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Full picture of machine 1

一. Main Parameters 2
二. Technical Parameter 2
三. Main features of the structure
and debugging 3
Provide film device 3
Film forming device 4
Vertical device 6
Pull bags device 8
Horizontal device 10
Functions and adjustment
for Metering filling system 12
Pneumatic systems 14
Electrical control box
instructions 16
Attachment:Z3N-TB22 The photoelectric eyes
instructions 24
Electrical control of a schematic diagram

For improvement and other reasons, the product

specifications or size as to change without
prior notice.
Full picture of machine

model width.W(mm) thickness.B(mm) high.H(mm)

JND-YX-1 1050 850 2050

JND-YX 1050 850 2050
JND-YX-4 1200 1100 2100

一 JND-YX Series Intelligent liquid packaging machine
● Main Parameters:
JND-YX Series intelligent liquid packaging machine is mainly used
for the pillow bag filling and packaging a variety of liquid, liquid
without gas. Such as soy sauce, vinegar, fruit juice, mixed drinks,
milk, soy milk, mineral water and liquid chemical products etc.
● structure
◇Basic Configuration
The whole machine is consist of: piston pump volume
measurement devices, film delivery device, film forming
device, the vertical heat sealing equipment,horizonal
heat sealing cutting unit, electric control parts, machine
frame equipment and other components.
◇ Packing Process
Provide film and pull bags→heat sealing→filling→
cutting bags→packing ,finished product

二、Technical Parameter


Capacity(pcs/min) 20-25 20-25 15-20
Packing rangeL(ml) 50-500 200-1000 500-2000
Power 2.1KW/220V/50HZ 2.6KW/220V/50HZ 2.6KW/220V/50HZ
Length of bag 50-100mm 50-250mm 65-210mm

Width of film 150-320mm 150-380mm 150-450mm

Dimension(m3) 0.85×1.05×2.05 0.85×1.05×2.05 1.1×1.2×2.1
Weight(Kg) 370 380 460

三、Main features of the structure and debugging
●Provide film device
As the picture 1, let the packaging film installed in film reel and fixed
film clip ring(printed outside or composite inside),as the track shown
in the picture put on packaging film.

Film reel fiber

container Packing damper
film reel

Filmclip ring locking
hand lever

sterilizing photoelectric
lamp switch

Picture 1
*** Packaging film roll max diameter no larger than 320mm
***Packaging film roll edge should be straight,shouldn’t be curling.
*** If the machine stopped running a long time, please get film roll off from
the reel , placed in a fixed place

●Film forming device
Left foldout film Former floor

Right foldout
Left pressed Step one: let two foldout left
film wheel and right, two pressed film
Right pressed wheel open. The packaging film
film wheel pull dowm from the gap of the
center pipe and the former
Former center
Center pipe floor.

Step two: let packaging film along

the former center board slope
symmetry close up,pressed left
flodout. And let packaging films
edge aligned along the pressure
on the left foldout.

Step three: let the right flodout

pressed on aligned packing film.

Step four: locked pressing buckle

bolt,and buckled the two pressed
film wheels,

● Vertical device
Haeting tube φ 16 × 180mm 300W
Haeting tubeφ16×300mm 300W(JNF-YX)

Balance adjustment bolt

Vertical sealing
heating block

Vertical sealing cam

The space should
be put apart 3-5m

Vertical sealing spring

oil filler hole

The space should

Former be put apart

oil filler hole oil filler hole

Sealing seal location
Sealing open the max

!!Safety reminder

Note hands not be cought ro burn when the adjustment .
1. Every time,every oil filler hole shoud be filled with oil.
2. Sealing surface on sealing block should always clean to
ensure sealing quality. When cleaning, heating the
sealing block to about 120 ° C , with a wet towel or a
clean copper wire brushing. Must not use water or
acid-base rinse wash.

● Pull bags device

Pull bag cam

oil filler hole

The pressure of pull bag wheels

adjustment bolt:Turn clockwise the
pressure increases, conversely the
pressure decreases.

