Chemistry 2016

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Total number of pages—i6 / 26T CHEM 2016 CHEMISTRY (Theory) Full Marks : 70 Pass Marks : 21 Time : Three hours General Instructions: fi) All questions are compulsory. (ii) Marks for each question are indicated against it. (iii) Question numbers 1 to 8 consist of eight very short answer type questions and carry 1 mark each. (iv) Question numbers 9 to 18 consist of ten short answer type questions and carry 2 marks each. (v) Question numbers 19 to 27 consist of nine Short answer type questions and carry 3 marks each. (vi) Question numbers/28 to 30 consist of three long answer type questions and carry/S marks each. Contd. oT C 26T CHEM [2] Name one substance other than hydrogen that can be usedfor constructin| fuel cells. RH TS aaa Sat AG EIA atx wey fy ammiela a Fe | The curve showing the variation of adsorption with pressure at constan temperature is called . (Fill in the blank) Raa Gast vita ante wfionteds Raa creat Gree —_ IF! Cater SB 9591 aI) What are ores ? Name one sulphide oe. CIR? bY BerAaS wae at rt) Mention the basicity of H3PO,. H3PO3% FAB Geers Fal | Define enantiomers. Sper sas Feet frat Write the striétural formula of propane-1, 2, 3-triol. SORE, 2, 3-BRerais oa AHS aI) Arrange the following in increasing order of pKa values : CH,COOH, CICH,COOH, Cl,CHCOOH, Cl;CCOOH. rwi ACHES pKa WHA CASAS HGH 8 CH,COOH, CICH,COOH, ‘Cl,CHCOOH, Cl,CCOOH. Name two carbohydrates which act as bio-fuels. Yate=1 Tea Bare ors sal ZY Ie AAGHA AM FTA Define semiconductors. Name the kind of semiconductor formedywhen Stis doped with Ga. : I+1=2 adafiadta eel fri) STS Gaw TAC RRC, Bet IaT4 BARAT) ofa V3 ar Fra CaélGulate.dtomic radius of elementary silver which crystallises in face- cetiféred cubic lattice with unit cell edge length 4.086%10°m. 2 operas WEE BR CERHAW “UIT GPS ire Reverses taal PA steal at Frat ae Bala GEA HAS CH 4.086 x10-!m. OR / oat ‘Aluminium crystallises as face-centered cubic lattice andpit/hasja\density of 2.7x10%kgm. Calculate edge length of,the unit cell, Given atomic mass of aluminium equal to 27-Qamu. 2 cegfairas Boeeee rts caiige ~eBEipe wa GIS BIA FAR 2-7x10% kg | Bate aaa cores Hifeers seat Sat | feat OIE CATIA Tae G4 27-Oamu. 26T CHEM 3] Contd. TC mh Represent the cell with cell reaction — Zn(s)+2Ag* (aq) —> Zn?* (aq) + 2Ag(s) Calculate the emf of the cell at298K if the molar concentrations of Ag* and Zn?* ions in the half cells aré 0-10mol dm-3 and 0-01mol dm respectively. Given that B° Ag*/Ag =0-80V and £° Zn*/zn =-0-76V. 1+1=2 Zn(s)+2Ag* (aq) —> Zn**(aq)+2Ag(s) & a fafteme corti Borge sat) Ae GAAS AH Agt TF Zn? OA WA APS! VMS O-10mol dm? ais O-O1mol dm Bi, 2808 1158 Fai HAC FDA Fei (emf) 298KS sat Fall fA aie E° Ag*/Ag =0-80V SI% 'E° Zn?*/Zn = -0-76V | . A current of O-Sampere is’ passed for- 30minutes through a voltameter containing copper sulphate solution. Calculate the mass of Cu deposited at the cathode. Given that atomic mass of Cu is 63-Oamu. 2 Poe RAS Ba AH] SIBIS big sts 0:5 em Rigs 30 AE HAR aI See FA LA) HUTS SALA Sritaa Se say Sat fat OB, Cue aaa SA 63-0amu (a) The rate of a reaction is equal to rate constant of the reaction. Mentio the order of the reaction. ‘Riga ab 2s, Sak Ze aes aT) Rae a Sees (b) Give the definition of collision frequency. weet Broilers Hl FFA | 26T CHEM [4] 14. (a) Explain the role of NaAIF in the electrolytic reduction of alumifia! t wexfiris gsRors Rei WagAlres he FZ ¥ (6) How does the FeO impurity present in sulphide ore of copper is removed ? 1 WAR BAG oe te Feo Ges SA Gitta Be 15. Name the catalyst used for conversion of SO, to SO, in the contact process. How is oleum formed from SO3 in’ this process ? 2 Heal RTTS SOF S03 A AREA PICS TARA Tat STOKE ay Fret Lee rao S034 Ai Gs OA Geos eat aT 16. (a) Transition metal.compounds a¥e generally coloured. Why ? 1 ae aga This waleiacios Slat Zar Ie (b) What are interstitial compounds ? 1 SAG Tt Ree 17. Identify A, B, C and D in the following conversions : NaNO/HCL, oy, 47 PCL, p KCN, 273-278K 1 iAH, per D. Rests vifiaeecaae A, B, C UD forte Fai 2 NaNQs / HOl CH,OH PCls Bp—KCN ,¢ 273-278 K Y LiAlH, D 26T CHEM [5] Contd. 