Detailed Lesson Plan in Science Iv

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Nueva Ecija University of Science and



Upon the completion of this lesson, the pupils must be able to:
1. Identify Safety Precautions during Different Weather Conditions;
2. Value the safety precautions during different weather condition; and
3. Create a brochure about safety precautions during different weather condition.


A. Topic: Identifying Safety Precautions during Different Weather Conditions

B. References: Science Book Learner’s Material pp.288-290
C. Learning Competency: Enumerate and practice safety and precautionary measures
in dealing with different types of weather. Code: S3ES-IVg-h-5
D. Materials: Power Point Presentation, Pictures, Videos.


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Classroom Management

a. Greetings

- Let us all stand for our opening prayer - The students stand for a prayer.
( one student will lead the prayer)
- A pleasant afternoon students
- Good afternoon Ma'am!
- Before we start our lesson let u have
some energizer. Are you ready class? - Yes we are!
(Everyone is answering)
b. Energizer

“Weather Dance and Song”

The weather dance is the dance you do - (Everyone is actively Dancing)

Whether you can dance or not
In a rain or snow all around the globe
It’s a cold and hot, All you need is a little
room so you can move around
Jump up high and touch the sky
Fall back to the ground, Do the weather
dance! Do the weather dance!.

Do the wind chill if you cold with chills

The Tornado twist swirling out its fin
The storm chaser there’s trouble ahead
The snow taster catchy snowflakes
The High pressure it’s dry and clear
The low pressure the wind is here.

The weather dance is the dance you do

Whether you can dance or not
In a rain or snow all around the globe
It’s a cold and hot, All you need is a little
room so you can move around
Jump up high and touch the sky
Fall back to the ground, Do the weather
dance! Do the weather dance!.

- Okay, All of you are good in dancing. Job

well done class.

c. Checking of Attendance

- May I first check the attendance, please

raise your hand as I call your name by
clicking the icon hand in your cellphone

- Very Good! Because you’re all present

today let us do the pakbet clap - (Learners are raising their hands as
they hear their name)
“Clap six times, then shout pak na pak bet
na bet pakbet! while raising your right
hand.” - (Learners do the pakbet clap

2. Drill
Strategy: Game- “GUESS ME”

I will flash a Picture in a power point

presentation and you’ll guess what kind of
weather is showing, if you know the answer just
tap the icon for raise a hand.

- Sunny Day

- Rainy Day
- Windy Day

- (Everybody enjoys participating on

the game)

- Yes ma’am!
B. Review

- Let’s have some review - (Everybody’s raising their hand)

Do you still remember our lesson
yesterday? - Our lesson yesterday was making
simple Interpretations about the
- Can you recall it, _______. ( Teacher weather.
mention one of her student)
- (Everybody’s raising their hand)

- Very Good! What was the important

thing in order to make an interpretation - The important thing is we have to
about the weather? know the Sky Condition.

- Yes _______. ( Teacher mention one of

her student) - (Everybody’s raising their hand)

- Exactly! How about in Daytime in what

- The maximum temperature occur in
time maximum temperatures occur?
daytime was between 1-4 pm.
- Yes _______. ( Teacher mention one of
her student)
- (Learners do the very good clap
- Very Good! A sky condition is when a
sky was cloudy, partly cloudy or partly
sunny. Well, it seems that you really
understood our lesson yesterday. Let’s
give ourselves very good clap!

( Some Student are raising their hand)

- Class I have a picture, What did you

notice on the picture? - I noticed that Houses were fully
(The Teacher will mention a name to
- Trees have also fallen
Yes, ________.
( Some Student are raising their hand)

- Yes! Very Good. What else?

- The reason of this was typhoon

- Exactly! What do you think is the reason Ma’am.
for this?
( Some Student are raising their hand)

Yes, ________.
- No ma’am because if people are
prepared we can avoid that things to
- Yes! The Typhoon. What else? do you happen.
think if the people are prepared will this

Yes, ________.

- Yes, Exactly! If people are prepared we

can avoid these things to happen. If we
are aware on the things that we need to do
in every weather condition we can avoid
circumstances to happen. I asked you
that, because our lesson for today is
safety precautions during different
weather conditions.

C. Lesson Proper

- Unlocking of Word Difficulties

1. Safety Precautions - means these are
the things that you need to do during
different weather for your safety, this
will be the list of do’s and don’ts.
2. Sickness – the state of being ill.
3. Injury – An injury is damage to your
4. Damage – Physical harm caused to
something in such a way as to impair
its value.
5. Disaster – a sudden event, such as an
accident or a natural catastrophe, that
causes great damage or loss of life.

(The teacher will sing a song about weather

conditions and safety precautions)

- Now class I will teach you a song about

weather conditions listen carefully as you
will identify the safety precautions during
rainy, windy and sunny days.

“The Weather Song”

What’s the weather, What’s the weather

Like today? Like today?
Look outside the window, look outside the
Can you say? Can you say?

It’s a sunny, It’s a sunny

Sunny Day, Sunny Day
( Some Student are raising their hand)
Do not get your skin burned, Do not get your
skin burned
- Do not get your skin burned
You stay safe, you stay safe

It’s a windy, it’s a windy

Windy day, windy day
Close your doors and windows, close your ( Some Student are raising their hand)
doors and windows
You stay safe, you stay safe - Close your doors and windows.
It’s a rainy, It’s a rainy
Rainy Day, Rainy day ( Some Student are raising their hand)
Don’t forget your raincoat, Don’t forget your
You stay safe, You stay safe. Don’t forget your raincoat

- Based on my song, what was the thing

you must do during Sunny days?