Cross link block Pull bag motor

driven wheel

driving wheel

1. pull bags of timeto adjustment:mean when to pull the bags,Principle
in the vertical and horizontal the
maximum open position when the
best time to pull the bags, then the
cam of starting pull bas is facing the
close switch. ( as the following

Maximum position

Cam of starting
pull bags

main driving axle

Close swith of
starting pull bags

Maximum position

2. Bag length adjustments see microcomputer control instructions.
!Safety reminder
Note hands not be cought by bag wheel when through the film .
*When pull bags device in the assembly device,should be check the pull
bags wheel whether rotation smooth round.
* Every time,every oil filler hole shoud be filled with oil, regularly on the
cross link block should filling grease.
* Pressure between the two pull bags wheels can not too much, is best to
bags not to be able to pull down the sliding.

● Horizontal device

Horizontal cam

oil filler hole

The pressure of sealing

oil filler hole adjustment bolt

Haeting tube 16 × 200/500W

Haeting tube 16×200/500W(JND-YX)

!!Safety reminder

Pay attention to hands not be cought around the block when
the adjustment to avoid being cuts or burns. .
Sealing surface on sealing block should always clean to
ensure sealing quality. When cleaning, heating the sealing
block to about 120°C,with a wet towel or a clean copper
wire brushing. Must not use water or acid-base rinse

●Functions and adjustment for Metering filling system

discharge port reduction box output shaft

swith locknut 1 locknut 2 adjustment handle

Piston ring gap

Suction port plunger pump Locknut 3
adjustment nut

Operation and adjustment instructions:

1. Normal working hours, the switch to be turned off.
2. Filling volume by adjusting the plunger pump of work to achieve.
The specific method is loosen locknut 3,changed plunger pump work
by Measurement adjustment handle.Clockwise rotation decreases the
amount of filling;counterclockwise increases the amount of
filling.then screw down locknut 3. (adjustment required during
3. Piston pump piston ring gap adjustment:loosen locknut 1,Piston ring
gap adjustment nut clockwise rotation decreases the gap;conversely
the gap increases. In the adjustment range should not be too large!

● Electrical control box instructions(Subject to the actual)

Microcomputer controller

temperature controller:for adjusting

the control and instructions heating
element temperature setting and
display real-time temperature.set
method : press the SETon the
temperature controller 0.5s into the
set,the PL window indicates that the
S word, SV window units flash ,
press“▲”or “▼”, SV window to
display the desired setting , finally
pressSET0.5s exit setting.

Emergency stop switch:Used to turn

the machine off and use in an
emergency stop

(二).Microcomputer controller instructions(Subject to the actual function of
the machine)

1、Start / stop button 2、Measure 3、Filling action JOG 4、Confirm key(Menu)

5、+ button(adjustment plus↑) 6、- button(adjustment Reduce↓) 7、Exit(back to a top)
8、Filling switch 9、Multi-function LCD display

1、Quick start operation process:

1.1 Packaging machine connected to the main power, the screen displays the
main window:

Automatic packing
Quantity: 0 t-sw:on
Length : 150 puff:off
Photo eletricity :ON F-VI:on
Speed : OFF B-VI:off

1.2 Adjusted packaging length and speed according to the packaged goods

1.2.1 press confirm key once,screen show the mail menu:

Cursor selected
Main menu
Bag parameters setting
Solenoi putting setting
Count is cleared
auxiliary switch
Gray adjustment
System Settings

1.2.2 press confirm key,enter into Bag parameters setting screen display:

Length setting: 0150

Speed adjustments: 5
Photoelectricity setting: off Cursor selected
Cutting setting: off kilobit
Original setting

1.2.3 press confirm key,enter into Length setting kilobit setting,screen show: (in mm)

Bag parameters setting

Length setting: 0150
Speed adjustments: 5
Photoelectricity setting: off
Cutting setting: off
Original setting

1.2.4 press + or –adjusted to the length you want to package the kilobit digit.such as:
1200mm,this kilobit turn to 1,if the length of the package is less than 1000mm,
this bit set to 0.
1.2.5 press confirm key again,enter into length setting hundred setting,method the
same as the kilobit setting。The same method as decade and units。The figure shows
the length of 150mm, if the length of package is 185mm, it’s should be set 1850.
After setting the length , press Exit the screenback to Bag parameters setting
screen show:

Length setting: 0150

Speed adjustments: 5
Photoelectricity setting: off
Cutting setting: off
Original setting

1.2.6 press – the cursor moved Speed adjustments,screen show:

Length setting: 0150

Speed adjustments: 5
Photoelectricity setting:off
Cutting setting: off Cursor selected
Original setting

Press Confirm,enter intoSpeed adjustments,screen show:

Length setting: 0150

Speed adjustments: 5 Cursor selected
Photoelectricity setting:off
Cutting setting: off
Original setting

press + or –adjusted to the speed,range from 0 — F there are 16 grades. But the packaging of
different length the highest grade that can be transferred is different,If you tune the speed too
high grade,the system automatically reduced to fit. PressExit back to Bag parameters
1.2.7press – again,the cursor moved Photoelectricity setting , press confirm to enter into
Photoelectricity setting,screen show:

Length setting: 0150

Speed adjustments: 5
Photoelectricity setting: off
Cutting setting: off
Original setting
Press + or – 键 to change the state of photoelectric switches“On”or“Off”. (Attention: when
using the packaging film is not the cursor can not turn on the switch).pressExit back to Bag
parameters setting. press – again,the cursor moved Original setting

Coefficient setting: 100
Before the vibration angle:200degrees
Inflatable angle: 170degrees
Putting angle: 170degrees
Triangle angle: 130degrees
Cutting angle: 170degrees

Before the vibration angle·Inflatable angle·Putting angle·Triangle angle·Cutting angle, the five
angles are used to control the operation of the five functions.
origin(when the action is started),The five angles are the close switch (S1) as a starting point(That

is 0 degrees),the basis of one revolution of the spindle 360 degrees to adjust,This function is used to
replace conventional close switches.

1.3 After adjusting the four,press Exit,all the data have been saved by system. Press Exit 键 back to “Main
NOTE:Adjust interface in the above within 30 seconds if no button operation, the system will
automatically return to the "main window", the set of data processing will be abandoned.

1.4、pressStar/Stop,the system began operation,Screen speed column shows the

"start", after packing two bags, "start" will change to display the current
speed of the packaging,you can obtain information about this machine every
minute packing production.
1.5、When change the different length printed on colored packaging film,This time
the cutter maybe did not cut marked in color,you can press the“+”enter into
the“Color positioning”screen,then press“+”or“-”to adjust the position of
the cutter, let cutter just to cut on the color,(See below for details“2.1 Color positioning”)

2、Advanced operations and other functions

2.0 Length measurement
The system is equipped with automatic length measurement function, when you use the
bags printed color and opened the photoelectric switch , press length measurement
button, the system will automatically measure the length of packaging once, and to the
right speed for packaging , save your complex measurement ,setting,and adjustment
time. the system will be able to running by accurate packaging length and speed.

2.1 Color positioning

2.1.1 function: the cutter just cut the packaging film on color, replacing the manually
move the photoelectric eye.
2.1.2 How to enter the function:press + to enter into the“Color positioning”screen:

Color positioning


2.1.3When change the different length printed on colored packaging film,This time the cutter
maybe did not cut marked in color , you can press the“ +” enter into the “ Color
positioning”screen,then press“+”or“-”to adjust the position of the cutter, let cutter
just to cut on the color.
2.1.4 Middle of the screen shows the number means the length of color moved , nutis is
millimeter(mm). Every press“+”or“-”will Increase or decrease 1mm.
2.1.5 Skills:①Take a cut down packed bag,along the direction of the bag down,observe the
color distance from the upper and lower cutting edge ,if the color on the cutting edge
away from the relatively close(picture A)should press“+” to increase the numerical of
color positioning,if the color from the cut edge under the relatively close(picture B)should

press “-”to decrease the numerical of color positioning.

pictureA pictureB

②When the cutting edge from color away relatively large,In order to reduce the
waste of packaging films,you can stop the machine first,then adjust the color
positioning,that is to say it’s based on the above methods to confirm how much
millimeters the values of positioning color ​ ​ should be increase or decrease,
press “+”or“-” to transferred to the approximate range of values ​ ​ and
then start to fine-tune.

③ When the values of color positioning adjustment ​ ​ to be relatively large ,

could pressing“+”or“-”more than one second,Rapid changes in value will
2.1.6 PressExit back to“Main window” to complete the operation.
Important Safety Tips: Take bags must pay attention to safety, can not put hands to
pick up the bags from horizontal heater, pick should after wait bags loading into the
2.2 Count clearing
2.2.1 How to enter into this function,
Press confirm to enter into the main menu, press – to choose the line 3 to count clearing , then
presscomfirm to enter into:

Count clearing
Total count: Off

2.2.2 After entering the show screen press the Enter key counter is cleared to 0 and displays the "OK".
2.3.3 Total count:After entering the show screen press – the cursor moved on the Total count:

Count clearing
Total count: Off

Press confirm the Total count turn to“On”,press confirm again the Total count turn to“Off”.
2.3.4 Press confirm the system back to main window / main menu.
2.3.5 The role of Total count:When you want to remember this number of packaging,Before cut off the
power the total count is set to "open" to the memory. Next time you start the machine the nnumbrt will
show the last number of packaging,if Total count all the time set to "On", for many times packaging
total number of.