18." How will you. convert aniline into phenol? Givew#ecSksary ichemica equations. afters Remitancrate siftagr ARa? acre aerate male ati 19. Answer either (a) or (b) : (a) Wat (b) Ricwieat abra Sex feat ¢ (@) i) Give one example of pseudo Ist order reaction, Ew eam wae Aiea abe Creed fat A reaction is second order with respect to a reactant. How the rat: of the reaction be affected if concentration of the reactant i: reduced .to half? i 601 Feral (b) Explain why alcohols are more soluble in water! compared'to ethers. (c) What happens when phenol is heated with Zn dust? Give chemical equation. (a) Name the following chemical reaction : i HHO os CHCl, ; NaOH/H,0 ons (i) H,0 ware fracaiaa Ges fra s (Ricereat fepibr) (a) frare fea wf eat — CH, ~ Br+C,H;QNa=—>, 0) Wigs casa ais ales wale eI Tey FAI 26T CHEM [9] Contd. (oc) Frrais fies effa ane Cais acm fF whe apraie seed fra (d) Sa apie Riemer arr ra @) CHC; NaOH /H,O (ii) H,0* . 25. Answer either (a) or (b) : 1+1+1=3 (@) (@ What is Zwitter ion ? (i), Name a source of vitamin E. (ii) Name the disease caused due to deficiency of vitamin K in our body. OR (6) (i) What are enzymes? (i) What kind of linkages hold together monomers of DNA ? (ii) What is denaturation of protein ? (a) Bat (b)> Gea frat ¢ @) @ Bs ore fee fi) febiiia Es Ko) Gers ais frat (ii) STAR Cree Petia Ka CwITS AB celal calla ata Fret 26T CHEM [10] (b) () Secs fee (i) DNA® WAR cReaTE Arad al AH =z ete? (iii) Ta poset fee 26. (a) Name the monomers of bakelite. 1 rales aaa a Tt | (b) What does PVC stand for? Mention its one use. Watthn=1 PVC ate fie Bart wir aaa Geared Fal (c) - Give one example of addition polymer. 1 Cieiiae sect) bre Saree rat 27. Answer either (a) or (b) (a) (J Name a substance which can act as non-narcotic analgesic. 1 (i) What are antibiotics ? Give an example of antibiotics. 141-2 OR (b) () Why-do We require™artificial sweetening agent ? 13 (ij What are antacids ? Give one suitable example. 2 26T CHEM 11] Contd. (a) Beat (bya Gea fa s () Aptos camara arate wat ome faas att Bat (i) afSarBe Rr br afeancites Sarees fa) wat (©) Pies ROR ga etaettTS Re (i) POG Re ob) Saye Baie feat 28. (a) Mention a method used/fé#)desalination of sea water. 1 Tiegh araete BAe tea Gaew aly wb) Beek st (b) Define the term ‘osmotic pressure’, How osmotic pressure of a solution vary with temperature ? 1+1=2 “erresl bie ace Rea | za obra areal BI Bao ate capil olRiaea ere (c) Calculate molarity of a solution containing 11-7g NaCbin 2-OL solution. (Myact = 58-5gmot~) 2 20L BISA G NaCl Bee te oe abla Waal sim sat | 53D (Myc =58-5g mot) 26T CHEM [12] 29. Answer either (a) and (b), or (c) and (d) : (a) BH (b), TIA (c) BW (aya Sea As (a) () C] Complete the following reactions : 4141-3 wort faferarcas PAT FAI () NaOH (hot, conc) +Cl,(g) —> (i) P,+S80,Cl, —> (iti) NH (excess) + Cl, —> “ 1 Draw.thé structural formula of HPO,. How do you account for reducing behaviour of H,PO, on the basis of its structure? 1+1=2 HPO 4 4 ACS Ciel | Eide Few Bala Fea aot cHeaee Areal FART? OR / at When HCI reacts with finely powdered iron, it*forms ferrous chloride and not ferric chloride. Explainy, why? 2 AE ef oa AS HOLA Rem Ae Gray Falgwce Corie BH, CHAT FAAS weal fae ae eal | 26T CHEM [13] Contd. @ What are interhalogen compounds ? Give a method of preparation of any one interhalogen compound. 142-3 RAT Ca CT Fe Rewica abr Siac CTIA ehEFS fers | 30. Answer either (a) and (bj, or (c) and (d) : (a) Ae (b), TAA (c) Bie (a) 4 Gee Fis (a) @) Give a chemical test with equation to distinguish between methanal and ethanal. q 2 Renewal ere Rares eke, cater awa He aia alee Gl fra | An organic compound has the molecular formula Csfi90. The compound does not reduce Tollen’s reagent, but reacts with Brady’s reagent to give orange precipitate. On vigorous oxidation, the molecule produces ethanoic acid and propanoic acid. The compound also gives iodoform test. Identify the compound and write equations for chemical reactions involved. 3 ol THA SHAT ACTS CSHiQO.. Avital Vera Roars ate Riga v4 | fee ails fores apt faferat aie ret Gace fre | Sls Grats Saw TACHA 7A Su ieaks ole Pine ate Germ aa Cie owed fee ora CUA are sa cis Afgrncezbia stake Fea Fr | 26T CHEM [14] oR/aeat {c) What happens when carbonyl compound is treated with zinc-amalgam’ and concentrated hydrochloric acid? Give Chemical equation. What is the name of the reaction ? 2 axe cone oe eet ere og er fed wt en FF EE capris arterat Gea | Rear A Fe (d) Discuss the mechanism of aldol condensation. 3 eoroa ees FAA eco FAT 26T CHEM [15] glean oe

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