- Yes, ____________.

- Very Good! How about on windy days?

- Yes, ____________.

- Excellent! In Rainy days?

- Yes, _________.
- Exactly! All the things that you heard
from the song are safety precaution
during rainy, windy and sunny days. Now
I want you to listen careful for the
additional safety precautions during
different weather.

Safety Precautions during different


Sunny Day

- If the weather is sunny, the sun is shining.

On sunny days, it is important to

1. Wear light clothes
2. Eat cold foods
3. Do not expose our skin to extreme
heat of the sun
4. We should not burn dried leaves.

Rainy Day

- A fall of rain or maybe a rainstorm.

- During Rainy Days, it is important to

1. Wear thick clothes
2. Eat warm foods
3. Prepare ziplocks, dry sacks and other
water proof covers for our things so that
it will not get wet.
4. Do not play in the rain to avoid cough
and cold.
5. Use raincoat and umbrella when going

Windy Day

- The Teacher will give a situation and

student will raise the happy face if
the situation is right and sad face if
the situation is wrong.

- Marked by strong wind.

- On windy days it is important to - Situation No. 1

Angelica enjoyed sunbathing without
1. Do not forget to close your doors and applying sunblock cream all over her
windows. face and body.
2. Wear thick clothes.
3. Stay away from windows and glass
4. We should be careful with fire. -

- We should follow the safety precautions

to avoid sickness, injury, damage and - In Situation No. 2, Alex and Vince
disaster. This is for our safety.
are playing at the Plaza while it’s
raining. Is it right or wrong?
- Did you understand it??

- Okay that’s good let me see if you really -

do understand our lesson. Let’s have
some activity! Will you please read the
direction, __________.

- Situation No. 3, John and Patrick

close the windows when they hear on
- Kindly read the first situation, ________. the news that there is a strong wind

- Okay, what’s the answer?

- Excellent! Please read the next situation,

- Situation No. 4, Dria wear
sunglasses during sunny days.

- What do you think is the answer?


- Awesome! How about the situation no. 3

please read _________. - Situation No. 5, Jomari wear
raincoat when he goes outside to buy

- What’s the answer?

- Very Good! How about in situation no. 4

please read, ________.

- What’s the answer? - List Down at least three (3) below the
activities that you are going to do to
keep you safe during this kind of
- Excellent! Now for the last situation
please read ________. Sunny Days
- Is the situation was right? Or wrong?
Windy Days
- Very good! Seems you really understood 3.
our lesson, now let’s have another
activity. Rainy Days
E. Enrichment Activities 2.
- Get a one sheet of paper and answer the
activity given. Please read the direction
1. Work Quietly
2. Open your camera
3. Make your work clean
4. Be creative

F. Application

- To apply what we have learned today I

prepared here an activity. In your
envelope, I inserted a brown coin
envelope containing picture and words. ( All students are actively
For your activity we will make a brochure participating to the activity)
about safety precautions during different
weather condition. You will paste the
pictures and words on a half piece of long
bond paper according to your desired
design. You must be creative.

- Before we start our activity let us recall

the standard for working. Kindly read the
following standard, ________.

(Teacher will give an example of


- Here is the sample of brochure that you (Everyone is raising their hands)
will create.

- The weather conditions that we

tackled today were Sunny Day, Rainy
day and windy day.

(Everyone is raising their hands)

(Once the students are done, everyone will open
their camera and they will show their work so
that the teacher will have a screen shot of their - On sunny day we should wear thick
works) clothes during sunny day.

G. Generalization (Everyone is raising their hands)

- To know if you really understand the - We should stay Indoors when it’s
lesson. I will ask a question and if you raining.
want to answer just click the hand icon.

- For the first question, what are the (Everyone is raising their hands)
weather conditions that we discussed
- Stay away at doors and windows
during windy days.
(Everyone is raising their hands)

- It is important for us to be prepared

and safe to avoid possible problems.
- Very good! Will you give me at least one
safety precaution during sunny day?

- Yes, ___________.

- Very good! How about on rainy day?

Yes, ___________.

- Awesome! How about on windy day?

Yes, ___________.

- Why is it important to know the safety

precautions during different weather?


- Exactly!

- You really understand our lesson, now

let’s proceed to another activity.


Direction: Read and understand each sentence. Write True if the safety precautions are right and
false if it’s not.

________1. Stay Indoors when it’s raining.

________2. Do not wear a cap or an umbrella when you are under the heat of the sun.

________3. You should bring bottled water anywhere you go.

________4. Look directly to the light of the sun without wearing sunglasses.

________5. Do not play outside with your friends during rainy days.

________6. Play fire during windy days.

________7. Stay near at doors and windows during windy days.

________8. During Rainy Days, Use boots and raincoat when going outside.

________9. Eat Cold food when it’s raining.

_______10. Wear Jacket during sunny day.


A. Directions: Write all the safety precautions that you learned from the discussion in every
weather conditions in each circle.



B. Direction: Read each situation and answer the question.

1. Lisa burn dried leaves while the weather is windy, what are the possible things that may
2. Amanda was playing under the rain without boots, raincoat or even umbrella, what will
happen to Amanda?
3. Ryan and his brother were exposed in too much heat of the sun during their swimming,
what will happen to Ryan and his brothers’ skin?
4. While the wind is blowing, Sarah stay beside the windows, is Sarah was following the
safety precautions during windy day?
5. Kevin loves eating cold food even it was raining, what will happen to Kevin after eating
cold food during rainy days?

Prepared By:


Teacher Intern
Noted by:

Mrs. Flora May C. Ladrillano

Cooperating Teacher

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