2.4 Bag motor joggle.

On the stop state, pressing Exit more than 2 seconds the bag motor jogging,press Exit and hold the motor
jogging will continuous operation.

2.5 Stop delayed.

Function: Let sealing cutters in a separate when the machine stop, so as not to burn packaging film.
How to enter in this function:press confirm to enter in main menu System Settings  Stop delayed,
press + or – to adjust.

2.6 Selection of length measurement mode

How to enter in this function:press confirm to enter in main menuSystem Settingslength measurement.
Most cases, this function should be set to "Auto" state , only in case of many individual packaging film
untainted when it is set to "Manual."

3、Troubles and solutions

3.1 Photoelectric errors.
1 When the status bar displays "Photoelectric errors!" accompanied by "drip - drip -" the alarm
sound, please adjust sensitivity of the Photoelectric eye, the sensitivity of Photoelectric eye set too
high or too low all will cause the errors.
2 length of the bag packaging and the actual setting does not match could cause the error,but this
system has“automatic measurement of the length function”, when you use bags printed with the
cursor, recommended to the main menu "System Settings" the following "automatic measurement"
set to "Auto" to avoid packing the length of the errors.
3.2 Travel errors
When the status bar displays " Travel errors!" accompanied by "drip - drip -" the alarm sound,,
please check the travel switch。

3.3:Motor always slowly rotation.

reasons: 1、Check the six lines of motor break off or not.
2、Check the the "exit" on panel has being ppressed or not
3.4 Troubles:Can’t automatic measurement the length。
solutions:press confirm to enter in main menuSystem Settingslength measuremen to be set to

Attachment:Z3N-TB22 Photoelectric eye instructions

● Steps:
1. Fixed Photoelectric switch,check the distance(10mm±2mm)

meet the requirements. According to the packaging film you are
using needs to determine the light switch.
2. Move the packaging film, let the points of light falls on the
background outside the color area, turn the sensitivity knob in the
end, then slowly rotate clockwise to the indicator just light.
Remember at this time the sensitivity adjustment knob position
as point A in picture 1.(If the spin to the "high" position lamp is
still not lit, the "high" position is point A。)
3. Move the packaging film again,the points of light falls within the
color region,the sensitivity knob slowly rorate counterclockwise
to light just off,Remember at this time the sensitivity adjustment
knob position as point B in picture 2.
4. After these two steps correctly, then the sensitivity adjustment
knob set at C points,the middle of A and B points.(as picture 3).
Larger the distance between A and B points, means the color
difference is larger,testing more stable. But A, B are two points at
least one grid distance, or Testing will be unstable.
1. Testing distance must to meet 10mm ± 2mm。
2. Everytime change the different packaging film should
re-adjust the sensitivity.
3. Prevent strong light directly into the optical lens.
4. Usually to protect the lens clean。

ZF Series Packing list Page 1 of 1

Page 1

Box No.:
Gross weight:
Net weight:

No. Name model qty

Automatic liquid
1 packaging machine
2 Instructions (with certificate) 1pc
Each model
3 Allen wrench 5,6,8,10 is one pc
Each modell
4 wrench S8-10,S10-12,S14-17,S19-22 is one pc

5 Cross screwdriver 6 inches 1pc

6 Straight Screwdriver 6 inches 1pc
7 Manual nozzle 1pc
φ16×180/300W/220V φ16×200/500W/220V Each model
8 Heating tube is one pc

9 Printing grain 1box

Consultation Books
Dear user:
In order to make our products could let you more
satisfied , please tell us all the problems about the machine you
meet.( manufacturing quality problems、not manufacturing quality
problems), including your hopes and suggestions., Fill in the
following attached pages, and send us a copy , we will Seriously
deal with it and reply. Thank you very mach for your help!

Uesr Submissions
2.Specific uses instance:


4.Ideas,hopes and suggestions:


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