
12. Twelve (12) pieces on each side How many pieces each opponent must have?
13. The pieces move and captures diagonally In what direction should each pieces
14. King piece What do you call if a player's piece moves into the king’s row on the
opposing player's side of the board?
15. The game ends when a player doesn’t have any move left, either because all his
pieces are captured or he is completely blocked How should the game Dama be


1. Crawley, C. (2016). How to Play Chess. New Delhi, India: Lakshay Publication 2.
Capili, P.L.G., (2013). Compilation of Handouts in Team Sports (MAPE212)
3. Tulio, D. (2004). PE 4 Team Sports: Katha Publishing Co., Inc.
4. Andin, C.T., (1988). Teaching Physical Education in Philippine Schools: Rex Printing
Company, Inc. Philippine
5. Stoep, A.V.D., (1984) History of Draughts. Netherlands

1. History of chess- a Guide to the Origins of the game of Kings. Retrieved April 15, 2021
2. History of Chess| From Early Stages to Magnus from -of-chess
3. Sipa: A Beloved Filipino Game. Retrieved April 15, 2021 from -a-beloved-filipino-game/
4. Kinematic Analysis of Sipa sa Mangis. Retrieved April 15, 2021 from
5. A Guide to Checkers Families and Rules. Retrieved April 15, 2021 from
6. Checkers and Draughts. Retrieved April 15, 2021 from
7. Filipino Checkers (Dama) by Archimedes Mendoza Quillet, Rules of the game and others.
Retrieved April 15, 2021 from
8. Book of Filipino Checkers (Aklat ng Dama) of Archimede Mendoza Quillet. Retrieved
April 15, 2021 from


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